f. November 27, 1941 GIFT OPENING SUPPLEMENT PAGE SEVEN L GIVE LIST OF i m nfv; RECIPES NOW TOR Tile TREE "We seem to brook up lot of ornaments thl year, to I'll uit pick up Itw new ones llks these transparent onoi with bit of tinsel inside," remarks Sharon to the obliging clerk, Evelyn Wilton. Sharon finally settled on box of orted colo.e and several bright silver strings of tinsel. I " 1 " "-, " vj" Tit FOR DADDY "Goth. I think this Is a funny looking tie. even If the clerk did say it's what the best dretted man wears." tmirkt Sharon. She finally makes her own choico, a Paisley pattern on a deep red background, for Daddy's Christmas shirt. NATIONAL DEFENSE EM RMS MR RIPTH r Hrl. 1 '' A Rift ltrm Rrown rnrc In tho last two decodes Is scheduled for n revival this Christmas. Just na youngsters of World war I dnys Rot liberty bonds In their Chrlstmns stocklnKS, the natlonnl defense bonds nnd stamps of today nro expected to fill a section of Simla's puck. Tho stamps, priced from 10 cents to $5, and bonds from $18.75 to $750 offer n wide range of selection for those who "don't know whnt he needs" or those who hnvo relatives in dis tant places. SEAL SALES In Scotland n local Christmas seal for the fight agnlnst tuber culosis wns issued in 1 ):(), but In 1033, Scotland Joined with Eng land and Wales In carrying on a natlonnl sent stile. This snlo has now spread over nMf II.KnlH nnlfll. Iltn rllfAnt chairmanship of one of England s leaning citizens, ino ivjnrcmmwas of Tltchflold, and has enjoyed the pntrnnago and sponsorship of tho crown. Tho prlco of the seals Is id. ench, one cent In American money. Steven Dohonos, tho national ly known artist who designed the 1041 Christmas seal, Is one of tho hundreds of thousands of persons who have recovered from tuberculosis. mm- h vhf. mm 7T ' GEOMETRICALLY aqua red lines and turn-back cuffs mark this new campus-going coat. It is made of grey processed lamb, from Argentina. if U -.1 HAVE YOUR FURS CLEANED, GLAZED, REPAIRED and RESTYLED! "Fur Muff Purses and Hats Our Specialty" A COMPLETE STOCK OF NEW FURS COFFMAN FUR SHOP 1132 Main Phone 8262 -':M,'-v'..'--'l 1 Those Good Old Ties Are Ready Whnl's the favorite Christmas gift from the wio or the dozens of relatives scattered from coost to const? It's no secret because when the man of tho house sees n box about 12 Inches long and iidoui a quarter Inch thick . well . . . instinct of past years float through his mind and the word "TIE" runs nround in his head. With a rncK nnd roomfull of tho chokers he can't wait until cnnsimns morn to unwrap a few more nnd the rest of tho dny he goes nround nsklng himself "Why oh why do they do these things to me? This year his hopes are for the bettor nnd deep down inside he feels his relntivcs nnd fnmily will be kind to him nnd change thnt old tradition to something newer nnd brighter. IN CUBA. TOO Chrsitmas seals are sold in Cubn by tho national committee for Defenso Agnlnst Tuberculo sis. Two of f-o most popular senis, those of 1027 nnd 1028, were n reproduction of the French scnl of 1020, except that ino wording Is In Spanish. A child faces tho sun and tho In scrlption is "El Beso Al Sol" (the kiss of tho sun). RUG CLEANING Wo art the only exclusive RUG and FURNITURE cleaners in Southern Oregon. You will like our work. 9x12 Axminster $3.30; other in proportion. Dorestms Rug Cleaners Dial 587S By LOIS STEWART Year in and year out, each and every one of us prepare the same foods and despite the fact wo peruse scores of magazines nnd cook books, usually full back on the same tried and true re cipes because we're Just a bit afraid of new things that haven t stood the test of time and family dinners. With this in mind, wo called n dozen or so women whose cook ing we know is 'par excellence, nnd wo aren't a bit afraid of offering theso In a Christmas cooking column that should help you over tne days when good food seems to be more necessary than at any other time of the year. Hope you enjoy them, and hero they are! CHRISTMAS WREATH