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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1938)
PAGE EIGHT THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SERIAL STORY LOVERS AWEIGH BY BETTY WALLACE ft copntiaHT, mm NKA VIC. INC CJAiT OF CHARACTERS JUDY ttOOTT-linlnl1! Ooakttr. rra a htiMtn two mtt aaltora. chole IIHI.I. amM. liuraan). He acjd ckolca klirrit ma wile aaa anir. JACK HAM.HV ln aallnr. . SI fd leaf of II valient loT. M AKVKIj II A TI N O ar .' yrttr. aa faee Ik ll ol bclac VOM aallor. V.alarllB! Ova Tr In mla Jaa ahaea Kkrlkrr aa lovea Jack. Tkcn on lat , tkai leltpknnn rtaaa wllh. an He ar! Mmin lor per inwm aa la III" aka crlea . CHAPTER XIX TUDY knew that sha mustn't let " go lute tnis. it was proDaDiy nothing Important. She was im agining things. But into her mind had come the picture ot planes flying over a dark sea, and she could hear again Jack Hanley's : voice saying. "We had . casualty.' Nothing had happened to him. No. No! Nothing could happen. He was the best flyer in the squad ron. Her mother opened the door, negligee thrown hastily about her shoulders. "Judy!" she said, draw ing the girl inside. "Father, what is it?" Judy ' gasped, as he put down the tele phone. His face was suddenly flint hard, with narrowed, tired eyes. The lines around his mouth had sprung into prominence. It was as if the 311 let man she knew had suddenly slumped under the weight of ail the responsibility of his position. He said heavily, "That was Naval Communications. They have picked up a message. I must go at once.' "What message?" Judy asked, Oh, tell me!" He said slowly, "We have no '. Information no complete infor- ' mation." "Was It the Enterprise?" she ' begged. "Please tell me! Was it ' an accident something about the planes' Her mother tried to hush her. "Come, Judy." She lecTher from the room, back into her o- a bed room. She said, "Your father has told you all he knows, can't you .see? Dont worry him. He has so much to bear!" In her eyes was the memory of all the other times Admiral Alcott had been waked in the night by a cry of distress. Judy herself remem bered vividly the night a mer chantman rammed a submarine, and her father had worked days and nights without sleep, getting every vessel under his command to the scene of the tragedy. The Falcon, tugjoats, submarines. Divers to go down. Emergency equipment from New London. All of it had been his responsibility, And when, in the end, there had been little they could do in that choppy sea to raise the doomed submarine, her father had been like a man whose heart has died ' inside him. "Nothing I can do" he had said. "Nothing." He never once spoke of the men who had died, trapped under the sea. But she knew ho had never forgotten. And her mother knew. 1 JUDY cried wildly, "But If It's the Enterprise, they wouldn't have called Father. Just tell me it': something else! I could stand anything else! Through her open, window she ' beard the big car stop with squeal of brakes. The enlisted man who chauffeured it had lost no time in getting here. Then the front door slammed. Her father was gone. He would be flnv:n swiftly to the Communi cations building at the foot ot Broadway. Somehow, someway, she must live through this time. In the morning, she'd know all about it But she couldn't bear the wait ing. She said, "It's like like that time at Lakehurst everybody was crying in the commandant's house " Her mother said, "It may not be the Enterprise." But she didn't sound very convincing. Judy cried, "You, you know! He told you!" - "Judy, you mustn't carry on like this." Her face was tired, too, and her mouth drooped. "He didn't tell me anything. I I couldn't ask" There was no sleep for Judy that night