January 18, 1939 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THREE CITY BRIEFS CHilef Clerk Thlrta Bnyder, daughter ut Mr, and Mrs. II. H A mi l ami, who lemnlllud at Halnlil for I ho Oregon legislative anaalon U aoi'vlng as ehluf clnrk for the Krlcull in al com mil I no, of w Kir li Henry Hiiiiiimi U chairman, accord In to word received hare. In work of I ho oominlttaa la expected lo ha especially haavy I It I at term Mia. Hnyilor la also aarvliiK ohlcf clork for Ilia dairy and luud ou in in 1 1 1 no. Ilaydona lu Wulwu Mr. and Mia. U. U. HuyUon lefl Sunday lor Halem wharu lluydou will ho auiiagod (or aoino tlina In maaluii a urullmlnary Investigation, of ir riaallou Dosalbllllliia lu Ilia Wll laiuutta valloy. Thoy will bo loiia from Klamath lor aboil two weeka, and attar thalr roturu bar at Ilia and of that lima Hay dn eipecte to 10 hack for fur- thvr studio o( llio Wlllninolio Irrlaallou problem, To Ma Hora Mr. and Mrs, Johnny Handmyr of Heattl hava arrived In Klamath Valla to maka thnlr limuo, Handmoytir having rsconlly resigned hla po anion aa llckot agent for Iba fuaot Hound Navigation com pauy to accept a poaltlou In lha offlca of tha 0. . Koiiartaon in uranc company. Mra. Hand mayer will ha remmnbored aa Jonlca Hohortaon, daughter of (bo C. 8. Koliorlaona of Klaniatb falla. Lulu to Meet Tha Midland and Hnnley extanalon unit will moot In tha Henley grange hn Thuraday, January 111. at 10:3U a. m. Members ara aakad to bring ouo egg and ouo potato lo ba uatd In homo dnmonatratlon work. Tha a ami I, Mra. Wlnnl find allien, will couduol Iba demonstration. tiora III (J. 8. (iora, aalraman for (ba Shell Oil company of Aa lorla and a forinar roaldoul of Klamath Valla, la aarloualy III In Bt. Mary'e hospital In Aatorla according lo word received bore Oore haa been HI allien Dorem bar V. Mra. Oora baa advlaed frlondi. Mntnr lo Redding Mr. and Mra. Kd Propal motorod lo Hod ding to aponil lha weekend with Mra. Propata alaler, Mra. Paul Johnaon. Anothar alalor, Mra. (inorgl Myara of 8anta Crui Calif., waa alao a guaal at tha Johnaon hoina. I"TA lo Meet A regular moel lug of tho Fremont IT A will ha hold In lha acliool auditorium Tueaday aflarnooii al S o'clock t which tlma a hoaltb play will ba proaontod by tha fourth and fifth gradoa. All ninthera of Fro- niont puplla ara Inrltod to attend Plan Hliuw Tha Algoma Com- oiunlty club will praaonl a ouo- act eomcdy, Tha Cure-All, whloh will ba given In tha Com munity ball Friday, January 17, al ( p. m. Citric 1H Tbe Olrcla II sew- Ing club alll meet Wednnaday at 1 p. m.. at I lie noma of Kate Crowaon, 2243 Harrow avouiin. Thara will ba election of officers. Iliutilna Meet Tha llniblna club of tha Kagloa auxiliary will moat Wednesday al P. m., at tho hn in a of Mnry Lewi on tho l,aku view highway. riiKK-lils Party Tho Kagloa auxiliary will apouaor a public pinochle parly al tho Faglca hall Tuesday al 2 p. in. MAKE-UP KAItl, Will I I II) OCK On every newspaper, thore la aomn oun mini whoso Job It la to "mako up" thn paper. I In I chooaoa from the I a t of iiewi renchea hla dank, tho ono Iikiii thnt lops nil othnrs In hn pot-Inure, a n d m a r k a It for heaviest display on llio firm pngo. Aflor thnt, hn places tho othor loss Imiiorliint hlla of now In auhni'dlnuto positions. Now audi a ilnlly choice anil ft mi I niiikn-tip lire not nlono tho Joha of newspapermen. All of us hiivn to do thoin, Wo all have, ouch morning, cortnln hliink paces to fill, Vnrinita mid sun dry tliliiKH romn up during tho dny which wn niny find Impor Iniit, muroly interesting or worthy only of tho wiiHlo-bimkoL. And llio wny In which wo ovnlii niii IhoBo ovnnlB niiirka us as Hiirnly ns Ita iniUui-up niiirka tho ninvnuiior, Tho world soon Iciirns whnt wo roiisidor vnliiiililo nnd whnt wo doom worthless. Now a papor enn change lla mnkn-up but Us quite a chore. So also la It a hiiril tnnk (o re design a llfo nnd lo put a now nnd finer aot of vnluoa Into op nrnllnn. Hut aomotlmcs It hna to ho l ono. And how a enul grows In the doing! Next Monday Mr. Willi lock of tho Karl Wbltlock Funoriil Homo will comment on The Qentle Grafter, )jmW ' 1 aMqaBaaajaajpTj TO i i-.