November 29, 1988 PAGE EIGHT Herald and News Classified Ad Section :he news and THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ji V. 1 RATES Paid-in-Advance On day, f ar word wo-day run, . par word - 2c 4c . Sc - 7e 20c I- Three-day run, j; pa' word j Ona waak run, par word .,, , . ' Ona month run, ' par word Charge Adt Each Insertion, (ar word i i J No eherga made for lets than 25c) (All mail order ads muil have easb with order). All ada ara Inserted la both edition! of The Newe-Herald. All classifications ara num bered and appar In numerical order. The dead-line for classifica ar word 3c tion la 12:00 a. m. Ada receiveo. after 11:00 o'clock will be run In the "Too Lata to Classify" aolumn. The News-Herald will be re aponslble for Incorrect wordlug only ona day. Classified Index Apartments for Rent Automotive Business Opportunities Educational ., , Financial For Sale or Trad General NoUcea Help Wanted, Female -Help Wanted. Mala Houses for Kent Livestock and Poultry - Lost and Found Miscellaneous for Rent Miscellaneous for Sale Miscellaneous Wanted -14 -14 -41 -11 -4 -IS 4 -14 -1 -26 -44 t 8 -16 -42 . ( -SO -II -20 personals Real Estate for Bala Real Estate Wanted Room and Board Rooms for Rent Services Situations Wanted To Exchange Transportation -18 -40 - S General Notice Go Bv Motor Coach Shortest Route Lowest Farea To Northern Points Ona Round Way Trip Spokane $11.10 $20.05 Boise, Ida.' 10.00 18.10 Portland 5.90 10.65 Seattle 8.40 14.65 Busses Leave 1:00 ?. M. Mt. Hood Stages, Inc. Creyhound Depot Phone 299 ll-20mtf jtotioe to Postpone Sale Tha motion aala of the Dobyns vurnitiira and Hardware Co. of Tulelake. California, adrertlsed for Wednesday, November 30th, has been postponed nntll further notice. Arthnr W. Dobyns, Owner. 11-29 f BUY used planoa for cash and sell, adding only reconditioning cost. Terms as low as $5.00 down, 11.60 month. Louis R. Mann, tuner, Derby a, 117 so 7th. 12-28 STORAGE? Call 704. 1640tf INTERSTATE MOVING Klam ath Falls Trana. and Storage. 12-4mtf LONG DISTANCE HAULING Phone 1097. 12-4mtt ARLENE G. SMITH, PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, Notary Pub lic; Mimeographing. Phone 1402. Residence 2129 Oak off East Main. 12-2 Personals THE READERS DIGEST An ap preciated Xmas gift that comes 12 times a year, For new, re newal or gift subscriptions call Joy Evans Rolph at 2024, agent for Readers Digest exclusively. 11-30 FOR THAT MAN'S BIRTHDAY or Xmas, buy SKI-TOGS. Rudy's SKI SHOP, 6th and Main. 12-2 Transportation GOING TO OKLAHOMA CITY via Phoenix, Ariz., Room for four, share expenses. Willis Homer, Rt. 8, Box 468, near Weyer haeuser. 12-1 DRIVING TEXAS Dec. 10. Take two. 631 South Sixth. 12-1 MOVING Local, long distance. Call 704. 1641tf 10 Service SEWING, expert alterations, slip covers, dressmaking, coats re llned. Mrs. Harney, 2111 Dar row. Phone 2161-J. 12-llmtf PLACE your order now for that Spencer garment for Xmas de- ' livery. . Call the registered cor setlere, Mrs. P. D. Otterbeln, 1208-R. . 