November 29, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE 4 CITY BRIEFS llniuuir I'lnns Ons of tha most Internal Ing booth which will bit fimtiirmi nl llin annual holiday hnxoar siionsoind by tho womon of tho lrl ml Mnlliodlat church Hiilurdny, December 8, will bo the booth dispensing tho latest edition of tha Mothodlat oook book which la a aliindnrd oook book In acoroa of homes In KlniiiHth county. Mia, It. 1', Klllnuson, president of the Ladles Aid of the Muthodltl church, an nounced that tbla now edition would be off the prom In time for the basilar ftaturday, Lunoh on will he served Hurting at 11:90 n. ni. Hntiirday nnd con tinning until S: 110 p. m. Tea lioura will he from 3:30 p. m. to 6 p. III. I'lana for the hstnar, which la one of the moat Import ant affaire on the calendar, are now complete Mia. Klllugson stated. Ht. Mary'a llnjinr Mra, Hum- uel P. Miller and Mra. Klaln, chairmen of the annual Ht. Mary'a bncaar which la being held Knturdny In the armory, announc ed pinna for the afternoon card party which will he held alerting al 1:30 o'clock. Mra, ilusenll Peterson la In charge of rarda . and roaervnllona can be made with her, phone 1002-W, or mem bnra of hr conimlttne. After enrda tea will be enrved, It waa announced, with Mra. A. J. Mo Donald In charge of the tea table. The namoe ot thoae who will pour will be announcod later. (Ilfla, Which have been preaenled by the merchanta of the city, will be given at the clote of the afternoon. Improving Itegtnald Thomaa ot I.angoll valley, who euiroroa , the loaa of hla right leg In an accident on the Dearborn ranch ' November ID, la Improving at Hillside hoapltn! and la now able to receive vlallore. Mra. Thomaa returned to her home In Langell valley Tuoaday to apend the day with her .'two young chlldron, who are at the Monroe ranch home, Wnko (Iroiip An Important meeting of Weko group of Camp Fire waa to be held Tueaday night at 7 o'olock at the home of Mra. Naomi French, 1411 Creacent avenue. Tbla meeting waa to bo devoted to the I hrlel maa projact, droning dolle for the firemen. All moinbera were urged to come and bring aewlng material for the dolla. Mlaalonary Meeting The Worn' en'a Foreign Mlaalonary aocloty of the Flrat Melhodlat church will hold an all-day meeting at the church Tburaday atartlng at 10 a. in. A covered dlah lunch eon will be eervad at noon. The afternoon atudy will be on the tople of "Village Candltloua In India." All membora have been Invited to attend. Mc lli-vnotds Coming Again Word haa been recolved here that Ward McRnynolda. who cxamlnea operntora and chnuffeura for the aerrotary of etate, la coming to Klamath Fella again, Mclloy. nolda will be here on Tburaday, December 1, at the courthouae, from 6:30 to 0:30 p. m. Form New Company Dale Route, formerly ot thla city, with F. I. Jacoba, retired Lake coiin ty rancher, haa formed a new automobile aalea company In Lakevlow, According to word re ceived here, which will handle the Dodge-Plymouth line. 8oule and Jncoba have alao purchasod the Araner garage building In the Lake county city. Arte Club The Home Building Aria club of the Business and Professional Womon'a club will moot at the Wlllnrd hotel at 8 p. m. Wedneaday. November SO Mra. Clauds Davla will apeak on pottery and will alao arrange a dlaplny ot pottery to be uaed in Illustrating her talk. Wlueuia Toinplo Wlnemo. temple of the Pythian Slatera club wilt meet at the home of Mra. Mnttle Stafford, 1015 Man- sanlta afreet, Friday, .December 2, al 7:30 p. m. visitor! nnd visiting alatora will be welcome officers said. Gideons Moot The Klamath camp of tho Clldeona waa to meet at 7:45 p. m. Tuoaday, Novcm i hor 20, at 201 Flrat National I Dunk hulldlnir. All Chrlstlsn bust j nonunion wore cordially Invited to attend. Club Hostesses Those who will prealdo aa hostosses at the meet ing ot tha Eastern Star Social club