-.-.'V.1 ,fsi "t-it-. ;.' gr I Vi? thnt - 'I Resident Dim C. A. Hunting, former Klnmalli Falla resident and prnpurly owner both hero and In Merrill, died In Ulmidalo, (,'nllf., liacombar SO, according to word received by old frlonda Ihla woek. Hunting waa ona of lha ill root ora of lha Klamath Irriga tion dlatrlct In Ita aarly daya and waa wall known In this aactlon. Hnrvlona wnra bald from I'eaco rhapol, Kelfor and Eyerie k mort uary III (lliuiilnla, with Intoriiiont lu Foreat Lawn cemolery. Iaava on Trip Mr. and Mil. Jatuaa M. Dakar laft Sunday for Portland, whora (hay will vlalt for a ahort tlmo bofnra con tinuing to 8t. I'aul and Chicago and from there to Flint. Mich., wbara thoy plan to purchaaa a car and drlva homo. Tha II a k era will raiurn by way of New Or leaua and olhar aouthern polnta, rolurnlng hara In a month. Mra. Cook III Mra. Bert Cook (Haial Ha roes I la critically III at tha homa of bar paronta. Mr. and Mra. W, R. Harnea, Buffering from a heart ailment. Mra. Cook haa lianii In poor health for aomn lime hut haa been In hod for tha paal 10 daya. Hba la under (ha oar of (rained nuraea. Krnra North Rand Mr. and Mra. Ted Unicom of North Hand war aiperied to arrive In Klam ath Falla Monday lo make their home. Oalconi will take over the poaltlnn aa manager of Union Oil company here, relieving Thomaa Hansen who haa been tranaferred lo Kntchlkrn, Alaaka. Lutheran Ijullca Aid The Klamath Lutheran Ladloa Aid will hold lla regular meeting Tuea day, January 17, at 2 p. in., at lha homa of Mra. T. U. Iloff, 2UU9 Garden avenue. Transportation may he arranged by calling 131&-VV. In Portland Jennatte Jonea. daughter of Mra. Nancy Jonea, la In Portland receiving medical treatment and will raiurn here Ihla week to remain until spring vacation. Mlaa Jonoa baa been a atudent at Oregon State col lege. Hlnia ThiMae Meat The Sigma Theta chapter of Delphian, Mislead of lha Delia (lamina chapter aa pravloualy announced, will meet Thuraday night al the borne of Mra. (Jeorge Hlllla. Vlalta I'arrnta Harvoy (lear harl la apendlng aeveral daya here from Hoddlng, visiting with hla parents, Mr. and Mra. Hoy (iear hari at (hair homa on Paclllc Terrac. Iloyal Arch M noons Meet Klamath ehaplor No. 36, HAM, will bold Ita regular mealing Tueaday evening, January 17, al I p. m. All companlona are cor dially Invited. Permit Issued John Taylor waa Issued the third building permit of the year by Henry Kchortgen, building Inspector. Taylor will conatruct a 14ft ga rage on hla property, 160 Old Port road. ; rou p to Meet Tho women of tho Mooao otflcera and aenior regent's escorts will moot fur ritualistic practice Tuesday, Jan uary 17, at 7:30 p. in. at tho homo of .Margaret Johnson on .South Illvoraldn atreet. Autlllary Members of tho Tow of end auxiliary will moot Wednesday al 1:30 p. m. for pot luck luncheon at the homo of C. E. Ilyo, 2343 .Main street. Iti'Mlloi's Position Mra. V. K. Drnko. In thti rvndy-to-wciir de partment of Moe's, was able lo resume her position Monday nfter week a Illness. Mra. Drake suf fered nn attack of lnflueiii. I'roin HellliiKhaiii Mra. C. N. Chrlstophorauii, owner of Myrlle'a shop, Is spending a woek In Kliimnlh I'll Us from her home u HollliiK liam . Wnsh. Illi-yclo .Stolen KIzk Prvor re ported lo city police tho Ihelt of hla blcyclo from In front of Pu llll's store. The hike, of Colaon mako, was pnl n tod red. Iletiinii lli-ii- K. II. Hull, uwnor of Hotel Hull, returned thla piiHl weekend from Portland, whora he Iiiib been on business. Mm. Clnrk HI Mrs. Ken until Clnrk of Moo'a Is III at her homo suffering from a cold. VMl Mnlln Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schiiiipp motored to Mn liu Sunday, whern they were tho guests of Mr. nnd Mra. A. M. Thomas. From .Merrill Mra. W. F. Jln- nottn of Morrill was n shopper In Klnnialh Fulls Monday. Thn llnlliin aciinlmio thnt nut llio official record of III) miles nn hour, cost more than $1.1100.