The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 27, 1941, Page 18, Image 18

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    November 27. 1941
Santa Comes Saturday at Grand Christmas Opening
FIRST STOP Heroine of this Christmas shopping photorial ii Sharon Colleen Marl Casey. 10-year-old daughter ot Mr. and Mri.
Ray Casey of 655 California avenue, and third-grader in Sacred Heart academy. Sharon figures the first thing a well informed
holiday hostess should 'do is choose flowers for her home and perhaps send a few bouquets for Christmas morning gifts. It's the
big yellow chrysanthemums that Interest Sharon more than anything else.
Fairyland Parade
At I P.M. Starts
fc Yule Festivities
Christmas cheer will burst upon the community Satur
day in a gay festival, designed to give old Santa a running
start for the Yule season of 1941. v
The formal opening of the Christmas shopping season
in Klamath Falls is to be touched off with a gala parade
at 1 p. m., which will be found of interest by children and
oldsters alike.
A Santa Claus float, several school and organization
floats, at least two bands and half a dozen marching or
ganizations will pass in the parade, but the real new fea
ture this year will be the Tony Sarg balloons.
Giraffes, pinK elephants, a
horse, goat, fish and clowns, all
made of balloons, will sail down
Main street, suspended from
mall helium balloons.
The parade is being arranged
by the Klamath Retail Trade bu
reau and is expected to be the
most colorful staged at Christ
mas openings here.
Before the parade goes by, the
grade school band under the
direction of Miss Lillie Darby
will play for the waiting crowds.
The line of march will extend
' down Main street from Esplan
ade, near the News and Herald
Santa Claus will greet the
crowds from his float and later
will bo on the street to get ac
quainted with boys and girls and
find out what they want for
It was suggested that local
people arrange to have their
children home for lunch before
the parade starts at 1 p. m. The
afternoon hour was decided upon
in order to give outside visitors
ample time to get here to view
the unique procession.
Klamath stores are rushing
final preparations for the big
Christmas opening, and down
town visitors Saturday will find
an array of outstanding window
displays awaiting them.
Colorful Yule decorations
' have been hung in the business
houses throughout the city and
merchandise displays are com
plete and attractively arranged.
Klamath merchants bought heav
ily for this Christmas and have
large stocks featuring both vari
ety and quality.
Christmas opening always at
tracts large numbers of people
from the surrounding districts,
and Klamath merchants plan to
do everything possible to make
these folks feel at home.
All in all, it is expected Satur
day will be listed as one of the
Red Letter Days of 1941.
Grackics habitually fly in
flocks and chatter around a
newly made nest before the
eggs are laid.
Christmas Decorations
-A- Cut Holly
-fc Juniper - Cedar - Fir
Roping Wreaths and Greens
.eBeMeaaelMeIMlWSW tX 1 "
J: ' : cV
Yuletide Colors
Are in the Air
When you think of Christmas
you think of those two old time
colors which have headlined
every year from way back red
and green. As usual those bright
colors are becoming very prom
inent throughout every store and
street in Klamath Falls.
Already the main street is
lined with trimmings of green.
shadowing the cars and pedes
trians. Red and white flags wish
ing "season's greetings" finish
the color scheme.
Then those new traffic posts
are getting decked out with a
second and brighter coat of green
so they can hold up the tradition
al decorations of green and red
for the shopping day of the mo
torist and pedestrian.
Even a few ice cream stores
are mixing up ingredients to
mako red and green marble
cream to top off the big Christ
mas dinners.
Men and women alike are
sporting those colors on the
streets, and from toyland to show
department, green and red crepe
hold the trimming spotlight. As
for the children, the hard color
ed candy that is found only
around Christmas time is clut
tered in the display cases.
The colored globes and orna
ments are lying in wait either in
the store or at home for the
shipment of the little and big
green fir trees' to be decorated
for that Christmas morning.
Yes, the 1941 Christmas holi
days are going to be a colorful
affair in more ways than one.
Police Sgt. Walter Coleman just
got in and drove it to the stat
ion the car without tags,
parked illegally.
But when he tried to get out.
Coleman stuck.
The penitent motorist finally
showed up at headquarters and
wanted to know what happened
to that tube of tire patch he I
left in the driver's seat.
