The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 09, 1939, Page 3, Image 3

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    January 9, 1939
YltHKA, Onllf., Jan. 9
Charge! urn muds In a report
hy thn Msklyou enmity grand
Jury llml Justice! of the pearo
III this roiinly aciniellmei fine
defendant! bolllo of whiskey
nil then, with the M of tho
defendants, drluK in "nil.
The ronort wna filed with the
mporlnr conrl. It acorei liquor
enforcement In the county gen
erally, with pnrllculnr reference
to I ho Tulelako and Dorrle iee-
The rnnnrt snld. Ill pari:
"We fool that thn slate board
of equalisation h linen very
lax In ltd enforcement nf the
lliliior Inwa In ninny prl of thli
county. particularly around Tula
lake and Dnrrls.
"We ask that aald honrd ahould
look tnln their local enforcement
offlren' nrtlona and aee that the
law la heller enforced and direct
that a copy of thin reenmmendn
Ion ha lent to Itlchard B. Col
Una, tnamher of the Hale hoard
of equalliutlon for thla dlalrlct.'
With reierence to the court'
room parllea In which the Jua
lire, end their defendants tils
pose of the liquid tinea, the (rand
lurnra aald:
"There have been complalnta
made to ua regarding the admin
duration of tha Justice!' courta
throughout tha county. It haa
heen charaed that In omo in
atancea flnea havo heen levied
In tha form of a bottle of wnis
ky, tha Judge and tha defendant
then drinking the wblaky.
"We condemn thla practice and
feel that In general the Juatlcea
of the peace ahould conduct their
courta III a hotter manner."
Final preparation! and de-
clalona aa to the theme and ma
terlala of tha Klamath county
exhibit In the Promenade of
Countlea of the Hhaala-Caacade
Wonderland dlaplay at he Ban
Francisco World'! fair will ha
made In Klamath Fall! thla Tuen
iler and Wedneeday. Tom I.
Stanley, general manager of the
Shasta-Cascade Wonderland aa
aoclatlon and managing dlroctor
for tha Hhasta-Casrade Exposl
tlnn commlaalon, will be In Klam
a Ui Falla thoas two daya to con
for with Frank Jenklna. Klamath
county director, and W. J. Dins-
more, county council chairman
of the aaaoclatton, and with Klam
th county's exposition commie.
"Any Klamath county offlcla
or citizen who may have eug
gestloni to make, or exhibit ma
terlala to offer, la Invited to
confer with the committee on
theae mattera." advlaei Stanley,
In announcing the purpose of th
conference!." It la tho dealre o
Klamath county expoaltlon com
mlialonera and eiactulvei of tha
fihasta-Cascade Wonderland
aoclatlon to ma We the Klamath
county eihlblt truly representa
five of all phaaea or tha county
attract ona and resource!.
"We believe that with auch
on inland I tig representation al th
Oolden (lata International Ex-
poaltlon with our Shaata-Cascada
building, our Wonderland court
the Colonnade of Countlea and tha
Countlea I'romennde, thla county
haa never before and will not
aoon again have auch a aplendld
onnortunlty to capitalise on It
acenlc, reorentlonal, agricultural
and Induatrlnl reaourcea."
Conference headquarter! will
be at tho Hall hotel, where any'
one Interested In tho auhjoct
under dlacuaalnn la urged to call
at any time Tueadny or Wednea
day, January 10 and 11.
Deputy Sheriff Dale Mattoon
returned Sunday from Salem, Ore.
after escorting recently aentenced
prlaonera to the atate ponlton
Tho prlaonon were 0car Carl
Hon, who la nerving four years for
forgery: Wesloy Miller, one year
for larcony In an office; Robert
Gordon House, one year for at
tempted burglnry and entry; Cecil
Patterson, four years for contrlh'
titlng to the delinquency of
minor, and Sherman Blnnkenshtp,
two yeara for forgery.
Fair Mondny night and Tuosday
morning frost In lntorlor; fresh
northerly wind off coast.
OH BOON Gonornlly fair Mon-
day night nml Titendny hut tin'
settled northwest portion; valley
fogs southwest portion; little
change In temporature; gentle
changeable wind oft const.
I'm stnrtlng my socond hundred
years In a lot bettor shnpe th
I stnrtod my first hundred.'
Avory S. Tionrdsloy, Dotrolt, on
nta loom uiruitiny.
Grnclo Fields, England's favor-
Hn comodlonnn, doesn't want to
run for Pnrlliunont, Probably
couldu t aland tho competition.
Activiliei of the Spanish-American
American Velornnj, The Volorani
Legion and Thoir Auilirio.
Chapter No, 12
Tho Disabled American Vet
erans of tho worici war, cnup-
12, held a regular meeting
miliary 0 In tho I.annr temple.
Arrnngnmenta were made for In
stallation if officers, achnduled
for Jiuiunry 13 at l.eglon hall.
Htnto department orticnra win
here for the lusliilhilliin cere.
mnnlea. Tha poat will serve re
Tha women a auxiliary to the
DA V also held a meeting at the
Labor temple January 6 and
lected offlcara for the year.
lies offlcera will he Inslulle'l
at the January 13 mealing at
l.eglon hall. All women ellgnne
for mnmherahlp In the organiza
tion aro Invited to be prosnnl
at thill time,
All afternoon lunellng of the
nuxlllary has been called at the
home of Mrs. Clara lliiriiett, l icit
Johnson, Tuesday at 2 p. m.
Further Information may he nii-
Ined hy calling Mrs. Lnfdnhl,
telephone 206.
