November 28, 1941 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN NEW SURE T NAVY WEAPON Fashion Authority Advises Trial of German Cooking DISCLOSED WASHINOTON, Nov. 27 (AP) Existence of ecrot nnvy wou pon for unn In clrU'ctlnu both lilp and airplane? nt Kirut dl tHtirr win l Im'liiBcd In aulliorl iHtlve fjuartrr Tluimilny a the navy (UtpartniPiit rulh'd (or In rreaaed pnllnlnmnlii for training In radio maintenance The device linn been In nap for omo llnio, imtokIIiiu to the lirnt available liiforiiiatlon, hut ha been a carefully uunrili'il ai't'rrt, Word of IU existence Imikncl out In connection with thn i-nmpiilKn of rPcrtilllnu radio tcclinlcliin.i, but even no nnvy offu'lnln de clined all official dlitcunalnn of It. Thn recruiting cumpulitn wu dlacloicd In a letter Innurd to the rccrultlnit service by Hear Ad miral C. W. Nlmlt. olilcf of the burrnu of navliiiitlou, nuking Hint aucclal effort bo iniido to meet the demand of thn cxuundlng navy for trained rodlo expert. To qualify, It wua anld, the men enlisting huvo lind ex perience In the design, construe tlon and operation of amati'iir or commercial radio trniumitUng and receiving equipment or they may hava had experience with television or cathode ruy equip ment. The nature of the detection de vice dctplto dlcloure regarding Its axlitence, remained a navnl ecret. Whether It la nlmllar to the radio airplane detection equipment now being widely lined by military forces both In thli country and In Knglund i could not ba determined. Youth Chops Toe Off to Get in Navy McMINNVILLE, Ore., Nov. 28 (AP Wlllard II. Wood. 2a, Newbcrjf, Ore, dunked hi phy alcal examination for entrance Into the navy because of a do formed too on hi left foot. "SuppoM I didn't have that toe at all?" aaked Wood of the recruiting officer. "You'd tlll have enough good toe to get In." Wood hobbled In on crutches today. "Okay, the toe' gone. Do I get In the navy'" lie did, pausing the exnmlna- I tion without difficulty and being 1 ordered to San Diego. Ho had the bad toe removed at a local hoepltal. A daughter of Milwaukee, Tobe, thn well known fimlilou prophet mid atylu authority. I equally woll known u a hoatosa In New York. She auy there Isn't liny hidden secret to tho aucceiu of serving simple, tasty, well buliiiiccd meals, llur own favor lie dishes stem from her Mil waukee background and suggest the flavour of German cooking HOA8T VEAL WITH RAISIN SAUCE (Serves 8 to 6) .Three and one-half pound loin of veal, 1 cup larding tut, 3 onions, 2 carrots, 1 heaping talilespoonful of butter melted, salt, pepper, i cup of rulslns, 1 tablespooiiful of butter, 2 table spoonful of flour, 1 teaspoonful of sugar, 1 tablcnpooiiful of vino liur, i teaspoonful of lemon Juice. Cover the loin of veal thor oughly with tho larding f tit. then place It In a deep meat pun, seas oning it with salt and pepper to tunic. Slice the onions and carrots and place them over tho meat. I'our the melted butter over the roust. Cook 40 minutes, turning the roast until 11 Is evenly brown ed on all sides. Then cover with the sauce, made by melting the butter In a saucepan, stirring In tho flour and cooking this com bination until brown, then add ing the raisins, sugar, vinegar and lemon Juice, mixing thor oughly, and allowing to simmer until the raisin are soft. SAUERKRAUT WITH APPLES (Serve 8 