PAGE EIGHT NAZIS STRIVE ;T0 GIVE JAPS THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON November 28, 1041 Br DaWITT MacKENZIE (Special News Scrvica) The martial spirits of the old shoguns are stirring uneasily as Japan debates whether to accept wasmngton s sweeping terms or to mirsue expansion at the rule of war, but the signs still read the same that Nippon would like to avoid an armed clash with America and Britain if it could find some face-saving escape from its dilemma. The Tokyo government ap peared to be feeling its way Cau tiously thrnuph thp rricic inHnv and Foreign Office Spokesman. msni aiscreeiiy avoiaea any thing more than non-committal comment on the volcanic situa tion. As this column has pointed out before, much depends on whether the Japanese believe the axis will win the war, and the position at the moment is such that a great axis victory or de feat might determine Japan's course. That's one reason why Hitler is straining every nerve to capture Moscow, to save himself from the allied offensive in Libva. and to force the Frpnrh government at Vichy to become luutn Bguuai UiiuilU, Hitler's best prospect at this writing is against Moscow. Aged Marshal Petain, French chief of state, apparently is being stub born about making all-out con cessions to the fuehrer, and the allies still retain the initiative in the battle of the desert. The Muscovites warn us once more today, as they have been doing persistently, that the peril to Moscow is ineressinff Thp blood of a host of young Germans is staining the white Russian snows in this vast assault and the bolshevist losses must be heavy as well, but the nazis continue to extend the arms of the pincers they are trying to swing about the capital. Thines anoear to ho onino better for the reds in the far south on the Rostov front This is more important from the stra tegic standpoint than is Moscow itself, for Rostov is the hinge on which the gate to the Caucasus swings. Here the Russians claim to have flung the invaders back, and this morning further heavy bolshevist counter-attacks are re ported. Intense fighting continues to mark the" sxeat battle nf h Libyan sands. Both sides report successes, but both continue con servative in their claims for wnat is the biggest engagement oi m Kina ever lougnt. ine most constructive an nouncement comes from London where it is stated that the allied position in Libya continues to improve as a whole. Analysis of the various developments icnas to support tnis. The allies appear 10 De getting ahead with the job. The most significant report of me aay came inrOUgh the Offic ial unusn ramo which stated that "not one ton of supplies has reached the hard-pressed merman ana Italian armies by sea" since the battle began. The British navy is said to have swept the waters of the Libyan wi ciean. That is immensely imrviHanf As remarked in this column be- iore, ine outcome of the desert campaign is likely to rest on supplies and reinforcements. If ine axis can't get them, and the Bines can, then the situation must become increasingly dark w me ueunun-iianan Drothcr nooa. Designer Tells How to Set International Tasty Table Born and trrf In Nu v-u Mollle Parnls, the noted Ameri can dress designer, takes delight in foreign dishes. She in food "treasure hunts," lunch ine and dlninr In the tfAn neighborhoods where New York's foreign-born re-create the delicious foods of then- home lands. Among Miss Parnls" finds are stuffed Italian vnn.h Hungarian stuffed peppers. atuitad Italian Squash (Serves B in lni One Italian nuuh. 3 Kround beef. 2 American cheese, 2 cups cracker crumDs, l chopped clove