I'cllian I'oel No. lima
Veteran'! of Foreign Wir's
auxiliary met for their monthly
meeting Thursday evening, Jan. o
Library rluh room. President Nona
f,ee being absent. Past President
Loclla Kchorlgnn acted aa prcsi
dent: We aro hoping to aou all
our alstara at the next meeting.
Hlster Christy la reported murii
better. We all hope to aee her
around aoon. Welcome home
Comrade (ieorga We are
glad to have you with us again,
Also Comrade Itlchard Fielder
from Homedale, who haa been
sick. Is around again. Next meet-
lnr to be held Jan. 19. Will he
aoclal night. Hoping to aee all
our sinter and couirndca present
I'rllran Post UIHII
The Veterans of Foreign Wars
of the United Klatcs Is lust exact
l what the name Implies: It is
en organisation of men who have
f mi lil tho foreign wars of the
United Ktalci on land and aea.
The little cross of Malta, wlilcn
la the emblem of membership.
worn proudly by men who have
learned what It meuna to ne
member of this exclusive organ
tatlon; and there la a federal law
which makes It a misdemeanor for
anyone to wear thla omhlem who
la not a bona fide mourner.
Each post of tho VFW main
talna a service offlrer ahoso duly
It Is to look after the Interest of
any member who may he In ncu
not only members or nia own p".
hut likewise the member of any
other post (the ilrangcr within
our galea) who might find himself
atranded and In need of financial
or other asslslunce.
The ast meeting or i-oucan
post 1383 aa held Thuraday eve
ning. January 6. There waa a
good attendance, and plenty of
Ket rem nr moetlng will no
A reported request by the fed-
rl in ml u commodities corpora
tion that It be exempted. In Ha
nronosal to use cotton nags ior
shipping citrus rriilt enst ior r
He! ourDoses. from tho 10 per
eent frelcht rata Increase Imposed
on goods shipped In sub-standard
containers brought turtner reper.
cusslons from Klamath lunincr in
terests Monday.
AlKoma Lumuor company re
ported that It had tolegrnphed or
flclala of the Santa Fe, Weatern
Paclflo and Southern Pacific llnca
and the chairman of the standing
ralo commission of tho iranscon
tlnenlal rate bureau asking that
they unite In opposing any at
temnt to lift the 10 nor cent pen
ally clause In connection with the
FSCC shipments. A almllar wire
waa sent to son. Burton K. wnoci
or of Montana, member of tho
aenato committee dealing with
railroad affairs.
Organised opposition haa al
ready developed among mill cm
nloyea here to tho FSCC'a project'
od uso of cotton lings lustoad of
the standard wooden boxes used
by citrus growors.' It was expect
ed a like attitude would be adopt
ed generally In regard to the ro
quost tor suspension of the rate
"Sacrament" waa tho auhjoct
of the Lesson-Sermon In all
Churches of Christ, Scientist, on
Sunday. Jnnuary 8.
Tho Golden Text wns, "Tho
brend of God is he which comoth
down from hoavon, and glvoth life
unto tho world" (John 6:33).
Among the citations which com
prised tho Losson-Sormon wns the
following from the Dlblo: "An
ns thoy wero eating, Jesus took,
hrend, and blessod It, and hmko
It, nnd gnvo It to tha disciples,
and aald, Take, eat; this is my
body. And ho took the cup, nnd
gave thanka, nnd gave It to thorn
saying, Drink yo nil of It" (Matt,
26:26.27). .
The Lesson-Sormon nlso Includ'
od tho following corrnlntlvo pub
angoa from the Christian Science
textbook. "Sclonco nnd Health
with Key to tho Scrlpturos" by
Mary nnker Eddy: "Ills truo floah
and blood wore Lite; nnd they
truly oat his flosh nnd drink his
blood, who nartnko of that at'
vine Life" (p.2l).
War Vatoraru, Tha Ditablod
of Foreign Won, Tha Amorican
the evening of Jnnunry 10, and
fflcera anticipate a lively affair.
( nit No. H
Th American Legion auxiliary
held Its regular mooting Tuesday,
nniinry 8, al I.nglnn hull. At that
meeting plan! were completed for
the district conference to bo held
here Hnlurdny, January 14, when
Ihe auxiliary will bo hostess to
Department President Iluxel Hny-
dor, Department Secretary Ma
Whltcomb and District President
Edna Ovcrmeyer si well ai all
nit momher! from Lakevlew,
Merrill, Mnlln, Tulelako and
A potluck lunch for guest! and
in em hers will bu hold al 12 o'clock
linn at l.eglon hall.
The afternoon meeting will he
presided over hy the district presi-
ent, Mrs. Ovcrmeyer, and win
et under way at 1:3(1 o'clock at
the hall.
Al 7:30 p. in. a hunquot for
Ix-gliinnaliea and auxiliary mem
bers will ho held In the Klk hotel
banquet room, with a dance fol-
The unit president, Lucille
llrltt, haa requested a large at
tendance of auxiliary members al
both meetings Saturday. The
membership rhulrinan, Neva La
Forge, bus asked those, who have
not yet paid their 1038 member
ship fees to do so promptly, ai
the dues becamo delinquent janu
ary 1.
Kliiinntll Post No. H
Tho district conference will be
held In Klamath Falls, Saturday,
January 14. Starting at noon
the women or the Auxiliary will
hold a covered dish luncheon In
honor of thn visiting auxiliary
members In tho dining room of
the Legion hall. The dining
room haa been redecorated by a
orew of volunteer Legionnaires
especially for thla occasion.
