PAGE SEVEN June 24, 1040 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. ORE. c SEATTLE SEEN HARD TO BEAT AS HALF-WAY POINT PASSED By The Aiioclated Press Seattle' (lying Ttalnlors. rounding tha half-way mirk In th Vaclfle Coast Wtugue mimn wth SH-game ImI In-sked mighty herd to ovoiluke toriuy The Italntor fea.te.l on Sac reminto, mint last weeii, gob bling vn wln In mi eight ame itrlci. They made Bun- S dey'l doubleheader the piere do resistance for home town fnn by walloping tha despairing 5 to 3 ann Ml In ii .' In tha ihort second game bun (toy Bicramento got to Pitcher ill Walker lor 13 safeties, but the Rainier toll Walker In to - absorb tha punlihmant while they rollad up U hiU (or 10 lum. . San Dlago't Padres clipped Portland lor two (imn Sunday to 0 and 3 to i. bin uiego pulled both gimei out o( th (ira In tha ninth Inning with two-run rallies. Tha second gama want two extra Innings. Russian Lou Novikoff o( Lot Anielee broka up another boll game Sundiy. With the icore 0 to 0 In the ninth and baioi loaded, the Russian whaled a drive Into right field that gave tha Angeli a 1 to 0 victory. Oakland took tha nightcap In . aevan Innings. 4 to 2, helpod ' by Luby's lirat lnnlng homo run. Tha Angeli won the series, (our girnej to three. Tha wavering San Franclico Baals found new hope In one rrollind ramandez, shortstop hurriedly purchased (rom Yak ima in tha Western Internation al leigue. Hli big bit helped tha Belli tike the nightcap Sun day (rom tha Hollywood Stan, 10 to 1, after tha Seili lost the ejpener, 6 to 1. femendei got a big hind irom tha (am on hli lait ap pearance at bat. In tha two game ha handled 13 chancei perfectly, batted (our (or eight, Including a triple, and icored two runi. - Bundiy'i Korea: ;(rint game) R. H. t. Oakland ..... o J l toe Angelaa 1 8 0 Buxton and W. Raimondi; Bonettl and Hernandez. (Second geme 7 Innings P.. If. E. Oakland 4 fl 0 Lo Angalei 2 R 2 Darrow, Mulligan (ft) and W. )talmondl; Berry ind Holm. (Tlrat game) P.. H. E. Hollywood ..... All 2 Ban franclico - 1 8 1 ' Ardlzoli and Monro; Gltxon, Jergem (2), Guiy (3), Jensen ( and Sprlni. (Second game 7 Inning) R. H. E. Hollywood 17 1 Ban Franclicn 10 18 1 it-Bithorn. . Gay (3). Moncrlef (8) and Dapper; Stutx and Bo tolho. (Tint gima) R. H. E. Sacramento 2 R 1 Seattle 8 8 1 Klelnkft. Rlel (8) and Ogro ejowikl; Turpln and Campbell. (Second gima 7 innings) : R. H. E. Sacramento 3 13 l Seattle 10 14 1 ! Munger, Gabler (2) Schmidt (8), McLaughlin (8) and Ogro dowski; Walker and Kcarse. (Tint gime) R. H. E. San Diego 2 11 o Portland 0 10 0 .Humphreys and Detore; Hilch- r ana scnuitr. fsicond game 8 Innlngi) BBn Diego 3 7 2 Portland 2 a , i rPilletta and Salkald; Speeco ana ocnuiiz. : BASEBALL STANDINGS ) AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. Pet. Cleveland 38 23 .623 Betroit 34 22 .607 BoitOD ....82 23 .882 New Vnrlr on oo jnt Loull 28 33 !4S9 tniMgo 26 31 .486 Philadelphia 22 33 .400 ywhlngton J4 38, .387 J NATIONAL LEAGUE Cincinnati 38 20 .686 Brooklyn 34 IS .642 Hew York 33 21 .611 Chicago 32 23 .828 Si,.Loul 22 32 .407 Pittsburgh 21 3J .404 Philadelphia 10 4 .388 Boftpn 19 32 .373 VACIPIC COAST LEAGUE . ! W. L. Pet. Seattle 81 31 .622 Oakland .............48 39 .882 Saat Dlago ..m 43 41 .812 HKpywood ,..........44 43 .806 14 Angtlei 40 43 .482 Sfcg-imanto 43 46 .477 8an Francisco 40 44 ' .476 Portland . 