November 17, 1939 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE ELEVEN Klamath Gluiiclt&l GHURGHESTO All THANKSGIVING The aplrlt of Thanksgiving will be observed throughout din city nd oounty on Thursday, Novom hr 28, not only with lliu colnbra lion of family dlnnors and miihor lni, but In tho churches as well. Scarcely a church In (li city that baa not made plana fop ob servance of Thanksgiving In one way or another. Many of lb pastors will duilvnr Iholr Thanks giving aerraona Ih In coming Sun day, others are planning to re Tlaw Thanksgiving wk next Sun day from tliolr pulplla. The union Thanksgiving service of all ehurchoi In tha city will ba bald Thuraday morning at 10:80 o'clock In the Klral Chris tlan church with Itov, Cecil C. Drown, paalor of the Klral Uapllat church, aa the apeaknr. First Presbyterian Church Worablp aorvlcea at 11 o'clock In the morning ami at 7:au o'clock In the evening. The pnntor la the Key. Theodore smith, residence, 435 North Heeond atreet, telephone 2241. and al the church 4'JO. In the nilnliitry of mimic Charles It. Htanfleld l the director of Iho choir and Mra. Raymond W. Coo. pay la the organist. Tho church la located on North Sixth at 1'lue atreet. Tha morning worship opena with tha organ prelude, "Pralau Him," by Kohlmann, The "Trie aglon" la auug for the procua alonal. The choir and congregation unit In elnglng "The Doxology" and tha "Gloria Patrl" following tba Lord'a l'rayor. The choir re ponaa to the prayer Is "Hear Our Prayer, 0 Lord," by Wbelplon, and the offertory la "Offertory,' by Kern. Tbe special mulo la the anthem by Dickson, "Tbsnka Ue to Ood." Tha paalor will apeak on "Trust." The service closes with tha benediction, the dismissal by tha cbolr. "Lord, Let l's Now Do part In Peace," by Wbelplon, and tba organ postlude, "Postlude," by Blulla. Tba evening worship opena with tha organ prelude, "lie Leadoth Me." by Bradbury. Tba offertory ta "Offertory." by Johanson. Tho pastor will continue the Interesting exposition of ine epistio oi james which baa been drawing a contlnU' ally Increasing audience. Ills topic will ba "Kallh Is Keveulvd as tba Quid of Actions In 11 u muii Rela tionships." Those attending are raauealed to bring their lilbtca and notebooks. Tha aervlca will close with Stulta'a "rostlude." Tba church school Is held In tbe morning al 8:46 o'clock, with the varloua superintendents In charge of the different departments: Mrs Calvin Peyton of the beglnnore, Mra, 0. W. Mclntyro of the prim ary, Mra. D. D. Havens of tho lull lor, and George w. Mclniyre of the senior and adult dopsrtuionl There la a class for every member of the family lu this school. The three Christian Endeavor societies meet at 6:80 o'clock In the evonlng. There are the young peof'le, the seniors, and the Inter mediates. All young peoplo are made welcome. The htgb school group la abowlng a large Increase In attendance. St. Paul'. Episcopal Church Victor B. Newman, Rector, Eighth and Jefferson Holy Eucharist each Sunday at I o'clock. Holy Eucharist at 11 o'clock on tbe first and third Sundays. Children's Eucharist on the sec ond Sunday at 10 o'clock. Morning prayer on the aecond fourth and fifth Bunduya at 11 o'clock. Church school at 10:15. On All Salnta daye and Holy days there ts a Eucharist at 10 o'clock. Archdeacon Erich O. Robathan of Pendleton will be the celebrant at both Eucharists on Sunday, No vember 19, and will also preach at 11 o'clock. He will be at St. Darna bas, Langell valley, Sunday after noon. DORRIS BAPTIST MISSION The Dorrla Baptist mission spon aored by the First nuptial church of Klamath Falls, meeta at the Dorrla city hall each Sunday at 10 a. m. There are classea for all age groupa supervised by George O. Welch, A cordial welcome awalta all who attend. There will be special aarvlcoa beginning Bun' day morning and continuing each evening during tbe week. Rev. Lee Hall, Ilaptlst borne missionary, will speak at these aervlcea and the peoplo of the community are urged to attend. Flnt Covenant Church S29 Walnut avenue, Gotlfred J. Anderson, pastor. 