Prepare Now
For Christmas
There's a special virtue to the
new short, featherweight hair
cuts so popular this fall. They
make it possible for many wom
en to do, without a permanent
who could not before. Often,
hair has a wave which, while
it's there, is not sufficient for a
long, heavy-hair coif. Such hair,
when snipped often, shows a sur
prising amount of natural curl.
But if you haven't a natural
wave, or if you find the short
cut unbecoming, then why not
give yourself a new permanent
for Christmas? It's not an alto
gether selfish gesture! For it's
essential to looking well, especi
ally in these days of permanent
everywhere. Looking well is
vital to your peace of mind; and
your 'peace of mind is pivotal in
tlc whole family circle's holiday
This is the time today to
start putting your hair in condi
tion for the Christmas pcrma
ncnt. It's an excellent idea to go
in for three weeks' treatments
before getting the new curl
Brush your hair every single
night. Use a tonic to correct any
scalp defects you happen to have
and use it according to the
directions. If possible, have some
kind of weekly scalp treatment.
For dry hair, you can't beat hot
oil treatments. Simply rub In the
oil, saturating both scalp and
hair ends, then wring out a towel
dipped in very hot water, and
wrap it around her haid. The
steam will drive the oil into your
scalp. When the towel has cool
ed, dip it again and wind it
around your head again. 'then
cover with a dry towel for a few
wow place your elbows on a
taoie, put your head in your
hands and massage your scalp
for three or four minutes. After
ward, shampoo In the usual man
Selby Footwear .
Footwear! Blues,
Drowns. values
one week only at $4.99.
NOTE Due to Increases in colt of
leather and of manufacturing expenses,
shoe prices will go up loon.
ncr. Use a liquid shampoo, and
of course rinse thoroughly.
For exceptionally oily hair, a
pine tar or balsam oil shampoo
often is recommended. Many
prepared shampoos contain quan
tities of pine tar, and you can
buy balsam oil for home use.
Just rinse the hair with hot wat
er, pour on the oil, work it Into
the scalp and hair for several
minutes, then rinse out. This
requires time and patience be
cause thick balsam oil does not
rinse out so easily as soap. .But
it's worthwhile:
Will Christmas
Day Have Snow?
Only old man weather knows
If Klamath Falls will have a
white Christmas this year. In
this climate, the word of the
weather man is as uncertain as
the European situation.
December is practically upon
us and if old man winter does
what he did last year, we'll
.have a rainy day and Santa will
have to pack an umbrella. From
December 1 to 13 last year clear
weather mingled with a bit of
rain and frost. Then on Decem
ber 13 the thermometer toppled
down to 10 degrees. Over in
Tulclake the mercury dropped to
ono below.
On the sixteenth the ground
was covered with beautiful snow
and it looked as if it would be
a white Christmas, but then the
next day a rain storm swept the
county and the snow was washed
From then on It rained on and
off' until December 25 rolled
around and more pltter patter
hit the roof tops.
They've yet to invent sleds
with attachable wheels but if
this keeps up year after year
that thought may become a real
ity. The question now arises "Are
we going to have a real white
December 25?" Only time will
tell, and even that isn't certain
in these parts.
Beavers rarely stray farther
than 100 yards from the stream
where they have made their
M ,W I I I
11 I
Trimming the Tree-Game
Of Thrills, Spills for All
The subject on which these
next few paragraphs are based
is one of the hems and haws of
Christmas time. This one tiny
subject is fun, dramatic, and full
of holiday thrills. That is, if you
like thrills and somu people
First of all you must have a
tree which you muy purchase for
50 cents and on up. You can buy
them for less but tho tree will
probably lack limbs or liuve full
grown pine cones on it. An easier
way is to go out in tlio woods
and get ono yourself. Of course,
your car might get stuck; you
might not find any trees; you
may run out of gas; you might
get caught in a blizzard: you
might have a flat tire without
tools', you might forget your saw
and hatchet; you might cut the
wrong kind of a tree; or might
cut on someone's property and
liuve a fine to face. Outside of
that, there Is nothing wrong
with getting your own tree!
