SERIAL STORY LADY BY REQUEST BY HELEN R. WOODWARD CO"YH!OHT, t41. NIA SCRVICB. INO. ' TH ITOBTl It l ot UIM fcat f rrtty, rr-fclr4 mans Tarkr ha 4 let her ana-ar Imi ' tali lawyar tUeaara' Tkorpa ta fta ifca devil. atonart fraai hu r cxcrtl what mmmt kana Mmi, fiMOU BtrphB Cart writer al eoiMH lelor eeaterrlBtr Willi Taeraa at tka tlaia. kara tkamakt f her aatkaratt Aarwar It waa IMaaa-a laat aar nltk tka na. It arias raal1e4 Tkorvea arer tana aai woaa4e4 kla Taatty, aka aa4 alraaar bees airaa aatle. MW waa4er4 It aka canld flat thrr werk la tka estllla ellr, r if aka wa!4 here ta relara ta fcav teram aama. . v CHAPTER n TVANA walked quickly from the , room, breathinf rapidly. Her pulse wen pounding, her head reeling madly. She had seen the eoniternatlon on Thorpe'! face change to blazing rage, and was conscious of a wild, delighted feeling of retaliation Justly meted ut. She had not seen Stephen Curt's twinkling eyes, nor heard his chuckle of delighted laughter, but when she had slammed the door, Curt said dryly: ' "Looks like the little lady's one up on you, Richard, my boy!" Thorpe was striding angrily bout, trying to control his fury. There were reasons why he did not want to display his ruthless ness before Stephen. His wife, Evalyn, thought a great deal of Curt and it would not do at all to have his ill temper known out side the office. For many reasons he wanted Evalyn to continue to believe that he was all sweetness and light 1 Already he was sorry for his outburst, but that confounded Tucker girl had always irritated him beyond belief. Who in hell did she think she was, talking to him like that? And Curt, with bis keen insight, seemed to be enjoying the situation out of all proportion to its importance. Thorpe knew that Curt had never really like dhim. "The girl's impossible. We've fired her. This is her last day," he muttered angrily. . 1 should think so, if you're in the habit of yelling at the poor child like that." Curt grinned alyly. "Give the kid credit She seemed to have heard of me, and when you mentioned my name, ah was a little Impressed. You messed tip my moment of trib ute" - ' Thorpe smiled unwillingly. "I'm sorry as the devil this happened, Steve. But the girl has been get ting on my nerves for weeks." - ' She's probably refused your ad vances, Stephen was thinking. She's probably taken no trouble to conceal the fact that she thinks you're a heeL She wouldn't bow down at your shrine, thank God I So you're getting rid of her. Well it'll be somebody else's gain. ' Anyone could tell that here was rare glrL Stephen bad known It somehow even when he glimpsed ' her- in the outer office. It was her spirit her fire. Curt liked women whose temperature could be per suaded above a luke-warm level. He'd like to see that girl gay and laughing. She'd be like a child .when she was happy. -. : He couldn't remember when ' anyone, man or woman, bad so Interested him. Not Stephen Curt, the commentator. Many people drew his avid attention. But Ste phen Curt, the man. Once more be chuckled inwardly. I WA1T a minute. IH call Miss1 '" Montgomery and well con-i tlnue," Thorpe was saying, anxious to restore a semblance of order. ; - But Stephen Curt