Novembor 27, 1941 GIFT OPENING SUPPLEMENT PAGE ELEVEN pr n . ' : fm- Til"1 I; a:j i y NOW I FEEL BETTER Right after lunch Sharon started shopping again and found this miniature refrigerator which, she confided, waa the very thing ah wanted for herself this Christmas. The toy department featured many household appliances, mlniaturea of mother'a own kitchen equip ment, for the doll house or play room, Sharon learned. Delicious Foods Add to Your Holiday Enjoyment With Christmas dinner to plan, and luncheons and suppers to ar range for, tho business of syste matic menu planning becomes all-Important. Hero aro some first aids to the busy home maker recipes certain to en hance her reputation as a cook and muko holiday meal times something to anticipate. Roast Fillet of Beef Have fillet larded, ready for the oven. Season and place In an open pan. Ilavo oven very hot so that meat will sear over at once. A four pound fillet re quires about 40 minutes to roast. After roasting about 20 minutes add a llttlo hot water. Serve with brown gravy. Mixed cut and cooked vegetables mako an attractive garnish. Crown Roast of Pork 12 ribs pork 2 cups dry bread crumbs Salt and pepper 1 teaspoon savory 8 small onions 4 tablespoons flour Paprika Have butcher trim and roll meat into crown so that bone is on the outside, fastened together with string. Stuff with dressing, bread crumbs soaked In cold water and then squeezed dry. Mix with salt, pepper and sav ory, and onion chopped, and pap rika. Place dressing In center of meat. Cover ends of bones with greased paper to prevent brown ing too much. Put In hot oven and cook for i hour. Then lower heat and cook 2 hours. Baste often. Rlced Sweat Potatoes Ono large can sweet potatoes, butter and brown sugar. Butter a baking dish, fill with layers of THIS housecoat Is made to "tak it" The material ia novelty velvet, processed with watcr-re pelting, spot-resisting finish. It comes in red, fuchsia, royal, Oil A'J ' f - '4 j V f ' ?i i 1 ' ; at 1 ' " I m, a ' at 1 1 ; V I I I I rvx- ' ' J,' rlced sweet potatoes, sprinkle with brown sugar and dot with butter. Bake about I of an hour. Sweet Potatoes With Marshmallowa 1 pint sweet potatoes, mashed i teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons maple sugar or syrup Beat all together and press into a shallow baking dish. Smooth the top and cut into squares with a knife dipped into boiling water Place a marshmallow on each square. Bake In a moderate oven until marshmallows are nicely browned. Baked Cauliflower With Cheese 1 cauliflower 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon flour 1 cup milk a teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon paprika 2 tablespoons grated cheese 2 tablespoons coarse bread crumbs Cook medium sized head of cauliflower until tender, in boil ing water into which you have put salt and a teaspoon of flour. Drain and separate In flowerets. Arrange In a well buttered bak ing dish. Make a white sauce by melting butter, stirring In flour and slowly adding milk. Season with salt and 1 table spoon grated cheese. Pour over cauliflower. Sprlnklo sauce with crumbs and cheese, dot with bits of butter and sprinkle with pap rika. Bake in moderate oven till brown, about half an hour. Bplnach Puffs 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon flour 1 cup milk s teaspoon salt 1 can spinach 2 eggs Chop spinach fine and mix with white sauce made of tho butter, salt and milk. Add well Gym) THE PUCKETT and HOUSTON , ; 714 MAIN 1 it-- , '. " S If' K attaiama beaten eggs last and bake 25 minutes in hot oven. Frosen Fruit Baled Put 1 tablespoon butter in double boiler, add 2 beaten egg yolks and mix with 3i table spoons flour, 3 tablespoons sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 1-3 teaspoon pap rika, dash cayenne. Add 2-3 cup milk, 1-3 cup lemon juice. Cook, stirring constantly until thick ened. Strain Into a bowl, beat 2 minutes with Dover beater and cool. Add 1 cup each of orange sections, sweet cherries, pineap ple, and peaches, cut in small pieces. Fold in 1 cup whipped cream. Put in