Novombor 27, 1041 GIFT OPENING SUPPLEMENT PAGE THIRTEEN Action Gifts Get Teen-Agers' Call For This Yuletide Tho eomlnit bunipor Christmas n( 1U41 la ronlly uolng to put a ulruin at excitement In young America n eyes. And Into the eyes of parents and friends with lively adolescent youriKstcrs to shop for. "l'cnn-MKO youiiKators like mot 0"do" things. They're lit tho Uvo una, they want paraphu nulla for notion sport, dancing, lively Kuincs. And they lovo any- Ihlnu that makes them iuvl that llicy uro already "grown up." Tills year stores bio stocked more ImwIldiTiiigly richly than! i-vrr brrurc with things for tl'Cll UUi'lH. I low to choose! Them's n simple key. Klrnt, gel our ' Diin'l" In the front of your i ii i ii I DON'T buy something that you would have liked when you were bin or her age. Twenty years cun iiiiikn a huge differ ence In the tuntoa of fourteen ynir olds. So listen to tho young (lit, watch and tii-o what elatos him or hrr now, nnd play up to thut. Typical of the principal to go ofi Is the hour's bost-selllng kind nl gilt for both boy and girl nluyclolhcs. They outfit the Juiigtcr for fun, and they keep Trim warm at nchool alun. For lmy. thore are leather Jackets miii K woolen lumberjockots; lightweight, but warm, cotton windhri-nkera. Kor girls, skating and snow clothes are styled and sturdy enough for n party, or -ilinplo enough for classroom. And they're gay! bPORTB EQUIPMENT I11NGB THE BELL Clothrs Just nntty-rnough clotheii will make boy and tlrb glud. Boys will go for new, aptly rii-corutrtl fountain pemt and wrist watches. Some of the watches, popular-priced, hav comic atrip characters on the trap. Or does your adolescent ton prefer work-play things? You could give him a useful and deep ly satisfying desk very hand nme oiu-a mo shown this year in good oak, walnut and other beautiful woods. Or, If ha has one, a new desk set to make his 1'inework or hohby even more inorblng. but you want to give him pure pleasure too.' ft s the easiest gift of all to find. Sports equipment from ski clothes to dudc-shoot-ing Is here and with now flair. Cilft houses report a big wave of buying for country lads .22 rifles, and semi-toy pistols. One new bull's cyo set shoots mean ingful lead pollets. KdV the Boy Scout or budding huntsman, there's a combination knlfo and axe. Knife blado and axe are In terchangeable In the genuine tag handle. They come In a leather sheath. Besides skis and bicycles, there are small outing accessories with new dash for Instance, brilliantly colored, warm Adirondack slippers, knit led, with felt solos. For the homo builder, there are tool sets of every description. One set which won't bend the moderate budget contains seven basic tools that will take him Jhrough any repair job around Q" house. Then there Is a swell electric set with routers, polish ing buffers and tiny circular siiw.i. With It your ambitious youngster con mnke plenty of useful nnd amusing things. Games that fnthor nnd son, and sometimes tho whole family, can piny together arc good for grow ing youngsters. A good example o( this Is the homo bowling allay Kvcrybody plays, and nobody has to run to the pins because there's an automatic sotter-up-per. " MANY GIFT8 FOR HOBBIES A 1041 version of our old fav orite, dominoes, appears with .wnrtlme flavor the player whoso dominoes first spell out the Morso "dot-dot-dot-dash" V-for-Vletory shouts end gestures "Thumbs up!" Then there's the hobby-gift here in more complete and TWS handsome dcsK accessory answers. a two-fold purpose. The pad is divided Into the houn Ml business day with plenty of pm for notes and telephone numbers. Tho Jnslde of the cover Provides space for HIS or HER Photo. The case Is of brown or tan leather gold tooled. 