PAGE SIX THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SERIAL STORY. LOVERS AWEIGH ' ... BY BETTY WALLACE COPYRIGHT IIH NIA SCRVICC. INO CAST OF CHAACTBH i JtinV AICOTT-alMh Jaaaaiar. Saa faeaa a eaolea kiwm two aarr aaHara. - D W I a H T CAMPBHI.I MM. tbu lltatraaat. Ho tmcri okolro kolwom ki wlfa aaa ar. JACK HANLBV rl ' aallor. Bo faro a t of HIMI ! MARVEL HATIf OS wr rito. Ska faaa ha tM of bolos 4foo4 oollor. . t .... 0 . ; ' Tooora7i ' korf-oook-In orroo, Jaa kilo forcwrll IMaae, woodtr. If oil lata l worta, . aralla lo fco WOTT. Bat krj aaolkor aaaarea ar It lo, tkot IMoao wool karo 4ooo It all otot asaia. . CHAPTER XXITt ; TACK HANLEY had been Jn Sick Officers' Quarter. A month now. His urn hd knit besutl 1 fully, his rlbi were almost well. Be could alt up in bed, but he hadn't been Jn a wheelchair yet. Commander Sloane believed In doing things slowly. He had said, "You want to fly again, don't you? Take It easy." Judy, who spent much of each day there In the white room, was happier than she had ever been before. They talked of their mar riage. "A week after you get out, whenever that to!" She wouldn't have big wedding, like Marvel's. But she'd have all that mattered. Her father, giving her away. Her mother. Her friends she ' had grown up with, on stations all over the world. For their honey moon, there would be a motor trip, and a visit in Virginia with Diane. The memory of Bill Bell still lived with Jack. Bitterly, sometimes. "He had a child. Maybe it would have been better if I" "No!" Judy said. "No, no, no! You mustn't talk that way. There must have been some rea something we cant see. YouTl do wonderful things for the service.' One afternoon when she was getting ready to drive to the hos pital, Magda Hamilton came in. "Just got back from Bremerton yesterday. The Texarkana and the destroyers and everybody will be in tomorrow. She sat on the sofa. "We we were shocked when the news came about Bill Bell. That s the breaks, I guess." Then she said, "Have you beard what happened up there?" . Judy said, "No, I haven't What?" , . - "Your friend, Mrs. Campbell,' aid Magda. "She didn't come at first. Tommy said Dwight waa al most outjpf his mind. Kept wiring her. Then she showed up, a week ago." a a : JUDY was Impatient Her lnter- " est In Dwight Campbell and Marvel was dead, she told herself. They had their lives to live, she had hers. She looked at her wrist- watch. "I don't want to be late. Jack waits for me. You know how dull S.O.Q. Is." Magda said, "She came In a yacht, with a party of friends. That man we met at her house- warning Cary Tennant It was his yacht" She shot Judy a specula tive glance. "To make a long story short, she and Dwight had an awful row. In public On the Trade, to be exact She said she was going back on the yacht the way I heard the story, and Dwight said it was a disgusting way for a married woman to carry on. Something like that" Magda stood up. "I don't want to keep you. Just wanted to say that everybody knows she's left him, and we're all wondering if hell batch it over In that modern mansion of hers, or stick aboard ship." Judy found no words. She and Magda went out toeether. But ai Magda got into her own car," sh was smiling a little. As if she knew what havoc her news had wrought In Judy's breast Judy turned the key In the igni tion, stepped on the starter furi ously. What difference did it make If Dwight and Marvel had quar reled? She had forgotten Dwight Campbell was on earth. But had she, asked a small voice Inside her. Had she really forgotten? Or had she only been too glad to sink her torment into the ready balm of Jack Hanlcy's love? He needed her. He'd been hurt She had worried about him, been grateful he had come through alive. It waa natural that her pity for him should whisper to her wayward heart trap her into believing it was