was gather ing up his papers, stuffing them tm tidily into his brief case, ap parently In a great hurry. "Sorry haven't tl m a now. t Anyway, you've got all the dope.! hfix up the contract and then tLaird and I'll sign it Let us know When It's ready. No special hurry, bf course." He took his hat and overcoat let Thorpe help him into them, and was soon out of the private office. But outside, as his blue, gaze swept the big room eagerly,, lie saw only Miss Montgomery, her mouth still open in astonish ment at something that must have Just happened. v Miss ' Montgomery had been waiting in the outer office to hand Diana a white envelope. "Mr. Durbin asked me V give) you this," she said, smiling in the manner of a cat that has Just swallowed a canary. Miss Mont gomery knew quite well that the pretty nest into which she had fallen had been made possible because Diana had not been con sidered competent in the position. IShe felt she could afford to be (generous and added, "We do hope tyou will soon be happy in some new location." "Thank you. And you may go lib the devil with the rest of! !theml" Diana said clearly, snatch tog the envelope with trembling Angers. Miss Montgomery stood speech less by the desk, her usually quick wit having completely failed her, and Diana, glancing back at her, laughed aloud. It was a childish gesture, but one destined to re lieve somewhat the tension of her , taut nerves. ..a RUT as she waited for the ele- valor, Diana's face burned with shame at what she had done and especially because Stephen Cart had witnessed her outburst i. By the time she reached the street her exultant hysteria had passed and she began to feel mora and more ashamed of herself. Ex-; plodlng like that! And before1 Stephen Curt, tool What must he; think of her? Perhaps she had, better, go back and apologize. j Merora sne reachea ne corner the conviction had grown on her that that was the thing to do. It was the thing her parents would have approved even demanded. But could she do it? Could she go back and stand before Thorpe and Stephen Curt and say, "I'm sorry I was so rude. Please for give mel"? Could she so humble herself after that sweeping, triumphant exit? The thought left a bitter taste in her mouth, but might such a course not be the better part of prudence? Richard Thorpe might be so pleased to have her kow-tow before him that he'd let her stay on as his secretary. Or Stephen Curt might suggest a place of employment It was either And another job or go back to the farm, an admitted failure. Surprisingly, Diana found herself willing to sacrifice a great deal of her pride in order to prevent the latter possibility. She could sea the smirk, however kindly, on Bill Jackson's face. Hear the moth er's, "Well, I do hope you're sat isfied now!" Finally childhood training and the desire to try a shrewd attempt to prolong her stay In this, to her, fascinating environment forced her to turn and rapidly retrace her steps. She smiled wryly as she was thinking that her course certainly lay in the choice be tween two humiliations. She had decided which would be the greater. Once again Inside the warm building, she had to wait a mo ment for an elevator and