10:10 a, m., Sunday school and Swedish aervlce. The special musi cal number will he given by tbe IntermeiUale boys' claas. The mes sage of tbe morning will be cen tered around tha theme: "The Life that Never Dies." At the 7:45 p. ra. aervlce tbe young people and tba Juniors will give tbe following Thanksgiving program: O Kor a Thousand Tongues," audience. "Count Your Blessings," audi ence. Scripture reading and prayer, Marian Anderson. "I Know God's Promise Is True," mixed choir. Heading, Carolyn Davis. Piano aolo, Hetty June Boder, Heading. Erik Carlson. Vocal duol, Phyllis Anderion and Dorothy Currier. Talk, "What We Have to be Thankful Kor," Wondell Currier, Vocal duet with guitar accom paniment, Iris and Nell Lindbergh. Reading, Oenevleve Lund. Announcements and offering. Itomarka by tha pastor. "Kade, Kade Each Eartbly Joy," audience. Closlug prayer, Wendell Cur rier. Tuesday, 7:46 p. m., choir re hearsal. Wednesday, 7:45 p. m.. young penple'a monthly social meeting. Thursday, 7:46 p. m. The annual harvest festival spousored by the l.ndlca Aid. A good program will be given and a thank offering lifted. Refreshments will be served. Needlework will be on dis play and tor sale. Tonight Friday, November 17 la Dance Night at the . Silver Dome liANCK HALL -Inst north of Rlamnth Fnlls on The Dalli'S-Callfornln highway. Come and enjoy the evening with good music. CDC ui r AT FIRST BAPTIST Flrtt Baptil? Church Eighth street at Washington. 'The Church With a Message." Her. Cecil C. Drown, paalor. Real dence 414 North Eighth atreet. Phone 2405-W. Dlble school 9:45 a. m. Mra. Ray Hunsaker, acting superin tendent. Morning worship service 11 o'clock. Tho order of service will be aa follows; Doxology; Invocation; re sponse; hymn, "Count Your Many Ulosalngs, Excel, choir and eon (.rogation; anthem, "A Hymn of Praise," Landon, choir; offertory, selected; anthem, "Unto Thee We (live Thanks," Nolle, choir; pray er; vocal solo, aelected, Mra. R. R. Proebstel; message, "Tbaoklng Ood for You." BYPU :J0 p. m. Mra. O. A. Dowden, general director. Evening worship aervlce 7:80 o'clock. The pastor will use aa his subject "Love, Courtship and Marriage," the first In a series of Family Fireside hour services. Come and bring the family. Mid-week service Wednesday 7: SO p. m. Radio aervlce each Sunday morning over atatlon KKJI from 8:30 to 9 o'clock. Klamath Temple "A Full Gospel church," 1705 Pine atreet, Rer. Roy E. Southard, pastor. Sunday school, 1:46 a. m. In charge of Mrs. Southard. Morning worship, 11 a. m. The pastor will be speaking on the subject, "A Scene In Heaven." Overcomer'a meeting, 8:80 p. m. In charge of Evelyn Nicholas. Sbe Is planning a special program. Junior church, 8:80 p. m., In charge of Mrs. Henry Hanson. Afternoon prayer, 8 p. m. Evangelistic aervlce, the pastor will be apeaklng on the aubject. "What Will God Do for You7" Midweek aervlce. Tbe regular Oospol hour broadcast wilt be con ducted over atatlon KFJI on Tues day at 8 p. m. Wednesday, 7:45 p. m., Bible study on the book of Epheslans will be continued by the pastor. Missionary aervlce, Wednesday at 10 a. m. Friday night a special meeting of the Bible Gleanera will be held All Bible Gleaners are asked to at tend. . Church of Tha Naiarene Corner of Garden avenue and Martin atreet, Rer, H. L. Ruaaell pastor. Residence, 2188 Orchard avenue, phone 1799-M. Sunday school, 0:45 a .m. You are Invited to come and bring your children. Classes are divided by age groupa. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Junior aervlce, 6:20 p. m. Young peoplo a aervlce, 8:20 P m. Cheater Dixon will lead. Evonlng worship, 7:80 p. m. The public la Invited to attend and en joy tbe preaching aervlce and the singing. Midweek prayer service, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday at the church. Young people'a prayer aervlce 7:80 p. m. Friday. Progressive Psychic 700 Mitchell atreet. Sunday service at I p. ra. Lec ture by Rev. Kathleen Krli. Tuesday, 8 p. m., Rer, Harris, noted numerologlst and divine message bearer will be with us, Thursday, 2 p. m. to 4 p. m. Cir cle and tea. All are cordially Invited. A special Thanksgiving service baa been arranged for the morn ing worship hour Sunday, No vember 10 at the First Ilaptlst church, Eighth and Washington atreota, according to the pastor, the Iter. Cecil C. Brown. The choir under the direction of H. O, Shlrey will render sev eral Thanksgiving -anthems and appropriate son us bin been aelected for the congregation. The paalor will deliver a spe cially prepared message on the subject, "Thanking God Kor You." A large crowd la expected for thla aervlce and those at tending are urged to he on time that the congregation may be quiet during tbe service, Sunday, 7:30 p. m., tbe pastor win begin a aorles or messages known as, "Tbe Family Klroslde Hour." The pastor stales that tbese aervlces are designed to meet the problems of tho modern home and will deal with the precious memories and a e n 1 1 mania of the "old fireside." The Rer. Brown wishes to make these services "fireside o b a t a" and states that be will deliver tbe aermona'ln tho nature of heart to-heart talks with the congre gallons. The subject for Sunday nlgbt a. Love, Courtship and Mar rlage." By the following week the church auditorium will be arrunged with spcclul lighting effocta and appropriate arntngu- raenta which will bo used to make tho services more Impres slve. Special music Is to be ar ranged for each service by H O. Hhlrey and many of the touch ing old hymns aro to he sung. The public Is most cordially Invited to all of those services, I ALL RCA VICTOR 11AD10S RECORD! ' VICTROLAS DERBY'S MUSIC CO. 190 N. 7th Zlon Lutheran Church 1025 High atreet. O. W. Hoff mann, pastor. The Sunday morning service be gins at 11 o'clock. Paator E. Becker of Portland will deliver the sermon. Sunday school and Junior Bible class meet at 1:46 a. in. All members of the Waltber league, aenlor and junior, and all young people of the church are asked to meet at the church Sun day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Paa tor Becker, who la the Oregon field secretary for tbe Walther league, win be at thla meeting ana win peak on league mattera. On the morning of Thanksgiving ay a aervlce will be held at this hurch. The aervlce begins at 0 : 3 0 o. m. please note the change of time for thla aervlce only. Because of Thanksgiving day there- will be no meeting of the Sunday school teachers next week. The meeting of the Ladlea Aid will be held on Thursday, November 30. If you hare no church home. you are Invited to attend our serv ices. First Methodist Church "In the Heart of the City" at North Tenth and High streets. Rev. Victor Phillips, minister, 1006 High street, tolephono 4 4 8-W. Church school at 0:45 a. m. L K. I'hcl j. gcnural superintendent Classes for all ages. Junior church at 11 a. m. Mrs. Charles Thur- man, supervisor. Nursery at the aame hour with the Epwortb Lea gue In charge. Bring your chil dren to church and they will be cared for. Morning worship at 10:55 a. m. Mra. S. Moade Badger, director of music. Mrs. E. S- Veatcb will play for tha prelude, "Pllcrlm'a Cbor- by Wagner. The offertory will be "Litany by Schubert, and the postlude, "Thanks Be to God," by Dickson. The choir will lead In the processional, Holy, Holy, Holy, will sing the an them, "Praise the Lord." by Rnn degger. Handel's "O Lovely Peace." will be sung as a duet by Mrs. S. Meado