?AGE TWELVE THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON December 19, 1930 RELIEF WORK IS MOT N RED CROSS Many Inquires are being re ceived from Red Cross cnapiers, the public and the press as to the relation of Ked Cross war relief work to the efforts of many special committees and organisations which hare recently been formed to render aid In soma particular phase of present European hostili ties. From the outset the American Red Cross baa been In close touch with the war relief situation but, mindful of responsibilities at borne, haa not felt that the needs abroad were auch as yet to make necessary a major campaign by the Red Cross for a war relief fund. However, many needs exist, and those who can aid, should make their contributions promptly either J to the Red Cross or, if they pre i fer, to those responsible temporary 1 agencies - dealing with - special phases ot war relief needs. As in i the past, the Red Cross will con 1 duct its work in such a manner j that other agencies may coordinate ; their activities, so that there need be no duplication in the relief to j be rendered. The Red Cross has -t from time to time invited repre- aentatives of other groups to meet i with it to coordinate the various i efforts and many of these groups are sending their funds to the Red 1 Cross designated for relief in the country In which they are Inter jested. ( It must be remembered that I the Red Cross is a permanent In ' stitution; it operates under the t authority ot an international treaty and a congressional charter; and ! it has continuing and primary re i sponsibilltles tor the conduct of Red Cross work . in the United J States alike nationally and in the more than 10,000 communities where Its chapters are active J throughout thla country. a The Red Cross also has Inter- national responsibilities and lm I mediately upon the outbreak of a the present hostilities initiated 1 operations to meet most critical I emergency needs. Assistance in the form of cash, medical and hos- pltal supplies and clothing haa I been sent to the Red Cross socl- ties ot Great Britain, Franca and Poland in response to their re quests, and to the societies of a Hungary, Rumania, ' Latvia, Es- thonia and Lithuania for aid to Polish refugees. : In the last week the Red Cross J has been asked to send emergency a medical aid to the Finnish Red --Cross, and the requested supplies ; have already reached Finland. A , representative has 'been sent and " the Red Cross Is prepared to ex ' tend further aid as more accurate knowledge ot the seeds In that country Is gained. In war relief the Red Cross em : phasixes first, medical and hos pital lid, and in addition thous ands ot volunteers in the chapters ' are producing surgical dressings and warm clothing in large quanti ties, which are shipped as rapidly as tonnage Is available. - In the recent roll call the pub lic has again generously re sponded tor the support of the regular work of the Red Cross. . From the outset ot the European war the Red Cross has sought and, received contributions for relief to war sufferers ot all countries, and donors may designate the peoples 1 for which they wish to have their contributions utilized. Such de , signated contributions will be ex pended wholly and exclusively for assistance in accordance with the . wishes ot tbe donors. With the recently developed conflict in Fin land the Red Cross bas advised all chapters that contributions de signated for relief in that country are welcomed. As the conflict contlnnes the needs will inevitably very greatly increase and tbe best efforts of all will be required, it the country ILL OP US ARE 'JUST 2 JUMPS (AHEAD OF FIR.E 4 AGAINST THE TIME WHEN FIRE CATCHES YOU Jiffy Crochet "Persian Lamb? Set t ' HoneouoW Aria i - . AL V Yarn 1 mm s Works Vf in No Time Be smart In this Jiffy crochet hat and muff that look Just like Persian lamb. Tbey match cape