PAGE FOURTEEN GIFT OPENING SUPPLEMENT November 27, 1041 r " E ,.v . s . . '.. v ss V L MM lllll Will 1111 M II I I li I II irsjn.ti.ft.iiM, QUICK. LOOK HERE Just what I t bean looking for for my littl titter. And Sharon iindt tho parfoet gift for 3-ytar-old Mary, whoso real nam, the tails us. is Marilyn Kathleen Marie. Such fine, cuddly bear, should delight the heart of any member of the rery young it Sharon ob-enres. Joe Sportsman Slated for Top-Grade Gifts This Year By BOB LEONARD Herald and Newt Sports Editor Hey, Joe Sportsman, quit peek I u' In that closet. And stop wondering about what's under that bed. But you might Just glance at your checKbooK. For this year Mrs. Sportsman is going all-out for the best on the market for that Christmas morning stocking. You might feci the pinch a liulo bit come January, but it'll bo worth it. Joe, for you'll be getting the best in quality. This year Ma Sportsman. Jun ior Sportsman, and Brother and Sister Sportsman are buying the book for Joe, if this correspon dent's survey is at all accurate. They're laying it on the lino for lots of those items they'vo al ways wanted to buy but always before put off as just a little too expensive. Old Joe is getting guns, top- grade skis, fine reels, rods and even boats. He's getting gadgets like lambskin reel cases, fishing barometers, all-steel vacuum bot tles and telescopic sights. Mrs. Joe whos doing the buying isn't finding the field much different from lust year. There are few, if any, new gad gets on the market and some standard items are limited in number. Uncle Sam's defense program through Mr. Donald Nelson's Supply Priorities Allo cation board is grabbing off a lot of materials. It s also using a lot of machinery which normally would be turning out larger quantities of customary mer chandise. DON'T WAIT It's discouraging the develop ment of new ideas until this thing blows over. to.nr2,?d:vA'I?VE?-Gtdm0Uler H up ,n MeJOna-Ilto. and never seems to have enough pretty handkerchiefs, nnaron told the clerk who showed her a great many lovely flowered hankies. So Mrs. Joe may find retailers' stocks depleted if she waits too long. For Fisherman Joe, Klamath retailers are offering the usual line of waders, creels, reels, ta pered lines, flics, rods, gaffs, nets, boats, seat cushions, bait boxes, etc. But, Mrs. Joe, if you're look ing for something out of the ordi nary How about a revolving fly box? It looks like a cake cover with a window In it. The cover port revolves about a center axis. Tho inside portion is cut up like a pie with ' separate compart ments for various files. Joe can spin it around until he comes to a gray hackle, for Instance, open .the window and pluck out the lure. The whole thing is tin breokably transparent. Or.maybe a fishing barometer? It's a mechanism which is sup posed to tell the angler if tho fishing will be better or worse. Or a thermometer which either tells Joe how cold he is or how cold tho fish are. dependent up on whether It's held in the air or dipped in tho water? SHOTGUN IDEAS If he's a hunter, Mrs. Joe, he's probably heard thut there's been a popularity swing toward luto model shotguns big enough to chamber tho powerful 21 inch magnum shells. The model is one of the few new ldeos which finally came off production lines cither despite or before Mr. Nelson's SPAB. But there aren't too many of them. dealers tell us. They say it might be well to make i selec tion early. How about an all-steel vacuum bottle which won't break when It's kicked around? Or an elec tric hand lantem which uses the railroad-type battery? It'i dinger, somebody said, for sum mer home and camp use. In the flashlight line there's a military-type light with a pre focused bulb on the automobile "scaled-beam" order. It's finished in olive drab. Excellent for the hunter who this year is confin ing his shooting to targets on an army artillery range. Restricted wildfowl hunting, more and more evident in and around everywhere and Klam ath Falls too, is calling for the hunter to outwit brother bird. A couple of decoys and bird call gadgets might help. If you don't mind being a golf widow or if you're going to be one anyway, buy Joe a set of clubs. Now, before they're lim ited further. Most manufactur ers have cut club selections down from 36 to 73 per cent, principal ly because shafts aro tough to buy. LET'S CO ALONG Or are you, Mrs. Joe, a winter sports widow? We'd suggest you buy yourself an outfit and go along. And here you can buy in duplicate, for the requirements are about the same. You 11 find you can get a first- grade pair of hickory skis for about $12, or maple boards for even less. If either of you arc confirmed bugs, you'H want a better grade. If so, you can so up to $30 for the finest in lami nated skis. Get him an adeauate cable binding whether he's a snow bunny or an expert and a good pair or Boots. You'll discover that In what ever ski merchandise you choose, most of the business volume is being done in the better grades Ski clothing, after better than five years of experimentation, has been pretty well standard ized. It's downhill trousers, a woolen shirt, pattarn sweater, water-repellent Jackot, watcr-ro-pellcnt mitts and woolen mitten liners. Ono of the few new Items Is a cap with strings on tho ear flaps The same store which has 'cm al so has a complcto lino of boys' sizes in ski clothing