THE NEWS ANT) THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON 9 PLANES WEGH HEAVILY CRETE ATTACK Br DCWITT MACKENZIE Bpaolai Newa Service Writer Tim ponlllun of llm Anglo Circuit iilllra In thti buttle of Cretu win ao grave toclny that aven us thin Is being written llipy wull niuy Imvu bwn com pelled to ulvo up thti fight to rrtulu control o( thut atnitt-glc lalund. During tho 10 dnys of one of Iho Hereout bnltlt'S of history the nuzl dive-bombers huvs ill but blunted Crote out of tho water. Lulo Greek reports rt cord thut tho cltlua of tho lalund lltorally uro pulverised by the deluuu of high exploslvca thut have producod an Inlonio In which clvllluua and troopa alike have atruiiuled. Luck ot air powur In the east arn Mndlterrnni'un la the mill ilono about the allied neck. It will ao continue to be until Uila deficiency la auppllvd from America. Some London obtcrvcra be lieve thut If the Hitlerite! win the buttle of Crete they will turn their attention next to the bin Ilrltlnh navul buao on the lalund of Cyprua. Thla Ilea 400 mllea to the cuat of Crete and off tho coast of Syria. That might Indeed bo an early objective, but poaaeaalon ot Crete would give the nulla a fulrly wide choice of movea. In uny event, they must take tlmo out for consolidation of tho bomb-torn lalund before It will bo of much value aa a bate for further major operation. It la quite poaalblo that the Gormana will by pan Cyprua for tho moment, and try to es Ubllah themsclvea In Syria. Thla would provldo a necessary buao for a drive through Pales tine to Egypt and the Suez renal, and It would give them handy airdromes for an assault agalnat Cyprua. Also of vast and perhaps mora Immediate Importance Is tho fact that possession of Crote would bring German bombers within 230 miles of the Libyan Egyptian border on tho north African coast where tho exit expeditionary force is maneu vering for an opening to drive Into Egypt. In fact, this en tire atrrtch of coast. Including the all-lmportont British naval baa at Alexandria, and the Suez canal, would be brought within very handy bombing dis- t fence for the nails. While possession of the Island I of Crete doesn't by a long shot win the conflict for domination : of the eastern Mediterranean, - It woutd be of inestimnbln value ' In development of the Carman campaign. The only satlsfne r tlon the British and tholr allies ' get out of the situation Is that the German victory if so it . proves to bo has been tre- r mendously costly. i The BrlUsh claim that tho nazls have thrown equipment ' away right and left and among other things have lost many of the 1200 transport planes they 1 are said to have assembled in ! Greece for the effort to drive . the allies from tho Medlterran v ean. That will be a blow to 7 Hitler. For those big planes cannot be replaced overnight. """" i Eugene Mill Race ', Swimming Banned EUGENE, May 30 P) The ', mill race, picturesque branch ? of the Willamette river which i runs through tho University of Oregon campus, has been de- ' dared unfit for swimming. An examination showed the ' waters contaminated, tho county ; health board reported. The 60,000,000 tires produced yearly In this country constltuta the second largest use of our cotton crop. ' Singapore Saves t-. Aluminum Too American housewives aren't tho only ones to feel the aluminum pinch. Singapore held a "Sal vnge Week" to bolster Its war effort and set up shiny signs like thla to lure odd pots and pans from, Malay cupboards. Crochet Lends Character to Home PATTERN 6978 NOTICE TO PATTERN SUBSCRIBERS Do NOT sond clipped pict ure of your pattern with your order. Keep it for reference. Write the numbor of pat tern, your name and address plainly on your order. An heirloom apread or cloth mudo from these dainty medal lions will bo your most prized U. S. Needs Help of Housewife In Kitchen Defense Campaign By MRS. OAYNOR MADDOX i NEA Service Writer Three very Important things the American housewife can do to keep her family well fed in tho face of rising prices. First, she must realize that It is her duty to maintain the quality of diet needed for good health despite crisis conditions In the world. Only healthy men and women will have the stam ina to build up our national de fenses. If the costs of a favor ite food, beef sleek or lamb, for example, spirals beyond her budget roach, she must begin to study leaflets, books and re ports Issued by government, both federal and state, on the use of other cheaper foods with equal nutrition. Newspapers Help Cook books and newspaper food columns offer her guld anco In the skill she must hove to use new or different recipes In her family menus. She can learn to use cheese, eggs, dried beans and fish more frequently If the cost of meat goes too high. These are good proteins and are abundant and reason able. Cooked well and combined Into Interesting menus, they will supply her family with excellent nourishment. Interest and a feeling of being well fed at a comparatively low cost. In other words, she must .learn to reconstruct her family diet as part of her Job In national defense. Why should prices rise? Thnt Is a question the housewite should ask every grocer or butcher every time ho tells her coffee or sugar or bread or any thing has Jumped a fow cents. That's the second duty. Service that Sparkl want you to feel that courtesy and friendliness, as well as speed, accuracy, dependability and all around technical excellence, are at your service whenever you pick up your telephone. Enjty thi Teifhom Hturietrj Mm Jay, 4 H ytfa r. M. Tttlft Standard Tlmt, NBC Rid Nitwtri. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 111) North lth Strut TaUprttna 11 M Household Arts by Alice Brook poKsonslon! Shasta Daisy forms striking design when Joined and Is eusy to do In string or fine cotton. Pattern 0078 con tains directions for making medallion; illustrations of It and sMtches; materials needed. To obtain this pattern send 10 cents In coin to the Herald and News, Household Arts De partment, Klamath Falls, Ore. Bo sure to write plainly your NAME, ADDRESS and PAT TERN NUMBER. Avoid Hoarding The third duty of tho Ameri can housewife is to avoid panic the kind of panic which starts her hoarding food. Hoarding immediately runs up prices. In 1030, housewives quickly cre ated an artificial shortage of sugar through their own un founded panic, based on Ignor ance of the sugar market. As a result the price of sugar Jumped overnight, but It took months to get it back to normal. As a result, American house wives spent 40 million dollars more for their sugar in 193S than they had to, simply be cause they started to hoard. What applies to sugar, applies to most of our necessary foods. But sugar Is generally the sym bol ot hoarding because It Is cheap, easy to carry and easy to store. MENU BREAKFAST Sliced ba nanas and oranges, rlee grid dle cakes, honey, coffee, milk. LUNCHEON Bacon and cheese toasted sandwiches, sliced tomatoes, chocolate nut cookies, tea, milk. DINNER Sauted pork chops with sliced apples, mashed potatoes, dandelion greens, blueberry pie, cheese, coffee, milk. ABOUT TEA Difference between black tea and green tea is In the manufac t u r e , with the fermentation process being omitted If green tea Is desired. Both, however, come from the same plant. It Is claimed that 00 per cent of all traffic deaths occur during dunk and darkness. N ll 1 III aA.w;:JkiR.W:;.A:riii?n.?'.ill (So es r i CIVIL ANS TO FORM OREGON DEFENSE ARM SALEM, May 36 VP) Thous ands of Oregon citizens will be enrolled In civilian defense ac tivities as Governor Charles A. Sprague's civilian defense coun cil, to bo appointed In a few days, can enlist them, Budget Director David Eccles said Thursday on his return from Washington, D. C. "The most important activity as far as Oregon Is concerned will be the airplane spotters," Ecclas said, "although we also will enroll volunteers whose Job will be to extinguish fire bombs, fight fires, give first aid to Injured civilians, and to per form other war Jobs. Of course, there lsn t much chance that Oregon, outside of Portland and lower Columbia river areas, will be bombed. That is why the airplane spot ters will be more needed than the other volunteers. All of this might sound a little premature, but it Is better to begin immediate training of a highly-organized civilian de fense force. Then we would be ready if we need it. And if we don't need it, nothing is lost anyway." Eccles, who also is executive secretary to the governor, was advised by federal officials to begin organization of the civil ian volunteers as soon as pos sible. "However, government of ficials said they could see no reason why Oregon should have a state guard. We do plan, however, to rely on a reinforced state police to deal with emer gencies. Eccles was advised by officials of the office of production man agement that if Oregon expects to get defense Industries, Its In dustries must take the Initiative. The 18-member industrial de velopment commission, author ized by the 1941 legislature will meet here June 6 to be gin a campaign to gain defense industries for the state. OROWTK EXPECTED PENDLETON, May 30 MV- Expecting a 20 per cent in crease In Pendleton school dis trict population, the budget com mittee Wednesday authorized 8 per cent increase in the dis trict's special tax levy. The total budget of $98,855 will be raised through a levy of about 15 mills. White Satin Sugar 10-lb. bag 25-lb. bag . 