Pattern 6546 ahown recently. Pattern 6572 contains Instruc tions for hat and muff; illustra tion ot them and stitches; mate rials needed. To obtain this pattern send 10 cents in coin (10 cents tor both) to The Herald and News, House- bold - Arts department, Klamath Falls. Be sure to write plainly your NAME, ADDRESS and PAT TERN NUMBER. la to play Ita part In mitigating other sufferings ot tbia catastrophe. CALENDARS WILL GIVE HARMONY ON THANKSGIVING GRANTS PASS, Dec 19 (JP) A feed store today distributed 1940 calendars which may bring har mony in the camps ot those ob serving Thanksgiving on tbe fourth Thursday in November and those preferring so-called Thanksgiving on the third Thursday. E. C. Gayman's entire set of calendars, printed in Ohio, has a single date tor the last two Thurs days of the month. Both read 21." , TRAFFIC LIGHT NEEDED ' STATESVILLE, N. C, UP) Frank Perry and Rocky Patlerno tired into a covey of quail, but missed. The birds rose with a great flutter and flew straight into a billboard. - The hunters picked up 10 and went home. TRAFFIC TOLL 50 PORTLAND, Ore.. Dec 19 QJ.R) S. B. Wagner, SO, Portland, waa fatally injured when he reportedly walked into the aide of a street car here. Wagner's death brings the Port land traffic fatality toll to 59 for tbe year or two less than the record 61 deaths in 1938. CLASS IN FIRST T First aid classes will start at 7:30 p. m. January I, In the of fice ot the Justice ot the peace at the county court house. : These classes are open to all adults who are Interested In first aid. Text books may be secured at the WPA office In the court house or at the Red Crona office on Main street. The prlco ot tost books Is 60 routs. The total cost of text books and all nocossary material tor the atandard course will not exceed 11.00. Instruction Is tree. Newa and Herald Want-Ada get reaulta. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL I Reg. $3.50 Oil Permanent! 2 for 5 Other Permanent! $2.50 to $5 FREE Christmas Favors With All Appointments. LUELLA'S BEAUTY SHOP 1194 F Main rhone 1 10T Hurry toWards! Bring the children! Fun for ALL! See the mtr uarar eTien ar. mr mtm I hWl mm. v ' " ' i " r .i iiii'.11. 'mi7JiirsBres,.M.--l . ;i,ii u , j,. sa mftpy. ' CUI1SKT AT I or I AIKtHt ..when you invest THE INSURED WAY First Federal Savings and Loan Association OF KLAMATH FALLS Sixth and Main Phone 3S00 Member Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation Give A Luxury Gift! CLE.1RMCE! fur coa ts fe At Salinas Un To uO I M Price Gut! Buy Now! Use Wards Monthly Payment Plan Clearance priced in time for Christmas tavingsl Now you CAN afford the gift she asked fori Wards pro-Christmas Salt of Fur Coats brings oxtra savings to your gift budget! SEE THESE COATS NOWI X J I S aw All L Jj Extra Value! Clearance Priced! Luxury furs budget priced! Wards offer greafer-than-over savings in fin fur coats! HURRY! $6? FUR COATS priced to save you $ 1 1 .00 $58 MS nni!i;ii: Just four of theso popular styles now at savings up to $4-751 Luxury budget pricedl ow as Low as Furs Fashion Mezzanine I 4... t- Tn' ,tll t.00 .."e:00 NINTH STREET, Corner Pino Telephone 384 J'AiSA. I . . 1 1 Ma, 7mTO TTTXT 1TnTT7 U VI 1 in N I MVVV - v- M.M. m XL Xjr V V AM P ' Wardt have toys for overybody-. . at LOWEST prices! ; . if. J' r i ni it ii ' 1 1 3 l '--"-'-'liaff i 'j, -j in') i, Lfc,- I r mi t ..Mmhil,, ill A ill 1 WpHo,, u n 1 1 ' i ' i i (Warn r 3 u "ce 15 e I. """"toil" 3 whe,, fjP trurn tubui.. " "oeeJJ "otar. rrn ""-"quag KidttU.t n Save a H III l.rl..ll.Mirtl1a1l.lll- lni,IM TJaW - I. a ij '! sat?? ' V -. L'9PL Pius K.--eld-"""- v C"cpi.tol"W,e- --vug rrvl - ""tfl i seat and I OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS gtrJTtJaa 111 VfJ Rslndeerl tV' jf ' K7 Pino " Iiv.il '. nn... anari. TtimSDr, DKimbtr 2hl, W1N1 wilt st ns envtl m, Uluitt, Oinntir 2Ji, will t:00 I. ". COM NINTH STREET, Cornar Telephone 384