- (100. Todny, It la reported, a plane Hint, could exceed speeds of 500 miles nn hour, could he built for ftiO.000. Kidneys Must Clean Out Acids Kxccm Arid nA nnhniiniii ,.. i vn. hlooil ntr rrmmcil rhlDfly ilim l mltllnn tiny flrllmlo Klrtnry lutics or Miters. Anil fiirtc Ilium) disorder- of Itia Kldnr.vj nr Hlndilrr nifty rnn 10 (inline Hp Nluiit.i, NpnoiiMii'si, l.rs I'nlni, Circle.- Vmkt Kyci, m-jinri-, Hack Rrlit, Hffiillen Anklr, or Hurnlnn rmmnitn, llrlit your hlilnryi (mriry your Mood with Cyitti. llHiinlly Ihs icry first rtoio ilartt helping your kidneys clrn out r-xreM acliii, and Dili noon may make yiui feel lUri new. Under (he money Imrlt KiiaTMilee Cyltfll mint Mllftfy completely or roil nnlhliiit. (let Cyittx (slu-lri) todny. Only 1r do tt drumlsu. llio guarantc protect you. BANK SAVINGS DEPOSITS PAID OFF ENTIRELY On hundred por oent dlvl deuda on anvlnga accounta In tha old OreKon Hunk and Trust com pany wore assured Monday when an order for a final 10 per cant payment waa algnod by Circuit Judge Kdward tt. Aaburat. Another dlvldond of 90 par cent waa ordered on commercial accounta, bringing the total of paymxnta on those accounta to 70 par cunt. The total of (he 10 per rent dlvldond waa 4.021.411. pfovl oualy dividends totaling (U por oent had been ordered. Total of the 10 per oent com mercial account dividend ordered Monday waa 1 1 .19Ci.e S. Liquidation of the bank baa boon In charge of Mark Hklnner, superintendent of suite banka. INJURED BI CAR MERRILL William Sauer, IS, of Tulelake, la In a critical con dition at Hillside hospital In Klamath Kails aa (he reault of an automobile accident on front atreel here Saturday night. Bauer waa atruck by a car driven by Kvorelt It. Long, Tula- lake. II cam out from behind a parked car, according lo a local ropdrt of tho accident. 11 auffared a baaal fracture of the skull, Hn waa unronacioua at tbe hoapltal Monday afternoon. STRUCK BY CAR Edwin B. Word, 15. resident of Ruch. Ore., reported to city police lata Saturday afternoon (hat bla car atruck two young children. Hit-hard Hura, 10, and lou Hae Lake, a, on Main atreet between Slith and Sovonth stroeta. The accident occurred at 3:45 p. m. Police were not able to learn If tho children were aerloualy In jured, although a cherk with hos pitals showed thoy had not re ceived treatment there. Christian Science "Life" was the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, January 15. The Golden Text was, "In the way of righteousness Is life; and in the pathway thereof there Is no death" (Prov. 12:28). Among the citations which comprised thn Lesson-Sermon was tho following from the Bible: "And this is the rocord, that Cod hath given to us eternal llfo, and this llfo la in his Son. lie that hath the Son hath life; and be thnt hntli not (hn Son of (iod hath not llfo" (I John 6:11, 12). The Lessnn-Sernion also Includ ed the following correlative pass ages from the Christian Science toxtbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary linker Eddy: "'This Is life nteinnl.' says Jcsiia. Is, not shall he; and then ho defines ever lasting llfo an a present knowl edge of his Father and of him self, tho knowledge of Love. Truth, and Llfo" (p. 410). Church News The following events are sched uled to take place thlfl week under tho auspices of tho Community roiiKiOKntlnniil church located at (iiiideii and Martin streets. Monday, 6:45 P. m., Junior choir prnctlco. Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., roKiilur meeting of troop No. 4. Hoy Scouts of America. In troop room. 7:30 p. m., meeting of the budget com mittee in tho parsonage. Wednesday, 6:30 p. m., politick fellowship supper followed by program of games In community hall: 7 p. m., regulni' mooting of lilri Scouts in cabin; 7:30 p. nt., tliini'tot iplieiifsul under tho lead ership of Klsln Kschoberk. Thursday, S p. in., pinochle party In tho community hall. Krlclay, 2 p. in.. Ladles Circle mooting und piognint In tho homo of Mra. Charles M. Reynolds, 2110 Wh I to avenue. Installation of of ficers und a talk by .Maryenrol Jones, child welfare consultant for Klnmittu county; 7 p. in., treasure hunt for Comrades of Tho Way; 7:30 p. m., Pilgrim fellowship party In tho pai'sonngo. Sunday Following tho morn ing service, a politick luncheon mid tho annual mooting of the church Is scheduled. Have Your Harness Repaired Now Charlie Read Saddlery OIHiiB El.no Set THE KLAMATH VETERAN Acfiviriat of th Spaniih-Amarican War Veferani, Tha Dltarjled American Velarani, Tha Volarani of Foreign Wart, Tha American Legion and Thair Auxiliaries VKTMHANH' OK KOKKU1N WAIIH Pelican J'oat IHH.'I Th foundation for the Veter ans' of Korelgn Wars organization of eoinraduahlp and aervlc waa laid nearly 40 year ago. On September iH, lull 'J, a hand, ful of aoldlera, returned from the Philippines, mot In a dlmly llgbled little hall In Denver, Colo., and formed the niicleua of the Veterans' of foreign Ware of the United States. Thla year the organization la celebrating Ita fortieth anniver sary, with 250,000 members, each going about hla work with a pock etful of application blanka. Na tional officer have aet the goal for 1939 at 100.000 new mem bers and are offering some really worthwhile prize for those secur ing members. The national com mander aaya "any eligible over seas veteran who la not algned up with the VPW between now and June o will Just have to make himself Invisible, that'a all." Pelican post 13S3 will meet next Thursday evening, January 19, and after a short business session will move an mass to the basement of th oily library where, It la rumored, the women's auxiliary win provide for th In ner man. l,FX;iON ACXILMKV L'nlt So. U A successful and Interesting dlatrlct conference waa hold by the American Legion and ita auxiliary al the American Legion ball Saturday, January 14. The auxiliary session started wltb a luncheon at noon In the Legion ball dining room, wltb 51 preaent. Our distinguished visitor were Introduced hy our president, Lucille Hrltl, and a birthday cake waa given to our department prealdant, Hazel Snyder, whose birthday waa Jan uary 16. The meeting began promptly at 1:30 p. m. and (he opening ceremony was put on by the Klamath Falla officers. The meet ing waa then turned over to Dis trict Preaident Edna Overmoyer of Modford, who Introduced tbe following: Department President Haiel Snyder of Astoria. Depart ment Secretary Mae Whltcombe of Portland, Department Treas urer Dorothy Tiemplar of Klam ath Palis and Department Ameri canism Chairman Florence Ogle of Klamath Falls. Beautiful corsages were pre sented to each of these by the local unit. Visitors were then Introduced, four members from the Lakovlew unit, two from the Malln unit, three from the Mer rill unit and five from Tulelake. Reports were given on unit activities by the presidents of the different unlta. Our depart ment Americanism chairman gave an Intervatlng review of the na PTA NOTES FAIRVIKW The Falrvlew PTA held Ita first meeting of the year Thursday, Janunry 12. The program was opened by the Klshth grado chorua under the direction of Mrs. Frieda Wheeler. Mrs. James Clark gave an Inter esting paper on the value of pub lic health and the necessity of proper health laws and regula tions. The "Fight against Infantile Paralysis" program was launched at Falrvlew with an enlightening paper read by Mrs. Peter Kozeu dal, giving the history of the foundation and stressing the point that