garlic, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon pep per. 1 No. 1 can tomato sauce. If the squash is tender, scrape 11; u ii is nara, pare: then hol low out the center. Mix the re maining ingredients, except the tomato sauce, and stuff center. Place in greased baking dish; pour the tomato sauce over it; cover and bake until about 11 hours. Hungarian Stuffed Peppers (Serves 8) Four CUDS tomatoes- 1 run ura. ter, I medium onion minced, salt and pepper, 8 green peppers, 4 slices day-old bread, li pounds eroUhd beef. 3 tjlhltxnnnnc ped parsley, 2 tablespoons rice, 2 tablespoons flour, 2 table spoons water. Place the tomntne water onrl onion in a deep kettle. Season wim sail ana pepper ana simmer slowly for 19 minutes. Wash the peppers, and remove the top and seeds. Soak bread in cold water, then squeeze dry; add to meat: season with salt and pepper. Add parsley and rice and mix well Stuff the peppers with the mix hire and place in kettla with to mato mixture; simmer slowly for 21 hours or until rln rfnn. Thicken tomato sauce with flour ana-water paste to serve over peppers. Scotch SraHM Afternoon tea in New York with Scotch scones and jam is a common signt. Here s a simple scone recirje with a miii. ocoxen Durr. Two cups flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon soda, I cup sour milk. Sift flour, salt inri together. Add enough sour milk 10 mane stiff dough. Shape aougn into mm round cakes. Bake on erlddle In mnHm.i. hot (375 deg.) oven. Serve with Duner ana gooseberry Jam. MENU BREAKFAST Orange and grapefruit juice, crisp bacon, Scotch scones, Jam, coffee, milk. LUNCHEON Kidney beans. wholewheat bread, fruit cup. cookies, tea, milk. DINNER Hungarian stuffed peppers, rye bread, cole slaw, prune pie, coffee, milk. HENLEY PUY SET S Li IT MOSCOW, Nov. 28 (JP) The soviet information bureau ac knowledged Tuesday night that the Russians had lost 2,122,000 men in killed, wounded and miss in? since the start nf the Rue. sian-German war June 22, but declared that the rrmn Iimm naa totaled six million. The Russian losses were de clared to include 490,000 dead; 1.112,000 wounded and more than 820,000 missing. The bureau also acknowledged these Russian losses in material? Tanks 7900; planes 6400; guns iz.uuu. Against these the Germans were declared to have lost more than 19,000 tanks, about 13,000 planes and 79,000 guns. Company Protests Restrictions on Sale of Drugs PORTLAND. Nov. 28 IJP Hudson-Duncan and company filed suit in circuit court yes terday to enjoin the Oregon board of pharmacy from en forcing an order restricting sales of proprietary medicines and household remedies to drug stores. The order, effective January 2, has no relation to the public health and affords the public no protection, the comnlaint says, asserting it would give druggists sole sale of tooth pastes, nose drops, headache cures, cougn syrups, cleaning fluid, rubbing ointment, laxa tives and mouth wash. Sioux CAtv Ta ( r4h north than Windsor, Ontario. The date for the junior class play at Henley high school has been set for Friday, December S, at 8 o'clock. "Believe Me Pro fessor" is the name of the three. act- farce to be presented. ine cast of characters is as follows: Terry James, Mary Bruner: Sheba Smith. BonlU Smith; Laura Lane, Margaret Murphy; Tommy Holden, James Wrlsht: Jack Miller. Dale Chevne: Stewart Wlltsie Rnioe Hess; Mrs. O'Brien, Shirley Fair- clo; Rafferty, Gordon McKay; Madame Yvonne, Russell Saund ers; Prexy Balantine, Jim Sulli van: Mrs. Rafferty, Eunice Gray; Dottie Dorn, Polly Trlppett; Stella. Patricia Mtn- l.ettv Lythe, Verna Cheyne; Dr. Cut ter. Mildred Tipton. The