11-29 ! flEMSTITCHING, BUTTONS, ' BUCKLES. MiSB Murray, with J. C. Penney Co. 12-26 FERTILIZER, sheep or cow, lawn dirt, fill dirt. Roy Schmeck, .. ' 2438 Shasta way. Phone 1269. ( 11-30 1 COMPETENT licensed beauty op erator and hair stylist. Phone 1891-M. 1223tf PAINTING, KALSOM1NING. Har ry Brown. Phone 1992. , 11-lSmtf 10 Services PAPER HANGING, PAINTING Expertly don. John Merrllees. Phone 23-W. 12-6 DR. J. W. WATERS Veterinar ian 16 years experience in large and small animal prac tice. Phone 20S6-W, 1SI1 Portland St. 11-6 CURTAINS. Home Laundered, Stretched, reasonable. Phone 1426-W. H-26 BODENHAMER SAW FILING 219 E. Mam. mono eo-w. All saws, tools, lawnmowers, to. repaired. 11-14-mtf YOUR FILM DEVELOPED and printed 26c, wide border, aecxie edge prints. Also I 7x9 enlarg ing coupons. West Coast Film Sen-Ice. "A reliable place to aend your films." P. O. Box 630, Salem, Ore. 12-10 FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh Ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 168-W-S. 1-Sl-mtf PAINTING, KALSOMINING W. H. Smith. Phone S77JS. 12-1 CLEAN HOUSE Call Art Bene dict, 2364-W. 12-18 WRINGER ROLLS for all makes of washing machines. Merit Washing Machine Service, 709 So. 6th. Phone 1086. Il-S0mtf ATTENTION Working mothers: Have your child cared for by responsible party while you work. Reason able. Box 2186, News-Herald. 2186-tf NU-BONE foundation garments. For appointment call Mrs. Mil dred Rugg. 28WS. 11-1 UPHOLSTERY Care, furniture, rngs cleaned like new. Moder ate prices. Call 653-M. 12-1 ST. FRANCIS PARK CABINET SHOP Cabinet work, remodel ing. 'Phone 167-J-l or 41-J-6. 12-11 DRESSMAKING, alterations, re modeling. Ann London, 623 Main, over Swansen's Barber Shop. . 11-27-mtf AUTO, WINDOW GLASS install ed. Mirrors made, resllvered. Kimball's Glass Shop, 627 Wal nut. Phone 3243. ll-80mtf 14 Help Wanted, Female WANTED Girl for housework In the country. Reference. Phone 17-F-18. 12-1 WANTED Experienced house keeper with references. Phone 600. 2299-tf 16 Help Wanted, MaU WANTED Boys over 14 to sell Evening Heralds. In compli ance with the wage and hour bill only boys over 14 will he permitted to sell. Apply News- Herald office. 12-8 WANTED Stone maaon, plumb er and plasterer to do work in exchange for rent of furnished cottages. Altamont Auto Camp. 12-2 18 Situations Wanted GOOD RELIABLE MAN wants work In city. Experienced sales man. Write Box 690, City. 11-29 WANTED Position aa house keeper by refined young lady. References. Box 1971, News- Herald. 12-1 YOUNG WOMAN wanta work in town of Chlloquin, any kind, Good referencea. Box 26, Chllo quin, Ore. 12-S WOMAN 31, single, wanta house work. Furnish reference. 1211 California. 11-30 EXPERIENCED woman wanta work in country. Has 6 year old boy. Phone 1112. Malin, Ore., or Box 200, Rt. 1, Malin. 12-4 MARRIED MAN wishes any kind of work. Phone 18-F-3. 11-30 EXPERIENCED GIRL with ref erencea will take care of chil dren evenings. Phone 1762-R. 2224tf PRUNING, GARDEN WORK Al bert Barrett, Ashland route. 12-8 EXPERIENCED COOK wants work. Restaurant, ranch or small crew. Will go anywhere. 10211 Main. 11-29 EXPERIENCED woman wants work of any kind. Phone 1363. 