October 31 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON I Oltl; I.IIHI UK , I hi' I CiMitlinii'il from I'llitit K ) n il. l!i;i;, $ii.iih, I2.H7; 19311, $7.04, 31 1037, 7.27, $1.09; total $193.14. HOSH A. IIAIU'Ol.t); ling. (I lil, ail' K ot rock Nn. 2 til collier or H bdry. Mm kul HI. ft N 33'K 122. fi'; Hi. K H Hi)'; Hi. H 33 V W 40'; Ih. VV 33- N HI) , Ih. N 33 K to IivkIii; First Addn. In llonaiita; 111 211, $6.03, $2.38; 1 0 :i 0 . (I llli, 12.24; 10,11, 1.112, II. sr.; 11132. 13 62, II. 114; 1 033-4, $4.06, f 1.21; IMS, tl 34, 4 1 ; 19311. l 41, .'I lii! ; 11137, $1.46, 21c; 11)38, $1.65, luc; total 137.(11. A. 1). HARPOLD; Triangular pnrr.nl In Kim I Adiln. N of North HI., SB of Minn HI. ft W nf K lino of Flrt Aililn., Klmt Aililn. la llnnmuit: 1D2H, II. 61, 71'-; 1 930, 11.411, 70c; 11)31. 11.11). (lie; 1113 3, 11.17, (4c; 11133-4. 1.3b. 4 Do; 1936, 44c, 13c; 1936, 47c, 10c; 1D37, 40c, 7c; 193K, 62c, 3c; loul ll. 80. KA'I'IK, DA I. TON Kul.; I.nln 17. 1. Ill, III. 48, lltiwno Aililn. In ' lliiliniun: 1929, II 1,1, 71c; 11)311, 1 1.48, 70c; 11)31, 64c, 3 DC, 11132, btlp. 27c; 1033. 4, I! Kc. 20c; 111311, 67r, 20c; 10311. 70c, 1 fir; 1037. 73c. 10c; 1938. 77c, 6c; loial 110 48. AHA R. ft HKRTIIA A. REN NEH; l.ou 6 lo II, Inc., 01. 63, Flowno Addn. to Ilonnnm; 1920, ll.ol. 47c; 11)30, ll.oo. 47c; 1931, 78. 36c; 1932. 79c, .10c; 1933-4. Die, 27c; 1937. 96c, 14c; 1938. 1 1.0.1. 7c: mini 18.69. ANA H. ft UERTIIA A. RUN NER; Lot 10, HI. 63, llowno Aililn. lollonania: 1920, 26c, 1 lc; 1930, 24c, He; 1931. 22r. 10c; 1031. 19c, 8c; 1933-4, 22c, 6c; 1937. 26c, 3c; 1938, 26c, lc; total 11.13. AHA n. ft BERTHA A. RUN NER; l.oli 13. 14. 16, 16. HI. 86, Downs Ail'ln. In Ilonnnm; 1929. 1 1.01, 47c; 1930, 1 1.00. 47c. 1081, 7c. 3tc; 1932. 76c, 16c; 19.13-4. 90c, 27c, 1937. 96c, 14c; 1938, 11.03. 7c; mini $8.67. AHA K. ft HKHTIIA A. 11KN NCR; Lou 17, II, 19, 20. HI. 6, Ilowin Addn. lo Bonanta; 1929. II 01, 47c; 10.10, 11.00, 47c; 193 1. 76c, 42c; 1932. 78c, 38c; 193.1-4. 90c, 27c; 1937. 06c, llr; 1938, 11.03, 7c; loul $8 04. ASA R. ft HKHTIIA A. REN NEH; Lola 21. 22. 23. 24, HI. 66, Hnirni Addn. lo llonaiita; 1929, 11.00, 47r; 1930, 7r. 46c; 1931. 2c, 31c; 1932. 79c. 36c; 1913-4. 91c. 27c; 1 937. 99c. 14c; 1938. 11.0.1, 7r; inlal 18.68. AHA R. ft HKHTIIA A. HKN NKR; Lou 9, 10, HI. 67. Bowne Addn. lo Ilonnnm; 1929. tiiic, 2Sc; 1930, 49c, 23c; 1931, 38c. 17c. 1 932. 3'Jc. ISc; 1933-4. 4I.C, 1.1c; 1 937. 4Sc, 7c, 19.18. 62c. Jr. tolul 14.26. AHA 11 ft HKHTIIA A HKN NKH; Lola 8, 9, 10, 11, 111. 68, Howna Addn. to Honaiiin; 1929, 1101, 47c; 1930. lion. 47c; 1981, 10c. 37c; 1932. 77c. 36c; 1933-4. One. 27c; 1937, 9c, He. fg.lS. 1103, 7c. total 18.61 ABA It. A HKRTIIA A. HKN NEH; Lota 11, 13, 14. 16, 111. 68. Huwne Addn. lo llonaiita; 1929. Ilyi. 47c; 1930, 1 1.00. 17c; 1931. 7c. J6c; 1932. 80c, 37c; 19.13-4. 90c, 27c; 1937, 9 6c, He; 1938, 1 1.03, 7c; total 18. 60. ASA H. ft HKRTIIA A. REN NEH; Lota 16, 17, 18. 19, HI. 68, Boon Addn, to llonaiita; 1929, II. Ot, 7e; 1930. Il.oii. 47c; 1931. T, 18c; 1932. i8c, 36c; 1981-4, 90c, 17c; 1937. 96c, He; Mill, $1 03, To; total $8.60. ASA R. BERTHA A. REN- NER: Lota 10, 11, 13, 13, HI. 6. Rowac Addn. tc' Bnoansa; 1929, 11.00. 7e; 1110. Je, 46c,; 1931 8 2c, lie;. 1(31, 78o. fr; J 93:1-4 90c, 37oj 4(87, (lc,.;,Ui 1938 $1.03, 7c! total ll.U.l.,,:' AHA ft. BERTHA ., RKN NER : Lot 24. 01, 18. Bowne Addn lo Bonanta; 193( 260, lie; 1130, 24c. 11c; 193t, -17c, Se;p,19M, 20c. 9c; 1 933-4, Ho, lo;1 1917. 26c. 4c; 1938. 26c, lo; total 11.13. P. K. MILLER; Lot! 7, I, 9. 10, Bl. 76. Howno Addn. lo Bonanza; 1929, $1.01, 47c; 19.10, 99c, 46c; 1931, 77c, 36c; 1932, 78C, 36c; 10.13-4, 90c, 27c; 1936, 89c, 27c; 19.16. 94c, 21c; 1937, 97c, He; 1038, $1.03, 7C lolnl $10.89. JONAH ft LULU SHARKS; por. NWHKVi Sec. 10, T. 31) 8.. It. 11 E., V. M.; (lone, deed vol. 102. p. 117, com. 14 aca.; Kant Don nnza; 1929. $14.09. 16.66; 1930, 113.86, 6.66; 193 1, 130.69, $14.47; 1932, $27.37. $12.77; 193.1-4, $31.67, $9.47; 1936, $6.79. $1.79; 1936. $6.10, $1.40; 1937, $6.30, 94c; 1038, $6.70, 46c; total $10.1.88. RICHARD II. IIOVI0Y; 60' ltV thru. HWUSKU Hoc. 10, T. 30 S., H. 11 K.. W. M.; desc. deed vol. 01, p. 619, com. 0.83 am., Knat Honania; 1020, $1.01, 47c; 1931, 77c, 36c; 1032, 78c. 36c; 103.1-4, 90c, 27c; 1936. ffc,--a7c; 1986. 04c, 21c; 1937, 97c, 14c; 1938, 11.03, 7c; total $9.44. ASA H. ft BERTHA A. REN NER; Beit, at pt 80' N of NW cor. 1)1. 63, Bowne Addn.; Ih. W 60'; th. N 117.6'; Hi. E. 260'; Ih. 8 117.6"; Hi. V 200' 10 plaro of heg. hoi n u por. NW'SEV4 Sec. 9. T. 39 S-. R. 11 E.. W. M.; conl. 0.7 aca.; alao heg. at pt. 60' W of NW cor. HI. 41, Howno Addn. 1 Hi. N 81)'; th. V 330'; th. 8. 