November 27, 1041 GIFT OPENING SUPPLEMENT " PAGE THRU Yuletide Greenery Grows Wild Here In Wide Variety Mmo after Chrlstmus on tho lapel of ft llllt. Now wo'ro nil tuckered out. Guess we won't et to our greens until next Siimluyl Tho ancestors of Prrslclent Thomas Jefferson were Welh. By LOIS STEWART Lucky Kluiiiuth folks when It comes to Uucorutlona for the home during tho Chrlstmus and New Year holidays. And the greem which they find, prac tically on their own dour ittcpn, are tho tradlllonul green which tho lover of tho old fualiloucd holiday decoratlona finda heud and ahouldcra abovo any other klndl All you need In tlila part of tho world la a llttlo gusollno In tho car, aomo old clothoa and the thrill that coinea from prowling through tho wooda after bougha, conea, Juniper and Oregon grape. STYLES DIFFER Some people Uucorato the wholo houae. Some aimply Ilium o wreath on tho front porch, put up tho treo, and let It go ut thut. Hut thla atury has to do with thut school of decorntora who enjoy turning tho houae upside down with grocna Inside und out. A bit of heavy wire Is needed to mako the gurlunds of fir which often decoroto tho door way entrance, and thla treiitnicnt, coupled with airing of electric lights, makes a moat effective greeting for your guesU as they knock on a door, the window glaaa gleaming clear, and a wreath of holly in the centor. Klamath's mountain do not yield the old English holly, heav ily laden with berrlca, but In our own hllla thore la a beautiful Oregon grape, an evergreen bar berry berberl aqulfollum to the probera which can be found In excellent condition thla time of the year. Now Oregon grape, especially the small shoots of brilliant reds and greens, la mar velous for Chrlatmna wreaths. Uut If you use this for your wreaths, don't keep them Indoors as tho Oregon grape has a habit of dying quickly and curling. Tho grape loaded with bluo blsck berries makes an attract ive wreath, too. CONES HANDY Another particularly effective combination to put Into wrraths is Juniper and cedar. Cedar grows profusely In this country and although It takes practically a wholo carload for two small wreaths. Is well worth the trouble. Our favorite Is the type loaded with tho small white flat berries. When you get through working with a wreath of cedar, the floor will look like you've spilled a box of rochel powder all over tho plnco, but it's Just the pollen and won't hurt a thing. Also attractive and easy to find In this aectlon are cones, big Ponderosa pine conea which come with huge green needles, or the smaller pine cones In clus ters. Tied with a hugo red or green ribbon, or a bow of cop per screening, this Is as pretty a thing as comes from the woods. The big sugar pine cones (lucky If you get very many) are products of tho Oregon woods and highly prized on the east coast as well as the middle west. These cones fall ot this time of year only If a high wind or a busy squirrel takes them from the branches. Otherwise they are available If you can get In a "cutting" where the loggers have laid low the branch of the mighty pine. Three of these huge cones caught with a bright bow, miikc the cheeriest of door decorations. Incidentally, If you want to moke eastern relatives happy, send a box of greens to ttfcm, sufficiently early to give them a chance to enjoy them for a few weeks. Lots of people take down the decorations tho day after Christmas. We come from the "take the tree down New Year's day" tribe. TRADITIONAL THEE Going Inside the house there Is, of course, the Christmas tree, for which there Is no substitute. We know some people who came here from the dust bowl. With them enmo a small green paper tree, a guy Utile thing they had used for years. But hero they came Into this country, rich with evergreens, Shasta firs, lovely trees of all sizes and shapes. They wore bcsldo themselves Kinully they settled on a shapely llttlo fir, and for three weeks It graced their living room. They took It down with much sorrow and almost a fear In their hearts thnt never again would they find a tree so lovely and so gay. This year tho