Decpmber 1, 1938 LEGAL NOTICES Aivi:iiriHi:Mi'.N'i' I on iukh Honied Mils will lin received by Plunk II. Wlm, Hlnln (Initio Hiiimr vlr.or or the Oi KKiiu HI ill 1 u mo Ciilllllllnnliill nl 'Mm OniKon llilllil IllK, I'lii'llnml, Olcumi, mull o'clock I1. M. Ill"' her IB, 103". tor Hi" eonatmrllou of Hani mi'l Ilsnrlnil I'miils unit niiimrtennnrnn therein for Tim OioKon Hlnln (Inmii Commission. Oickoii IIiiIIiI lug, I'nrtlniid, Oregon, mi'l will Hum mill Ilium hn niii'iied anil pub licly rami iiloml. II !! m received nf lor Mm tlino flxi'il for opening will not bo connlileroil. IMaiin, specifications mill form of contmol ilunniiciiin limy bo ex amined nl (bo offices of KonW mul Schneider. Architects, IUUV Kpiiltllng IIiiIIiIIiik, Portland, On1 (nil, nl it ml of unlil plans, apod flnitliina, mill forma imiy be ob tained nl Mio office of Knnlil hVlitiolder, AicliH"tl, loot) Hpald lii( IIiiIIiIIiik, I'ui I IiiikI, Ori-gun. upon deposit of (2(1 OH. Tim full mnoiiiil of ilcpoiilt fur ono sot of documents will ha re turned to onch ncluiil blililor with in a rounoimliln ilinn nfior receipt of bids. Other ilimalls will bo re funded Willi deduction mil exceed Im Ibn nciiiiil com of rnproduc- lion of I liu ilriiwlni!, upon t ho i il ium of nil documenta In kooiI con dlllon within 3(1 dnys nflor lbs (Into of opoulnif bids. Knch bhl bull bo nccnmpnnled by certified chock, cashier's chock or bll bond (wlib autlmr !! surety compmiy as surety) mails paynblo lo lbs ownor In amount nut limn Minn 6Ve of lbs amount nf bll. Tim Oregon Hints Uiiino Com nilaalon reserves the right to ro Jcl any or all bids, anil to wulvs Inforiuallllos. No bidder may wltbdruw bla bid aftor tli" bour nut for tbo opi'iiliiK thereof, or liefum award of eon tiari, unless nalil awnril la delayed for a period exceeding 30 duyi. 11 It oallmnlod tbat there will bs avallubls for lb work to bo dons Ululur Ibla nilvcrllaomuiil aubatniitlnlly Ibo auiu of 2'J. 490.00. Kit ASK H. W1KK, Huporvlaor Oregon Btalo (Jams Commission. First publlrnllon December 1 11.H. Ijint publlrnllon December 8 1988. D. 1-8 No. 196 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN 34 Automotive Olti:iO' hTVIi; IIKillWAV COMMISSION NOTCH TO COM ll.AtTOIW Cresreiit-llenvcr Mnrll ItiH'k I'roiliii'llon rroJiTl Ducket No. Oreiin l.'IT.Vl' 'iii 'ii"i Staled propunnle will bs ro- cslvsd by lb OroKon bints mgii way Commission In tbo Auditor I ii in. third floor Public Horvln llulldlng, Portland, Oregon, a1 u-uft n'rlnrk A. M.. Monday. Lie osmbsr 19, 1S3H, for tbo furnish ing of approximately i.uuv uuuit v,.r,l. or crushed rock III stock piles on Ibo Crescent - Heaver Miirah Hoctlou of Tho Dallea-Cull-fornla Highway In Klaiiiutb Comi- ' Tim. nrntiimll I. will bo Dllll- llcly oponsd and road aloud nl 9 : 00 0 Clock A. M. Bl tniQ oam aim plnco. Illda rscolvod niior tho tlmo fixed for opMiiiif win oi uo vw.i- aldcred. Plana, psclflcallonn, and olbvr ,t,-,iiiiinlM urn fill fllo for (Humiliation ai Iho offlco of tbo Rtnto lllKbwny I'oiuniUaloii nl Kalcm, Oroiton. topioa oi ore documonta may bo obtnliu'd upon application lo and ibo dopouli of i.00 por al wllb unld Statu High way L'oinmlriidon. Tli dipoalt will i. ritiiiiln,i unon tbo rot urn tu good condition of nld docuiuontn. A complote aot of plana and ....w-iri.