The l.eglnn and auxiliary will
earh hold a business session and
conference, starling at 2:30 P
m. In tho meeting roootna at the
Legion hall. All offlcera and
committee chairmen are urged to
bo present at thla meeting
many tdeaa of value to all
Legionnaires will bo presented by
tho visiting state officers. All
Legionnaires are welcome at thla
meeting, and a large attendance
la desired hy tho local offlcera.
Merrill. Mnlln. Tulelake and Dnr
rls have been Invited to thla
Tho commander, Clyde Thomp.
son, haa Issued a plea for 1939
memberships, to be presented to
he department commander, John
llockwlth, during his tlslt here,
All members of thn membership
committee are asked to take
The evening will be devoted
to a banquet and dance to be
hold at tho Elk hotel at 7:30 p,
All Legionnaires, their wives
and members of tho auxiliary are
cordially Invited to be present
and meet all tho department of
fleers of both organisations.
Carl Schubert waa appointed
by the commander to another
three-year term on tho house com
miltee, having Just completed
thrco-yenr term January 1.
Equity No. 6329
City of Klamath Falls. Oregon.
a municipal corporation, Plaintiff,
Tho First National Ilnnk of
Portland, Oregon, Klamath Falls
Ilranch, a corporation, successor!
to tho First Natlonnl Dank of
Klamnth Falls, Oregon, a corpor
ation, nnd the First National
Dank of Klamath Falls, Oregon,
n corporation; Klnmnth Falls
Land nnd Transportation Com
pany, a corporation; Gcorgo A.
Uartlott nnd Leone B. llnrtlett,
husband nnd wife; The Klamath
Development Company, a Cali
fornia corporation; Anglo-Cull-fornla
Trust Compnny, a Cali
fornia corporation; Fred L. Hous
ton and Klila Houston, husband
nnd wlfo; L. I. Whltod nnd Jnno
Doo Whltod, husband nnd wife;
Jnmea Tlorney nnd Jnno Doe
Tlorney. hnsbnnd nnd wlfo; Anna
It. Morlcy, Angelina Rich, J.
Rose Howers, nnd the unknown
heirs of Lydla Ragati, deceased;
E. S. Vontch, trustee for Luke E.
Welkor; ' Charles C. Low, nlso
known ns C. C. Low and Lena
Low, husbnnd and wife; Alice N.
Dnlloy. John Schmidt, nnd Jane
Doe Schmidt, husbnnd and wife;
B. F, Gould and Jane Doo Gould,
husbnnd nnd wlfo; John H, Blako
nnd Mary J. Blnko, husband nnd
wlfo; D. G. Busby and Eva Bug
by, husbnnd and wlfo; M. G, Muc
Nevln, n widower; S. L. (Irlmmott
and Jnno Doo Grlmmett, husband
and wlfo, Amorican Natlonnl
Bank ot Klnmnth Falls, Oregon,
a corporation, Tho United Stntos
Natlonnl Bnnk ot Portland, Ore
gon, Klnmnth FiiIIb Brunch, suc
cessor to tho American National
Bnnk ot Klumnth FnllB, Oregon, a
corporation: E. M, Bubb, admin
istrator with' tho will nnnexed of
tho estato of J. U. Minor, do
censed, Elliott S. Minor, Louis C.
Miner, und Donnld Minor, a
minor, heirs to tho estnte of J.
U. Minor, docensod, nnd nil un
known holra of snld cstnto; Let-
tie Stoltenborg, Mnrlo E. Zaoh'
arlnh, Chnrles W. Seeds, Lucy
M, Tygnrt, heirs of tho OBtnto of
SnrnU L. Smith Seeds, docensod,
and nil unknown holrs of said
ostnto; John Houston nnd Clara
Houston, husbnnd nnd wife; W.
D. Kelso nnd Thelmn Kelso, mis
bnnd nnd wlfo: Bnldwln Hard'
wnro Compnny, n corporation; T.
B. Walters, alio known as
Thonins 11. Wutlois, nnd Evelyn
Watten, husband and wife; Roy
n. Sloper and Jane Doe Hloper,
husband and wife; Warren Klng
don and Jane Doe Klngdon, hus
band and wlfo; Oeorgo W. Mc-
Collum and Mabel McCollum, hus
band and wife; W. A. Hunt and
Jane Doe Hunt, husband and
wife; II. H. Wilson, a widower;
William W. Connera and Ger
trude Connors, husband and wife;
William Held and Jeaslo Held,
husband and wife; William Gn
nong, a widower; Wesley B. Al
len and Elma K. Allen, husband
and wife; llurgo Mason and Mae
C. Mason, husbnnd and wife; Wil-
llnin S. Worden and Ilertha K.
Wnrden. husband and wife; W.
8. Williams and Annie Williams,
husband and wife; W. u. Miner
Cnnatructlon Company, a corpor
ation; Earl Sharp and Christine
Shirp, huiband and wire; i.enora
Keller and Charlc! li. nenor,
husband and wife; A. R. Borland
nd Jane Doe Borland, nuanana
and wife; Hoy Hamaker and Bess
Hamaker, husband and wife; B.
M. Pattlson and Jane Doo Pattl
son, husband and wife; F.dwnrd
II. Ashurst and Inea Ashurst,
husband and wife; J. Perry Wll-
aon and Mary Wilson, husband
and wife; J. K. McAndrowa and
Delores McAndrewa, husband and
wife; Eva B. Duncan, now Eva
Booker, and George Edwarda
Imuran, heirs of the estate of
William M. Duncan, deceased; A,
M. Melby and Jane Doe Melby.
huaband and wife; Hilda B. iur
ry and Richard Roe Murry, hus
band and wife; C. C. Miller ano
Jane Doe Miller, huaband and
wife; John Kenney and Jane Doe
Knnney, husband and wire; u. ll
Woodbury and Jane Doe Wood'
bury, huaband and wife; Luke E.