147.6'; th. R .1.10' to plnco of hog. being por. NWUSE Sec. 9, T. 89 S., It. 11 K., W. M. (known aa Assessor's Lota (I, 10); Bonanta, not plnllnd; 1921), $6.03. $2.38; 1 1130. $4.96, $2.34; 1931, $.1.92, $1.86; 1932, $3.91, $1.82; 193.1-4, $4.61, $1.36; 19.17, $2.43, 36c; 1938, $2.68, 18c; total $37.61. SARAH BURNHAM; Lota 1, 2. 3. 4. HI. 63, (Irnndvlow Addn. to II01ml17.11; 1029, $4.02, $1.90; 111,10, $3,96, $1.87; 1931, $3. IS, $l.4!l; 11132. $3.13, 11.4(1; 19:13- 4. $.1.31, $1.08; 1936, $8.60, 11.10; 1936. $3.76. 86e; 1037, 33. SS. 68c; 1938. $4.12, 28c; total I I I SO. FRANK .1. PATTERSON; Lola I. 2. 3, 4, Rl. 6, Norlh Cliemull; 1920, $6.26, $2.48; 1930, $1.62, 7fle; 10.11, $1.21. 67c; 1932, II. 11, 67c; 1033-4, $1.74, 62c; 1 936, $1.61), Sic; 111.111, $1.71, 39c; 19.17, $1.71, 26c; 1938, $1.76, 12c; total $24.38. FRANK J. PATTERSON; Lota PAGE NINE 6. 6, I H20, 8 lie, 11.66, 1936, 4 3c; 11.92, HI. 6, Norlh Choinull; 19.10, 11.77, 60c, 19.12, $1.89, Ml.-; 1930, $1.89, 28c; 1928, 7, 16 74, 12.7 1 ; 1931. 1126, 72c; 1933-4, 11.84, 67c; 1937, $1,88, 13c; total $26.67. LOUIE ft ETHEL POL1N; Lot 6, III. I, ChllniUln; 1929, $117.36, $66.64; 1930, $123.48, $68.44; $48.06; 1933-4 Vi $78.26, $16.84; 1938, 1931, $101.63, $87.31. $40.78; $26.09; 111.16. $70.10, 14.83; 169 91; 1932 $86.66, $24.26; 1937, $69.10, 19,16, $118.91, $10.61 personal, 1932, $128.40, 1933-4 ',, $20.44, $7.93; 1933-4, $29.96, $11.68; 19.16, $43.82. $13.68; total $1407.29. J. H. McKEEVKH; 8 26' Lot I, HI. 2. Chlloqilln; 1929 H, $22.82, $10.80; 1030. $48.02, $22.72; 1931. $42.67. $20.14; 1932, $36.69, 117.07;' 1933-4. 127.66, 18.26; 1936, 122.64. (6.98; 1936, $20.44, 14.70; 1937. 123.69. ,1 63; 1938, 124.43, $171; tolul 1364.46. OSCAR ft FRANK, L. H.MITH ; I. ol II. HI. 2. Clllloiiuln; 1 929, 162.16, 124.68; 1930, 164.88, 126.97; 1931, $46.27, $21.89; 1932. $38.20. $ 17.82: 1933-4. $36 84. 1 10.60: 1936. $28.17, $8.73; 1936, $26.28. $6.04; 1937, 130.3.1. 14.64; 1938, 131.41, 12.19; total 1466.60. OSCAR ft FRANK L. SMITH! Lot 20, HI. 2, Chlloquln; 1929, 110.30, $7.71; 1930, $13.72, 16.49; 1031, $1 1.90, 16.63; 1932, $9.96. $4.64; 1933-4. $8.99, $2.69; 1936. $8.14, $2.62; 19.16. $7.69. $1.74; 1937, $8.76. $1.31; 1938, $9.07, 63c; total $127.78. OSCAR ft FRANK L. SMITH; Lot 22. HI. 4. Chlloquln; 1929, $6.62, $3.08; 1930, $6.86, $3.24; 1931, $8.08, $2.87; 1932, $6.46, 12.64; 19,13-4, 14.79, $1.43; 1936, 16.26, 11.94; 1936, 16.84, $1.34; 1937. $6.74. $1.01; 1938, $6.98, 48c; total $73.46. JOHN H. 61 A HTIN; frae. SE'4 HE' See. 34. T. 34 8.. It. 7 K... W. M ; deac. deed vol. 98. p. 646: chlloquln; 1929. $7.63, ' $3.66; 1930. 120.68, $9.74; 1931, $18.24, $8.63; 1932, $16.37, $7.63; 1933 4. $13.18. $3.96; 1936, $14.40, $4 46 ; 1936. 1 13.43, 13.08; 1937, 1 ) 6 60, 12.32: 1 038, $16.06, II. 12, Inlal 1 1 79.77. 1) . C. It . I It MA M.. MINNIE ft K. U. BOWMAN: Lola 1. 2. 3. 4, HI. 1, Chlloquln Acroa; 1929, 1 1.60. 70c; 1930, 11.48. 70c: 62c; 1126 1 930, 18c; 19.12. $1.60 37e; 1936. II 26, 28c; 1938, 1 1.28. 1931. II II 6'Jc; 1933-4, $116. 36c; 1937. $1.26, 8c; tolal $16.60. I) . C. R , IHMA M.. MI N.N IK ft K U. HO W.MAN; Lola 1. 2. 3. 4, III. 2, h I lo(J 11 in Ai-ron; 1929, $1 60, 70c; 1930, $ 1.48, 70c; 1931. II 1.1, 63c; 19.12. $1.60. 09c. 1933-4. 1 1.26, 37c. 1935. II IS. 36c; 1936. $1 26. 2c; I 937. II 24. 18c; 1938. 11 28. 8c; total 116.71. I) , C. It . lll.MA M , MINNIE ft E. ti. BOWMAN; Lola 6, 6, 7, 8. HI. 2, ( " Il I loci ii 1 n Acrea; 1929, II 60, 70c; 1930. 1 1.48. 70c; 1931, $1 08. 61c: 1932, $1.60, 69c; 19.1.1-4, $1.26, 87c; 1936. $1.18. 36c; 19.16. $1.26, 28c; 1 937, $1 24. 18c; 1938. $1.28. Sc; lolnl $16.64. 1).. IV II . IIIMA M MIVVIIT 4. I K. O. BOWMAN; Lola , 10. II, HI. 2, Chlloquln Acrea; 1919. 1114. 63c; 19T0, $1.11, 62c; 1031. 81c. 38c; 1932. $1.13, 62c; 1933-4, 96c, 28c; 1936, 87c, 26c; 1930. 94c, 21c; 1937, 96c, 14c; 1938. 96c, 6c; total $ 1 1.77. 11.. C. It.. IRMA M . MINNIE ft E. O. BOWMAN; Lola 1. 2, 3, 4, HI. 8, Chlloquln Acrea: 1929. 70c; 1930. $1.48. 70c; $1 13. 63c; 1932. $1.48, 193.1-4, 11.25. 37c; 1936. 36c; 1936. 1 26. 28c; 1937, 18c; 1938, $1.28, 8c; total $1.60 19.11. title; II. IS. $1.24. $16.68 I).. C. R.. IRMA M., MINNIE A E. 0. ROW MAN; Lola 6. 6, 7, 8 HI. 3, Chlloquln Acrea; 1929 11.61. 70c; 1930, $1.48, 70c; 1931. $1.08. ,61c; 1932. $1.62. 70c; 1933-4, $1.28, 88c; 1936, Hi., sec; 1936, $1,36, 28c; 1937, $1.26. 18c; 1038, $1.28, 8c; lolnl $16.72. D.. C. R.. IRMA M MINNIE ft K. II. BOWMAN; Lola 1, 2, 3, Bl. 4. Chlloqilln Acroa; 1929, $1.13, oac: 19S0, $1.11, 63c; 1931. 84c, 39c; 1032, $1.13, 62c; 10.13-4, 06c. 2Sc; 1936, 88c. 27c: 1936, 94c, 21c; 1937, 94c, 14c; 1938, 96c, 6c; total $11.80. I) , C. It.. lll.MA M., MINNIE ft E. O. BOWMAN; Lota 1, 2, 3, 4. HI. 6, Chlloqilln Acrea: 1929, $1.61, 63c; 1930, $1.48, 70c; 1931, $1.11, 62c; 1932. $1.60, 09c; 10.13-4, $1.28, 38c; 1936, $1.18, 30c; 1936, $1.24, 28c; 1937, $1.24. 