-mwiiia fur rnrli nrojoi'l may bi' Inupwlod at tbo oriiiroa of tbo Aaaorlatod (!inoral Ointrnctoia lu Portlnnd. Orokon; Hpoknno, Waab- Inaton: and llolas, Kinno. No propoanl will bo conaldored unloaa II la aubmlttod upon a form of propoanl furnlnhod by anld Blnlo lllKbwny Coinnilnnloii. Attention la cnllod to Mio pro- qunllflontlon rorjulromonta, innp tnr o n r. I.nwa nt Orcaon. 1931. lllddT'a propoanl imiat h nc com in tiled by cortlflml check or bidder's bond In nn nnionni noi loan than U'c of Iho total amount of tho propoanl na a guarniiloo for tho execution of tho contrnct nnd in. rnrnlalilna of tho required i..i- i the contrnct la att,i,,.,ln,l in tho Milder. No bidder limy wltbdruw bla bid after Iho hour act for tbo oPuulnK n iinfnrn nwiiril of con trnct uiiIobh mild nwurd 1 dolnyed for a period oxcoodlni? thirty day. It la oallmnlod Hint thoro will hs nvnllnblo for work lo bo ilono under thla ndverllaoinent aubalnn tlnlly the aum of Kouileen Thou- niind, Six llundrcil hoiuiih nil inAi Tho Highway Comnilnalon re aorvoa tbo rlKhl to rejeci any andor all proposnia, to wnivo iu formnlltlon, nnd lo nocepl "uch proposula im nro to tno iiejit uuoi eat a of tho Kioto. By order of OUEOON STATE HIOIIWAY COMMISSION Henry 1''. Cnbell, Cliiilrnuin, v ti Ai.irieh. I 'ommlaHloner, R I,. Ton Velio, C'ominliwloner. D. 1-8-15No. Ifl5 vvilrl. !.' l.'IVAl, Al'tXIUNT In Ibo Circuit ('omt of tho Rlnlo or OrcRon for Kliimnin County. In tho Mutter of tho Katnto of Kinnk M. l.ucnn, nomo. iiinna wrllien V. M. I.ucail, de ceased. Notice In hereby itlvon Hint Mm undoralmied linn filed her l'Mnnl Account of tho niliiiininira- HnK anl,l HhIiiIO. mill t llllt KIlUl (Jnurt linn net Krldny, Docember I'l inlH l ten o'clock A. M.. US tho tlmo nnd Ml" Circuit Court room In Iho Court Ilouno nl Klnm nlh ITnltu Clrni'iili nil Hie tiliice. foi t.nnrlntr nlllpClllltlH 1(1 Hlllfl Fllllll Account nnd tho aotllenieiu there of. Dntod Novombor 23, 1038. nVAI.INHl t.lK'AM. Executrix of tho Last Will nnd ToHtiiiiiont of Fntult M, IjIiciih, aomoUmcH writ ton F. M. Lucna, DeceiiHed. N, 24: 1). l-a-ib-f No. lnu Save at Turner's Everyday Bargain Prices With Our OK Guarantee Higher Farm Income Likely 1938 Chevrolet Matter Deluxe Sport Sedan- Hoalnr, dofiosler. Thit cer like new In every rospor.t. Low milonrje. Originally cot $I0S5 7Z5 1937 Chevrolet Matter Deluxe Town Sedan Real low milonge, Ilka new $56$ 1936 Chevrolot Matter Touring Soden New finiih, tip-top condition $445 1936 Maiter Sport Seden Built-in trunk, heat er, gunuine mohair upholttery like now $475 1937 Ford Deluxe Touring Sedan Thii ear ex ceptionally clean intlde and out. Heater and dotrotter, motor A-1 $525 1935 Chevrolet 4-Door Trunk Sedan Mew paint, tlret like new. Top condition through out $365 1934 Plymouth Deluxe Coupe Knee action, new paint, heater, radio, 6-ply tlret $295 1936 Chevrolet Maiter Coupe New finish, heater, motor perfect ..................$425 AS IS SPECIALS 1934 Chevrolet Maiter Coupe Needt tome motor work $175 1931 Dodge Coupe Motor completely overhauled $165 1934 Ford Sedan Noadt motor work, body good . $150 1929 Chevrolet I'j-Ton Truck Flat rack ". $25 1929 Chovrolet Coach Rum fine $45 1929 Ford Sedan Good running shape ... $35 1934 Chevrolot Pickup Neods little work $195 Turner Chevrolet Co 2 Lott 7th and Pine and 411 So. 6th GMAC Terms LEGAL NOTICES (IKKOOV 8TATK HIGHWAY COMMISSION NOTICI-; TO CONTIt WTOKH IN'illa (ianleii-Ouanx Mountain hVictlnn firadlhic, Kurfnt-lnR and Oiling locket No. Oregon 1 IIU-F Senled