GIFT OPENING SUPPLEMENT PAGE FIFTEEN Novombor 27, 1041 3 tlr A V Toys That Teach Cram Old Santa's Pack This Season NEW YORK Child-wiser thnn ever before are the wondor-thliiRS In Amoricix'g 1041 ChrlittmiiB toy pack lho Hpi'oiid-uiiKlu pupur caps, Klods on wliecls, kangaroo bnhioH, pnrncliuln JumpB, G-ninn paraphernalia, mother nnd dnuifhtor iIoIIh, find n tlioimnnd find one more stream linnd forniH of old-fnvorito fun thingr). Tho pork In worth moro thnn $240,000,000, altogether. Last thinK In It, u nnc-ctmt airplane, i un honest copy of one ( Undo Sum's now model. When olghl-yciir-old Johnny zooms this all-American fighter throuiih the uir. ha'll net the old time thrill und hn'll Hot tho extra plcnauro of feeling Hint he, too, hn something to do with the big mysterious "defense" busl nr.w thnt Dnd'i) olwny tnlklng bout. That lyplflea tho outstanding trend of thin yenr'i collection. They're thrlll-plui toyii even tho cheapest. And these toyii AHK the American acrne, In fact that's thr loymnkers' offlrlnl (heme. In ordur to choose wisely, the alert parent will atop ond think before shopping . . . think "Whnl In a toy?" "Which ones for my Qasicelan'd. 18r Illustrated Is The RED APPLE PATTERN Starter Sets ore BEST SELLING of oil glass ware patterns, Fostoria's "Ameri can" is threatened with a sell-out before Christmas. Order yours now! Single pieces are priced from 50c to $4.50 ALL FOSTORIA IS BEAUTIFUL And Carcelon's is proud of its wide selection of patterns. Etched, blown or pressed there is a design for every discriminating woman. p,ode To choose England's leading dinnerware is to choose wisely for even one exquisite piece from any of Carcelon's 15 distinc tive patterns makes a cherished gift. FOR A DOUBLY THOUGHTFUL GIFT Combine Spode's "Rosebud Chintz" (illustrated obove) with Fostoria's "Chintz" etched crystal. a You moy purchase ony gift at j T Goreelon'i on budget or lay-away CARCELON'S John and Mury?" These 1041-era ure ao rich In variety at every price that you can mlai the moat for your money unlcaa you know whut you'ro after. Toya are not mere baublea or luxuries. They're eaaentlal to tho happiness. Modern knowledge of chil dren Is absolute at one point: children must have pleoiure and plenty of It In order to develop normully, usefully, happily. A WHALE THAT SPOUTS Easiest way to get at the toys thnt will do most for youri la to conalder the age and what It needs for how fnst needs change! The market la full, right now, of things designed specifi cally for certnln ages. Here ore some pointers: Pleasure the deep, bclly-gur- fybOHCUcOH WARE This popular Ameri can dinnerware is available at Garce lon's in 8 lovely patterns. Si $495 $9.50 gla response to seeing and touch ing good things like cuddly unl- muls and bright bulls is what tho Infant wants up to his second blrthduy. This year there's a whale that swims under water und spouts. A set of vivid spheres hung ut different levels In tho crib, help ing the baby to lcnrn to focus his eyes. There uro Inexpensive wood rattles with double rings satin-flnlshcd ones such as used to come only as upper bracket Imports. And there arc books: for Instance, the Margaret Steichen photograph book com posed entirely of objects tho In fant sees ovcry duy pictures the child learns, surprisingly soon, to recognize gleefully. LOW-PRICED TOYS ARE SCIENTIFIC Between two and four, the In fant begins to uso his hands, and thus, ploying, ho acquires skill and poiso which hnve a lifelong efficiency quotient. Toddling, tho baby still needs big, simple, no-eye-strain, no-confusion pluy thlngs. Another striking exam ple of low-priced toys, made on scientifically sound principles, Is a group of smooth, beautiful hardwood toya. One thrce-ln-one set has a construction feature: the child can make three dif ferent things really work things to push and pull. There are hot-dog wagons on wheels, which encourage crawling and trying to walk. A record num ber of musical toys is being shown. They're important for developing us well as delighting the youngsters. Plastic A D C blocks this your arc brllllnnt blue, easy to clean. They form non-tip lowers. NOW THEY PLAY GROWN-UP At this ugo th child Is still in Infancy, really. That Is the age of anticipation of grown-up life and Imitation of it. That's why the most typical of all "toya," as far backward und forward as history looks, Is the doll. They're out In full force, In truer Imita tion of the living baby. For In stance, one has a "skin" that gets flesh-warm when touched. At kindergarten time, from four to six, Imagination, action and drama como into play. Hence, wheeled toys this year, ull the ark animals on wheels. There's a sled on wheels for snowlcsa back yards. Hence, too, very simple games in endless variety Boys ond girls of six to eight A view of tha spacious fui fill 4 -f- mmm&mL-mmmmmmmmjm PARADES - CROWDS ANL SHOPPING ARE LOADS OF FUN - But after all what's nicer and more comfortable than relaxing in a comfortable easy chair in a pleasingly furnished home? The many departments of our new store make shopping for the practical gift--"Furniture"--enjoyable and a relaxation! Klamath Furniture Co 221 Main St. . t- - mi mm I I HI ! I I BOY, OH BOY. AM I TIRED! What a dayl Shopping for tha bousa, for Mom, Dad. Pat and Mary, orandmothor and auntie, and taking time out to look