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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1938)
THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ' November 80, 1938' Herald and News Classified Ad Section PAGE TEN l RATES ' Paid-in-Advance Ona day, far word .... m . wo-day run, 2c - 4c . 5c - 7c pa par word three-day run, per word One week run, - per word One month run, per word 20c Charge Ads Each Insertion, per word oar word c (No charge made for lest than 25c) (All mall order di must bare cash wltb order). All ads are Inserted In both editions ot The News-Herald. All classifications are num bered and appear In numerloal order. The dead-line lor classifica tion la 11:00 a. m. Ada received after 11:00 o'clock will be run In the "Too Late to Classuy eolumn. The News-Herald will be M- ponslble tor incorrect wording only one oar. Classified Index Apartments for Rent -It Antomoure -34 Business Opportunities -48 -11 -41 Educational , Financial Jor Bale or Trade General Notices Help Wanted, Female Help Wanted. Male -IS Souses lor Kent livestock and Poultry -44 T jmt antt TAin, Miscellaneous for Rent Miscellaneous for Bale Miscellaneous Wanted -IS -St -41 personal! ... ... Keel Batata for Bale -SO Estate wantea . n and Board -11 -10 oms for Rent - -St STTMOS - Usatlona Wanted -10 .18 40 jveohajiffo importation General Notice Go By Motor Coach nortqet Route Lowest Fares To Mortheni Points One Round War Trip Spokane til. 10 $20.05 Boise, Ida. 10.00 18.10 Portland 5.90 10.65 Seattle 8.40 14.65 Busses Lesrre 1:00 9. If. Mt. Hood Stages, Ino. Greyhound Depot - Phone 899 ll-10mtf Xotloe to Postpone Sale The auction sale of the Dobyns Furniture and Hardware Co. of Tulelake, California, advertised for Wednesday, November SOtb, has been postponed until further notice, Arthur W. Dobrns, Owner. 11-2 used pianos tor cash and sell, adding only reconditioning cost. Terms as low as $6.00 down, 14.50 month. Louis R. Mann, tuner, Derby's, 117 So. Tth. 11-28 STORAGE? Call 704. mott INTERSTATE MOVING Klam ath Falls Trans, and Storage. 12-4mtf LONG KSTANCE HAULING Phone 1097. 12-4mtt ARLENE G. SMITH, PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, Notary Pub lic; Mimeographing. Phone 1402. Residence 2129 Oak off East Main. 12-2 Personals THE READERS DIGEST An ap preciated Xmas gift that comes 12 times a year. For new, re newal or gift subscriptions call Joy Evans Rolph at 2024, agent for Readers Digest exclusively. 11-30 FOR THAT MAN'S BIRTHDAY or Xmas, buy SKI-TOGS. Rudy's SKI SHOP, 6th and Main. 12-2 8 Transportation GOING FLORIDA by southern route. Room for two. Call 678-J-2. 12-1 WOMAN AND CHILD wish ride to Omaha. 1034 High. Phone 146. 12-2 GOING TO OKLAHOMA CITY via rnoenix, Ariz., Room for four. snare expenses. Willis Homer Rt. 3, Box 468, near Weyer haeuser. 2-1 DRIVING TEXAS Dec. 10. Take two. 631 South Sixth. 12-1 MOVING Local, long distance, Call 704. 1641tf 10 Services SEWING, expert alterations, slip , covers, dressmaking, coats re- , nnea. Mrs. Harney, 2111 Dar row. Phone 2161-J. 12-llmtf PLACE vour order now rni ihn( Spencer garment for Xmas de livery, uau tne registered cor setierc, Mrs. p. D. Otterboln, ' 1208-R. 11-29 22 HEMSTITCHING, BUTTONS, BUCKLES. Miss Murray, with J. C. Penney Co. 12-26 FERTILIZER, sheep or cow, lawn dirt, fill dirt. Roy Schmeck, 2438 Shasta way. Phone 1269. 11-30 Servtcet COMPETENT licensed beauty op erator and hair stylist. Phone 1891-M. 12!3tt DRESSMAKING, alterations, modeling. Ann London, 628 Main, over Swansea's Barber shop. 11-17-mtt PAINTING. KALSOMIN1NG. Har ry Brown. Phone 1992. . 