love. ooo OUT it was love. It was peace u ful, and sweet and real. She would marry him and have a good life. She didn't care what Marvel and Dwight dldl They meant nothing to her! But the image ahe had tried hard to banish forever rose again. Just the sound of his name could bring it back. His eyes, the way his hair grew. His splendid height The touch of his fingers, burning on her arm. "No!" she said out loud. And then she found that she was driv ing past the white house where he had lived with Marvel. It was not on the way to the hospital. How had she gotten here? Furiously, she turned the car, almost careening over a curbstone. She drove swiftly to the hospital. Her cheeks were bright with color. She marched into the bare hall, she entered the elevator. She must calm herself. Jack would be sure to see that she was upset . . . He had been reading a book she had brought him. He laid it aside. "You're late!" "You weren't reading! You were Just looking." "I can't help it" he said. "I count the minutes. The clock seems to stand still. You try lying In bed, with nobody but a dumb "She's a pretty nurse." "She hurts when she starts after those bandages." Then he asked, "What kept you?" "Magda Hamilton, back from Bremerton." "Ob," "Gossip, that's all." She would not tell him about Dwight and Marvel. She would not And yet somehow, the words were saying themselves. "Marvel Campbell ar rived in a yacht Cary Tennant's yacht" , "The slick, dark-haired chap?" "Yes. And Marvel and Dwight had an argument Right on the ship, the way Magda told it Tom probably told her. The fools!" 0 0 0 JACK leaned back among the pil lows. "Those two were due for stormy weather. It won't help his personal reputation file any to have stuff like that in it" Then he said, "So mat's why you're you're " "I'm what?" she asked quickly, challenge in the way she said it "I was just repeating meaningless gossip." , , He didnt answer. ' She dropped her eyes. "Do you think it isn't meaningless to me? Do you think I care?" "Judy," he said slowly, "I know you've never really gotten over him. Love's a funny thing. I know how he hurt you, and I know what a cruel, arrogant creature she is. But just the same, you never were able to ignore them. You never wholly forgot him. I'd be blind, not to know. Sometimes, when you sat here, planning the future with me, I thought maybe I was wrong. Maybe you did love me. But don't you see, while Dwight and I are in the same navy, my path and his your path and his are bound to cross. I'm not prying, I don't want anything but your happi ness. Judy, look at me. Tell me the truth!" Judy raised her eyes. Her lips quivered, but she said steadily, "Dwight Campbell means nothing to me." And even as she said it, she knew she was lying. (To Be Continued) ' The sun makes its annual ap parent north and south journey between the tropic of Cancer and the troplo of Capricorn. The word "tropic" is derived from the Greek word meaning "to turn," and at each of these imaginary points, the sun appears to turn and start back toward the equator. FLAPPER FANNY By Sylvia -an. tmnmjL soviet. . . t. a. mo. u. . mt. orr. OUT OUR WAY, BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE With MAJOR HOOPLE r"i ) " '' " "' -y --,. I 111 i 1 mini an 1 1 - j J I J' ' I - I I . .1 IiffillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllFf WELL, TM' COOK W 1 GUESS THWT fP MY UMCLS M -rHB OLD YWf A ri 4an WMmMmm I f cowpuncherwho w peach was iff n2vi IcS hfM apalopmimb cot f TOWK) AN WE'RE RUIKJEDSIX Sf Lcn 7 li WHEM Sv:A GUAWED BY TWO MUTTS ) :. A KNIVES AM' 1H0EB ' NIPPED 0Y t-v, l YOU HAD IM A DO(S FldjHT OMCS Y l l THIS WVWKWO'.... I t FO&kSOMA , A A POOCH ON CS V' RABIES THEY J-'f m Juri.uc J-i I l I HE'S PUT TH' STOve .STOVE LID HAft AND SO rAV 7 ntcr-frTZL L&A AND WHbM HE yC Ml 1 11 't3 OUT8IDB SO Jl MAOB HIM kIND W