11-29 20 Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD 224 Michi gan. 12-6 BOARD AND ROOM for two. Pri vate home near high school. 1321 Johnson. Phone 1848-W. 12-4 ROOM AND BOARD Close in. 829 High. 12-16mtf ROOM-BOARD Meals family style; furnace heat. Phone 1259-J. 12-3 BOARD AND ROOM. 629 Jeffer son. 12-4 ROOM AND BOARD Private family, close In, one or two people. Phone 252. 12-2 22 Rooms for Rent DESIRABLE furnace heated room In private home near town. 1204 Crescent. Phone 674-M. ' 11-30 FURNACE HEATED ROOM in private home. Reasonable. 808 Delta. 11-29 NICE furnace heated room. 134 N, 3rd. 12-28 Snyder's Annual Not Just a Sale, But An Opportunity That Used Car Each Year At This Event We Offer Our Entire Stock PLYMOUTH Three 19ST Deluxe Coupea Radios, heaters, blue, brown and grey (6696. no) 193S Sedan Just overhauled' H39S. nol 1936 Sedan A beautiful maroon, (8376. no) - 19SS Coach New paint, 6-ply ($376. no) - 1936 1-Door Touring low mileage. What a buy (1626, no) 1929 Sedan New paint, good tires, wonderrul transportation (1126, no) ......... ...... ... 75 FORDS 1937 Deluxe Coupe Radio, heater, aide wings. Like a new ear (J695, no) 4l5 1937 Deluxe Coupe Recently rebuilt, not a scratch anywhere ($675, no) 1936 Deluxe Coupe Radio, heater, grey (I486, no) SNYDER MOTOR Rooms for Rant SLEEPING ROOMS Close in. $2.76 and $3.60 week. 803 Washington. 12-24 NEWLY FURNISHED HEATED room. 614 Walnut. Call be tween 6 and S avanlngs. 12-8 FIRST-CLASS small brick apt. Adults. 741 Walnut. 11-31 ROOMS FOR MEN Clean, quiet, close in; no housekeeping; pri vate entrance. 824 8. 9th. 1893-tt CHEAP ROOMS 629 Jefferson. 11-30 VAVCANCY Nlca steam heated rooms. 310 So. 6th. 2113-tt CLAREMONT 2 2 8 N. 4th St. All outside modern rooms. Free parking lot. 1-22 FURNACE heated rooms. 920 Lin coln. 11-29 FURNACE HEATED ROOM 184 N. 3rd. 240tt 24 Apartments for Rent FOR RENT Two-room furnished apartment. Everything f u r nlshed. 433 N. 10th. 11-29 SMALL two-room furnished apart ment. 813 Pine. 11-30 VACANCY Villa Marquise 1320 Oak. 11-29 APARTMENT for rent. 337a Main. Adults only. No pets. 11-30 VACANCY Owens. 2-room apt., 900 11-30 FURNISHED apartment, suitable for two. Inquire 601 Market. 11-29 FURNISHED two rooms, close in, $12.50 per mo. 609 N. Third. 11-29 FURNISHED APT Adults. 741 Walnut. 11-29 FOR RENT Three-room furn ished apartment, 933 High. 2618tf VACANCY 41-9 N. 10th. 12-21 CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Newly furnished and deco rated, telephones, electric equip ment, refrigeration, elevator, garage. Day, week or month. The apartment hotel with con veniences and home comfort, 24-hour service. No peta. 12-14-mtf VACANCY Esplanade Courts. 12-14 FOR RENT Four-room com pletely furnished apartment to responsible couple. 'Inquire Wednesday forenoon, 735 Mt. Whitney. 12-1 NEW attractive modern apt. Rea sonable. 39 Main. Phone 723. 11-29 26 Houses for Rent FIVE-ROOM FURNISHED house. Lakeshore drive. Second house beyond nursery. C. W. Over turf. 11-29 TWO-ROOM FURNISHED house. Couple. 1320 Oak. 11-29 SMALL MODERN furnished cot tage. Garage. 2125 Biehn. 12-3 FURNISHED THREE ROOM and four room house. 