11-JSmtt PAPER HANGING, PAINTING Expertly done.' John Merrllees. Phone 1S-W. ll- DR. J. W. WATERS Veterinar ian IS years experience In large and small animal prac tlce. Phone 10S5-W. 1811 Portland St. 1J-5 CURTAINS, Home Laundered Stretched, reasonable. Phone 142S-W. 11-15 BODENHAMER SAW FILING 119 E. Main. Phone 846-W, All saws, tools, lawnmowara, etc. repaired. 11-14-mtf YOUR FILM DEVELOPED and printed 2Se, wide border, deckle edge prints. Also 1 7x9 enlarg ing coupons. West Coast Film Service. "A reliable place to send your films." P. O. Box S30, Salem. Ore. 11-10 FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh lng. Clifford Golden. Phone 168-W-S. 1-81-mtf PAINTING. KALSOMININQ W. H. Smith. Phone S77J8. 11-1 CLEAN HOUSE Call Art Bene dict, 1SS4-W. 11-11 WRINGER ROLLS for all makes of washing machines. Merit Washing Machine Servloe, 709 Bo. 4th. Phone 108S. ll-80mtt NU-BONH foundation garments. For appointment call Mrs. Mil drsd Rugg, 18WS. 11-1 UPHOLSTERY Cars, furniture. rugs cleaned like new. Moder ate prices. Call 6S8-M. . 11-1 ST. FRANCIS PARK CABINET SHOP Cabinet work, remodel ing. Phone 1S7-J-1 or 41-J-5. 11-11 AUT6. WINDOW GLASS install- ed. Mirrors made, resllvered. Kimball's Glass Shop, 517 Wal nut. Phone 224S. Il-S0mtf 14 HalP Wanted. Female WANTED Reliable middle-aged woman for housekeeper. Call 414 Mt Whitney. 11-10 WANTED Girl tor general house- work. Give age and experience. Bantford Jones, Merrill, Ore. 11-1 WANTED Experienced middle- aged lady. Referencee. 408 N. 8th. 11-1 WANTED Olrl tor housework in tne country. Reference. Phone 17-F-1S. 12-1 WANTED Experienced house keeper with references. Phone 600. 1299-tt 16 Help Wanted. Mala WANTED Experienced bus boy. Hotel Elk Coffee Shop. 11-30 WANTED Boys over 14 to sell Evening Heralds. In compli ance with the wage and hour bill only boys over 14 will be permitted to sell. Apply News. Herald office. 12-8 WANTED Stone mason, plumb. er and plasterer to do work in exchange tor rent of furnished cottages. Altamont Auto Camp, 12-2 8 Situations Wanted GIRL wants housework. Go home nights. Call 2364-W. 12 WANTED Position as house. keeper by refined young lady. References. Box 1971, News Herald. 12-1 YOUNG WOMAN wants work In town of Chiloquln, any kind. Good references. Box 25, Chilo quln, Ore. 12-3 WOMAN 31, single, wants house work. Furnish reference. 1211 California. 11-30 EXPERIENCED woman wants work In country. Has 6 year old boy. Phone 1112. Malin, Ore., or Box 200, Rt. 1, Malin. 12-4 MARRIED MAN wishes any kind of work. Phone 18-F-3. 11-30 PRUNING, GARDEN WORK Al bert Barrett, Ashland route. 12-8 20 Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD 224 Michi gan. 12-5 BOARD AND ROOM for two. Pri vate home near high school. 1321 Johnson. Phone 1848-W. 12-4 ROOM AND BOARD Close in. 829 High. 12-lSmtf ROOM-BOARD Meals family style; furnace beat. Phone 1259-J. 12-3 BOARD AND ROOM. 629 Jeffer son. 12-4 ROOM AND BOARD Private family, close In, one or two people. Phone 262. 12-2 Rooms for Rent DESIRABLE furnace heated room lu private home near town. 1204 Crescent. Phone 674-M. 11-30 NICE furnace heated room. 134 N. 3rd. 12-28 FOR RENT Sleoplng room. steam heated. 