She tried to control herself, she tried to remember that if anything had happened at sea, Naval Communications would not call her father. The com mander of the battle force would be in charge. But wasn't he on the Pennsylvania? And on the Saratoga was the office of the man directly In charge ot plane car riers. She racked her brains, to re member the name of the officer on the station who worked with the airplane carriers. What officer ashore would be called It it was actually trouble on the Enterprise? SHE was too keyed up, too to think coherently. Her mother said sharply, "This is silly, Judyl It might be any one of .-. half dozen more or less rou tine emergencies, and you know it as well as I!" But Judy cried, "I tell you, I can feel this. I've been thinking about the Enterprise all night . . . Like a premonition of dis aster." Her mother said, "Nonsense!" She added, more kindly, "Every flyer's wife in the Navy has pre monitions every time her husband takes off. And what do they amount to?" Every flyer's wife. The words repeated themselves over and over in Judy's mind. She wasn't Jack's wife. Why was she carrying on like this? But he was her friend. Her best friend! As if her mother's thoughts had followed her own, Mrs. Alcott said softly, "I know Jack is very dear to you. But even if your pre monition is right and the trouble has something to do with the En terprise, remember there are many men aboard her. Dozens of other flyers. ... It isn't Jack. It can't be." The telephone rang again, Im periously. Judy jumped. "Ill take it," her mother said quietly. "Hello? Yes, this Is Mrs. Al cott" There was a silence. Then her mother's face seemed to gray as it listened, and she said at last, "My dear, I'm so sorry! So sorry! But they can't be sure yet It may be a mistake. Oh, well come at once, my child!" Mrs. Alcott turned to Judy. "That was Diane Belt She says the skipper's wife-telephoned her. They think they think Bill " "God!" Judy's nails punched into the soft flesh of her palm. But in the next moment choking relief flooded her. Little drops of moisture stood on her upper lip. She sobbed, "Not Jack!" over and over, as if even now she was afraid. "Not Jack!" TTER mother's arm slid around her shoulder. "Darling, you must quiet down. He wouldn't want you to act this way no mat ter what happened." And then she said, "We must dress quickly. We must get to Diane at once." Judy put her stockings on in a daze. She took out the first dress her fingers touched as they groped in the closet and slipped into it zipping it up while her heart pounded. Jack was safe. Jack. And In that moment realization like a high green wave washed over her. All her dread had been for Jack. Never, never had she worried this way for Dwight Why why could that mean did it possibly mean that she loved him? She sat down on the bed. This agony that had racked her because she thought he was in danger, was it because he was dearer to her than she had guessed? "Ready, Judy?" There was no time to think. he must go to Diane. But the first thing Diane said when she opened the door was. "Judv! Thev said they said two c lanes were down. Bill's and Jack Hanley's." (10 Be (continued) Animals of the cat family sheathe their claws for two rea sons: It keeps the claws from be ing dulled, and also allows the animal to walk noiselessly. Termites, more or less com mon, are found in every one ot the 48 states ot 1 the Union except North Dakota. FLAPPER FANNY By Sylvia k ... . COWL 1MI IT NCA SCRVICC, INC T. M. MC 0. ft. MT. Off.- OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE With MAJOR HOOPLE fi.V I UWOERSTAUD Al CAN'T BECAUSE f I'M A f YOU DON'T STN fffl EUREKA, LADS YOU 6EB HERB IMfl AY, WHV PON'T VOU 1 NOW, MISTER, I FK3GER I DOKJ'T RAILCCWJ I LI KB TH' IDEE vA THE HCOPLB POOL" PROOF DCX3 'Rltfl UP SOMETHIMO I'M JUST AM WHY IOU KNOW ENGIUEEP, Of BEIM' SEEK) CTATcHER BAITIWO TH STRAP. LUB THAT TOP, TIB M Tf&MABLS TfumbIp cYM Sto H SO TO SPEAK, W.TH A RECE JM RACKS AMD MSRCIWS M TOHElIJ AOwTBERV WHIT-. TOOAUCM I tTBAJTWElL, A P MEAT AMD HOLD.KJe THE Sfg CHESTS , SO WB CAM I I v OM THAT y MOTOR THERE FROM ME WE'LL. SEC S Pc"-E IKj PROWT, YOU APPROACH MAS THB U6MT- j ENDOFIT J CARW IT IS- Ok) OWE ' ' :( THE VICIOUS CAWlMe HE? PlMOEREO POACHER ! frAV7 J- Tf. J J v I SMELLS TMS MEAT AMD IM ' WHO'S BEEN PUTTlWO 1 IV1'4 TEA - WrrJ J V V? GRA&BIUG THB BAIT THRUSTS f I THE SMITCH ON) OUR K WxnlyrrJ) rfm&SiZ N yZ Hls head imto the wire moose A f shavimo cream h I M l liSl'fe rf- ft ft ( WU THEM PULL THIS WIRE lAJL AMD CRAVATS? i-' I Sm ahocpleEto. ( fib I &Sil.?bS&Sill BORM THIRTY YEARS TOO SOOM 12-1 J ll1-' com. lJaaav n itKici' inc. ATCH A HOOPLE Trt5"dTKr oT3&fV MYRA NORTH. SPECIAL NURSE BY THOMPSON AND COLl. I WELL, MiSS NORTH? ) WHV-ER-VES. MAJOR I n'D BE MIGHTY EASV VMWS RR ( CLEAR. OUT WELL. CUTiE, GuESSjaJLL .RB I IS rT TRUE -XJ WERE BUT I WAS JsUSV p - FOR SOME STRANGER. I . Z'A'W ji V ALL OP VOU 'J ' NIi"J ""S.100 BACK OF THAT rJJ WATCWIU&THE j TO SWEAU. BACK THERE f BUT, Yfffi Zj I WANT TO BACkl TO SOUEEDUMK.OR. rATI t (x J A -ck,p T-- J alii ivuar-ii mm m -njcia r-IiTcc. K'.f' 6EE , I WAS... I 'TTV .ST. WHEREVER. IT WUt YA COME 1 WHEW IT r -t-. v J S MAIU BRACES LOOSE J Wsff: 1( I AION6.' I V ; j FBOW--a'XOAaJ LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE ' " " ''L gy jrolD GRAY. f THOSE BKS 6HOTS- HOW CANN .' r""""""" 1 THERe IC NO A C cnoto AVFl "tHANK VOU, MV Vf yf . WB THEV KNOW AND WJYWW. , J MISTAKE -OUR 1 IFSjtV FRIEND -BUT LET HAVE HEW SPOSIN'THEY DO. WHATS AN AH THIS CLOSET ANO 1 SEARCH ITIS VOLIARB US SAY, RfflTHER, AXEL I LIKE A ORPHAN KID TO RICH GUVS "THIS PARTITION---ONE fl ENDEO--THAT IS SURE? SELOOt IS WRONQ- J SITTING BUJTT ONE, TSoSETOiSo HERE JUST THE RED-HE AD WE I L S!5E2J tVtrJf i "SPSS DS"tNOVy WHO?AM- ) LIKE A TELEPHONE . ONLT I HAVE SOUGHT- NOW f SURE? HAH SSuVSrv- HAfANrT DOE5 KNOW WHO I AM - BEXTER- J WE ARB, READY- J AXEL NEVER HME 0W QUARRV-irf ARg 'Ml a V, , IS WRONG- - ., m mu3 HUNTERS. a fefi fisii FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS ' BY BLOSSER LISTEN, JUNE, T- Wjr'r'"""r& f I'M JUST SORRY I " - jf YoO- L LlSTBN ,SUB PLBASH "w IF WERE SONNA f 1 If Sue WANTED WAS SUCH aTsilLY SOCS 1 f&t HOO ' ( BEAT VT t X LIKH Tb 3aT ) WELL, MAKE AN ISSUE OF lWONTf) TO KISS MY ( sueSSTHATS ALL X M0( FRECKLES ' - -A MY HBAOACHBS TUB PARDON TOUR. THIS, LET ME SAY ( LISTEN CHEEK , THAT'S , CAN SAY I w'X ijI , V NORMAL WAY ryA FOUR-WHEEU J ONE" THINS I M&Z V. HER BUSINESS !-JtC- X rfi BRAKES Zzrr--JVt 6 x didnT like '-fr-H f . fTrJS j3B&rs3faWw,h& n-, and that's, JfZzSS , I well W;tA?tf $ tyrs. C8& t T YT ySj ff WASH TUBBS BY CRANE e?rllIZbt lS W, WW''JL MSk I IlllllVrl''ff REE T,WES l W MORE ATTEMPT SEETHIHG WITH PL0T5AV1D IHTRIGUES. ( ' fjW:)ym II 1 1 llVftXzi-Z I WAU WEEK OM MV LIFE. VOU P16-HE APED I J muni 1 ' M,, ErwirSM nl EES TOO T LOOT, AMD YOU WEEL FEEL THE y "I'm not gonna bandy words with you! Lemme see your driver's license." BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES BY MARTIN THt MATTER AW-W'.'.X WNS iOb'TVWViVtWi AfcOOT iOb T' VocxtT-?VOViYJ Wi TH' SOTTOM O O OW , MOW. THAT. W.NT HEV.?Vi& ANWl 1 'PXOWT THWV. MOCrt OF HWA tSTHW VOATAtO HM AKiO AVV Vt WOOO FO ?OT CONfc KiOV ... LE'ft OW.&tT VWA HAViOY-l ISO . ViOKT COOMT uika L OOt-VT KWOVM WKtU'e 5 WHAT Vf & OOKiTi SOT V'M 0t Vt VAO A 6000 WEAbOW VOR. T AhiO lAit'LV- V,EA VOtA vw yv ,i hope , WON d sgw jCOFR. 130BYNEAtllVICi:,NC. V. M. flEQ. U. . PUT. OFF. )