slores seem to have outdnno themselves with ciitullrs. All aorta of randies, candles like nngels, candles like rholr boys, candles like SnnUj Clauses, and candles well, like candles. Hest of all, to the mind that likes tho old, ore tall, slim white candles, fat "plumber's" candles of red which send off a great deal of light, or the love ly soft leaf green candles which are very pretty rising from a ring of greenery and a bright red bow. MANTEL TABLEAUS Mantels may be trimmed for next to nothing. Favorite Is the use of pine cones and candles, but lovely Is the mantle on which glows from subdued lights the scene of the nativity. Maybe when the little fellows in the futility are a bit older and can admire without the loving pat given the animals and shepherds so that they fall over In a heap, this scene can be laid about the base of Ihe tree. The local dime stores have lovely angels in pale pink and blue, shepherds, the Holy Family und the stable. Christmas tree ornaments this year are definitely "made In America." since we have turned up our noses at Japanese and Cierman made wares. Hut it is with sincere regret that many of the lovely things made by Ger man craftsmen, such as "flying angels," birds with gossamer wings and other tree trinkets aren't available. American fac tories are turning out Interesting baubles, however, and they are reasonably priced. Our tasto runs to the old fashioned green tree with everything In the house glistening from It. If you prefer the sprayed silver, blue, or red affulrs. that's up to you and we haven't nnv suggestions. FOR THE TABLE Table decorations are so vari ed that never will you find two tables alike. However, as long as wo are stressing Klamath grown products, we might offer this around a mirror place a wreath of cedar, pine, or fir, depending on tho size of tho table and mirror. At various points lay very small red, green, blue and silver Christmas tree balls, or for dinner, use real small fruits, oiled with olive oil to bring out the color. Small red peppers and limes are alwnys good. So arc some of the lowly vegetables like onions, garlic, and brusscl sprouts, just look around, and you'll find plenty. Juniper trees are simply laden with blue berries. The pungent odor of Juniper is offensive to some but there s some that likes It." Juniper responds nice ly for garlands, wrenths. clusters to tuck In packages and In many muny woys. WRAPPING IDEAS A quick glance at Klamath's stores puts the average package wrapper In a dither. A surrcs tlon, however, wrap In deep green or brown cellophane. Tie with contrasting ribbon and tuck a cluster of pine cones and needles under tho bow. You'll be surprised at the pleasure this package gives, especially when sent to a part of tho world where pine cones are a treat. Some people we know are tucking hand made corsages of pine needles, Incense cedar pods, and cones, to be worn for a long WHY ANN MILLER HANGS UP HER CHRISTMAS STOCKING... (Sttnt ttotalid by ys$mift0 5ftflJff Id Ihf Stett) Wtwr To iSow Santa thai Mart llAllvvetU. Of Court Betaiite Ann U content onlr with thm iror ihwi holt, mjM by Armint to make bet Ug look ilimmt, mora ltnv twnul. HolWwlit...peifnlr f..hliut4 its. three trvlf.riibt Ifnjtth, Momi th taint lt btaury that make Mara like Ann Miller femoua. Hollyvou kinj art (tactical, tool Armlet's etcluilrt. hih twin 'Creme Jt Chin BfoctM utum irtiter ni retinaix at no treat . thii Chriumii. take a tip from Ann . . . pie id th aor-l that you've ot MtJIywpi. Treat J. u mm. m milt "ttl fnf tttat lilt 1 " your siivrwi. iot, t&iitt HOLLYVOGUE ,.,.,, lilt N,l.. JgffoKt'ttpt Meed from $1 to $2.95 i ff. ""It-Mi lTjf I MODEL SHOE STORE Ifl how ttrtie e asmini sot aotuwooe ham ahs voim Send Gift Packed In Wooden Box Give a thought to wooden boxes when you plan this year's Christmas gifts. Many things are most satis factorily packed In the products of Klamath's lumber plants, par ticularly foods. Potatoes packed In wooden boxes, with a bit of colorful paper to add the holiday touch, mako an Ideal Christmas gift to send from -the Klamath country to d!r,tunt points. Boxed