The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 28, 1941, Page 5, Image 5

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    Novombnr 2R, 1041
Leaves (or Midway Iilind
Mclvln Yudon of 101 Old Fort
mini, left Thursday by steamer
(rum Sun Francisco for Mlclwuy
Island, wheru ho will ho em
ployed n.i mi electrical engineer
in construction of tho nuvy base
there. On tho way hn will ntop
at Honolulu for two or throe
weeks. Ilo graduated hint Juno
from Oregon .Htuln college, und
lit unco received u tnilnliiK ap
pointment to 1 1 in Wentlnghouse
factory In tho cast, unci wim Inter
transferred to tho Wentlnghouse
tiriiiii'h nl Sim Kmnrlnco, from
vhlch ho leaves lo go lo Mldwny.
Returns Mm, Herbert C
Heiiilngen has rrlurnrd to hor
homo. 131)4 Crescent avenue, af
ter having received mrdlciil
treatment lit the Portland Modi
ml hospital, rorllmid. Iteming
on returned horo with hi wife
Wednesday evening, Hor condi
tion l Mild to hr greatly hn
pruvod Mayor Out-oITown Mayor
John Houston loft Friday for
Eugene, whero ho will attend the
Orciion Oregon Stato football
game. Tho mayor In a former
yell king at the University of
Oregon. j
In Hoipilal Mr. H C. John
Mon, iitiito vice president of the
Oregon Congress of Parent and
Teachers. In in Hillside hospital
where she In receiving medical
Back to Elevens Sergeant
Churloi Coffman of Battery A.
240th count artillery, returned
Tuesduy night to Fort Stevens,
Ore., lifter u 20-dtiy furlough at
Ihu homo of his parent, Mr, and
Mm. William Lurson, U4B Mar-
tin street
Gloria Glorified
For Your j
Information !
At Portland District Attnr
ney I,. Orth Siscmore wan In
Portland Friday to attend the an
nual meeting of Iho district at
torneys and sheriff's convention
Late-Fall Slack
Cuts Pine Output
PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 28 (IP)
Tho Thanksgiving holiday pe
riod and usual late-fall slack
lowered western plno lumber
production to 06,430,000 board
feet for tho week ending Novem
ber 22. Tho figure for tho pre
vious week was 73.200,000 and
for the time week last year 86,'
082,000, the Western Pine associ
atlon reported.
Orders fell sharply to 88,018,-
000 hoard feet compared with
64.426.000 for the previous week
and 72,403.000 for the corres
ponding week of 1040. Shipment
figures In that order: 80.800,000;
73,403,000, and 82,473,000.
Mr. and Mri. Francis Park
have moved to camp from King
Cole. They live In the house for
merly occupied by Mr. and Mrs
Elzlu Sunders.
Lawrence Clocksln hai been
enrolling members in the Red recently at the office, and
Mrs. Tom Tennery hos been
enrolling women who live In
Mr. and Mrs. William A
Hurtlerode and ion, William,
have returned from Dly where
they spent tho summer.
Transforrod J. L. Robson,
Great Northern railroad master
mechanic, has been transferred
to Grand Forks, Mont. Ho will
bo replaced by S. G. Clnrk of
To Gam Barney Kavan
augh and Joe Sexton of the
Great Northern will attend the
Oregon-Oregon Stato game Sat
urday at Eugene. They will be
accompanied by Tom Zupan and
Louis Holscher.
Called to Arkansas Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Stiles have been
called to Gillette, Ark., by the
serious Illness of Stiles' sister.
Stiles Is an employe of the Great
To Oklahoma E. R. Joyce,
chief dispatcher for tho Grent
Northern railroad, has been call
ed to Oklnhnmn City, Okla., by
the sudden death of his brother.
To Seattle Mr. nnd Mrs. J. O.
Soder have gone to Seattle
where Mrs. Soder will receive
medical attention. Soder is em
ployed by tho Grent Northern.
Tho lifetime of this parlia
ment has been memorable for
tho strengthening of tho already
close ties between my govern
ment nnd the peoples of tho
United Slates King Georgo VII
of Britain.
