PAGE SIXTEEN November 27, GIFT OPENING. SUPPLEMENT Bachelor St. Nick j Finds Going Tough In No-Man's Land Br BOB LEONARD s I (A Blnnla Man) Say, pal, have you thought ' about Christmas (hopping lor the missus? ;A Ya have, huh? Tough, Isn't it? But wait'll ya start out. Say Buddy, it's tougher than lug- gin the ball through tackle when tho opposition is Minne ... iiota and your blockers all have anemia. ; Ya don't know what she wants? Chum, that's the least of your worries. She'll probably let ya know one way or another if she hasn't already. ' But buyin' it is something else again. Whadda you know about stocking sizes, matching colors, or , . . er . . . lingerie? I'll betcha can't even pronounce it HORRIBLE EXAMPLE Take me for example. A single, unattached guy who knows nothin' about such things. Probably even less than you do. And what happens? The man aging editor says, Bud, -go get a story on what a husband ought to buy his wife for Christmas. ' Me, who's never done nothin' to nobody . . . except maybe to forget to pay him off cn that Washington-Oregon business last week. " Well, I lixe to eat as well as you do, so what do I do? I go out and approach a sales lady who is standing there be hind a row of stockings. I says lady, I want to buy a present for my boss' wife. What would you suggest? ' She says, how well do you know her or would you rather look at costume jewelry? I says with a cold eye lady, the present is for him to give his wife, not for me to give his wife. V. She says O, pardon me, kid, and shows me a pair of nylon sox with cotton . uppers -' and hooves. They sell for $1.50, she says with a sigh. We got others without the cotton for $1.95 and $2.50, ' she says with another sigh.. r : Yeah? I says, how about, silk? She says do you think we got silkworms? I says madam, I hope not,, why? She replies that ex cept for a slight monthly allot ment which is probably sold out I cannot buy any. YES, HOW ABOUT WOOL . I says, how about wool? She says, we got cotton. I says, how about wool? She says the cotton ones -come in shades.-I says. how about wool? She shows me some cotton ones which are - a bright red and which I have -not seen since the last time I -went to the circus., ... I' says madam, the boss' wife has enough trouble balancing the budget without trying it on a trapeze. So she says why don'tcha buy her a pair of slacks and forget the whole thing. I says, do you have anything in jewelry? .You betcha. Bud, she says, - 4 AT TOP Is a Chinese checker set of solid leather a small, com pact game, of a nice size to pack when travelling. Below is a chess and checker set with reversible board for Chinese checkers. The case is handsome" leather, the v.- chessmen catalin. ' brightening. So she hands me six-inch sparkler made of purple Chechoslovakian glass stones which blinds three clerks two aisles away and burns a hole in the front door. Sealed beam? I asked. Don't be silly, she says, this costs 10 dollars. I says pardon ME for being silly and asks about luggage. She says, does the boss' wife go on weekend trips? I says, not without the boss. She says, not batting an eye, then she will need a trunk. I says I said weekend trips, not week-long trips. She will still need a trunk, she says, you know how women are. I am be ginning to find out, I says, witnout saying Buddy you ain't seen nothing yet, she hauls out a trunk in which she says the boss' wife can put three fur coats, six-pair of shoes, 10 dresses, and the boss if they ain't getting along well. It is a fear some gadget. I says what will the bosses wife do with it when she is not traveling? OUT OF THE HAT Well, the lady says, she could put in a fireplace and use it for the east wing. Lady, I says, you have something there but show me something in a small over night bag. About the only thing that will fit, she says, is a rabbit and that condition won t ' last long. Madam, I says, ' don't be facetious, has this thing got a zipper on it? Yes, she says, but they ain't making zippers any more so you better buy now. I says, what will you do when the zippers are all gone. Mister, she says, what will YOU do? . By that time I could see. that I was gettin' nowhere so I says what do you think about a coat? She says they are indispensible, particularly in the winter. How much is a good , warm fur coat which will last for 20 years?, I ask. She replies that the only- thing they got along that .line is either a bottle of hair tonic, or a coffin, neither of whicau would look very nice under -the tree. FOOLS RUSH IN So then I -went into the lin gerie department. Maaam, 1 says to a young lady sitting there sociably chew, tag her gum, I am looking for Did you leave it here?, she asks. . -..