PAGE FOUR GIFT OPENING SUPPLEMENT November 27, 1041' November 27, 1941 GIF! OPENING SUPPLEMENT PAGE FIVE ' a. ft tj,1 , r , y p Y0IJ CflWt l)SISS W tftf U GIVE MOREI-SAVE MORES Values that will make your Christmas dol lars go further! Thousands of practical gifts you'll say when you enter our complete Xmas store, but you'll find your selection easy because merchandise is grouped for your convenience! And the salespeople are full of suggestions! GLAMOUR IN EVERY STITCHI LOVELY ROBES Comfort In rtch warm lab rlcl Rayon satin and taf- fetas! Zipper and wrap around styles! 12-42. LADIES' CHENILLE ROBES 'Beautiful putil colored thickly tuitad chenille robai. Full wrap-around style. Bud gat priced at Penney i. 12-20. RAYON and COTTON GRAN - E - FLEECE SPORT COATS Baltad coat styles of suede ileaca. Laathar button ironti. Patch pockati. 12- LADIES' Sport SWEATERS 1T98 Smart novelty weaves! In popular button front tflltKx iIIh. 33.10. ::. y- SECOND FLOOR BOYS' PERFECT GIFT1 LEATHER JACKETS 9 m vr.k . i7 m "ow -f- r-; sry-jt iif? rk!kCk iSi rlcs. Rayon satin and t.f. "J tVO tf " BEAUTIFUL 7 -w I 1 CHENILLE I I ffl? t Colorful ntw v jCBfctfS f E AUw itl Sl DOWN II 1 niifc& ft: IS mi r5 Ai-ltiAWi tfT .tvl... 32.40. -f-Jt. I II 9b I Ml - JL VIA I JH WW,jsiW 4S3 ' S U. WV 45 Vk REDUCED! iUC u" -su 17) M V<t BOYS' IfiCOZY CUBS if 1 , -aw. suits 1X3 Du"P,fur.!ke I ML BVRSdl J PAIR OF PANTS 11 1 3 ,h,"ins ln bI" P f 1 I Jal VA' 1 Ju,t i m. for ChrUtma.I j I S?Sk or buraundy PI r 4AW?iCtfFi Som boy U1 b pnud to own ft ami ' V, coIrl- Cu:"onlftl n I- iV.YlivVV'l " of thata .ultil And juit iff SG&jhaell 6 to 12. kfltJKM'VI think of th. aaTlnga to youl . l-fftS!! ) B -DOWNSTAIRS- IIS) IMSiiaS f I 2 Fiesta Ware I W '10 Hl 5al Dowmtalra Al ID ggf Beautifully d.ilgn- 7 !00J R eojoril Caaaarola aatil Tomato 1 . SSP GIRLS' Dress-Up FROCKS Protty Utile rayon valvaU. )ut ltka "mother-!." Graent, rad, bluail Daintily trimmed with white. 1-6. GIRLS' WARM COATS 590 Trim little prlncen or looie boxy tylet neatly trimmed. Interlined lor warmth. 6-16. LADIES' Fashion HATS I98 Batty Co-edi tha imarteit new an glat on hati you've lean In a long time and this low price! . REMEMBER YOUR NEEDS FOR CHRISTMAS! Jean Nedra FROCKS Drauy rayon alpacaa, tailored pun rayom, and amart novelty weavee. Rich AO warm colore W n ptiivs you can alford to pay. 0-5 J. FASHION RIOHT AUSTELLE DRESSES You want Individuality plua In your holiday clothei and without budg lni your budget A A either. You'll find 147 ) JTUWS VI1UIV.V lllIVi Sliea 12 44. .trip mtm mf Jri-Ji MM. LADIES' SPORTY RODEO SKIRTS 8 Juat what every boy wants. Hare'i top values ln a jacket of fine plia ble capaskinl Wall made with strong seams. Sateen lined. Sport backl Ages 2-10. KOROSEAL Susp'ntiers' BOYS' BELTS SCOUT KNIVES BOYS' GLOVES BOYS' Boxed TIES film -i mms si x m Warm fleecy m.V f ' X 1 1 II terlal. Colors, greyf, VI;' M, f " If tit or tan. Colorful; f; tt" ! i S red belts. 24 30. I llk . ' j ' ' j i t S fi ' . , ' x aas'fj .V7.' Otis' -F a :-ait? rmM kBSt oil iwao Ssf&r' VW PRIZE WINNER IN EVERY RACE iafo X'fMtj Jk K-? v-" 49c ' i TV 49c 1 98 1 I K i . 3 1 4lis GIVE HIM A WARM GIFTI MEN'S ALL-WOOL FLANNEL ROBES 4J98 Give him warmth! Comfort! Stylal He'll enjoy wearing this robe for years! All wool flannel In rich solid colors. Well tailored. 8-M-L. COME TO EWNEY'S STYLISH! EASY FITTING MEN'S RAYON ROBES Give htm a rtch looking lounging robe! It's remarkably fine for this low price! Cotton and rayon. Jscquord patterns, B.M.L, A GIFT HE'LL LIXE MEN'S GENTRY PAJAMAS In fin smooth weave broadcloth, printed In rich fast colors! Luxurious styles slipover or button fronts ... In full cut comfort able, slses. A.B.C.D. SHOP EARLY AND AVOID THE CROWDS! MEN'S LINED GLOVES He'll wear these fine gloves all winter and they'll b bis favorites. Flannel lined. ELASTIC GLASS Men$ ?5t! Wallets Transparent wallet Remarkably durable Many accessories lit eluded. NOVEL Tie Racks Several