troy in refriger ator 3 to 4 hours. Cut in slices and serve on lettuce. Orang and Cheese Salad Soften 2 cups cottage cheese with sweet cream, season with salt, pepper and 1 tablespoon gelatin soaked in 4 tablespoons cold water und dissolved over hot water. Add orange vegetable coloring. Pour into individual ring molds, chill. Unmold, fill centers with orange sections and chopped nuts which have been marinated in French dressing. Servo with whipped cream may to which has been added a few drops of orange coloring. Ice Box Rolls 1 cup sugar 2 tablespoons shortening 2 well beaten eggs 8 to 10 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 2 cups boiling water Yeast size of walnut Pour boiling water over sugar, salt and shortening. Let cool until lukewarm. Add yeast dis solved in tablespoon water, and eggs, well beaten. Add flour until dough is proper consistency. Let rise over night and mold down in the morning. Shape into biscuits. Let rise until light and bukc. This dough will keep for a few days In a cool place. Mine Pi 1 recipe for pastry 3 cups homemade or prepared mlncemcnt Prepare pastry. Fill with mincemeat. Cover with top crust. Bake in hot oven about 10 mln- R R R R X R P-S-S-T HERE'S A TIP! GIFTS FOR A MAl FROM A MAN'S STORE Giv him ANYTHING from the Gun Store . , he'll appreclat ltl Chooa from our assortment of guns, fishing tackla, sports equip ment and sportswoar. Or, from our big assortment of men's wear. Thia is a man's store and w KNOW what he wanta. Com in you'll enjoy shopping harel Buy for the men folks what they'd buy for themselves! Store utos. Reduce temperature slight-1 ly and bake about 30 mlnutei longer. Particularly delicious served with cheese or hard tauce made with a little brandy. Christmas Fruit Cake 1 pound butter 1 pound 1 iKht brown augar 1 pound flour 0 eK 2 pouncla curranU 2 pounda raisins 1 pound citron, thinly sliced and cut in strips 1 pound candled cherries 2 teaspoons mace 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon soda 2 tablespoons milk i pound almonds, blanched and shredded Cream butter, add sugar and beat thoroughly. Separate yolks from whites, beat yolks until thick and lemon colored, whites until stiff and dry, and add to first mixture. Then add milk, fruit, nuts, flour mixed and sift ed with mace, soda and cinna mon. Put In buttered deep pans, and steam 3 hours and bake li hours Id very slow oven. Be sure to wash raisins and currants. Will moke about 10 pounds of cake, Christmas Plum Puddjng 1 cup suet 1 cup nuts 1 cup dark brown sugar 2 eggs Gay! Colorfajt! WOMEN'S APRONS Christmas cheer for any one's kitchen! Regularly 28c each! 8 new designs from which to 3Q choose 2 for ' Lush New Fall Colors Reg. 98c Handbags Bags so nicely mad In such unusual simulated leather, youll want several . . . for yourself or for smart gifts! Remote Control by Transformer! 8 Unit Military Electric Train 155-Inch Set includea anti-aircraft army aearchlight M AC car. aparklina tank, radio, cannon and BL "3 ammunition cars, shells, planes, pup tent, tc. Red Commodore Vanderbilt 6-UNiT ELECTRIC TRAIN Worth $5,001 Forward and reverse r m o t control. Heavy gauge steel locomo- Inches DOLL BUGGY Worth 90 Morl Tan with Ivory itl mbb.r tlrad . Footing heoit, Oompl.t IV iHtmhtMl. tive, 112 3.98 of track OS i z : 1 i " " y " ' ' I - I From Saks Fifth Avenue, New York Two luxury Christmas gifts for someone extra special. The gold kid belt, above, has hand-painted blue, pink and purple figures. Merry Hull designed the "window-watch gloves" at left, so the efficient career woman could tell time on icy days without pushing up her coat sleeve. 1 cup fruit juice 1 cup dates 1 cup figs i cup milk If needed 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 21 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon cinnamon i teaspoon cloves i teaspoon nutmeg 1 cup candled pineapple and cherries Sift dry Ingredients; add dates, figs, nuts, suet and sugar; then beaten eggs and fruit Juice. If dough is too stiff add i cup milk. Serve with vanilla sauce. Bake 3 hours in a slow oven. WOMEN'S SCARFS 88c Regular 98c! Rich rayon and woven J a c q u a r d icarfs. Others at 49c BOXED HANKIES 25c Embroidered gift hankies of fin com bed cotton lawn. Others, 19c to 89c The Ideal Gift for Christ mas . . . Give a Sears Handbag! in 87 Oval Track 6 soldiers, pursuit Strong All-Steel "ACE" AUTOMOBILE Red and ivory auto with tt-lnch rubber tires. 