-. -r- j-. Lady, you misunderstand me, I says, I am looking lor a Christ mas gut for the bosses Wife.- -- Mmmm, . she says. . Madam, ' I says desperately, you still do not get it, I am looking for a- Christmas gift for the bosses wife to give to the boss. - v .-- .... What size does he wear?, she asks. : . - - t - I mean, I-shouts, I am look ing for a gift for the boss to give a wife. Whose wife?,' she says crack ing her - gum. . A TRIFLE SLIPSTICK My. wife, I mean his wife. what have you got in slips?, l says changing the subject. Two mannikms and four sales girls, she says, would you like to look at them? I will take the mannikins, I says choking They do not do our merchan dise Justice, she says hopefully. i says uiey will do. She says slips come in many different shades and sizes with or without lace. Buddy, right here I would suggest you find out these things before you go snoppin . How about panties?. I asks. How about them?, she says belligerently. How about the price, -1 says quickly. . ... Nylons are $3, she replies. That is too much, how about wool?, I asks. They are warmer. They certainly are, she says. Well, Buddy, as you can see I was not making any progress so i went across the street and bought a box of chocolates. . It was much easier,. Read the Classified page. HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW 1 PARKA HOODS ' Little Dutch Bonnets With Mittens to Match--- or , ; ,'; m Have You Thought -Of a Cedar Chest Perhaps no Christmas gift car ries the romantic connotation so much as the cedar chest. Hence the increased sale of attractive styles of chests In the past year undoubtedly is related to the in creased issuance of marriage lic enses. The chests are now made In a wide selection of woods (over ce dar, since government specifica tions call for 70 per cent cedar content), and there are period styles in walnut, maple and ma hogany veneers, in Modern Early American and 18th Century pat terns. An innovation this year is a cedar chest of drawers called the "Stow-Away." HEAVY POSTA BUSINESS 0 ILF.Fi 0 SE N Klamath Falls' postoffice re ceipts have increased steadily during 1941, according to Burt E. Hawkins, postmaster, and in view of increased purchasing power of Klamath basin resi dents through the zooming na tional defenso program, Christ mas postal business this year should bo the city's greatast tri bute to St. Nick through postal channels. To counteract the expected volume Increase at the postoffice, 27 extra men are to be added to the present staff of 51. Most of the "subs" will deliver Christ mas parcels to Klamath Falls homes. They'll start about De cember 17 or 18, when the rush really starts. To take care of the thousands who will mall packages this season, three additional posting windows are to be open. In addition, a substation at Hend ricks drug store on South Sixth streot Is expectod to relieve the pressure on the main postoffice by use of suburbanites south of the city. This substation li the only one now maintained. Postmaster Hawkins voiced a note of caution on the matter of mailing letters, Christmas cards, and parcels. "Don't forget that Christmas greetings sent first class receive hotter service and are appre ciated more," ho said. "If mailed at the third class rate (li cents, unsealed) the postoffice depart ment cannot give the cards di rectory scrvlco If they are mis addressed, will not forward than and will not return them to tho senders." Ho said that parcels not mail ed In tlmu may be caught In the lastmlnuto Jam and not deliver ed until after Christmas, thereby lessening much of the sentiment which accompanies tho gift. Parcels mailed early may be marked "Do Not Open Until Christmas," he added. Briefly, some of the postoffice department's suggestions rules, perhaps Include: All parcels must be securely packed and wrapped. Use strong paper and heavy twine. Articles easily broken or crushed must be securely packed and crated or boxed. Use lib eral quantities of excelsior or like material in, around, and be tween the articles and the out side container. Don't mall Christmas grctitlni cards In red, green, or other dork colored envelopes or In very small envelopes. No parcel may be more tlmn 100 Inches In length and glrtli combined nor exceed 70 pounds In weight. Wo enn and wo shall estab lish, an economic floor below which no American citizen, whatever his personal mlrnr' tunes may be, can fall, The ulti mate success of democracy will depend upon the maintenance of such a foundation. Paul V. Mr. Nutt, Federal Security Admlnls-trator. Road the Classified pane 5s?s!! jsas ss?a!K js)ss: JsiSf jjRifejsrJsJjs sstwi jsMjfeTrfDs:! 