The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 30, 1938, Page 7, Image 7

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    November 80, 1938
Mi'llmdlst Itn.anr Mrl. R. P
KllliiKnon, inrnliliiiit (if (ho l.nillita
Aid of I lio Flint MmIIkmIIkI Imi i i ll ,
miMOiini'i'il TiiKHcluy Unit n liunlh
1 bond pllltlliml for lliu ulltiuul
holiday banur, In be kIviiii In Iho
churrh piii'lnr Kiiturilny, Inicwn
her 9, for llin nuln or limiio-lnnilo
prosvrvna, Jollli ami Jmns. Wo
liinii t lliu Aid linvn i-oiil rlliulml
Kimuriiiialy to tin, booth, whlrh
pI'OllllSOS to ho ono of t ho InoSt
popular lit tliu Im&iinr, Ciifiiturln
lillii'h will hn mirvril fintn 1
o'Hink mull 2; :m p. m. Hiitonliiy,
anil li'U imil I'ofdin will lin served
from 2:30 i. in. In 0 p. Ml. Nimilln
work, rnnily imil fnrin proituro
will also ho illeplayad in tliu ba
sanr. Aiiimnl l.limhron ... Tim I'ltnl
Nohln llriiniU' rluli will meet nl
tlio IODK hull at 1 p. in., Iiki'iiiii
nor t, for In minimi puiluck
luncheon, with Clurutln Joy mil
Mnrmiriit DIiIkiii as IiunIuhhoii.
Tho.n will ho I ho iimnil Clirlaiuiiis
lift exchange, mid mi Intoresllns:
niflelliiK In Plnniio.l, It u an
nounced. All visiting punt noble
irmuU hove been enporlnlly In
vited to attend.
I'u Tnke Trip Kreit Htehhlns,
llnlaliter alciiiiinn, will Iniva with
Mm. Hlebblna mill their ilniiKhter,
Holly, on DiMiinihor 16, on a trip
to Detroit, Mich. There Htnhblne
will vlelt tho Kuril plant anil will
obtain a now Mercury ciir, which
ho will drlvo bark to Klnninth
Knlls, En route he will stop at
Cargo, N, I)., whuro he will vtult
frlomla and relatives. He lived In
Cargo for 30 years. The trip home
will be mnilo by Iho southern roulo
and will Include. Death valley.
Turkey Dinner Women of fit.
Mnry'a Allur society of Hacrnd
Heart church, ot which Mr, Kloyd
Wood worth la president, have an
nounced a turkey dlnor to be
nerved from t p. in. to t p. m, Hut
urduy, Dncemhor 8, In tho armory
when Iho nnniinl holiday huznnr
will be Klvon. Mm, rtiiymond
Welnhnric mid Mra, KnlUliuin
VaiiKliiin are In cliurno of tho din
ner. Mm, itimniill i'olnrson la In
ihui'KO of tho curd purly, which
la schotlulod for 1:30 p, in. Hulur
luy, and rnanrvutlona may be
mnilo with her by culling 1UH2-W.
Mra, A. J. Mi'Donuld la III cliuruo
or Iho tun liihlo. Merclmnla have
generously donuteil gifts 10 bo pro
anntd during tho uftnrnooii at tho
close of tho brldtto purly.
Meeting I'lnmied hi honor of
Mra. Ilcutrlro Kent on Craig of
Kalians, ineuiheis of Hutu Hlgnia
I'hl aororlly, Klamath Kalla chap
ter, will iiieut for dlnnor at 7
o'clock Tburaday evenlnK, Decern,
bor 1, In the Wlllurd hotel, Mra.
Criilg la the field secretary of llela
Hlgnia I'hl and will bu hern to
peak lo Ilia local orgaulintlon on
the alma and accompllahiuonla of
the aororlly.
Correction Tho boneflt card
purty planned for Halurduy, De
cember lo, will be held In the
Hummora achool Inalead of the
AHamoiit achool gymnasium, aa
previously announced. The pub
llo la Invited to Ihla affair and
auction brlilno, pinochle mid Chl
neso churkera will be pluyed.
ALTAMONT Ruinmera PTA la
Klvlnit a boneflt card party ot the
Summera achool gymnasium Sal-
urday, Docomber 10, at 8:16 p, m.
I'luoclile and auction bridge will
bo played, with given for
high acorna. he publln la extended
a cordial Invitation to attend, and
anyone wishing to make raaarva
tlona la nakod to call Mra. M. M.
Taylor at 2 It Went Klrat atrent.
Chines chnckera will alao he
Mra, J. P, Sexton and hor chil
dren apont Thankaglvlng vaca
tion at the homo of Mra, Hexton'i
piironta, Mr. and Mra. Law, An
il or non, Cnllf.