prnpoanla will bo re ceived by the Orecnn Rtato IHkIi ay Coiiiiiilaalon In the Auditori um, third floor Public Service IIiiIIiIIiik. Portlnnd, Orcxon, at 11:00 o'clock A M., Monday. De cember 19, 1938, fur 1.45 mllea of KrndliiK, ft 89 mllea of aurfarliiK, mid f n in la h 1 n K of 3.700 cubic ynrda of cruabed rock lu stockpile on tho Devils Onnton-Quurtl Mountain Section of Iho Klnnmth Kalla l.nkovlew HlKhway In Klnm nlh nnd Lake Counties. Theao pro. poanla will bs publicly opened nnd rend aloud at 9:00 o'clock A. M. nl anld date nnd place, llidn re ceived nftor tho tlmo fixed for opening will not be conaldored. The Improvement will Involve approximately 12,700 cubic ynrda of excavation, 42.200 cubic ynrda of cruabed rock ninterlaln. and 728 tons or uaphnlllc rond oil. Plana, hpeclflcntlona, and other contrnct documenta aro on file for examination nt Ihs office of the State lllKbwny Comnilaalon at Siilem, Orexon. Copies of theao documenta may hn obtained upon application to nnd deposit of $3.00 per act with anld State Highway Comnilaalon. The deposit will be refunded upon the return In good condition of snld documents. A complote set of plans nnd apeclflcntlona for ench project mny bo Inapei'ti'd nt Hie offices of the Associated (ienernl Contractor In Portland, Oregon; Spoknne, Wnah lngtoti; and Holae, lrlnho. No propoanl will be considered unless It Is submitted upon a form nf prnpoaiil furnished by said Slate HlRbwuy Commission. Attention Is cnllod to the pre qunllflrntlon roqulremonts, Chnp tor 220, I.nwa of Oregon, 1981, Bidder's proposnl must be nr coiupanled by certified check or What Am I Bid? wife 9- ' 6, Auctioneer "Doc" Bond gets un der wny on first dny of Old Glory Auction of Sriimtlron "A's" finest horses In New Yolk, LEGAL NOTICES blddor'e bond In an amount not leas Minn 5 Co of the total amount of tho proposal as a guarantee for the elocution of tho contract and the furnishing of tho required bonds In case the contract Is awarded to the bidder. No blddor may withdraw his bid after the hour sol for the open ing thereof or before award of contrnct unloaa anld awnrd Is do lnyed tor a period exceeding thir ty dnys. It Is estimated that triors will bo nvnllnblo for work to bo done under Mils advertlsomcnt substan tially tho sum of Ninety-five Thousand Throe Hundred Dollars (196,300). The Highway Commission re serves the right to reject any andor all proposals, to waive Informalities, and to accept such proposals ss are to tho best in loreats of tho Stale. By order of OREGON STATE HIGH WAY COMMISSION. Henry F. Cabell, Chairman, R. R. Aldrlch, Commissioner, F. L. Tou Velle. Commissioner. D. 1-8-15. No. 197. SOTICE OP ADMINISTRATOR'S 8AI.K NOTICE Is hereby given: That under and by virtue of an order of sole duly made by the Honorable Earl B. Day, Judge of the Jackson County Court of Oregon, on the 1st dny of November, 1938, I will on or after the 17th day of De cember, 1938, sell at private sale to tho highest blddor for part cash and 1st mortgage security for bal ance nt Klnmnth Knlls, Oregon, tho following described realty, to wll: the south hnlt of the south east qunrter and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 28; the northwest qunr tor of the northenst quarter of Section 33; the norlhwost qunrter of the southeast qunrter of Sec tion 20; tho west half of the west half of Section 26; and the west hnlt of the northenst quarter of Section 36, all In Township. 