Novombor 27, 1041 GIFT OPENING SUPPLEMENT ' PAGE NIKE lit '''v- ' j?' Mi! I rfli Mt TX id if i OH. OH. 8HAHON You'ra too big for IhU lira truck but wa don't blame you bit for falling haad orer heels in loTa with auch a marvelous eraatlon ol wheels and rad paint and matal. Just tha thing Santa Claus should bring to your house for youngar mambart of tha family. It that what you aaldT MEN'S STORES EXPECT GOOD HERE SEASON By JIM MORRISON It won't multor much this Christmas season what ort of styles In men's clothing la shown In Klnmath Falls stores. Old Joe Public's gonnn buy. Not only Is ho going to buy, but he's going to pny more nnd not give a hoop. That's the sentiment of Klam ath Kalis men's store merchants the length. of Main street. And are they getting ready for the rush! You won't hear many of them cry about poor business this year. Neorly every one of them Is brimming over with en thusiasm and will tell you he 0 expects the biggest year In his local history. Window trimmers arc busy with fancy paper and streamers for backgrounds. Clorks and managers aliko arc loading shelves and counters with new merchandise or busily awaiting shipments that haven't come.' Everybody Is In a fever pitch of preparation that usually Isn't manifested until a coupla of weeks befora Christmas. True, there is a certain amount of men's clothing shortage, a condition directly attributable to the national defense effort, but most of tho local orders aro get ting through at least in part, and most stores aro stocked to the gills with suits, topcoats, hats, socks, shorts, shirts, ski clothes, shoes and tics thnt will sell like hotcakes before the season's over. Tho real Christmas rush hasn't started yet, but already the men's stores nro doing heavy business. Men drop In, ask to see a suit, Jacket or overcoat like they ad- Q mired a couple of years ago, and buy tho artlclo for themselves wlthput a whimper over the 8 per cent or so boost In price. A salesman traveling for an eastern clothing outfit summed , It up: "If tho public only knew what Is going to happen to tho prices of clothes lt'd come right clown and clean out every store in town." Ho said his company had gone completely out of the making of dress shirts for men. The company's shirt line has shifted toward khaki for Uncle Sam. . Nearly every Klamath Falls haberdasher shows the enthus iasm of an expected good season with lavish Christmas decora tions being whipped rapidly Into shape. One merchant oays he's counteracting tho failuro of clothing manufacturers to alter men's styles by offering ultra- attractive gift wrappings. He Q expects to use ono mile of cello phane wrapping, a half-mile of Scotch tape, and two miles of bronze, gold or silver ribbon. And speaking of styles. They haven't changed, but It won't mean nothing new will be bought. With, the OPM's over SO per cent cut ordered on auto mobilo production, what can be bought for a man but clothes? A few dollars .can repair the old plunk for another .ypajy and he'll sU.ll hava thnt $30 a month on hand. "Reason for lack of style change this year Is that to change the cut of a suit or overcoat the manufacturer must change the mould of his cloth-cutting pat alWjeitMsisiii smajMuUSM fi.Dlllll 1 Your Deiet!" .in in siiisiii : sejUA ' ' . U "Ti'sAJaFASi'vi f lasawmwL Vie" f.v , KsSSr "-VJi'yl Fully -Equipped ELGIN MODELS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS TRADE IN NOWI Or this mw moim modtl, Wi am ym anted ttoturti 100 Annriton oV 0 "Alr-CooM Coeitar Braka" 0 "Pusctura Snltd Tim" e "ANmira Lubrication" d IRIN0 IN YOUR OLD BIKI . . . RMARDLISS OP ITS CONDITION ... LIT US APPRAISE IT AGAINST THI PURCHASI Of A NIW IL6IN KLQIN EQUIPPED BIKE . . without Floating Hub . 3S.9S KLQIN EQUIPPED BIKE . . jwIUi airto-atop light . 31.95 I LOIN EQUIPPED BIKE . . with twin bar tram . 