Paul Crapo, eon of Mr. and
Mra, Loon Crupu, apnut the hull
iluya at homo mid roturnnrl Hun
dny to McMlnnvlllo, where he la
a atudont at '..Infield. Thla la bla
flrat year at college,
Mr, and Mra, Oacur Potorann
and family, Mr. and Mra. Una
I'ntnrson and fumily, all of Med
ford, apont Thankaglvlng day at
the home of Mr. and Mra. Otto
The Altainont home economics
extension unit will not hold a
mooting In Decomber but will meet
with Mra. fltanloy Iledner, Third
atreet, Monday, January S, from
10:30 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. Mra.
Wlnnlfred Olllon, home demon
at rat Ion agent, will dnmonatrato
cooking of mild-flavored vege
table!. Women of thla commun
ity are urged to watch the papera
for future announcemente.
Home Economics club of Alta
mont grange will meet at the home
of Mra. Itnlph LnHalle, Krlday,
Iiocombcr 2.
A Chrlstinaa gift exchange will
be held. The birthday of Ueorglo
Rtanlake la to he remembered at
thla mooting and the Inat birthday
ot any of tho club mombera for
the year.
Polluck dinner will be aorved
at 18 o'clock. Alt membere and
frlenda are Invited.
Mra. Wea Haraoy led a gallop
ing tea group to the home of Mra.
Kred Hotoraon on Bummore lane
The Variety Store Your Year Round I
We're not juat headquarters at Chriatmaa Time! The year 'round we carry
the largest atock of toy in KlamathFalla . . . ahipped to ua from all over
the world I Come to the Klamath Variety atore for real variety in toyi! We
et our own prieea locally, not in New York . . . Naturally, we give you
more for your money.
Holler bearings, strong
and durable
Ml In. high, rubber
cushions. 1'omplrto
with balle 1.(5
and cure
The educational toy.
Two sixes
49 - 98
A alMi for every age.
10 attractive el) lea.
Hlngle anil dou
ble. Home Willi
flcno A il try gilua
25c to 98c
phone Sets
Dial phono with
flemilne leather.
35 o 2
Ideal for the lit
tle dreanmnJccr.
Two alxoa
98c 41.89
Metal cheat fill
ed with Assorted
Teddy henra, rata, doga, nion
keys, clophnnta. Colors: whltn,
bluo, brown, black, rod, yel
low, rust, A wldo variety of
sizes. '
Rubber Dolls
They drink, they wot. All rul
her. Sleeping eyes, AQ
Rporlnl 70
In Person!
Santa Claus
will be In our (tore
10 , 12
Come in and
Meet Him
Baby Doll
Bright, attractive
blocks for atf 4
little tola XU o
26 in.
She erys, alio sleeps. Cuddly
atuffed liody, movnblo eves,
genuine eyelashes. Attractive
organdy hood and M 59
dress, Special X
Other Dolls to S4.9S
Klamath Variety Store
Mexicana Spells Smartness Today
aaaaaaMaaaaaatit... ism
Color Keynote of amiirlneaa
In linona today. Achlovo It with
gay Mexican motlfa mainly In
alnxle and outllno atltch. You
can decorate a tea cloth or scarf
almost while yon wink! And
what colorful Kills they'd make.
I'attorn 085 containa a transfer
pattern of 16 motlfa ranging
from I x 1 Inches to 41 x 64
inches; 30 Inches of A i Inch bor
der; color schemes: illustrations
ot still-hen; materials needed.
To obtain this pattern send 10
cents In coin to Tim Herald and
.N'cwa, Household Arts department,
Klamath Kails. Be euro to write
plainly your NAME. ADDMESS
Tuesday afternoon with a soclu
afternoon and (owing.
Those accompanying Mrs. liar-
y were Mrs. Leon Crapo, Mrs.
ibert Luscomb, Mrs. Ralph Don.
: t, Mrs. Ralph J3aker, Mrs. Ar
thur Anderson, Mrs. Lester Wish
ard, Mra. Henry Blanton, Mra. Lea
I'nssenger, Mra. Otto Pntoraon,
Mra. Myron Taylor and Mra. Har
aoy. Mrs. Peterson will lead another
group on the second Tuesday In
January. There will be no meet
ing In December,
Announcement of a "happiness
package" movement, launched
thla week aa part of the national
celebration of tho sliver jubilee of
parcel post, waa made by Post
master Hurt E. Hawkins.
"Make somebody happy with a
happiness package" la the slogan
adopted by the local postal author
ities. The Idea which originated
with a woman postmaster In a
country town Is to be pushed all
during the holiday aeason until
Christmas, Postmaster Hawkins
said. Chambers ot commerce and
local merchants In all cities are
cooperating In this new move
ment, Washington advices to Post
master Hawkins state.
