December 3, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THREE Bazaars Attract Attention of Klamath Falls Women During Month of December Holidays Approach Bazaars, Benefits, Carol Singers, Pageants Fill Month of December Month of December, frosty mid clear. Christ iiiua enrol, mid I lm guy, lust iiiliiiilu I'x'lln liieut of Krt wrappings tnl do llvurlni of iiuvkuiiuH. This week two bnxaara war Ilia point of Interest, bolh hold Badirdny, l)ecomhor Ilia Ihlril, on by HI. Mary's mid III oIImt by Ihn I. 'H Aid of llin Meth odist I'liurcli. HI. Miiry'n linisniir, apnnaored by th women of Hucrnd Mom I church win hulil In III armory and Hi Molliodlnl hitiunr wo hold In III chinch purlora. Ilolli worn grand fun, everyone wont In one or llin olhor, nnd (iiilln I fnw tried to qiiruca In both of tlm affnlra. And next Huturduy, which l Dcmher Ilia tenth, Ilia Guild of Ht. Paul' Kplacnpnl church will hnvo lh ii ii mi ii I hnlldny bataar In Iho parish house. Woman of Kulnlonu chaptor, Daughtara of Iho American Itev olullon, havo been busier than bar. TylbK KiikIIbIi plum pud dluga In ImK nd cooklUK them In lb rcnl wny Hint you'll find In 177) cook book. And Ihry'va mdo oino wonderful HkIiI nnd dark fruit cakea, II all dnpenda on which you llko lb boat. And bolh pudillrm and fruit cakea ra now on nulo l tlm offlc of lb regent or l)AU, Mra. Iloh. erl Odoll un Kliiliih alrocl, jual oft of Mnln. And If you haven't tlm to drop In, call Mnrgarot l.amb at 779 and you'll hare a pudding or a rnko In tho wink of an oy. AAUW woinrn are planning a riirlaluiaa party mid thnra la hardly a club In the city that lan't making aoma aori of ar rangements for f'tirlatinaa ex changes and parlies 10 onter laln hiiabanda. It olwnya aroma that the women forget Iholr husbands until It romea Christ maa lima. And then they nl way bring thom Into the aorlnl circle. Might ha a good tlm 1 th real of tho year, too. Not only la December lh of ficial holiday month, hut tt'a a month when we try and do a little more than our uaual run of good deed. Now over at lb fir elation, for Instance, lh fir laddie have been knee high In toy, loya that need to bo re paired and repainted, wheel) atralghlened out nnd wlgi put on dolla. Hut they nord more toya, and especially loya for lit tie glrla. fio It you'll be no kind, lh firemen will appreciate any mm My.,-, h";. ' 'Hi-' ' ' i " i j j f i ' f I . ' 1 1 1 ' , M -. " a v,' X it, ' s ' ; . i "i . , ' i !t t A ' ' i ' MiaKMHHMMaaaBBBaaaaaBxnaHa , NOVEMBER BRIDE. Mrs. Lynn Propsf (Vera Forbes) whose marriage was solemnized on Sunday, November the twenty-seventh in Portland. Mrs. Propst is now making her home in this city where she is being greeted by tho many friends she has made during frequent visits. , Gladys Gilbert picture HOLIDAY PARTY TO BE GIVEN TUESDAY BY NOBLE GRANDS On of tho flint of th holi day part lea pliiuned for lh coming iiioiiIIi will bn hold on Tuoaduy nfloruiiiiu, December Ilia ninth, when tho I'uat Nohl tlrnnda will enjoy a on o'clock, luncheon nnd gift exchange at th IOUc h,,, n wua nil tioiincod Unit gift have bond limited to Iwonly-flv conn. The hostesses fur thn after noon will bo Mra. Margarol llldon and Mra. Anna Joy, Mr. Jennnln Hhlel enter tained member of th Jolly Klgbt club af luncheon Krl dny iiftnnionn al her home on lliiniild at reel when cover were laid for Mra. Jeaal Wonch, a gueal for th after noon, Mra. Violet Vance, Mr. Jennlo llrovor, Mra, Muybell Keyea, Mra, Mury (ilnahach, Mra. I .on Konundy, Mra. Myrtl .McOiiIIoiikIi, Mra. Mlnnlo Pad gntl and the lioateaaca. Th next meeting of Iho group will bn a Christmas party and gift exchange. ANNUAL XMAS PARTY SLATED FOR MONDAY EVE There will be a Chrlatmai party for the momhora ot Kula lona chuplcr, liuughtera of lb American Revolution, when III group meet Monday evening, December the fifth, al th horn ot Mra. Henry tionller on Tin eiroet. Mra. Harry Ackley will aerve aa aaalatlng hoateaa and In charge of Iho program la Mra. L. O, Arena. The annual gift box tor Angel lalnnd will be packed on thl night and Mr, llurge Maaon Mr., la In charge of the Angel Inland committee. Mra. Hubert Udell, regent of Kulnlon chapter, announced Hint all memhera of DAK, whether or not they are affllla ated wllh thla chapter, are In vited to the (.'Illiniums party. A dancing party, aponsored by lh Daughter of Job, waa planned by tha younger act for Saturday evening, (tonight). In the Mnannlc temple. old or new toy that would de light the heart of a child on Chrlatmaa morn. All tha churchea are buy too, thl time nrrnnglng carol serv Icea, pagennla for lh Sunday achool, and moro thnn on fond Mamma la wondering If Junior la going to be chosen na one of the three wine men. Do you know what carol muni? It menna to dunce In a ring! Portland Girl Bride Miss Forbes Weds Klamath Falls Boy November 27 Th marriage of Mine Vera B. Forbea of Portland and Mr. I.ynn K Propat of Klamath Kails waa aoleninltcd before a large group of frlenda Sunday