play is coached by Helen Dumbeck. titnlnr class adviser with Don Norlin, principal of Henley grade school, supervis ing stage arrangement. Baker Woman Cheers Up Boys in Army BAKER. Ore . Nnv as Baker men in the militnrv urvJ ice have no cause for homesick-j ness any longer since Mrs. J. Roscoe Lee became a rnmhlna. tion mother, sweetheart and newspaper. Mrs. Lee corresponds with more than 50 young Baker men in the service at nresent and daily her mailina list is irnwlnp until it is threatening to become a real project Instead of a hobby. Mrs. Lee sends six full type written pages crammed with all types of local news to the men each month. They in return write ner and give her the lat est Information as to what they are doing or about what another Baker man has done. In this way she keeps In contact with nil of her "sons" and they hoar about all of their friends. GIDEONS TO GIVE SPEECHES SHIM NO EXEMPTION SALEM. Nov. 28 (P) Auto mobile dealers are not entitled to exemption from taxes on gaso line they use to "warm up" motors in their garages, the at torney general ruled yesterday. Ths opinion held that if the dealers oblnlncd such exempli"", then every person In Ihn nlnte who warms up Ills cur In his garugn enrti morning would be entitled In exemption for till' amount of gas used. Bladder Weaknesso U tou aufTtr from Cltllliis Up Nit,i. W' tiarkarha, Har.ouauaaa, U rains. Sw'Ii.h Auklaa slid lal worn oui. dua to nnii.o,ai,u stlrt Httll-ajralamlr Kldnay rtd Hladdar l?nu. Maa. jri'U altould try t'talat whlrh ta llvlna loynua halp 10 Ihouuiirla. Prlnlad ftiaratit.a Htmar back unlaaa complalalv aallafarlnir A. k jour drufilat (or I'tatu today. Onlr , Speakers from the Purl In nH and Eugene Gideons will talk at ine bunclay services In tlio Meth odist. Presbyterian, and Christ Ian churches. H. A. West, international trustee for the northwest, will speak at the Kirst Christian church mid on the radio Sunday morning from 8:30 to 9 o'clock. There will bo a Bible rfcrilca. tion at the high school In the afternoon at 2:30 dedicating Bibles for Klamath and Klam. alh county schools. Thomas Dry den, state president of the Gld-I eons, will also be present and the public is invited. i TO and including Oclnher I ! the Gideons have placed a total 1 of 1.901, S07 Bibles ! the world. These Bibles arc: placed In hotels, schools and hos-' pitals. They have also pluccd 500.000 testaments with the arm. 1 ed forces. The average pint bottle of 3.2 beer contains about 250 calories Heel Repairing a Specialty Highest Quality Fast Barries CONNERS SHOE SHOP 121 N. 8th St. f ' '' af "l GREEN SLABS Your cheapest fuel. The most wood for your money. 18-lnch green pine slabs are still selling (or 84.00 par double load, a full cord ta every load. Mix It with your dry wood. Buy today and sava. Prompt dellvarits. FRED H. HEILBRONNER TtMli That Satisfy" Plu ferric 8Inc 191 Offle and Yard, 821 Spring Stmt TtltpboM 4153 DIAR Rlifiin i I . ' - ivwi man, mar- bTHhi rolling pin ever m rvaad end mafcee me utep out In the hail. All beeeuee i.r0;a!No'T,oh",' WB" -" 1 See the Answer in "MARRIED BACHELOR" ESQUIRE - Sunday The A-ONE Brewing Company of Med ford takes pleasure in Announcing the Appointment or mash. mmm & Co as distributors for and ij k mi I CALL FOR I per bottle at I your fiTorita tavern ' f DELIVERED IN WOODEN BOXES BREWED FROM KLAMATH COUNTY MALTED BARLEY Phona 3195 A Mason Ehrman at Co. raprnsnt atlva will call. ASK FOR OLD KING COLE h 1 if, If iir per botlla at If all ratal! stores I I 1 w Quebec, Canada, has a 6 per cent tax on restaurant meals 1 i-usung no cents or more. PAR Comes In two convenient slses HfMRy MILL , ran smpy wkitm6. nt IIWtNTEP THE first Tvnwatn. I X I 1 rue eeTTEzwMitfTeeAt COHSTlfmOti DUE TS LATH ml opee Wt m THE WET IS TO CORKtCi THE CAUSC OF THE IkDUoLE VJITU A fIC(0US CEREAL, KEUO065 AU.