To a countrywoman In the little
town of Winthrop. N. Y., almost
on the Canadian line, goes credit
for the "happiness package" slo
gan which has leaped Into na
tional attention and advertising
space over night. She la Mrs. Ada
J. Fotaom, assistant postmaster of
Winthrop, and the Idea waa born
of her experience ot tho yearning
of the average email town and
farm resident, particularly the
wives, for a gift package, especial
ly one that cornea to her aa a sur
prise. Mrs. Folaom stated that ahe ob
served more gift pnekagoa are sent
to the cities than to the country
area; that It la common for the
folks In the country to mall par
cels of meat, fruit, cakea and
cookies or other foods to their
relatives and friends In the towns
and cities. Gift mailings to the
country, on the other hand, are
nowhere near In proportion.
"The housewife on tho rural
route loves a package. For many
yoara I've grown accustomed to
the Inquiry: 'Hosn't my package
come yet?' or, 'I'm sending a
package to thua-and-ao, they'll be
so pleased.' To the woman en the
farm, the axpeoted package la a
thrill, the surprise package la a
"And so whan I waa thinking
about what I could do In our little
poatofflce for the allver Jubilee
celebration of parcel poat, that be.
gan when ray husband waa a
young postal employs under Presi
dent Tatt, I saw at our stamp win
dow the happy face of a woman
who had Juat handed to mi tor
mailing a parcel post package, I
thought how fine It would bt, It
a lot of our country folks would
get more 'happiness packages'
from town, I wrote to some
friends In the city about It, and
the first thing I knew the Idea had
become part of the national parcel
poat celebration."
Thomas Jefferson wrote his
own epitaph.
Leonard V. HosSord, D.CPh.C
Remember! Conatlpatlon la a
scourge which shortens life.
It poisons your body robs yon
of vitality, deprives yon of a
youthful personality and
speeda op old age.
There la a logical way ot over
coming thla health depleting
malady. Let me talk to yon
about It.
Fi-nr no longer Spinal adjust
ment la administered without
pain. One hour la devoted to
a pleasant, relaxing, vitalising
treatment which la combined
with the use of the various
modern modalities of electro
Ooninltatlon gladly given with
out charge.
217 Rtewart-Prew Dldg., Tin Main St. Telephone 2244
Advance Purchase Brings This Unprecedented Saving!
I iWmWll Most Startup Sol. of . I - ... '
I : I ':; tR H ? U'Aifc'i ...... I Princess Lloos
I 1 J''ii Ii Hostess Coats Wove Ever . I - . u snugiy
1 MiiWt mfWm See. . . . History-Mokveg IJ ."
1 Mili'r' WV M ' I v , a r 1 I J WWe Shoulders
I I HmK ' i?h W- 1 Votaes Compare! I Z?Zl2'2n:
I MftTA hSl I US3! SKde Fastener .
JL !ft rijvU is I Stunning robes for leisure hourw The broad I P "
JmAj :t 'YJ M shoulders, the very full skirt and the piped wiges k 2-Way CoRar
ffihif ft.V "4L testify to the quality ... the price is a Sears' 1 K F'm.TSf'i
if I Ji ' ' specialization that needs no comment from us. !lt: " C'd'
jtf !!itfjiu 'A Choose Wine . . . Blue . . . Green ... " "f' .
1 wSP'fliy? Cardinal Red Rust! krf .Mx
n&MhiJW JU8t ,maglne! SizeS 12 to 20.. 'jl Mf&f -:
I mfX4yjrSr 32to38...Ev40to44! U 0J$Ct
I SrtM1t'frt 1:,1 Jy H Gorgeous princes robes with fi, f JLrlh ' ' '
I V HWMwAP4iMlftl generously swirling bottoms IWrS' T&WkvFFS
I V 'Wrm Aalli $ Sldlongilld. tatina.! Tailor- I W 1 M ffj 1
I U 1; V.l ht'Jf' Ir 5-. ed of a beautiful quality cordu- I, 1 -If I V 1
I . 1S Vf '' 'IHV Jl ' 4 roy in five rich fall shades. I V I $ CT i J
I i! I v vUr " .A M Boasting features you'd never I . VZS'i ' f iitLJ ?
Jf-V UkK' 11 Pi dream of finding in robes at a i -t - Miff fi-r J f
I i'KirVaiV ; yi Prico 80 ridiculously low! We f ., , ,ssitii 11
ltlH I v t llML il. placed the order for these coats lpVfr "lTT'M
Wl ICI' lM4fe4l 4 VI in a slack season to get this un- t & . jl K
I -11 S I ""-V ltMUmlax'i 'In precedented low price ... and i fW f ttf'"l '
Hi Vtl I we pas, it on to you. i, V'MjlbfJ
ftf3! jh viWlir h (-A Ifs Mot Too Eariy to Bay ' Itfl'inl
434 Main