30 81 .370 In Thll Cornor- Mr. Smith Goes to Town mm ... Silverton Takes 2 From Portland By Tha Aueclated PreH Silverton, nudged out of the (lrit-hil( pennant in tha Ore gon Stat league by Albany and Medford. rorriped on to ward a lecond-half (lag Sunday by baiting tha Portland Babei twice, S-3 and 7-6. Tha double win gave the Red Sox (our aecond-haU triumph! without a 1011. Bend continued to breathe on the neck o( the leader by wal loping Ktlli Creek, 19 0 and S-4 In a twin bill In tha central Oregon city. Murdock hurled a two-hitter In the (Irit game. Albany 1 o t ground to the other leaden by dropping Iti Saturday gama to Eugene, 3-8. Albany iquared the aeriei Sun day with a 3-3 declilon. Jim Rego kept leven hiU well paced Saturday night ai Med- (ord took a iparkling battle (rom Jack and Jill of Portland, 2-0. Scorei: R. H. E. Albany ..3 6 Eugene 2 8 , Elliot. Johnson and Robert- ion; Rlchardi and Libby. Second game: R. H. E Albany 3 8 3 Eugene 8 10 1 Miller and RoberUon; Wilt- thlra and Mattlaon. R. H. E Mediord 3 6 0 Jack and Jill 0 7 0 Rego and Hawking; Clow and Mize. R. H. E Portland Babea a 7 3 Silverton 9 11 1 Carlaacio, Warner and Amactv er; Shelton, Jell and Moa. Second game: R. H. E Portland Babei .. 6 8 0 Silverton 7 13 3 Karterman and Amacher; Wil ton and Moe. R H E Hllli Creek 0 2 8 Bend 19 19 3 Kendall and G- Kelsey; Mur dock and Nehl. Second game: . R. H. E. HUla Creek 4 8 0 Bend 5 9 3 B. Keliey and Ball; Farmer and Kremer. BASEBALL SUNDAY'S RESULTS By Tha Auoclated Pren NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago 3-7, Philadelphia 3-3. Boiton 7-10, St. Loula 8-8. Cincinnati 7-3. New York 4-0. Pittsburgh 8-4, Brooklyn 8-4. AMERICAN LEAGUE Washington 13-2, St. Louis B-3. Detroit 9, New York 3. Cleveland 4-0, Boiton 1-3. Philadelphia at Chicago, rain. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Seattle 8-10, Sacramento 2-3. San Dlago 2-3, Portland 0-3. Los Angelea 1-3, Oakland 0-4. Hollywood 6-1, San Franclico 1-10. WESTERN INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Spokane 10-6, Vancouver 4-8. Yakima 12-2. Tacoma 10-9. Salem 8-0, Wanatohea 4-6. 1 By Art Krenz " THB iANT AND s.Avt up on him, but 0CffW8ALL - WW U6T m AND B4d 6CVINOP WKI fSASOA- Indians Sweep Series in WIL By The Associated Preu The Spokine Indians broke a (irit place tie with the Yikima Plpplni in the Wertern Interna tional leigue Sundiy by sweep ing a doubleheader (rom the Vancouver Capllanos while tha Pippins were losing the (inal game of a twin bill to tha Ta coma Tigers. The Indiana won tha after noon game in Spokane 10-4 and then scored a 6 8 victory In the nightcap (or (our straight triumphs over the Tigers. Wimpy Qulnn wai the los ers' hitting star In the night cap with a two-run homer and a. triple. The Pippins registered a 12 10 victory In a heavy hitting (races in Yakima in the after noon and then bowed 9-2 under a 1 8-hl t Tacoma barrage in the night encounter. Floyd beklte held the Pippins to five blows and they committed (our errors in the nightcap. Bud Brewer held the Wen- atchee Chiefs to one earned run as he chalked up his 10th vic tory of the season in pitching the Salem Senators to an 8-4 victory in the (imt game o( a doubleheader In Salem. Eddie Wilson. Salem outfielder, got his third homer in as many games In the seventh In which (our runs scored on three hits and three errors. The Chiefs managed to sal vage one game (rom the foui game series by winning the nightcap 