326 N. 6th. 11-30 10 Snyder's Annual Used Car Event Not Just a Sale, But An Opportunity That Used Car Buyers Wait For As Children Do For Santa Claus. f Each Year At This Event We Offer Our Entire Stock of Guaranteed Used Cars At a Fraction of Their Value. SAVE UP TO $200 PER CAR HURRY! PLYMOUTHS Three 1937 Deluxe Coupes Radios, heaters, blue, brown and grey (8595, nol Each 4!S 1936 Sedan Just overhauled and painted (JS95, no) 31iS 1935 Sedan A beautllu) maroon, with heater ($876, no) fuos 1935 Coach New paint, 8-ply tires, heater (8375, no) ...BUOS 1919 Sedan New paint, good tires, wonderful transportation (8116, no) ......................75 FORDS 1917 Deluxe (Inline RarilA tiaatar Like a new car (3595, no) 8)4 US 1987 Deluxe Coupe Recently rebuilt, not a scratch anywhere (8575, no) B475 1988 Deluxe Coupe Radio, heater, a beautiful grey (8485. no) .37S 1987 "80" Tudor Touring 10,000 miles, heat er ftSlS nnl U4K 1984 Fordor Sedan just out .(IS76, ao) SNYDER MOTOR 22 Rooms for Rent FOR RENT Nice front bedroom uiiBDie tor iwo. Home privi leges inducing use of kitchen Call 9 3 9-J after T. 12-1 SLEEPING ROOMS Close In 11.76 and $8.60 week. 803 Washington. 11-14 NEWLT FURNISHED HEATED room. 814 Walnut. Call be tween S and 8 evenings. 11-8 ROOMS FOR MEN Clean, Quiet, close in; no Housekeeping; prl vate entrance. 814 8. 9th. 1893-tf CHEAP ROOMS 619 Jefferson. 11-80 VAVCANCY Nice steam heated rooms. Sio So. 6th. SllS-tf CLAREMONT 2 2 8 N. 4th St. All outside modern rooms. Free parking lot 1-2J 24 Apartments for Rent VACANCY 438 N. 10th. ll-t THREE-ROOM apartment. Lights and water. 325 month. 426 Klamath. 12-1 THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment. Inquire 501 Market. 12-6 FURNISHED apartment. 741 Walnut. Adults. 12-6 FIRST-CLASS small brick apt. Adults. 741 Walnut. 12-6 FOR RENT Modern furnished apartment, Weyerhaeuser dis trict. Phone 449-J-5. Glen court Apartments. 12-5 SMALL two-room furnished apart ' ment. 818 Pine. 11-30 APARTMENT for rent. 3371 Main. Adults only. No pets. 11-30 VACANCY 2-room apt., 900 Owens. 11-30 FOR RENT Three-room furn ished apartment, 933 High. 2618tf VACANCY 419 N. 10th. 12-21 CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Newly furnished and deco rated, telephones, electric eouln ment. refrigeration, elevator garage. Day, week or month. Tne apartment hotel with con veniences and home comfort, 24-hour service. No pets. 12-14-mtf VACANCY Esplanade Courts. 12-14 FOR RENT Four-room com pletely iurnisnea apartment to responsible couple. Inquire wcanesoay rorenoon, 735 Mt. Whitney. . " 12-1 26 Houses for Rent FOR RENT Four-room com pletely furnished house. Inquire 2307 Oak. 12-I CABIN Lights and water fur nished, $7.60. Inquire Myrtle's Store, Shasta Way. 12-2 SMALL MODERN furnished cot tage. Garage. 2125 Blehn. 12-3 FURNISHED THREE ROOM and four room house. 1304 Wor sen. 11-30 FURNISHED, MODERN cabins. Special monthly rate. Altamont Auto camp. 12-27 FOR RENT Six-room furnlHhed house 1034 High. 12-1 FURNISHED two-room house $16 month. 631 So. 6th. 12-1 FURNISHED MODERN CABINS Special monthly rates. Alta mont Auto Camp. 12-28 2-ROOM furnished cabin, $8.00 month. 741 Commercial. 12-1 FOR RENT Four-room house. Call 1404 Klamath. 2706-tf Automotive bMa vlnvr of "the" shop lata HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY! COME IN v-nrysier riymoum ueaier. I 28 Miscellaneous for Rent PIANOS FOR RENT Small, mo dern uprights and spinets. Ap ply rent toward later purchase If desired. Louis R. Mann tuner, Derby's Music Co., 11 So. 7th. 12-2 30 Real Estate for Sale Desirable New Home It baa tlva large rooms, hard wood floors In living room and ball, large garage and woodshed combined, big level lot, with Hens all paid. Price la 33000 on very easy terms. Immediate pos session. CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1909 116 N. 9th Pbone 66 11-30 SMALL FURNISHED APT. and rooming bouse. Close In. $2500 cash or security required. Also lurnisbed duplex near high school. See owner, 621 N. loth 1 FOR SALE OR RENT 80 acres. so in airaiia. Dr. Smith, 204 Wllllts Bldg. 12-2 FOR SALE New home In St. Francis Park. - Phone 41-J-5. 