40 LEGAL NOTICES south of Range 141 east ot the Willamette Meridian In Klamath County, Oregon. Bids may be sub mitted at office ot A. C. Yaden, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Dated this 18th day of Novem ber, 1938. I. E. KILGORE. Administrator. N. 17-24; D. 1-8 No. 188 STATE TREND UPWARD FOR YEAR AREAD Oregon farm Income for 1139, as that of the country as a whole, may be moderately larger than In 1938 If present trends continue as analyied by agricultural econ omists. This is the word brought back from Washington, D. C, by L. R. Breltbaupt, extension agri cultural economist at Oregon State college, who represented the extension service at the annual agricultural outlook conference. A brief summary of tbe agricul tural outlook for Oregon la con tained In the current Issue ot "Ag ricultural Situation and Outlook" Just published and distributed to various extension offices through out tbe state. More detailed dis cussion of the outlook aa applied to Individual enterprises will be included In later Issues through out the year as usual. The more favorable outlook tor farm Income In Oregon Is depend ent upon maintenance of normal gross volume farm production and a strengthening of consumer pur chasing power aa la predicted by the bureau of agricultural eco nomics. Farm production ex penses are expected to average about tbe same as In 1938. Tbe outlook Is relatively more favorable for farm families pro ducing crops that reach the con sumer without long storage, ex cept where such quickly used crops are Increased greatly In vol ume or where tbey have experi enced prices In 1938 raised by government action. NOTICB IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THK COUNTY OF KLAMATH. In tho matter ot the Estate of Olga Catherine Strunk, Deceased. In the matter of the Estate of Olga Catherine Strunk, deceased, notice la hereby given that Jose phine J. Jones has been appointed administratrix of tbe Estate of Olga Catherine Strunk. deceased, and tbat all persons having claims against said Estate are required to present the same with proper vouchers attached within six (6) months from the date ot this no tice to the office ot D. E. Van Vactor, 221 Odd Fellows Build ing. Klamath Falls. Oregon, attor ney for administratrix. Dated this 1st day of December, 1938. (Signed) JOSEPHINE J. JONES, Administratrix. D. 1-8-15-22-29 No. 198 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE la hereby given that the undersigned has been appoint ed Administrator of tbe Estate of Fred Dalbrol. Deceased, by the Circuit Court ot Klamath County, Oregon. All persons having claims against said Estate are hereby re quired to present same, properly verified as required by law, to the undersigned at the office of Merryman & Napier. 205 Odd Fel lows Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated December 1st, 1938. FRANK FERRARI, Administrator of the Estate of Fred Dalbrol, Deceased. D. 1-8-15-22-29 No. 199 Pitt Coach Backed by Students Jock Sutherland, loft, University ot Pittsburgh football coach, glnnces through a book containing the signatures of 4500 members of tho student body, promising the Panther grid mentor support during the bitter controversy over Pitt's new policy of athletic "Puritanism." Making the presentation Is John Downey, president of the student body. E CHICAGO, Dee. 1 W An nouncement