31 H inches long, C OD 8-inch wheels JJ.TO Others $10.49 $15.49 MAZDA LITES 1.50! in Valu IV T lltliti alt en 1 itrlna, with clip, to attain to trta Illy I All Mud. Lmpa. PULL TOYS . 1.29 Qftr Valu wC Lift let Ion MMtw boy. Donald Dueh, and othtrt iur ' to plant young Hart! Christmas Cookies 1 cup shortening 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup sugar 1 egg, well beaten 3 cups sifted flour 3 teaspoons baking powder i cup milk Oat Filling ' 1 cup dates, pitted and cut 1 cup sugar i cup water . Combine shortening, salt, van illa and blend. Add sugar and cream well. Add beaten egg and mix thoroughly. Sift flour with baking powder. Add to first mix RAYON BED JACKETS 1.00 Regular 1.291 Peach or blue brushed ray on. Q u 1 1 ted Bed Jackets $1.98. NU BACK CORSETS 3.98 Patented alid 1 n g back, won't rid upl Rayon bro caded batiste. Sixes 34-42. tit-Unio VMLL.H! mA , " Flannelette $29 Pajamas.. I 1.59 Value! Stripes or Plain colors.. 34-40. Women's Black or Brown : Calf NOVELTY DRESS PUMPS v 850 094 Valu . ,' dt Newest Colonial s c r o 1 1 ramp inset! Elasticised tor perfect fit. Slses 4 to 8. 133 So. 8th ture, alternately with milk, blending thoroughly. Chill dough. Roll dough a inch thick on floured board and cut with 2 inch cookie cutter. For the filling, cook dates, augar and water over direct heat until thickened, stirring constantly. Cool. Place 1 teaspoon filling on 1 cookie, place another cookie on top and press together. Prick top of each cookie with a fork. Place on greased baking sheets and bake in moderately hot oven 19 minutes FLAVORSOME MOLASSES , Some time, when you are mak ing a caramel pudding, substt tute New Orleans molasses for the caramel syrup. It will give your dessert a most engaging flavor. When our neighbors saw that we were beginning to work out social justice at home, they thought it probable that we would also deal with them in accordance with a more liberal policy. Dr. Samuel Guy Inman, University of Pennsylvania pro fessor. The cares and burdens, that must be laid on all our shoulders in this war would pale before the inferno that awaits us should we lose. Joseph Goebbels, German propaganda chief. NYLON GIRDLES 1.59 S t r o ng yet flexible and softl Satin front panel, tiny stays, tear os. iv- " t LP MA (F 1 1 I 'J' - 1 (LOjjOAJ A! ' ' '" - - li -" in I jf Luxury to Thrill Mlladyl CHARMODE GOWNS 34 Joan Bradley $198 Sweaters.. . . . 2.59 Value! Fin all wool Zephyr. 34-40. . . . Leather Solas and Heels on 'FUZZY WUZZIES" 2.45 Valu 99 Plush fussy uppers, warm fleece lining. Burgundy' color. In sises 4 to 9. j . Vll'!.VII'.i;f-M.H.TIIIllfl.lHHITHMM r'IIT-1'in "Most typical of all toys, as far back as history looka, la the doll." This "Glamour Doll" la up-to-date, all-Amerlcan In. net native, modern dress. The downfall of democracy it money-worship, because democ racy was founded on spiritual things. If you don't feed them, they die. Janet Flanner to the New Jersey Education associa tion. Give "Beautifilm" ROYAL PURPLE HOSE Regularly $1,151 Your choice of Gossamar sheer 2, 3 or 4 thread hose. Other Royal Purple hose for every 1 M need Easily Worth (1.981 l,WU'Wi!'-.B-. 0. g Sizes n 69 - 44 On look at th floral prints or lush plain colors in this group of .. gowns and youll want several I Full- cut and SB-inches long. Shoulder strap styl. laca-and-fagotting trimmed or surplice styl .with lace-trimmed neck and . cap sleeves. Tailored, Lace-Trimmed FRANCINE' SLIPS. Reg. 1.19 94c Rayon crepe, satin, or taffeta In tearose, whit, opaline, navy or black. Sis 32-44. ' Women's Cosy Zip Fastener "4-STAR" BOOTIES vL -;249 Genuine kid leather with sheep lined inner solas. Black, blue or burgundy. . Slies 3H to 9. W1M 'C'lMlm Dial 5188 copen, and dibck.