100-lb. bag . Cane Sugar 10-lb. bag i 59e 25-lb. bag $1.47 100-lb. bag $5.70 Jelly Glasses Squat or Tall 39c CASE Prices Effective Sat. and May 81 and June I Fresh Vegetables Out Inexpensive Meat Meal ALOW-COST Sunday dinner . (.nut tultk an Inexpensive cut of meat. Fresh vegetable "prepared dishes" will round out the menu inexpensive ly, adding not only flavor and consistency but also vitamins and minerals at low cost. This ll the fresh vegetable season. Make the most of it. Oreen Peppers Stuffed With Corn (Serves 4) Four green peppers, 1 cup corn, canned or fresh, 1 slice onion, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 cup milk, i teaspoon salt, dash pepper, 1 egg. 13 cup bread crumbs. Prepare peppers and parboil five minutes. Cut fresh com from cob, or use canned corn. Saute onion In butter five min utes. Blend in flour, add milk slowly, stirring It In, add season ings and corn. Beat egg, add to mixture. Season well. Stuff pep pers, sprinkle bread crumbs over the top. Put into a baking dish, add boiling water to cover the bottom of the pan, and bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees F.) until peppers are tender, from 20 to 30 minutes, 'depend ing on whether or not the pep pers have been parboiled. That recipe comes from me "Merry Mixer Cook Book," an economical guide to menu mak ing. So does this recipe: Sweet Potatoes with Apple (Serves 4 to 6) Six medium-sized sweet pota toes, 2 apples, 1 cup brown su gar, 3 tablespoons butter, i tea spoon salt GOP Backing for President Asked PORTLAND, May 30 W It would be "suicide for the re publican party to go contrary to the administration, for political reasons," Philip H. Parrish of The Oregonian, told the Mult nomah chapter of the Oregon Republican club Wednesday. Parrish said President Roose velt had "chosen a position which coincides fairly well with the views of the great majority of us." Japan Sees Chance To Hunt Seals NAGASAKI, Japan, May 30 OP) In view of the United States abrogation ot the 1911 treaty - of commerce and navi gation with Japan, Japanese are making arrangements for a great catch of fur seals in the northern Pacific between Sak halin island and Alaska. The treaty forbade such hunting. OUR MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE GOOD en every purchase of Certo For .58c Sure Jell $1.44 $5.60 Jello Crackers Peanut Help Round Scrub and cook sweet potatoes 20 minutes. Drain and peel. While potatoes cook, grease casserole. Pare apples, cut in quarter and core. Cut sweet potatoes in slices. In a greased baking dish alternate layers of sweet potatoes and apples, sprinkling brown sugar over each and dotting over with but ter. Cover and bake in a mod erately hot oven (37S degrees F.), 20 minutes. Remove cover and continue baking until pota toes and apples are tender and apples are browned on top. MENU BREAKFAST: Orange Juice, waffles, honey, bacon, coffee, milk. SUNDAY'S DINNER: Roast stuffed shoulder of lamb,' gravy, roasted potatoes, green peppers with corn, lettuce and tomato salad, strawberry rhu barb lattice pie, cheese, cof fee, milk. SUPPER: Sliced cold meat, hash browned potatoes, mixed vegetable salad, apple sauce, cookies, tea, milk. Columbian Makes No Charge for a Complete Eye Examination &4 $. titla, Klamath Falls: 730 Main TWO BEEF Is the favorite meat of most people. Select your choice from the guaranteed fresh, young, fancy, steer beef at your nearest Safeway market BEEF ROASTS, Blade cuts lb. 19c SIRLOIN STEAK 31c RIB STEAK SWISS STEAK ... lb. 31c SHORT RIBS 14c GROUND BEEF.. 2 lbs. 29c SAFEWAY GUARANTEED MEATS all jams and Jellies 3-Os. packages Delicious with fresh strawberries ........,.. New Leader Sodas 2Lb. Butter . -- Oregon 15th in Increased Sole Of Gasoline WASHINGTON, May 30 (fP)-r Oregon was 15th among the 48 states in percentage of increase in gasoline consumption last year over 1939, the federal works agency reported today. Based on tax collections, the greatest Increase was in the Dis trict of Columbia with 12.7 per 7p Protect your eyes from scorching infra-red (heat) rays . . the same way U. S. Army fliers do! Army requirements ore : "The anti-glare glass shall be that known as calobor or its equivalent. The dominant hue desired for this glass is sage green." Let us grind lenses to your prescription placed in old frames or a new frame, which will give you an extra pair of glasses. You will want to see our complete stock of fit-overs and sun goggles. Behind Columbian Optical Are 36 Years With O One Policy The best - at the most reasonable price possible O One Price ... Cash or Credit Convenient terms arranged to suit you O One Desire To help you take care of the, only pair of eyes you will ever have Phone 7121a St. STORES EXCLUSIVELY Meat Prices Effective Fryers Picnics RoaStS, Petk, pienle style '.: lb. JeWlC Sausage Perk 2 29c Porfc Steak tt. 22c Pork Chops tt. 29c BOCOn aaet Swit., Eversweet lb. 33C 3 t 45cj 3-25cP 3 14c Isir 14c 23c A full car by express Saturday morning. Buy for canning now? they will not be lower cent more gallons. Tennessee) led the states with 12.8 vf cent. Oregon's Increase wag 7.4 per cent. Taxes ranged from 2 to 7 cents a gallon, Oregon'l 5 cents topping the national average of 3.96 cents. Net gasoline tax receipts In the United States were $870, 092,000 and Oregon'l total was $11,359,000, placing it 30th among the states and the Dis trict of Columbia. 11 Portland: 611 S. W. 6th OPTICAL Saturday Only, May 31 28c 28c Colored, fresh dressed, dry picked Found Swift's Beady-to-Eat, 4-7 lb. average Pound 25' Boxes Crate