M frL , Jl USED TO SPOKE OUT lU JFZ.S, J-mfl A we WOKJ'T MT 'EM K OP CAREFUL Mt, 1 LATERTO TH' feA YOU OFF 7 S-7 A. I ATVjFC Boy'- WMWPmWk MIXED WITH TH' W Ji ? POT HB WOKE ? vuitua. eo. ,a S1 LATHER RaMW j&illPsK PANCAKES A 1 P)J M-ZM V Yh uZZtZ WITH ASQUAD V, OF BOW-WOW, (Twtwa MiihilWL- rrfiTtnlllllliTnl illl'- A L,MQ of6rbnapibrs ' jitters ms X m 1 TWKmmmKM 1 LIKEAPRA.R,e.v( .MOWTHEY L( THOUGHT HB - J? W uPWlv POa AFTER OUST LASSO L kVA9 BOTH U HOOPut ' r-. : ; . v THHCopr. it sv mi. ..ovirr'-r J 'if J UJU I ,y.J MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE COME TO LOVIES DRESSIKI& Room- quick; III go, buzz- vou'd better. stay here amd look for the major j i T I 0A BY THOMPSON AND COLL' rr was oust Line somethiwo FHOKA A MOVIE .SCRIPT.' WERE TEA., SHE KEELED 50METHIW0 PT.' we I k..SUC5OEl0LY RIGHT OVEE.I nTjfc " v 1 vyj-SL-A Bun amo DAISY PONDER. THE MAJOB'S MVSTERIOUS MR- HOLLAR -I JUST VWX I WMV, THE tJOOHS LISTEN!.' " 'A HAPPEWED TO M, BEEN NAILED f OOMETHINO'S 7 , THINK-PERHAPS WtfWM SHUT MOVINS f) WM HEWSWTINTO Y4Wa It u -J I INSIDE J ' VS M,S PRIVATE- r7 M III Y T-rv yPROJECTION J 1,. 1 ( LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE F wvwrs THE IDEA. PROWLING i oriKiMft coo V ANVWPTY? QUICK. ROSE THOSE MEN FR1GHTBH ME CALL THE POLICE' 'r s WE CX) NO Y THIS FINE OLD HARM. I HOUSE- WE ADMIRE I FRIEND -WE I IT SO MUCH- Jt ONLY OPEN THE DOOR TO BT PERHAPS THIS M THIS CLOSET- K HOUSe IS FOR f fj LOOK IN ONE )'l SALE? NO? BY HAROLD GRAY AH TOO BAD - SUCH BEAUTIFUL WOOD WORM - SUCH PROPORTIONS SUCH CHARM- r vw1 B V AM VPS . 1 U WE MUST BE I I COME. WE WmW'A MINUTE' mi eASV. KANDV- THOSE GUMS ARE AWFUL SMART-THEYLL BE ON OUR TRAIL MUSTNT UT ft soul see oe br-r-r- WATER'S SURE COLD. BUT tT LEAVES NO TRACKS FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS BY BLOSSER N (J .... m-nmmm : . a i ' ' " " 'Y ill eesiAOio J-JkmmM VXT Bur, pop, ive wor to , ) Jtr ire the spirit f aiVB TOU MONCY TO f (SCT.JUNB BOMETHIN6 QOSH y DAD, WHAT BEHIND IT THAT COUNTS, .BUY FRECKLES A NO, V ITS IMPORTANT TO MB Jf SO M SHALL BUY JUNE ) BUT AS LONO AS aCsros x Christmas sift oaody, . 7AROU U For Christmas ? J You're 7YiNa to iOOK N r- J-S I'D RATHER K T-r--- TbWNJ.THBN, ris1 'CUTOUT FRECKLES ON THREE j I fy' EARN IT MYSELF I Si Ji feS I V ANO LOOK EOR I jj. x MCOOOSEY I GUSSS DUfBRKNT II K ( IT WILL MAKE THE I Ct' "BB I V A JOB S ' -LjZrC I WE'LL HAVE Tb MAK aL S Uaw J V PRssewT mean so J ' .fw I , 1 rfr-n " I 1j IT sowBTHiNa , prbtty . and see m -Ta WASH TUBBS BY CRANE BV THE WAV.X PEESTOL?,-r ATX1LFO, TJID WAT rj A TX30BLE -BARRELED AWTIQUE, FOR YOUR COLLECTIOM. I CAN'T UNDERSTAND W. WVY BBAMCH mama&er PROMISED TO TJE LWER IT IN PERSON. HO.'HOMOf THAT EES A SOOD JOKE OU DAWSOU.' f HO-HO.' HE THOUGHT THE PERSOM WLfk ( I CAN'T SEE AMVTHIUS FUMMV VAH,VES, A VERr . WAS AW ASSASSIU-HAW HAW HAW-r ABOUT THAT. CARIOCA'S A REGRETTABLE . AMD HAT) HIM ARRESTED' FRIEMD OF WIME. HE WAS D0IM6"TAKE. BUT '-. - 1 ME A PERSONAL FAVOR. 700M WORRV, MAC, tk2 (7Z 7XWT OLt BOV-I,AOOIFO WfiSS f fV ' - 1 I OS LA CUCARACHA, ' I 1 I I V NEEL FE HEEM ' aaaaaaaaaaaaal I ' I T laaaaaaaaaaaaaaJaf I"-' COPR. IM By mea aepaicE. lur. T. M m If Iat. OF'. BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES BY MARTIN BOOTS YIS? YtS,60 0M y- 'Then It must snapped at him first! He never picks a fight." VLtAfc TRY TO UMDtRSTAMD VAtLL,rAO&T OF it vs roRora. l& PfcaovoftL, &ljt Ht.t, I6MT bOK)&TOTtU.NOU VHtRS WE. S AMD OOtiiMT "vOAVJT VOUTO TOV TO TIWD CUT1. Hi b AMD PLPA3.Vi& OM 6PWIM& 006 TO PUT HWtetL'F THWOU6H SCHOOL lNjc.T tePW. T ''a J VES. VES 60N6 TO OP COLLEGE TOR. SA-S Ht'S MORS tV TO 'atCOAt A DOCTOR t t THVNW. VOU HAD EST- TfcR. RAO THE R.teT , DEAR. . toOW,SOCfT&" I UJOULDtO T FfctY. TOO BADLY VOU IOOjO HAMDY OLO tlOOU&H TO WSiCNO WHAT. Ht'6 0OVi4 y . COP. 13BYNt 6tBVICE.INC. T. M. BEO. U. pAt. OfFj