The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 20, 1939, Page 3, Image 3

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    December 20, 1939
; W m W rf I W mm I I
Waterfront employers yesterday
rojuctod Gov. Culhurt Olson's plan
to nil Ilia flve-weoks-old Ban
Franolaoo port tie-up, but accepted
"aa a basis for aettlamant" a pro
poinl ihhiIo by the lovarnor'a
apnrlnl "f tict-f I ml Inpi ' commission.
Ilovnriioly, Harry llrlil ,
spokesmuii for Ilia striking Hhlp
Clarka' association, aald the unloo
would acoept the lovarnor'a plan
but would turn down tbe eonvi
mission's formula because It re
commended the union Rive up
everything, the empioyera noth
ing." Thue a new Impaeao developed
In tho protracted dlapute which
baa made ahlpa and men Idle along
the Hnn Francisco waterfront alnce
November 10, when (ho ahlp clnrka
went on alrlko demanding prefer
ential hiring for monthly clerka
nd registration of all men.
Obvlouely dlaappolnted, Qot.
Olaon, who made a apeelal trip
from Kacramento today to get an
answer to hla propoaal, eora-
"We're Just where we were when
Mia strike alarted."
lie Immediately reiterated that.
In view of the eollapae of bla
peace efforts, he would preaent to
the legislature next month pro
poanla to have the atale tako over
and operate Bau Krauclaco bar-
I don l aee bow e I a e we
ean ever bave uninterrupted flow
Of commerce," the governor aald.
llrldgea aald the union disap
proved of tho commlaalon'a aug
geatlou the strikers abandon tbelr
principal demanda tor preforen
tlal hiring of monthly clerka and
registration aa a condition (or re
opening nogotlallone on other de
"If the union had to give up Ita
principal domanda, there wouldn't
be any unloua on the waterfront
In three months, Bridge aald.
Uregory llarrlaon, apokeanian
for the Dock Checkor Kmployera
aaaoolatlon, read a lengthy state
ment, which, In effect, ro-otetod
ine empioyera- oppoaltlon to any
form of arbitration tbe unlon'a
demand for preferential hiring of
monthly, or eo-called "confidential
The empioyera bave contended
preferential hiring of uulon "con
fidential clerka" would be an In'
filngement ou the rlghta of man
At the Inst moment. Gov. Olaon
aakod It the union would accept
the empioyera' domanda, but eui-
pbaalxed be was not urging tbe
union to do ao. Brldgea aald tbe
union wouldn't. He aald the union
would approve the governor'a plan
"though Ita a far cry from what
the uulon wnntsd. '
The governor'a plan called for
return to work, then appointment
of a apodal committee to Invent
gute the problem of preferential
hiring and report back, with poa
alblllty the report be made baela
for changing the contract. The
governor'a commlaalon bad urged
the union give up Ita preferential
hiring and reglatratlon demanda,
and that, while an Investigating
committee would be named, Ita re
port aliould have no bearing on
the new contract, until renewal
date arrived.
Aa tbe meeting broke up, the
governor commented there waa
War Writer Declares Nazis
Justified in Scuttling Graf 1
Spee to Save Lives of Crew
A, I', (mMHii!uiit
Intruding for a moment In tho
Anglo-Oorman argument over who
won the air battle ware the natla
Juattfled, or ware thoy not, In
acuttllng their pocket-battleship
(Iraf Bpeof
What with all the hiillntmlno
over the queatlon one might think
thuy were bound by honor to lino
up and cry "We who are ubout to
die aalute you," and then go out
to certain doatb with the Anglo
French fleet, '
There really need lie no dlapute
over that, for there la no code of
war which calls for noodlone eso
rlflce from fighting men.
War lan't a tournament In
which men Joint for tho enter
tainment of apeclntora hut a dire,
bloody bualneaa, Holtllers nnd
aallora have to give their Uvea
whan neceaalty calle, but limy
aren't expected to let any fnlao
notlona of gallantry load them
Into throwing Ihemanlvea away.