'if wank form than ever before. For Instance, the photographer You can equip him as modestly or as oppulontly as you please, with a camera that costs no more than his gloves, or with every thing for his own dark room. Girls' sports clothes are re markable for fashion nnd stylo, this year, and thoy'ro outstand ingly knitwear. So give her hat, gloves, mittens, or wosklt or all. Most popular single garment seems to bo tho sleeveless, very new, knitted wesklt multiform, gay. One entrancing white one has a border of red rosos. Other surprise clothes for girls are reversible all-weather coats tan gabardine on one side, and on the other the brightest plaid she ever saw. And there are beautiful dickeys to go under her sweaters. One set of six sharkskin ones Is all done up In a merry Christmas package. Whatever clothes you give her give them gay. "GLAMOR GIRLS" WANT PARTY CLOTHES Something to keep the spar kle In her eye for n trifle la costume Jewelry. New wooden and plastic varieties are surpris ingly well made for trinkets. There's charm galore In a simu lated turquoise and silver brace let, n bracelet lo match her wooden sklla, or an ornamental pencil on a moUil chain. For more money, you can get her a "Great Lovcra" bracelet and necklace, and then figurea repro ducing perfectly Clcopntrn and liclolse and six others will adorn her throat nnd wrist, each with her lovo beside her. But If she's already a glamor girl, then she wants party clothes and special onesthe exquisite dancing frock with tulle skirt so long and full and graceful It will make your own heart stop Just to look at It, or tho exquisite gold, palletted or beaded even ing bag, or the magnificent little mink Jacket. She very likely wants, more than anything now, the things that belong to social occasions and stimulate her social graces. So If you can afford to, by all means give her a fencing sweat er, a harp, or a complete ski or beach outfit.' Or at least an evening ornament for her hair, a Cinderella-lovely dancing slip per or a Jeweled compact. TabU Sett Good For Card Addicts Families, whoso principal am usement is playing cards will find a broad selection from which to choose In selecting card tables or bridge sets this year. Whether the game bo poker, pinochle or bridge, the stores are equipped lo supply every need, from collapsible hide-away tables to permanent port of the furnishings, Ideally suited to corners of rooms, bay windows or niches. ThisStyUin Both n's Feature! a n.----Hood. Boys' $5.95, Men' $8.5- 0S HPlJi ;CJ '. .ui ' f y -r ' Vlwin mm m ttyfc -. O iJP&N. t. W Witt Zvfi ft4aShf) v tX(A iff :'4v;:vt; ... . W X n -A a-l-'-y r ' : "siiiin ' ir i niir - f '- )- - ' ' I'ViVA k kM i-MKUKaMHH ALMOST FORGOT We noed candles, and plenty of them at Christmas time around our bouse, Sharon diicovorod. W use candles in the living room, on the mantel, and especially on our dining room table. Mother says there Is nothing like candlelight when we open our gifts on Christmas eve. Seems to put the finishing touch on all the fun. '5 JT Klamath's own little elves, the firemen, nre merrily passing the days away in. their workshop producing toys of nil colors and models for the poor children when Christmqs rolls around. Boxes upon boxes of used toys and games are piled in stacks from one end of the fire house to tho other waiting for their "operations." The firemen work in groups; a couple fix new wheels on wagons, tires on wheels, and re place lost purls, while others dnub their paint brushes in all colors of the rainbow and start tho painting. Then nnother takes tho painted work and splashes the finishing touches qn the toy and it is sot awny to dry. The fine workmanship on the used vehicles Is so great it aston ishes tho firemen themselves and they want to step In the peddle cor or hop on a finished sled and be the first lo try it out. There nro about 100 toys al ready finished with their bright coats of paint and tho big room fOR MEN and BOYS aqe HERE AGAIN! Boy P"01 PoBM Men.t Jacket. su cop..