Walker and Jane Doe waixer
huaband and wife, and Geor;e A
Nichols, assignee of Luke E,
Walker: Marlon Barnea and Lu
die Barnes, husband and .wife:
Susan U. Nine and Richard Roe
Nine, husband and wife; Henry
C. Davla and Robert P. Davla
Dorothy E. Taylor. II. C. Groea
beck, Gordon Dixon, and Irma
Dixon, husband and wife: Granta
Pass and Josephine Bank, a cor-
norallon. First National HanK or
Portland. Oregon. Granta Pass
Branch: United Statea National
Bank ot Portland, Oregon, Granta
Paaa Branch: Heston B. Rhodes
and Jane Doe Rhodes, husband
and wife; Elltabeth Clendennlng
and C. R. Clendennlng, husband
and wife; Russell W. Ford and
Mary B. Ford, husband and wife:
Beulah V. Neal. W. W. Faulkner,
A. W. Jolly, and Beatrice D. Jol
ly, huaband and wife; O. F. aum
wall and Grasla Zumwalt, bua
band and wife, Gordon Dixon and
Irma Dixon, husband and wife,
Klamath Commercial Service
corporation, State Induatrlnl Acci
dent Commission of tbe Slate ot
Oregon. Mra. J. L. Sparretorn,
wife of J. L. Sparretorn, and aole
heir to the estate of J. L. spar
retorn, deceased, Loreni Company,
a corporation; Marie cummtngs
C B. Hwanro and Jane Doe Swan
in huaband and wife: Sarah E
Jeffrey, devisee under the Will of
Edward B. Mills, deceased, and
nil unknown heirs of said ealate
Fred L, Houaton and Virginia
Houston, husband and wife; L.a
Prarlo Brothora and Anderson
Motors. Inc.. a corporation; Allen
Sloan and Madge Sloan, husband
and wife: tbe unknown heirs of
W. I. Nichols, deceased; William
W. Baldwin, sometimes known aa
Will Baldwin, and Mabel J. Bald
win, husband and wlfo; P. A
Brown and Jane Doe Brown, hua
band and wife, and R. W. Brown
and Jane Doe Brown, husband
and wife; Eleanor S. Deerlng and
Richard Roe Deerlng. husband
nnd wlfo; Frank Ruth and Jane
Doo Ruth, husband and w 1 1 e
Alice Annleeate Pell. Moray L,
Annleaate. Lena L. Smith, Mar
garet Applegate, Albert Hopkins
lerce. helra of the eatate ot ivon
D. Applegate, deceased, and all
unknown helra of snld estate
Adjustment Bureau of the Port
land Association of Credit Men
a corporation; R. H. Koch and
Jane Doe Koch, husband and
wlfo: Fred H. Cofer and Alma J
Cofcr, husband and wife; W. D.
Kelso and Jane Doo Kelso, hus
band nnd wife, and T. B. Wat
tors, assignee of W. D. Kelso; M
L. Johnson and Alice Johnson
husband and wife; United States
Natlonnl Corporation, a corpora
tion: Klamath Korporatlon, a cor
poration, Roeso Wlngard and Jane
Doe Wlngard. husband and wile
Stanloy W. Martlu-and Jane Doe
Martin, husband and wlte; Larry
Nolllgnn and Jane Doe Nelllgan
husband and wife; Roland Wright
and Alice V. Wright, husband
nnd wife: E. S. Veatch, trustee ot
Luko Walker and Jane Doe
Walker, husband and wife; Wil
liam C. Taylor nnd Jane Doe Tay
lor, husband and wife; J. D. Lai
onbr and Jane Doe Latency, hus
band and wife: A. V. Humphrey
and Jane Doe Humphrey, husbnnd
and wife; E. J. Fowler and Jane
Doe Fowler, husband and wlte
Jennie Snyder nnd Richard Roe
Snyder, huaband and wife; Hom
er Myers nnd Jane Doo Myers,
hnslmnd and wife. E. M. Chllcote
and Sue Chllcote, husband and
wife: D. M. Smith and Herman
Smith, husband and wife; Sydney
B. Evans, sometimes known aa
Syd Evans, nnd Lora E. Evnns,
husband and wife; Joseph rnins
kv nnd Jnne Doe PhlnBky, hus
bnnd nnd wlfo; John M. Jones
and Jnne Doe Jones, husband and
wife; W. W. Aldredgo and Jane
Doe Aldredgo. husband and wife
Chnrles F. Bolllngor and Jnne
Doe Bollinger, husband and wife
Lnurn Schell and Rlchnrd Roe
Schcll, husbnnd and wlfo; Albert
Roy and Jnno Doe Roy, nusDana
nnd wife: William J. Jamison,
widower, Minnie R, Jamison,
widow of Edward E. Jamison, de
ceased, Elsio E. Randies, a single
person. Maude Plorce and J
Pierce, husband nnd wife, Ella
Dungey nnd L. H. Dungey, hus
band and wife, and all of the un
known heirs ot A. M. Jamison
deceased; A. C. Glenger and Jnne
Doe Glenger, husbnnd and wlte
Agnea Pierce and Richard Roe
rierco, husband and wtte, to
Wrijuui t' i i
gather with all other persons,
parties, firms, or corporation!, un
known owning or claiming any
right, title, Intereal, or estate In
or to the real property or any
part or parcel tlioreof and here
inafter described, Defendants.
