THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIFTEEN 34 Automotive Novemher 28, 1041 TURNER'S OK'd Used Cars 34 Automotive 34 Automotive 34 Automotive 34 Automotive, AUTO GLASS Replace that broken glass In your cur at Hcwey's OIbbs Shop, corner Kim ami llrontl Phono 1171(1. 12 (lintf 3$ Miscellaneous Tor Sal ARE you Interested In lower prlcoi? Shingles 75c bunriln. wallnoard Sic foot.. Our spo dally, all clauses FHA loans. You can own your homo (or monthly payments leu than rent. Suburban Lumber Com pany. Phono 3301. 11 2 CITY MAPS Uplothomlnute. Including nuburhnn aoctlunii fllock number Indicated, In dex keyed to map. Price. 20c, Foralo at Cnrnilchiinl'i nowi ttnnd. chamber o( commorcn Ernie Plluso's Drlve-ln. Ever body' Drug, Lee llonilrlt-k'i Drug. Louie l'olln's, Postofflco news iitand, Robinson's Food tore. Slmw Stationery. Tho Nows- Herald, Vic's SlKnnl Servlre 3203 RECONDITIONED wood rmiKo. California Oregon Power Co. 2U0IIK VIOLIN, guitar mid accordion. Call Altamont Auto Camp. 11 28 1200OALLON STEKL TANK Cheap for cash. Altamont Trailer Park. 11-21) KOIt SALK Red fryer Sink carrots. Crystal's, Morrill Lnkevlcw Junction. 11-28 WOOD Planer enda ul Long Boll Lumber company mill See Mr. Kregnn on the hill. 12-1 DRY PINK MILL BLOCKS 1211 cu. ft., $2.2.1 at mill. Phone B.1H3 Conifer Lumber Co., on Weed highway. 12 17mlf RK OR CltKY tINPKKS (or driveway. Phone 47111 eve ning! or Sunday! Ilnwurd Ciraliiim. 32041! DAVENPORT and chair, wash ing machine, elertnc refriger ator. 17-18 Menlo way. 1 1 21' FOR SAI.K-Avalon. -Haled nlfulfii. .1701 12 3 STOVKS RKPAIRED All purls Mocked Used furniture, Moves bought. OK Second Maud Store, B2II Klamath. Phone .1071. llllOmtf FIX THAT RADIO Our bust ncs Is nound. Conner Service Co . 2007 South Sixth. Phono 007B Just outh of viaduct 12 llnitf SEASONKD FIR BODY WOOD $8 cord. Phono 3787. 12 4 GOOD FIR BODY WOOD Phone 7832. 12-7 DRY PINE FACTORY MILL BLOCKS 128 cublo foot load $4.25 delivered. Metier Bros. Dial SB52. 1210mtf FOR SALE Sah sticker and nhapcr $185, lonolng murhlnc $130. 3 h p. motor $4.1. R. E. Davis, 335 Marie St., Medford. Ore. 11-28 BIKE FOR SALE Excellent condition. Real bargain. Phone 3612. 12-2 FOR SALE One 8 horsepower electric motor with automatic safety switch, $75. One No. 8 DcLaval cream separator. $25. All In good condition. T. D. Rockhlll, one mllo south of Tulelaka on highway. 11-28 FOR SALE Circulating heater. Burn wood or coal. 320 Rogers. 12-1 FERTILIZER for farm Lawn dirt. Phono 8817. yard. 12-19 FOR SALE Red cinders. Phone 3881. 12 4 'l he public acceptance of the 1942 Chevrolet is very gratifying. Naturally, used car stocks are on the increase. '41 Chev Sedan . $995 Special Deluxe '40 Plym. Sedan . $795 Deluxe '39Chry. Sedan . $695 Royal '38 Chev Sedan. $560 Deluxe '37 Stude. Sedan $4?5 '37 Plym. Sedan . $445 Deluxe '37 Terra. Sedan $395 4 Door Turner Main and Esplanade 36 Miscellaneous For Sal Ch '36 Dodge Sedan $325 '36 ford Sedan . $345 '35 LaFay. Sedan $245 '40 Ford Pickup . $545 Like New '39 Interna Pickup $495 '39 Chev Truck. . $625 1H Ton, Rebuilt '37 Ford Truck . . $425 lH-Ton, Rebuilt '38 Plym. Sedan . $395 Delivery evrolet Co. 3 Locutions-Tulclake 410 S 6th St FOR SALE Red fryers. 23c pound, live weight, Saturday only. Crystal's, Merrill-Lake-view Junction. 11-28 FOR SALE Man's grey wool overcout. Cost $30. Sell for $8. 435 Pacific Terrace. 11-29 ONE USED boy's tank model bike $17. One used Junior boy's hike $20. Montgomery Ward & Co 11-29 38 For Bale or Trad YOU CAN now build the home you have been wanting In Summers Park for almost no down payment and monthly payments less than rent. Every lot on pavement. For detail phono Cal Peyton, 3025 or 5149 ' 1129 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED To buy ticket for Robeson concert. Call 3124. 11-28 WANTED Dead or worthless animals. Phone 5713, our ex pense 12-llmtf 44 Livestock and Poultry FARMERS ATTENTION High est prices paid for beef, vent, hogs and livestock. Call Klam nth Packing Co Phone 5361. Midland Road. 11 30mtf WE BUY LIVE POULTRY and rabbits of all kinds Trulove's Market. Phone 4282. 