THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINK SOpPl uvt. lovembor 27, 1041 mm miPmc wards y ste hMst? ?&&MMeyv watlA l O" iCa (i PURE IRISH LINENI Dainty Lacy, be-ribboned rayon eatlni I A .J.J Z&Z 1 I I CJlVJ rfT Jit i. Appemell type embroldoriesl Cuddly bruihed knit rayonsl . . yAf &z6t SS , ' J tlr V::::::-- Hand-rolledhemelMoeelclacesI Cotton chenilles! Soft wools. H W jjl '" j Of feBiii kl1 ttkHSpSH &Pwm 1 mi U69 I .v&Ni - a- 49 ;A r I 1 sSSlmT" , 1 X Hi,.'! A ilipon nf cardigan (gros- Wards own rayon panties I Run- . ' - - ViMt fc'M - . IVir' ' . S mli , grain ribbon bound) In all wool rciiitantl Longer-wearing I tor..i VTW; 'irt.vTWlif U& ( .j-SOTii mm "3" V Jfcl ' 1 worsted! Pliofilm wrapped. Extra Slie ..T.89e felSiKf P lll 7-Pt Tom and Jerry Set. 98 llock Old While Decorallon I Vail Cotored Condlei In Ai- torted Sliev. and CC lew o.Plece Doliy Troy Set with 1 39 Attorted florol Tumblen. . . . I 7-Plece Cocklall Sell In Al lotted Decorotlonk $1.4, end l9 etftewae 3-Plee Wood Salad Bowl In QOC Severol Decoratloni 0 Decorated Wood Nut Bowl, QOC Craekee, and 6 Plcki O Auorted Plecei of Milk-while-Clou Plguret. !., and ei OQC lewat Pottery Coniole Set with Cen- 59 lerplece and Candlei I 7-Plece Decorated Beveroge 1 39 Sell. !., and lew el... I 4-Plece Clear Cryilal-Glau 1 39 Salad Bowl Sel I Handiome Wood Plecei for t t the Home,, end ei lew uiil Doxeni of other fceavfiYuf gHft, tea, of money-aavfciB prheel o frag NINTH STREET, Cor. Pino as m fJ In foty-ro-Wrop Gift Boxeif Umbrellas 190 Aetailea 6vyi at A "different," really ueeful Sift I Cay rayona and cottonal mart composition handlea. MP'), I They're Fxcepteool Valvtl lnrka Hoods 1 Worth more f FlaehlnK colora In pretty gift boxes I Some have mtttenal All wool, wool with rayon. fVH 8 NN vi While Figure Skates and built by the leading maker of figure skates since 1917 1 For women ipd girls! Elk grain leather shoes . . . soft leather lining! Medium-Priced Hockey Skate Sixes for everyone! Well balanced, and Sfc'" trlml See this value NOW I " Low-Priced Hockey Skntes Pro-style, nickel-plated skates . . . elk- 4 grain leather shoes! Sixes for everyone! mm mm i Bell Rnoer G ft Vafvei Fine IlnndbnM 00 Svre to Pfeaee Sooty blackal Rich brownil Other high-etyle colora, tool Soft simulated leatheral Soft FxpentiVe looking I Gift Gloves for Dna-Up I 169 Doei ahe prefer classic sued slipons or fancy imported cape skins? Both at this pricel WARDS FINEST Endonedky Aaeieinge,iniv Monalyoungllgure ittaiingtnii Alfred's, 9 ill J '"Von """Vftrtto, Xltn.- aw ovh 77 IfeTa. IlV 0r biUe m h do 4lt .1- hefted Something Jpecolf Glft-eomdl Towel Sets 49' Ail 3 Pieces fcr Big Cannon bath towel plus 1 big wash clothe to match. Re versible or plaid design. VF5 I Lb V . . . YOU CAN STILL BUY ON WARDS CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN Set the things you went TODAY . . . enjoy them while yon are paying for them I little eech month. Yoa will and the Federal Regulations of Installment Buying hire not increased the monthly payments to msk a Montgomery Ward's convenient payment plan, let ejs tell yon about this simple vsy to bay sll your needs ) (UBSSEt t3"f$! SOD Si dZJEC" n as e ssifio mm i I r. -S3 More BeI Rnoer Gift Valves Chenille Spreads rviL dj rt..i Q19 t Huge flowers onlnxurlouswavy chenille! Pre-launderedl Nt ironing neeaeai fasteis. TELIPHONI am m ' mm