We have been the lucky ones to huve one of these coflce cakes, rightly called "Christmas Wreath," for our Christmas morning breakfast. Mrs. Lloyd Prock was generous enough to pass It on in this .column. And it's goodness plus! 2 cups milk, scalded I cake compressed yeast 8 cups flour 23 cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind 2 eggs 23 cup melted butter 23 cup seedless raisins. Filling: 11 cups brown sugar, 1 cup chopped nuts, li table spoons cinnamon. Cool milk to luke warm, soft en yeast in t cup milk and let stand 3 minutes. Sift 4 cups flour with sugar and salt and add grat ed lemon rind. Beat eggs, add melted butter, cooled yeast and remainder of the milk. Stir eggs Into mixture, add sifted dry in gredients and beat until batter Is smooth. Add remaining 4 cups of flour to make light, soft dough, and beat well. Let rise until double in bulk, about 3 hours time, divide into two por tions, roll each piece into a rec tangular shape about i inch thick, or a little thicker. Spread with melted butter and the filling the brown sugar, nuts and cinnamon, then roll as you would a Jelly roll, Joining the ends to form a ring and place on greased bnklng sheet. You will notice this makes two rings, about 14 inches across. Now slash the top, holding the scissors straight up, cut down to about the depth of the filling and give the pieces a little twist. Let rise in warm place until light, about 45 minutes time, and then bake In a moderate oven, 375 degrees. When done, frost with powdered sugar and decorate with cherries. This Is awfully good and be sure to make the full recipe. TURKEY STUFFING A right smart stuffing, and one easy to make, is that given us by Mrs. Albert O. Roenicke. To those who want a change from the old sage and giblet dressing this should be most interesting: 8 cups bread crumbs 1 pint of small oysters 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup chopped celery i teaspoon pepper 1 egg, lightly beaten Wash oysters thoroughly, (if- Urge ones used, cut up), blend all Ingredients using liquor from tho giblets and I cup melted butter to moisten. Stuff lightly and there you are. FUDGE SQUARES Having people in for cofft. during the holidays? Here's a Fudge Square obtained from Mrs. Percy Murray's cookbook, which makes a hit with young sters and oldsters alike: 2 eggs 1 cup sugar s cup butter melted with two squares of bitter chocolate i cup all-purpose flour 1 cup chopped nuts 1 teaspoon vanilla, Salt Bake In greased pan, 8 by 8 Inches; temperature 325-340 de grees. When cool cut In squares. CRANBERRY SHERBET An exceptionally good cook, Mrs. Ernest D. Lamb, offers this Cranberry Sherbet recipe which should start any dinner oft with flying colors: 1 quart cranberries, cover well 2012 Orchard Ave. FIRST FOR MOTHER And Sharon stops at one of Klamath's many attractive shops where the most delectable negligees,' bed jackets, gowns and slips are entrancing 1941 shoppers. This negligee and matching gown in soft baby blue, with a lovely squat yolk of lace, simply wins Sharon with water, cook until tender. Put through fine sieve. Add two scant cups sugar, stir until sugar is dissolved in pulp. Add 1 cup thick cream, whip ped, and two beaten egg whites which you fold in carefully. Freeze In old fashioned freezer, or if electric refrigerator trays are used, stir several times be fore serving. XMAS EVE SUPPER What to have for Christmas eve supper that sounds grand and yet can be prepared a day ahead? Try Mrs. John H. Harris' Banana bread, made into thin little sandwiches and served with a crisp salad and coffee. 