919 East Main. 12-16mtf WE ARE TAKING ORDERS for doublo registered Poll Here ford wenner bulls from Idaho for December delivery. Call at sale yard, 3 miles south on old Midland road, or phone evenings 5426. Tavenner and Purdy. 12-3 3 Miscellaneous For Sal 36 Miscellaneous for Sale Repossessed Furniture Priced to Sell Today At Our Pine Street Warehouse Four-Piece Walnut Bedroom Suite . . $50 Davenport and Chair, wine color .' . $85 Davenport and Chair, wine color . . $50 Davenport, burgundy . Five-Piece Oak Dinette $35 $15 9x12 Rug ....... .' $25 Coil Spring . . . . Innerspring Mattress Cotton Mattress . $5 $10 $5 Montgomery Ward SAFETY TESTED CARS Today, more than ever, it is important to be SAFE when you purchase an automobile. Buying a SAFETY-TESTED CAR assures you of Safe Trans portation in a Safe Investment. '40 Nash Trg. Sedan ...$825 '40 Olds Trg. Sedan $850 ' '40 Hudson Trg. Sedan $825 "39 Cadillac Club Coupe $950 '39 Olds Trg. Tudor $650 '38 Olds Coupe $575 '38 Ford Dlx. Sedan' $525 "37 Stude. Pres. Coupe $445 '37 Nash Trg. Sedan $475 '37 Plymouth Coupe $435 '37 Chrysler Trg. Sedan - $495 '37 Ford Tudor $375 '36 Chevrolet Coupe $325 '36 Terraplane Tudor $245 '35 Olds Sedan $325 '35 Ford Tudor $235 '35 Plymouth Trg. Tudor $225 Dick B. Miller Co. OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC The Big Olds Tower of 7th & Klamath 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Feeder pigs and sows. Haley Bros., Bonanza, Ore., Box 148. 11-28 48 Financial , O A N S ON TOClt AUTOMOBILI Cash At Oncel Tour Car NM Not B. Fully Paid For . . . See Us Today Commercial Finance CORPORATION tit south Ui It.. Klamath Fall. Ftiont sMl M.ns n-jomtt Equitable Loans cost you less and get you Out of Debt. i Lower Interest Rales prompt Service : CHILCOTE &' SMITH Since 190(1 111 N. 9h St. Phone 4864 ' . Tft-Fr-tl WANTED To borrow about $3000, secured by first mort gage on nice suburban home. Newa-HeraM Box 3844. 12 1 46 Financial """jinnri-LrLrvxrLri, CASH LOANS WITHOUT RKDORSERB I WATS TO OET A CONSUMERS CASH WAN PHOXR WRITS COM. IN Ton no co-ilgnm or tniloratri to let s conaumtra loan whether yoq ar. mimed or alnila THREE LOAN PLANS No. 1 IN CO MB LOANS, On, you not on It. Ho wag aiHto menu. No cosigner. NO. t-FURNlTURB LOANS Your rharnctrr ( mora ttupcrUnt than Ih (urnltur lUc.f.T NO. I-AUTO LOANS - , $W to 9500 caih loam ad rtflt irvlng. 4 CONSUMERS CREDIT (SltU 8-139) 720 Pine St Phone 7711 ll-SOrall .... See Dinty Moore . . .' i FoiV - . - '.AUTO. LOANS. REFINANCING Locally Owned Motor Investment, COMPANY llo. H l Phona SSM 11-SOmtr .WANTED -Good Late Model USED CARS for SPOT CASH FIRST CLASS PRICES -- FOR FIRST CLASS CARS ; : ;:v No Delay for Your Money - See Jack Morris, mgr., at DOUGLAS MOTOR CO. USED CAR LOT - 1 1 3 1 Main Next to Elk Hotel 11.S0 BETTER Stocks- BETTER Values- At BALSIGER'S '40 Ford Coupe Reconditioned motor, radio and heater,' original finish $795 $415 '40 Ford Deluxe Sedan Original finish, very low mileage, reconditioned motor, first class rubber. 795 see this one '... '37 Ford Tudor Radio and heater, reconditioned, original blue finish, a real buy at '36 Ford Deluxe Touring Sedan Original black finish, practically new rubber, conditioned, radio and heater, a real buy at '36 Chevrolet Coupe Reconditioned, new paint, radio and heater '35 Chevrolet Sedan With trunk. 4 new tires, motor A-l $375 $345. $265 '33'Pontiac 8 Coupe 4 new tires, motor good, good paint and t OC upholstery, real transportation '32 Chevrolet Sedan Motor fine shape, 6 wheels with good rubber , Two '40 Ford Pickups One with high wheels, reconditioned, first class rubber Each .... '37 Ford Sedan-Delivery Reconditioned motor, new paint, good rubber, see this one '36 Chevrolet Pickup 4 speed transmission, 6-ply rubber, new paint B aisiqer Main and Esplanade Motor $145 $595 $425 $295 Co. WISENER Winterized Specials The most complete stock of used cars In Southern Oregon Every Car Ready for Winter Driving Anti-Freeze and Winter Lubricants '39 HUDSON DELUXE COUPE Has radio, heater, blow out proof tubes, new tires. This car has low mileage and was well cared for, an excellent value at ....