November 27, 19"4t GIFT OPENING SUPPLEMENT PAGE EIGHT Christmas seals, may be deduct ed from Income tax. Christmas seals provide the funds for a highly organised pro. gram of medical resrch, which Is now going on In 10 great lab. oratories In this country. play In their homes, whether It be large or a small one, In order that the true Christmas Spirit may shine from all the streets of the city. Buy and use Christmas seals! They are the sola support of the Klamntlv County Public Health association. "Education of tho people, and through them of the state, Is tho first and greatest need In the prevention of tuberculosis," said Dr. Edward Livingston Trudeau, first president of the National Tuberculosis association. Christ mas seal fundi pay for the edu cnllon of the people. Contributions to the Klamath County Publlo Health associa tion, through the purchase of TAKING SHAPE HOMEUGHTING CONTEST PLAN it L 1 j ' ' ISN'T THIS A BEAUTY Toys, whirl In the departments dedicated to tn cnrumu season, tin idea for brother "Pat," Just 9 year old and awfully fond New Gadgets Seen Alongside Standby ; Items in Toyland By JOHN FOSTER ;What makes all this so called hustle and bustle around that day they call, ummm. Oh, Yes, Christmas? Is it because the hrlKlc wlntpp nir brinffs Mnm nnri and all the kids out to view the weather or is it that they have started their shopping? Ah, yes, it's shopping all right for those thingamajigs - that Old Saint Mick and his men have been making all year. .Aside. from that, how about you and me putting on our Sunday-meeting clothes for a stroll along the main street of Klamath Falls to see the many toy lands of Christmas time. Come on kids, let's see what's new. Bring Mom and Pop along too, it's never too late to enjoy looking at the toys. - Let's glance in this store and see what's in all those boxes piled high on the shelves. How do you like these doctor sets? Each year they get a little bigger and if you get one of those and your Dad gets one of those darn aches. Well, you take that Doc kit and start working on him. He'll, pull through, don't worry. MEW ELECTRIC TRAINS r Christmas isn't Christmas without electric trains and this year, as ever, they're winding their way around and around all ..those tables in every toyland. Pretty copper colored and silver engines are new this year plus six or seven cars from the camps with their big guns and trucks, How mother and father will love to set some 60 pieces of track in. the front room, put the kid dles to bed, and stay up until the wee sma' hours putting the train through its paces. .Say, look here. By golly, each year those dolls are getting to look more realistic. They cry, roll their eyes, go to sleep, and with some of the "better" models there are diapers attached. What novel ideas the Santa Claus clan can think of. Can you just picture Dad get ting up some night to cover your baby brother and tip-toe quietly into your room. Then . , . crash . '. . you're awakened and little baby brother is whooping. You crawl out of your warm bed to investigate Pop who is still sprawled upon the floor with your new streamlined skates In ' one hand and his feet tangled up in your new fence which came . with your army outfit Speaking of the army equipment, you can see there on the shelves all, kinds of new army trucks, guns, and soldiers and those air planes and tanks are smudged with paints of all colors. They call it camouflage. Recordings and recording ma chines of all makes and models have again come into the mak ing. There are little phonographs and big ones with the big records and the little records. SUBMARINES Grandpappy better be a little more spry this year when he de cides to take a bath after Christ- jiiuB. uiiva uuuu tuna uio vmir tub would be full of things that would "float" like the celluloid swans and wooden boats, but not toyi. and mora toys. this year. The old fellow has to be careful of his feet when he steps in now that those new toy submarines are floating at the bottom. These subs are one of the newest toys yet to come out of Santa's workshop. They dive into the water and glide around like the real McCoy. Do you still like your little doll which you have had for a couple of years but the moths or mice have chewed off part of the hair and left its hairdo in a mess? This year you can buy a new wig of any color for Sue, Betty, or Ann. Might as well get a couple of those new doll dresses too. Say, let's rest awhile and go in and eat Oh, there is Santa sitting down there answering the questions from the kiddies gath ered around. Get in line behind your Mom and Pop and tell him what you want when your turn comes. Saint Nick says that there are new electric dredge diggers, chemistry sets, and miniature ice boxes with all. the trimmings and most of the children are ask ing for them. SUPERMAN Have you seen your old friend Superman strutting his stuff in the toyshop? Well, Santa didn't forget that Superman is the fa vorite comic strip of millions of kiddles and he saw to it that there would be Superman toys. If anything, toys are getting bigger every year. Look at that airplane With about a three-foot wing spread, all decked out with machine gun shoots. Miniature B-19's they could be; called. Say girls, have you noticed something new about this year's dolls? Some of the higher priced ones actually have ears on them instead of the oldtime ears mold ed on with the head. That's some thing new. Believe it or not and did you notice that the, Teddy bears and Panda bears are get ting to be cuter than ever. Get