6-0 as Ken Jaeobsrn scattered seven Senators' hits MANNEQUINS 1940 DETROIT, (JP) The trend Is toward "corn (ed" manne quins using lrsa rouge, says Ralph Adler of New York, an expert. He says "the sourpuss manne quin still will be very good, but more smiles will be seen this year." Mannequin styles reflect the trend of American women, he adds. PHILADELPHIA Helen Jacobs whips Urnlce Dean, 6-2 6-0. In (inal of Philadelphia district women s tennis tourney Your Vacation Will Be a Suc cess. Itiusthii to be, if you'll pend it ik 5 lath MeunUins, Butt County California I Richardson g Mineral 3 Hot.l.M.iti c 5 ndCoiuiM Springs S EllllMIRMIIMMRMgllS m - ' MMlth Pissiure 3 HEW INJURIES BRING MAJORS TO QUESTION OF "ARMOR" By BILL WHITE Aitoolated Pren Baorti Writer The argument of whether player should drm up like one of King Arthur's armor-plated knignti Diiore nipping onto the diamond 11 aua (Or U an nual airing. The cobwabi had hardly cleared (rom Dodgir Ducky Medwlck's brain after being beaned by Bob Bowman o( tha Cardi Tuesday, whan Billy Jurgei of tha Glints wai bopped Sundiy by Bucky Waltars of the Cincinnati itiff, and Tad Williams, lanky Boiton (tad Box outfielder, alio luffind con cussion when ha and Roger Cramer collided, while pursuing a (ly ball. The Giants, right In tha thick of tha National league pennant fight dropped a pair to tha Rids Sunday by 7-4 and 3-0 and that dropped them back to third place while the Reds were re mounting tha throne (or tha sixth time. The Red Box loit the first game of Sunday'! double bill againit Cleveland, In which Williami was hurt and Cramer badly shaken up, by 4-1 as A! smith spun a iix-muer. xney might have lost tha second if it hidn't been for tha homerun hitting of Jim Tabor whose don't as SOU two blows ave them a 2-0 victory. MsdwioW, whose "beaning" lilt Tuiidiy started all this fun, came back ai regular and halpid tha Dodgirs climb back into second place. His two timely ungiei Kepi tne Pittsburgh Pirates (rom making off with IS-lnnlng afterpiece, after they managed an win In tha first gama, thanks to a 16 hit attack off threa Brook hurlen. The second gama was finally clllid because of dark ness with tha icora tied, 4-4. Other National league doings Included fine performances by two Rookie Chicago Cub pitch ersJake Mooty and Ken fta( fambargir. Jake won the first gama from tha Phillies by 8-2 on six-hit Job and Ken took tha second 7-a. Manual Salvo and Joe Sulli van likewise came through a twin assignment for the Boston Baas, handing tha St. Louis Cardinals their first double beating under Manager Billy Bouthworth by scores of 7-8 and 10-8. Balvo pitched a six- hitter and Sullivan an eight. hitter. Bob Bowman, who beaned Medwlek, wis victimised him self, being spiked in the first Inning of tha first gima by Se bastian Sisti of tha Bees, and forced to retire. n tha American league, Louis (Buck) Nawsom won his ninth straight as tha- Detroit Tigers Climbed to within a game ana a half of tha league-leading Cleveland Indiana by socking the poor old Yankees, 9-2 Nawsom allowed the once feared maulers only four hits while hia maus got to Marvin Brauer and Steve Bundra for 18. Tha Washington Senators and Excepting Mermits Utfrrs are J5cople who think two's a crowd. They live in caves or huts, wear long gray beards and eat everything from berries to nuts. They a rule, buy anything. ' Self-respecting hermits spend most of