There'a no more reason why a
aallor or aoldlor aliould sacrifice
bla life Just to make of hlmaelf
what Tommy Atklna would call
a "bloomln dead 'ero," than there
would be for a fireman to Jump
off the top of a aky-acraper for a
almllar cauae.
I think moat naval men will aay
that tbe acuttllng of the warahlp
waa entirely legitimate, though
not all would agree that thla waa
the beat aolutlon of the difficulty.
There waa the alternative of .In
terment. Had the Graf Bpoe tried to run
the gauntlet Bunday evening It
might poaalbly bave allpped
through the waiting enemy ahlpa
outalde Montevideo harbor, but
It would have been cauxht ahort
ly, became other warahlpa wero
lying In wait for It further afield.
Such a gesture would have cost
not only the warahlp but many or
all of Ita crew of close to a thou
sand.' Probably there wasn't a i
man aboard who waan't prepared 1
to make tbe big sacrifice If the
call came.
Still, Herr Hitler, who gave the
order for tbe sinking, could have '
found no Justification for sending j
Iheae young men to their deaths 1
Juat for "glory" and propaganda '
purposes. What think you the j
German people would bave said
of aucb a thing? Certainly It j
would have taken a lot of ex-1
Having gone through a good
part of the world war with the
llrltlah and French, on both land
and sea. I'll lay a tidy bit that
there wasn't a aallor on the ahlpa j
lying In wait for the Oral Spee ;
who waan't glad he didn't have to ,
take a hand In eemlliig a thousand
German boya to tbo bottom.. .
Aa regards tbe proposition of
allowing the Oraf Bpee' and her
crew to be Interned at Monte
video for the duration of the war,
there la at least one solid argu
ment agalnat It. Buppoelng Uru
guay a little later aliould be
drawn Into the conflict on the !
Anglo-French aide, aa happened j
In the world war?
The Oraf Bpee then could bo ;
aelaed and turned over to the al-'
Ilea to be uaed against tbo father
land. j
The natla had a notable prece-1
dent for aucb a acuttllng. One of ;
tbe moat famoua events of this j
aort In history occurred In 1919 I
when the German floot, which i
"no spirit of cooperation or even
recognition of tho rlgbta of col
lective bargaining."
hnd been surrendered to the al
lies nflor the world war, waa scut
tled by Ita own men at tbo Urltlsa
naval huso at Hcapa Flow,
Ton battleships, five light erult
ora and thirty deatroyera were
sunk. A lot more were beached,
Itoturns are beginning to be re
ceived by the atate game com'
(illusion on a purnbor of tagged
ml n how trout 10 to II Inchea
long that were released about a
year ago In the Aleea river near
the location of the trout batcbery,
Three of the tagged fish were re
cently caught In the fillets river,
the fish having traveled to spawn
In n elreuin 47 miles farther north
limn tho one In which they were
released. All flah bad made a good
growth, one of them weighing ep-
proximately four pounds.
Col. William Ross paid 61t
for a ticket to hear Jenny Llnd
sing, and then did not attend tbe
Tables for the Homt
Thus ornamental tables
make splendid Christ moa
preaenta at delightfully
anrnll cost. A nice gift for
the Iininc aee these splen
did Talura.
Special 4
Imperial Table
From Grand Raplda
Trim coffee or cocktail
tallica, solidly constructed,
and available In walnut or
maple. Noto the Ihinean
I'liyfn styling and neat acal
loped rhn.
Tat Main
$300,000 IN MONTH
Thrifty Oregon residents placed
1800,417 In new aavlnga In 22
Inaured aavlnga and loan associa
tions la the atate during Novem
ber, It waa reported by the Fed
eral Savings and Loan Insurance
corporation today.
The amount Increaaed their
total aavlnga aa of November 30
to II, 049,000 and the number of
depositors to 14,111,
The associations made 17S
loana amounting to $327,0(19 In
the month compared with 120
loana totalling 1237,909 In No
vember a rear ago.
Aaaets of the associations at the
end of the month were $14,711,
000, an Increase of $2,605,000 In
II months.
