Novrmbor 28, 1041 PAGE THRE1 i r 'i I I t . i . I i DATES CHOSEN 1 TO December 8 to IB hnve been i't nil npi'iilriK unci rlnMntf diilen fur u Kliuniitli ciiiii)uIk in be hiilf of Unlti-il Stiitim relief. Heprcamitiillveii uf vurluna or Kiinlziitlon nn't Tliurncluy after noon lit llio Wlllnrd liolrl with Dr. Victor Phillips, Kliuniitli county I'lwilriniin, mid Dr. Krma Cimdun, atiitu rcprueentullve. Aiikjiik thiui) nrenunt wero Icln M. Udell ( t ho Soraptlinlxti mid DiniKlili'i'i lit thu AniiTirnn Itnv iiliitlnii; I'liimci I ) Ik of the Aini'i'lcaii A.".NtK-liitloii of Univer inly Women; Mm. John Mrr'ec nt thu AAUW; Nedra Hunt of DiiNlui'ni Mini l'iofi'.iloniil Worn ru n rlnli; It. D. Kllrr of th Ho liny; Hrv. Kiikimih V. 1 itiy ne-.i, MlnlMi-rlal lusoclntlon; II u n I Norland, Llun.i club; John U. KblnKrr, Klwunls club; A. L. Ci r n I ii p i, mipi-rlntendent of Klniniilli Kill Is IiIkIi nrhnnl. Aimlht-r nii'i-tliiK will hi' held nt tin- offiii- if John It. KhlnKi-r In Hi'? I'S hunk bulldlnti, Do camber 3 nt 7:30 p. m., to mnkc further nlnna. Anyono Interest tcl In this rmisn wii.i urffed to ntti-iid. -mh" ntti'tul. "China Shall Have Our II. Ip." hi tho kIokiiii for the United C'lilim Itellrf. Inc., nn nrKunlza tlon which It conrdlnathiK the filnil riililni: appeal of elitht mil W China Kt-lti-f ;iKrnctis In this country to provide hiro scale civilian relief nmnnti the Chi nese. "This Is n united expression of Arneriran K.vmpiithy and Kood will hi those brnvo men lind women of Asm whoso stmuutc Klvcs expression to the democrat ic Idenls they sluirc with us, ' Mild Dr. Gordon. "Donntlonii, InrKe nnd mnnll will testify to the nctive sympnthy of this country for China's heroic fiiilit for free dom. Now', because of the re- YourTaste is More ? (Critical Ihe whiikoy blondod for the enjoyment of discriminating tajtei. A premium whiskey at a popular pricel f nw.u1 QUARTS SBSv 240y HepreienUtlvei of varioui organisation! are hro ihown t Wlllord hotel meeting Thursday t which Dlani war mad for a local campaign for United China relief Dtcimbir 8 to 18. In tha olctur. seated! Nadra Hunt, Association of University Womani Dr. Erma Cordon, stat representative of United China Relief; Rev. Victor Phillips. Klamath county chairman) Mrs. Ida Odell, Soroptimist club; Frances Dennis. AAUW. Standing: Arnold Cralapp. high school superintendent; R. D. Eller. Rotary club) Hans Norland, Lions club) John Eblnger, Klwanls club) Rev. E. V. Haynes. Ministerial association. cent tromendous changca In the Far Eastern situation, slio looks to us more thnn ever for assist mien to win thn ultimate victory for which we shall support her. China needs medical supplies, trained doctors, emeruency nld Millions, epidemic control, relief for refugees nnd for multitude of orphans food, clothing and shelter!" Copper mats for use In the floor of the Tiilrliike sump tun nel pumphouftr-, hnve arrived and are now being installed, ac cording to the US bureau of rec Inmntlon. Jack Gardner, Klnm nth Falls, holds the pump house contract. Concrete work on the tunnel was completed November 15, nnd nt the present time the con tracting firm, J. A. Tertellng nnd sons, nro "mopping up," In pre paration to turning the Job over to the government. It Is hoped to hnve the pump house completed by April 1, and put thn tunnel in use Immediate ly after thnt dntc. Mntcrlnls, which hnve been held up by government priority, nrc now ar riving satisfactorily, officials said, and It Is hoped thnt the pumps will be available on the set date. Danes Riot in Protest Over Anti-Red Pact STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Nov. 2tt t1'j Hlots in Copcnluigi'ii in protest against Denmark s ad hvrciico to the nnti Comintern pact, with police