PAGE FOURTEEN THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON November 28, 1941 ManJzeti and Qincuicial SELLING GUTS STOCK MARKET REGOVERy BIDS NEW. YORK, Nov. 28 W) Further tax selling, combined with rising Far Eastern tension, thickened the ice in today's stock market, Early sporadic attempts at re covery met with only feeble re sponse and, while scattered is sues clung to modest advances, many leaders went into new low ground for the year with losses of fractions to 2 or more points at the close, : Not only were low-priced Is sues turned over in large blocks, but liquidation of a number of "blue chips," apparently for the purpose of establishing conces sions in the 1941 federal in come statements, served as a bullish brake from the start. . Dealings picked up momen tum at intervals and volume for the full proceedings was in the neighborhood of 900,000 shares. - Among stocks at bottom levels for 1941 were American Telephone, General Motors, Chrysler, Public Service of N, J., Union Pacific, American Can and both American Tobacco "B" and common. In the off-drift most of the day were U. S. Steel, Bethle ' hem, Youngstown Sheet, Mont gomery Ward, J. L Case, Inter national Harvester, United Air craft, Sperry, Western Union, Santa Fe, Kennecott, Eastman Kodak, Johns-Manville, Du Pont and Owens-Illinois. contesting the - trend were Westlnghouse, Anaconda, Sears Roebuck, Glenn Martin, Allied Chemical and U. S. Gypsum, i Bonds were without real comeback steam. Japanese dol lar loans weakened. Commodi ties were moderately narrow.- Closing quotations: Air Reduction 35 Alaska Juneau , ,,, 21 Al Chem & Dye ..148! 25i . 701 . 261 . 4i . Hi . 37 145i Allis-Chalmers American Can ,,, Am Car & Fdy Am Rad Sta San Am RoU Mills : Am Smelt & Ret ; Am Tel & Tel , Am Tob "B" Am' Water .Work Am Zinc L.& S Anaconda Armour 111 Atchison Aviation Corp Bald Loco ,,,, Bendix A via Beth Steel 49 - 31 - 41 - 271 3! - 261 - 3J - 121 - 371 - 58 Borden . - 201 - 191 191 Borge-Warner Calif Packing Callahan Z L Calumet Hec Canada Dry ..919 .. 6 - 14 Canadian Pacific . 4 Cat Tractor Celanese Ches & Ohio Chrysler Col Gas & El . Com'l Solvents 371 21 371 511 1 Comm'nw'lth & Consol Aircraft . Consol Edison Sou 516 211 131 Consol Oil 8 CoritT Can CornPVoducts 301 49 Crown Zellerbacb Curtlss Wright Hi 81 - Doug Aircraft 70 Dupont De N . 144 133 Eastman Kodak El Pow & Lt ..... General Electric General Foods General Motors Goodrich Goodyear Tire Gt Nor Ry pfd Greyhound Illinois Central Insp Copper Int Harvester Int Nick Can Int Pap & P pfd Int Tel & Tel Johns Manville ... Kennecott ......... Lib O Ford Lockheed . Loew's . Montgomery Ward . Nash-Kelv Nat'l Biscuit Nat'l Dairy Prod Nat'l Dist National Lead .. N Y Central No Am Aviation . North Amer Co ... Northern Pacific Ohio Oil Otis Steel Pac Amer Fish . Pac Gas Sc El Pac Tel & Tel Packard Motor .... 1 .. 261 391 35i 201 - 16! ... 221 13 J 7 ... 101 45! . 23! ... 56 ... 2 ... 57! . 311 .- 24! 281 . 381 ... 301 .- 3! ... 16 151 231 . 15 - 91 .. 12! 111 ... 51 .. 88 .. 51 10J .. 211 :.105 21 Pan Amer Airways 271 Paramount Pic ... 151 Penney (J C) 76 Penna R R 201 Phelps Dodge . .... Phillips Pet ............. Proctor & Gamble , Pub Svc N J ... Pullman . Radio- Rayonler , 26! ... 43! 54 ......-. 13! .. 211 31 11 ... 