Badger and Won dell Smith. The minister will preach a sermon appropriate to the Thanksgtvlng season, taking for his subject, "What Is Thoro to Be Thankful For?" Tbe Wcslcyan league and the Asbury league will both meet at 6:30 p, m. This Is a fine oppor- tunlty for fellowship among the young people. The evening service will be at 7:80 o'clock when the minister will preach on the- aubject. "The World. The Flesh, and The Devil. Immanuel Baptist Church J. Clarence Orr, pastor. Eleventh and High streets. "Three Great Commands of Christ" will be the aubject of tbe pastor a messago during tbe morn Ing worship service from 11 to 12 o'clock. There will be special music, and thla service will be broadcast as usual over the local radio atatlon. Our church achool meeta at 9:46 with classes for each age group. Bring tba whole family to study with us the whole Bible. Tbe young people will meet at 6:80 p. ni. and the pastor will con. tlnue tbe special Bible class for tbe young people at thla time. "God'a Last Call" will he the subject of the pastor's evening message at 7:30 o'clock. There will be special music. As a prelim- Inary the paator will discuss the following questions: "If Gormany wins this war, la America In dan gerT" "Should the United States help France and England?" The chapter summary class will meet Wednesday afternoon a 8:30 o'clock. We continue the study In tbe gospel of Luke. The Bible Doctrine class will meet Wednesday evening at 7:3 o'clock. Our aubject will be "God.1 We will unite with the union Thanksgiving aervlce Thuraday morning In the Flrat Christian church. The Bible Synthesis class will not meet Thursday evening due to the fact that Thursday la Thanks giving. Johovah't Witnesses Bible study Sunday evening will ake up the 14th to 17th verses of the 3rd chapter of Joel. Other scriptures and references dealing with tbe final battle are Included In the article, "Doom of Religion, In the October 15 "Watchtower,' hlch will be carefully studied. The text of the article Is, "And he was clothed In a vesture dipped In blood; and his name Is called The Word of God." (Rev. 1: 13) Isaiah 34: 2-8 la one of the many scriptures cited which show bow Christ Jesus, the mighty King of Kings, will lead the charge against "all tho natlona that forget God, resulting In the greatest aliugbter of all time. The only place of ref- ugo In that time of destruction la shown, by numeroua referencea, to be In the organlxatlon and service of Jehovah, the Almighty God. Those who have obtained the new book, "Salvation." are e peclally Invited to attend the "Sal vation" study on Wednesday eve ning. Service meeting will be held on Friday evening. All meetlnga are at 7:80 p. nt Kingdom hall, 923 East Main strcal. No collections are taken. Community Congregational (Jhurch Rev. W. W. Reed, father of Mra. Z. W. Dixon, will apeak at tbe 11 o'clock worship aervlce. Elsie Eschebock, soloist, will sing at tbla aervlce. During the church achool hour a special "Thanksgiving" program of worship, songs and playa will be given with all departments of tbe church achool participating. Par cnta and frlenda are invited to at tend. Comrades of the Way meet at 8 p. m. with Marcellyn Wlgglna conducting the meeting. Pilgrim Fellowship meeta at 7 P. m. in tbe parsonage. Tbo Candlelight communion service will bebeld on Wednesday, November 22, at 8 p. m. The public is Invited to tills service of beauty and bolpful Inspiration. e Modoc Point Baptist Mission Sundny school, 10 a. m. Worship service, 11 a. m. Prayer service, 11:30 a. m. There will be another interest Ing story for the children by Mra. Zell during the opening exercise of the Sunday achool. Classes are for everybody ond all are cordially in vited. The adult Bible class will start the 20th chapter of the Gos pel according to Matthew? During the worship