Kovpnbnr 27, 1041 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN 0 Mcftketi and tyinoHcicd ID N HELPS STEADY PARTS OF STOCK LIST 9i NEW YOriK. Nov. 27 il'i Tardy bldillnK hi'lpc'l nlruily purls of today's Murk nmrki-t hut iminy leaili-fs i onilnui d well out on a shaky limli. Steal drew mime .support, with Uothlehrm rspn-ially fa vored, slid tobaccos ntlffi'iicd after an early relapse. Tux selllnil remained an one of the Important brake un re covery, broken said. Thin, tie spite exceptionally slow Inter val, put the day's volume to around HOO.000 hnre Another wide aMiortment of rheerful dividends mid arnlniu report propped scattered Mock but were virtually Ignored by others. Some speculative nib bllnK wan due to Ibe belief the mduxtrlnl avernde, within reach ing dlntanco of the HH1 bolloin established lost April, wns In a position to do n bruk rik'ht jbout. Stock In the "new low" rla some lubniantlully re vived Included General Mo tor, Chrysler. American Tele phune. Consolidated Kclmon. Public Service of N J . Seiirs Hoebuck. Pennnylvanla. Key. nolds Tobacco "II" and Ameri can Tolaicco "fl " Hp moftt of the seiisinii were IT. S. Steel. Hethlohcm. Younm town Sheet, Southern Pacific, Chesapeake A- Ohio, Goodrich, Montgomery Ward. Consolidat ed Aircraft, General Electric and Union Carbide LIkkcU it Myers '"B" turned a forenoon hnckslldc Into a net advance. Closing quotations- Air Reduction 3S Alaska Juneau 24 A I Chcm Sc Dye 147 Allls-Chalmera 28 American Can 711 Am Car Sc Kdy .. Am Had Sta San .. Am Roll Mills Oin Smelt & Hef in Tel Sc Tel Am Tob "B" Am Water Works Am Zinc L Ac S .. Anaconila Armour III Atehlmn Avlalion Corp Hald Loco Bendlx Avln Ileth Steel 27 ... . 4t 1H :7 .. U7 Sot .... :l ti 271 31 .. . 2(U .. . :w ... . 124 Mi S8J floeliiK Alip - 191 Horden 21 Horse-Warner Calif Pucklni! Callahiin Z L 10 I Calumet llec 64 Canada Dry 144 Canadian Pacific 44 Cat Tractor 371 Celanese 22 dies A Ohio 374 Chrysler 82 Col Cos & El II Com'l Solvents 81 Comm'nw'lth & Sou 4 Consol Aircraft 201 JZonsol Edison 131 QmmoI on a Conli Can 30i Corn Products 4114 Crown Zellerbach IH Curtlss Wright 84 Doug Aircraft , 70 Dupont De N .. 1441 Eastman Kodak 134 El Pow A Lt General Electric . General Foods . General Motors Goodrich ft ry sa'' ww w "js- www r i L77 X 9 y ewerv anll-fr! m thera will fc st JPSN J L u X, I V L ' eiwflS to flo orewntj. Don't bvy Of vt ft 1 m W I J wWV. 'i !hor yeti nte. Sle leob. Hevo , tl fl vM I MM ir v lv VurfjeolertlgMtRidfler,tt4olf4i I i illflijfFi V ?' I WON'T BOILOVTI IrWX aAtVlVS ii' I "I.r.x'hnon-.'operollng.Olv.i VvlW ' ' (i r..r)0mfromontMr..i.worrl , N S ForA0o-t'"' " ' 1 oil wlntor long, rotoett coolln , s, n Goodyear Tire 17 Gt Nor My pfd 234 Greyhound 131 Illinois Central 74 Insp Copper 104 Int Harvester 48 Int Nick Can 2,14 Int Pap ti P pfd 884 Int Tel & Tel 2 Johns MarfVllla 884 Kimiiecotl 324 I,lb O Kurd 24 Lockheed 274 Loew s 3B4 Montgomery Wind 314 Nush-Kelv 3 Nat l Biscuit IB Nat'l Dulry Prod 181 Nat l Dlsl 234 I National Lend 18 , N Y Central 04 I No Am Aviation 121 North1 Amvr.Co 114 ! Northern Pacific 81 jOiuo on si I Oils Steel 84 Pac Anirr Klsn 104 Pac Gas & El 22 Pac Tel &' Tol 108 Packard Motor 24 Pan Amer Airways 171 Paramount Pic 181 Penney (JO. 77 Pc una K H 20 Phelps Dodgo 2Ui Phillips Pet 44 Proctor At Gamblo 844 Pub Svc N J 14 4 Pullman 224 Radio 34 Itayonier 114 Ituyonler pfd 284 Republic Steel 174 Richfield Oil 104 Safnway Stores 434 Sears Roebuck 831 Shell Union 184 Socony Vacuum 91 Southern Pacific 11 i Sperry Corp 304 Standard Brands 3 Stand Oil Calif 244 Stand Oil Ind 311 Stand Oil N J 441 Stone .t Webster 64 Studebaker 4H Sunshine Mining 4f Trans-America 44 Union Carbide 71 Union Oil Calif 141 Union Pacific 891 United Airlines 134 United Aircraft 381 United Corporation 4 Unltod Drug 84 United Fruit 4 U S Rubber 234 U S Rubber pfd 1004 U S Steel 81 Vanadium 20 4 Warner Pictures SI i Western Union .. 264 I Westlnghouse 78 J Wool worth 261 j S. r. LIVESTOCK I SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 27 (Pi (Federal-State Mar I ket News) HOGS: Salable 278: j active, 10-18 cents higher; good 1 and choice 170-238 lb. barrows and gilts. $11 28-38. sows $8.80 . 78. CATTLE: Salable 65; supply largely cows, trade fairly active; ' cows and bulls steady to 25 cents j higher; common and medium j beef-type cows $7.00-8.00; me I dlum and good 1400-1700 lb. sausago bulls, $8.28-9.00. Calves: I Salablo none; vealera quotable. steady; good and choice grades, I $11.50-13.00. i SHEEP: Salable none; under tone steady. Wednesday; medium and good wooled lambs sold at $10.40-11.00; medium and good slaughter ewes quotable $4.30-8.50. 384 1 I oast X MM I CHICAGO. Nov. 27 (IP) Striking a recovery trend after several svuilon- of downward drift, grain prices today regis tered gains ranging from frac tions to more than a cent a bushel while soybeans advanced more than three cents at one time. The fact the recent declines had reduced prices In most cases to the lowest levels for a month attracted support In all pits. De feat of the Goru amendment to price control legislation was re garded as a bullish factor. The government loan programs with respect to wheat and corn also exerted a stronger Influence In asmuch as prices had dipped about 3 cents for wheat and more than 10 cent for corn below loan rates on a Chicago basis. Wheat closed 4- cents higher than yesterday, December SI. 13 $1 124, May $1.191. 104; corn J-lc up. December 7218c, May 70c; oats 1-1 Ic higher; rye 1-1 4c up and soybeans 2l-34c higher. CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO. Nov. 27 (AP USDA) Potatoes, arrivals 124; on track 309; total US shipments 441; supplies liberal; demand very slow; market for Idaho Rus sets slightly weaker, for north ern stock dull; Idaho Russet Bur banks US No. 1. $2.30-55; Neb raska Bliss Triumphs, US No. 1. $2.25; Colorado Red McClures. US No. 1. $2 30-35; Minnesota and North Dakota Bliss Tri umphs. US No. I. $1 35-73; Cob blers, US No. 1, $1.35-45; Early Ohlos, US No 1. $1.40; Wiscon sin Cobblers and Katahdins. US No. 1. $1 40. rurals US No. 1, $1.30. Read the Classified page it ! HEAR Dr. C. H. Bailey and Arthur M. Geary Discus "The Railroad and the Public" Friday, Nov. 28 KFJI 1:15 to 1:30 Potatoes Lead Oregon Shipments SALEM, Nov. 27 M Carlot shipments of fruits and vege tables during October totaled 2278 cars and 1183 trucklots, compared with 2142 cars and 431 trucklots In September, the state department of agriculture said today. Potatoes occountcd for the largest movement, with 99 cars and 701 trucks, followed by peara. onions, and apples. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore. Nov. 27 (AP-USDA) HOGS: Salablo 000, total 2000; market opened 10-15 cents lower than Wednes day's close, now extremely slow, Indication of more decline; ear ly sales good-choice 175-213 lb. drive-Ins $10.73; few light lights $10.00-23: few sales feeder pigs sleody at $7.25-75; scattered lots feeder pigs $8.75-10 00. CATTLE: Salable 200, total SOUTHERN OREGON STATE Any Old Time Fiddler may enter by registering at Waggoner's Drug Store. Fiddle Prize Waltz and Square Dance Contest at 11 p. m. AU Red Headed Women Will Be Admitted Free rlal I LI II II U 7li I AT I il il IMPORTANT NOTICE To oil fiddlers, square dance callers and amateurs To avoid confusion at the door, thosa taking part in the program Saturday night art requested to purchase the bargain tickets (23c) at Wag goner's Drug Store when you register. Mr. Olson