18c; 1938, $1.28, 8c; total $16.64. D.. C. R.. IRMA M., MINNIE ft E. O. BOWMAN; LoU 6, 6, 7, 8, HI. 6, Chlloquln Acrea; 1929 $2.63, $1.24; 1930, $3.69, $1.22; 1931. $1.92, 90c; 1932, $2.63', $1.22; 1933-4, 12.21, 66c; 1936. $2.06, 68c; 1836. $3.20, 60c; 1 937, $2.17, 82c; 1988, $2.24, 16c; total $27.48. D.. C. R., IRMA M., MINNIE & E. O. BOWMAN; Lot 9. Bl. 6. Chlloquln Acrea; 1929, 76c, 35c; 19.10, 74c,' 86c; 1931, 66c, 26c; 1932, 76c, 34c: 1933-4, 62c, 18c; 1936, 69c, 18c; 1936, 63c, 14c; 1937. 66c, 9c; 1938. 64c. 4c: totnl $7.86. I)., C. H.. IRMA M.. MINNIE A E. O. BOWMAN; LoU 1, 2, 3, 4, HI, 0, Chlloquln Acroa; 1929, $3.01, $1.42; 1930, $2.96, $1.40; 1981, $2.18, $1.03; 1932, $3.98, $ 1.39: 1933-4, $2.54, 76c; 1935, $1.18. 30c; 1936, 11.26, 28c; 1937, $1.24. 18c; 1938, $1.28, 8c; totnl $26.62. I)., C. !!., IRMA M MINNIE A E. O. BOWMAN; Lota 6, 6, 7. 8, HI. 6, Chlloquln Acrea; 1929, $3.00, $1.42; 1930, '$2. 96, $1.40; 1931, $2.10, $1.02; 1933, $3.00, $1.39; 1933-4, $2.62, 75c; 1935, $1.18, 30c; 19,16, $1.26, 28c; 1937, $1.24, 18c; 1938, $1.28, 8c; totnl $25.47. I).. C. R.. IRMA M., MINNIE A K. 0. BOWMAN; LoU 9, 10, II. 12, Bl. 6, Chlloqilln Acres; 1929, $3.38, $1.69; 1930, $3.?3, $1.67: 1931, $2,411, $1.16; 1932, $3.19. $1.48; 1 933-4, $2.68, 80c; 1936, $1 47, 45c; 1936, $1.67, 311c; 1 937, $ 1.67, 23c; 1938, $-1.00, 11c; lolnl $29.00. !.. C. It., IRMA M., MINNIE A K. (I. BOWMAN; Lola 13, 14, 16, 16, HI. 6, chlloiiuln Acrea; 10 211, $4 62, $2 12; 1930, $4.44, 2.10; 1931, $3.30, l 69; 1932, 13 70, $1.76; 1933-4, $3.16, 94c; 1936, $3.86, 73c; 193, $3.60, 67c; 1937, $2.48, 37c; 1939, $2.66, 17c; total $39.49. It., C. It , IIIMA M., MINNIE ft E. 0. BOWMAN; Lot 17, HI. 6, t'lilloquln Acrea; 1929, $1.13, 63c; 1930, $1.11, 62c; 1931, 84c, 39c; 1932, 94c, 43c; 1933-4, 79c, 23c; 1936, (,7c, 17c; 1936, 63c, 14c; 1 037, 06c, 9c; 1938, 64c, 4c; tolal 19.84. BE.MHIE HOOD; Lot 18, Rl. 0, Chlloquln Ad.rvn; 1929, $1.13, 63c; 1930, $1.11, (2c; 1931, 84c, 39c; 1932, 04c, 43c; 1933-4, 790, 23c; 1936, 69c, 18c; 1 936, 63c, He; 1937, 62c, 9c; 1988, 64c, 4c; tolal $9.84. I).. C. It., IRMA M., MINNIE ft E. O. BOWMAN; Lola 1, 3, 3, 4, III. 7, Chlloquln Acrea; 1929, 13.00, $1.41 ; 1930, $2 96, $1.40; 1931, $2,16, $ 1.02: 1932, $2.98, $1.39; 1933-4. $2.64. 76c; 1936, $1.18. 36c; 1930.1 1 26i28c; 1 937, $1.24. 18c; 1938. $1 28. kc; total $26.47. D . C. R . MIMA M.. MINNIE ft E. O. BOWMAN; LoU 6. 6, 7. 8. Bl. 7, Chlloquln Arrea; 1 929. $3.00, $1:41; 1 930, $2.96, $1.40; 1931. $2. 23, $1.06; 1932, $3.00, $1.39; 1933-4. $2.52, 76c; 1936, $1.18, 36c; 1930, $1.26, 28c; 1937, $1.26. 18c; 1938, $1.28, 8c; tolal $25 6$. . I) , C. H . IRMA M., MINNIE ft E. O. BOWMAN: Lota 9. 10. 11. 12. HI. 7. Chlloquln Acr; 1929. H 62, $2.13; 1930. $4.44. $2.10: 1931. $1.36, 11.(9: 1932, $3 76. $1.76; 1933-4, $3.16, 94c; 1936. $2.36. 72c; 1936, $2.49. 67c; 1937, $2.48. 87c; 1938, $2.66, 17c; tolal $39.46. D., C. R.. IRMA M., MINNIE ft K. G. BOWMAN; Lota 13. 14, 16, 16, Rl, 7, Chlloquln Acrea; 1 929, $4 62, $3.13; 1930, $4 44. 12.10; 1931, 13 25, 11.63; 1932. $3.76. $1.76; 1933-4. $3.16. 94c; 1936, $2.36, 72c; 1936, $2.62, 67c; 1937, $2.(1. 37c; 1938, $2.66, 17c; tolal $39. 85. D., C. R., IRMA M., MINNIE A E. O. BOWMAN; I.OU 1, 2, 3. 4, HI. I, Chlloqilln Acrea; 1929, 13.00, $1.41; 1930, $2.96. $1.40; 1931. $2.19, $1.03; 1932. $3.00, 11.30; 1933-4. 12.62. 76c; 1936, 11.18, 30c; 1J36. $1 26, 28c 1937. $1.24, 18c; 1938. $1.28, or; total 125.50. I)., C. R . IRMA M.. MINNIE ft E. Ii. BOWMAN: Lota 6. 6. HI 8. Chlloquln Acrea; 1820, $2.64 11.24; 1930, 12.69, $1.22; 1931 $1.94. 91c; 1932. $2.26. $1.04; 1933-4. $1 90. 67c; 1935, $1 47 45c; 1930. $ 1.57. 36c; 19.17. 1.57. 23c; 1938. $1.60, 11c: to'nl $23.66. D . C. It . IRMA M . MINNIE ft E. G. BOWMAN; Lota 10. 11. 12. HI. 8. Chlloquln Acrea; 1929. 14.61. 2 1.1; 1930. 14.44. $2 10; 19.11, $3 29. 11.66: 1932. 13.94 ! II. S3; 1933-4. 3.32, 99c; 1935, $2.66., 82c; 1 036. $2 82. 64c; 1 937. $3.81, 42c; 1 938, 12 88. 20c total $41.34. I). C. R., IRMA M.. MINNIE ft E. O. BOWMAN; LoU 1. 2, 3. 4 HI. 9, Chlloquln Acrea; 1929 $3.01. $1.41; 1920, $2.96, $1.22; 1931, $2.21. $1.04: 1932. $3.00, $1.39; 1933-4. $2.53, 76c; 1935, $2 36, ?2c; 1936. $2.60, 67c; 1937, $2 50, 37c; 1938, $2.66 17c; tnul $31.20. I).. C. R., IRMA M., MINNIE ft K. U. HOWMAN; Lol 1, 2. 3, 4. HI. 10, Chlloquln Acrea; 1929, $4.62, $4.13; 1930, $4.44. $2.10; 1931. $3.74. $1.77; 1932. $3.74, $1.74; 1933-4. $3.17, 95c; 1935. $2.36. 72c; 1936. $2.51. 67c; 1937, $2.48. 37c; 1938, $2.66, 17c; total $43.03. O., C. It.. IRMA M., MINNIE ft E. O. BOWMAN; LoU 6. 6. 7. 8, Bl. 10, Chlloquln Acrea; 1929. $4.62, $4.13; 1929. $4.44, $2.10; 1931. $3.27, $1.64; 1932. $3.76, $1.75; 1933-4. $3.16. 96c; 1936. $2.35. 72e; 1936. $2.60. 67c; 1937, $2.61, 37c: 1938, $3.66, 17c; totnl $41.37. D.. C. R , IRMA M.. MINNIE A E. O. BOWMAN; LoU 9. 