Occasional rain along count and
north portion, reaching south
portion lute tonight or Sutur
dny, moderate southerly wind
offshore, fresh above Sun Frun
Cisco: mild temperature.
GON Occasional rain tonight
and Suturduy, heavy at times on
coast; warmer east portion to
night; fresh southerly wind off
shore, strong at times from
mouth of Columbia river to Ta
toosh; moderately southerly over
inland waters of Woshlngton.
Extended forecast for far
western stales excepting south
ern California, period of Nov.
28-Ucc. 3:
Recurrent rain In northern
California and Pacific northwest,
spreading to Nevada and Idaho
over the weekend; generally
light amount but heavy at times
in northwest; snow level moun
tain areas lowering lo about 8000
feet beginning of next week;
temperatures slightly above the
seasonal average hut cooler 10
ward end of period.
(Effective Beptember 28, 1841)
train 17 Southbound! 8 a. m.
Train 20 Northboundi 10:00 a. m.
Train 18 Southbound! 8:45 p. m.
Train 18 Northbound! 8:00 p. m.
j! ' fa" '
j " t l i
Twin trrtit In Rlnmor Is this picture of Gloria Vondcrbllt beside her
portrrll painted by Knrln van U-ydi n, young artist now exhibiting
he.- work In a Hollywood gallery.
Humane Society Notes
Interesting Stories About Klamath Animals
and Efforts in Their Behalf
-By Ida Momyer Odell
The local navy recruiting sta
tion enlisted seven men this
week. All but one enlisted in
tho naval reserve to serve
throughout the national emer
gency. Charles Ole Flnholt,
gency. Charles Ole Flndholt,
enlisted In the regular navy to
serve until he Is 21 years old.
Following are the names of
men enlisted in the naval re
serve: Pearl Ray Jackson, Jack
Hartford Barbour, Charles Rich
ard Hill, Donaca Orval Rich
mond, Irvln Warner, Lambert
FT. JACKSON. S. C, Nov. 28
lA't The 118th infantry received
from Darlington this telegram
from a soldier In the Carolina
wur games:
"Private D. B. Bochette Is lost
from company M, 118th infantry.
Please wire whereabouts. "
It was signed: 'Private D. B.
BEND, Nov. 28 UP) Davis
lake in upper Deschutes coun
try, has risen, covering mud flats
which last month trapped hun
dreds of geese and ducks. Plans
to block some of the subterran
ean outlets were discarded when
a sudden rise in Odell creek cov
ered the flats.
Thailand Council
Approves Defense
Act for Emergency
BANGKOK, Thailand, Nov.
27 (delayed) (P) Tha Thailand
National Assembly approved to
day a defense measure which the
defense minister, Lieut. Gen.
Luang Promyo'dhi, declared em
powered the government to pre
pare for war and act to meet
any emergency.
Several hours later Premier
Luang Blpul Songgram, in his
first radio address to the nation
since the Thai-French Indo-Chlna
conflict, said the nation might
yet be able to avoid becoming
involved In war although Thai
land Is confronted with political,
economic and military pressure
"from all quarters."
(In Tokyo, the newspaper Yo
miuri said Japan's ambassador
to Bangkok conferred for more
than an hour Friday with Pre
mier Songgram, and tho news
paper Nichl Nlchi reported under
a Bangkok dateline that the
British had stationed mors than
30,000 troops along Thai frontiers.)
Trado unionism in tha United j
States is going through tho
stages that trade unionism In this
country did a generation ago. It
Is finding its feet. Austin Hop
kinson, British member of parliament.
, at
Fair Prices!
(Liberal Terms)
Expert Ramodallng at
Reasonable Ratesl '
Fur Shop
US So. 7th Phone 842$
M7 aril Mini
made from your own snapshots
Bring the negative of your favorite soapsbota to oof
tore. Choose from the many designs we offer the type -
of card yoa wish. Then leave the rjt to us. For your .
mailing list you'll have a card that's personal and dis
tinctive, yet the cost will he surprisingly lowi
10 Cords with Envelopes $1.00
25 Cards with Envelopes $2.40
Underwood's Photo Service
211 Underwood Bldg. Dial 4819
Klamath Falls, Ore.
niAn MADIRi Two mtm ir In love
with ms. One It my hinhandi the other
men my pout tftiifiht to make lovt
tn me. ilthotiRh ha wi unaware I wet
tha ohfeot of the other man'a af faction.