will refund the purchase price at .the program sA. Saturday night. . Yep We'uns is goln' to have a barn warmln' an you'uns Is invited. Once more Old Zip Coon and Turkey in the Straw will ring out gaily across the dance floor. , By cracky a good old fashioned gat together. It will truly be a night (or young and old, a chance to hear and see the best. Advance sale of tax-free ticket at Waggoner' Drug Store for 33c. Advance and mail order sale closes Friday night, November 28. NOTICE Only 300 two-bit ticket will be sold. Admission at door is 35c end tie, plus tax, kids 10c. (Ma and Pa, bring all the kids.) Door open at 7t4S. Show starts at 8il3. COME EARLY AND STAY LATE. 280; calves salable 38, total 48; no slaughter steer offered early; good fed steers quotable to $12; good fed heifers quotable to $9.80; 2 lots common-medium grade, $7.00-9.00; cow steady, odd head good grades $8.00; common-rqedium cows 86.00- , 7.25; canncr-cutter cows 84.29- 8.78; odd lots good bulls $8.80 9.00; vealers fully steady, good choice $11.80-13.00; scattered sales feeder steer $9. 00. SHEEP: Salable and total 200: i market largely nominal; odd lots ' medium-good lambs $9.00-10.00; j good-choice grades quotable to '$10.80; slaughter ewes salable I $5 25 down. B08TON WOOL BOSTON, Nov. 27 (AP-USDA) Fine wool were receiving some demand today in the Boston wool market. Original twelve months Texas wools sold at mostly $1.10- 1.13. scoured basis, which Is equivalent to 46-47 cents, In the grease, for wools shrinking around 68 per cent and to 41- YoU've Seen 'Em in the Movies - Now See Em Added Feature. Fiddlin' Contest $25-00 Defense Bond 1st Prize For Defense FREE BIERSTEDT'S ACCORDION 42 cents, In the grease, for wools shrinking around 63 per cent. Fine combing Ohio Delaine fleece were moving In limited volume at 44-48 cent. In the grease. Twelve of the 40 sample of coffee cream analyzed by the laboratory of the state depart men of agriculture In October were Illegal. This mean that the butterfat content was under the 18 per cent required by law. Two hundred and nineteen nursery Inspections were made last month by the plant division of the state department of agri culture. ' $25 REWARD Will be paid by the manufac turer far anv Corn or Callous GREAT CHRISTOPHER Corn Salve cannot remove. It never falls. 3ie and 60e at SverbodyV Cut-Rate Drags. Phone 3825.1 801 Main St. 1 Swen Olson's- Original Scandinavian Auspices of Klamath Falls Townsend Clubs Nov. 29 - At The CONTESTS For the bast Accordion Player, Tap Dancer, Singer, Nenka, Dana, Swede, Comedian, Fun niest Dressed Woman, Amateur Muiician, Cowboy Songs, Guitar Players, Trio, Duet or Quarter. FEATURING Old-Time Fiddler, High Clait Jigger and other amateur talent too numerous to men tion will be presented in the greatest pro gram of entertainment ever held in Southern Oregon. OLD TINE BALLOON DANCE TO PATRONS OF THE SHOW BAND with ANY and HER $1,000 ACCORDION Pennies from Heaven at 20 p. m. Der vil ware el storartet program in Klamath Falls jowohles gebt elne gut teit in Klamath Falls Ja do, du vil ha "en got tld In Klamath Falls Sat urday, November 29, Let's got Fine taste, low price, consistently good since repeal. No wonder millions say: STRAIGHT BOURBON National OIKlllan PrediKb Corporation. You've Heard Em on the Stage! o5 & m ll HUNGRY ROOSTER NOTE All ists will be allowed to register. Amateurs may enter contest by registering at Waggoner's Drug Store. Talent Is 8 p. ra. mm n3S3 $l03 MMMSjSfiSB ft AA M L WHISKIY Now fork, N. 1. ' U Proof on the Radio - CONTEST At 9:30 P. M. Farmers art requested to starve roosters until good and hungry. Register at Wag goner's Drug Store. talent must be local and amateur. No proiesslonal art requested to oe present a X ? is 1 I