to 8) Two pounds of suuerkrnut, 4 tablespoonftils of larding fat, 4 apples, 2 potatoes, i teaspoonful of caruway seed, 1 onion sliced, 3 tablespoonfuls of water, salt, sugar. Icel, com and quarter the ap ples, then place with sauerkraut In an earthenware casserole, gar nish with sliced onion and add ing larding fat and water Cover tho casserole nnd cook on a me dium flame until sauerkraut and apples are tender. Pare the pota toes mid grate finely, adding to the casserole mixture. Add the caraway seed and season with salt and ugar to taste. Cook 3 minutes more. MENU BREAKFAST: Sliced or ange, boiled egg, whole wheat muffins, marmalade, coffee, milk. DINNER: Roast veal .with raisin sauce, parsley potatoes, sauerkraut, with apples, rye bread, cracker crumb cran berry torte, coffee, milk. SUPPER: Chopped chicken and vegetable salad, baking powder biscuits, honey, fall fruit bowl, sugar cookies, tea, milk. Pet Canary Big Whiskey Drinker ATLANTA, Nov. 28 (AP) Dopey, hor pet canary, lias a fondness for whiskey and tobac co, Mr. Clint linger says, and sometimes "get drunk as a billy goat and wants to fight." "Dopey" fell from Ills nest at birth u year ago. Mrs. linger said she and her husband revived the feathcrless bird with a few drops of whiskey and raised him in a shoo box Incubator. Now, she says, "Dopey" comes winging In for his share when ever cocktails are served, and at parlies help himself from any body's glass. Once, after a few "drinks," the canary flew "at the Hagcrs' bulldog. The dog flew out the back door. Now they are Insep arable friends. "Dopey" picked up the tobac co habit, Mrs. Hager said, from her husband's pipe. He picks the tobacco grain by grain, from the pipe and swallows It. Read the Classified page ii in in aaassqEB 0sa aiAOiai I am youe nun, mar Vlad aavan Nrt. My wlf gala paavaal, braaha a roltln pin avar my haad and mahaa ma alaap out In lh hall. All baaauaa I Oen'l Ilka hard worn. Whal ahall I do? ANNOVID. See the Answer in "MARRIED BACHELOR" ESQUIRE - Sunday Tunnel Bids Asked By Federal Bureau DENVER, Nov. 27 (AP) The i federal reclamation bureau call-' ed Thursday for bids, to be( opened December 20, at Rend, Oregon, for construction of tun- I nels No. 1 and No. 2,north unit main canal, Deschutes project, j Oregon. The work will be lo cated near Terrebonne, Ore. ' GOOD AT M-m-m, dellclou! No wonder lhy rill ii uVwri mtnint . . . Ii's Schilling Coffte for me from now on. TOUI CHOICE BIIP 01 ftlCIIMIH LAST, Schilling w i n a or THC MOKNINO Tonight . . . Start Dinner Right Hi WITH PIPING HOT SOUP AND 1 LVWill. Snow Flakes! r. Meals THIS flavor of soup. - - ..Ml arouna. KM. reason why... Extra FR-'"' ixtra FIAKY1 Extra r - That's Wau" 3 ruxKM .re, pejf'r. iden-hrown aeimy"---,m from w your gr ..foblsw" ruArv ' AKED BY "NABISCO" FRESH -FROM -THE -OVENS N017 RAKE5 NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY KEEP SUMMEIUiEALTHFULHESS HI YOUR "" i .i...tflUtt r impro"- ...ririno ?'nr::r bounty J, ypUf m i Summer aardmn noodn...VAiir fmAr- ... . 