25 171 Rayonler pfd Republic . Steel '.'v ' Carload Potato Shipments Day of I) Month Season 1941-42 Season 1D40-41 Nov. to Season Nov. to Season Nov. Dally Date to Date Daily Date to Date I 31 31 1771 25 25 1815 2 0 31 1771 26 51 1841 3 24 65 1795 6 57 1847 4 42 eT 1837 23 80 1870 8 41 138 1878 34 IK 1904 6 52 190 1930 34 148 1938 7 56 246 1986 30 178 1968 8 48 294 2034 30 208 1998 9 3 297 2037 56 264 2054 10 41 338 2078 4 268 2058 11 7 345 2085 3 271 2061 12 51 396 2136 42 313 2103 13 27 423 2163 45 358 2148 14 li 441 2181 4" 406 2196 15 20 461 2201 il 450 2240 18 0 461 2201 59 509 2299 17 13 474 2214 I S10 2300 18 18 492 2232 52 562 2352 19 20 S12 2252 43 605 2393 20 0 512 2252 43 648 2438 21 13 523 2265 1 649 2439 22 14 539 2279 26 675 2465 23 0 539 2279 37 712 2502 24 20 559 2299 5 717 2507 25 18 577" 2317 43 760 2550 29 17 594 2334 30 790 2580 27 13 607 2347 34 824 2614 28 35 859 2649 29 33 892 2682 30 ii 920 2710 31 Month Shipments by Truck Grand Total Richfield Oil 101 Safeway Stores . Sears Roebuck Shell Union Socony Vacuum 43 631 151 9! Sou Cal Edison 21 Southern Pacific Sperry Corp Standard Brands Stand Oil Calif -Stand Oil Ind Stand Oil N J . 11! 291 4! . 241 . 31 . 441 Stone & Webster Studebaker Sunshine Mining 5 41 4! 441 41 Texas Corp Trans-America Union Carbide Union Oil Calif Union Pacific 71 14! 67 LUnited Airlines 131 United Aircraft United Corporation . United Drug United Fruit U S Rubber U S Rubber pfd U S Steel Vanadium Warner Pictures Western Union Westlnghouse Woolworth : 351 . 1 . 6 . 74 . 23 ..100! - 50! . 19i . 5 251 . 761 . 26 POTATOES SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 28 (AP-USDA) Potatoes: 3 Cali fornia, 16 Oregon arrived, 21 un broken, 20 broken cars on track; market steady, very few sales; Klamath Russets No. 1. S1.90- 2.00, few $2.10; mostly around z.00. LOS ANGELES. Nov. 28 (AP u&UA) -Potatoes:. 8 California, 8 Idaho. 3 Oregon. 1 Nevada ar rived, 68 unbroken, 28 broken cars on track; by truck, 14 Cali fornia, 1 Idaho. 1 Oreeon. 1 Nev- ada arrived; market steady; no ruamatn quotations.. CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO. Nov. 28 (AP- usDA) Potatoes, arrivals 72: on track 371; total US shipments o; supplies liberal, demand very light; market unsettled and slightly weaker feeling prevails Idaho Russet Burbanks US No. 1, $2.30-50; Minnesota and North Dakota Bliss Triumphs US No, 1, $1.45-65; Cobblers US No. 1, ji.ju-ao; Eany omos US No. 1 $1.40; Wisconsin Cobblers US No. 1, $1.524. S. F. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO Nov. 28 (P) (Federal-State Mar. ket News) HOGS: Salable 250; moderately active, 10-20 cents lower;, medium and good. 170. 235 lb. barrows and gilts $11.05 to mostly $11.15. choice auotablc above $11.15; some 240-285 lb. and 140-169 lb. $10.65; medium and good sows $8.25-85. CATTLE: Salable none: tin. dertone steady; . medium and good slaughter steers quotable, $10.00-75; canner and cutter cows $5.00-6.75, common and medium, $7.00-8.00. Calves, sal able none; vealers Quotable. steady; good and choice, $11.50- SHEEP: Salable none: under- tone steady to weak: recent sales medium and good lambs, $10.25-11.00; medium and good ewes, $4.50-5.50. (1940) WHEAT MARKET OFF AFTER EARLY RISE CHICAGO, Nov. 28 (P) Wheat and other grains took an other hitch on price recovery to day, but, after early advances ranging from fractions to almost a cent, the market backed down under the pressure of renewed selling of December contracts, upon which delivery of actual grain can be made beginning Monday. Reports of modification of cer tain provisions in the pending price control bill in the house helped to stimulate some early buying of grains. Further sub stantial sales of corn and oats for shipment from Chicago also had a supporting effect. Wheat closed 1c lower to Ic higher compared with yesterday, December $1,131-1, May $1.19; corn 1-ic higher; December 731c, May 79i-ic; oats unchanged to ic down; rye unchanged to 1c off and soybeans ic lower to 8c higher. Some dealers also were buying December contracts and selling May or July, transferring hedges into a more deferred period. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. Ore., Nov: 28 (AP-USDA) HOGS: Salable 200, total 500; market weak to 10 cents lower than Thursday's close; two loads around 208 lb butchers, $10.50; odd head $10.40; light-lights $10.00; weighty packing sows $7.00-25; few lots feeder pigs $9.75. CATTLE: Salable 50, total 65 Calves: Salable 25, total 50; very little activity here, market nom inal; good fed steers quotable to $12.00; good fed heifers to $10.50; odd lots medium grade cows, $7.25-50; common dairy cows, $6.00-75; canrer to cutter cows, $4.50-5.75; odd head good light bulls, $8.50; common $6.50- 75; good-choice vealers eligible, $11.50-13.00. SHEEP: Salable 150, total 250; market nominally steady; good-choice fed lambs quotable to $10.50; slaughter ewes sal able $5.25 down. BOSTON WOOL BOSTON, Nov. 28 (AP-USDA) The Boston wool market was mostly quiet today. A few In quiries for fine territory wools were received but sales consist ed mostly of small lots needed to fill out stocks on hand. Occa sional sales of graded Ohio three- eighths and one-fourth blood combing fleeces were made at 50-51 cents, in the grease. Free Methodist Corner of Ninth and Plum streets. W. H. McCormick, pas tor. Sunday . services:- Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Preaching, 1 1 m. Evening service, 7:30 'clock. The regular weekly prayer meeting is to be taken up this week due to the date of the Rogue River district quarterly meeting at Medford. Subject of the morning message will be. Holiness and Its Place in the Church." You are Invited. , Churches The Apostolie Faith You are cordially invited to at. tend the services at our beauti ful chapel, 228 North Eighth street. Rev. C. R. Lambert, pas' tor, 228 North Eighth street, tele phone 5429. Sunday school at 9:30 a. nv with the regular morning service at 1 1 o'clock. Our Sunday morn ing service opens with the string trio playing several numbers, Our mixed chorus of 18 voices presents the selection, "Pray," by Runyon. The Sunday evening service opens at 7:4a o ciock wnn our 21-piece orchestra playing "M. jestte Overture," by Zamecntk, and the chorus singing, "Great Is Immanuel." by Haldor Llllenas. Our orchestra and chorus are un der the direction of Evelyn Craig. Week night services arc on Tuesday and Friday at 8 o'clock, with a prayer service on Wed nesday at 7:30 p. m., immediately followed by orchestra practice. All are welcome. A collection is never taken. Pilgrim Holiness The last service of the revival meeting which has been in pro gress for the last two weeks at 2229 Wantland avenue, will be conducted Sunday evening. The people of the church have been greatly pleased with the preach ing of the evangelist. Rev. C. C. McNall, and with its results. They are expecting these last services to be a splendid climax for the meeting. In addition to the regular services, Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., worship at 11 a. m., evangelistic service at 7:30 p. m., there will be nightly services at 7:45 o'clock and a fellowship meeting Sunday af ternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Special vocal and orchestral music will be an Inspirational feature of these services. We hope that you I win plan to attend as many as possible. Klamath Temple "The Church That Is Differ ent." 1007 Pine street. Daniel B. Anderson, pastor, 2211 Eberlein street, phone 3874. C. E. Loger well, assistant pastor, room 107 in the temple, phone 6325. Again we continue to urge you to attend Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. In Europe today there are literally millions of people who would give anything if they could go to Sunday school. Here in America with wonderfully equipped Sunday schools all around us we are too indifferent perhaps. The junior departments meet in the lower auditorium and the seniors in the main audi torium. Morning worship with Rev. Anderson bringing the message at 11 o'clock. Overcomers, young people, are presenting a mission ary drama in the lower auditor