TO: George A. Bnrllett and
Leone B. llnrtlett, husband and
Ifn; John Schmidt and June Doo
Schmidt, husband and wife; John
II. Blako and Mary J. Blake, hus
band and wife; D. G. Busby and
Eva Busby, husband and wife;
Jane Doo Grlmmett; Mario E.
Zachariah; W. D. Kelso and
Tbelina Kelso, husband and
ife; W. S. Williams and Annie
Williams, husband and wife;
Christine Sharp; Charles L. Kel
ler; A. R. Borland and Jane Doe
Borland, husband and wire; u. u.
Miller and Jane Doe Miller, bus-
band and wife; Jane Doe Kenney;
Dorothy E. Taylor; Gordon Dix
on; P. A. Drown and jane ime
Brown, husband and wlte; R. W.
Brown and Jane Doe Brown, hua
band and wife; Stanley W. Mar
tin and Jane Doo Martin, husband
nd wife; Larry Nelllgan and
ane Doe Nelllgan, husband and
wife; J: I). Lazenhy and June Doe
.atenby, husband and wife; A. V.
Humphrey and Jane Doe Hum
phrey, husband and wife; James
Tlerncy and Jane Doe Tlerney,
husband and wlfo; William a,
Worden; George A. Nichols; Hes
ton B. Rhodes; Margaret Apple-
gate; E. J. Fowler and Jane Doe
Fowler, husband and wlte; ine
Klamath Development Company
California corporation; Anglo-
California Trust Company, a Cali
fornia corporation; L. I. Whlted
arid Jane Doe Wblted, husband
and wife; Anna R. Morley; Ange
lina Rich; J. Rose Bowers; the
unknown heirs of tbe estate of
Lydla Hagatz, deceased; B. F,
Gould and Jane Doe Gould, hua
band and wife; M. G. MacNevln;
Elliot S. Miner. Louis C. Miner,
Donald Miner, a minor, helra of
the eatate of J. U. Miner, de
ceased, and all unknown helra of
aald estate: tho unknown belrs
of Sarah L. Smith Seeds, de
ceased; Lettle Stoltenberg; Lucy
M. Tygart; Roy R. Sloper and
Jane Doe Sloper, husband and
wife: W. A. Hunt and Jane Doe
Hunt, huaband and wife; Wesley
8. Allen and Elma E. Allen, hua
band and wife; Roy Hamaker
and Bess Hamaker, husband and
wife: Eva B. Duncan (now Lva
Booker). George Edwarda Dun
can, helra of tbe estate of Wil
liam M. Duncan, deceased, and
all unknown helra of said estate;
Sarah E. Jeffrey, devisee under
the will of Edward B. Mills, de
ceased, and all unknown helra of
aald estate: the unknown heirs ot
W. I. Nichols, deceased: Moray
L. Applegate, Albert Hopkina
Pierce, helra of the estate of Ivan
D. Applegate. deceased, and all
unknown helra of aald estate;
William C. Taylor and Jane Doe
Taylor, husband and wife; Agnes
Pierce and Richard Roe pierce,
husband and wife: First National
Bank of Klamath Falls, Oregon,
a corporation; Klamath Falla
Land and Transportation com
pany, a corporation; Alice r.
Dally: American National Bank
of Klnmath Falls. Oregon, a cor
poration; Baldwin Hardware
Company, a corporation; Warren
Klngdon and Jane Doe Klngdon,
husband and wife: H. S. Wilson;
William Reld and Jessie Reld.
husband and wife; A. M. Melby
and Jane Doo Melby, husband
and wife: Hilda S. Murry and
Richard Roe Murry, husband and
Ife; G. H. Woodbury and Jane
Doe Woodbury, husband and
wife; Susan G. Nine and Rlcbard
Roe Nine, husband and wlte;
Grants Pass and Josephine Bank,
corporation; Elizabeth Clen
dennlng and C. R. Clendennlng.
husband and wife: Russell w.
Ford and Mary B. Ford, husband
and wife; Beulah V. Neal; W.
W. Faulkner; Klamath Com
mercial Service. Inc., a corpora
tion; Marie Cummlngs; C. B.
Swango and Jane Doe Swango.
husband and wife; LaPrarle
Brothers and Anderson Motors,
Inc.. a corporation; Eleanor S.
Deerlng and Richard Roe Deer
lng. husband and wife; tranK
Ruth and Jane Doe Ruth, hus
band and wife; R. H. Koch and
Jnne Doe Koch, husband and
wife; Klnmath Korporatlon, a
corporation; Jennie Snyder and
Richard Roe Snyder, husband and
wife; Jospeh Phinsky and Jane
Doe Phinsky, husband and wlte;
John M. Jones and Jane Doe
Jones, husbnnd and wife; W. W.
Aldredge and Jnne Doo Aldredge,
husband and wife; Charles r . Bol
linger and Jnne Doo Bollinger
husband and wife: Laura Schell
and Richard Roe Schell, husband
and wife: Albert Roy and Jane
Doe Roy, husband and wife, the
unknown helra of A. M. Jamison,
deceased; Defendants.
each of you are hereby required
to anncar and answer the com
plaint filed against you In the
above entitled suit on or netore
Thursday the 9th day of Febru
ary. 1939. that being the last
day ot the time prescribed In tbe
order for publication of this Sum
mons; and If yon fall so to
answer or appear for want there
of the nlaintiff will apply to the
Court for tho relief prayed for
In its Complaint, to-wlt:
For Judgment and decree and
that auch decree be entered aa-
Judging and decreeing that the
defendants herein n a m e d nnd
each nnd everyone of you, nnd
nil other persons, parties, firms,
or corporations unknown owning
or clnlmlng nny right, title, claim
Interest, Hen or estato be decreed
to have no right, title, claim, in
terest. Hen or estate In or to snld
real property nnd lnnd In the City
of Klnmath Falls, .Klamath Coun
ty, Stnte of Oregon, doscrlbed as
follows, to-wlt:
The nremlscs In Buena Vista
Addition to the City ot Klamath
Fnlls, Oregon, according to the
duly recorded plat thereof, on
file in the offlco ot County Clerk
of Klamath County, Oregon, and
described as follows, to-wlt:
Lota 8 and 9 In block 10.