- Ski Sox WooUkn3 ordin. and in. - - and Boys In which they are placed looks like a big downtown toyland. In another corner there are a hundred or more boxes of games. Tho only hope of tho firemen Is that there will be over twice as many to come into the workshop before Christmas. Next Saturday approximately 1000 more toys and games will flood into the station after the annual "Bring a Toy" show held at tho Pelican theatre. Those toys that you have been kicking around the house for sometime will be more than wel come at the fire station to help those other kids when December 25 comes round. Button, Button Idea for Milady Ranking high on Christmas gift lists, and to be selected in the notions departments of local stores, are handsome buttons which can be matched to ear rings and clips. A far cry from mundane things to put through button holes, the new buttons are jewel like, whether made of wood, metal, plastic or composition and take the form of animal, bird, flower, insignia, sheer whlmscy and pure beauty! THOSE NEW 1942 STYLES IN $5.95 $5,95 'il.S5-S8.5 ,95 65c.85c.$.50 hirtu,15,95.$1.85 flWW'"B fA MEN'S SHOP 6TH & MAIN Klamath Elks are planning special events for the Christmas season, with Myrle C. Adams as chairman of the Committee in charge, according to Exalted Ruler Lawrence Slater. Slater said the Elks plans are somewhat changed from former years. The organization carries on throughout the year a charity program in keeping with one of the principle of the order. We must stop thinking in terms of "business as usual." By the same token we must stop thinking in terms of "strikes as usual." Sidney Hillman, labor member of OPM. SJLYT.l SAYS At 3N. Ifj REMEMBER THE VAN HtVSIM COLLAR? NOW... IT'S ON THE NEW It's the famous Van Heuseff collar with all lis comfort, styling, exclusive features now waiting to please yoo In the new Van Heusan collar-attached shirt. In a full range of whites and marl new patterns. RUDY'S MEN'S snop 600 MAIN at 8 Ui Cit ty.",a fobe'9 "rr, Every Bov Enjoys a FLASHLIGHT 90 C9 S9V MANICURE SETS Revlon, Peggy Sage, Chen Yu, LaCross, Cutex. 50c t0 $25 COMB AND BRUSH KITS Comb, military brushes, clothes brush. Zipper case. $1.69 COMPACTS fdA tremend ous selection to choose from! GIVE SOAP Delightful fragrances . . beautifully boxedl 50c te$2.50 45c Palmolive Brushless Shave Jersens Toilet Soap 50c Hinds Honey and Almond Cream 50o Halo Shampoo $1.00 Kreml Hair Tonie Wildroot Hair Tonic, and 50c Hair Brush $1.00 Bath-A-Foam' (Bubble Bath) $1.00 Ironlsed Yeast X ' A. " - RHir. if $7:50 Bob Hope', book, "They Got Me Covered" With any Pep.odent purchase ................. .. , 100 W ?atVef 1 9th and Main IV-JS r SO"'' ,rt soo--- largT " ur CcY Co'0" Vorth Tu.iY s.L.r & DRESSER SETS Matching accessories for your dressing table. Ex tremely smart and a grand gift- WRIST WATCHES For the kiddles. $3.95 UP CAMERAS There's n o age limit when you're giving a camera! $1 $150 Movie cameras, screens, projectors and accessories. Sk "" - EVERYDAY NEEDS IN THE HURRY OF SHOPPING FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS, DONT FORGET THESE Priced Lowar at Currin's! . 2 lor 45c 4 bar. 19C 25c 2 for 51c 49c both for 89c . 2lor$l 49c 10e Pkg. Envelope Kotast (Box of (3) 7e Glover' 50c Shampoo $1.35 Sis SlntUae Dispenser Klamath'. Drug and Cosmetic POKER CHIP Beautifully fin ished wood racKi 88c.S5.49 PLAYING nABnc J All kinds and all sizes. 29c, ,89c CIGARETTE LIGHTERS The ideal gift for ' smokers. $1.25 w $5 GIFT STATIONERY. Exquisitely boxed. 39c te $2.98 MEN'S SHAVING KITS Courtley, Seaforth, Yard ley, Houbigant, Colgate, Mennen. You can find Just what he wants! . 89c t0 $7 BEAUTY LUGGAGE . Cosmetic kits . . the es sential addition to your traveling accessories. Priced as tJ low as S Others $5, $7.50, $12.50, 118.50 and $35 You'll find a BIG assort ment of gift wrappings, tags, seals and cards at Currin's! 3 pkB.. 10c SI both for 89c 73c Mange Cure, j Esa 4 -v.. 3 Bars (10c sis) Cashmer Bouquet Soap, and 10c Cashmer Bouquet Cf Lotion 40e value $1.00 Harriet Hubbard Ayer Face Cream, and $1.00 Harriet 1 Hubbard Ayrs Powder both for $1.00 Italian, Balm and QQ ..Both for IVW 10c Center Phene 4514 i