-8KAH...&X rr EVfRv mv GIANT SIZE contains a place of flna California pot tery to grace your dlnlas table. REGULAR SIZE contains n a pottery, but a tab on the ton. plus a little money, brings you added pieces to com plete your set. RING around the dish p an? Water full of scum? End 'em both. With PAR you can 'And make dishwashing huml PAR SOAP Lightens Every Washing and Cleaning Task For Par is the loop which contains "Pyro," that scien. tiflc ingredient which produces such effective suds (and more of It), prevents scum In water and rings around washer pr dish pan. "Pyro" helps In clear, quick rinsing, too! Par also contains glycerine, as an extra protection to your hands. To lighten every washing and cleaning task Ask Your Grocer for PAR SUPER MARKET 9th and Pine Ph. 3187 STORE NO. 2 1338 Org. . Ph. 4714 STORE NO. 3 2300 So. 6th Ph. 6875 Strawbarry Preserves pPhu'rr,rttlS, 39c Crackers 'p box 29c Ritz Crackers VkT... 19c Fr.ih. Fluffy Marshmallows 2 ,b,.B'.- 25c REAL MONEY SAVING VALUES FOR FRL. SAT. AND MON 3 29c Tomato Juice 3 SM 25c 48-os. Can 22 C No. 10 Can 39 e Blended Juice f;,Ph"r 28c No- 2 "n 2 for 2Bit Orange Juice ir. 30c ". 2 for 25 Dola Fancy Pineapple Juice No. 2 can 2 for 25 47-oi. can 29 Pineapple 2!Vr s,lM 17c Pineapple LY"e.rGm,' " 19c Peaches NMY9r.cll" 22c Fruit Cocktail : 1 2 , 29c Fruit Cocktail 2 iot 25c Peaches ltZF B 23c Kadota Figs In1 3 39c MEAT SPECIALS Saturday Only MORRELLS HAMS EST? JJ?." " 29c SALT P0RK:SKn u. 19c CORNED BEEF lb. 20c SLICED BACOH. ...35c (PSCIAL ON SOUTH SIXTH Mil, hy Mm pltcii II.. Me Rraikfiit lainaia t Iba, noinn ciaar m. W,t IMflMMml. Smwrati .... 4 lln. u Cranberry Sauce 'r 2ea' 29c Frankfurters 2Sxrrtai 8,y" 29c Grapefruit Juice tiZL.. 20c PlnfA LB Qtant Pkg. .. Largs can swaat'd, 48-os Lux Toilet Soap Formay Shortening 3 Ib. p, 59c Waldorf Toilet Tissue 4 roIIi 17c 60c haa 6C Ponds Facial Tissue 600 to pkg. 25c Scot Towels 2roIII 19c Pard Dog Food 3eni25c Bonnie Dog Food 6 eanI 29c Miracle Whip qu.,tj.r 29c KRAFT CHEESE ValTsata or Amarlcan Bo'xb 69c POPCORN RedEPopt It 39c (Plus 10c De posit on can) CORN FLAKES Kallogg'a Oaal Larcra 10c Pkgs L 20c SYRUP Mallow Drip cV"' 49c c.'"0" 89c SUGAR Whlta Satin J?.. 61c 2S lbs. . 1.52 100 lbs. 5.89 EGGS STRICTLY FRESH GRADE A LG. DOZEN 39c Sat. Only GARDEN PEAS No. 303 Cans L 25c FLOUR Swamdown 10 lb. AJC Baa 24 M Lb. $105 Bag I 49 Lb. $199 Bag I Cut Sliced Beans ';'".. 10c Cut Beans 3 or 33c Cut Beans ZY1 2 for 29c rrn Craam Styla Cosmos o n Om Brind No 2 can for A-lC rm D'smond A Whola Karnal o T7 V'n No. 2 can or II C Msllo Gold Brand. Pura Strained Honey ,,, . 43c D. Royal Club. Dalntv Dlmpla, No. 2 can ... PoAC Happyala Brand. 2 (or 29c No. 303 can J . 7C Spaghetti Tr;rc.Am,r,"B 3 f8r 27c Meat Balls in Gravy r. 25c Pineapple c; f5c JOUP All Varlatlas. larga can .... for 20C flDAIIKCC 'ary timklal Havala """"" Mln .. ,0, 4ul GRAPEFRUIT r.,'' PRODUCE SPECIALS Saturday Onlv APPLES SSZSZSTLt 1.98 SI 243c A . 95fe POTATOES ;-r(?aN.r Z 2Q 69c BANANAS mi. CABBAGE M""um '" ' ' MUUHUr. ,,(( Hal da . . ZC MML Swift's Premium 11 K Tall Can. Casa n-.pnAJ RX Wilson's 4 ler 33c $3.99 .... 25c 29c Old English Dog Food 5c a't Diamond Crystal Shsbar 2 for 1 5c Flapjack Flour ft"":' 53c Parkay Margarine 2 Ibi.43c ta I tan Prunes '25c Del Monte Prunes .... aib.pkg. 1 9c Dates Fan ..,,.. ? .... 35c SPICED HERRING OF WATER, Walnuts ... ' 2-35ft l Pint Jar 32c .... M, JDS. """" i n id, pKB. "