service the gospel message will be In keeping with the Thanksgiving spirit In answering the question, "What have I to be thankful tor?" Come and worship with us. "I was glad when they aald unto me, 'Let us go Into the house of the Lord'." e Algoma Services The gospel team from the Young People'a society of the Immanuel Baptist church will conduct aerv lcea In the Community hall In Al goma Sunday evening, November 19. at 6:80 p. m. Tbla team consists of high school students, and the program that they will give will be of their own choosing. Come and give the young people a fine reception. Following the aervlce we will discuss with you the advisability of conducting a Sunday achool at Algofha eacb Sunday morning, fol lowed by a ahort worship aervlce, May we meet you all In the Com munity hall Sunday evening. Don forget the time, 6:30 o'clock sharp. e, e RET. BECKER TO SPEAK Rer. E. Becker of Portland will speak on young people'a work the Zlon Lutheran church, 102 High atreet, on Sunday at 2:80 p. m. The anion Thanksgiving aervlce of the various churebea of the city will be held on Tburaday morning, November 28, In the Flrat Chris tian church, North Ninth and Pine streeta. In order that there may be ample time for tbe preparation of the midday meal, the service opens at 10:30 o'clock In the morning. The speaker of the day Is the Rev. Cecil C. Brown, pastor of the First aptlst church. The choir of tbe ntertalnlng church la responsible for the special music Tbe Rev. Harry L. Russell, pas tor of the Church of the Nazarene and prealdent of the Klamath Kalis Ministerial union under whose auaplcea the service la held, 111 prealde. The special offering, envelopea tor which hare been dis tributed In tbe various churches, will go aa In yeara paat to tbe Sal vation Army to aid In their tran sient relief work. A generous of fering la dealred for thla very worthy purpose. First Christian Church Ninth atreet at Pine, "Tbe Down-town Church." Arthur Charles Bates, minister, Augusta B. Parker directs tbe choir, Mrs. Mary Hayden, organ ist. Bible school convenes at 9:45 a. m. with C. S. Robertson, su perintendent. Classea for all ages, New members and visitors, are cordially welcomed. Communion and worship ser vice at 11 o'clock, beginning with the organ prelude, "A Song of Thanksgiving," Maxfield; doxol ogy by tbe choir and congrega tion. Invocation and response, "Hear Our Prayer." McKlnney. Morning hymn of praise, "Come Ye Thankful People, Come.1 Communion hymn, "Nailed to tbe Cross. Anthem, Call On My Name," Wilson, by tbe cbolr. Sermon by tbe Rev. Harold Ly man, of Salem. Invitation, "Who soever WUL Benediction and 'Threefold Amen" by the choir. Postlude "I Will Give Thanks," Gounod. Christian Endeavor, pre-prayer service In the "upper room" at 6:15 p.m.; regular service 6:30 p. m.; tbree societies. A hearty welcome la extended to all young people. Evangelistic aervlces at 7:30 p. m. with young people a choir. Harold Lyman will bring the evening message. Tbe Flrat Christian church Invites you to worship with them. MOOSE DANCE Every Saturday Nit 9 till 12 ICC. Hall Men 40o Ladlea lOe Musln by HOME TOWNKRS RALLY DR V E FAILS TO SET STOCKS GOING Ches Ohio Chrysler NEW YORK, Nor. 17 Wr Bf- forta to build up another rally In the stock market today failed to gain much headway, The list made a gesture toward higher territory at the start, then ran Into sufficient profit taking to reduce or cancel galna running to a point or mora. D e a 1 1 n g a were moderately speedy in the flrat hour, but It waa a slow-motion production thereafter. Losses and galna of minor fractlona were distributed throughout moat deparlmenta at the close. Transfera approximat ed 805,000 ahares. , Tbe main bullish market influ ence, brokera aald, continued to be the maintenance of recovery trends In virtually all linea of domestic buslneaa and Industry. While Important Investment holdings were understood to be in tact,. tbe buying urge waa believed somewhat dimmed by renewal of argument in boardrooms regard ing tbe possibility of a letdown In tba upward curve during tbe fore part of 1940. Adama Expreaa Air Reduction Alaska Juneau Al til em & Dye .., Allied Stores American Can Am Eng Tile ..