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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1941)
November 27, 1941 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ' PAGE FIVE Gify Return to Stockton Mr. and Mrs. Loo J. Atwaler and noun, Leo Jr. mid Uurron Craig, havo roturned to their homo at Stock ton udur visiting for several days with Mr. und Mrs. J. S. Itiindull of 337 llutiklns etroet. While hero tlio vlsltora onjoyod a trip to Crater liiko and a day (if liuntliiu. Three-Car-Craih C. N. Fronch and Henry C. Gorbor filed report of un occldnnt at tho Lout river bridge on Tim Dulles Cnllfornln highway. They said thrco cum woro Involvnd In tho crush, which occurred at 8:30 a. m. Tuesday. Transferred Jack Fllrgcrald of the Klamath offico of tho Call foinln Oregon 1'ower company has boon transferred to tlio record and maps department In Medford. Bob Glennun has re placed him here. Improving Tho condition of Oscar Gray, scrlouily Injured whon struck by a car nour tho South Sixth strcot viaduct No vember 7, was reported Improv ed at Klnmuth Valley hospital Thursday. Gray suffered a com pound fravturo of the leg and other hurts. Has Operation Russell Rluch, 20, son of Mrs. Florence Hindi, 034 Addison street, sub mitted to major surgery Thurs day at Klumath Valley hospital. Surgery Albert Burbce, 8-year-old son of Frank Burbce of Dorrls, Calif., had major sur gery at Klamath Valley hospital Saturday. He Is reported doing nicely. Treatment Mrs. John Cars tenson of Lakeshore drive Is In Klamath Valley hospital receiv ing medical treatment. She was admitted Sunday. Postpone Practice The prac tice of tho Rebekah drill team, originally announced for Friday evening has been postponed until next Tuesday evening, Decem ber 2, according to Mrs. Herbert Munsell, noble grand. In Hospital Mrs. W. H. Clemens, 4822 Homcdala road, aubmltted to major surgery Wed nesday at Klamath Valley hos pital. To Attend Game Mr. end Mrs, Tod TibbetU and Mr. and Mrs. John WuUon will attend the Oregon Oregon State game in Eugene this weekend. ftilmri ki lulmi Hit sit tit fill! I well ( Qtinill ! sccstmriititsil HE Poole's Bicycle Store Has The LARGEST Selection of WHEELED GOODS Southern Oregon T Scooters Lionel Trains 63 to 5.45 J t.SO to 135 TlM Cwagon. ff i Tricycles J 1.43 to I7.SD MODEL PLANES 10c t8 $15 Motors lor Planea $12.80 to $21.50 Sleds $1.50 ,8 $4.95 f Wlnd-Up-Tralns 11.25 Up They want something that movei for Chrlstmasl Poole's Bicycle Store B4i Police Court For the first time In many months thoro wus no necessity for holding tho usuul police court as no urrosts woro inudo on Wednesday. One urrest was mada Thursday uftcr noon whon a drunk was lodged in the city Jnll. Hunting Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam J, I'rcndcrgust of Portland a ro spending suvcrul days in Kluniuth Fulls hunting and en joying a visit with friends. Pron dorguat is a well known Portland attorney. Improving Friends of Mrs. Glenn Strewn (Helen Oswald) have received word from her home in Pendleton where she has returned following an operation at a Pendleton hospital. Mrs. Strewn is employed as clerk in the US bureau of reclamation offices In the federal building. From Portland Gilbert Suss man, regional attorney of the farm security administration, Portland, and G. C. Hendry, also from tho Portland FSA offices, are hero for several days on business. FSA Business Glenn L. Weaver, Corvallla, FSA district supervisor, and Mrs. Dorothy P. Johnston, FSA district super visor of homo management, ulo from Corvallls, arc here on busi ness for several days. Home From North Mr. and Mrs. Lynn liasmussen have re turned from Portland where they spent Thanksgiving and the weekend. Leaves Hospital Mrs. Glenn Inman is recovering nicely from a major operation to which she submitted recently in the Port land clinic, Portland, and has now left the hospital to be with her sister who reMf In Katm She will return to her home here within a short time. Aaaioned I. a rf il D Unvi with the California Oregon Power company until hla Induc tion Into the army this month, has been asslaned to Fort Unn. ard Wood, Mo. To Bay Area Mr. and Mra. Myron Shannon will spend the rnm I n a wW In Qnn I'm .... ; . nd other California points. ' New Home Mr. and Mrs. Nowell H. Chrlsttanson of 133 Payne street moved Thursday to their new home at 2540 Rec lamation avenue, rerenttv r,.,r. chased from D. W. Starkey. Rockford, III., schools have closed till January Sth bocause tax boost was defeated. Do the children vote In Rockford? For His Christmas An Arrow t Manhattan SHIRT WMta at Dale . . It laa DREW'S MANSTORE III Main TERMS. News Notea RED CROSS Our Red Cross volunteers arc doing their best to contuct every resident of Klnmuth coun ty during this enrollment. If for any reason you have not been Invited to Join, Klnmuth county chapter,' American Red Crossi extends to you a sincere Invltutlon and suggests that you secure your membership ut either of their two headquarters, ormory building