1304 Wor den. 11-30 FURNISHED, MODERN cabins. Special monthly rate. Altamont Auto camp. 12-27 FOR RENT Six-room furniahed house 1034 High. 12-1 FURNISHED two-room house $16 month. 631 So. 6th. 12-1 FURNISHED MODERN CABINS Special monthly rates. Alta mont Auto Camp. 12-28 2-ROOM furnished cabin, $8.00 month, 741 Commercial, 12-1 34 Automotive ?.7-rj-j-j-j-jTj".?"j!SuviAafuiAn,ijuuuijiii. rw Value. SAVE UP Men wwa and painted with heater tires, heater uo - 8S 47S a beautiful 878 HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY! COME IN Chrysler Plymouth Dealer. !! ATTENTION !! t Truck Buyers We Have Too So 1934 Ford Pickup Motor completely overhauled 1936 Chevrolet Pickup Top condition 1937 Chevrolet Pickup Brand new tires, perfect 1937 Chevrolet Pickup A-1 shape throughout 1937 GMC Pickup Low mileage, fine shape 1935 Ford M2-Ton LW.B. Low mileage, cab and motor ex ceptionally nice $345 1935 Chevrolet I '2-Ton L.W.B. Platform body, A-1 through- 1937 Chevrolet I'-Ton L.W.B. Stake rack, tires nearly new, truck shows little wear $555 1936 Chevrolet '2-Ton Panel Motor overhauled, new paint $295 THESE TRUCKS Turner 2 Lots 7th and Pine and 41 1 S. 26 Houses for Rant FOR SALE OR RENT New home In St. Francis Park. Phone 41-J-6. 12-6 MODERN 2-ROOM cottage suit able for couple. New linoleum and good cookstove. Reason able. 317 Laguna. ., 11-28 FOR RENT Four-room house. Call 1404 Klamath. 2706-tf 28 Miscellaneous for Rent PIANOS FOR RENT Small, mo dern uprights and spinets. Ap ply rent toward later purchase If desired. Louis R. Mann, tuner, Derby's Music Co., 117 ' So. 7th. 12-28 BACHELOR CABINS 425 Wil low. 11-29 30 Real Estate for Sale 3-ROOM house, one-half acre of ground. City lights and water. 8475. Small payments. Christ Huck, 1320 Pleasant. Phone 2206. 12-3 FOR SALE Five-room homo In Hillside addition. Hardwood floors, full basement, fire place. Terms. Inquire 205 Commercial after 6:30. 12-2 SEE LEWIS TRACTS on Shasta Way, 810 down, 15 monthly, Including Interest. Mrs. Ben P. Lewis, owner. Rt. 2, Box 310. Pbone 35-J-2. 12-18 SACRIFICE Irrigated, Improved 40 acres, Langell valley. Build ings. Ben Dunn, Bonanza, Ore. : li-i 34 . Automotive r,ri, - . - . - irii - irii - ii - i - irii - ii - ,i - ii - irii - "i - , - . - . - i - -, ,- TO $200 PER CAR.,-HURRY! 1934 Fordor Sedan Just out of the shnp ($376, no) Ulfi 1934 Coach Reconditioned and painted ($326, no) WWII 1931 Coupe New motor ($176, no) l!S.l 1930 Coupe A tine low priced car (1148, no) l5 CHEVROLETS 1934 Deluxe Sedan New pnlnt, heater ($376, no) .-. aiw 1935 Coach A dandy low priced car ($325, no) -Jl!.' 1931 Sedan 6 wire wheels. Just rebuilt ($196, no) : "MS 1931 Roadster A dandy sport car, with a rumble seat ($176, no) .......... fins CHRYSLERS Two 1938 Royal 4 -Door Touring Sedans Roth have overdrive, one Chinese gold, other roisnl maroon. Save over $300 at, each SUU5 The big White Lot at Ninth Many Used Trucks and Pickups Down Go Our SOLD WITH OUR OK'D GUARANTEE Chevrolet Co 6th St. 30 Real Estate for Sale Suburban Home Sites Permit us to show you the splendid large lots In HOME CREST, on Shasta Way and Fair crest Drive, where the construc tion of new homes Is under way. Sightly, close-in location, excel lent soil, gravity Irrigation, Mod erate building restrictions. Lots sold on easy terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1909 116 N. 9th St. Tel. 66 11-29 FOR SALE Second-hand store at a bargain. 