money was needed for re search as well as the necessity of building up a local fund for emer gencies nt home. Mrs. S. P. Mlllor, locnl presi dent, presented tho "March of Dimes" bank and urged each member to help In this great pro ject. During the business session plans were foVmiilated for an old fashioned box supper to be held in tho school auditorium Friday, February 10. Prizes will bo awarded for the most untisuul boxes. An interesting program In cluding Founders dny exorcises will be features, after which the boxes will bo Judged and auc tioned. Tho public Is Invited to attend. Plans were nlso niiido for participation In tho state conven tion to ho held in Klamnth Falls April 11, 12 and 13. Thw meeting was adjourned with Miss Waiichopo'B first grade room winning tho room prize lor the best attendance. Tea was served by the fifth grado mothers with Misa Mutteson assisting. Don't forget the box supper, February 10. jioihh: poixt The regular meeting of tho Mo doc Point PTA wns hold the nTtcr noon of Thuraday, Jnnuiiry 12, nt which tlmo It was decided to hnvo a "Clay Nlitetlo's Tarty" nt tho earliest poaslblo date, tho pro ceeds to ho usod for a health project, for the school children. A card pnrty was planned for January 20 at 7:30 p. in., to be Modern Cleaners 121 South Ninth, Phono 1M03 SAVE Snvo Your Clot lies nnd Have Money TRY US You Will He Delighted With Vour Cleaning Done by This Motlorn Synthetic Method tional plana for lha year and of the different study books In which Information on American Ism could be found. Our do. partment president talked on tbe following subjects: highway beau tlflcatlon, Americanism. Fldao, Junior activities, membership, na tional defense and legislature. After a short Intermission dur ing which we had community singing, our department secre tary talked on (he following: hospital, ohlld welfare, constitu tion and by-laws, national news, publicity, radio and poppy sales. Our finance and budget were explained by our department treasurer, Dorothy Templar. One of tbe hlgbllghta of the day for th Klamath Kalla unit waa th presentation to our de partment president of a hand kerchief, with a note saying that the Klamath Falla unit had reached It membership quota of 145. An evening gathering was held at th Elk hotel banquet room, where more than 100 enjoyed a banquet and heard addreHses by the department preaident, Hazel Bnyder, and the depart raent commander, John Ueck- wltu. There waa dancing at tbe Legion ball until a late hour. and all visitors agreed (hat thla was the best district conference held for a long while. AMKRICA.V LKftlOX Klamnth Tout .No. H A auccessful district conference was held In Klamath Falls Sat urday, January 14. with Klamath post acting aa host to department and district officers and visitors from all parts of district 4. The following department offi cers were present: John Hcckwlth of Portland, department com mander; Carl Moser of Portland, department adjutant: Jerry Owen editor of tbe "Oregon Legion naire," and S. M. Smartbwalte Jr., of Portland, connected wltb the government reemployment bu reau and also one of the national officers of the Legion rehabili tation program. The afternoon was devoted to a conference at which ail problems connected with local Legion were discussed and many valuable Ideas were advanced hy the visi tors. There was a banquet at the Elk hotel starting at 7:30, which over 100 attended. At 9 p. m. a dance was given for tbe visitors at tbe Legion hall and waa enjoyed by all present. Visitors from Lake view. Merrill, Malln and Tulelake were present. Dr. E. J. Corcoran of Reeds- port, district commander of dis trict 4, presided at the business session In the afternoon. The next regular meeting of Klamnth Post will be held Tues day, January 17, at g p. m. at tbe region nan. held In tbe community ball. Bridge, pinochle and Chinese checkers