afternoon, November the twen-ty-aeventh. at a alx o'clock cere mony In tha Methodlat Kplaco pal Flrnt church In Portland. Iteverend William O. Korbea, the father of th bride, read th wedding aervlce. Th bride waa lovely In a tailored floor length gown of whit aalln, with a long, flow ing veil of whit net. Cream colored roaebuda and mixed Bhade of bovardia formed her arm bouquet. Mlna Ava Forbea, tho bride' alator, acted aa maid of honor, and ber gown for the occaalon waa of royal blue allpper aalln with matching accoeaorlee. An other alater, Mia Ona Forbea, and MIbi Buean Kolvleto, were the brldeamalda'. Their frocka wore ot Ihe new deep rose abode of allpper aatln. Mr. Harry Surlon. Jr., of thl elty, attended the groom, and Mr. Harry M. Jones and Mr. George U. Grlnnell, Jr., acted aa ushers. Preceding the ceremony, Mr. Clayton Card Bang "Hocattae" nd "Ah, Sweet Mystery ot Life," accompanied at the or gan by Miss Savllle Riley ot tha University of Orogon. The brid al party entered to the strains of Lohengrin' "W odd I n g March" played by MIsb Ittlev. A reception followed at lb homo of the bride, 2150 North west Johnson street, Portlnnd, where many friends bnde fare well to the young couple before their departure for this city to make their home. Among those who went north to attend the wedding were Mrs. Ed Propst, Miss Ava Forbes, all of this city; Mrs. Lester Lsnger of Grants Pass, sister of the groom, nnd her cousin, Miss Betty Zone Jeffors of Redding, California. Mrs. Propst Is the daughter of Reverend and Mrs. William G. Forbes ot Lebanon. For the past sovorsl years she has mndo her home In Portlnnd where she has been employed. Mr. Propst is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Propst of this city nnd Is well known among the young er set hero whore he nttendod achool. He Is employed at the Klamath Falls postofflce. Mr. and Mrs. Propst have ta ken an apartment at tbe Cas cade where they will make their home. FRIENDS HONOR MRS. COOPER AT SURPRISE PARTY. Mrs. Frank Cooper was pleas antly surprised whon a group of frionds droppod In at her home on Roseway Drive Wednesday evening. Mrs. Coop er was presented with a hand kerchief shower in honor ot her birthday. Pinochle and brldgo wore plnyod. High bridge score was given to Mrs. J. H. Dunham. Pinochle scores wore given to Mrs, Guy Bellant, high, low to Mrs. Enrl Epoch and the travel ing prlxo was awarded to Mrs. L. E. Henry. Following the games a pol itick supper was served to Mrs. J. H. Dunham, Mrs, Lester Stringtellow, Mrs. Art Palmer, Mrs. Rrr Johnson, Mrs. Guy Bellant, Mrs. Enrl Epoch, Mrs. L. E. Honry, Mrs. Joe Smith, Mrs. Enrl Smith, Mrs. Walter Fuller, Mrs. Lee Kennedy, Mrs, Dean Bradley, Mrs. C. A. Pauley, Mrs, Frank Sexton, Mrs, Cal Stiles, Miss Norma Coopor, Mlns Lttolln Coopor and the guest ot honor, Mrs, Frank Cooper. OBSERVE GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. William Byron Barnes, for many years residents of Klamath Falls, observed their golden wedding anniversary at their Fifth street home quietly on Monday, November the twenty-eighth. The Barnes received members of their family end a few close friends during the day and a family dinner was an event of the evening. Mrs. Barnes is tho former Miss Ava Matilda McDowell and her mother was Mrs. Flavia McDowoll, prominent pioneer woman and resident of Summers Late. Kennell-Ellis pictures. OPERA BALLET CAUSES MUCH INTEREST HERE Ono of tho staff or the San Francisco Opera Ballet relates an Interesting incident that oc curred when tho ballet was playing a southern California city last summer. Ho was being entertained In the drawing room of a well known southern California host ess when a bullet discussion de veloped. The hostess main tained that any audience could be drawn under the tpell of ballet a performed by great artists regardless of place or circumstances. As the San Francisco Opera Ballet was appearing In the city, and she was having thirty odd people of distinction at din ner that evening, she decided to prove her point. Thcro was a mad scurrying about, platforms wcro built in the pntio, lights put In, a piano moved In. When the guests ar rived and were shown to the terrace, tho lights were dim and no ono suspected that a ballet performance was to bo given. Suddenly the lights were thrown on revealing the setting. MYERS, Proudly Received Christmas Gifts from Myers' Gifts in the frosty white and dazzling silver Myers' wrappings that male them look as festive outside as they do withinl It's high time you gave serious (but not solemn) thought to your Christmas lists. Flocks of bright ideas are here gifts touched with feminine glamour, the unusual, the luxurious choose now at Myers", a gift shop ablaze' with holiday glory. Whether your selection is a costly imported treasure or a light-hearted inexpensive trifle let her have the joy of opening a Myers' box. the pianist played tbe opening measures of the first number and before startled guests