Lot t In block (7.
Lot 3 In block 73.
Lot 2 In block 78.
Lot 6 In block 85.
Lot 11 In block 85.
Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 In block 86.
Lot 1 In block 90.
Ixts 12 and 13 In block 100.
The south 50 feet of lot 4 In
block 102 further described as
follows: Beginning at the moat
southerly corner of said lot 4;
thence northerly 60 feet along
the west line of said lot 4; thence
easterly 140 feet parallel to the
line between Iota 4 and 5 of aald
block 102; thence southerly 50
feet along tba eaat line of aald
lot 4; thence weaterly 60 feet
along tbe Una between lota 4 and
6 aforesaid to point ot beginning.
Lot 8 In block 103.
Lot 3 In block 107.
Lota 14 and IS In block 107.
Lot 20 In block 108.
Lots 6 and 6 In block 109,
Lot 10 in block 112.
Lota 2, 12, and 13 In block
Lot 1 In block 114.
Lot 58 of lloselawn subdivision
of block 70.
The westerly 29 feet of lot 63
of Roselawn subdivision ot block
The premises in Canal Addition
to the City of Klamath Falla,
Oregon, according to the duly re
corded plat thereof, on file In the
office of County Clerk of Klam
ath County, Oregon, and describ
ed aa follows, to-wlt:
Lot! 17, 18, and 19 in block 4.
The premises In Darrow Addi
tion to the City of Klamath Falls,
Oregon, according to the duly re
corded plat thereof, on file in the
office of County Clerk of Klam
ath County, Oregon, and describ
ed aa follows, to-wlt:
Lot 6 in block 304.
Lot 18 In block 306.
Lot 13 In block 307.
Lots 7 and 8 in block 308,
Lot 15 In block 309.
Lot 1 In block 311.
The premises in E w a u n a
Heights Addition to the City of
Klamath Falls. Oregon, according
to tbe duly recorded plat thereof
on file In the office of County
Clerk of Klamath County, Ore
gon, and described aa follows, to-
Lot 4 in block 15.
The premises in Lakevlew Ad
dltion to the City of Klamath
Falls, Oregon, according to the
duly recorded plat thereof, on
file In the office of County Clerk
ot Klamath County, Oregon, and
described as follows, to-wlt:
Lot 12 In block 55.
The premises in Falrvlew Ad
dition- to the City of Klamath
Falls. Oregon, according to the
duly recorded plat thereof, on
file in the office of County Clerk
of Klamath County, Oregon, and
described as follows, to-wlt:
Lot 11 in block 2.
Lot 3 In block 4.
Lot 4 In block 4.
The west one-half ot lot 6 in
block 7.
Lot 9 in block 13.
Tbe premises in Falrvlew Ad
dition Number 2 to the City ot
Klamath Falls. Oregon, according
to the duly recorded plat thereof,
on file In the office ot County
Clerk of Klamath County, Ore
gon, and described as follows, to
wlt: Lot 1 In block 3.
Lots 10 and 11 in block 7.
Lot 3 In block 8.
Lot 6 In block 12.
The west one-halt ot lots 7 and
8 in block 18.
The premises in First Addition
to the City ot Klamath Fans,
Oregon, according to the duly re
corded plat thereof, on file In
the office ot County Clerk of
Klamath County, Oregon, and
described as follows, to-wlt:
Lot 9 in block 4.
Lot 2 In block 9.
The central 20 feet ot lot 3 la
block 16.
Lot 8 In block 29.
The south 65 feet ot lots 9
and 10 In block 34 further de
scribed as follows: Beginning at
the southeast corner ot lot 10
aforesaid; thence northwesterly
along Seventh Street 6d feet;
thence southwesterly and parallel
to Lincoln Street 104.2 feet, more
or less, to the west line of lot 9
aforesaid; thence southeasterly
along said line 65 feet to Lin
coln Street; thence northeasterly
along Lincoln Street 104.2 feet,
more or less, to the point of be
Lota 9 and 10 in block 37,
Ensterly part ot lot 1 In block
41 further described as follows
Beginning at the most northerly
corner ot lot 1 aforesaid; thence
southwesterly along Lincoln
Street 35.2 feet; thence south
eastly and parallel with Fourth
Street 110 feet to the alley;
thence northeasterly along the
alley 35.2 feet to the westerly
line of Fourth Street; thence
northwesterly along Fourth Street
110 feet to place ot beginning,
Westerly part of lot 2 In block
41 further described as follows:
Beginning at the most westerly
corner of lot 2 aforesaid; thence
northeasterly on Lincoln Street
35.2 feet; thence southeasterly
and parallel to Fourth Street 110
feet to an alley; thence south
westerly along said alloy 35.2
feet; thence northwesterly along
the line between lots 2 and 3,
110 feet to point ot beginning.
Lots 6 and 7 in block 41.
The south half of lots 1 and
2 In block 43 further described
as follows: Beginning at the in
tersection of the westerly line ot
Sixth Street and the northerly
line of the alley through said
block; thence northwesterly along
Sixth Street 55 feet; thence
southwesterly and parallel to the
alley 104.2 feet, more or less, to
the westerly line of aald lot 2;
thonce southeasterly along aald
line 65 feet to the alley; thence
northeasterly along the alley to
the point ot beginning.