for a few things I'd sort of Ilka to have for myself. Just left me plumb tuckered out. 1 just slipped on these warm woollos to wear around the house. Gee. look, the clerk got me all mixed up. These axe big enough for Daddy! Anyway Merry Christmas and I hope you're had as much fun shopping with me as ! bad showing you all these things In our very own stores. begin to show strong differences, and strikingly different prefer ences in toys. No more ploying house together! Games are the thing now. More pleasantly than mama's words, games teach children that it pays to be polite, or kind, or sporting. A fine toy for this purpose is a traffic gome. Youngsters set up their own signals, make the love- ly wood otitos go, ond go accord Interior of the new Klamath from the front entrance. the White Building' "NEXT TO THE WILLARD HOTEL" ing to regulations and rules of social behavior. Girls like doing domestic things together now. They'll treasure this year's $1 electric stove, which really cooks, and the new kitchen sink with a faucet that works. Girls and boys alike will go for a science set with which to clean spots In clothes, make substitutes for scarce foods, and do a thousand other safe, exciting, close-to- Furniture Store as seen Dial 8353 home chemical and physical experiments. At eight and beyond, bobbies begin in earnest, for now the child consciously connects play with achievement. From such play comes the grand experience of the fun in work that you like. For this, there are new sets with which a little girl makes ber own jewelry, there are micro scopes with real biological speci mens to scrutinize inside and out. 5.000.000 AIRPLANES Of course, at times the child like bis parents wants relax ation In sheer make-believe and brisk exercise. Hence, "dressing up" toys cowboy and Indian suits which this year are spruce G-man badge affairs, real ser vice uniforms. And hence big wheel toys, , Airplanes and airplane models alone number 5,000,000 and cost from 1 cent to $30 this year. Up-to-date stores hand custom ers a list of age-graded toys. So if you need to, ask for guidance. It's best, though, to do some fig uring of your own, too, both be fore and while you shop. ANYBODY WILL TREASURE ALWAYS USEFUL . . . Pen and Pencil Sets Leather Goods Boy or mem . . give him q Bill Fold. CHEN YU NAIL LACQUER (She loves it) OLD FASHIONED? Pure Mople Candies from Maple Crove, Vermont. (Novelty boxes for parties) Of course . Stationery We hove a varied selec tion. DONT FORGET BABY, and don't- forget our Baby Department! 808 Main The Salvation Army will be on the job thii Christmas with its traditional efforts In behalf of humanity in the season of Good Will. Major Norman Bowyer will be in general charge of the Salva tion Army program, which la ex pected to bring good cheer to many homes which would other wise be pretty dismal in the holi day season. Breakfast Set Of Chrome Good You can find few gifts more suitable than a dinette or break fast set . . . for many homes. The most popular numbers are the chrome legged numbers with stainless steel table tops and lea- inereue or xaoricaieo. cnair seats. At the same time, there is a wide selection of period styles Early American maple, 18th cen tury English, Modern walnut, and oak either in the tradition al dark finish, or in the new limed oak. Those who are interested in the metal breakfast sets would do well to speed their purchases. inasmuch as the supply may not last too long. Most stores have an adequate stock to last through the Christ ANY WOMAN WILL TREASU f fcKH A R.D HUD.NUT A PLAY ROOM ENSEMBLES 48 Napkins 24 Metallic Match Packs 15 Cuest Towels . . . with name embossed on each $2.50 RUMPUS ROOM ENSEMBLES 48 Napkins 12 Metallic Match Packs . . . with name embossed on each $1.50 REDWOOD BOX of 40 Match Packs . . . with name on box and matches $2.00 50 MATCH PACKS . ... with name embossed on each $1.00 STRICTLY PERSONAL Match Book . for parties ... for placecards . , announcing engage ments ... announcing babies fH 1.BEAUTY WT.; :- 7.50 '- : Everbody's Cut-Raite Drug Store mas season, but ere uncertain as to their ability to procure additional suites in 1043. w J v . ,si FIRST new development In ahav, ing brushes in many a moon is this new one made of real, soft, goose feathers. If used with the proper light touch, it will whip up an extra-foamy lathen The feathers are set in hard rubber; the handsome handles are of due able black or white plasticj , A mirrored, blue or marooa ' alligator grain case fitted', with those DuBmrry Beauty PreprtioE that will see ber through many holiday! :. itautifullyt -: V ' ' : 3uSorry 1..... TRAVa BAG , 18.50 Smart, doth-covered bg with DuBarry Make-op and -Preparations foe elan care iav a mirrored tray, leaving plenty of room for rfothfag. SUGGESTIONS FOR EARLY SHOPPERS It's a Pipe! Yello-Boles Frank Medicos Kaywoodies EARLY AMERICAN OLD SPICE For Men and Women YARDLEY'S PRODUCTS RUST CRAFT . ' ; Individualized Christmas Cards - - v aomerning Dainty? Novelty GIFT SOAPS . and Perfume , . Sets . SEAFORTH! FOR MEN.. A breath of the Scotch Highlands sealed in little stone jugs. (The Seaforth name- washes off and the , mugs are Ideal .for Tonvond . Jerrys, etc.) : Vv ' Talc. . 4 Cologne . . . Snav ' Ing Lotion . . ; Shoving : Mugs , . ' . . - each $1.00 Phone:! -7 Phone 4361 407 Main St.