10. 41, 12, HI. 10. Chlloquln Acres; 1929, $3.00, $1.41; 1930. $2.96, $1.40; 1931. $2.19, 98c; 1932, $3.00, $1.39; 1933-4. $2.62, 76c; 1936, $1.18, 36c; 1986, $1.25, 28c; 1937, $1.24. 18c; 1938, $1.28, 8c; total $26.46. D.. C. R . IRMA M.. MINNIE A E. O. BOWMAN; LoU 13, 14. 15, Bl. 10. Chlloqilln Acres; 1929. $2.26. $1.06; 1930, $3.22, $1.06; 1931. $1.64, 77c; 1932, $2.36, $1.04; 1933-4. $1.89, 56c; 1935, 88c, 27c; 1936, 94c, 21c; 1937, 94c, 14c: 1938, 96c, 6c; total $19.13. D., C. R.. IRMA M.. MINNIE A E. O. BOWMAN; Lota 1. 2. 3, 4, Bl. 11, Chlloquln Acres; 1929, $4.62, $2.18; 1930. $4.44, $2.10; 1931. $3.82, $1.67; 1932, $3.74, $1.74; 1933-4, $3.18, 96c; 1936, $3.36, 72c; 1936. $2.61, 67c; 1937, $2.48. 37c; 1938, $3.(6, 17c; total $39.42. r. C. R., IRMA M., MINNIE A E. 0. BOWMAN; Lots 5, 6, 7, Bl. 11, Chlloqilln Acrea; 1929, $3.39, $1.60; 1930. $3.33, $1.67; 1931, $2.62. $1.19; 1932, $3.82. $1.31; 1933-4. $2.37, 71c; 1936, $1.76, 54c; 1936. $1.87. 43c; 1937. $1.89, 28c; 1938, 11.92, 13c; total $22.63. D., C. R., IRMA M MINNIE A E. (I. BOWMAN: Lots 8. 9, 10, 11, Bl. 11, Chlloquln Acres; 1929, $3.38, $1.60; 1930, $3.83, $1.67: 1931. $2.46. $1.16; 1932, $3.19, $1.48; 193.1-4, $3.68. 80c; 1935, $1.46, 4Se; 19.16. $1.67. 36c; 1937. $1.65. 23c; 1938. $1.60, 11c; total $28.97. I).. C. R , IRMA M MINNIE A E. O. BOWMAN; Lota 12. 13, 14, 15, Bl. 11, Chlloquln Acres; 1929, $3.00, $1.41; 1930, $2.96, $1.40; 1931, $2.16, $1.02; 1032, $3.00, $1.39; 1933-4, $2.52, 76c; 1936. $1.90, 87c; 1930, $1.26, 28c; 1937, $1.24. 18c; 193S, $1.28, 8c; totnl $25.49. n C. Ft., IRMA M., MINNIE A E. 0. BOWMAN; Lot 18, Rl. 11. Chlloquln Acrea; 1939, 76c, 36r; 1930, 74c, 35c; 1931, 64c, 25c; 1932. 75c, 84c; 1933-4, 93c, 18cj 1936, 30c, 9c; 1J36, 32c, 7c;' 1937, 33e, 4c; 1938. 32c, 2c; totnl $6.37. 0., C. It., IRMA M., MINNIE & E. CI. BOWMAN; Lots 1. 2, Bl. 12. Chlloquln Acres; 1 929, $3.00, $1.41; 1930, 82.96. $1.40; 1931. $3.22, $1 06; 1932, $2 62, $1.22; 1933-4, $2.20, 66c; 1926, $1 76, 64c; 1 936, $1.88, 43c; 1937; $ 1.88. 28c; 1938, $1.92, 13c; tolal $27.67. BEATRICE BLABER; Lot 3, Bl, 12, Chlloquln Acrea; 1929, $1.60, 70c; 1930, $1.48, 70c; 1931, $1.11, 52c; 1932, $1.31, 61c; 1933-4. $1.11. 33c; 1936, 88c. 27c; 1936, 94c, 21c; 1937. 94c, 14c; 1928, 96c. 6c: tolal $13.77. D.. C. R , IRMA M.. MINNIE A E. 0. ROWMAN; Lola 4, 6, III. 12, Chlloqilln Acrea; 1929, $3.02, $1.42; 19,10, $2.96, $1.40; 1931, $2.17, $ 1.02: 1932, $2 62, $1.22; 1933-4, $2.22. 67c; 1936, $1.77, (6c; 1936, $1.(7, 43c; 1937, $1.86. 27c; 1938, $1.92, 13c; total $27.(2. D , C. R , IRMA M , MINNIE ft K. (1. BOWMAN; all of HI. 13. Chlloquln Acrea; 1929, 37c. 17c; 1930. 37c, 17c; 1931. 27c. 12c; 1932, 88c, 17c; 1933-4, 32c, 9c; 1936, 16c, (c; 1936. 16c, 3c; 1937, 16c, 2c ; 1938. 16c, lc; lolnl $3 17. D., (,'. It., IRMA M.. MINNIE ft K..O. BOWMAN; LoU 1, 2, 3, 4, Bl. 14. Chlloquln Acrea; 1929, $1.(2, 71c; 1930. $1.48, 70c; 1931, $1.08. (lc; 1932. $1.49. 69c; 1933 4. $1.26. 37c; 1935. $1.18. 36c; 1936. $1.26. 28c; 1937. $1.24. 18c: 1938. $1.28. 8c; total $16.66. I)., C. H . IRMA M., MINNIE ft E. O. BOWMAN; Lot 6, Bl. 14, Chlloquln Acrea; 1929, 37c, 17c; 1930, 37c, 17c; 1931. 30c. 14c; 1932, 38c. 17c; 1933-4, 32c, 9c; 1935, 29c, 9c: 1936, 31c, 7c; 1937. 32c, 4c; 1938, 32c, 2c; tolal $3.94. D.. C. It . IRMA M . MINNIE ft E. O. BOWMAN; Lota 1. 2. 3. 4. Bl. 16. Chlloquln Acrea; 1929, $1.60, 70c; 1930, $1 48, 70c; 1931. $1.08. 51c: 1932. $1.60, 69c; 1932-4, $1.26, 37c; 1936. $1.18, 36c; 1936, $1.25, 28c; 1937, $1.24, 18c; 1938, $1.28, 8c; tolul $15.63. D,. C. R.. IRMA M., MINNIE A E. O. BOWMAN; Lota 6. 6. 7. 8, Bl. 15, Chlloquln Acres; 1929. $1.61. 70c; 1930, $1.48. 70c: 1931. 11.13. 53c; 1932. $1.50. 69c; 1933-4. $1.28. 38c; 1935. $1.17, 36c; 1936. $1.25', 2Sc; 1937. $1.26, 18c; 1938. $1.28. 8c; total 115.76. D., C. R., IRMA M.. MINNIE ft E. G. BOWMAN; all of HI. A. Chlloqilln Acrea; 1929, 76c, 35c; 1930, 74c, 26c; 1931, 64c, 26c; 1932, 75c, 34c: 1932-4, 64c, 19c: 1936. 69c, 18c: 1936, 63c, He; 1937. 62c, 9c; 1938, 64c. 4c; total $7.83. D.. C. R-. IRMA M.. MINNIE ft E. a. BOWMAN: all of Bl. H. Chlloquln Acres; 1929, $1.88. 88c; 1930, $1.85. 87c; 1931. $1.37. 64c; 1932, $1.60, 69c; 1933-4, $1.26, 37c: 1935. $1.17, 36c; 1936, $1.26. 28c; 1937. $1.26. 18c; 1938. $1.2S. 8c: total $17.16. ALICE E. STEWART; Lot 1, (11. 2. Flrat Addn. to Chlloquln; 1929. $4.66. $2.16: 1930. $4.80, $2.27; 1931. $3.30, $1.66; 1932, $3.21. $1.49; 1933-4. $3.00. 90c; 1935. $2.50. ::c: 1936. $2.24, 63c: 1937. $2.70. 40c; 1938, $2.79, 19c; total $39.46. MINNIE A. COFFIN; Lot 2. Bl. 2. Flrat Addn. to Chlloquln; 1929. $3.91, $1.86; 1930. $4.12, $1.94; 1931. $2.64. $1.24: 1932. $2.25, $1.04: 1933-4. $1.80, 54c; 1936, $1.80, 66c; 1936, $1.75, 40c; 1937, $2.02. 30c; 1938. $2.09, 14c; total $30.38. W. O. SMITH: Lota 1. 