when one finally descended and dis gorged its passengers into the lobby, she found herself once more face to face with Stephen Curt He had evidently finished Ills business with Thorpe and was i going home. She hoped he would not recognize her In the crowd, 'but to her surprise he picked her out unerringly and placed his hand on her arm. His blue eyes, looking straight into her troubled gray ones, were warm and friend ly. And there was no escaping whatever it was he had to say to her. (To Be Continued) OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Major Hooplo I know so little, really, about j buiiib ui my atjuuiinancc3 umi if one of them committed murder I wouldn't know whether to be surprised or not. Dr. James H. S. Bossard, University of Penn sylvania sociologist. Small business has a Job to do to assume your proper and essential place in the mobiliza tion of the industrial might of this nation for all-out effort. Floyd B. Odium, director, con tract distribution, OPM. t mm waifSEsxSXl THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson INDIANA'S CIMSERIOST MADE FAMOUS By" ENE STRATTON PORTER'S NOVELS, WAS NAMED FOR. A HUNTER. WHO ONCE BECAME tosr FOR. DAYS IN THE ewAMpy AREA. as cob pcL-Jb BY MCA MJmCX. VN1 IJjJB V. flSSHSCBB mmniuagmM An UMBRELLA CANT GO DOWN A OHIWNEV UP, CHIVvNIEV DOWN;' SetSl a, OCDEN, UTAH. ALL KITTENS ARE NOT BORN WITH THEIR. BASy LIONS ARE OPEN-EVEO AT BIRTH. NEXT: When surgeons had to be gooa. RINGED PLANET HORIZONTAL I Pictured planet. t Heavenly body. 11 Female horse. 12 Weird. 14 Among. 16 Be present 18 Soften. JO Pronoun. 21 War aviator. 23 Gain. 24 Entangle. 26 Mix dough. 28 Drug. 31 Worthless leating. 32 Stroll piece. 33 Weight. 35 Rodent. 36 Animal, 38 Also. 39 Employ, 41 Induce. 44 Pronoun. 46 Confined. 48 Half (prefix). 49 Division of Answer to Previous Puzzle 325 pHETt1QPElLIAfilGQ ISEPEIsl OU&C EAficl R O'SIT RaJF R EN C'F geological time (prefix). SO Lubricant. 52 Decay. 53 Australian bird. B5 Imitative. 67 Tuberculosis (abbr.). 89 Small roll of tobacco. 61 Suffix. 62 Insect. 63 Certainly. VERTICAL 1 Perched. 2 Painter. 3 Dentures. 4 Bright color. 5 Compass point 6 Jumbled type. 7 Permit. 8 Called. 8 Buyer (law). 10 Bind. 11 Mother. 13 Speed contest. 15 Doctor (abbr.) 17 Nova Scotia (abbr.). 19 Print measure 21 Insect 22 Dine. 24 Volume. 25 Wipe out. 26 Toy flying devices. 27 Period. 29 Passively. 30 And (Latin). 32 Wager. 34 Negative. 37 Uppermost 39 Above. 40 Sufficient 42 Deserves. 43 Tenth part (Pi.). 45 Preposition. 47 Musical note. 51 Persian money. S3 Out of (prefix) 84 Mitt. 56 Vitality. 50 Near. 60 Land measure F- " f'3 1 il"4 iS " " " i ; 1 "" I" 'lib1 fc 2o I til a J i " " Hp 11 J tin 19 YiQ 5i Hh 1 jii pT 131 - 54 PT5T 5& j li$g ST 5&1 55 60 Si 1 I6Z - -jbi j i I -J I I I I 1 I I II I I 18 '1-" : HEB. MY MAN. THAT SHOWS WELL, MB'S V-lVin VOU'RB NOT DOIN3 V VOJ HOW TH' V LUCKV HE ANYTHING FOR I OVER' ME NT WASN'T OPP W''&W''- TWE MOMSNT'' I l ChANOIN' THR66 DAVV Xj'ift-V'i JK OVB" ANP I THIMOS--TH1 Of HB'O HAVB TO f 'i I -af k TELL "THAT F6l-LOlV 1 BULL OP TH' PIG UP HIS V AtZ' 1N THE GRAV SLMTfl WOODS HAS 8ITH CERTIF- . '-Iv'rOP MERE? I BEEN OFF TW3 . ICATE TO '''fi'S'.y. V'-r, , PAYS WITH A GIT IN HIS (-,' ( ;-V-'W'NN.'' COLO AN TM AT OWN SHOP.' ::HW' K'P?S ''V -Voiov. 