- Am For Power ... Col Oaa A El . Com'l solrenta Comm'nwitb A Son , Consol Aircraft , Consol Aircraft , Consol oil Cont'l Can Corn Products ., Crown Zellerbach Curtlaa Wright Doug Aircraft Dupont De N ..... Eastman Kodak El Pow at Lt Erie R R . General Electric General Fooda . Gen Gas El "A1 General Motora Gillette . Goodyear Tire Gt Nor Ry ptd Hecker Prod .... Hudson Motora , Illinois Central Insp Copper int Harvester Int Nick Can Int Pap It P pfd , Int Tel Tel Johna Manvllle . Kennecott Lib 0 Ford Llgg Myera "B" Loew's Am Power & Light . Am Rad Sta San Am Roll Mills Am Smelt & Ref Am Tel & Tel Am Tob "B" Altamont Community Presbyterian Church Am Water Worka Am Zlno L & S Anaconda . Armour 111 Atchison Barnsdall .. Bait & Ohio Bendlx Aria Beth Steel . Boeing Alrp . Borden .... Borge-Warner Budd Mfg Calif Packing Callahan Z L Calumet Hec Canadian Pacific Case (J I) Cat Tractor Celanese . Cert-Teed ... William C. Faucette, minister. "Written In the Earth" is the 11 a. m. theme at the Altamont Community Presbyterian church Sunday. In the evening at 7:30 o'clock tbe pastor is commencing a abort aerlea of lecturea on "The Book of Revelation." The Junior church service la held during the 11 a. m. service hour. Mrs. Albert Keady, leader. An Interesting and Instructive aervlce for the chil dren. Our Bible achool meeta at 9:46 a. m. Classea tor all ages, In cluding adults. Alvln C. Olson, superintendent. Young people a so cieties. Junior and Intermediate meet at 4 p. m. All Sunday aervlces held In Altamont Junior high school, East sixth street and Sum mer lane. Tuesday evening at 7:80 o'clock, Bible atudy in the C. E. McClellan home In Homedale road, studying "Oalatlans." Wed nesday evening In the Bridges borne In the basement of Shasta achool building, Bible atudy in Genesis," 7:30 o'clock. Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, Bible study led by Mrs. Kendall, In the Stewart borne east end of Second avenue. At 2:30 p. m. In the aame residence a training clasa In child evangelism led by Josephine Nell, of Portland. Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock In the Ralpb Wlese home between Second and Third streeta In Altamont drive. Bible atudy In "Genesis." Classea open to tbe public. Firs Church of Chris, Scientist Flrat Church of Christ, Scien tist, corner Tenth and Washing ton atreeta. Sunday achool at 9:80. Morn ing service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "Soul and Body. Testimonial meeting Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock. Thla church malntaina reading rooma In the Flrat National Bank build ing, rooma 213-213, where the Bible, writings by Mary Baker Eddy, and authorised Christian Solence literature may be read borrowed or purchased. The read ing room la open dally from a. m. until 9 p. m. An attendant ta In charge from 12 o'clock until 4 o clock except Sundays and holi days. Apostolic Faith Servlcea are held regularly at our beautiful atone church, 228 North Eighth atreet, where you win feel a hearty welcome ex- Billie's Flower Shop Choice Cut Flowers and Potted Plante That Are Appropriate For All Occasions Phone 221 or Come to 1 132 Main Ton Call and We Deliver Any Place Any Time VVAnjTjVxrtAAAAAfVVVsiii"'"''' 9 68 n 1771 10) 113J 31 21 Bl 101 18) 62 160! 83 in 8 321 61 29 14 6! 