ium at 6:30 p. m. Last Sunday evening one of the young people gave an illustrated message on a vision that she had received of God, the drawings are still on the blackboard and are one of the most wonderful revelations ever presented in the temple. Come and see them. Then at 7:45 p. m. great evangelistic service in the main auditorium with Rev. An derson again bringing the mes sage. The attendance in our Sun day evening services is on the in crease and there is a great re vival sprrit moving in the tem ple. Prayer and praise service Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., with Rev. Anderson in' charge. Broadcast! over KFJI Thursday evening 7:30 to 8 p. m. Midweek Bible study Friday 7:30. p. m. with as sistant pastor In charge. You've tried others, now try me mamatn Temple. First Presbyterian Church . The First Presbyterian church is located on North Sixth and Pine streets. The pastor is the nev. Theodore Smith, residence and telephone 435 North Second street, 5477 and at the church 7311. The director of the choir is Charles R. Stanficld, head of the department of music at Klamath Union high school. The organist is Mrs. Artnur Hall Denison. The morning worshiD at 11 o'clock opens with the organ pre- iuae, "Festal March," by Toll man. The choir and congregation LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE INVITING BIDS Notice Is hereby given that the Park Board .of the city of Klamath Falls, Oregon, will re ceive bids up to Dec. 0th, 1941, tor a power driven mowing ma chine with two gang mower at tachments. The cutting blade for the power mower shall be not less than 30" In width and the gang mower blades shall be not less than 15" In width. Cuts and specifications for each machine shall accompany each bid. Bids may Include both steel and. rubber tired wheels. . , Address bids to the City En gineer, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Bids will be opened by the un dersigned and referred to the Park Board at a later date. E.A.THOMAS, ' -' , City Engineer. N 27-28. No.. 184 unit In singing "The Doxology1 and 'The Gloria Patrl." The choir response to the morning prayer Is Whelpton's "Hear Our Prayer O Lord" and tho choir offertory Schumann's "We Give Thee But Thine Own." The organ offertory Is "Even Song," by Rockwell. A representative of the Gideons will bo tho speaker. The service closes with the bene diction, the choir dismissal., Whelpton's "Lord, Let Us Now Depart in Peace," and the organ postlude, "March, by Flagler. The morning anthem is "Prayer," by Gulon-Downlng. The evening worship will be In charge of tho Women's Mis sionary society, Mrs. Theodore Smith, president, presenting their annual thank offering pro gram, with Ijuira Adams of Sitka, Alaska, the speaker, The worship opens with the organ prelude, "Prelude," by Gounod. The offertory Is "Invocation," by Herold and the postlude, Volk- man's "Crusaders' Song." There will be a special musical num ber. The Bible school is held at 9:43 a. m. and the Christian En- deavorcrs meet in two groups al 6:30 p. m. You will be made wel come at any or all of these serv ices. General Notices SILVER GLEAM The silver polish that makes your silver ware gleam like new. Re moves tarnish without scratch ing. Use on chrome, wind shields, mirrors, windows, etc. Sold at drug stores. 12-20 TRAPPERS! Top prices paid for furs. Hollis Noonchestcr, 323 East Main. . 12-18 NOTICE I have acquired the interests of Paul Matthews in the Klamath Packing com pany. From this date I will not be responsible for obliga tions contracted bv him. FRANK LOWELL, 11-20 Personals MEN, WOMEN OVEP. 401 RUN DOWN. LISTLESS? Stimu lants, tonics in Ostrex Tablets put new activity In bodies lacking iron, vitamin Bl. cal cium, pnospnorus Uct new snap, zest $1.00 size now only 89c. Call, write Whitman Drug and all otner good drug stores 12-1 5 10 Service RHOADS WINDOW CLEANERS for dependable service. Dial 4768. 