360 full price. 631 So. 6th. - 12-1 FOR SALE, Lease or Exchange The recent death of Mr, Miller, of Miller Packing company, makes available for lease, pur chase or trade, the stock ranch operated by him. 1120 acres, owner, Mrs. D. T. Owen, Dorrla, Calif. 1814-tf 34 Automotive FOR SALE Equity In 1937 Dodge DeLtixe coupe, $225; balance due 1433.00. 1805 Main, Apt. 4. 11-30 8500 EQUITY '37 Pontiao coupe, like new, low mlloago, 1136. Phono Vivian Jones, 497, after noons. Trade for older car. 12-5 36 Miscellaneous for Sale FOR SALE Apples. McComb, Box 640, Route 2. . 11-80 Used Car Event Buyers Wait For As Children Do For Santa Claus. of Guaranteed Used Cars At a Fraction of Their 1936 Coupe Radio, heater, overdrive ($696, no) ItOS 1936 Imperial Air Flow Radio, heater, over drive. Jnat completely rebuilt ($346, no). 1115 OLDSMOBILES 19S6 Deluxe Coupe This car has been driven 13,000 miles by an atdorly laity and Is Just Ilka a new car, Come In and Inspect It ($676, no) HS 1931 Sedan Just overhauled, 6 wire whwla, heater ($226, no) 14ll 1929 8ednn 6 wire wheels, dependable chi'np transportation ((78, no) f:lu PONTIACS 1937 Cabriolet 86 wheels. I spot lights, radio, heater, defroster, Flex wheel, eluctrlo clock. Truly a deluxe sport car, originally coat about $1600, now 748 TODAY1 BEAT THE OTHERS TO YOUR CARI CO - The Bargain Spot and Klamath, where you Prices ...$215 ...$345 ...$425 ....$395 ....$445 SMAC Termi 36 Miscellaneous for Sale OOOD medium sized piano, $85. $5.00 down, $4.60 month. Louis R. Mann, tuner, Derby'a, 117 So. 7th. 12-1 AN EXCELLENT vacuum clean er, slightly used. A bargain. Phone 331-11 aftor 6 p. in. 11-30 FOR SALE Carrots, culls 60c, No, 1 75c sack. Crystal's, Mor-rlll-Lakevlew Junction, 12-6 FOR SALE Lawn dirt and fer tilizer. Call Uontry, 1139-J. 12-1 SENSATIONAL OFFER With I 4-ycar subscription to tho Coun try Home Magazine for only one dollar, postpaid, you will re ceive absolutely free 100 Cal vert D.E. razor blades and one plunger-vacuum fountain pon, A $6.00 value for only $1,00. Money refunded if not satisfied. Orders filled same day raculved. Western Advertisers, Box 690, Klamath Falls. 12-5 CONSISTENT LOW PRICES on used radios. Ask for Jowltt, Derby Music Co., 117 So. 7th. 12-1 FOR SALE Baled alfalfa and grass hay, $9.00; nlo straw. Rt. 2, Box 255, Shasta Way. 12-3 CHARACTER BUILDING Chll- dron'a books, scripture cards, mottos. Book Mart, next City ' Library. 12-24 FOR BALE Registered cocker spaniel pups. Telephone 3814, Tulelake, Caflf. 11-29 34 Automotive ....wwwwv. 1987 I Coupe Radio, Flex wheel, clock, new tires ($746, no) 1914 Deluxe ($396, no) 1929 Sedan no) ... always receive courteous BUYER'S SEASON We Must Sell to Make Room For Our Used Cars Every Car a Bargain! Compare Our lOAfl Ford Coupe Black col or, good Urea and motor. 