one of those, and the folks will probably want it to. take to bed with them. ' V Then your old friends the scooters, sleds, bicycles, and wagons are all back, newer and more stream-lined. For the girls the buggies, kitchen dishes, fur niture, games, and dolls are all ready for sale. Although .there are bigger and better toys this year, old Uncle Sam has cut the quantity; so better shop early. How did you like our little trip around town? Do you know now what you want for Christ mas? There are hundreds of other toys not mentioned ready for young and old buyers and Santa Claus can foresee the big gest Christmas ever to be held in Klamath Falls and the whole United States. The double-barred cross, spot lighted on the Christmas seal by the lighthouse beacon, one of the best known humanitarian symbols In this country, is the Insignia of the National Tuber culosis association and its affil iated associations. danle Sharon Casey's eyes as she takes mis irucK ana irauer is of wheel gadgets. pretty CHRISTMAS SEALS A physician from the United States, Dr. Sherwood Hall, first started a Christmas seal sale in China in 1932. Since then, the seals have been sold each year and have steadily increased in popularity. The proceeds are used to sup port tuberculosis sanatoria and a general tuberculosis program. The designs of the seals are often taken from wood prints of the country's well-known artists. FlKS . . the nicest giit oi all! I t' a 8 a Invest your Christmas check the wisest way . a fur coot! Select now . . wear it through the holi days on our very liberal budget plan! A big selec tion of choice furs . . suc cess styles. All prices are plainly mark ed and include federal tax. Buy your furs from a furrier. We are in the fur business all year long . . your best guarantee of service and complete satisfaction! NOW! VERY REASONABLE RATES ON RESTYLING, RE MODELING OR REPAIRING . CUMMINGS FUR SHOP- KLAMATH'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 115 So. 7th . - , Phone 6425 : sal. The annual home lighting con test, formerly sponsored by the Lions club, has been taken over this year by the Junior chamber of commerce who havo already laid plans for an extensive pro ject throughout the residential districts. This being a national project of the Junior cnamrjer, the local chapter has many ideas that have been used successfully throughout the nation and which will help put across the Christ mas Spirit in Klamath Falls. In order to make this year's contest a complete success, it is necessary that everyone put up some display, be it large - or small, and the Jaycces have worked out a plan whereby the grammar school children will have an opportunity to win prizes up to a bicycle for the most number of entries received. The junior chamber is seeking the cooperation of the Parent Teachers association 'in helping make this project a success and those PTA chapters that have been contacted have given their full support to the idea. Througn their help the Judging will be done and the various districts divided Into seven PTA divi sions. This year's contest will be di vided into two. district classes with cups and ribbons being given as prizes. In former years cash prizes were awarded but the committee thought a perma nent prize would be more appre ciated by the winners. Seven dis trict prizes for first and second place will be awarded with a grand prize for first and second place from all entries and the prizes will remain the property of the winners. In order that more people will feel free to enter, a cash limit Is placed at five dollars for material and labor in the one class, and an unlimited class will be made for those who wish to put up more elaborate displays. Contest rules for school chil dren and contestants will be pub lished next week and full de tails will be given at that time about the project. As stated be fore, the junior chamber urges all persons to put up some dls- 1U r SEE SANTA! AFTERNOONS AND SATURDAYS AT SEARS 0 't'- Ijj' 77 . 1 .' ?t steel Wagon V : f) 5t98Q, .. !! Lionel Electric Train Set tf 60-WATT TRANSFORMER -frtj fTT (TK '''""" 1 j 1 Carefully detailed die cast engine with focused head- I J' Freight T fOlfl light. Eight-wheel steel tender, box cor, oil car and II ' ' , A$ caboose. Whistles and uncouples by remote control. Unit Vf , '" ' 6" ."i? 59c r2 I Sof steel step plate with J-1 rm raised front and tide!. pturtlr nt- m A Bicycle boll bearing In urmi flntri M. 'm s?- f I Bradley Jr. Stake Truck ;JM A or is mix. 1 1 n U 1 STURDY HARDWOOD BODY .,)! jb w y, Housekeeping Set I '-:-'&3r?S?i "Conso" bwlno, ouarontMd to JCSP flsSC Seven ilgTKl 1 Fi'V'j&liA ,0' 00 .." 'h A 9jrW Pieces A K fco l 'J'-' " " "HiVSV " O'So-lng. Body III ft MM tii ip 36xl7',xlO InchM dp. J QQ yjfj j 1 on an ! Auto L i jMv -. ;; 411. I All - steel automobile, ) f JfcSCSfeiv ' ' Sj!Jvk AMiner fl 412xl7l,". Admstabl. UMlVkUv 1 pedals, rubbor-tlred disc ff I & JilPklP'P 4 ur f. . 1 LI 26 Inch Baby Dolls IM jj 3 Wff) SLEEPING EYES, LONG LASHES Bombing f P I a n e W f Electric C Thv'' ,h on,wer 10 ony m9" 11 CJti mf tK&W 1 . J Phonograph 4.1 rZLibZ Jr.- 59f VflAls I -, . , . . , . or soft blonket coot with morobou. 3w Ti4 lj r4 Electric portable phono- , . . rt . . 'sr A Cjr 1 jr?&Jrt 1 , graph, Ideal lor the young trimmed bonnet. Oraonay drew. M;u) Mm. FYWSi k music lover. Plays up to , o u ties f f rlCr-. . Q Xi&g :! It rCCi :l 1 1 A Small Down Payment Holds Any Toy Until December 15th I w.5"n,0' I Uii Seon Easy Payment Plan on Purchases Totaling $10 or More! ...,!?' 1WH ! I