2. Bl 3. Flrat Addn. to Chlloquln; 1929, 110.43, $4.93; 19.10, $10.97, $5.19; 1931, $7.93, $3.76: 1933 $6.42, $2.99; 1933-4, $6.99. $1.79; 1935, $8.14, $2.62; 1936. $7.69, $1.74; 1937, $9.44. $1.41; 1938, $9.77, 68c; total $101.68. CHRIST BLANAS; Lot 6, Bl. 4, First Addn. to Chlloquln; 1929, 119.56. $9.25; 1930, $17.15, $8.11; 1931, $15.20. $7.19; 1932, $13.48, $6.28; 1933-4, $12. 58. $3.77; 1935. $10.64, $3.30; 1936. $9.93, $2.28; 1937, $11.46, $1.71; 1938, $11.87, 83c; total $164.59. L. F. STEEL; Lot 7, Bl 9. First Addn. to Chlloquln: 1929, $29.34. $13.83; 19.10. $.10.87. $14.61; 1931, $27.37. $12.95r 1 9 3 2, $24.40. $11.38; 1933-4. $22.76, $6.82; 1935, $20.66, $6.40; 1936, $19.27, $4.43; 19 17, $22.24, $3.33; 1938. $23.03. $1.61; total $295.35. LEI, AND E. OTEY; Lot 3, Bl. 14. Flrat Addn. to Chlloquln; 1929, $19.56, $9.25; 1930, $20.68, $9.74; 1931, $18.24, $8.63; 1932, $16.87. $7.63; 1933-4, $14.98, $4.49; 1935. $15.02, $4.65; 1936, $14.02, $3.22: 1 9 3 7, $16.18, $2.42; 1938. $16.75, $1.17; per sonal, 1931, $38.16, $18.06; 1932. $76.23, $35.66; 1933-4, $11.90. $4.64; 1936, $19.41, $6.02; total $412.83. MRS. W. A. BENSON; Lot 6, Bl. 14, First Addn. to Chlloqilln; 1929V4, $1141, $6.40; 1930H. $12.01, $5.68; 1931, $21.28, $10.07; 1932. $18.94, $8.83; 1933 4, $14.38. $4.81; 1936, $15.02, $4.66; 1936, $14.02. $3.22; 1947, $16.18, $2.42; 1938, $16.76, $1.17; total $185.74. ARTHUR W. PRIAULX; Lot 7, 8. Bl. 2, First Addn. to Chlloquln; 1929. $24.12, $11.41; 1 9 3 0, $36.38, $12.01; . 1981, $22.47, $10.68; 1982, $19.90, $9.28; 1933 4, $16.17. $4.86: 1936. $16.90, $5.24; 1936. $15.77, $3.62; 1937, $18.20, $3.73; 1 9 3 8, $13.86, $1.31; personal, 1931, $52.88. $25.02; 1932. $44.94. $30.96; 1933-4, $41.93, $16.35; 1936, $43.82, $13.58; 1936. $49.88, $9.40; 1937, $47.18. $7.07; total $602.85. MARY VAN DYKE; Lot 6, HI. 6. Second Addn. to Chlloquln; 1929, $3.91. $1.85; 1930, $4.12, $1.94; 1931. $3.64, $1.72; 1933. $3.6.1, $1.64: 1933-4, $3.00, 90c; 1935, $2.60, 77c; 1936, $3.34, 63c; 1937, $2.70. 40c; 1938, $2.79. 19c; total $38.47. WM. M. BRAY; Lota 8. 6. 7. 8. 4, Bl. 1, South Chlloquln: 1929. $10.63, $4.98; 1930, 110.36, $4.90; 1931. $5.76, $2.72; 1932, $8.97, 14.18: 1933-4, 17.57. $2.27; 1935. $6.14. $1.90: 1936, $6.58. $1.61; 1937, $3.76, 66c; 1938. $3.84, 26c; personal, 1929, $56.40, $36.69: tolal $169.88. WM. M. BRAY: Lola 6. 6, 7. S. Bl. 1. South Chlloquln; 1929, $10.14, $4.79; 1930, $9.99, $4.72; 1931, $7.37, $3.43; 1932, $8.63. $4.03; 1933-4, $7.28. $2.18; 1936, $5.38, $1.82; 1936, $6.24, $1.43; 11)37, $3.76, 68c; 1938, $3.84, 26c: total $86.39. WM. M. BRAY: Lots 9. 10. 11, 12, Rl. 1, South Chlloquln; 1929. $9.03, $4.27; 1930. $8.88. $4 20; 1931, $6.66, ll.llr. 1932. $7.62, $3.60; 1933-4, l'i.32, 11.89; 1916, $6.30, $1.64; 1936, 15.65, $1.20; 1937, $2.78, 41c; 1938, $2.88, 20c; total $7( 42. WM. M. BRAY; Lots 13. 14. 15, HI, 1, South Chlloquln; 1929, $3.01. $1.42; 1 930, $2 96, $1.40; 1931, $2.28, $ 1.07: 1932, $2 63, $1.22; 1933-4, $ 1.89, 66c; 1935, $1.76, (6c; 1936, $ 1.88, 43c; 1937. 94c. 14c; 1938, 96c, 6c; total $26.16. MIKE FRANUHIS7.YN; Lot 3, Bl. 6, South Chlloquln; 1 929, $3.01, $1.42; 19.10. $2.96, $1 40; 1931, $2.21. $1.04; 1932, $2.62, $1.22; 1933-4, $2 21, 66c; 1935, $1.76, 64c; 1-936, $1.88, 43c; 1937, $1.25, 18c; 1938, $1.28, 8c; total $26.15. WM. M. BRAY; Lot 11, Bl. 6, South Chlloquln; 1929. $2.63, $1.24; 1930. $2.69, 11.23; 1931. $1,91, $1.04; 1932. $2.25, $1.05; 1933-4, $1.90, 74c; 1935, $1.76, 66c; 1936, $1.88, 43c; 1937, 94c, 14c; 1938, 90c, 7c; total $23.31. WM. M. BRAY: Lots 12. 13. 14, Bl. 6, South Chlloquln; 1929, $8.27, $3.91; 1930, $8.14. $3 85; 1931, $6.08. $2.87; 1932. $7.13, $3.32; 1933-4. $6.01, $1.80; 1935, $6.68, $1.73; 1936. $5.94. $1 36; 1937. $3.11, 46c; 1938, $3.20, 22c; total $72.98. U. W. PORTER; Lot 7, Bl. 6. South Chlloquln; 1929, $6.02, $2.84; 1930, $5.92, $2.80; 1931, $4.39, $2.07; 1932, $5.06, $2 .35; 1933-4, $3.79, $1.13; 1936, $3.53. $1.09; 1936, $3.76. 86c; 1937. $3.12. 46c; 1938. $3.20, 22c; tolal $52.61. WM. M. BRAY; Lots 1. 1A. 2. 3. Bl. 7. South Chlloquln; 1929, 17.52, $3.65: 1930. 17.40, $3.50: 1931. $5.62, $2.61: 1932. $6.00, $2.79; 1933-4, $6.08, $1.52; 1935. 14.09. $J 27; 1936. $4.37, $1.00; 1937, $2.80. 42c: 1938. $2.88. 20c; totnl $62.62. WM. M. BRAY ; Lots 4. 5. 6, 7. Bl. 7. South Chlloquln; 1929. $7.52. $3.65; 1930, $7.40. $3.50; 1931. $5.50, $2.60: 1932. $6.00. $2.79; 1933-4. $5.04, $1.51; 19.15. $3.62. $1.09; 1936. $3.76. 80c; 1937. $2.48. 37c; 19.78, $2.66. 17c; totnl $60.22. WM. M. BRAY; Lots 8. 9. 10, 11, Bl. 7. South Chlloquln; 1929. $7.62, $3.65; 1930. $7.40, $3.60; 1931, $5.49. $2 59: 1932, $6.00, $2.79: 1933-4. $5.04. $1.51; 1935, $3.54. $1.10; 1936. $3.76. 86c; 1937. $2.48. 37c; 1938, $2.50, 17c; total $60.23. WM. M. BRAY; Lot 12. Bl. 7. South Chlloquln; 1929. $1.88. 