styles to choose from. All gift boxed. Penney's through tremendous buying re sources , . months In advance planning . . careful selecting and long experience . . en ables you to have a more happy Christmas by being able to give more and spend less! Penney's store is teeming with practical gifts for the whole family! A GIFT THAT WILL COUNT! TOWNCRAFT SHIRTS FEATURING THE RAYON DECORATED! LATEST COLORS AND PATTERNS I GIFT BOXED! Tha newest in th style trend rayon decorated. Coma in while stocks are completer MAIN FLOOR BOXED READY TO GIVE! JlX mm. 9fic upxtozs n match that favor- f I ff gZl y 7 ' VVli ite shirt! Nicely ' I 'A S. - t ItM , aT 17! 'I IrfCf 4-Piec Toilet Sets Exquisitely designed, richly ornamented they look fabulously expensive! Rayon lin ed gift box. Wood'ware GiSts rRACTIV 9! UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE and Whit KXftgC Pinal Choice of sets. 5-Yr. Diary W UUAHANTE&D M Sk . TO KEEP IIJ1 SECRETSI i vritn sniny iocjc and key. Laath- uold embossed. m FUN FOR EVERYONE 18 YOUNG AND OLD Steel Wagon 41' 18" BABY DOLL Stream lined lot speed. Easy riding tires. Smart sturd ily constructed red body! BEAUTIFULLY DRESSED! She sleeps! Cries! She looks so real I Soft cuddly body and beau tiful ayea with long ay lashes. Exquisitely dressed! A NEW PULL TOY STATION WACON Of heavy steel with hinged side doors that open and closol Rub ber tiresl Spare wheels and tire in rear! LET'S HAVE A PARTY SELECT TODAY - WEEKS TQ PAY NO EXTRA COST. Mani cure Sets . InZlppa, Everything she'll need for well groomed nails. Choice of colors. wm I A. PERCOLATOR SETS ERECTOR SETS She'll be so proud whan she pours from th real porcolator! Un breakable dishes! 23-piece setl INSTRUCTIVE A dandy outfit for any youngster who has a yen for building! ELECTRIC PHONOGRAPH Self starting motor - -j, with start and stop Cj Xf wiicm nays ail reo orde up to 10 Inches In diameter. "SCAMP" PANTIES & n et's! rrnm snais ,!,." mii 11 n 1 VJaJt V. V.r W tisst. , I RACY ' STREAMLINED! ShJS-W 0 Mr ELECTRIC TRAIN SETS miffg 98 mmmwr Kff "5"? mo ff M v 3 tf:E$m llloadend bumoer. Electric switch. Locomotive and M ' IM I Long Affiya. VT i ,r.. ... ' ,,. ,,.rll. NB rl THE WISE CHOICE ijl lutomntlc dumping leatura operated by remote con- M 9li X n loll Switch and bridge included! (Illustrated! -m , E. 1 Ai. 1 . -$2Lt Ell I 98 rofSr 90 b1B W;. Taints -4lSq 1 Lfc' T , ack. Improved v ', .s, -Sfirrri .'i l 1! A tnUr ffnd type of under iisgyHd ua?' X4tMiDw ri v LAVISHLY TRIMMED! BEAUTIFULLY MADEl GIFT GOWNS Cascades of lace, delicate am broideries, fin little tacks and ajf f shirring make thee gowns look I fljn xtravagastly IovIyl Fin ray- I I m w on satin or crap. 32-4S slsssssaV LADIES' Full Fashion HOSE Christmas S p c I a It 3-tivead flawlessly sheer. Newest shades . . . Elf Tone, Sandman. Fawn and Rose Dust. Twilight crepe. 8H-10H, PRETTY RAYON BED JACKETS Vry prHy rayon satirs or crepa with Iota of lac and rib bons. Budget priced. S.M.L. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG IF YOU CHOOSE CYNTHIA CREPE SLIPS Made of smooth ray on crap that wears and washes beauti fully. Tailored and trim styles. BALCONY GAY RAYON NEW SMART PAJAMAS ShH wear tha to lounge (n, they're so M wall tailored and ha- comSngly cut. In frash new colors and ei popular styiei, 3a-4, mm if) FLANNEL If it PAJAMAS i H Here's au gift that any man woaid H Mf I j wricqm vrarm flmrls) Sllpowr 9Wt t V1 or coat stytn. 9 it iff frnll IS Also 8-footr" I tmt Wjjtj or the tall man. L I aiFT WRAPPED- ' jf If SHIRTS, SHORTS (If J I and BRIEFS I " n& something practical her H jaT J ml it bl Fin qaal- f Mf s ? matosUls. j7flft gf 1 !8fe t Fat colors! 1 I ' Bl Jf 3 Prs. itPfcl FSi HAHf FLOOR l Kilt LEATHER ik f ; i WEDGIE flK , Fcr comfort and pf 4 m I " P tfrsy epFsar- Jf 1$vjaA 5 f I 1 CiK anc8' Colors. a S sfri I: black asd rd if .f ' l ST p JP 1 ijr SHOP EARLY AND AVOID THE CROWDS! MAIH FLOOR SELECT TODAY- WEEKS TO FAY NO EXTRA COSTy