will be In play. Hos tesses for the evening will be Mesdames D. Buck, Mrs. H. God dard and Mrs. M. Helm. . After the regular routine of business, the meeting was turned over to Mrs. C. Johnson of Klam ath Falls who displayed a fine as sortment of knitted garments mado by her pupils in Klamath Falls. She explained how her classes are conducted. ROOSEVELT The regular meeting of Roose velt PTA will be held Tuesday, January 17, at 3 p. m. Mary carol Jones, child welfare con sultant, under the federal social security board In Ibis city will give a brief talk. There will also be a violin solo by Ellarmilda Tat low. Tho executive committee will meet at 2 p. ni. Instead of 2:30 p. ni. All are urged to at: tend. FA1UHAVF.X The following program was en joyed at the Fuirhaven Parent Teachers meeting held Friday afternoon, January 13. Heading, "Baby's First Photo graph." Virginia Kennedy. Piano solo, "Black Hawk Waltz." Barbara Zlnn. Folk dance, "Utile Men In a Fix," fifth and sixth grade pupils. Song, "Fiddle Song," tirst grade pupils. Song, "Six Little Mice," second grade pupils. "Shoemaker's Dunce," second grade pupils. A brier business meeting, with Mrs. Leo llollklay presiding, fol lowed the presentation of the pro gram. .Mis. M. c. Dcering gave a report on publication, sue dis played a number of pamphlets and i books. February 21 is the date sot for the next dance, which is to bo given to raise funds for child wel- inie. ALTA.MOXT Tho regular mooting of the Altniiiom elementary PTA was ; hold Tuesday evening: at 8 : DOCTOR'S FORMULA CRUT SUCCESS FOR UGLY SURFACE PIMPLES PRAISED FROM COAST TO COAST! DON'T be humiliated by unsightly, blotchy surfaco pimples and blemishes becnuso hero's REAL, help: powerfully soothing Zemo Ointment (a Doctor's formula) quickly relieves itching sore ness and starts richt in to help Nnturo promote QUICK healing. Hore's why Speedy acting Zemo contains highly ef fective Zinc Oxide, Subnitrate of Bis muth, Ltoracic Acid, plus SEVERAL OTHER very specjal ingredients long recognized by leading skin specialists for their great merit. Clean, odorless, flesh colored. Inexpensive. One trial convinces! At all leading drug stores. o'clock In tbe Junior high gym nasium. This was Parents' nlgbt and an Interesting program was pre pared by tbe program chairman, Mrs. Phil Schroedor, The achool'a part of th pro- 1 gram waa a demonstration given by puplla of the fifth grade rooms, Maude Melton and Mable HumMa, teacher. Doris porter allowed picture taken on her vacation trip In Ku rope lust an miner. Chinese checkers were then en joyed for the social hour of tbe evening with refreshments aerved by Mra. J. Ci. Patterson, Mrs. Cal Peyton, Mrs. J. Kedy, Mra. H. Itousa. This waa one of the largest meetings the PTA has had Ibis year. All parents and friends of the school are welcome to com to these meetings whether mem bers or non-members. JOSEPH COSUVM Joseph Conger PTA executive committee met In the school of fice, January 11. The radio study group meets with Mrs. A. M. Bradford, Janu ary 18, at 1:45 p. m., when fol lowing general discussions, all members will go to tbe school to attend a regular PTA 'meeting at 3 p. m., in Mrs. Myrtle Helm room. All parents are urged to attend as an interesting program by pupils of Vera Wright room la scheduled. Before closing the meeting, Mrs. W. E. Ouyer will conduct the child study lesson. KlVEKSIItE The regular meeting of the Riverside PTA will be held Tues day, January 17, at 3 o'clock. All member are urged to be present aa tbere are several mat ters of importance to be taken up at that time. The guest speak er will be Gerald Murray, the newly appointed recreational lead er. His topic will be "Safety." Sl'.MMKItH The Bummers PTA will bold Its regular executive meeting at the home of Mrs. I. W. White on Third street In Altamont Tuesday, Jan uary 17, at 7:30 p. m. All com mittee