re alized what was happening, a group ot principal dancers from the San Francisco Opera Ballet were on the platform In a ballet figuration. The experiment was on. The setting was perfect. Soft lights thrown against the patio background of white atucco with a kneeling statuette framed In a niche of the wall; formal, low cut hedge greenery form ing patterns along either side; a live oak twisting Its branches over the entire scene with col orful blossoms and trailing vines just beyond the direct glow of the lights. Against this fanciful design, eight dancers In severe, unre lieved black. Tbe figures moved In slow ballet figurations, grad ually Increasing tempo and movement until tho platform was a live spot In the night. Cleverly the action and move ment was built up, carrying the audience along In unresisting compliance with tbe mood. The first words heard were from an ermine wrapped lady, who had been Introduced as a countess. She said: "I will carry this with me for 0 c Proudly CHRISTMAS PARTY GIVEN BY MOE'S STORE Mrs. James A. Souther of Moe' store, entertained mem bers of the firm with a dinner party and dance Wednesday evening at tbe Midway Inn. Covers for more than thirty were laid around a prettily ar ranged centerpiece of red and white crystal Christmas orna ments and crimson favors and carnations were used on the ta ble as well. Mrs. Bert Nokleby, Mrs. Rose Larson, Mrs. Bernard Rawlins and Mrs. Mabel Upper were In charge of tbe arrangements. Following dinner dancing and games were enjoyed until af ter midnight. Mrs. Louis Bradford Is spend ing this week in San Francisco as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Auten Bush. Mrs. Bush will be remembered as Mis Maryellen Bradford. many years." A simple expression but ap parently the reaction ot tha en tire group. Given - Pro America Plans Tea Affair To Be Given Fore Part Of January At Anderson Home Plana for a membership drive tea to be given on Jan uary the seventh were made at the -meeting of Pro America held Monday evening at the courthouse, with Mr. Charles Snyder, vie president, pre siding In the absence of the president, Mrs. O. O. Guernsey. The tea will be given at the home of Mrs. R. II. Anderson on the Lakevlew route with Mr. Leslie Rogers as ssslktlng hostess. During the afternoon Mrs. H. C. Blackmer will speak on "Why Pro America," giving as the answers a prac tical political education for women, personal contact with women ot other states to form ulate national policies bene fitting all, and to awaken In dividual women to the re sponsibilities Imposed on every American citizen by the priv ilege of self-government. At the next meeting of Pro America on December the twelfth, the new constitution and by-laws will be presented by Mr. Lloyd Goble and new officers will be elected to take office on January tbe first. It was announced that In- FOR THE PERFECT GIFT GIVE BARBIZON FINE LINGERIE we lnow All tht women employed In our store are acting as testing laboratories for Barbizon slips, gowns, pajamas. They are all wearing them, washing them, giving them a real hard work out! It's part of a plan to tell the consumer the facts about the merchandise we sell. Now that our girls have first hand knowledge of Barbizon Tailored Lingerie, ask them.. Now Do Barbfxons FHf How Do Barbions Wear? How Do Barblzons Wash? Aro They "Good Buys"? You will be interested in the report of these voluntary "testing laboratories" and you will learn about Barbizon seam strength, the amozing durability and beauty of their fabrics, the neatness and strength of their shoulder straps, the perfection of Barbizon cut and tailoring. Ask the girls they wear theml SUPS GOWNS v PAJAMAS $198 macs POTLUCK SUPPER EVENT SATURDAY) AT ANDERSON'S The home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Henry Anderson waa to be th scene ot an Interesting pot luck supper Saturday evening, (tonight), when a group of the younger married group met at eight o'clock. Following Bupper dancing was enjoyed and Christmas exchange held from a gaily dec orated Christmas tree. Quest were Mr. and Mra. J. Truman Runyan, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mack, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dixon ot Tulelak, Mr. Tom Willi of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. DeLos Mills, Mis Catherine Fulton, Mr. Haarby Becken, Mr. Bill Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snyder. eluded In the program from now on will be ten minutes ot parliamentary usages. Tbe tea will take the place of the January the ninth meet ing, but on January the twenty-third, there will be a study of tho wages and hour bill, led by Mrs. C. E. Dennis. On February the thirteenth, there will be a discussion on the Labor Relations act. The annual meeting of th state chapter of Pro America will be held In Portland on December the sixth when th Klamath Falls group will be represented by Mrs. Blackmer. . axvizon THEY'RE GOOD! to $495 ii !; !!