PAGE EIGHT THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON November 27, 1041 WWW, VW last ' Z. comm., "eHv-rvJ . '"Ose UB . It' siAi1"1 Yfifi-' -fii niiifli if-n ill . "-if! ,u 6.98 rrjrlii)-ifllYmii TiS W: u i 'WmmS i&3 3 er f n ... . 3H 20 for It- I "'i-o ft s Inn n yiill nil mm is mTk 4 y - U W LI LzLriLLIU IZ LIIajUUILIaI ir " 1 77 , hsei W"Ni i y 8c U;. f,. Commocfef Varxkrhilt Train with Tracks 4 ttrtamlimd ears! OCI Clang! Big tnechandal engine pulli tender, gondola and caboose; ten kc tiona of itraight and curved trackl Rcoffy Vuhl Toyi Darning Set Mak$ gifts! 98 Electric pencil with 2 tipat Alto paint I Bruihl And 6 beautiful plaque to burn for gifts) Gana Zufrv Model Pistol-IIoIster! MUrthvl J10 Styled by Qenc Autryl Real west era style pistol with break action I Leather belt with slots for bulietsi fosy 7b Oparof Musical Top MuiklAdhnl C PuH up wood plunger ... press It down ... top whirrs away playing pleasing tune I Hear it work! Sbooti Sporkil Automatic Tank Rtvr$tHflH Zips along shooting harmless sparksl Cockpit opens and soldier pops out, shoots, then disappears! Spring motor Fun! ftucafionaff Blackboard Chalkl Erauri 10 Won't chip, peel I Sturdy wood frame! Drop leaf la bound with metal! fl charts en wind-up roll! fro ray erani " reaj ... ' KIM Paul Runt All-Star Football Modtm volvt lyptl A perfect ball for future AU-Amer Icansl It's made of Parahyde... uaranteed to hold Its shanel For Yovng StutUnhl Desk, Chair Set Map. ftnfiM Roll topi AdjusUble swivel chairl 3 roomy sidrdrawersl Made of bard wood! Will encourage borne study I ' Boysl No Other like if Anywhere! - TRAIN WITH FREIGHT YARD rC-S? Wait '11 you see it I All you do is ait at aim- , I . rsisfy pie controls and push buttons to switch v' r I A B .)JSS6tj '- J cars . . . couple and uncouple . . . drop a I J eftw I v- -xM- car onto one "dead-end" ... pick up cars t C , u i, f , , t ,., . IPX Complola I ""'r.., JViXJ B from another! Just like an engineer opcr- 5u II I ''fs ''rt ff. ating a real freight train! And Wards one I 1 I "'V rr ""''i '!?!?.' t B LOW price buys the whole set up! See it ? W 17 I i 'itT1"-'' c I at Wards. Buy it on monthly terms. . till.,, V L . r,JJ"'f Lk Rao flowinoi Dnck Iin Seit Brightly finlthtdl For Young Artliltl , Deluxe Faint Set In carrying caief an 10 pins! 3 large wood balls! Set 'em up and let the ball roll I Try to knock all ten down at once! Enough paint for hundreds of pic t jrei, hours of fun I J klndt of oitintt! Crayons! Brushes! Stendlil !7 jr -aSftBy! l 7 I.1. JO.;. Bill Oflf o." Hp i . E, '.lol.'? r"'e for Young Mutklantl Daby Cpraml Piano TM Cor, frua (onal fl. Nicely made of Plywood with sleek Walnut finish I 13 numbered keys easy for little folks to playl for boy or alrll IMnv Doctor Kit With carrying Coi. )e Has stethoscope lo really hear heart beats! Plus nurse's uniform, candy pills, bandngei, and MORRt Juif like Mothw'il Cabinet Sink MocarnMaro i ( i 10 Fill reservoir In back, then turn faucets for running water I Lower compartment to catch drain water. Compare $6.95 seM Table, Chair Set Slk Mopl, flnhht M Well made! Oood-Iooking as grown up furniture! Fancy wing-back chairs, turned legal Hand-waxedl SKI Drift. for seepy cfo(af Drop Side Crili Hold, 22-tn. Jolll H10 Wonderful buy! Made of Pine and finished in rich Maple color. Drop side moves up and -down easily! Llttlt Hounkeepert! 12-Vc. Vnsivy Set fZthe Real egg boaterl Mixing bowl I Pansl Rolling pinl Potato maiherl Slfterl And MORE! Even recipe bookl PL... " 7 fOf, m"'Do'" 2 ""fin,,, f' eir.'WUM,.. &sfj him.'1!?? Qit 33v ton jffi) 3. 302 Q3yiSj!E33n2S!D i7iM';f-TI STREET, Cor. Pin TELEPHONE 3188