chairman were urged to be present. a The Klamath County council of PTA met on Monday, January 9, In the teachers' room of Fremont school. After much discussion, it was decided that each individual unit will observe Founder's day at their own meetings during tbe month of February. The council preaident, Mrs. George Rogers, an nounced that tbe opening date for the state PTA convention, which is to be held here this coming Bpring. had been set for April 11. The convention committee, con sisting of Mrs. Rogers and tbe presidents of the various units, were told to meet at Fremont school Monday afternoon, January 16, to talk over plana for the con vention. Mrs. A. A. Montgomery will make a report on the "Sum mer Hound-up" at the February meetitig of the council. Plans were discussed for a program which the council intends to give enrly in March to raise funds' to help defray the expense of enter taining the state convention. Mrs. Virgil Rexford was appointed chairman of the committee to bave charge of this program. She will be assisted by Mrs. Carl Grubb and Mrs. R. A. LaLonde. PELICAN The regular meeting of the Peli can PTA will be held in the school Wednesday, January 18, at 7:30 p. m. Program numbers will be given by eighth grade students and -Mrs. D. B. Blomquist, dramatic director of the high school. The second party of the pinochle and 500 series occurred Friday night with 25 people in attend ance. High prize In 500 went to Mrs. T. B. Buchanan and in pin ochle to Mary Proctor. Another party will be given Friday, Jan uary 20 In the Pelican commun ity hall. Due to another teaciier being placed in the school, the pre-school group has been discontinued for the remainder of the school year. Mem hers of the PTA and patrons regret that a suitable place could not be found elsewhere in the community to continue the splen did work under tbe excellent di rection of Mrs. Collins. It is hoped that in another school year there will be a pre-school group again. The horsepower unit of energy was established by James Watt in 177a. QUALITY MEAT MARKET Specializes In Steer and Baby Beef (Jtinllly Always Guaranteed Free Delivery Louis Escble, Proprietor For Health and Happiness Come to Oregon Hot Springs A riOKSON.W, MESSAGE TO sufferers from rheumatism, nt-f hritis, neuritis, neurasthenia nnd kindred ailments. If you are aick, come tn get vtell. If you ni'u well, come to keep well. Modern Hotel Willi large lobby anil dining room. Hot water heated. Cabins Masseur in Charge Popular Prices Why no elsewhere when Ore Kon has Hot Mineral Springs t'iiiil to any? 45 Minutes run from Klamath Falls. 10 Miles from llonaiizn, Ore. l''or Information, write Hot Springs, Ore., It. I'M)., llonanza. STAGED lili WHEAT CHICAGO, Jan. II What prices rallied from early small losses after noon today but show ed no power to extend th re covery yery far. Buying cradltad to mill and previous sellers taking profit on their "short" positions helped to strengthen tbe market In tha final hour. The decreaae In U. 8. vis ible supply atocka tha past week was larger than generally expect ed. Wheat tloaad a-lo higher than Saturday, May 68J-JC, July 68J 60c; corn i-ic up. May 63-io, July 63i-c; oat unchanged to 1c higher. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Jan, It ff) BUT TER PRINTS A grade 29Jo lb. In parchment wrappers, 304c lb. In carton; B grade 28c lb. In parchment wrappers, 29c lb. In cartons. BUTTERFAT Portland deliv ery buying price: A grad 271 28c lb. Portland delivery; B grade He lb. leaa; C grade 6e lb. less country delivery, 2c lb. for A grade. EGGS Wholesaler baying prices: Special 20-21e doz.; ex tras 19c doz.; standard large 18c doz.; extras medium 17c dot.; extra small 16c doz. Selling price to retailer generally 2c doz. higher. CHEESE Oregon triplet 14c; Oregon load 15c; broker will pay ic below quotation. COUNTRY MEAT 8 Selling price