firing on dem onstrators on one occasion and arresting some -10 persons on another, were reported today by D a g o n s Nyhctcr, Stockholm newspaper. Demonstrating Danes de nounced Foreign Minister Eric Scuvcnlus, shouting: "Down with Scavenlus; down with the trait or," tho newspaper said, Tho Initial demonstration, Dngens Nyhctcr said, occurred at 2 p. m, Tuesday, the day the anti-coinintern pact was extend ed for another five years and broadened to includo 13 signa tories In Berlin ceremonies. Hundreds of students met be fore tho royal castlo of Amalien borg then, It said, nnd heard an address by a young theologian. The pollco arrested tho speak er nnd tho students dispersed after singing tho king's song, only to form ngnin nnd stngc mass demonstrations before the offices of the nnzi paper Faeder landet and beforo the foreign office and riksdag (parliament.) Pollco endeavored to break up the gathering, Dngens Nyho tcr said, but fnilcd and the dem onstrators marched through tho city until they reached tho great Rnadhusplndscn Squnrc. There, it wns reported, tho pollco wielded their batons to brenk tip tho gntherlng nnd nr rosted about 40 persons. Nevertheless, Dngcn Nyhctcr said, new demonstrations were orgnnlzod Inter In tho evening nnd pollco fired on one occasion. Thcro was no r o p o r t ns to whether nnyono wns Injured. Windows lt mnny nnzi localities were smashed. Seven times as mnny motor trucks nro employed on farms now ns In 11)20. When in Medford Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modern Joe and Anne Earley Proprietors Plan United China Relief Campaign Builnen and Professional Womtni Mrs. John McFa. Amarlcan SG3 Cross News Notes RED CROSS Temporary headquarters, 002 Main street, with Mrs. Jerry Itlcker and Mrs. Lafc Stephens in charge, is the place for down town shoppers to lake out mem berships In the American Red Cross. Do it now. e Booths with Red Cross volun teers huvo been placed for your convenience at the Willnrd ho tel. Elk hotel, postofflee, First National bunk, und US National bank. e The following members from Sojourners club will servo in the Red Cross booths Friday nnd Suturdny, Mrs. Richard Ken nedy. Mrs. Gene Shufeldl, Mrs. Phyllis Stevens, Mrs. Jack But ler, Mrs. Fred Hamilton, Mrs C. W. Wilson, Mrs. C. S. Elliott, Mrs. T. W. Laird, Mrs. R. F. Mc Laren, Mrs. Jack Wiilthcms, Mm. John Sandmeyer. Mrs. C. 11. Denni.ion, Mrs. Marshall Far mer, chairman. Mrs. F. E. Trotman of Merrill, culled at Red Cross headquar ters Friday morning reporting tho following 100 per cent firms ot that city, the First Nationa! bank, Pacific Telephone com pnny employ . Marie's Barber shop and the Merrill grade school. Thank you, Mrs. Trot man. e Ench day captains of residen tial area enrollments call nt headquarters with increased membership reports. Over the top this morning were Mrs. B. F. Hogue, enptnin, district No. 1, Mrs. L. A. McCullough, enptnin, district 4, Mrs. Annnbellr New ton, enptnin district No. 18, Mrs. J. P. Wells, captain, district No. 18, Mrs. Harry Brown, enptnin district 9. e e e Lost River Gnrdcn club, from a Joint sale of plants and shrubs sent in their proceeds, $40.55 as their membership in tho Ameri can Red Cross. 