of British purchases of a considerable Quantity ot United States surplus commodity corporation wheat Holdings ran Chicago wheat prices up li cents late today. The purchases were not on be half of the British government but of millers. It was stated. No estimates of the total were given, although talked of aa about 10 per cent of the annual British Im ports. At the close, Chicago wheat fu tures were 1-1 1 cents higher com pared with yesterday's finish, Dec. 63i-63e, May 66-ic, corn -ic up, Dec. 47c, May 51-lc and oata J-Jc advanced. Portland Produce Carload Potato Shipments T!ybfI",,'," Month zaBmlm22Jl2jamm SeaonlS7-8 " Nov. to Season Nov. to Ssason Nor, Dally Data to Data Dally Date to Data 1 17 17 1580 14 14 1094 i 27 44 1587 19 Tl 1118 li 18 59 1802 II 1 1131 4 II 71 1814 21 72 1151 5 28 97 1640 21 95 1176 ( 16 112 1656 14 "111 1191 22 144 1687 U 122 1201 8 29 17l 1716 21 143 1228 t 31 206 1749 18 161 1241 10 2U 1761 36 196 1271 11 ii W 1790 26 22l 1302 12 IS 280 1821 30 262 Till 1J 24 30l 1847 41 lit lTi 14 26 330 1888 13 306 1381 16 26 36l 1908 24 230 1410 16 ti 417 1970 21 161 1481 17 41 458 2011 20 371 1461 18 41 601 2051 2t 397 1477 19 64 Tio 111!- 10 427 1607 20 Ti , 679 2132 34 461 1641 I ' ill 61 2161 20 481 1561 28 636 2181 I 18 499 1571 25 661 2214 I 21 620 1600 24 I lit 2217 I 21 641 1121 26 11 681 2231 H I 646 1626 28 11 711 2266 I 17 661 1641 17 6 718 2271 IB 678 1651 18 16 731 2281 4 684 1664 29 29 762 2216 I li 697 1677 10 " 46 808 2371 H 11 616 198 Month shipments by truck 88 706 I 1786 Compiled from official records by the county agent's office, State Federal Inspector Rosa Aubrey and The News-Herald. PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 1 (P) BUTTER Prints: A grade 32c lb. In parchment wrappers, 33o lb. in cartons; B grade 31c lb. in parch ment wrappers, 32c lb. in cartons. BUTTERFAT Portland deliv ery buying prlcea: A grade 31 31ic lb. Portland delivery; B grade lc lb. less; C grade 6c lb. less. Country delivery 29ic lb. for A grade. EGGS Wholesalers' buying prices: Specials 37c dos.; extras 35c dot.; standards, 32c dos.; ex tra mediums 20e dos.; extras small 24c doi. CHEESE Oregon t r I p 1 et s 13ic; Oregon loaf 14ic Brokers will pay ic below quotations. COUNTRY MEATS Selling prices to retailers: Country-killed hogs, best butcher under 160 lbs. 11-11 Jc lb; vealera 12le lb.; light and thin 8-10c lb.; heavy 8-9o lb.; lambs 13-14o lb.; ewes 4-7o lb.; bulls 81-90 lb.; cutter cows 7 7c; canner cows 6-6c lb. LIVE POULTRY Buying prices: Leghorn broilers li to 1J lbs., 16s lb.; 21 lbs. 160 lb.; col ored springs, 2 to 81 lbs., 15o lb.; over 81 lbs. 17c lb.; Leghorn hens, over 31 lbs. 14-15C lb.; under 31 lbs., 14c lb.; colored hens, to 5 lbs., 19c lb.; over 5 lbs., 18c lb.; No. 2 grade 6c lb. less. TURKEYS Selling prices: Dressed, new crops hens, 23-24C lb.; toms 21-22c lb. Buying prices: New hens 22c lb.; toms 201c lb. POTATOES Yakima Gems $1.25 cental; local 11.10-1.15; Deschutes Gems, 11.30-1.40 cental; California Sweets 11.70 tor 60-lb. crate. ONIONS Oregon, No. 1, 15 76c; Yakima 40-B0c per 50 lbs. WOOL Willamette Valley, nominal; medium 22-2Sc lb.; coarse and braids, 22-23C lb.; lambs and fall 20c lb.; eastern Oregon 18-22c lb. HAY Selling price to retailers: Alfalfa No. 1, 116.00 ton; oat vetch 111.00 ton; clover, 110.00 ton; timothy eastern Oregon 119.00; do valley 114.00, Fort- land. CHICAGO. Dec. 