thla wook will bo Mra. Laura Wll llta, Mra. Oacar Peyton, Mra. Karl DeLapp and Mra. Arthur Schaupp, The club will meet Friday after noon at the Mnaonlo temple. when and where you want it at the turn of a faucet with an - AUTOMATIC WAT ERfc& HEATER Puraa Returned Mra. A. B. Kl- bort, (10 Clnmt street, who loat her purae Baturdtiy while stand lug In front of a Mnln atreet de partment atore, baa bad hor purae reatored to her by persona who found It whore Mra. Albert ap parently dropped the purse. Con tents of the bag wort intaot, it, waa learned. Here Tuesday Mrs. Tom Wil lis, who will be remembered as Louise Dulton, daughtor ot Mr, and Mra. Jtobert L. Dalton of Mer rill, was a visitor In Klnmath Fulls Tuoaday from the Dalton ranch, where she la visiting for sovoral weeks, Hike Kiani Carl K. Cook, Klamath Kalis recreation officer, announced that bicycle culmina tions would be hold at t p, m. Hnlurday In the city hull. All bicycle rldors who do not havo licenses are aaked to be present al thla time, Hone to Meet Bona of Norway, rtaold lodge, will meet December 10 at I p. m, In the city library auditorium, at which time there will be the election of officers and other Important bualness dis cussed. All members are urged to attend by those In charge. Car Htolrn J. L. Hlcka, 1317 Adama atreet, reported to city po lice that hla car waa atolen from In front of hla home November 28 between 7 p, m, and 8:30 p. m, Keya were In the ear, a 1028 Pontlao. Townaend Auxiliary Townaend auxiliary No. 1 will meet at the home of Mra. Birdie Heaaley, 227 Michigan avenue, Wedneaday, No vember 30, for a 1 p. m. potiucx luncheon, to be followed by a regular business session. Club to Meet Members ot the Thursday Sewing elub will meet at the home ot Mra. Leona yimlla Thursday, December 1, at which time Duona llayae ana Mamie ilrandejsky will be com plimented With birthday ahowers. From Portland Richard Morrla, Portland attorney and affiliated with the firm of Doy, llompson and Nelson, waa a business visit, or In Klamath Falls Monday, re turning north Monday night. Kosuiiice Position Lloyd Smith, member of the Klamath Falls police department, reaiimod hla position aftor an Illness of the paat few days. To Portland Lee McMullen of the Klamath Production Credit association left by train Monday night for Portland on a abort bual neaa trip. ' ttprague III Harry Sprsguo, Soul hern Pacific trainmaster, la confined to hla bom in the Aud ley apartments suffering from an attack "of Influonsa. On Business George Moeck, with the Haalltt Warehouse com pany of San Franclaoo, la a bust ness. visitor In Klamath Falls for soveral days. From Ijiv Hcils Mr. and Mra, Don Fisher of the Lava Beds na tional monument were In Klam. ath Falls Monday on a combined business and pleasure trip. Visits Aunt Miss Glra Maszont of Weed, Calif., la visiting with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mra. O. C. Olovanlnl of Pelican City. Sowing Chub The Vaaa sow Ing club win meet at the home of Mra. Hwan Erlkson on Altamont drive Tburaday, December 1, at 2 p. m. Alumnae Dance A dance will be. hold at KC hall Wednesday night from 9 to 12 0 clock for alumnae of Sacrad Heart academy, their families and frlenda. Election Checks Ready Coun ty Clork Maa K. Short Tuesday again reminded eleotlon workers thai warrants are ready for thorn at the clerk a office. According to an etiquette man ual of the Mlddlo Agea, you should novor lift a pleco of meat out ot the gravy dlah with your whole hand, but should delicately flah It out with three fingers, and In so doing, novor Immerse your fin gers In the gravy farther than the last joint. A GEM Call for or Cl """a" Gomsbok roams 'mid bush and sand A- (iA With Cemsbok friends on every handi j '., f I SWVey0U,,e"'"mMlhCALVERTblen,", Calvert THI WHISKEY OP GOOD TASTE Cnnr, IP.M Calnrl Duilllm Corp., DiullUrla; Bahlmm, