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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1941)
November 2fl. 1041 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINB Classified Advertising Ratal: Ona day ,. per word ;u- 1 day run prr word tic 8 day run prr word Ho 4 day run jwr word lOo 9 day run par word I la Wk run ... par word 12a Month run ..... par word 32a 20 DISCOUNT for Payment In Advanca. Thlt dls count given to do away with book work and billing . . on actual paid In adi only. 3 DISCOUNT for Payment by tha 10th. Thlt dla count given to Inaur prompt payment of ada charged on monthly basis. . CLASSIFIED INDEX Apartmanta For Kent 24 Automotive .34 Business Opportunities ... 4(1 Educational ... ... 12 rinanclal 40 Tor Sale or Trade . 3H General Nutlet- 4 Health . 13 Help Wanted. Frnuilo 14 Help Wanted. Male 10 Houies For Kent ...... 20 Livestock and Poultry A Uit and Found .. 2 Mlicellaneoui For ftent .. 2H Mlicellaneoui For Hale 30 Mlacallanaoui Wanted 42 Real Citato For Hula 80 Real Eetate Wanted .. 32 Room and Board . 20 Rooma For Rent 22 Service! 10 Situation Wanted IB To Exchange ... 40 Traniportatlon 8 Pronls 0 General Notlcea TRAPPKItH! Top prices pnlrl for lur. llollln Noonrlipulrr. 323 Eost Main 1210 CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT (or comnlelo rciursm New tuition mtfv Tnt-rc's nn sub stltutn (or quality Northwest rrn Hmuty ChIIi-ki- 1 W2H f Peraonala MKN. WOMEN OVI'.I: 41)! HUN DOWN. LIST1.KSS" Sllmu hints, tonlrs In -tnx Tuhl.-ls put new m-tlvitv in ImmIu- larking iron, vlt.iinin 111 cu1 clum, phosphorus (Jrl new mp. xust $1 00 lre now onlv BMc. Cnll. wrlto Whitman UruK and all otnpr good drug store. 12 It FREE MAMCKUS i-vrry Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday NorthwMtrrn llpuutv Collrge II 2(1 10 Ssrvlce RHOADS WINDOW CLEANERS for dependable service. Dial 4788. 12 20 DRESSMAKING, hemstitching, buckle covered, alterutlnns no new ond old rlothlng. Mrs H. M. Allender. 731 Mnln, Room 218 Phone 7203. 1210mtf SAVE MONEY by having your furniture re-upholstered We guarantee It to look like new Full Una of latest fabrics. Es timate gladly given CARLSON MATTRESS AND UPHOLSTERING CO. 1710 Main Phone 4510 12-10 EI.ECTHOLUX CLEANERS -Sales and service Phono 9017 P. O. Dox 814. Your dealer. Tarkel Tweet. 1 1 20 FLOOR SANDING, FINISHING W generate our own power. C DuFour Phone 3008 ll-30mtf 1 WILL obtain your delayed birth certificate for vou Chos. Hathaway. 120 N. 10th St.. Klamath Falls .Ore '1-30 10 ftrvic WRINGER ROLLS Washing machine and vacuum elcanm part for all mnkes. Merit Washing Machine Service, ell South Sixth. U-JOnill SPECIAL $2.09 oil permanent wave 51.50 Northwestern Beauty College. 11 28 BATTERIES CHARGED In 30 minutes. Rcymer'i Associated Service, Fourth nnd Main. 12-3mtf CURTAINS h o m laundered, stretched. Reasonoble. Phone B047. 12-5mtf FLOOR SANDING and reflninh Ing Clifford Oolden Phone 3022 ' 12-30mtf RUN-DOWN BATTERIES RE CHARGED In 30 minutes. Jim Kalcr's Union Station, Main and Conger. 12-0 RESPONSIBLE PERSON will care for children. Phone 7512. 12-7 GLASS Duplate safety glass, window glass, plate nnd minor!, rosll vcrlng. Kimball's Glass Shop, 027 Walnut. Phone 7378. 12-0mtf RAY HALL Your Elcctrolux dealer snles and service. 813 Roscwny Drive. Phono 7167. 12-0 PICTURE FRAMING. 130 Main. Gnellor'a. 12-14mlf CARPETS, rugj and furniture cleaned. Doremus Rug Clean ers Phone 8875 2012 Or chard. . ' 12-3 MATTRESSES renovated and re covered or your old cotton mattress convortod Into 210 coll Inncrsprlng. All work gimrsnted. Free estimates, pick-up and delivery. One dny service. CARLSON MATTRESS AND . UPHOLSTERING CO. '1710 Main Phone 4810 12-10 FLOOR SANDING Old floors reflnishod. Norman Fraley. Phone 4001. 12-24mtf Rarvlee PICTURE FRAMING Art ad OKI Shop, 010 Main. 12-24mt( POTATO CELLARS waterproof, cd hy oil treatment. Peyton and Co. Phone 8140. 11-21) C A. KONRKI.IA Painter, ik'conitor Phono 5000. 12-3 HAWS HKI'AIIIKD Tho right way Bodenhamer'i, 353 E. Main. 12-10 PAPEIUI ANQING, painting, kal somlnlng. Dial 0848. Malvln E. Front. 1213mtf II, l Hrown. Phone 4228 PAINTING. KALSOMININO 12-ilimlf 12 Eduoatlnnai DIESEL JOBS TRACTOR Men 18-40 who REALLY wont good pay, permanent future In thli basic field as servicemen, operator! and dlcselmen. Thirty will ho selected from tha Klam- nth Kalli area In Decembi-r (or (mining and replacement sorv Ice. For full particular! write Tractor Division. 010 Mead lll'lK . Portland, Oregon, AT ONCE. 11-27 M )l)EltNISTIC BEAUTY COL LEGE 91 8 Klnmath Avu Phono :iiiii:i liinmtl "when you think "of SUC CESS, think o( Northwestern Ornuty Cnllcge. One of Amer-ii-n rxri-ptloniil training M-iioiili 11-28 13 HealUi RADIUM HOT SPRINGS Now open llnths. blanket sweats, genuine Swedish massage bv Kiiiduute Circulation, cllml nation, relaxation, slender!. Ing rejuvenating Rheumal Irs. etc No charge (or consul tntion For Information ad drrs J W Engwall. Cedur vllle. Calif. 11-30 DOCTOR M. C. CASSEL, chiro practic clinic same location. 533 Main. Dial 7215. 12-7mtf 14 Help Wanted. Female WILL BOARD man and wife for) wife'! help In boarding house, i 723 Klamath. H-27 WANTED Girl or woman for housework. May stay or go home night. 2424 Radcllffc after 8:30, 11-28 WANTED .Girl la help with housework and car of chil dren. Board, room, wagei. Phono 4700. 11-27 WANTED Woman to cook on ranch. NewjiHorald Box 3800. 11-20 WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORKlii rooming house, 40 to 80. 421 Market. 1126 WANTED Woman not over 50 to take full charge of modern horn for working couple Good cook. Room, board and wages. References required. Write News-Herald Box 3680. 3686tf EXPERIENCED young woman (or housework. Live In house hold. Call 3277. 11-28 IS Help WanUd. Mala WANTED Man and wife to work on ranch. Middle-aged preferred. No children. News Herald Box 3788. 11-28 WANTED Form nand. Single, experienced. Santford Jones, Bonanza, Ore. 4798U MEN 10 to 39, Interested In obtaining employment In na tional defense aircraft Indus trie!. Apply Mr. Llslal, Room 201, Wlllits Building. 11-28 OLDTIME Flddlen and iquara dance callers for Swen Olson's Scandinavian barn dance Sat urday night, November 29 at the Armory. Register at Wag goner's Drug Store. Auspices of Townsend club. (Ma or Pa.) 11-27 18 Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED CLERK wishes work for Snturday afternoons and Sundays. Phono 4787 11-28 WANTS WORK Young man, experienced truck driver, die set tractor operator, Pondosa Apts. No. 8. 11-27 WANTS WORK Young man, "high school graduate. Any thing considered. Pondosa Apts. No. 8. 11-27 HOUR WORK Phone 7854. , 12-1 HOUR WORK 7004. 12-1 SHIPMAN'S Boarding Home for Children, Good food, school busses to door. 3802 Blsbee, south Altamont. Phono 7365. 12-3mtf BABYLAND Care of babies and children. Hur, day or week. 412 High. Phone 8341. 12-12mtf WILL DO FANCY WORK, laun dry, crocheting, dressmaking, ' selling clothes on consignment. 1021 Washington. Dial 0380. 12-17 HOUR WORK. Ph. 4248. 11-28 10 Room and Board GIRL Nice room, good cook-12-9 Ing . 003 Jefferson. BOARD AND ROOM Home atmosphere. Good food. 220 Washington. 11-29 ROOM AND HOARD (or two men. Mm. Obcrg, 430 High St. 12-2 BOARD AND ROOM 0th. Phone 9010. -407 No. 221Utf ROOM, BOARD, LAUNDRY Very reasonable If two share room. Twin bcdii. 1534 Wor den. H-27 BOARD, 332 N ROOM Private home 0th 11-28 CLAREMONT, 228 No. 4th. Al outalde, newly decorated modern room. All with new Innersprlng mattresses Free parking. 12-13mtf ROOM, BOARD 614 Walnut. 12-2 HOARD AND ROOM 829 Jof forson. 1127 BOARD, KOOM Reasonable rut. 1018 Washington. 11-20 ROOM. BOARD. 310 N. HMIi LAUNDRY 11-20 ilooins f or Hen' NICE WARM ROOM Close In. Shower and tub bnth. 030 N. 10th. H-27 WARM ROOM for working man. Uulh Call 3524 after 8 p. in. 3539K HOUSEKEEPING 1304 Worden ROOMS 12 11 ROOM FOR Ington. RENT -314 Wash 3206a ROOMS 1034 High. 12-5mlf MARS HOTEI 1411 Main Low weekly rates 50c to $1 00 per night 1211 COMFORTABLE furnace heated room adjoining bath. 1028 Jefferson Phone 6834 12-3 GLENCOURT APARTMENTS Modern, furnished, steam heated. $27 50 and up Phone 5084 12-1 HEATED ROOM 020 Lincoln 2D20tf 24 Apurtmonti t-'or hunt FURNISHED APARTMENTS Wood, lights, water, gas. 419 No. 10th. l2-24ml( UNFURNISHED 5-room house torrent. 82.1 Oak. Inquire 831 Oak. 11-27 FOR RENT Four-room duplex. Garage Stoves. Close in. Ref erences Couple only. Phone 3050. 3521U VACANCY Rex Arms. 12 12 CASCADE Apartment Hotel Completely furnished. Con venient hotel service. Day. week or menth 12-9mtf NICELY FURNISHED 3-room modern apartment. Inquire 2119 Applegatc. ' 3745U VACANCY Adults. 400 Oak. 12-1 FURNISHED APARTMENT 501 Market. 12-1 VACANCY -Furnished Esplanade Courts ll-30mtf FOR RENT Two bedroom fur nished apartment. 2300 Biehn. Phone 7286 or 4527. 4138tf THREE-Room furnished ment. White Pine Apts. apart-11-29 3-ROOM furnished apartments, $18 month.' Zigler Apts., block south Pelican City school. 11-29 FURNISHED APARTMENT Close In. Lights, and gns for hot water heater furnished. $30, Inquire 635 N. 9th. 11-23 VACANCY Small two rooms, suitable for two. No children. 325 Commercial. 3840U FURNISHED APARTMENT Corner Pine and Cedar. 11-29 TWO-ROOM furnished apart ment. Electric range, refriger ator. $22.50 month. 1118 Wal nut. . 3701tf NEWLY FURNISHED 3-room apartment. Adults only. Ill Pine. 11-28 20 House For Rent TWO-BEDROOM Furnished. Close In. Inquire 419 Main 11-27 PARTLY FURNISHED 3-room house. Inquire Apt. 4, Loe Apt!., after 2. 11-27 FOR RENT Dec. 1, five-room partly furnished house. 1500 Crescent. Phone 5084. 3743K FOR RENT 3-room cabin, fur nished. $20 month. 1231 Adams. 11-27 3-ROOM COTTAGE Furnished Water and garage. $18. 205 Broad. 11-20 TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save i Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phona 8304. , 12-7mtf 20 Houiei For Rent 853 ELDORADO Eight roomi. fireplace, hardwood floor, naw furnace, full cement bnaement, two bath! 2385U FURNISHED houe. 353 E Muin. Inquire at 11 28 TWO AND THREE-ROOM fur nished cottages. Reduc ed rate for winter. Altamont Auto Camp. 11-27 FOR RENT 12x14 Individual building! for storage. Alta mont Auto Camp. 11-27 THREE ROOM furnished house. Bnth, garage. Water paid. Also 2-ronm furnished house 110. ' 2424 So. 0th. 11-27 SMALL modern furnished cot tagti. Utilities furnished. 2125 Blohn. 11-20 FURNISHED 2-bedroom house. Modern. Close In. 1048 Mel rose. Call Don Hamlin. 11-27 1 ROOM unfurnished house, near Weyerhaeuser mill. Phone 7017. 11-26 FOR RENT Modern five-room partly furnished house. Close In. Dial 4208 day! or 5800 eveninus. 3860tf PARTLY FURNISHED HOUSE, S15. Inquire Shasta Food store. 11-20 28 Miscellaneous For tlent DEAD CAR STORAGE Cas radp Garage building. Cars, trucks, machinery, what have vou'" Call at all hours Phone 5115 12-9mtf 30 Real Estate For Ssl FOR SALE 56-acre farm on Tulc lake. Buildings. $8500. ; M A. Bowman, Merrill, Ore. 12-2 , THREE-ROOM modern house In Rlvervlew . addition. Bargain for cash. 631 Main.- Phone 3290. 11-29 HOT SPRINGS Eight room house. 2 baths, laundry, full cement basement, suitable for 2 cars. Hardwood floors, fire place Phone 3898 2657U 34 Automotive 1935 V-8 COUPE Radio -and hcBter. An excellent buy, 2023 Darrow, Apt. 2. 4360tf ANYONE still Interested in buy ing dump truck at Shady Pine, 7 miles north on Bend high way, cnll again. 11-26 FOR SALE Equity in '40 J-ton pickup. Claude Kelton, Mid land. Ore. 11-26 FOR SALE '30 Model A Ford sedan. Good condition. Phone 4671. 11-28 FOR SALE Motorola car radio.- Model A Ford coach. Shell Station, So. 6th and Commer cial. 11-28 KARL KUJAC'S BODY SER VICE Now located at 2000 Oregon Ave Better body, fen der work and painting tor less Give us a trial Past five years at the Cascade Garage 11-27 AUTO GLASS Replace that broken glass In your car at Rcwey's Glass Shop, corner Elm and Broad Phono 5710. 12-6mtf USED TIRES All sizes. $1 up. Vulcanizing. K. F. Tire Co., 1945 So. 6th. 11-27 FOR SALE '32 Victoria sedan, $115. 708 N. 9th. 11-28 1037 DESOTO SEDAN Heater, radio, good tires. Excellent condition. $450. Phone 7640. 11-27 RECONDITIONED Dodge Truck, Will sell on payments. No In terest charged on unpaid bal ance. 2145 Arthur. 11-27 20 STRICTLY BUSINESS I ' WALDO 'l '2","'n' Z l-n rr--i n ii i.i-' f; consolidated JLJ LJUUj . ; , . AUTOMATIC "Excus m. Any o' 34 Automotive WANTED -Good Late Mode FIRST CLASS PRICES No Delay for Your Money DOUGLAS USED CAR LOT-1131 38 Miscellaneous For Sal ARE you Interested In lower prices? Shingles 75c bundle, wallboard 31c foot. Our spe cialty, all classes FHA loans. You can own your home for monthly payments less than rent. Suburban Lumber Com pany. Phone 3301. 11-28 FOR SALE Dresser, bedstead, mattress and springs. 701 Pa cific Terrace. Phone 5415. 11-27 FOR SALE Wood circulator. Phone 5066. 11-27 NEW 1941 ZENITH radio-phono-graph, floor model. 25 dis count. See to appreciate. 1417 Wall St., or dial 8457. 4639U RED OR GREY CINDERS for driveways. Phone 4748 eve nings or Sundays. Howard Graham. 3204tf CITY MAPS Up-to-the-minute, including suburban section! Block numbers Indicated, In dex keyed to map. Price, 20c. For sale at Carmichael's news stand chamber of commerce Ernie Plluso's Drlve-ln. Ever ybody's Drug, Lee Hendrick's Drug. Louie Polin's, Postoffice news stand, Robinson's Food store. Shaw Stationery, The News Herald, Vic's Signal Service 3205 RECONDITIONED wood range. California Oregon Power Co. 2896U 38 Miscellaneous For Sai VIOLIN, guitar and occordion. Call Altamont Auto Camp. 11-28 1200-GALLON STEEL TANK Cheap for cash. Altamont Trailer Park. 11-28 FOR SALE Red fryers. Sack carrots. Crystals, Merrill Lakeview junction. 11-28 NEW GIRL'S BIKE Used one month. $15. 1022 Washington 11-28 THOROUGHBRED Wirehaired male terrier, 3 months old, 2739 Derby. Phone 4980. 11-28 WOOD Planer ends at Long Bell Lumber company mill. See Mr. Keegan on the hill. 12-1 FOR SALE Two beds, two springs, two mattresses. Rea sonable. Call 5821. 11-26 DRY PINE MILL BLOCKS 128 cu. ft., $2.25 at mill. Phone 8383. Conifer Lumber Co., on Weed highway. 12-17mtf BARGAINS Slightly used elec tric ranges and refrigerators. California Oregon Power Co, 11-27 by McFeattars yous guys gotta, matcht" 04 Automotive USED CARS for SPOT CASH 30 Miscellaneous For Sal Auction Friday, Nov. 28th I P. M. at the Gertrude S. Krause Ranch Directions: On the Old Midland Road opposite Gravel Pit North end of Miller Hill. LIVESTOCK milk cows. head tested double 8 head yearlings and 2-year old steers team mules, 4-year-olds bay mare, 5 yr., old wt. 1400 8 ewes and 4 lambs 4 feeder pigs IMPLEMENTS 1930 International Pickup, mo tor and rubber good, ready to go Fairbanks platform scales Mellotte cream separator, big size FURNITURE Davenport and chair, wood range Dining table, chairs and buffet Milk cans and additional small items 15 tons alfalfa hay COME PREPARED TO BUY TERMS CASH Gertrude S. Krause, owner Chas K. Wiese, Auctioneer Tulelake, Calif. 11-27 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 5071. ll-30mtf FIX THAT RADIO Our busi ness is sound. Conner Service Co., 2007 South Sixth. Phone 0878. Just south of viaduct 12-0mtf SEASONED FIR BODY WOOD $8 cord. Phone 3787. 12-4 GOOD FIR BODY Phona 7832. WOOD 12-7 DRY PINE FACTORY MILL BLOCKS 128 cubic foot load $4.25 delivered. Metier Bros. Dial S8S2. 12-10mtf FOR SALE Circulating heat er, capacity, 8 or 6 rooms. Burn wood or coal. 328 Rogers. 11-20 WILL SACRIFICE BOAT and trailer complete with oars and spare tire, $23. 2130 Herbert. Phona 7383. 11-20 38 For Sal or Trad YOU CAN now build the home you have been wanting in Summers park for almost no down payment and monthly payments less than rent. Every lot on pavement. For details phone Cal Peyton, 3025 or 8148. 11-28 FOR SALE Local retail route business. Good earnings, pleas ant work. No Sundays and holidays. News-Herald Box 4353. 11-28 40 To Exchange WILL TRADE Winchester '07 model, 18 gauge, for Win chester modal 13, 18 gauge, or for double 18. Box 4830, News- Herald. 11-28 42 Miscellaneous Wantea WANTED To .buy ticket for Robeson concert. Call 3124 . 11-28 WILL PAY CASH for 9x9 Oi 8x10 umbrella tent in good condition. Write Naws-Herald. Box 3498, giving description price asked and where it may be seen. 3498tl WANTED Dead or worthleis animals. Phona 8713, our ex pense. ) 12-llmtf 34 Automotive 34 FOR FIRST CLASS CARS -- See Jack Morris, mgr., at MOTOR CO. Main - Next to Elk Hotel 44 Livestock and Poultry FARMERS ATTENTION High est prices paid for beef, veal, hogs and livestock. Call Klam ath Packing Co. Phone 5361, Midland Road. 11 30mtf WE BUY LIVE POULTRY and rabbits of all kinds. Trulove's Market Phone 4282. 919 East Main. 12-16mtf FOR SALE Feeder pigs and sows. Haley Bros., Bonanza. Ore., Box 145. 11-28 46 Financial LOAN OH TOCB. AUTOMOSILX Cash At' Once! Tour Cir Xe4 1?ot Bt Tvtty Paid Tor . . . See Us Today Commercial Finance CORPORATION 111 South th St.. glunaUl FlIU Phona stw M m u -Stall CASH LOANS WITHOUT IXDORSRRS S WAT! TO GET A COSsntERS CASH LOAN moire . wbiti . comb nt Ton Bd no eo-ilgntrl or endoraara to ret a ooniumtra loan whether jou art married or alalia THREE LOAN PLANS No. 1 INCOME LOANS Ob too not only. Ko war xiign- nnu. fo eo-tlgntri. NO. t-rURNITURR LOANS Your character 1i mora Important than tit rurnitnr men. NO. tAUTO LOANS ISO to 1300 cash loans sad reft ar..4nf. CONSUMERS CREDIT IM-tU S-t 720 Pine St. Phone 7711 ll-JOmtr See Dinty Moore ' Foi AUTO LOAMS REFINANCING Locallr Owned Motor Investment COMPANY lit X. 7th Lie. M I7S Phona SJtt 48 Business Opportunitie FOR SALE Two large brood sows, few weaner pigs. Might trade. John Abraham Bo nanza. 11-27 FOR SALE Small going groc ery Can be handled for very small amount ot cash. Would be nice opportunity for elderly couple to make satisfactory living For further informa tion call 7200 days. 4218 LEGAL NOTICES CITATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF . OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM LEROY WELCH, Deceased. TO: Byron M. Welch, Clifford A. Welch, Imogene Thew, Willetta Michael, Ursula Chandler and Clarence Welch, and to all other devisees and heirs unknown ot William Le roy Welch, if any such there bo: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby cited and required to appear in the above entitled court within ten days from the date of the service of this ci tation upon you, if served with in Klamath County, Oregon, and within twenty days if served in any other county of the State of Oregon, if personally served: or if served by publication, then within twenty-eight day from November 12, 1941, which Is the Automotive v-t. -41-30 date of the first publication of this citation, to show causa, U any there exists, why, the order of sale of the following des cribed real property in Klamath County, Oregon, belonging to said estate, to wit: '. , . Southeast quarter of . north west quarter, northeast quart er of southwest quarter, south west quarter of , ..northeast quarter and north . half of southeast quarter of section 22 and south half of north west quarter and southwest quarter of section 23, all in township 38 SJUlttv East Willamette Meridian. ;' should not be made ai prayed tor in ine pennon ot Byon jvj. Welch, administrator '.of said estate, filed herein.' """.V.. Witness, the Honorable. David R. Vandenberg, . Judge of the above entitled court, NavembeJ 10, 1941. MAE K. SHORT, (Seal) Clerk' of Said Court. N. 12-19-26; D. 3. NoM70. SUMMONS ii Equity No. 6276 ': IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. J. ' LILLIAN V. DODGE. . V: . Plaintiff, VS. -Hi FRANK E. DODGE. , - Defendant. TO: F1.ANK E. DODGE, De fendant: ;V' l IN THE NAME OT-. THE STATE OF OREGON: , You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint ' filed against you in tha above; suit on or before the 27th day, of De cember, 1941, that being the last day of the time allowed-under the Order for Publication -of Summons; and. if you fail so to appear and answer, the Plaintiff will apply to this Court tor the.. relief prayed for in ht com plaint as follows: For-"decree of this Court forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now ex isting between the Plaintiff and Defendant on the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment. This summons is . served by publication thereof by order of Hon. David R. . Vandenberg, Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered on the 25th day of November, , 1941, which order requires this Sum mons to be published once week for four consecutive and successive weeks beginning No vember 28, 1941. . D. E. VAN VACTOH. Attorney for Plaintiff, 221 Odd Fellows Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon. N 28; D 3-10-17-24. ' ' . No. 183 NOTICE 01' DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice Is hereby ' giveri that the partnership of ANDREW H. BUSSMAN and ELMER F, MERRITT, which has , hereto fore operated the business of of "Murphey's Seed Stot,'' and the "O. K. Transfer Co." Has been dissolved.- Andrew, H. ' Bun man has taken over the business of Murphey's Seed Store and the acetylene, oxygen and carbide business in connection therewith and will continue to operate the same in the future. Elmer F. Merritt has taken over' all it the business ot the O. K Trans fer Co, and will continue op erate the same in the future. In operating said respective businesses, neither party will be responsible in the future, for bills contracted by th , other party. ' , '.-. Murphey's Seed Store- will continue to operate at 122 Main Street, and the O. K. Transfer Co. will have its offices at 038 Spring Street. . ' The respective businesses will be carried on ir. the future with the same careful service- that hat been given m the past, and the undersigned will welcome their old clients and patrons at tho above addresses , ANDREW H. BUSSMAN, ELMER F MERRITT. N 20-21-22-24-28-26. No. 17