to retailers: country killed hogs best butcher under 160 lbs., 10c lb.; vealers, 14-14Jc lb.; valers light and thin 10c to 12c lb.; heavy loe lb.; lamb 15c lb.; cutter cowa g to 9c lb.; ewes 6-8c lb.; canner cow 7-8c lb.; bulls 10-10Jc lb. LIVE POULTRY Baying prices: Leghorn broiler lbs., 16c lb.; 2i lbs. 16c lb.; col ored springs 2-3) lbs., 15a lb.; over 31 lbs., 17c lb.; Leghorn hens over 3) lbs. 14-1 5c lb.; under 31 lbs., 14c lb.; colored bens to 5 lbs., 19c lb.; over 5 lbs. 18c lb.; No. 2 grade 5c lb. less. TURKEYS Selling prices: Dressed new crop hens 25c lb.; torn 25c lb.; buying prices: Hens 24-25c lb.; toms 24c lb. POTATOES Yakima Gems 11.20 cental; local $1-1.10; Des chutes Gems 11.35-1.40 cental; Klamath Falls No. 1 Gems 11.40 1.55; California Sweets $1.40 to $1.60 50-lb. crate; new California Triumphs 2 per 50 lb. box. ONIONS Oregon No. 1 $1.50 1.80 cental; Yakima 30-40c per 50 lbs. WOOL Willamette valley nominal; medium 22-23c lb.; coarse and braids 22-23c lb.; lambs and fall 20c lb.; Eastern Oregon 1S-22C lb. HAY Selling price to retail ers: Alfalfa, y$. 1. $16 ton; oat vetch $12 ton; clover $11 ton; Timothy eastern Oregon $19; do valley $14 ton. Bicycle Licenses "Siiee" Mur ray, city recreational officer, an nounced Monday that 1939 bi cycle licenses were now available and could be purchased for 25 cents after 4:30 p. m. any day this week. Murray urged all bi cycle owners to obtain their li censes as soon as possible. Those having 1938 licenses need not submit to examination, but new applicants will take the exams. The licenses may be obtained from the city recreation office. Murray announced. Nice game. Herman Kreuger, Rancher of Mojave Valley, Calif., greeting his son Al who caught the winning pass In the Rose Bowl football game. Chest Colds RELIEVE MISERY of your cold as 3 out of 5 people do massage throat, chest, back with VICKS VAPORUB. Its direct poultice-vapor action brings prompt comfort and relief. PEYTON 915 Market I MKJAM)U'Qn.l'BBB1'' allljlllllllli.lUtliPI' MORE THAN 500 ATTEND ANNUAL LUTEFISK DINNER Mor than ICO person wr aarved at th Son of Norway, Haold lodge, annual luteflsk din ner given Saturday night, Janu ary 7, In the Klamath Falls ar mory. In addition to this num. bar, more than 100 were turned away when the supply ot lutotlsk, meat balls and pastry ran out. The lodge members wished te thank th public for th support given the nterprta, whloh has gained In popularity each yar. Old time and awing muslo was played for dancing after th dinner. VITAL STATISTICS BIRTHS REED Born at Hillside ho, pital January 15, 1939, to Mr, and Mra. R. L. Reed, 1011 Shel don atreet. a girl. Weight: I pounds, 12 Vs ounces. KUHN Born at Klamath Val. ley hoapltal January 15, 1939, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Knhn, South Sixth street, a girl. Weight: T. pounds, JOHNSON Born at Klamath Valley hospital January 15, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Alf Johnson, 443 Michigan avenue, a boy, Weight!, ( pounda 91 ounces. HUGHES Born at Klamath Valley hospital January 15, 1939, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Hughes, rout 1, box 964, a boy. Weight: 7 pounds 2 ounces. . CARD OP THANKS We wish to express our thank and appreciation to our friend for their many acta ot kindness and lovely floral offerings extend ed during our bereavement, th loss of our beloved, Mrs. Laura C. Peters. Roy Peters, Mrs. Mae Kellogg, Monty and Ted Kellogg, Mrs. Alt Chase. Drew's Manstore January Clearance Sale Continues Wool Shirts Psllt Values to $9S jf..l 2.48. Now 1 TT UVI All Wool All Wool All Values to $9 29 1M.4S. Now J 7la 9.1.03. ' Now Wool Underwear 10 105 4 Wool Now 69 50 Rt'- 2 "5 t ! WaaI Sow A 59 100 R s-95 wool N:ow 3 49 Get your winter's supply of wool shirts and under wear now at these low prices. DREW'S Manstore 733 Main Since 1918 LOCAL AGENTS & CO. Phone 533