1 (AP-USDA) Potatoes 100, on track 293, total US shipments 668; Idaho Russets slightly weaker, Colorado Mc Clures weak, northern stock about steady; supplies moderate, de mand slow; sacked per cwt. Idaho Russet Buibaiiks US No. 1, very few sales 11.70-80; Colorado Red McClures, US No. 1, $1.92-971; Wisconsin Round Whites US No. 1, $1,071-10; North Dakota Bliss Triumphs 90 per cent US No. 1 and better $1.46-60; Cobblers 90 per cent US No. 1 and better $1.20 to $1.25; early Obtos 90 per cent US No. 1 and better $1.30. STOCK AVERAGES Compiled by the Aaar-ciated Frees Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK, Deo. 1 (Sell ing of steels put a chill on today' stock market and leadera dipped, fractions to a point or so. Despite reluctance to retreat displayed by Individual rails, util ities and specialties, the list moved over an Irregular! lower rout from the start and occasional ef forte to revive buying met with faint response. At that, closing quotatlona In many cases war above the day's bottoms. The ticker tap loafed the great er part of tbe time, with transfer loss than 1,000,000 share. Bonda did better than stocks. Commodities were quiet, with grain futures tilting forward. Closing quotation: Adams Express .......... Air Reduction Alaska Juneau Al Chem Ic Dye ...... Allied Stores ......... American Can . Am Eng Tile .......... Am For Power ... Am Power Light Am Rad Sta San Am Roll Mills Am Smelt & Ret Am Tel ft Tel ... . Am Tob "B Thnrsday Prevloua ("ay Month ago Year ago 1938 High -1938 Low 1937 High . 1937 Low x New 1938 highs. 10 16 15 10 Isdust. Ralls Utll. Stock 74.4 20.6 35.1 60.9 74.8 20.9 85.4 51.2 76.2 22.3 36.9 52.7 63.7 21.8 34.2 45.8 . 79.6 23.1 17.1 54.7 49.1 12.1 24.1 33.7 . 101.6 49.6 64.0 75.2 . 67.7 19.0 31-1 41.7 BOND AVERAGES Thursday Previous day Month ago Year ago 1938 High 1938 Low . 1937 High 1937 Low . 1932 Low 1928 High 20 10 11 11 Ralls Indust. UtlL Foreign 58.7 18.7 12.8 63.8 58.7 98.4 93.8 63.4 10.2 88.7 94.0 64.6 72.1 96.6 92.8 65.0 70.5 100.8 16.1 67.0 46.2 93.0 85.8 69.0 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 70.1 95.6 90.3 64.2 45.8 '40.0 64.6 42.2 101.1 98.9 102.9 100.6 z New 1938 Low Am Water Work . Am Zlne LAS . Anaconda ... Armour HI , Atchison Auburn Auto . Barnsdall Bait Ohio . Bendlx Avia, Beth Steel Boeing Alrp Borden Borge-Warner Budd Mfg Calif Packing Callahan Z L Calumet Hoc Canadian Paclflo . Case (J I) Cat Tractor . Celanes . Cert-Teed . Chea ft Ohio Chrysler .-.. Col Gas ft El Com'l Solvents Comm'nw'lth ft Consol Aircraft Consol Edison Consol Oil Cont'l Can - Corn Product , South S. F. Livestock SO. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 1 (AP-USDA) Hogs 200; steady; top and bulk 175-210 lb. butchers $8.55; 198 lb. $8.45; few lights and 236-260 lb. $8.05; medium to good packing aows $6.60-75. Cattle 300; no early action on steers, undertone steady to weak; weights under 1000 lbs. quoted up to $9.00; good cows quoted up to around $6.50, low grade cows steady to weak, dairy type $4.00 4.50; low cutters and cutters $3.25-4.25; odd head very thin cows $2.75-3.00; bulls steady. Common to medium $5.00-75. Calves 10; nominal; good to choice vealera quoted around $9.50 10.60. Sheep 575; Iambs steady; part deck good Oregon wooled Iambs $8.50, sorted 26 bead medium 17.60: good Oregon medium-pelt lamba $8.26. aorted 16 per cent $7.26. medium grade light me dium-pelt lamba $7.60, sorted ii per cent common $6.00. Late Wednesday: Two deck Idaho1 lambs placed in local leea-lot good 114-120 lb. Idaho slaughter ewes $4.26. throw-outs $2.50. It I estimated that about 7. 