0 Employes of tho county In firmary have orgnnized n first aid class under tha instruction of Dr. Peter Rozendnl, chair man, first-oid program, Klam ath county chapter, ARC. The class meets each Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Curol Brooks, Arthur Mil lard and Mario Dixon havo been re-authorized first aid instruc tors for the local chapter, Amer ican Red Cross. December is tho most danger ous month, tho Red Crass warns motorists nnd holiday shoppers. The Red Cross emphasizes that the pedestrian Invariably comes out second best in an encounter with an automobllo and tho man on foot should bo willing to go more than half way In avoiding such nn encounter though ho may bo legally entitled to right-of-wny. Drivo with caution. e ' Relict from tho American Red Cross continues in n stendy strenm to tho civilian and war wounded peoplo of China, through tho ports of Hong Kong, Shanghai and Rangoon. CAMERA FANS Any 8 or 8 Exp. Roll of Films DEVELOPED and PRINTED 25c Reprints So Each Carmichael's Newsstand 10th and Main v. v '13 Wheat nnd rice for the famine stricken Ro through the Chinese ports, and medical supplies, sur gical dressings, and cloth for clothing go over the Burma road i into Free China from the Brit ish port. September 30, 1041, $3,718,402 had been sent in materials and food as aid to war-stricken China from the . Amnrinn Tt ,.ti Prn I act ! Chrislmns hmiHreHv nf inv nnri I gifts were sent by members of 1 Junior Red Cross for the chil-: dren of China. e e Mrs. F. A. LaForge and Mrs. Oldham had charge of cutting at Ucd Cross headquarters produc tion rooms for Friday. Mrs. C. W. Rudd was on hand to help volunteers in knitting. Mrs. C. I. Roberts is in charge of production, American Red Cross, Friday, at Reames Coun try club where members are spending their afternoon sewing and knitting. e Each Thursday afternoon finds a busy group at Red Cross head quarters ns members of the Lion ess club gather to sew and knit. Other groups are cordially invit- nH In r-iill 7IRJ nnrt arranpe for an afternoon. We'd be clnd to'g call it, "Your Dny." IS U. S. to Buy All Argentine Tungsten BUENOS AIRES, Nov. 28 (P) A threc-yenr agreement under which Argentina will sell her entire production of tungsten to the United States has been con cluded, nn authorized source an nounced today. The agreed price Is $21 a ton. (Tungsten ore, or wolframite, most of which comes from China, has been selling nt $24 to $26 a ton in New York.) Tungsten is essential for the production of steels used in man ufacture of munitions. The agreement is in keeping with the United States Doliey of purchasing supplies of war-essential metals from other Amer ican states. Iceland Soldiers Get Thanksgiving REYKJAVIK. Iceland, Nov. 28 Up) With turkeys in abundance. United States soldiers occupying Iceland wore able to feast yes terday in celebration of Thanks giving. Festivities were postponed from last Thursday because a freighter bearing thousands of pounds of turkeys and the In gredients for thousands of pump kin and mince pics fnilcd to nr rive in time. COMPLETE FEMININE HYGIENE DEMANDS: eS-Vj MUCH has been written about feminine hygiene. But too often women over look hygiene in the REAL sense of the word underarm cleanliness And sweetness. You cannot be ot tractive with underarms moist, stained And smelly. Use Arrid, the new deodorant. 1 Arrid d( not roc dreei does not jrriuie tkin. 3. No wilting to dry. Can be used fight after ituving. 9. IrmaMly checks penplfloo 1 to 9 diyt Removes odor from pvnpiration, keeps armpits dry. 4. Arrid It a pure, white, (rtawleas. stain less vanishing cream. 9. Awarded Approval Seal of American Insti tute of Laundering as harmless to fabric Women use more Arrid than any other deodorant. Try a 10c1. 