apples or pears are other suggestions. Christmas Council Will Meet Soon Earl C. Reynolds, secretary of the Klamath county chamber of commerce, will call meeting In a few days of the Christmas council. This group Is composed of rep resentatives of various organiza tions and agencies which parti- I cipate In tho Christmas giving program In behalf ot the under privileged and the needy. The council has operated lot the past two years. Its purpose is to see that Christmas cheer la spread as widely as possible. Read the Classified page. 5 Jilt 1,1 I Mattress Ensemble KNEE-HOLE DESK Christmas Value Here's a gift worth writing home obout! A supremely beautiful piece of furniture thot's procticol, too. A student will wel come it with o whoop of joy! Made with genuine walnut veneer top ond front ond five convenient drowers. Permaform Mattress With Permaform Edge Box Spring Covered With Matching Tick Genuine Pepperell Zig-Zag Stitched Pad tZgzEs Assorted Ul $Ub. Mirror I l&K 5nd up iy jr I ; tt riowiess piare giasi cop- lmmMm Wit i ' I : f' kicked ond let in I I jfL,-3jSi f! 5 ' ' r O'oce'"1. gilded frames. I I I Wjf" 1 I I I'-? I ."' M Assorted styles ond II I I I t !' v . I conventional shapes. II I u I ff Honor-Bill Specially for You Vd jj Who Like to "Take it Easy!" "lgp Lj A. DEEP CLUB CHAIR OC A If Rf.ft pillowed hnck. nw prlii "" Jtf KM J .gn'T m m, MM rnnntrurtton for 1iiibl trail- K V i m m lonr)'. i-AVred In p-1'ilc, rny- . M J ;V-. : ffm m J tnrtttrn-d vtour with nilkr . km k V-'' "'i:'i-"mf w Ittl been lht retalna Its newness. r : jjkp f mT&k C FAVORITE ROCKER lif l Tr .Vfl mohair or rayon JsM? '3 YhJ M' iTW -V - valour coven In Jm W iC-i'-v- --"Sl - "f rkitMri -9r r"'h ,,1or'- f 'ilr"' 3 W fi If c' PLATFORM ROCKER L ''f P-Tf ifi He-doweled frame M "nttil!' 'frgd"3 1512 BV&B. 1 B95 Bf YA VP J hlBh - nnallly up- I 0 MV m 1T 7 BS' holstrrv n rorkrr Jw eSayjV V dracrlbed sbefl ' "'CmmmmmmmmZmrS'SS 'g! JSelCTW I I Ray, ilmn- WjLJ VaW I I lnted lrnth- mmHJmr mVmm. I I 'r hnssocks Ur aaT JL J In pop il n r r SI ' --n ,11 i k kh From you ... to you . . . the gift of restful sleep ing comfort! Permaform "Body-Balance" construc tion in 360 coils . . . built and balanced scientifi cally to give and buoy in just the right places. Inner roll construction, Swiss loom border. Box spring covered with matching tick . . . PLUS a full or twin Sanforized Pepperell protector pad. CARD TABLES Extra heavy construction with steel braced legi ond moisture-resistant top. An tique studded ond litho graphed trim. 269 Give Him A Smoking Stand Chrome Trim Rich black enamel fin ish on larp mtytftl a n h r e c eptarle. Convent n t handles. Largs 279f f 1 100 Pedestal type with enameUd nnrt chrome t -1 n I h. . Lartro 8 h receptacle. SUITE LIVING ROOi BILT" BEAUTY i 2 V 111'? "Slftf r I "HONOR A gift the whole family will be proud of! Luxurious, spocious and invitingly beautiful! Smoothly molded . . . decidedly modem! Big, cushiony upholstered arms . . . backs pillow shaped for reloxing. Scrolled wood trim on rich velour upholstery. Rich, warm colors! YOU CAN STILL USE SEARS EASY PAYMENT PLAN I ROOMY CEDAR CHEST 3-Section Removable; Tray Matched Walnut Veneer Every woman wants o eedor chest to keep her very special "treasures"! This one has beautifully matched walnut veneer top, front ond end panels with Oriental wood and Mar quetry Inlay trim, to-incn size. 4S-INCH CEDAR CHEST Same Honor Bilt chest as above In larger size.. Marquetry Trim 24 95 27.95 Floor Lamp To Throw Light on Your Gift Problems 10" ASSORTED TABLES aa Cnffaa Tnhla Si Hnnrfv Lamn Seven-way light with three light indirect reflector, 3 con diet ond night-light In opaque onyx-type base. Choice of Ivory or bronze finish on heavy cast metal base and arms. Rayon lined, pleated lilk shade. Coffee Table Handy Lamp Table Convenient End Table Gracefully designed modern occasional tables to harmonize with any decora tor scheme. All hardwood construction with walnut finish. All types complete with fitted glass tops for protection ond enduring beauty. 495 each mm, mniffi id u 133 So. 8th Dial 5188 tWDtsjajK!