4-Legged Peril
You have bought your orna
ments and now the time has
come to trim the tree. The wife
and children throw the tinsel on
the lower branches and ring the
tree with gold and silver spark
ling strands. Father in the mean
time is standing on the ladder
fixing the top of the tree. Then
comes Rover chasing the cat:
they tip over the ladder and
down falls papa with the rungs
ringing his neck. Thank heavens
he had no ornaments in his
A demonstration of how to put
one of those thin ornaments on
a tree Is now in order. Take the
glass bulb from the box, tic a
string through tho wire loop on
tho ornament; If you haven't got
any string use wire; if you
haven't any wire use thread, and
if you haven't gob that put the
ornament away and use it next
Don't throw the tinsel haphaz
ardly on the tree. Place it on
every spot that is bare. If you
run out of it put a couple of
ornaments in the bare spot and
if it still looks bare, graft some
branches on the tree. If It still
looks bare brother, you were
Amateur Electrician
Probably the most Important
part of decoration Is how you
put' the 'lights on the tree and
make them work. No one should
buy new globes until they are so
dim vou can t see them. You
know, save your money. Have
plenty of double sockets on hand.
You'll need them. If you find
an old socket that you are not
sure of just stick your finger
in it. If you get a tingling feel
ing and land on the other side
of the room, well, the socket's
all right. Let the husband take
care of the placing of the lights
throughout the tree because he
How Many Santas
Are There, Now?
Too many Santa Clauses
confuse the kids.
That's the reason the retail
trade bureau will not have a
Santa Claus on the street daily
during the Christmas season
this year.
There will be Santa Clauses
In several ot the stores, and
one on the street might be one
too many.
Eight to 10 years is the aver
age life span of the ant, al
though some have lived to 15
in captivity.
Sizes 4-10
i WW
usually 1ms longer arms. Make
tho old man feel good because
tho wife knows if she doesn't
like it she'll change It anyway.
Now that the lights ure all
ready, pop walk over to the out
let ill the wall mill sticks in the
plug. There Is a flushing of
lights and then "poor" out they
go again. Take a new globe mid
start testing the lights. If you
can't find out whut's wrong you
can always go buck to candles.
There is the decoration in n
nut shell mid the only remedy
to be found Is go to somebody's
house for the Christmas hull-dys.
Repeated Dy Popular Demand!
mwmmmmwimmMmmmmmwmmnggmmvrTmrmwmmacMmmMiMtt mn i,mm iimiiii
Nov. !-f j f. .f -V ...ifv i
I "Mot..,.,hl. cm,.:. I, o
I TxlO PLATINUM I f (tu'
Regularly $2.00 Each ? f?HVV
You've never seen a love- S Ft I
lier finish than Bruno's klm Ml Mil II 2l jf
"Platinuml" A priceless fsWjL. I FOR II wiiitgl
gift for every name on if H- - ( ihowI
I your list L3 II lll?' : I
6x8 PORTRAIT if&Ai
Hand Colored in Oils WmJ:
II Regularly $3.95 Each IkXJ
U The skilled hands of Bruno f (fBE f - -veW ' jf
artists give your photo- i ,11 '"ijaS 1 ,"'1
graph lifelike beauty un- Nffltl II CflD rt 1 i
surpassed In exe.Il.nee of TDK M " ---
color. CJ --'xr
Exquisitely printed ... In SELECTION OF PROOFS if rDftllrs I
beautiful finish . . . choice I j UrtUUPS
of easel or block folders. WSS API r,a" raw Iomiu - II
The perfections $ I
l.lf i Z JpSS5J
Improved traffic conditions
arc expected on Klamath Falls'
busy streets this Christmas shop
ping season, according to Police
Chief Frank lluniin.
Ily the time the season gets
well under way, the city's new
truffle signal system will he in
oiM'riilion. flashing red anil green
lights Christmas colors, he It
noted to control both aiiloino
bile and pedestrian traffic.
"We anticipate the public will
be pleased with this truffle sig
nal system and it will add to the
convenience of shopping In our
downtown district," said Chief
"We are asking everyone to
cooperate with us In making It
a success.
"I.usl year. Just before Christ
inas npi'iiliig, 1 asked our citi
zens and guests lo follow cour
teous practices hi the heavy truf
fle. I was gratified at the fine
response that was given. Truffle
was orderly unci there was as
Utile congestion us could lie ex
peeled In the volume of luuliii'Tv
mill pedestrian travel on t lift
streets. I want In repeat that
ieiiiest this year."
It's a wmiiler grammar
sharks don't ridicule the owl.
Ever hcur one sny "whom?"
Soldiers were limited to fight
locusts In ancient Kniiie.
Sttewani: & .Smith
St. Francis Park
Phone 5063
Specialized Shoe Fitting
627 Main St.
Phone 3723
SsMskafesiasnMsKsi a