or 002 Main street. Mrs. Mutt Ruuw was in charge of temporary headquar ters for Thursday, phone 8444. Mrs. J. H. Poppy had charge Wednesday. The door Is open at 10 each morning. One .hundred per cent firms reporting Thursday include Wilson Title and Abstract com pany and the Oregon state em ployment office. Watch for the Red Cross booths downtown Friday and Saturday. Members of Sojourn ers nrc volunteer solicitors of memberships under the chair manship of Mrs. Marshall Farmer. What next? Science steps In to give Britain fireproof bed ding. The American Red Cross In London reports that nearly 1,000,000 blankets and comforts have been shipped to the Brit ish Isles. The consignment In cludes .10,000 Maine proof com. forts all labeled "Gift of the American Red Cross." Four residential districts have completed their work of enroll ment. Each showed increased memberships over last ycor. District 7, Mrs. George Adler, captain. 01 per cent increase. District 11. Mrs. R. A. Mitchell, captain, 85 per cent increase. District 15, Mrs. A. G. Proctor, captain, 452 per cent increase. THERE'S AM EVANOIL TO MEET YOUR NEEDS... PRICED TO SUIT YOUR PURSE In EVANOIL'S complete line ol oil-healing units, you'll find the model thai best suits your rerrultemenli, at a price you can allord. You can buy an EVANOIL wIlK confidence . . . thousands ol aatlill.d users are prool ol EVANOIL'S out standing; dependability and low-eoit operation. Come In or phone lor details. CHEERFULLY DEMONSTRATED EAST SIDE APPLIANCES 401 So. 6th St. Small Down Payment Easy Terms Mrs. Jamca Fowler, captain, district 22, assisted by members of tlio American Legion auxil iary, showed an lncreaso of 44 per cent. These figures are aa of noon, Tuesday. Huts off to our volunteer workers and to tho citizens who are supporting tho Amorlcan Red Crosa in their many services. We wish to clurlfy the fuel that Mrs. William Urmson, re cently mentioned In this col umn, Is a volunteer Red Cross worker assisting Mrs. Elizabeth linker, executive secretary of tho local chapter, Mrs. Urmson, n former field representative of the ARC has, hud extensive training in cane work and Klumath county chapter feels fortunate in having her expe rience In this important service. Tliunk you, Alice. The Red Cross has started the Job of helping the army and navy strengthen our defenses. The need for support is so vital that leaders arc asking for a membership comparable to that of tho first World war. Among the scores of messages urging support of the American Red Cross in its annual roll call are those of Fiorello H. LaGuardia, OCD director; William Green, president of the Americun Fed eration of Labor; Philip Mur ray, president of the CIO, and John L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers of Amer ica. Todoy your support Is asked. You cannot afford to neglect it. Coll headquarters, stop at a booth, give yourself a member ship In tlwls service, wear your Red Cross button. Wednesday night's Red Cross radio rally presented by stu dents of Klamath Union high school was 100 per cent per sonality, pep and program. Ap plause for the drama depart ment. Foil cleaning quite often con sists of removing all the trash from the attic and cellar before putting it back. "Man arrested for Flirting With Phono Operator" news, item. Ho really got the wrong number. EXCLUSIVELY AT EAST SIDE APPLIANCES ""Tip For Your Information WEATHER NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Cloudy tonight and Friday; not ao cold tonight; gentle southeast wind off coast. WASHINGTON AND ORE GON Cloudy tonight and Fri duy, with valley fogs; little change In temperature; gentle easterly wind off coast and light variable over inland waters of Washington. MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effective September 28, 1941) Train 17 Southbouudi 8 a. m. Train 20 Northbound: 10:00 a. m. Train IB Southbound: 6:45 p. m. Train IB Northbound: 9:00 p. m. Paat Noble Grandi All mem bers of the Past Noble Grand club are reminded to be on hand for the Tuesday meeting, Decem ber 2, each with a gift for the annual Christmas gift exchange to follow the I o'clock potluck luncheon. Home Extension Unit The Altamont home extension unit met at the home of Mrs. Stan Icy Rcdner, 3420 Bisbee street on Tuesday, November 25. Mrs. Winnifrcd Gillen led a very in teresting discussion on Uie sub ject, "How to keep our balance in a world of propaganda." Extension Meeting Weyer haeuser Camp No. 4, extension unit, held a meeting Thursday at 1 p. m. in the hall. "Ade quate Diets" were discussed by Mrs. Hollingsworth and Mrs. Stacy. Members donated their favorite Christmas recipes at the meeting. Study Group The Altamont PTA study group will meet Fri day at 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. C. A. Larson, 4644 Board man avenue. All members and interested women are urged to attend. Oregon Mothers' Club The regular December meeting of the Oregon Mothers' club has been cancelled. Announcement of the Iff) AMI aa - win rLUOrfS' BUT " EVERY NOOK AND CORNER OF THE ROOM! ttt-rouv. ' lioor lo cllin u'ur Pnadrte. dL$ed cndlflonin ""odern air FORCEDnooSVv;, "N ProTide, warm.? ULVEt " . hw Wu vuinrUHI 4T WWER COST! B..... Hea, jy"nh -Fin. t YOUR OLD HEATER Generoui Trade-in allowance regardless of age or condition. on the Balance January meeting will be made later. ' Women of the Moose Women of the Moose Will hold their regular card party Friday In the Moose hall. Committee for the party, the first of the new serlea, will be Mae Capps, Flor ence Shrlber, Hazel Craft, Lor etta Pex, Cecil Laughlin, and Laura Baldwin. . VITAL STATISTICS SEIGEL Born at Hillside hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore., November 27, 1941, to. Mr. and Mra. William L. Seigel, 3820 Boardman avenue, a girl. Weight: 6 pounds 7 ounces. WOOD Born at Hillside hos pital, Klamath Falls, Ore., No vember 27, 1041, to Mr. and Mra. Bert Wood, Modoc Point, Ore., a boy. Weight: 6 pounds 14 ounces. ATKINS Born at Hillside hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore., November 27, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Rickles N. Atkins, 2048 Worden street, a boy. Weight: 8 pounds 8 ounces. HENDERSON Born at Hill side hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore., November .26, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Henderson, Mt. Hebron, Calif., a girl. .Weight: 7 pounds 214 ounces. JANSSEN Born at Hillside hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore., November 27, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. George B. Jansgen, 2705 Altamont drive, a girl. Weight: 6 pounds 14 ounces. MORRISON Born at Hillside hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore., November 22, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert "Morrison, Prospect, Ore., a girl. Weight: 7 pounds 51 ounces. ASKINS Born at Klamath Valley hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore., November 24, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Askins, 2312 Oak street, a girl. Weight: 6 pounds 8 ounces. There was enough money in circulation October 31 for every person in U. S. to have $77.55 in his jeans. Maybe there's a hole in your pocket. i V dr red. tap- A Dress up for the Holidays in one of Our New A wealth of new patterns and styles. Shorts, slims, stouts, regulars, all sixes, and the BEST VALUE in town. Others $24.50 to $34.50 and-you'll be warm, well-dressed, -and save money in one of our new TOPCOATS Comb), camel's hair. Har ris tweeds and many oth ers in the NEW models. Others $24.50 and. $29.50 I SUGGESTIONS FOR g Gloss Belts 50c M Glass Suspenders 50c m New Neckties .J 55e w Tie Clips 50e Pants Hangers .: $1 (Non-wrinkle) Scarfs $1 2 Bill Folds 1 3 Initial Hand'chfs $1 9 . (Box of 3) Aviation Prospects Here Discussed at 20-30 Meeting Prospects for local aviation development were discussed at Wednesday night's dinner meet ing of the 20-30 club by Malcolm Eplcy, co-chairman of the city wide alrbase committee. Epley gave a progress report on the work of the committee, appoint ed in August by Mayor John Houston. Dr. Erma Gordon, state repre sentative of United China Re lief, Inc., spoke to the members of the club. A guest at the meet ing was Rev. Victor Phillips of the Rotary club. Don Statham reported on plana for the annual 20-30 milk fund dance scheduled for Christmas night. Albany Council Crops 'Blue Law' ALBANY, Nov. 27 (P An other of Albany's once-abundant "blue laws" has fallen by the wayside. The city council last night voted to allow billiard parlors and bowling alleys to operate Sundays from 1 p. m. to mid night, easing a Sunday ban placed upon them In 1905. - It required approximately 670,000 tons of paper to make the paper bags produced in Am erican factories last year, says the census bureau. SPECIALS! OIL PERMANENT WAVES $2.50 & $3.50 Open 1 twinge by Appointment Mary's Beauty Shop PHONE ;l 412 MAIN Upmire Onr Balbl Furniture Stere lsElflsTinle! .i. rhristiflO5 : ko To 90 pntf 50 YOUR GIFT LIST! 8 Dress Gloves 51.49 Pullman Slippers ..$1.50 Fitted Cases $2.95 Wool Gabardine Shirts $3.95 Silk Shirts ..........i.$4.95 Silk Pajamas ......$4.95 Lounging Robes ....$7.95 Paiama and Robe Sets $8.95 STORE FUNERAL HENRY MORGAN PrEfTEllLS The funeral service for the late Henry M. Pfefferlt who passed away In thli city on No vember 28, will take , place a the Salvation Army hall, Fourth and Klamath, on Friday after noon at 1:30 o'clock with Major Norman Bowyer off Iclatlngt Commitment service and inter ment will take place on Sunday, November 30, at 1:30 p. m. In the family plot, IOOF cemetery at Klrby, Oregon. Friends are) respectfully invited to attend the) services. Wards Klamath, Fu neral Home in charge of the arrangements. Smart for entertaining! APPETIZERS WITH N0refoltap Sutlileinaor,Stan,j ..fW: ferine P?!VI 1 1 OUR GIFT STOCKS ARE COMPLETE! BUY HIS GIFT WHERE HE BUYS FOR HIM. SELF! w. ml We " Give S&ll Green Stamps 8TH and MAIN KLAMATH'S CREDIT CLOTHIERS 'I, . . .. 822 So. 7th Phone 8520