Farley Suggests First Class
Postage for Christmas Cards
Postmaster General James A. Far
ley has Introduced the social Is
sue Into the Chrlatmaa card scene.
In fact, he's set class against
class first elaaa agalnat third
In an appeal to postmasters
throughout the nation, (ho postnl
boss has urged them to persundo
their patrons to send cards first
claaa Instead of third.
Specifically, thta means get
ting the folka to lick a toney
three-cent atamp Instead of the
1'lnblan one-and-one-half renter
Farloy advisee hia aides;
"Postmasters should urge mall
era to send their holiday greetings
at the first clans rate, explaining
that when so aent the greetings
may bo sealed and contain writ
ten messages not otherwise per
mitted, thorefore having a per
sonal appeal, which Is, of course,
more hlKhly appreciated ., ."
Ho didn't stop there, however.
Tho postmaster genernl had bis
artlata design a visual appeal to
the mallera.
"Preserve the dignity of your
Christmas greeting" the poster
shouts In bold hnndllnee. "Send
them first claaa mall."
The artlat baa plaatered the
third claaa card with thla stigma:
Cannot be sealed , , . Will not be
forwarded , . , will not be return
ed . . . Must not contain writing
. . . Handled as circular matter.
Down the bosom of the first
class card the artlat baa aet forth)
May be aealed , . . May eontaln
writing . , , Will be forwarded
. . , Will be returned . . , Pre
ferred In delivery ...
DENVER, (P) Major Herbert
W. Hardman, quartmtater at Low
ry field, tucked hla wallet Into bla
sock while dancing at a nlgbt club.
The wallet, containing $1000
dropped out. Tbe major offered
$100 reward.
The finder mailed the billfold
to the major bat aent along only
Spldera are no more eloaely re
lated to Insects than birds are to
Recause of the mlnuteneaa ef
carrot seed, It takes 157.000 grains
to weigh a pound.
Open Evenings
, Thursday, Friday and
Saturday Nights
Plenty of Parking Space)
19B E. Main
Phona TflH
A. GIVE HIM... a streamline
"Llghlmajter" flashlight In this compact,
3-cell size that's just right
for hla car or outing trip. Ilfll.
Packed In a gift box. WU
Fre-Focused. ."
B. GIVE HIM ... a "Sta-Sharp"
et knife, guaranteed for three
Genuine brown atag handles
and hand-honed cutlery steel
blades. Assorted sizes.
C. GIVE HIM... a 'Craftsman
cam per' a axe with a black, velvet-fin
ished. forged steel head with
14-lnch white hickory handle.
Leather sheath.
los fpii
M. Pint
)n mv ft , '
M m I t
' f fa YwL imHif Hum I
' T VSt-MNCMtelMC., 1
Every Drop
at Least
4 Years Old
Straight Whiskies
V",oi.rKN WKrmiNO la all whlskev-
tlmreiultof nprkolcvtbletldlrig v
fonnuln. It Is not one but twl 4 &
distinctive whiskies carefully N
ioctcd and fxpertly "wedded." Tfi s
stralflht whiskies in this product aro
4 years or more old. Mended at tb': '
milder 90 proof.
Copyright Joe. 8. Finch Co,. Inc., Scheoley, Pa.
V ITia m n fi in vAnt ISa -nrr?11 ftlvflo vah jfitj mtsw sWa-tstarf OAttafl 9 vaii trtrrtW
him gifts from Sears!
shop or work bench . .
p- 17.50 4Wmx
II 'Buff Wheels High Speed Drills SHrS -x jj&
11 Cutters Emery Wheel, Taper Wheelt Vks &SJ!swV
l ' ' Bristle Brushes Saw Blades ! lyraSaSs.J ' '
M , Nut and Collar Mandrel fT'
New! The DE LUXE CRAFTY! Sensational new vUsVv'""-" 'swf-a--
a pistol-grip model for easier working. Has rcmov- ' V uy itW N !