14 301 27) 211 26 61 J41 2 - 71 51 761 631 261 n Long-Bell "A" Lorlllard P .... Montgomery Ward Naah-Kelv Nat'l Biscuit Nat'l Cash Nat'l Dairy Prod Nat'l Dlst Nat'l Pow Ic Lt N Y Central North Amer Co Northern Pacific Ohio Oil Otia Steel Pac Amer Fish Pac Gaa t El .. Packard Motor . Penney (J C) Penna R R Phelps Dodge Phillip Pet Proctor t Gamble Pressed Steel Car . Pub Sve N J Pullman Radio B" Rem Rand Republic Steel . Reynolda Tob Richfield Oil Safeway store Sears Roebuck Shell Union Socony Vacuum Sou Cal Edison Southern Pacific Standard Brands Standard Gaa A El Stand Oil Calif Standard Oil Ind , Stand Oil N J Stone & Webster Studebaker Sunshine Mining Sup Oil tended to you at every service. A collection la never taken. Sunday we have a devotional service at 10:30 a. m. and an evangelistic service at 7:46 p. m. opened with a 20-mlnute program of music and song by our 17-plece orchestra and 15-volce cborua. Sunday school Is held at 9 a. m. on Sunday and your children and young people are Invited. Each Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings at 8 o'clock we have an evangelistic aervlce and you are welcome to all these aerv lcea. Klamath Lutheran L. K. Johnson, pastor. Phone 1315-W. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Worship bour, 11 a. m. Bake sale on Saturday at the Safeway store at Pine and Sev enth street. Ladiea Aid November 31, 2 p. ra. at the house of Mra. John Ron- felt. 808 Mt. Whitney atreet. Our church welcomes yon to Its service, and It you have no cbnrch home in thla city we gladly offer you share In the blessings that are ours. Latter Day Saint Church The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Salnta hold regular services each Sunday In the pub lic library auditorium on Fifth street and Klamath avenue. Sun day achool, 10 a. m. Priesthood meeting at 11:80 a. m evening at 7:30 o'clock. There are classes for all agea. Ladlea Relief ao- ciety meeta Tuesday afternoon at 2 o clock In tbe club room, Tues day evenlnga the Young People's improvement association will meet at 7:30. Tho publle la Invited to attend any of tbeae meetlnga. East Sid Baptist East Sid Baptist mission locat ed 923 East Main street, above the East Side Pharmacy. Bible achool each Sunday at 9:45 a. m. with classea for all age groups. The mission Is sponsored by the First Baptist church and super vised by Mr. Earl Brltt Every one Invited. Dance at KEN 2 )M,. Muaie By Oregon Hill Billies Texas Corp Texaa Gulf Sulphur . Tidewater Asso OH Timken Roll Bearing . Trans-America Union Carbide Union Oil Calif , Union Pacific United Aircraft United Airlines United Corporation United Fruit United Gas Imp U S Indust Alcohol U S Rubber . U S Rubber pfd .. U S Steel Vanadium. ,, Walworth Warner Picture Weatern Union Westlnghouse White Motor . Woolworth 19 1 12) 11 361 30 U 43 631 161 10) 781 180 166) 1 II 29 45 14 6) 2! 28i 10) 6) 14) 16) 68 391 46) 5) 761 - 40) 62) 100 85 4) 231 651 7 171 151 161 24 81 20 23 101 71 121 61 8 81 92 241 40 411 63) 13 40 161 6 11 331 391 - 81 501 821 131 13 271 161 61 21 18) 261 46 15) 91 10) H 451 841 11 491 61 88 171 102 47 131 2 85) HI i 39) 113) 701 36) 7) 4) 281 114 HI 39 RETAIL SALES HIGH NEW YORK, Nor. IT UP) Re tail sales turnover remained at substantially high level thla week deaplte a alight contraction In volume from tha prerloua week, uun Bradstreet said today in a weekly survey. "Active turnover waa shared by practically all departments," the agency said, "although wearing apparel, particularly women' eoata and furs was outstanding In most cities.'1 The Increase above last year waa placed at 8 to 16 per cent, The review aald a strong pick up In tourist trattlo In the south. stimulated consumer demand In tbat area. Seotlons of the south west, which have recently suffered from severe drought, also report ed slightly enlarged sales volume. as a rule, however. ' the sur rey said, "buying In agricultural area appeared more cautious than In September, when farm price were moving up rapidly, and