Oan you halp ma? PKRPLIXID.
See the Antwer In
ESQUIRE - Sunday
Past 1 Oracles The Put Ora
cles club of the Royal Neigh
bors of America wll. meet at the
home of Mrs. Tom Hart Monday
British Damage
Naples in Raid
ROME. Nov. 28 (P) British
planes caused "notnble damage"
during raids on Naples last night,
an Italian communique said today.
Italian anti-aircraft batteries
and night fighters shot down
three planes, the communlquo
British bombs were reported
officially to have started a num
ber of small fires which were
promptly extinguished.
Five civilians were injured.
next time H. A. Johnson locks
his automobile he will be certain
there Is no Great Dane inside.
Shutting the car doors and
locking them after nightfall, he
failed to see the dog Inside. The
animal waited a decent length
of time (some time the next day),
and then went out a back win
dow through tho glass after
trying to dig out through the up
PERU, Ind. (A) A Pennsyl
vania railroad train hit an auto
Arch Estabrook, 42, pulled
from the wreckage and taken to
a hospital suffering from shock,
kept asking state police to find
his wife.
They hunted up and down the
tracks. Trainmen looked over
tho locomotive when it drew In
to Logansport. No Mrs. Esta
Finally the officers went back
lo talk with the driver. Ho was
better. Ho remembered then
that ho d been driving alone.
THE DALLES. Nov. 28 P)
Word reached here belatedly to
day of the burning last Sunday
of Ben Taylor's headquarters
ranch houso north of Mitchell in
Wheeler county. It was reported
one of tho most modern ranch
homes In the state and tha loss
was estimated at $20,000.
The funeral services for tho
late Albert Lewis Durant, who
passed away in this city on Tues
day, November 25, will lake
plnco from tho First Methodist
church, Tenth at High streets,
on Saturday, November 20, at 2
p. m., the Rev. Arthur C. Bates
of tho First Christian church of
ficiating, Commitment service
and interment in tho IOOF ceme
tery. Friends are respectfully
invited to attend. Ward's Klam
ath Funeral Homo In charge of
the arrangements. '
A tisket ... A taskat . . .
Just dump tha baikatl When
you sand your laundry to tha
Superior Troy Laundry every
Item Is counted as It oomas In
and checked whan It goes out.
And our Economy Service Is
only So pound. Phon 8118.
with clean straw for a luxury
loving Cocker, so she snuggled
just a little deeper after that
grand stretch, and emitted a
gentle snore.
Scotly's bed is more davenport
shaped and Scotly thinks it is
Just "too swell." She is probably
going to ask to take it home
with her.
In this pen Is a big beautiful
Persian kitten which comes from
a home where he is the "Cat's
Whiskers." He disdains all food
but liver, Puss in Boots, and
milk, so he gets it.
Here's a fine dog from Duns
muir. He will be with us until
April or May. Yes, he has his in-,
dividual bedstead, also his mat
tress. Wonder if he will be ask-!
Ing for clean sheets every week !
when ho gets home. Our boarders 1
come from all points, Dunsmuir,
Bly, Chiloquin, Kcno, Tulelakc,
Dorris, yes and Portland, too.
The rascals put in a little kick
this morning. Some of them said
they didn't like our weather ,
down here, it was a bit chilly for
them. Well, wc aim to please, so 1
we put in a fine new circulating,
heater this morning. Guess they
won't get cold tonight and it ,
looks as if It were going to be a
bit wintcry et thot. Our heater I
was getting antiquated anyway.
It took some shrewd shopping :
to find something which wc j
could afford and still keep the j
dogs and cats comfortable, but
one of our board members is a
whiz so we are now all O. K.