12-5 3-ROOM house, one-halt acre of ground. City lights and water. 8475. Small payments. Christ Huck, 1320 Pleasant. Phone 2206. 12-3 FOR SALE Five-room home In Hillside addition. Hardwood floors, full basement, fire place. Terms. Inquire 205 Commercial after 6:30. 12-2 SEE LEWIS TRACTS on Shasta Way, $10 down, $5 monthly, Including Interest. Mrs. Ben P. Lewis, owner. Rt, 2, Box 810. Phone 36-J-2. 12-18 SACRIFICE Irrigated, Improved iv auien, mangel! valley, nulla- ings. Ben Dunn, Bonanza, Ore 12-1 FOR SALE Second-hand store at a bargain. $360 full price. 631 So. 6th. 12-1 32 Real Estate Wanted WANTED TO RENT 60 or 80 acres for potatoes and hay. News-Herald, Box 2345. 12-2 34 Automotive WILL PAY CASH for car '30 or later. Reasonably priced. News Herald, Box 2714. 12-2 FOR SALE 1934 Chevrolet li tem truck, long wheelbass). Phone 191-W-2. 12-2 FOR SALE Equity In 1937 Dodge Deluxe coupe, JZ26; balance due $433.00. 1805 Main, Apt. 4. 11-30 $600 EQUITY '37 Pontlao coupe, like new, low mileage, $135. Phone Vivian Jones, 497, after noons. Trade for older car. 12-r, 36 Miscellaneous for Sal Voil SALE Apples. McComb, Box ov, iioute z. 11-30 FOR SALE Lawn dirt and fer tilizer. Call Gentry, 1139-J. 12-1 FOR SALE Baled alfalfa and Mass nay, iu.uij; also straw. Rt. 2, Box 256, Shasta Way. 12-3 SENSATIONAL OFFER With a 4-year subscription to the Coun try Homo Magazine for only one dollar, postpaid, you will re ceive absolutely free 100 Cal vert D.E. razor blades and one plungor-vauuum fountain pen. A $5.00 value for only $1.00. Money refunded If not satisfied. Orders filled Bnmo day received. Western Advertisers, Box 690, Klamath Falls. 12-5 34 Automotive .-,-,-,-,'-,-,----------.-,.uVvvrLjUUUVaaum 19S4 Coach Reconditioned and painted (83!S, no) aiiM 1931 Coupe New motor (3175, no) Bias 1930 Coupe A fine low priced car (8146, no) .. ana CHEVROLETS 1937 Town Sedan Radio, heater. A dandy ($625, no) anus 1935 Deluxe Coupe Heater, new tires (8475, no) !I75 1934 Deluxe 8edan New paint, heater ($.175, no) 1933 Coach A dandy low priced car ($325, no) f -jits 1931 Sedan 8 wtra wheels, just rebuilt ($195, no) ft is 1931 Roadster A dandy sport car, with a rumble seat (3176, no) fr.M CHRYSLERS 1931 Sedan Six wire wheels, metal covers, new paint, new Urea (8245, no) $169 he big White Lot at Ninth Renewed & Guaranteed FORDS Stock No, 26931937 Ford Tudor $465 Heater, original Washington blue color In fine con dition, mohair upnolslery, motor OK. lire excel lent, low mileage, NADA price $490, our price with R&O guarantee s408. 27431936 Ford Coupe Original gunmetal hauled, tires practically new, fenders, body aro ex ceptionally good. NADA price $475, our price with R&G guarantee 445, 28481937 Ford Deluxe Coupe $545 Original desert sand finish excellent, Ford radio, dual equipment throughout, of course, finest type of mohair upholstery, tires uniisuiilly good. We bellove this Is the belt used coupo for sale In Klamath Falls ft45. 28811936 Ford Sedan Low mileage, just owner, Is nearly like $530, our price wltb 7731936 Ford Tudor Heater, Just traded, In on a new Ford car In fine condition throughout. We have Just reconditioned the motor, broadcloth uphulatery Is exceptionally good, fenders, body and original finish all In nice condition 1129. 