1 cup white sugar 1 cup sour cream a eggs 3i medium sized bananas, mashed 3 tablespoons sweet milk 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon soda i teaspoon baking powder 1 cup chopped nuts Salt. Put together like usual cake recipe, place in greased pan, (makes one large loaf), and bake as you do bread. When loaf leaves pan, it's done! FAVORITE COCKTAIL Here is the recipe for Mrs Charles F. Scharfenstein's favor ite Christmas dinner cocktail Simple to make and sounds sim ply grand: 1 cup raw cranberries, cut in halves 1 cup canned pineapple, cut in cubes, i cup seedless raisins 1 cup sugar 1 to 2 cups pineapple juice 1 tablespoon lemon juice Mix and let stand three to Give him the gift he'd choose himself ARROW Sun Valley Stripe Ensemble Here's a gift be'll want to put on Christmas morning and wear every day, if he could. Our handsome Arrow Sun Valley Stripe shirts have the new wide spaced broken stripes on soft color grounds, shorts that match exactly, and a tie and handkerchief that go with the shirt like plum pudding with Christmas dinner. Altogeth er, they're a sure-fire present because Arrow designers know exactly what ha wants and Sun Valley Stripes are a tip-top example. Choose them in pleasing colors of Blue, Tan, Grey or Green. Shirt, $2 Tie.tl Shorts, DREW'S MANSTORE 1 733 over. The lingerie is shown by four hours in refrigerator. Serve right cold! FOR THE CHILDREN Mrs. Scharfensteln offers this unusual Banana Brown Betty for the children to top off the extra heavy holiday dinner. It was served frequently in her home in the Islands, but substi tuting canned pineapple for the fresh, brings it within easy reach of the Klamath hostess. Here it is: Butter baking dish. Place a layer of sliced bananas, sprinkle with sugar and butter, 1 cup of chopped pineapple, then a layer of bread crumbs, sprinkle with cinnamon, repeat this ending with a loyer of bread crumbs. Bake in a moderate oven for 45 minutes. FROZEN EGG-NOG Having a lot of people in dur ing the holidays and want to serve something more interest ing than Tom and Jerry? Here's a marvelous recipe for Frozen Egg-Nog which we obtained from Mrs. Frank P. Drew, and one used in her mother's family for a number of years. It may be served for dessert, too: 1 dozen eggs 1 pint of milk pint of brandy 1 pound of sugar pint Jamaica rum Grated nutmeg 1 pint cream, whipped Beat eggs separately until light. Beat sugar into yolks well. Add milk and beaten whites of eggs. Then add the liquor and freeze fairly hard, the consist ency of ice cream. Serve in punch glasses. This may be made the day before and well out of the last minute rush. Serves 24, and especially sug gested for a buffet supper. 65c Handkerchief, 35c Main Marie Guerrettas. With Christmas vacation Just around the corner, thousands of school kids are looking forward to that joint "visit from Santa Claus" and holiday at the same time. Both Klamath Falls city schools and Klamath county schools will observe the same schedule this year. Christmas programs will be held in the in dividual schools on Friday, De cember 19, and vacation will It'll please it's from . 5 ROBES 5.95 to LINGERIE 1.95 to HANDKERCHIEFS 25c HOUSECOATS 3.95 to BED JACKETS 2.95 to BLOUSES 1.95 to 0- SKI SUITS .. SKI PANTS "HER" if V? DISTINCTIVE APPAREl TicPhone 8222 901 mxn Jit liw-- -. 'it 12.95 to 16.95 . 6.95 and 7.95 v. '0 s SKATING TOGS 3.95 to SWEATERS . 1.95 to SCARFS 59c to SPORT SOCKS .... 50c to A small deposit will hold any article until Christmas! wow start with dismissal that day, to be resumed on Monday, Decem ber 29. There will be a one-day . holiday on New Year's, with schools resumed Friday, Janu ary 2. A check with Klamath Union high school showed a similar schedule for this institution. Food worth $125,000,000 an nually, equal to seven-tenths of the nation's needs, is produced by England's poultry industry. Platinum once was so cheap that bricks of it were gilded and sold to unwary greenhorn. A ton of water from - the) Dead Sea contains 187 pound of salt. Say Merry Christmas wit Gift she'll adore . . gift with the label that guar-' antees quality and style at a moderate price! Make ' Whytal's your gift store for "HER" ' 19.95 10.95 to $1 16.95 5.95 5.95 JEWELRY 1.00 to 4.9S lue Urt HOSIERY 1.00 to 2.95 PERFUMES .. 1.00 to 9.00 sius tut BAGS 2.95 to 10.95 GLOYES 1.00 to 4.95 6.95 6.95 1.00 1.65 fc Purchases charged ., ' balance of montb payable January lit!