t able pistol grip, finger rest over chuck for con- ffif ''i?.'? V-
troL condenser to stop radio Interference and -jl I If'TmmM v
ew gauge and rip fence. ls-'a: HeJ
I PWgs-J ilB 1 IvtrwJI JJ phaM motor . . . ys,. , ,V-'Vmsy&e 4
I H Kj3 TIF ' guaranteed I years KfV-' . ' i - ' li " Sj
7 SOCKET SCTv.(m,;'
(m Tnin wau enrome vanacuum r w r" iLXm lM r l"sA- J forged steel neaa. velvet . fr
I steel sockets In 29 assorted U Uw I WJ?Stf"' ' .1 Mac finish ... . sH-lneh 1 3
l sires with raehet wrench and fl l. I s, r iikzt ent White hickory handle. . efw
f adapter and speeder wrench. WaVw sSY 1111533 .
u.Mici .ockit itT ( mtlrrr" i c i ( n
:v " ' Zrt. 1.49 aT) I -n V 7 k 1 a J Kf3-
proof finish. Packed In steel box. agaai-arw v BSfieSmUU K si 1 I F- mmmm I sk.A l 1
. , . P1ECK BOX INR WRlltCH T , AVXf.l IgM a. VI 11 f -
'"Craftsman" drop forged chrome t XVLu I t 1 I 1 -L'-l " L' -l J I
wi k Tz? 3.49 1 ufeb5 amfs '
Here are special holiday prices on gadgets for his
. bay them on the Easy Payment Plan!
D. GIVE HIM ... a "Craftsman" skew
back saw In 26-inch length with 9 or 19
nolnts to the inch. Made from
special chrome alloy steel
carved apple-wood handle.
EGIVE HIM... a -Du map" block,
plane . . . with IK -Inch tempered steel
entter. screw sdlustment and
smoothly finished body. 7
Inches over all.
F. GIVE HIM... a "Fulton" smooth
plane with 1-inch special analysis steel
entter. patent lever and
screw adjustments. Hardwood
" " handle and knob. 8 V4 -Inch.
ysu aiees
G. GIVE HIM ... a -Craftsman- auto
matic push drilL Chock has hardened
steel Jaws, heavily nickel- -
Slated. Knurled handle and
drill points inside handle.
1 .69
H. GIVE HIM... a "Fulton" raehet
brace. Rugged alligator Jaws take all
souare-shank bits. Has high- -
ly polished, heavy steel frame
with full 10-Inch sweep.
I. GIVE HIM... a "Craftsman" e
piece auger Dlt set packed in a nonoy
metal case. Graduated sizes
from 14-Inch to 1-Inch. Made
of chromium-plated steel. .
a nanor
J. GIVE HIM...nDtinlap-aluml..
- num level. Machined and polished with 1
' patented metal rings to hold
glass discs. 24-inch size, 6
glasses, 2 levels, 4 plumbs.
wiui. 1
K. GIVE HIM.... "Craft.m..,
tough vanadium steel pipe wrench. Tern ;
pered. hardened jaws witr
machine-cut teeth . . . won ,
crush, slip or lock. 14-Inch. .
GIVE HIM...a "Fulton" tool;
grinder with easy-running, machine-cut
gears in dust-proof gear case. mt nit
Has silicate wheel. He needs I Jill
one on his work bench. ; J , T
M. GIVE HIM... a no( imi
chest of 26-gauge steel. 19x614x6-inch
with cantilever lock and au
tomatic nickel-plated lock
Brown crystalline finish. -
N. GIVE HIM.. a ..CraftBman iU.
per-grip garage vise with 3-inch Max-Bl
alloy steel Jaws. Cold-rolled
steel beam and Acme thread
ed forged steel screws. .
O.GJVE HIM.... "Craftsman;
curved claw hammer with 16-ounce. hell
; faced head of best vanadium
alloy steel, heat-treated and
tempered. Hickory handle. '
ce. tteU
P. GIVE HIM... a "Craftsman-broad
hatchet with finest quality, high carbon
forged steel head. Velvet
black finish ... 4 -Inch
ctrt. White hickory handle. -