8861937 Ford Coupe $515 Radio and heater, Just traded In on a new 1939 Ford Mercury by the original owner, 20,000 actual miles, original gull grey finish excellent f.llS. 1541936 Ford Pickup $415 Thoroughly reconditioned, tires, motor, paint, up holstery, glass, body, etc., In fine condition f 1 1,1, 8631937 Ford Pickup Just traded In by the original owner, has had ex ceptionally careful treatment, 16,000 actunl miles, gooa tires fnin. Balsiger Motor Co Main and Esplanade 36 Miscellaneous for Sale AUCTION At 2013 So. 6th, fiat., Dec. 3, at 1:30 And every Saturday thereafter. A nice lot of feedor pigs, some Barred Rock pullets, purebred good milk cow, electric range, wood burner attached, porcelain cabinet, truck dump bod, stake truck bed, lot of fruit and house hold furnlturo now listed. Bring In anything you have ns we will have a big sale Saturday. H. K. TAVENNER. 12-2 AN EXCELLENT vncuum clean er, aiigniiy useu. a nargain. Phone 331-R after 5 p. m. 11-30 CHARACTER BUILDING Chil dren s books, scripture cards, mottos. Book Mart, next City Library. 12-24 ANY KIND LAWN DIRT, fortl- nzor and garden rock. Phone 377J3. 12-1 STORING MOVING PACKING Call 704. 1642tf FOR HALE 75 pullots: also two milk cows, i mile east Dairy. 12-2 GOOD medium sized pliino, $86. 85.00 down, $4.50 month. Louis II. Mann, tuner, Derby's, 117 So. 7th. 12-1 Two 1938 Royal 4-Door Touring Sedans Doth have overdrive, one Chinese gold, other rrirnl maroon. Save over 3300 at, each funs 1938 Coupe Radio, heater, ovordrlve ($595, no) : film 1935 Imperial Air Flow Radio, healer, over drive. Just completely rebuilt ($345, no). f4US OLDSMOBILES 1935 Deluxe Coupe This car has been driven 13,000 miles by an elderly lady and Is Just like a new car. Come In and Inspect It ($675. mi) BUS 1931 Sedan Just overhauled, 8 wire wheels, beator ($326, no) BUS 1939 Sedan 6 wire wheels, dependable cheap transportation ($75, no) fill) PONTIACS 1957 8 Coupe Radio, Flex wheel, electric clock, new tires (3745, no) fims TODAYI BEAT THE OTHERS TO YOUR CAR1 CO. - The Bargain Spot and Klamath, where you ...$445 finish excellent, motor over ..$445 repossessed from the original a new automobile. NADA price R&G guarantee I43. $425 $515 Phone 2100 36 Miscellaneous for Sale USED PIPELESS FURNACE for wood or conl. $35.00. This furnace Is In good condition but Is being replaced by a mod ern H. C. Little OH Burning Floor Furnace because of tho additional comfort and con venience. Phone 635. PEYTON & CO. 4980 tf CONSISTENT LOW PRICES on usod radios. Ask for .lowllt, Dorby Music Co., 117 So. 7th. 12-1 FOR RALE Carrots, culls 50c, No, 1 75c snck. Crystal's, Mor-rlll-Lakovlow Junction, 12-6 RABBIT HAY 3rd crop alfalfa, bulod by ton or bale. Also weannr pigs. Pine Grove Poul try Hunch, mile past Lnkevlew Junction on Lnkovlow Rt. 12-1 FULLER IIRUHIIKS Order now for Christmas speclnl. Ilristlo comb $2.39, friction shower $2.95, it, V, Morgan, north end Pacific Torraco. phono 2345-R, , 12-3 FOR SALE Hninll ' bungalow type piano, $66. Dale Baxter, Modoc Point, Box 70. 11-30 FOR HALE Fir and pine body wood, Phono 1430-J. 12-15 FIX THAT rntllo, Phono 228 1-W. 802 Market. 12-25 34 Automotive ............. .... always receive courteous Wanted .More Prospects for USED CARS Do You Know of Any One That Is Thinking About Buying e Good Used Car? If You Do Tell Us Who It Is and We Will Make It Worth Your While AS FOLLOWS: To the person giving us the greatest number of used car prospects we can sell between now and Christmas Eve, wa will dnliver a rjood going used sedan and litis (or the small sum of $1.00 Only To the person giving us the second largest number of prospects we can tell between now end Christmas Eve., we will dplivor another good usod car and title for the small sum of $5.00 only. So got busy, talk to your friends and let us havo their names and addresses and