3S.9S I LIMITED y TIME ONLV j tern, and that isn't being done. The tools and metal necessary are being put to other uses by the government. Yes. most of the men's cloth ing merchants In Klnma'h Falls look forward to a banner season. Some complain of not being able to get their orders of shirts. Others say prices arc rising too swiftly on cotton and wool fabrics. Selections are not as good as they were a year ago. You haye to take what is offered. FOR ChnlilMAM no hm ' ZSzi I .mu 1 (usual mm Buy Bikes en Seart Easy 133 So. 8th : Gifts for Worn en Should Be Kept "True to Style" By MARGUERITE YOUNG NEW YORK "But what kind of a friend what kind of a woman Is she?" the shopping counselor asked tho Christmas gift shopper. Tho customer said: "She's smart." "Of course, -but smart how7 A bridge player? Enough of one to crow over our new playing card subscription which sends her a new monogrammcd deck once a month?" "Gracious, nol She's always busy. Defense! And no slack in her social pace cither." "Oh, that typo. Easy," remark ed the counselor. "Once a week, she collapses and has dinner In bed. Look . .t The Christmas shopper looked, she went home with a "dinner on a tray set." It's a service for one. Beautiful modern crystal, complete from soup cup to des sert plate. And this little scene is being repeated, in essentials, every wnerc during this bumper pre Christmas season. It looks like the biggest true-to-type Christmas the American woman ever experienced. It's go ing to be the biggest Christmas as anybody can predict by ust looking at the 17-per cent rise In national income. And the stores arc primed and stocked for It with everything from the solid gold, Initialed latch key for the woman whose home is first in her life, to tho Christmas, 1941, "brunch coat" for the one who does her work In her loung ing clothes. And, with such va riety to suggest from, salespeople are ready lo help you buy closer to character than ever before. CHRISTMAS RULE! KNOW YOUR WOMAN So, more than ever, your first principle In Yule shopping for Her Is: Know your woman. She always complains about how fast the hem of her house coat soils?" Then, give her the brand-new short one. Most spec tacular is the modest-priced ray on taffeta one, perky as possible, and swlshy, gay and practical, Better stores show this new- length garment at many price levels. A perfect one for a college girl has white shirtwaist, black vel vet skirt, huge red sash. Other wise, i Christmas, lounglng-wear Nevertheless, they all expect a now-or-never Christmas booth. One clerk optimistically noted: "I think this would be a good town Jor a clothlngf store." K 1 Buy a NEW BIKE for only) 50c a. Week! (piytbl roonthlr) BIKES 0195 Down tarrying etirl , Pay Plant Dial 5188 news Is pajama news. Handsom est luxury ensemble I've seen looks just like the Christmas tree: brilliant green wool pa Jamas, very full at hem, and over them a brilliant red sleeve less robe with gold belt. Sales people are showing men gift shoppers "the kind men usu ally choose" traditional ostrich- trimmed fluffy ones and "the kind wives always get in ex change after Christmas." New est, prettiest of the latter are pucker-taffeta in serene green or bright red and white stripes. She's "a young thing and can't get enough beautiful gadgets?" That calls for costume jewelry. Best-selling modest piece typical of this category is a clip In the shape of Santa himself. The brilliant enamel figure is to be worn alone or with the all-year lapel ornaments. Real Jewels also are shown and sold this year, especially in useful articles. For instance, compacts literally paved with precious stones from South Am erica. And diamonds. Come Christ mas, 1041, say people in the trade, this stone will be as uni versal a symbol of defense- jL 0r(ljLi Fa.$hion'Wise..Santa$;i n Gre Gifts From Sears! I robes t.'iim a '1 Ready for 'Christmas In SrJs ' S zL KO t iris jf Honeysuckle frocks . . . ,rt iJ J&& V! X &3&AVi f Wman firSt Pinafores. Jumpers, Prin- iA kT ' S W lESSifffriljX ( Wu; heart-give the gift cess and midriff styles to . i. .' Kb GO' - 1 ft rfyflltfefn. 1 that's first on her list! little girls' sizes from 3 to W faf Jt i.i. X W lf liiilli 1 Tufted candlewlck robe 64 years. Honeylane fash- ' P ' ; . fO U'lWWlH I " nattering urt,,1 Ions for the 7-to-14 crowd i iff-- ': ' R a r'IflilllUl I fro-: Skirt pocket... ... suspender skirts, two- ( ' : , X ; .-. S !K' I Him in?) I hrterslcves... piece effects, classics with I ? illlilll' I " ' Ue belt Floral new tricks. Also Honey- f -TV" ' ' Wflill I W"' Choo, suckle "Juniors" In size, 1 rS S 'j 5iff!MlV I Tom Fr":h blue, dusty lo 3 years, and Honey- f J 8 . W 'rHlllf 1 "'Pberry and luckle ..Mltes,. 