0 - Hwa 1 itesl . . . dozens of them! . . . just when you need them most. A glamorous variety of canned fruits and vegetables read ' ; and waiting to strengthen your cold weather meals with essential vitamins, minerals, and low cost good eating. wif Uuat Price thro W- D 1 You May Pay L e s s - B u t Never More Here's why: All our prices are sef as low as possible, bated on a reasonable profit, and this means some items are sold for less at Safeway. So that you will never pay mere to our know ledge for any item, Safeway meets com petitive prices, item by item, doy by day. Enjoy the Lowest Prices Daily at Safeway! Hill the 'f2 ' . - Jl mmer.W. pro- in...'"' I i... ayl ,1. I'' Milk cherub, tall can 4 ot 33C Flour $1.79 Dog FoodS"di c.M 3 fot25c Soup Tor,n,pb,u": 3.for25c Beans &.?J2rt 15c Tomato Juice " 3 lor25c lniaa Orange and Grapefruit, 1f)a JUIbe Dr. Phillips, No. 2 can ut CleanSer sunbrite. No, I can 2 for 9c PCOS Sugar Belle. No. 2 can 2 or 25C Sardines sNhn ou' 14c Salmon Sfr2?l ... 19c Caalmjaai Biltmore Col. River, Salmon No. H ean ripatriHH Salad. Duche, dressing 32I Jr Miracle Whip Walnuts b9.rc".ngq.u,"!l.. Monopole Astorted, S-pound can Marmalade f6.I Brooms Bllnd SehooI, ,ach COCOa Baker., Mb, can .. Cocoa Blu, Hi,. pkg JellWell 4 Floill Swatudown Cake, IIUUI iarg package .... 21c 33c - 37c 29c 67c 17c 29c 14c 17c for 18c 23c item 'i IHEDfi 4 KTCIUP u-o. bat 17e BUNZMUSTABO el9t CDCUMBEB PICEES n i 19c White Tinier Pt. 12c Qt. 19e Stniatd M Vnoit 3 ca 20c PORE & BEANS MUOOtJt iir to ,iSfes Z, hot rtiaaa JKfU? i I ocoi 4 a jffis&Er i f. No 300 I I I afrWjfiy;; j Pineapple Juice s 27c Pineapple Juice?3 -25c Pineapple .19c FlOlir Buckwheat Alber', Ig. pkg. 25C FlOlir Pancake, Sperrr. 28-os. pkg 1 7C Oranges Slices Mb. pkg 13c Chocolates 73c 3 Pound can .......J. $1.29 Quick Oats 19c Crackers s1tidNVlbL"kg,.r' 17c Extract 1.v 29c Corn Meal 32c Corn Mealed 32c Rolled Oats it Rr' 43c FIOUTHerveit Blonom. S ib. bag . 49c Wheatina L.r9. Pckg. 23c COrn Cardenslde. No. 303 tins 3 for 25C PeaS Cardentid. No. 303 tins 3 tor 25C D Strln9 lBh way. J 0 f- oeans n- 303 u o Tomatoes Nor.d2 ldn 3 33c mm mm MRS. SHOPPER! If you're looking for meats unquestionably guaranteed to satisfy or your money refunded, you'll do well to shop your nearest 'Safeway market. Special emphasis today on delicious tender beef cuts, roasts and steaks, and on favorite cuts of tender, young veal.. BEEP Sirloin Steak Lb. 37c Rib Steak Lb. 33c Round Steak Lb. 35c T-Sone Steak Lb. 37c Ground Round Steak Lb. 25c TURKEYS Hens Fney No. 1 . . Lb. 27c Toms raney No. j Lb. 23c VEAL Roasts Lb Shoulder Veal Steak Breast Veal Veal Chops 17Vie 23c ...b. 12V2C tb. 29c UvMaia Tenderiied, nams i0 to Ulb. average Lb. 27c Sliced Bacon .N ". b?'h 29c Oysters Crad. A ... .. Pint 29c Bag U. S. Defensg Stamps at Safewag fresh produce APPLES Fancy pack Jonathans, Wineiaps, Rome, Delicious Pound 5'2C Oranges Valencia's,, lb. 6Vi2C Navel lb. 7C "zrz zzzt&i7. r ?zr RINS0 Saeesel Sup 69-es J3U tt 60c eko" Sn-Pnib Mas s Hand Lottos . added New KIek BEADS Of SOAP Small 1 0 Pkgs... ,UC BanOnCIS Golden fruit Pound 7V2C Cabbage l0ci. ond head '..Pound 3c Carrots Top Off 3 In. 73c Cefery Utah, green type Pound 472C Potatoes u. s. no. a. 50 lb. bag 79c Klamath Qems Coachella Pound 6'2C Blue Goose Brand s WESSON OIL "rr For Home Made DreMtnail 0rt Cm af 7c Grapefruit Airway Coffee; Lb 18 3-ibb.g52 Nob Hill Coffco Lb 23 2 lb bag 45 Edwards Coffco tb Can 27 2-lb can 83 Maxwoll Hons Lbc.a 31 2-lb cb60j P&G While Naphlh Lauadrj Soap PRUNES Dtt Monti Mad. 2-LB. 17c ICS ch3 MAY DAY SALAD OH1 Pais SiladOa lor Iverr Ue Quit Can 43C Eggs. Grade A Large Doz. 40c Medium Doz. 36c