their time meditating, contemplating and talking to them selves. Their minds are hermit-ically sealed to anything going on in the world. In fact, what really puts hermits in a class by themselves is that they don't care a hang about the news. ' jzte&$&. - '-H But for everyone excepting Hermits, news is a vital necessity of everyday life. Since the day Eve told Adam about the apple, news has been the leading topic of conversation all day long. OF THI A D V A N WWi rwipoperooVertisina you eon.. .Ill reoefi Hie LARGEST NUMBER of yaureofsflMa eujtemers...2l fell your jfcy to rfie WHOLE fAAHH.r...3leo caalrete your efforts m Ifte maHted (not offer tfie BEST OPPORTUNITIES... (4) TIME YOUR ADVERTISING to meet your needs ond cnofl8'"a eorxiitkM ...13) oaf QUICK MSUITS wiee you wonf Idem... Id) WHO GOOD-WIIL we os o!ej...(7 tie your messoge TO THE NEWS and mot more lntaHna...(8! 9hywho LOCAL TOUCH, a home-town ftjver...? ILLUSTRATE YOUR PRODUCT ond s usei...(10l NAME THE LOCAL STORES (0( sell your pfoduef ...H1) ilep up DEALER DISTRIBUTION ond dealer cooperation. ..and 1 2 do all lhi at a LOWER COST than with any oilier medium the St. Louis Browns split a rain-dampened double bill, Dutch Leonard knucklaballlng the Nats to a 12 win In tha opener and Chet Laabs belting the Browns to a 1-3 decision in the nightcap with a homer and rally-itartlng fifth-Inning double. Tha Philadelphia Chicago doubleheader was postponed by rain. CHICAGO Robert Harmon and Robert Peacock win nation al clay courts men's doubles tennis title by default when Frankie Parker withdraws after rain forces day's postponement of finals. P, S, Remember t take beer and other fliTors. loo SipUMde T A 0 I 1 I TOT CROWD ABOUND TX&V y m is switching roMmy. s3l- : NT VfR mJl l new (aoriwl Gel 1 thghomaeama 0 f Portland Squad Wins Trapshoot SALEM, June 34 OP) - The Portland five-man squad broke 486 out of a possible 600 elay birds Sunday to capture tha 1B40 Oregonian telegraph trap shoot, an event of tha state tournament. Gearhart was sec ond with 488. Frank Troeh, Portland veter an, shaded D. M. Hull of Ce quille in a bitter duel for the state 16-yard championship. home delicious Per-T-Pak Beverages. Ginger ale, root Only a dime (or full quart . . tor big glasse. NEW BOTTLING CO. And today the craving for the "news is stronger than ever before . . . because never before has the individual's welfare and happiness been so in timately affected by events at home and abroad. That's why your daily newspapers draw a larger and more intensely interested audience . . . day after day . . . than any other medium. And that,' in turn, is the fundamental reason why your ad vertising in newspapers inevitably hits harder, works faster and brings more immediate results. THE BUREAU OF ADVERTISING AMERICAN NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION OF WHICH THE HERALD AND NEWS IS A MEMBER NIWSPAPER ADVIRTISIN0 They deadlocked at 97 In tha two-day competition, but In a 38-blrd shooto(f TrOeh want perfect while Hull mined an, W. J. Silva of Ban Francises won tha sUte double (or out of-town marksmen with 93 Clair Miller of Corvallti Rap tured the Junior title Saturday with 90 birds at 16 yards. Troeh won tha itate double championship c( 80 pair with 93. TULSA, Okie. Art Dor. Ing defeats O'Hara Watts, and 8, to win trsns-Miiiiisippl amateur golf title. Looking lor Bargains? Tufa) to the Classified page. TelephMW ft