12 20 DRESSMAKING, .hemstitching buckles covered, alterations no new and old clothing. Mrs. H. M. Allender. 731 Main Room 218. Phone 7263. 12-16mtf SAVE MONEY by having your furniture re-upholstered We guarantee it to look like new Full line of latest fabrics. Es timates gladly given. CARLSON MATTRESS AND UPHOLSTERING CO. 1719 Main Phono 4510 12-10 ELECTROLUX CLEANERS Sales and service. Phone 5917 P. O. Box 814. Your dealer, Tarkel Tweet. 11-28 FLOOR SANDING, FINISHING We generate our own power. C. DuFour. Phone 3896 ll-30mtf I WIIJj obtain your delayed birth certificate for you Chan Hathaway, 120 N. 10th St., Klamath Falls .Ore. 11-30 BATTERIES CHARGED in 30 minutes. Reymcr's Associated Service, Fourth and Main. 12-3mtf CURTAINS stretched. 5647. home laundered, Reasonable. Phone 12-5mtf FLOOR SANDING and rcfinish ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 3922. 12-30mtf RUN-DOWN BATTERIES RE CHARGED in 30 minutes. Jim Kaler's Union Station, Main and Conger. 12-5 RESPONSIBLE PERSON will care for children. Phone 7512 12-7 GLASS Duplate safety glass, window glass, plate and mirrors, resll vering. Kimball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut. Phone 7378. 12-6mtf RAY HALL Your Electrolux dealer sales and service. 813 Roseway Drive. Phone 7167. 12-6 PICTURE FRAMING. Goeller's. 230 Main. 12-14mtf CARPETS, rugs and furniture cleaned. Doremus Rug Clean ers Phone 6875. 2012 Or chard. 12-3 MATTRESSES renovated and re covered or your old cotton mattress converted into 210 coil innersprlng. All work guaranted. Free estimates, pick-up and delivery. One day service. CARLSON MATTRESS AND UPHOLSTERING CO. 1719 Main Phono 4510 12-10 FLOOR SANDING Old floors reflnlshed. Norman. Fraley. Phono 400li . 12-24mtf fier-lce WRINGER ROLLS Washing machine and vacuum cleaner parts for all makes. Merit Washing Mnchlne Service, VI 1 South Sixth. ll-aomtl PAPERHANGING, painting, kal somining. Dlnl 6848. Molvln E. Frost. 12-13mlf 11. L. Brown. I'litmo 4220 PAINTING, KALSOMININU 12-lUmtf CHILDREN CARED FOR. days or evenings. Rensonnhlo rates. 531 Conger. 12-28 PICTURE FRAMING Art and Gift Shop, S1U Main. 12-24mtf POTATO CELLARS waterproof ed by oil treatment. Peyton and Co. Phono 51411. 11-20 C. A. KONSKLLA Painter, decorator Phono 5080. 12-3 SAWS REPAIRED The right way Bodenhamer's, 333 E. Main. 12-10 12 Educational MODERNISTIC BEAUTY COL LEGE. 015 Klamath Avo Phono 3883 lOOintf WHEN YOU THINK OF SUC CESS, think of Northwestern Beauty College. One of Amer ica's exceptional training schools 11-28 13 Health RADIUM HOT SPRINGS Now open. Baths, blunkct sweuts. genulna Swedish mussagu by graduate Circulation, ellml nation, relaxation, slenderiz ing, rejuvenating Rhcumut ics, etc. No charge for consul tation. For Information nil dress J W Engwall, Cedar vllle, Calif. 11-30 DOCTOR M. C. CASSEL, chiro practic clinic same location. 533 Main. Dial 7215. 12-7mtf 14 Help Wantad. Female WILL BOARD man and wife for wife's help with housework. 504 N. 10th. Phono 6814 11 28 WANTED Woman for house work and cooking, $35 per month. Call 5111 beforo 11 or 6066 after 6:30. 1 1-20 WANTED Girl or woman for housework. May stay or go home nights. 2424 Radcliffe after 5:30. 11-28 WANTED Woman not over 50 to take full charge of modern home for working couple Good cook. Room, board and wages. References required Write News Herald Box 3886. 3686tf WOMAN to mornings, afternoons. care for children Call 317 Martin 11-28 LADY BOOKKEEPER Klam ath Packing Company, Mid land road. Phone 3381. 