88c; 1930, $1.85, 87c; 1931, $1.37, 64c; 1932, $1.50, 69c; 1933-4. $1 27, 38c; 1935, 90c. 2Sc; 1936, 94c. 21c; 1937, 66c, 9c; 1938. 64c, 4c; total $15.09. WM. M. BRAY; Lota 4. 5. Bl. 8. South Chlloquln; 1929. $6.76. $3.20; 1930, $6.66, $3.15; 1931. $4.92. $2.66; 1932. $5.61, $2.62; 1933-4, $4.74, $1.85; 1935. $4 41. $1.37; 1936. 14.69. $1.08; 1937, $2.82, 42c; 1938. $2.SS, 20c; total $60.06. WM. M. BRAY; Lota 6. 7, 8. Bl. 8, South Chlloquln; 1929. $6.77. $3.20; 1930, $0.66. $3.15; 1931, $4.92. $2.32; 1932. $5.63, $2.62; 1933-4. $4.74, $1.42; 1935. $3.83, $1.19; 1936. $4.09. 94c; 1937, $2.18. 32c;1938. $2.24. 15c; total $56.37. CHILOQUIN M1LLWORK SUP PLY CO.: Lot 9, Bl. 8, South Chllo quln; 1929. $3.76. $1.77; 1930, $3.70, $1.75; 1931. $2.75, $1.30: 1932, $3.19. $1.4S; 1933-4. $2.52, 76c; 1935, $2.06. 64c; 1936, $2.20. 60c; 1937, $1.56, 23c; 1938, $1.60, 11c: total $31.87. WM. M. BRAY; Lota 10. 11. 12. Bl. 8. So. Chlloquln; 1929. $6.77, $3.20; 1930. $6.66. $3.15; 1931. 4.98. $2.72; 1932. $5.64. $2.63; 1933-4, $4.74, $1.85; 1935, $3.52, $1.09; 1936. $3.76, 86c; 1937. $1.86, 28c; 1938. $1.92. 13c; total $55.75. WM. M. BRAY; Lot 16. Bl. S, South Chlloquln: 1929. $2.26. $1.07; 1930. $2.22, $1.05; 1931, $1.67, 91c; 1932, $1.83. 8Sc; 1933-4. $1.68. 62c; 1935, 88c. 27c; 1936. 94c, 21c; 1937, 63c, 9c; 1938. 64c, 4c; total $17.84. WM. M. BRAY; Lots 3. 4. 5. 6, Bl. 9. South Chlloquln; 1929, $9.02, $4.26; 1930, $S.8S, $4.20; 1931, $6.68, $3.11; 1932. $7.62, $3.60; 1933-4, $0.32. $1.89; 1935, $5.68, $1.73; 1936, $5.96. $1.37: 1937, $3.44. 51c; 1938, $3.52, 24c; total $77.63. WM. M. BRAY: Lot 7, 8, 9. 10, Bl. 9. South Chlloquln; 1929. $9.02, $4.26; 1930. IS.S8. $4.20; 1931, $6.57, $3.10; 1932, $7.48, $3.49; 1933-4, $0.32, $1.89; 1935, $4.70, $1.46; 1936", $5.00, $1.15; 1937, $2.48, 37c; 1938, $2.50, 17c; tolnl $73.10. WM. M. BRAY: Lota 11, 12, Bl. 9. South Chlloquln; 1929, $4.52, $2.13; 1930. $4.44, $2.10; 1931, 13.33, $1.67; 1932. $3.74, $1.74; 1933-4. $3.16. 94c; 1936, $2.07, 04c; 1 036, $2.19, 60c; 1937, $1.26, 18c; 1938, $1.28, 8c; total $36.87. WM. M. BRAY; Lot 1, Bl. 10, South Chlloquln; 1929, $1.81, 88c; 1930, $1.85. 87c; 1931, $1.38, 65c; 1932, $1.60, 69c; 1933-4, $1.27, 38c; 1935, 90c, 28c; 1936, 93c, 21c; 1937, 62c, 9c; 1938, 64c, 4c; total $16.06. WM. M. BRAY; Lots 3, 4. (, 6, Bl. 10. South Chlloquln; 1929, $7.52, $3.66; 1930, $7.40, $3.60; 1931, $5.52, $2.61; 1932, $6.00, $2.79; 1933-4, $5.06, $1.51; 1936, $3.62, $1.09; 1936, $3.76, 86c; 1937, $2.49. 37c; 1938, $2.66, 17c; total $60.28. WM. M. BRAY; Lou 1, 9. 10, Bl. 10. South Chlloquln; 1929, $5.64, $2.66; 1930. $5.65. $2.62; 1931. $4.11, $1.94; 1922, $4.60. $2.00; 1933-4, $3.78, $1.13; 1935, $ 2.04, 82c; 1936, 12.82, 64c; 1937, $1.87, 28c; 1938, $1.92, 13c; total $46.14. WM. M. BRAY; Lots 2. 3, 4, 5. Bl. 11, South Chlloquln; 1929, $7.90. $3.73; 1930, $7.77, $3.67; 1931. $5.78, $2.73; 1932. $6.38, $2 97; 1933-4, $5.06, $1.51; 1936, $3.52, $1.09; 1936, $3.76, 86c; 1937. $2.48, 37c; 1938, $2.56, 17c; total $62.30. WM. M. BRAY; Lots 6, 1. 9, Bl. 11, South Chlloquln; 1929, $5.64, $2.66; 1930, $5.55, $2.62; 1931. $4.14. $1.95: 1932, $4.60, $2.09; 1933-4, $3.80, $1.14; 1935, 12.64, 82c; 1936, $2.82, 64c; 1937, $1.86. 28c; 1938. $1.92, 13c; totnl $45.20. WM. M. BRAY; Lot 10. Bl. 11. South Chlloquln; 1929. $1.88, 68c; 1930, $1.85, 87c; 1931, $1.35, 63c; 1932, $1.50, 69c; 1933-4, $1.26, 37c; 1935, 90c, 28c; 1936, 94c. 21c; 1937, 66c, 9c; 1938. 64c, 4c: total $15.04. ALFRED L. BROWN: Lot 19, Bl. 11. South Chlloquln; 1929, 11.88. 88c; 1930, $3.70. $1.75; 1931. $2.75. $1.30; 1932, $3.00. $1.39; 1933-4. $2.21, 66c; 1935. 11.47, 45c; 1936, $1.66, 35c; 1937. $1.25, 18c; 1938, $1.28. 8c; total $26.14. WM. M. BRAY; LoU 1, 1A. 2, 3, Bl. 12, South Chlloquln; 1929, $6.01, $2.84; 1930, $5.92, $2.80; 1931. $4.40, $2.08: 1932. $5.26, $2.45; 1933-4, $3.78, $1.47; 1935, $2.65, 82c; 1936, $2.83. 65c; 1937. $1.55. 23c; 1938. $1.60, 11c: total $47.45. WM. M. BRAY; Lots 4, 6, 6, 7. Bl. 12. South Chlloquln; 1929, $6.02. 12.84; 1930. $5.92, $2.80; 1931, $4.44, $2.10; 1932, $5.24, $2.44; 1933-4, $3.80,$1.48; 1935, $2.36. 73c; 1936, $2.51, 67c; 1937. $1.24. 18c; 1938, $1.28, 8c; total $46.03. WM. M. BRAY; Lots 8, 9. 10, 11, Bl. 12, South Chlloquin; 1929, 16.02, $2.84; 1930. $5.92, $2.80; 1931. $4.38. $2.07; 1932, $5.24, $2.44; 1933-4, $3.80, $1.48; 1935, $2.34, 73c; 1936, $2.48, 57c; 1937, $1.27, 19c; 1938, $1.28, 6c; total $45.93. 'i MARION Ii. ft V, PAUL A. 4IUDGE; Lot 6, Bl. 1, Chlloquln Heights Addu. to Chlloquln; 1929, $5.22. $2.47; 1930, $5.49, $2.69; 1931. $4.89. $2.31; 1932, $4.49, $2.09; 1933-4, $4.19, $1.63; 193.5, $3.76, $1.16; 1936, $3.50, 80c; 1937, $4.04. 60c; 1938, $4.19, 29c; total $53.71. PHILLIP A GRACE LUMAN COLE; Lot 1, Bl. 2, less sly 6' desc. deed vol. 78, p. 270, Chllo quln Heights Addn. to Chlloquln; 1929 4. $1.95. 