6 1 1 III! 1 1 ; HP" I Bit m ' JL in ': ImM v v - j lir Sears Clear-Away Sale!' I O PRESSES COATS, SUITS MISCELLANEOUS f B aio. a. as .Jl ate. la.aa ' 0,91 aio. at ils 70 aie. t.oe 70 - , J O MODELS, now w COATS, m O DRISSES, w. . . . . I W BLOUSES, mm f 9v . A ' ;8 J?A eo. s.aa aia. ta.'a . 4 yit asa. oimi 7Qa ase. i.aa 4M '5 JC STYLES, ow C COATS, MW XC DRESSES, MW 136 BLOUSES, MW A ' S 0 "I0- f'H aia. 7.M 1 ase. i.aa oirls 4.41 '. ase. - 441 ' 9 ' qSrTS. TVLES, MW A SUITS, MW I DRESSES. MW X SKIRTS, m X . , ' .ft ' ase.ta.aa ja,N reo. s.ta , Mt. . 4.91 ' . ', ' l um, mw .'.XX - -- skirts, mw.. X , , I Biiii 1 i . - karr r a., t mmmmma. a . m boomed America as was the silk shirt of World war days. For one thing, department stores are showing modPjst-prlced dia monds: golden bow-knots with a diamond center; "sweetheart" sets of engagement and wedding rings which a thrifty soldier can afford. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR HOME LOVERS She "docs love her home?" There's a special reason, then, for giving household furnishings this year. They'll be harder and harder to get as priorities press on in consumers goods. Right now, there are new pieces made for Christmas. Fluorescent lamps are streamlined. Coffee tables of moderate price are done in lac quer to match any color In her house. Pressure cookers have flex ible, easy-to-handle tops. A ma hogany telephone stand hooks on the wall, and holds phone and book in a neat shelf. Instead of disappearing cabinets, the new cocktail table has an appearing wineshelf; it comes up from the rectangular coffee-t a b 1 e-helght piece. For distinguished homes, Wil liam Palhmann designs a wool rug in the cerise, brown, orange. red and green stripes seen in a Peruvian poncho. Victorian pieces are new. Nina Wolf de signs three-legged side tables with a Victorian pincushion top made of beaded velvet, also mir rors in beaded frames and a beautifully anachronistic'beaded whatnot for the inside of a closet. There are beautiful new re productions of early American glassware everywhere, and hand rVvi AaV 133 South Eiahth St. Phone 518i I ' some iron ornaments for In stance, a purs white iron rooster to stand on her hearth or In her garden. She "lives for clothes" or she wears out so many in that of fice"? : Everything from handker chiefs to umbrellas Is here again and in fresh glory. SILK HOSE ARE A GOOD STANDBY "Silk stocking wardrobes" come in a bell-shaped package: there's a different weight hose for morning, afternoon and even ing wear. All-nylons are plenti ful at the moment too. Gloves are many -colored and full of sur prises, such as Merry Hull's stun ning gauntlet with a cut-out to show her watch through a cro cheted hood. The tax on leather inspires a spiffy, giant-sized water-proofed over-night case, and hundreds of lovely blessedly-soft, big handbags. For the shopper who can af ford it this last time, there are brilliant leather and alligator pouches, envelopes and purses, Something to hold in her hand is very much in order for the glamor-woman too, this year Dorothy Wright Liebes designs formal bags for double duty, day time and evening, in fabrics of the feel and color you'd expect only in the ancient Chinese or Peruvian or Coptic finery that Inspired them. Exquisite beaded purses arc handsome on jeweler's frames. Ultimate expression of the small thing for the woman "who knows and loves fine things" is a huge purse of finest Eastern mink. It's NOT for the budget mlndedl For most young people, true freedom will never exist until we establish conditions which will maintain an abundance ol employment opportunity in free labor market. Owen D, Young, chairman Americas Youth commission. , ' ; 1 ; The decision rest solely with the people of the United' State, The power Is theirs to determine the kind of world of the future In which they would live.--Under Secretary of State Sum. ner Welles. ,, : r. ' Three months ago, I was a buaV ness man who believed that busi ness Could cooperate with gov ernment. Today I believe thai government can cooperate with business. Floyd B. Odium, dW rector of contract distribution) OPM. : A Gift That Will v Please . . ' a ,V Permanent Katherine's Beauty Salon "Our Permanent! Our .; ' Pride" ' r '' 123 N. eth Phone 4633