3BIBtf IB Help Wanted. Mala WANTED Farm nond. Single, experienced. Santford Jones, Bonanza. Ore 47fl8tf 18 Situations Wantad OFFICE WORK WANTED 8 years' experience bookkeep ing, stenographic and assistant in doctor s office. Single, nge 26 References. Phono 4865 Personal interview desired 11 28 EXPERIENCED CLERK wishes work for Saturday afternoons and Sundays. Phone 4787 11-28 HOUR WORK Phono 7854. 12-1 HOUR WORK 7904. 12-1 SHIPMAN'S Boarding Home for Children. Good food, school busses to door. 3802 Blsbee, south Altamont. Phone 7365. 12-3mtf BABYLAND Care of babies and children. Hour, day or week. 412 High. Phone 8341 12-12mtf WILL DO FANCY WORK, laun dry, crocheting, dressmaking. selling clothes on consignment, 1021 Washington. Dial 5380 12-17 HOUR WORK. Ph. 4248. 11-28 MOTHER with child wants work In motherless home. 459 Mar tin. 11-29 WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN In my home. Phono 3788. 11-29 COLLECTOR WITH CAR, 10 years' local experience. Now employed but desires change. News-Herald Rox 3843. 12-1 20 Room and Board GIRL Nice room, good cook-12-9 Ing , 603 Jefferson! BOARD AND ROOM Home atmosphere. Good food. 220 Washington. 11-29 ROOM AND Mrs. BOARD for two Obcrg, 433 High 12-2 men. St. ROOM, BOARD, LAUNDRY 348 N, 10th. 11-29 EXCELLENT BOARD, room, laundry.' $36 It 2 share room. Twin beds. 1834 Worden. 12-4 ROOM AND BOARD Lady or gentleman. .1321 Johnson. Phono 5548.' - 12-2 10 Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM 407 No, 0th. Phona 9010. 2210M ROOM. BOARD 514 Walnut. 12 2 BOARD, ROOM Reasonable rates 1018 Washington. 11-21) 22 Rooms For Rsnt CI.ARKMONT, 228 No. 4th. All outside, newly decorated, modern rooms. All with new Innersprlng mattresses. Free parking. 12-13mtf WARM ROOM for working man. Rath. Cull .1524 after 6 p. m. 3530tf HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 1304 Wordcn. 12-11 ROOMS 1034 High. 12-Bmtf SINGLE ROOM Plume 5838. 023 Grant. 12 4 DESIRABLE ROOM next to bath. Closo In. Working girl. Phone 6371. 12 1 WARM, ATTRACTIVE ROOM Also gnrugo. 843 Eldorado, 12 1 MARS HOTEL 1411 Main. Low weekly rates. 50c to $1.00 per night. 12 11 COMFORTABLE furnace heated room adjoining bath. 1026 Jefferson. Phone 6834 12 3 GLENCOURT APARTMENTS Modem, furnished, s t e a in heated. $27.50 and up Phone 3084 12 1 HEATED ROOM 020 Lincoln 21)2111 ( 24 Apirlmtnu For Rent FOR RENT Three-room fur nished apartment. No chil dren. Call after 6:30. 1320 Crescent. 11-21) TWO ROOMS Utilities furnish ed. $18. 2143 Vine. 1 1 28 FURNISHED APARTMENT Corner Pine and Cedar. 1 1 -20 NEWLY FURNISHED 3 - room apartment. Adults only. Ill Pine. 11-28 VACANCY Everything fur nished. $3.50 and up week. 1404 Klamath. 12-2 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Wood, lights, water, gas. 410 No. 10th. 12 24mtf FOR RENT Four-room duplex. Garage Stoves. Closo In. Ref erences. Couple only. Phone 3050. 352 ltf VACANCY Rex Arms. 1212 CASCADE Apartment Hotel Completely furnished. Con venient hotel service. Day. week or month. 12 Omtf NICELY FURNISHED 3-room modern apartment. Inquire 2119 Applcgatc. 3743tf VACANCY Adults. 400 Oak. 12- FURNISHED APARTMENT 501 Market. 12- VACANCY Esplanade Courts Furnished. ll-30mlf FOR RENT Two bedroom fur nlshed apartment. 2300 Riehn Phono 7286 or 4527. 413Btf TIIREERoom furnished mcnt. While Pino Apts. apart 1 1-20 3-ROOM furnished apartments $18 month. Zlgler ApU., block south Pelican City school 11 20 vauanuy small two rooms, suitable for two. No children 323 Commercial. 3840tf TWO-ROOM furnished apart ment. Electric range, refriger ator. $22.50 month. 1118 Wal nut. 3781U NICELY FURNISHED comfort able cabin. 248 Broad. 3746tf TWO-ROOM Hotel. APT.- Clarcmont 11-29 CLEAN APARTMENT - Adults 11-20 only. 2023 Darrow. TWO-ROOM modern apartments furnished cabins. Reduced rates for winter. Altamont Auto Camp. 12-4 1-ROOM APARTMENT 1143 Pine. 11-29 THREE ROOMS, unfurnished. Water and wood range. Gar age-woodshed. Phone 4787. 