5:j?i issris i&tjm 3:j?i ws : ifeT jfcT)fcrA )a jr: Rx : : . r "rv:.vr "4 5 Spice Gift Sets Wrisley's Gift Sets f WML r mm 4Aim''U'i fragrant toil" ..T'lf&vVl ular Priccs tM y u nes. Batn JwwM 'MTf I Salts and ig'bty ''ilf IImS? I Bubbl Bath. vO? fb iKt Handsomely lmsm so- km; m. 1 7CC ! House fl Coats 1 Gorgeous creations in Ray- 1 ons, Crepes and Satins. Zip- 1 K beautiful prints and solids. II f SJ98 I I fag ' I i t0 1 ikw OCc to r 4 t f iimiVrtiiri 4, x A small Deposit Will Hold Any Item Until Christmas The most glamorous array of accessory and wearable gifts Moe's has ever had ie pleasure of offering to the public. Make Moe's your better gift headquarters lis year! I K 8 K Soaps Dusting g Powders and Co- B lognes. The na- ( tionally popular B Elizabeth Arden and Charles of the Ritz Gifts Sets Exclusive at Mocs In Klamath Foils. COSMETIC KITS COLOGNES ond PERFUMES COMPACTS SOAP fracrancc she will TOILETRIES. The elcgaut way to any J ? M..... 1. : i ... . l. , 1 1 i love. Merry Christmas to her loveliness! $500 I $00 to $3000 It K K R C 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Beauty gifts In several delightful frag 8 ranees. Charmingly gift packed. Wide 8 choice of containers. 5 $110 to Ciro French Perfumes and Colognes Ladies' Handbags $100 oi I 0 4fc I I Mir -v 1 For the personal gift give her one of our exclusive new 100 virgin wool bag, hand somely fitted. Also a wide assortment of Colin, Alligator Grains, Suedes, Patent or Korday costume bags. Unlimited assortment of shapes ond types to please milady. Select early. I nnri ivhm in niiuifl miiarW iavt itar v m COSTUME JEWELRY l S ft 5' $12 WWSVSKMOKW. Iment of synthetic, and wooden pieces Vrt rt Imported Jewelry "Wa l' v VA 1& m Revlon Manicure Sets I A wide assortment plastic, metal In domestic and Also a delightful assortment of venlng jewelry In necklaces and Pins. , Bubble Bath Gift Sets Powders, Crystals and Liquid types In lovely gift packages. Assorted popular fragrances. 8 i 8 Complete kits for her every manicure I R need. Packed In newest style con 8 tainers. All the newest shades. 8 8 8 8 75 to 1000 to $00 KMWWttWMi Orloff Sachets s Rich pastel colors in gift baskets and satin balls. A gift she'll adore. to oc 9 1 I TnrtuHintf fihnvlntf friim PnlncrnsM 9 After-Shaving Lotions and transparent I Courtly Toiletry Sets For Men n pacxea ior me gui minaea 8 8 X 8 8 8 $00 to $500 set WMWfXsVWSW $00 to $inoo 1 1 Powder Puff Sets Old Spice and Wrisley i Toiletry Sets For i Men Saddle Club Toiletry In nationally S Packed- In fancy hosiery boxes -.and X known fine- fragrances: Prepared In cellophane containers, flainty for her gift. Colorful $00 and R lovely containers X minded. X ! CQC to plcaso the gift 59 to $500 GIFT ROBES Deluxe satin quilted Modes, Crepes and All-Wool styles by Pendleton. Prints, Plaids and Solids a glamorous array. Zipper and wrap-around styles. $595 to $2950 a a a a a x I a a Van Raalte Undies in Complete Gift Sets Ensemble sets In lovely Stryp-Llngs. Gowns and Pa jamas In rich Petalskfn. New Van Raalte' Magnostrypes Gowns In new full flare skirts. M o E'S A Christmas present that would, moke ony little girl , GIFT LINGERIE By MUNSING V Give her a Pantle and 'Slip set In jet black with frilly lace trimming. Also pastel and White panties in dainty lace effects. 55 to $28 1 imi 1 EVENING BAGS All-metal, metallic and velvet types In all sizes and shapes. A lovely gift may wo suggest a lovely evening hankie along with itl Gift wrapped free. $00 to $750 GIVE HER A SET OF AEROPLANE OR RAWHIDE LUGGAGE Many new patterns In complete sets of aeroplane type luggage. All sizes In week-end or wardrobcrs. Four' sizes to choose from In rawhldo pieces. $750 to $4500 i GIFTS FOR MEN Featuring tho famous ROLF lino of utility sets for men. Handsome waterproof Zipper containers In all shapes and shades.-He will appreciate ROLF flno quality. 350 to Billfold Sets By MEEKER AND ROLF One, two or three unit sets In finest genuine leather containers He'll appreciate the lasting quality of these handsome gifts. 1000 s nuppy. rntea rrom $1.50 .0 $2J5 : - I 59c to 52'8 I ) j i 1 00 0 M250 J mocs