92c; 1930, $4.12, $1.94; 1931. $3.30, $1.66; 1932, i2.57. $1 19; 1933-4. $2.40. 93c; 1935. H.fS, 68c; 1936. $1.75, 40c: 1937, $2.02, 30c; 1938, $2.09, 14c; personal, 1929, $13.04, $6.17; 1930. $13.72, $6.49; 1931, 113.22. $6.25; 1932, $8.99. $4.19; 1933-4, $7.79, $3.03; 1935, $9.39, $2.91; 1936, $8.76. $2.01; 1937, $10.11, $1.61; 1938. $10.47, 73c; total $158.82. GEORGE W. & RUBY E. FLURY; Lot 3, Bl. 2, Chlloquln Drive Addn. to Chlloquln; 1929, $3.01. $1.42; 1930. $2.96. $1.40; 1931. $2.21. $1.04: 1932. $2.63. $1.22; 1933-4, $2.21, 86c; 1935, $2.06, 64c; 1936, $2.19, 50c; 1937, $2.18. 32c; 1938, $2.24, 15c; tolal $29.24. A. C. KRAMFR: Lot 6. Bl. 4. Chlloquln Drive Addn. to Chllo quln; 1929, $2.25, $1.06; 1930, $2.22, $1.05; 1931. $1.65, 78c; 1932, $1.84. 85c; 1933-4, $1.58, 61c; 1 9 3 5. $1.47. 45c: 1936. $1.56, 36c; 1937, $1.56. 23c: 1938, $1.60, 11c; total $21.22. A. C. KRAMER: Lot 8. Bl. 4. Chlloquln Drive' Addn. to Chllo quln; 1929, $2.64, $1.24; 1930, $2.69. $1.22; 1931, $1.94, 91c; 1932. $2.25. $1.04; 1933-4, $1.89, 73c; 1935. $1.47, 45c; 1936, $1.66, 35c; 1937, $1.56, 23c; 1938, $1.60, lie; total $23.78., G. W. A RUBY FLURY; Lot 11. Bl. 4. West Chlloquin; 1929 H $1.95, 92c; 1930, $4.12, $1.94; 1931, $3.64, $1.24; 1932, $2.25, $1.04; 1933-4, $1.90, 70c; 1936, 12.60, 77c; 1936, 13.84, (3c; 1937, $2.70, 40c; 1938, $2.79, 19c; total $30.(2. CLYDE K. DAVIS: LoU 1. 1, Bl. 9, West Chlloquin; 1939, $69.98, $28.33; 1930, $63.11, 129.86; 1931, $55.26, $20.15; 1932, $48.79. $22.76; 1933-4, $4.79. $1.86; 1936, $3.76, $1.17; 1936, $3.50, (0c; 1937, $4.04, 60c; 1938, $4.19, 29c; total $369.29. OEOROE FLURY; Lot 16, Bl. 9. West Chlloquln; 1929 V,, $13.36. $6.32; 1930, $28.13. $13.31: 1931. $23.93. $11.32; 1 9 3 2, $21.19, $9.88; 1933-4. $16.17, 16.30; 193S, $16.28, $5.06; 1933, $18.15, $126; total $190.66. LYLE D. MAGNESS; LoU 16, 16, Bl. 11, West Chlloquln; 1929, $4.61, $2.13; 1930, $4.44, $2.10; 1931. $2.99, $1.41; 1932, $3.00, $1.39; 1933-4, $2.63, 98c; 1936, $2.94, 91c; 1936. $3.13. 71c; 1937, $3.12. 46c; 1933. $3.20, 22c; total $40.17. CHAS. H. A BETH C. BURK; Lot 4. Bl. 13, West Chlloquln; 1929, $3.76. $1.77; 1930, $3.70. $1.76; 1931. $2.27, $1.07; 1932. $2.63, $1.22: 1933-4, $1.90, 74c; 1935. 88c, 27c; 1936, 94c. 21c; 1937. 94c. 14c; 1938. $4.16. 29c; total $28.64. C. CRYVERMAN; Lots 3, 6. 7. Bl. 29. Crescent: 1929. 39c, 18c; 1930, 43c, 20c; 1931. 33c, 15c; 1932. 13c, 6c; 1933-4. 48c, 18c; 1935, 45c, 14c; 1936, 47c, 10c; 1937, 47c. 7c; 1938, 48c, 3c; total $4.74. C. R. A JANE MORGAN; frac. Lot 1, Sec. 31, T. 39 8.. R. 8 E W. M.; desc. deed vol. 78, p. 622, Doten; 1929, '$10.05, $4.75, total $14.80. C. M. KULBEL; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Bl. 5. Lonroth; 1929, $1.05, 50c; 1931, 86c, 40c; total $2.81. MALIN TOWNSITE CO.; Lot 10, Bl. 19. Malln; 1929, $4.32, $2.04; 1930. $4.92. $2.32; 1931, $4.28, $2.02; 1932, $4.28, $1.99; 1933-4, $4.37, $1.70; 1935, $3.65, $1.13; 1936, $2.55. 58c; 1937, $2.56. 38c; 1938. $2.(0, 19c; total $46.08. CHARLOTTE CANTRALL; Lots 1. 2. 3, 4. Bl. 33, Malln; 1929, $60.98, $28.86; 1930, $69.40, $32.84; 1931. $59.94, $28.36; 1932. $58.98. $27.62; 1933-4, $60.23. $23.48; 1935, $54.81. $16.99: 1936. $47.77, $10.98; 1937, $48.00, $7.20; 1938, $52.35, $3.66: total $692.35. MAX HARTLERODE; Lot 8. Bl. 29, Merrill; 1929-K. $36.(4, $17.29; 1930H. $21.14, $10.00; 1931, $38.06. $18.01; 19,3 2. $36.15. $16.86: 1933-4. $36.80. $14.35; 1935. $14.20. $4.40; 1937, $11.62, $1.72; 1938, $17.82, $1.24; total $296.10. ' ANNIE F. HARTLERODE; Lota 1. 2. Bl. 31. Merrill; 1929, $16.01, $7.67; 1932, $7.73, $3.60; 1935, $6.82. $2.11; 1936. $6.89, $1.58; 1937, $5.53. 82c; 1938. 9.72, 68c; total $69.06. ANNIE HARTLERODE! Lou 3. 4, Bl. 31. desc. deed vol. 71, p. 62, Bl. 31, Merrill; 1929, $20.88, .$9.88: 1932, $13.91. $6.49: 1935. $1-4.77, $4.58; 1936. $14.92, $3.43; 1937. $11.99, $1.79; 1938. $21.06, $1.47; total $125.17. , EDNA L. TRAVERS: Lots 25. 26. Bl. 6. Midland! 1939. Ill 1)0. $5.20; 1930, $12.31, $5.82; 1931, $8.93. $4.25; 1935, $11.25, $3.49; 1936, $9.39, $2.15; 1937, $9.36, $1.40: 1938. 11.60. 11c: nerannal. 1936, $22.54, $5.18: 1937, $22.46, $3.36; total $139.86. H. A. WITHERILL; LoU 19, 20. Bl. 12, Midland; 1929. (3c, 25c; 1930, 58c, 27c; 1931. 42c, 19c; 1932, (2c. 24c; 1933-4, 63c, 24c; 1935. 61c. 19c: 1936. 31c, 7c; 1937, 31c. 4c: 1938. 32c. 2c; total $5.74. CHARLES J. LANDREY; Lot 12, Bl. 10. Sprague River; 1929, $6.81, $3.22; 1930. $7.62, $3.60; 1931. 15.67. 12.63: 1932. 16 13. $2.86; 1937, $7.18. $1.07; 1938, $7.36, 51c; total $54.56. A. J. ROGERS; Lot 16, Bl. 28, White Lake Citv: 1929. 1.1c Re: 1930, 17c, 8c; 1931, 16c, 7c; 1932. 17c, 7c; 1933-4, 16c, 6c; 1935, 15c. 4c: 1936. 16c. 3c: 1937. Ific. 2c; 1938, 16c, lc: total $1.86. W. G. J. WOLTERS; Lots 3. 