3.lO l:in Plymouth 4-I)r. Tr. Be dan Radio and extra Hire motor. Fine mechanical condi tion 6JIMI 10.17 Ford 4 -Dr. Tr. aVdan IS onfl mil Rrnwn pnlnp. Car as good as new artful I DM Chev. Tudor Owned by a railroad man, Very nice car illf 111.17 Plymouth R. Scat Coupe lllnck color, new tires, radio. Smnrt little car at only... AMfl 1 113.1 Ford Sftlan Delivery Just the car for fast delivery. Nice condition, good tlrea VMS 15 Cars 8 Trucks 4 Piclups Every Car end Truck Priced So It Will Sell At Once Ostendorf Motor Co. 12 Years' Fair Dealing In Klamath Basin DODGE and PLYMOUTH Dealer 424 So. 6th Wanted More Prospects for USED CARS Do You Know of Any One That It Thinking About Buying a Good Used Car? If You Do Tell Ut Who It It and We Wilf Make It Worth Your While AS FOLLOWS: To the person giving us the greatest number of used car prospects we can soli between now and Christmas Eve, we will deliver a good going used sedan and title for the small sum of $1.00 Only To the person giving us the second largest number of prospects we can sell between now and Christmas Eve., we will dnliver another good used car and title for the small sum of $5.00 So got busy, talk to your friends and lot us have their names end addresses and the kind of a car they are considering L O Arens Your 744 Klamath Avenue 36 Miscellaneous for Sale BUSINESS CARDS $1.60 per thou sand. Call 2281-W. 11-29 ANY KIND LAWN DIRT, fortl llznr and garden rock, Phone 377J3. 12-1 STORING -MOVING PACKING Call 704. 1642tf USED PIPELESS FURNACE for wood or coal. $35.00. This furnaco la In good condition bul Is being replaced by a mod ern II. O. Llttlo OH, Burning Floor Furnaco bocause of the additional comfort and con venience. Phone 636. PEYTON A CO. 4980 tf eleolrti ...M Sedan Healer, Trunk, radio, new just rebuilt , H7 Urea ($146, J P U OTHERS 1930 Cadlllao V-16 Cabriolet Only 11,001 miles, originally cost over 17000 ($996, no) .iil75 1936 DeHolo 4-Door Touring Heater, over drive, low mileage ($696, no) -...MBS 1936 Dodge Pickup New paint, healer ($4(6, no) IMS 1936 Willys 8edan Healer, low mileage ($376, no) 24H 1934 Studebaker ' Dictator Touring Sedan Just overhauled ($446, no) IKM service. Price and Car inse Ford Tr. Bedan Tires, motor, upholstery good. Haa radio and heater I:liin loan mlK 4 l)r. Tr. dorian Gun metal color. Nice Job. Look at this car UII 10fl7 Dodge Coup Owner haa us4 this ear In town here. See this one It's extra good M4H loan Cliev. Coup Runs very good. Tires, motor good W llino Kuril It. Hat ItnaiUti'r Just what the boy wanta ftM loan Pontlac Tudor Has had motor overhauled, ear In ei eollent condition iHn Phone 272 DeSoto-Plymouth Dealer Klamath Falls 36 Miscellaneous for Sale RABBIT HAY 3rd crop alfalfa, baled by ton or bale. Also wnnner pigs. Pino Grove Poul try Ranch, mllo past Lakovlew Junction on Lnkovlow Rt, 12-1 FULLER HRUHIIIOS Order now for Christmas apodal. Rristle comb $2.39, friction shower $2.95. R. V. Morgan, north end Pacific Terrace, phone 2345-R. 12-3 FOR SALE Smnll hnngalow typo pinno, $05. Dale Baxter, Modoo Point, Box 76. 11-10 FOR SALE Fir and pine body wood. Phone 1480-J, 11-11 t