Industrial sections seemed to be improving their relative posi tion. - "A number of stores , opened Christmas departments during the week and gift merchandise began to move In promising quantities. Purchasing waa reported to be largely In the more expensive bracketa." , ., PORTLAND, Or., Nor. 17 VP) Report from 117 mill showed laat week' new buslneaa - ot 46,394.000 board feet of lumber waa 16 per cent less than the pre vious week, the Western Pine aa- . aoclstlon said today. Shipment of 73,069.000 feet represented a comparable decline but production of 76,433,000 was about the same. There was little change In shipments, production and orders compared with the cor responding week a year ago. ' To date ordera are 16 per cent, shipments 14 per cent and pro duction IT per cent more than 1938.- -,. AS SECURITIES OFF CHICAGO, Nor. 17 OP) After a listless early trade at steady prices, tbe wheat market turned fractionally lower today in sym pathy with reaction of securi ties. Unsettled weather over the eastern part ot the hard winter wheat belt kept buying In check. Most of the support came Into the market apparently originated with commercial Interests who are watching the domestic aupply sit uation closely. Tbe amount or domestlo wheat under loan was reported as slightly above 157.- 000,000 bushels, with more than 1,000,000 bushela additional held In reserve under the insurance program. Thla Is helping to main tain prlcea of actual wheat above the futures market, with red vari eties recently quoted well above 90 cents a bushel her. Wheat closed l-lo lower than yesterday, December 87-c, May 851-lc; corn )o off to )o op. May 501-le, oats unchanged to go down. Philadelphia bas the largest single unit natural park of any city In tbe world. BOSTON, NOT. 17 (AP-USDA)! ' An Increased amount of interest wag being shown today In domes tic .wools by users in the Boston market, A few sales were being closed, but the quantities ot wool Involved were usually small. Good French combing length fine terri tory wool in original baga were selling at 95 cents to $1, scoured oasis, mostly on tbe low aide ot the range whe nonly small quanti ties-were desired. There was a moderate demand for 18 month Texas- wools at 95 to 9T cents, scoured basis, but sixeable quan tities were held mostly at 81 and . above.-. - . S. FV LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. Nor. i 17 (AP-USDA) HOGS, salable 200, about ateady; top and bulk 176-zoo id. California and Ore gon butchers 36.76; tew over and under weight sorted out $8.35; load good to choice 218 ib. Ore gons (6-75 straight; packing sows quoted mainly $" 00 down. CATTLE, salable 25. Nominal- ' ly steady but undertone weak on bulls and cowa; medium to good fed steers quoted 38.00-9.50; odd ' bead common kinds $7.60; few medium to low-good range cow 35.50-8.00, good quoted to around. 86.60; few canner to common cowa $3.50-6.00, good quoted to around J6.50; few canner to com mon cowa 33.50-6.00; odd cutter to common bulls 34.25-6.25; weighty kinds quoted to 36.75 or ' slightly above. Calves: Salable 10. Nominally steady; good to choice vealers quoted around 110.00-12.00. - 8HEEP, salable 450. Lambs very alow, undertone weak at Thursday's downturn; entire sup ply early shorn and medium-pelt Callforniaa; lamb top Thuraday 39.25 on one deck medium to choice 70 lb wooled Callforniaa aorted 6 per cent. DR. J. W. WATERS VETERINARIAN IS yon anvltra at Isnjs saf Phono 2542 1812 Portland Underwood's "KRYSTAL KOTE" AGENCIES OUT OF TOWN Chtloqntn Drngj FINISHING KLAMATH FALLS Lea Hendrick's Currin's for Drugs Wood's Drug Store Van' Camera Shop , Louie Poltn's Walgreen Drag Store Star Drag Store Castleberry gaper- Cut Rat Drug Malta Drag Bogg's, Bonansa Castleman Drug, MerrlTJ Pioneer Drag, CbUoqaia Thornton Drag Store) Lakevtew IdeUa's, Bo, dth It,