It takes some stretching to make
funds and needs the same dimen
sions. Biff Lorcnz gave us a dol
lar the other day. Biff is that
little bundle of comfort which
is trying to fill the vacancy left
when Spotty died some months
ago. Biff is a golden cocker and
is he cute. Under Bill's gentle
guidance he is getting himself
quite an education.
We invite you all to come to
the Shelter and see what we are
tiying to do for lost, strayed and
stolen (yes we mean stolen) ani-
ment which may make us reluct-j mals and what we try to do for
A call came In from Arthur
street some days ago. A large
Persian cat was straying around
the neighborhood, apparently
lost and confused. Our ambu
lance went out and picked him
up nnd when Jack reached the
Shelter and put hnn in the office
Cat walked across the room with
no hesitation, Jumped up on the
settee, curled himself Into a
bright bundle of comfort and
started singing. Loud and me
lodiously that purr-purr-purr
came from tho settee, filling
every corner of the office with
cheer. His musical ability has
probably saved his life, for there
you may find him today, curled
on his settee, purring at the top
of his feline voice as contented
an old fellow as If he had return
ed to his home after long wan
derings. Almost butter color,
and with a thick coat of fur.
when he stands on his hind legs
to reach for food (which he does
with o fine degree of pleasure)
ho stands 30 Inches high. We ad
vertised our tuneful fellow over
the radio nnd an anxious cat
owner called to sec if her "Sing
ing Sam" had been located. Cat
might have been a twin, so she
said, to "Singing Sam" but for
a bit more yellow in his color.
Singing Sam Is a light cream in
color nnd has the same happy
disposition and expresses his con
tentment just as Cat docs with
tuneful melody. We hope If any
one has seen or heard of Singing
Sam that he may help restore
this pet to his owner. Call the
Shelter and wc will cooperate as
Normally an uncalled-for cut,
after being advertised, has to be
pu( to sleep, for it is impossible
to keep all the strays which
come our way much as we would
like to, but Cat has sung himself
to security and is now as much
afnrt of the Shelter as the settee
which he calls his own. If ony
of our readers owns Cat of
course wo will have to part with
him, but we confess to an attach-
ant to do this.
Have you seen the Deluxe ac
commodations which our Ken
nels now offer to PAMPERED
PETS. (If they orcn't pampered
when they come to us they are
by the time they are taken
home.) Yes, they sleep in their
own beds now. When Golden
Cocker was called for breakfast
yesterday morning she stretched
herself luxuriously and turned
over on her side for another niip.
She could get breakfast at home
every morning but homo doesn't
provide a nice ply-wood bed
stead for all the world like Mas
ter's, with a real mattress filled
your pet when you want a board
ing house.
DES MOINES, la. (P A for
mer Iowa old ago pensioner
wrote the Iowa social welfare
board: "As I have left Iowa, I
think I om entitled to my $100
(hat was kept out of my pension
for burial."
The board informed him no
$100 was taken out of his pen-1
sion, that the sum merely is the !
maximum the state will pay to- j
ward funeral expenses of a re-!
The pensioner didn't collect.
Storm signals toon will bo
flying. Snow and cold
winds are duo any day. Be
prepared. Keep your homo
warm all day and oil night,
Ordor Your Supply of
Utah "Aberdeen" is hard and free from clinkers. Burns
hot and clean, lasts all night long, leaves vary littla ash.
Buy It delivered by the U-ton, !ii-ton or in ton lots, or
picjc up a sack or two at our yard In your own car
' Three popular slaes. Lump, Nut and Stoker.
Fred H. Heilbronner
"Fuels That Satsify" Plus Service Sine 1919
Offlco and Yard, 821 Spring Street Telephone 41S3
Branch Yard, Merrill Telephone 80
Insure Safe Holiday Driving With . . . .
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rm.r.i licit, t.i Nut
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These Deluxe quality traction grips are superbly built to get you
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Eliminates chains in sand, mud and snow. Guaranteed by Sears
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Buy Tires and Automobile Accessories on Sears Easy Payment Plan
mm (it
133 So. 8th
Dial 5188