$745 40 BUICK "SUPER" DELUXE SEDAN Radio, heater, nearly new tires, mechanically perfect, a real buy for . some one at : $995 '87 STUDEBAKER PRESIDENT 8 TOURING SEDAN With overdrive, mechanically good. Priced $60.00 un der book value at $395 '38 PONTIAC DELUXE TUDOR A nice clean car, don't miss this at ; $523 34 BUICK SEDAN For quick sale at ......... $195 25 Others, all makes, from . $30 up CONVENIENT TERMS HIGHEST TRADE IN VALUES! WISENER NASH MOTORS Uth and Main Phone 4118 FOR SALE Small going groc ery Can be handled for very small amount ot cash. Would be nice opportunity for elderly -couple to make satisfactory living. For further Informa tion call 7260 days. 4218 SMALL LUNCH ROOM Steady year round trade. Low over. head, good lease, good equip ment. Best class trade- estab lished. A real moneymaker. Owner must ijuit work. Call 135 N. 4th St. 12-4 BUICK Business Is Goocf . :, ; SO Plenty of Good Used Cars '41 Buicfc Special Sedan, a smart modern car, next to- a new Buick don't miss this one $1179 '40 Buick Super Sedan, low' mileage, original black finish spotless, strictly deluxe $1045 '39 Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe, spotlight, heater, ready Saturday, don't miss ... $571 '39 Chrysler Imperial Sedan, here Is a beauty with excellent motor, radio and heater .....$795 '38 Buick Special Sedan, beautiful rich green finish, ;- with new pistons and rings In motor ......$635 37 Buick Special Sedan, very smart, deluxe .., $825 '36 Buick Special Sedan, new paint, radio and heater . $385 '36 Buick Roadmaster Sedan, stability, safety and com- - fort supreme, an ideal family car, only .....$395 '36 DcSoto Six Sedan, very clean, excellent motor .,,.$345 '35 Ford Tudor Sedan, good .motor and tires ,.....$250 '34 Ford Sedan, above the Average ,...$175 '34 Hudson Brougham, small series, radio and heater... $225 "32 Oldsmobile 6-Cylinder Coupe, new tires ...$ 7$ . Trucks and Pickups " ; '39 Chevrolet Panel 14-Ton, protect your deliveries ....$325 38 CMC Pickup H-Ton, mechanically right $425 '37 Mack Jr. Pickup, a. sturdy unit, heater .. :...;-....$7 '36 Ford Sedan Delivery, excellent for light delivery $335 37 Chevrolet lH-Ton Cab and Chassis, reconditioned $365 '35 Ford J Mi -Ton Cab and Chassis, new tires, dual -.;$395 " , H. E. Hauger ' : 133b Main Street T M. C. and BUICK Open Evenings Phone 81S1 LOMBARD'S - BLUE SEAL USED CARS ' Winterized,, Completely Reconditioned, Ready to GOl WeTrade Finance With Your ,; Favorite Company! ;: 1941 DODGE Deluxe 4-Door Sedan 10,000 miles 2 1 936 DODGE 4-Door Sedans Both with heaters, new paint ...............$383 1935 DODGE Coupe--Completely overhauled, heater, new paint ....i...$285 1941 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe 2-Door Seat covers, heater and defrosters. 7000 miles....$925 1937 PLYMOUTH 2-Door Sedan Heater, 33,000 miles : '. ..........$465 1936 CHEVROLET Master 2-Door Sedan Radio , :. . and heater, new rubber ....$385 1935 CHEVROLET 2-Door Sedan ......,..$250 1934 CHEVROLET 4-Door Sedan i...;...$215 1937 FORD 2-Door Deluxe New motor $395 2 1936 FORD 2-Door Sedans Both with heaters ana in nice shape ..,..$325 1936 FORD Deluxe Coupe Radio and heater. ' ' New tires .....,$325 COMMERCIALS . l. ;: 1940 Dodge Pickup 10,000 miles. Heater, defroster, new tires 1937 International Pickup Long wheelbose. " A nice one , 1935 Ford I Vi-Ton Truck Good shape. Duals...;..$325 1939 Chevrolet Cab-Over Dump Truck - New .. metal body and hoist. Prestone, and ready to go to work ................ $1345 WE PAY CASH FOR LATE MODEL USED CARS ' .$625 ..$365 LOMBARD MOTORS Dodge -' PlymouHj Dodge "Job-Rated" Truck , , Lot 521 So. 6th Phn 8448