The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 27, 1941, Page 21, Image 21

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Novtmbtr 27, 194r
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ALONG THE AVENUE The cameraman snaps Sharon en rout
to do tha atores of Klamath Falls shopping district Note the gar
chryianthtmum on the lapel of her brown coat.
Lighthouse Theme of Seals
: Symbolic of Guidance and
Protection for Mankind
The lighthouse theme of this
year's Christmas seals, sold
throughout the United States to
aid the unrelenting drive on tu
berculosis, has a classic symbol
ism, according to Mrs. Burt E.
Hawkins, county chairman of the
aeal sale for the Klamath County
Public Health association.
: A lighthouse is a structure
erected to carry a light for the
purpose of warning or guidance
in connection with marine or
aerial navigation. Lighthouses
symbolize protection. They dot
the shores of the United States
just as the tuberculosis associa
tions dot the cities and towns,
warning and guiding the people
against treacherous currents and
the shoals of indifference to a
, Serious health problem.
The broad theme of light
houses provided the inspiration
for Artist Steven Dohanos who
painted this year's Christmas
seal. With breadth and dignity
and artistic excellence he de
picted the winter-swept light
house scene. Warmth and secur
ity are suggested in the lights
of the keeper's house, his over
turned boat protected from the
weather, and the footprints in
the snow leading to his cozy cot
tage. Surmounting this is the
light Itself, bold in illumination,
beaming outward into the night,
ascertain beacon for those who
would be guided to desired se
curity. ' And that, in essence, is the
message of the Christmas seals
tiny beacons lighting the way for
the unceasing fight on tuberculo
sis. Letters bearing the seals to
contributors throughout the
county will be put in the mail
on December 1 by Mrs. Don
Drury, chairman of the mailing
committee, in order that these
colorful seals may bear their
messages far and wide on letters
and packages during the holiday
Fabric Welcome as
Gift for Woman
More and more women .who
are thrifty and individuals
fashion are taking to running
a fine seam and making their
own clothes.
No gifts will please such wo
men more, than a length of fine
fabric from which to make
dress, evening gown, housecoat,
lingerie, mouse, coat or suit.
A packet of needles, matching
thread and a suggested trimming
added to the fabric are further
thoughtful Christmas gestures.
Among the nationally promin
ent artists who have designed
Christmas seals for the National
Tuberculosis association are
Thomas M. Cleland, Ernest Ham
lin Baker, Rockwell Kent, Ru
dolph Ruzicks, George Vaughan,
Lloyd Coe and John Evans. Stev
en Dohanos designed the 1941
Yuletide Furloughs Promised
About 800,000 Service Men
The army said Merry Christmas
a month in advance today with
the tidings that between 700,000
and' 800,000 soldiers would get
xuieiioe lunoughs.
By the war department's esti
mate, approximately half of the
land .forces will be granted
leaves to go home for the holi
days and this raised the prospect
of -the biggest Christmas trans
portation rush in more than two
Belief was expressed, Never
theless, that there would be
enough trains for the troops,
without undue snarling of rail
way passenger or freight schedules.
In cooperation with the Asso
ciation of American railways,
planes are being made to move
service men to tljeir homes well
in advance of the rush which
normally reaches a peak on
Christmas eve.
As far as possible, soldiers are
to be released on two dates, De
cember 12 and December 20. de
pending on whether they receive
iunougns of one month or two
weeks. They are due back in the
ranks on January 12 and Janu
ary 4, respectively.
CHICAGO. Nov. 28 (AP)
Spurred by the jinalo of nation.
al defense dollars, a S2.400.000.
uou national Christmas shouoinu
splurge is in the making this
season, merchandise trade ex
perts here estimated today.
oucn a volume of business
would exceed that of the boom
year 1929 by more than 5 per
cent and would bo 11 per cent
more tnan last year.
Ihese estimates were coinuilod
by a survey of the nation's
wholesale and retail trade dur
ing the past 12 years prepared
unoer uie direction of Percv
Vilson, director of Chicago's
Merchandise mart.
with preparations comulotc
for the flood of buying already
unaer way in Uie name of Santa
Claus, merchandisers were
ported by mart officials to be
ready with shelves and display
rooms wen stocked despite pri
orities and material shortages
Considering the increased flow
of dollars, merchandisers do not
expect higher costs of goods,
taxes, restrictions on installment
buying and shortages of some
materials to stem the trade
Wilson said the survey showed
that although holiday business
will be the largest on record, it
will not keep pace with the
year's average increase of 18.9
per cent in retail trade so far
because there was an unusual
purt in Christmas sales last year
as first effects of the defense
program were felt.