Lot 2 In block 44. .
The northerly one-half of lots
1 and 2 of block 46, further de-
scribed aa follows: Beginning at
the moat northerly corner of laid
block 46; thence aoutheaaterly
along the weaterly line of Sev
enth Street of said addition a dis
tance ot 65 tent; thonce south
westerly at right angles to Sov
enth Street a distance ot 104.2
feet to the westerly line ot said
lot 2; thence northweaterly and
parallel to Seventh Street a dis
tance of 65 feet to Jefforson
street; thence northeasterly along
the southerly line ot Jefferson
Street a distance ot 104.2 feet to
the place ot beginning.
A part of lot 6 and 7 In block
4 5 of First Addition of the City
of Klamath Falls. Oregon, fur
ther described aa follows: Begin
ning at the most southerly corner
ot lot 6 In block 45; thence
northeasterly along Washington
Street 69.4 feet; thence north
westerly and parallel to Sixth
Street 30 feet; thence south
westerly and parallel to Washing
ton Street 69.4 feet; thence
southeasterly along Sixth Street
30 feet to place ot beginning, be
ing part of lots 6 and 7 In aald
Lot 1 in block 48.
Tbe premises of Hillside Addi
tion to the City of Klamath Falla,
Oregon, according to the duly re
corded plat thereof, on file In the
office of County Clerk of Klam
ath County, Oregon, and de
acrlbed aa follows, to-wlt:
Lou 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, and in
block 10.
Lou 1. 2, 3, 4, 6, , 7, 8, and
9 In block 11.
Lot 16 in block 13.
The south half of lots 1 and 2
In block 20.
Lots 3, 4. 6, and ( in block 20.
Tbe premises In Hot Springs
Addition to th9 City of Klamath
Falls, Oregon, according to the
duly recorded plat thereof, on
file In the office ot County Clerk
of Klamath County, Oregon, and
described as follows, to-wlt:
The north part of lot 2 in
block 17 further described ai fol
lows: Beginning on the westerly
line of lot 2 In block 17 at a
point 123.5 feet from the south
west corner ot said lot; thence
north 76 53' east 60.1 feet to
the east line of said lot 2; thence
northwest along the aald eaat
line of lot 2, 84.9 feet to the
north line of lot 2; thence west
erly on the north line of lot 2,
24.6 feet to the west line of lot
2; thence south on the west line
ot said lot 2, 73.5 feet to tbe
place of beginning.
The south part of lot 2 In
block 17 further described as fol
lows: Beginning on the south
west corner of lot 2 in DlocK ll,
thence easterly along the south
line of sad lot 2, 5D.6 leet;
thence north 21 27' west along
line of nrlvate drive to an inter
section of a line running south
72" 27' west from a point lit)
feet northwesterly along the east
erly line of lot 1 from the south
east corner of said lot 1; thence
westerly along said intersection
line to the west line OI lot z
thence south on the west line of
lot 2, 60 feet to the place of be
Lot 3 In block 17.
Part of lot 6 in block 17 fur
ther described as follows: Begin
ning on the southerly line of
Portland Avenue at me norin-
westerlv corner ot said lot 6 In
block 17; thence southerly on the
line between lots 6 and 7 ot said
block 17 a distance ot 100.4 feet
to a stake; thence easterly at an
angle to the left of 8a" a ais-
tance ot 32.1 feet to a stake;
thence northerly 98.3 feet to the
southerly line of Portland Ave
nue at a point midway between
the northeasterly corner and the
northwesterly corner ot said lot
6; thence westerly along the
southerly line of Portland Ave
nue a distance ot 39.1 feet to the
point ot beginning except an ease
ment for driveway and reserva
tion of sewer easement.
Lot 12 In block 17.
Lots 16 and 17 in block 18.
Lot 21 in block 18.
Lot 16 In block 27.
Lot 15 in block 30.
The premises in Second Hot
Springs Addition to the City ot
Klamath Falls. Oregon, accord
ing to the duly recorded plat
thereof, on tile in the office ot
County Clerk of Klamatn County
Oregon, and described as follows,
Lot 8 In block 4.
Lot 15 In block 57.
Lot 3 in block 60.
The premises in Industrial Ad
dition to the City ot Klamath
Falls, Oregon, according to tne
duly recorded plat thereof, on
file In the office ot County Clerk
of Klamath County, Oregon, and
described aa follows, to-wlt:
Lots 20, 21, and 22 in block 7.
Lots 62 and 63 in block 17.
The premises in Original Town
of Klamath Falls, Oregon, ac
cording to the duly recorded plat
thereof, on tile in the office ot
County Clerk of Klamath County,
Oregon, and described as follows,
Lot 3 In block 1.
Lot 5 in block 6.
The premises in Mills Addition
to the City ot Klamath Falls,
Oregon, according to the duly re
corded plat thereof, on file in
the office of County Clerk of
Klamath County, Oregon, and de
scribed as follows, to-wlt:
Lot 329 in block 111.
Lot 4S0 in block 114.
Lots 481 and 482 in block 114.
Lots 675 and 676 in block 116.
Lot 668 in block 116.
Lot 645 in block 119.
Lot 379 In block 122.
The premises In Mills Second
Addition to the City ot Klamnth
Falls, Oregon, according to the
duly recorded Plat thereof, on
file In the office ot County Clerk
of Klamath County, Oregon, and
described as follows, to-wlt:
Lots 7 and 8 In block 200.
Lot 11 in block 206.
Lot 12 in block 206.