tho first time that's happened. Although ski styles have hit the stationary, colors haven't. Jackets, sweaters, trousers and shirts come in all shades. But forgot about Imported wool socks and mltU unless you hit ono merchant some tlmo to morrow. There Just aren't any more being shipped this way. , LOTS OF GADGETS Among tho gadgets, Mrs, Joo, you can fHid any number of waxes, baso waxes, and Jus plain odds and ends. Thoro's a now goggle guaranteed not to fog or glaro, a swivel visor, or a new pole with a rubber-covered durnl ring. Two departures in automobile ski racks gives you a cholro of one that hangs on the side of the car or another which slides nut and down from tho top, enabling you to stand on solid ground while fastening or unfastening skis. 11 eliminates sliding around on n slippery running board. Tho business works on a couple of sliding channel liars. When thn skis are either on nr off, tho burs are slid back inA place on tho car's roof. In nil, Mrs. Joo Sportsman, you'll find thut your sisters In the same bout this year are pull ing all tho stops. They're pur chasing good goods Ilia better stuff quality merchandise. You'll probably find you'ra do ing it, ton. American history books aro an provlnclullzed by a dominant school of Harvard historians that millions of Americans are vital ly Ignorant of llussla, Canada and South America. Prof. Halph A. Burns, Dartmouth. Labor does not luivo to give up Its rights, but It should bo roiirv omiblo in the fuco of the peiMK that confront!) the nation. Son nlor tienrg Norrls. Nebraska. GIVE YOUR CHILD THE GIFT OF MUSIC! HMIE IS OI'I'OM IMTY ! We are Closing Out the Following Outstanding Lines of iiAXii ivstki ii;Ts vi:;a imhwa iii:c.i:.t All brand new In struments, and nrur ly all kinds. Seo Derby's Bargain Table Off! oD We are alio Closing Out Several New Radios . . Both In Table and Console Models . . at Drastic Reductions! IIDEIUjW'S music c. 120 N. 7th Phone 4519 1 S cr$r$ aI : i - tf'''' , - .' 5.'j s !!. '1 o ! faT ,h P"fum' "on'hUrrWma'I'sh. L ft . 'Phone Line Jam Expected . When Celebrants 'Call Up' Mr. and Mrs. Celebrant, If you've relatives living far away ana plan on calling them long distance during the holidays, it would be well to do it on some other day than Christmas. Telephone lines will be Jammed as usual despite the addition of hundreds of- special operators and there'll be the usual delays in transmission and reception. Other than the temporary use of additional-operators, however, there's not much phone company officials can do about it. Long distance calls- ovr 800 miles on Christmas day and Christmas eve Jump 12 times normal and there Just aren't enough wires to go around. It's the only time of the year when that happens so phone firms can't very well see build ing up their year-around circuits Just to handle that one-day volume. There are no holiday rates be ing granted other than the usual custom of applying Sunday rates to holidays. The Sunday long distance rate Is always identical with that, of after 7 p. m. on week days. Telephone officials do suggest, however, that you. make your call by number which facili tates the work of the operator at the other end and try to make your conversations as brief as possible. It's expected that the long-distance volume will - be greater this year than last. Typewriter Ideal For Young Author Anyone fortunate, enough to know a budding or already suc cessfulauthor, will want tn help' tho muses foster talent by presenting a typewriter for Christmas which is especially equipped with all literary sym bols such as paragraph, caret and similar, indications. Also helbful to those' in studying or. composing in for eign, languages are typewriters available in those languages. Wallets Excellent Gift for Men Double usefulness can ha ha from one of the new wallets to be found for Christmas giving. In sizes for men's pockets and women's purses, it features a middle section which "for every day use" ciri bo crammed with auto license, social security card and endless cards, memorandums etc. This middle section can be removed, however, so the wal let doubles for formal use, sleek and flat. If union labor is to endure, It must rid Itself of men who stand teady to sell out labor when it suits their purposes. Federal Judge John C. Knox of New York. The action was taken among other reasons because we didn't have winning football team. Dr. A. O.' Crane, 'after removal as president of University of Wyoming. ! A PIANO "fat Uwuitmal for YOUR HOME This Christmos con spread Its hap py glow over years to come If you make it a musical holiday! Grace your home with the piano your wife or son or daughter has always i 1 wanted. ng- t r-.HS" Here At Louis R. Mann's, is the largest stock of modern up-to-the-minute pianos to be found in Southern Ore gon. Included are: KIMBALL America's Best Known Piano KNABE Official Plane of the Metro politan Opera Co. BETSY ROSS SPINETS By Lester "MUSETTES" By Wintor & Co. GULBRANSEN PIANOS $215 Pay Only $5 Now If You Wish And have your piano put away un til Christmas. Only 10 par cent need be paid before delivery. Balance on low monthly payments. Dolivered With bench; full keyboard. A re markablo value. Only a limited num ber available : $285 On of the lovely now piano by the "Musette" builders. In lovely matched walnut, with bonch. 120 N. 7th St. WWWltWtWiiiSf"c -X