3 or SOf jar tr i day at any stoic which sells toilet goods The wlnnen of the county library book and poster contest havo shown (food Judgment in their choice of book prizes. he Roy Welch, fifth grader at Bo nnnza, who made a winning book mark, choso "The White Pan ther," by Waldcck. This is a Junior Literary guild book, an unusual and sensitively written animal story, full of suspense against a colorful jungle back ground and by an author Inti mately acquainted with Jungle animal life. It is illustrated by Kurt Wlesc. Idclla Hauptman, Gilchrist Junior high student who made the winning poster, chose Hugo's "Lcs Misfcrablcs," a classic of the French convict, Jean Valjean, well loved by old and young readers. The winner of the class A bookmark contest, Ernest Young, lourm grade student at Sum mers school, chose "The Blaoft Stallion," by Walter Farley, an other Junior Literary guild book chosen as an outstanding publication by a committee com prised of Mrs. F. D. Roosevelt and others; the book gives an exciting tale of a thoroughbred Arabian horse. A .squab is a young pigeon. MtX3VV3XeYlf j it 122 So. 8th 1 'M. , 'if- THE IDEAL GIFT FOR THE HOME! I If dfi PIECE f f I ly- eaU Piice Only ! yMI a ( (J ( & fmil 111 ii IT V jps.irn COMPLETE GROUP INCLUDES: M I Convenient Sofa-Bed . . Comfortable Swing Rocker . . Book Trough Table jrfQij tH F PU h&ftJ'T- 8 Coffee Table . . Lamp Table . . End Table . . Simulated Leather ,.2Pv S h Hossoek in Solid Color . . Large Velflor Rug in Colorful lfirWi 1 J i Erarv member of tha family will enjoy this gift ... for I S many Christma.e. to com. Offarad at a price you'd . ml$jU I pact to pay for tha aofa bad alon . . . thi. attractiv. an- $3$ I S aemble includei nine adaptable piece.. All four table 1rl?KS 1 I zzron:.1 ,,urdy -binet wood-lini,hed in rich mmmmmi I Use Sear Eh Payment Plant llanflois, wmmi m m I a , I1HH Germans Declare British Warship Malaya Torpedoed NEW YORK, Nov. 28 fP) The British battleship which the German high command said yes terday had been damaged by a torpedo off North Africa was identified by the German radio as the Malaya in a broadcast heard here yesterday by NBC. A special German communi que yesterday said only that a German submarine had struck a British battleship "with a heavy torpedo" off Salum. This was the second time with in two weeks that the Germans have reported hitting the Mai aya. The nazi high command an nounced Nov. 15 that the 31,000 ton British battleship had been damaged "so severely she had to be towed Into the harbor of Gi braltar." That damage was credited also to U-boats, part of the same German undersea forces which sank the British aircraft carrier Ark Royal in the Mediterranean. Read the Classified page For His Christmas BILLFOLD or BILLFOLO ItT by Cameo II.M to (li.M DREW'S MANSTORE 711 Main v miwj (iia w. ii ii -: m n II ifT.T II II -Si II oil Mil llNi II II II Nnl-NV i ra b m nan n S II n II II II s Any kind of toy new or old will be the price of admis sion at the Pelican theatre Pop eye club toy matinee for kiddles to be held at 10 a. m. Saturday. This Is an annual event at the big Eighth street playhouse, and It always nets a trtickload or two of toys for the firemen's Christmas toy enterprise. If the toys need repair, the firemen do the work. If they are ready for use, they are kept with other playthings to be dis tributed to children of the city wnose Christmas would other wise be a pretty barren affair. The theatre management sug gested that the children bring as many toys as they can, but one toy will serve as a ticket of ad mission. H. R. (DICK) MAGUIRE Realtor Real Estate Sales Rentals Loans Property Management - Automobile, Fire. Catuallv Ineuranee iMi Pino Olal lilt UM . According to preliminary es timate! factory sales ot cart and trucks in tha United States dur lng August totaled 158,700 units. TIRED of uneven heat? ; Change to GASCO BRIQUETS Thla amaxtng fil U ail h , no ahl It hold Htm from 8 to 1 0 houri after stoking kaapa your horn at a uniform tamp orator. Burn Gaaeo Briquat . alono or with aawduat or wood Idaal for furnaca, circulating haatar. rang, firplae and ,' broodar atovaa. Ordar nowl FRED H. HEILBR0NNER - Fuels That Satisfy Plus ; Service - Phone 4IS3 -821 Spring' St. s