1 I NEW GOVERNMENT yfZZZ'' Mb C'"--s MAN THINKS XCSA .'"rvnr,;,-- the sTgAKic-.E.g TiV VOU XX rA6 TALK TCRKAtt WITH THEi POTTERV HEAD, FRIEND WACKIN6TON! WB ErXECUTWE'o SPEAK ONE ANOTHER'S LAN' GU A6E H AR- RU PM .' X'LL START HIM OFF- WITH A MILLION, BOi DON'T 6E UNDULV NECVOUS- I'LL DICKER.' MANBENOU BUTTER, LET HIM TAKE THE PIR6T . nivte opt: THE board. major ""Then vol) vson't Hit wour head on the v CONCRETE IF THE WATER'S SHALLOW.'"-' IF ME SETS 60ME RIDICULOUS Vl&URE like 11, sou cam ALWAYS WALK OUT WITH (V-v WOLF LIPS.' must m HOLIDAsS OVER AT TH& 1 LAU&MIMfi , ACADEtAV.', 1: 12 R, BETTER Jr VET. WALK OUT """Sair. WTHTH&I4 RED RVDER By Fred Harmon' rE SURE TT 'ncTDOC. J'Crir'1' t TES r"E LOCO 7 LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE CONOtnONS ARE I BNE? THAT5 1 STILL VERY BAD. 1 THE SPIRIT I SIR -BUT, IF YOU I COME ON. ANNIE-J SAY SO , WE'LL J BILL, PUNJAB. 1 TAKE OFF AND S ASP LETS CHANCE IT- CET STARTED- J GAD' WHAT A SHIPt WHY THAT BABY COULD WEATHER A TORNADO" ISKT IT A BEAUTY? IT WOULD NOT LOOK SO NICE SCATTERED IN SMALL BITS ALONG ft MOUNTAINSIDE. IF I MAY SAY SO. SAHIB S V I SHUT UP ASP--WHATS THE MATTER WITH YOU? J THOUGHT YOU HAD NO NERVES A THOUSAND PAROONS, SAHIB- I WAS NOT THINKING OF MY OWN WORTHLESS CARCASS- . if WHY. ITTS ALL" NONSENSE --WE CAN SEE FOR A HUNDRED MILE--COME Oft-- J ALL ABOARD - IN TEN HOURS WELL BE HOME--- By Harold Grov MM- A I HM- YES "HOME IS WHERE THE HP.AKT IS"--rAND THE REST OF S BOOY 1 BE HOME--- m ONE BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES By Martin 0iCH-ftrV.0 . MOOOLtH fSii!1 II HM 11 &O W WON'T LET ME tU.EK? 1 rp- W rTrr LtMME IN OR Iw.jnEVV.'vfi. won 1 ntnviaT THIHK OF . VA ! com, mi my nc c' WASH TUBBS ct,,,c. 1 m u r tit' r -i By Crane f BUT TrS IS RIPICULOaS'. I WAS WALKIM6 TO IK rLMWT Wllrl CM7 ftNU W.KI. tnT TPPPPO IUTO A 5T(-OE T1 aet me TOBACCO.. AND THAT'S' H0W1 HAPPEMEPy T1 Re AVtSki imiTU 1 . VES.THAT Sl-l! BUT YOU HA 1 VOU CAME HOME FCOM A DIWNEB PARTY WITH LUCIFER STRUTTJ YES, AMD IF YOO'D BOTHERED TO LOOK SJ HIS CAR, VtXlD HWE SECM A LOT 01 OTHER PEOPLE ANYWAY. S'OU COM T HAVE T5 60 RUUWIU' ARfHJMO wuft FORMER FIANCE (rr w. yKNWUMRff!?? PERFBCTLyTT: . -J GOOD HEAUeWS.' THIUkf UIHAT twwkXthevbe SAyiwa uniAi...v6ii WHAT OUT 6VERV NIGHT.., pilots. WHY, VOU ARE THE TALK OF THE TOWN! I'm ALMOST ASHAMED TO BE SEEN PEOPte WILL SAW FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS yTm 1 1 f r ,1 By Blosscr , r Rv. T C,lor .AM rrr YOU'I L act ,k, "l f !,.. W vSFSIii C ( .i,k X a... ' ThS SRU8 WHAT ELSE- 13 OWE YOURSEL" NEVER. TOLO A SECRET I'D V i liHiSfl ( VOU BKS J RILSD YbU KNOW ""VH Thehc in Tub ice-box? ahd somebodyu. me- you had , ) intcrffrb with P'W Jt w9 borM im a V an' XI l2lSl8 . :i ALLEY OOP By V. T. Hamfin r tell vou, voub y rr 1 a a. TV-iU:rP X ( cleaw 'em out, look, V -. ( W .. HIGHNESS, THIS WEtBEM3T THIS 18 A JDB FOR f HERe 1 I STOCK AKJD BACHElJ VES,VOUB MAJE9TV,A UPEISIN3 IS SEEPTHE l3NOP.E...WE WOPPO THIS BUTCH I HE IS. 1 I BURN AND DETROV WE'LL MARCH ")) - eeeious eebelbhwe mlsttake amd his black M sire J I evervthin inthbV at once y ( L. j 1 1