000,000 families in the United State with Income of less than $20 a week, own automobiles. ' For the fourth time since 1923 the army air corps won the Col lier trophy for making the great est achievement in aviation. William C. Handy composed America's first jazz muslo in 1912, with his "Memphis Blues." Some ot the prehistoric dino saurs were ' carnivorous, while others were vegetarians. Scraps Make Jiffy Afghan Colorful Household Art br Alice Brook An Afghan or Pillow Made Up of Small Square com mt. HOUHMMS Mlt, BIC PATTERN 6264 Seven-inch crocheted squares each done in a Jiffy each one more colorful than tbe last (yarn scraps come in handy here) com bine to form this sparkling atghan and its matching pillow. A bright pillow quickly made makes a topnotch Christmas glftl Pattern 6304 contains'dlrectlons tor mak ing atghan and pillow; an lllustra tlon of It and of stitches; mate rials needed; color schemes. To obtain this pattern send 10 cents In coin to the News and Her aid, Household Arts department, Klamath Falls. Be sure to write plainly your NAME, ADDRESS and. PATTEBN NUMBER. Son , Crown Zellerbach Curtlss Wright , Dupont da N . Doug Aircraft ... Eastman Kodak EI Pow ft Lt Erie R R General Electrlo General Foods Gen Gas ft El "A" General Motor ... Gillette . Goodyear Tire . Gt Nor Ry pfd Hecker Prod Holland Furnace . Hudson Motor Illinois Central . Insp Copper Int Harvester . Int Nick Can . Int Pap ft P pfd . Int Tel ft Tel Johns Manvllle , Kennecott Lib O Ford Ligg Myers "B" Loew'a Long-Bell "A" Lorlllard P ... Montgomery Ward Nash-Kelr Nat'l Biscuit . Nat'l Cash Nat'l Dairy Prod . Nat'l Dist Nat'l Pow ft Lt . N Y Central North Amer Co Northern Pacific Ohio Oil Otis Steel ....... Pac Amer Fish . Pao Gas ft El Pacific Tel ft Tel . Packard Motor ..... Penney (J C) Penn R R . .... Phelps Dodge ... Phillips Pet Proctor & Gamble . Pressed Steel Car . Pub Svc N J ... Pullman ..... Radio . , .. Rayonler ........ Rem Rand , Republlo Steel Reynolds Tob 1 Richfield Oil B" Safeway Stores ., Sears Roebuck ... Shell Union Socony Vacuum .. Sou Cal Edison Southern Pacific .............. Standard Brands .............. Standard Gas ft El Stand Oil Calif Stand Oil Ind Stand Oil N J Stone ft Webster Studebaker .. Sunshine Mining Sup Oil Texas Corp . ........... Texas Gulf Sulphur ........ Tidewater Asso Oil ... Tlmken Roll Bearing Trans-America ......... Union Carbide ... Union Oil Calif Union Paclflo United Aircraft United Airlines United Corporation Unlted Fruit . United Gas Imp .... U S Indust Alcohol U S Rubber ............. U S Rubber pfd .... U S Steel . Vanadium .............. Walworth ......... Warner Picture Western Union , Westlnghouse ... White Motor Woolworth 101 131 i 185 1U 97 4 l 51 161 20 511 1481 86) 121 71 131 61 181 4 17 6t 22J 711 HI 17 101 61 10 II li 61 181 46 12 101 141 10t 61 lot II 161 ll 1 It 631 11 6 1461 111 171 101 II 411 161 I 491 1 til 161 10i 471 ti 141 15i 161 621 41 1 101 431 62 981 69 SI 1U 491 81 141 J3 121 28 7i 181 221 HI 1 15 61 28 149 41 791 201 421 401 541 101 81 33J 7 161 151 ; 221 441 li 281 721 141 14 22 18 7 31 261 271 601 131 71 91 31 435 32 121 49 7 13 19 90 It 12 31 581 Hi 271 48 106 131 161 71 ; 61 .26 1161 121 i4