Lot 14 in block 214.
The premises in Nichols Addi
tion to the City ot Klamath Falls,
Oregon, according to the duly re
corded plat thereof, on file in the
office ot County Clork ot Klam
ath County, Oregon, and de
scribed as follows, to-wlt:
Part of lot 3 In block 64 fur
thor described as follows: Begin
ning at the most southerly eor
ner ot block 64; thenca north
easterly along the northwest Una
of Lincoln Street 88 feat to tha
southwest corner of property
herein described, the true point ot
beginning; thenca northwest at
right anglea to Lincoln Street
106.6 feet; thenca northeasterly
and parallel with Lincoln Street
60 feet: thence southeasterly and
parallel with Seventh Street 106.1
feet to nnrthwestorly line of Lin
coin Street; thencs southwesterly
along northwest line of Lincoln
Street 60 feet to the point ot be
ginning, being a portion ot lot I
ot said block 64.
Part of lot 8 In block 64 fur
ther described aa follows: Begin
ning at the south corner of bloek
64; thence northwest along th
northeast line ot Seventh Street
'106.6 feet to the point ot begin
ning; thence north along th
east line of Proapeet Street
167.44 feet; thence southeast and
parallel to Seventh Street ex
tended 91.72 feet; thence south
west and parallel with Lincoln
Street 32.6 feet; thence south
east and parallel with Seventh
Street extended 13.5 feet; thence
aouthwest and parallel with Lin
coln Street 97.75 feet to the point
of beginning.
The premises in Railroad Addi
tion to the City of Klamath Falls,
Oregon, according to the duly re
corded plat thereof, on file In
the office of County Clerk ot
Klamath County, Oregon, and de
scribed as follows, to-wlt:
Lou 12A, 12B, 12C, 12D. II,
14A, 14B, 15A, and 15B In block
Lot 2 In block I.
Lot! 15C, 16A, and 16B la
block 3.
Lot 4 B In block 6.
Lot 5A In block 6.
Lot 13D In block E.
Lot 9A In block .
Lot 36B In block 7.
The premlaes In Riverside Ad
dltion to the City of Klamath
Falls, Oregon, according to th
duly recorded plat thereof, on
tile In the office of county ciera;
ot Klamath County, Oregon, and
described aa follows, to-wlt:
Lot 1 In block 16.
Tbe premises In Second Addi
tion to the City of Klamath Falls,
Oregon, according to the duly re
corded plat thereof, on file In th
office ot County Clerk of Klam
ath County, Oregon, and de
scribed as follows, to-wlt:
Lots 7 and 8 In block 17.
Lot 10 In block 18.
Lota 7 and 8 in block 19.
Lou 11 and 12 in block 20.
Lots 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 la
block 21.
Lota 7 and 8 In block 24.
Lou 9 and 10 in block 24.
Lots 13 and 14 In block 29.
Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 23,
and 24 In block 82.
Lots 9 and 10 In block 35.
Lou 2, 3, and 4 in block 41.
The premlsea In Shire's Addi
tion to tbe City of Klamath Falls,
Oregon, according to the duly re
corded plat thereof, on file in
the office of County Clerk ot ,
Klamath County, Oregon, and de
scribed as follows, to-wlt:
The north part ot lot 6 14
block 1 further described as fol
lows: Beginning at the northwest
corner of lot 6 in block 1: thenca)
In a southerly direction along thsj
west line of said lot 6, 70 feet?
thence east 55 feet, more or less,
to the east line of said lot 43
thence north along the east Una)
ot said lot 6, 70 feet to th
northeast corner of said lot 6;
thence west along the north Una
of said lot 6, 65 foet, more or
less, to the point ot beginning.
The following real property
and land described by Metes and
bounds in section 32, T. 38 S. R
9 E. W. M., described as fellows:
Beginning at a point In section
32 T. 38 S. R. 9 E. W. M. from
which the quarter corner on tha
north boundary ot said section
bears N. 33.24 chains and east
19.28 chains; run thence N. 491
east 1.82 chains (120.12 feet) to)
the right bank of the Big Klam
ath Water Ditch; thence S. 39
E. 7.84 chains (517.44 feet):
thence S. 49 W. 1.42 chains)
(93.72 feet); thence N. 41 W,
to the place of beginning; ex
cepting a frontage of 150 feet
sold to K. M. Manning and ex
cepting that portion of Conger
Avenue Included In the above de
scription. And further decreeing that yon
and each and everyone of yon and
II other persons, parties, firm
or corporations unknown ownlnaj
or claiming any right, title, In
terest, lien or estate In or to th
real property or any part oil
parcel thereof be forever enjoined
and debarred from ever asserting!
In law, equity, or otherwise any,
right, title, claim. Hen, Interest!
or estate in and to said real
property and land or any part or
parcel thereof adverse to plain
tiff, and for such other and fur
ther relief which to tha Gourd
may seem Just and equitable lnf
the premises.
This Summons is served upon!
you by the publication thereof!
once each week for a period of
four (4) successive and consecu
tive weeks (5 Insertions) in tha
Evening Herald, the official
newspaper of the City of Klam
ath Falls, Oregon, a municipal
corporation, published daily and
ot general circulation In th
County of Klamath In the Stat
of Oregon, by order of the Hon
orable Edward B. Ashurst, Judg
of the above entitled Court, mad
and entered on the 6th day of
January, 1939,
Date of first publication of thla
Summons Is January 9, 1939.
Date ot last publication Is on
February 6, 1939.
(Signed) '
City Attorney,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
221 Odd Fellows Bldg.
Klamath Falls, Oregoq
J9-16-23-30. F6 h'v. I