11-29 FOR RENT Two-room furnish cd apartment. Wood, water furnished. Electric stove. $20, 2126 Reclamation. 11-29 ONE-ROOM light housekeeping. Everything furnished. 109 N. Broad. 1 2-4 26 Houses For Rent TWO-ROOM furnished cottage. 11-28 4806 So. 6th. ONE-ROOM furnished cabin for rent. Colonial Inn, 121 N. 11th. 11-28 UNFURNISHED 5-room house for rent. 821 Oak. Inquire 831 Oak. 12-1 FOR RENT Dec. 1, five-room partly furnished house. 1500 Crescent.- Phono 5084. 3743tf TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save 1. Stiles Beacon Service, . 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. ; . , , 12-7mtf 20 28 Houses For Rent 3-ROOMCOTT Water and garage. $18. 253 Broad. 11-20 FOR RENT OR LEASE Small modern house. Completuly fur nished. $10 mouth. Phone 702U. 11-20 FURNISHED 2-ROOM CABIN lllglilry's Market, Summer lime. Phono 8075. 4H52tr BsITeLDORADO Eight rooms" flroplace, hardwood floor, new furnace, full cement basement, two bnths 23H5tf FURNISHED house. .-18,-1 E Main. Inquire nt 11 211 SMALL modern furnished cnt tage. Utilities furnished. 2Vii Blehn. 11-211 FOR RENT Three-room partly furnished house. Closo in. In quire 720 N. 0th. 11211 FOR RENT Modern 8-room un furnished house. Also three room Inline on Wliircl strert. Inquire, lifter Friday nlKhl 5003 So. dill, l'hono 45711. 11 211 UNFURNISHED HOUSE wly decorated. Three rooms, Imth, garage. WiHidslied, cookslove. $27.50. Call 1423 Wilford avo line Saturday afternoon. 11-28 FIVE ROOM furnished house $50 mouth. 3211 Lincoln. Phono 8727. 12 I 28 Miscellaneous For ilent 40 ACRES on highway, free wi-v ter. electricity, new biilldiugV near school s. Ada Hurk, Kerhy, Ore. 1 1 211 DEAD CAR STORAGE Cas cade Garage building. Cms, trucks, machinery, what huvo you? Call at all hours Phone 3113 I2llmlf FOR RENT Good potato IihhI for 1042 rrop. Inquire. Charlio Read Saddlery. 1 1211 30 Real Estate For Sale FOR QUICK SALE Practically new duplex on pavement with $05 monthly rental. Full price $4000, and only $700 down. Also NEW 4 room home with targs lot, all In heavy lawn and com pletely fenced. $3(100. $000 down. BARNHISEL AGENCY 112 So. 8th Phone 4103 1 1 20 TWO new 2 bedroom homes. Oi) handy to Weyerhaeuser onV Kesterson mills, one In Mills addition. D. W. Slarkey, build er of homes. Phone 44111. 1 1 29 I WILL help you plan, finance and build your new home. Lloyd W. Rusk. 1608 Austin, off Shasta way. 12 23 FOR SALE 50 arre furm on Tulo hike. Buildings. $65110. M. A. Bowman, Merrill, Ore. 12 2 THREE ROOM modern house in Rlvervlew addition. Bargain for cash. 031 Main. Phono 32110. HOT SPRINGS Eight room house, 2 baths, laundry, full cement basement, suitable for 2 cars. I In rd wood floors, fire place Phone 3HHII 2fl57tf 32 Real Eitato Wantad Client will buy 3 or 4 I0 room home in Hot Springs. Must be In good condition. R. C. DALE 120 S. 0th St. Dial 8972 1128 Have client who will pay cash for either 5-room house, close In, or a duplex. R. P. OLIVER 111 S. 8th Phone 4710 11-28 34 Automotive 1941 FLUID DRIVE Dodge car. Good condition. Mileage 3700. $030. 4009 Homcdalo road. 11-20 TRADE EQUITY In 1941 Pon- tlac Streamliner for late model car or pick-up. 1005 Etna. 12-2 1935 V-B COUPE Radio and heater. An excellent b u v. -U-3 narrow, Apt. 2. 438 FOR SALE "30 Model A Ford sedan. Good condition. Phono 4071. H-28 FOR SALE Motorola car radio. Model A Ford coach. Shell Station, So. 6th and Commer cial. H-28 WHY let nmnlnur mechanics re pair your car? Bring it to Leo's Garago and be safe. 136 Main. Phono 6338. 11-20 1941 BUICK club coupe. Will consider cheaper car. Terms on balance, Sacrifice, 2219 Radcliffe. J2-1 BUD WARFIELD, expert motor tune-up mechanic, now with Leo's Garago, 138 Main. Phone 6338. 11-20 34 CHEV. TRUCK Flat bed". Mechanically OK. Good rub ber. $200. 2220 Blchn streoV 12V 38 WILLYS 8EDAN- $05 cash. 11-28 741 Walnut, i