the kind of a car they are considering There are no tricks or catches In this proposition! You supply us with the prospects, and wa will positively fulfill our above promise! L Oc Arens Your 744 Klamath Avanus 36 Miscellaneous tor Sals Another BIG Regular Community Auction Saturday, Dec. 17th, 10 a. m. at the Fair Grounds Klamath Falls Bring on vour livestock, imple ments, furniture or what have you, any -kind or amount. Tha cash buyers will ba there. List and mail now, tha description of tha things you will include in this sale to Chas. K. Wlcse, Auctioneer Phone 22 Tulelake er Phone 256-J-2 Klamath Falls 12-13 AUCTION SALE of 60 Registered Hereford Bulls and Heifers, 30 Fat Steers Consigned from Steer Show. Calorogon Hereford Ilroodors As sociation Second Annunl Sale, SATURDAY, DEC, 3, 1938. At Fairgrounds, South Medford, Oregon, Commencing at 1:30 p. m. COL. A. H. DUDLEY, Auctioneer. 11-30 Medford, Oregon. PINE BLOX Bone dry direct from bin, $3.75 dollvered. Phone 892-M. 12-9 PUBLIC "STORAGE" 8BRVICE Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, Fourth and Klamath. 12-4mtf GOING SKIING? Illrsch-Wols Ski Togs, liudy's SKI SHOP, llth and Main, 12-2 BALED HAY Timothy, Blfnlfn and Htrnw. R, C. Short, Rt. 2, liox 644, Morrill road. 12-4 FOR SALE Wood rango, $3.00. Rt. 2, Box 233, Pleasant Vlow. 11-30 FOIt SALE Thoroughbred Irish Terrier puppies. Registered American Konnol Club, 425 . Martin St. 12-10 1937 Cabriolet 88 wheels, I spot lights, radio, heater, defroster, Flex wheel, eleclrle ' clock, Truly a deluxe sport car, originally cost about 81800, now f74S 1934 Deluxe Sedan Healer, Just rebuilt.1 ($395, no) SU7BV 1939 Sedan Trunk, radio, new tires ($146, no) , BUS OTHERS 1930 Cadillac V-16 Cabriolet Only 16,00 lillos. originally cost over 87000 ($995, no) tS7S 1938 DeSoto 4 Door Touring Heater, over drive, low mileage ($696, no) f4UB 1938 Dodge Pickup New paint, healer (3448, no) finis 1938 Willys Sedan Heater, low mileage ($375, no) run 1934 8tudehaker Dictator Touring Sedan Just overhauled ($446, no) fil'JS service. DeSoto-Plymouth Dealer Klamath Falls 36 Miscellaneous tor Sale MOVINOT Call Klamath Falls Transfor and Storage, tth and Klamath. I'hons 1097. 12-4mtf SPECIAL Wood ranges. In full enamel Ivory or white, with large alie firebox, 19-Inch oven, enameled oven bottom and In side oven door. Only $47.50. $10.00 down, $6.00 por month. Also special prices on Atoning Manges. Lot us save you money on your wood ranges! Lucas Furniture, 196 East Main. 12-17 U.N UK I IKK MIC I) Elgin and llulova watches as low as $4.60. Huli ct your Xmns gifts now. Use our lay-away plan. Ricky's Jewelry, 622 Main. Licensed Pawnbrok ers. (2-14 FOR 8ALK Drlvoway cinders. Phono 938W4. 12-6 KALSOMINE yuur cholco of twenty colors In bulk at only 8o lb We ront knlsoiuliio brushes. Southorn Orogon Hardwaro. ' 12-8 40 ToExehange TRADE 14 acios Joining Brim ming Cup Auto camp, Kono, for contrnl California proporly. 473 Vernon St., Oakland, Calif. 12-4 NEWTOWN and Red Apples, bnxos, nxrhnnitn for Nn q 150 IO- tntocs. 328 N. Contrnl. Medford 128 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED Old horse for coyote bait. Must be cheap. Snntfnrd Jones, Bonanza, Oro, 12-1 FUUH WANTWI) Park's Grocery, 2222 So. 6th. Always pays high est prices for furs, Phone -M. 12-28 WANTKI) 4 to 6 room unfur nlshod house on or imar Kono road. Box 2671, Nows-Hnrnld. ll-.'lO WANTED 500 people to Join our uu-urisitA'l'iVlil BUYING CLUB. Buy your grocorlcts WHOLESALE and auvo twenty to thirty per eont. You IN VK8T NOTHING. 0. M. Law son, manager. MAIN 8TUMST GROCERY, 1406 Main Hi. 12-24