4, 5. Bl. 34, White Lake City; 1929, 39c, 18c; 1930, 51c. 24c: 1931, 44c, 20c; 1932, 61c, 23c; 1933-4, 47c. 18c: 1935. 45c. 14c: 1936. 47c, 10c; 1937. 47c, 7c; 1938, 48c, sc; total $5.56. N. A. OUINN: Lot 21. Rl. 17. White Lake City; 1929, 13c, 6c; 1930. 17c. 7c; 1931. 16c. 7c; 1933 4, 16c, 6c: 1935. 15c. 5c: 1936. 16c. lc: 1938. lie. lc! total 11 11 N. A. QUINN; Lot 7, HI, 41, White Lake City; 1(29, 13c, 60) 1930, 17c, 70; 1931, loo, 7oj 1(33. 4, 11a, 6c; 1935, llo, (0: 1131, 11c, lc; 1938. l(o, lo; total 11.44. W. 0. J. WOLTERS; Loti 1, 7. I. Bl. (5, White Lake City; 1921, 39c. Kc; 1930, (lo, 14c; 1(31. 44c, 20c; 1932, (lo, 13c: 1(33.4, 47c, 18c; 1936, 45c, 14a; 1936, 47c, 10c; 1(37. 47a, 7a; 1931, 48c, lo; total 16.(1. P. H. J. WALTERS; Lot! 1. , Bl. 73, White Lake City; 1919, 26c. 12c;. 1930, (4c, 10c; 1931. 28c, 13c; 1932, 34a. 16c; 1(33-4, 31o, 12c; 1935, 8O0, (a; 1(31, 31c, 7c; 1(37, llo, 4c; 1(31, llo, 2c; total $3.17. PEARL WILLIAMS DAVOLT Lot 3, HI. 1. WORDEN; 1(21, 130, 6c; 1930, 15c, 7c; 1(31, llo, 60; 1932, 13c, 6c; 1933-4, 16o, lo; 1935, 16c, 6c; 1936, 11c, 3a; 1937. 16c, 2c; 1938, 16c, lc: total $1.73. FRANK F. CASSEDAY; Lot 1, 01. 21, worden; 1929, 13c, 60; 1930. 16c, 7c; 1931, llo, (0; 1933 4, 16c, 6c; 1935, 16c, 6c; 1936, 16c, 3c; 1937, 16c, 2c; 1938, lKo, lc; total $1.53. . ARTHUR CONKLIN; Lot 14. Bl. 33, Worden; 1939, 130, 6c; 1930, 15C, 7c; 1931, 12c, to; 1932, 13c, 6c; 1933-4, 16o,' 6c; 1935, 15c, 6c; 1936, 16c, 3c; 1937, 16c, 2c; 1938, 16c, lc; total $1.73. ARTHUR CONKLIN; Lot 3, Bl. 36. Worden; 1929, 130, 60; 1980, 15c, 7c; 1931, 11c, 6c; 1(83, 13c, 6c; 1933-4, 16c, 6c; 1935, 15c, (c; 1936, 16c, 3c; 1937, 16o, 2c; 1938, 16c, lc; total $1.72. ' O. l. KENDALL; Lots 6, 6, 1. Bl. 39, Worden; 1929, 39c, 18a;' 1930, 44c, 20c; 1931, 33c, llo; 1932, 39c, 18c; 1933-4, 47c, 18o; 1935,. 46c,. 14c; 1936, 47c, 10c; 1937, 47c, 7c; 1938, 48c, lc; total $5.54. MRS. W. W. AMBURN; Lot 1, Bl. 40, Worden; 1929, 13c, 6c; 1930, 15c, 7c; 1931, 11c, (0; 1933- ' 4. 16c, 6c; 1936, 15c, 5c; . 1939, 16c, 3c; 1937, 16c, 2c; 1938, 16o, lc; total $1.53. FRANK DEHM: Lot (, Bl. 41, Worden; 1929, 13c, 6c; 1930, 15c, 7c; 1931, 12c, 6c; 1932, 13c, 6c; 1933-4, 16c, 6c; 1936, 15c,- (c; 1936, 16c, 3c 1937, 16c, 2c; 1938, 16c, lc; total $1.73. . A. J. PRICE, Lot 6, Bl. (3, Worden; 1929, 13:, 6c; 1930, 16o, 7c; 1931. 11c. 5c; 1932, 13c, 6c; 1933-4, 16c. 6c; 1935, Kc, 6c; 1936, 16c, 3c; 1937, 16c, 2c; 1938, 16c, lc: total $1.72. CLARENCE C. A MERLE HARD & EVA M. GRAVES; SW14SW54 Sec. 22; WV4NWK less SW 10 acs. Sec. 27; all In T. 38 S-. R. ( E., W. M.; 1929, $23.99. $11.35; 1930, $22.79, $10.79: 1931,- $16.23, $8.87; s. 1932. $19.01. $8.87; 1933-4, $6.66. $2.(5; .1935. $1.65, $2.03; 1937, $6.80, $1.02; 1928, $7.27. 51c; total $155.18. IMP JUDGED OLD TEAM CINCINNATI (N.N.S.) Babo tbo first arbiter to officiate In a ' series In which his former team played. Pinelll was an Infielder with the Red! during his playing career. HE DIDN'T WAIT BOSTON . (N.N.S.) Al 81m- ) moos, when a member ot the Bees last summer, had a novel expert- ' ence. In one game be was sum moned' as a pinch hitter In tbo eighth Inning. When be finished he went to the club bouse, took a shower, dressed, went home and bad dinner. Then be turned on the radio to find the game In which be had pin-hit was still going on. It was the 23-innlng tie. , TWO POR ONE? FORT WORTH, Tex. (N.N.S.) Coach Dutch Meyer Isn't very hopeful that be will get tbe re feree's permission, but he would like to play both Alexander and' Shook at center on bis eleven this fall. Dutch reasons that he need both of tbem to replace Kl Aid rich. HEALTH AND WEALTH ' " BALTIMORE (N.N.S.) Win ner of more than $36,000, J. Y. Christmas's Rough Time was nursed to health via the bottle after the veterinarian had advised that be be destroyed. BON UK A 18 SPEEDY ' PTtcnRi,-. q n rvMfl 1 ?.v Ronitm a flnpPfl ilpmnnt Mnt th New York Giants' Zeke Bonura but Zeke Bonura the trotting horse is fast enough. The horse won all three heats of the 2:28 trot at the South Dakota state fair here, recently. " Will Fight Change in Neutrality Law White House Closed to Tourists X x i S W Mi If President Roosevelt asks special session of Congress to removo arms embargo from neutrality statute, he may have battle on his hands. "We can't change the situation -now without being un neutral," snys isolationist Senator William E. Borah, Idaho Repub lican, pictured in Washington office. Senator Arthur VandenbergJ ot Michigan would also oppose change, '2. 1 B5gFfB5T 1 "CpT Police guard bars White Kour.o viiilo.s ti...; ?..:.itnt Harding lifted war time restrictions Imposed by President Wilson, Ordinarily permitted to Inspect East Room and President's library, no one now can enter unless on official suiImh. ' A