The increase in dollar-volume
of business will not fully reflect
the huge amount of goods to be
sold, he said, because Drices av
erage 12.5 per cent lower for
Christmas items than in 1929. He
estimated that the total amount
of merchandise to be sold will
be almost 20 per cent more than
in 1929.
A woman can't go blindly
forth into the shopping battle
without the right apparel. The
following is a summary of what
milady should obtain before the
day of buying approaches so she
win De ready to match what on
slaught that may arise.
First and most important there
is the money angle to think of.
Sit your husband down to the
supper table and sneak into the
bedroom, look through his pock
eta and purse, and your reward
will enough money
to get by on. It doesn't matter
what you buy your husband be
cause it's his money anyway.
On these busy shopping days,
with all those pick-pockets run
ning wild, a money belt would
be about the safest place for the
money. If you can't get one,
your purse will do if you hang
on to it for dear life.
Start tomorrow on your shop
ping, not Just because it's early
but Uncle Sam is seeine to It that
there isn't that extra amount of
anything in any store.
Another very useful thing to
OS .'.'--. V.i-; v.:..
it) Iff ; -
j-vfp mJ A fib w
iteo Ijjy ylL y
bh. -'''Vli ill I'm 1 . 1
t, vx-i
' waylay.' Wash.
CRANBERRIES Lots of them, tayi Sharon, for Christmas dinner. Mother uie them In a pretty
mold that seems to let off that holiday turkey to a "T." Klamath grocery ttoret, Sharon toon
touna, were lull ot goodies to tempt the isitor they'll have for holiday dlnnen.
take along on your main street
trip is a list of what you are go
ins to buy. You won't follow it
but the idea is good; minht as
well throw away your budget
book too because when Christ
mas is in the air the money
floats away and you never know
what happened to it.
Last, but not least, another
very useful object to take along
is your . . . husband. Think of
all the nice things you can have
him do. Ho can take you to
lunch, help with selecting, and
be the human delivery truck. He
may complain but this is Christ
mas and all will be forgotten
when the day comes that he re
ceives the present his money
Two billion dollars' worth of
property are destroyed every
year by some 6000 species of in
sects in the United States, it has
been estimated. Half of the to
tal damage is said to be caused
by only 38 of these species.
LAKEVIEW Santa Clnus hBa
consented to visit Lakcvlcw on
Saturday afternoon, December 0,
to meet the children of the com
munity and receive their sug
gestions for appropriate 'gifts.
The invitation for the pro-Christ-
runs visit was extended by the
Merchants committee of the
Lnke county chamber of com
merce. Tho welcoming commit
tee has arranged nn elaborate
program at the bus terminal
when Santa arrives from the
North Polo on a special bus.
Prizes will also be awarded
that evening to the best com
mercial and residential outdoor
Christmas decorations.
The population of New York
City increased from 0,930,448
in 1930 to 7,380,239 In 1940.
You can't
for wanting
blame fat people
to change their
The tree kangaroo is a mammal.
''.' BUY HIS GIFTS 8 f
fcM EL" I I
. Nationally advertised lines ffi U
I " v'"A3 at ,0,lbI Prices. H 0:(
"" "The men's store where Ijf f
I - women like to shop." f 'jK
Lovely gifts for lovely ladies!
Buy her gifts where she buys for
herself . . We hove everything
. . lingerie, hosiery, gorgeous
robes and housecoats, jewelry,
bed jackets, blouses, sweaters,
skirts, jackets, suede apparel,
handkerchiefs, scarfs, gloves,
novelty gifts . . every one a gift
you'll be proud to give!
719 MAIN
GIVE v tjv&
1 This MMMiWY
Christmas Mk gj?
!J month.endS
U over presen I
A small doposlt
will hold your
coat Liberal
Sitkim Fail's
new ri,.;..
With h forge
r ""m" c".
ond Toy,.
Leother w
b.c rne$
Fitted Coses
u Bird
Audubon ' rt
h 11 Gbert
.TSrS on Tour cT, "1
I "efioni. aur I
. Porkor ,
Cam.- I
729 Ha,n
719 MAIN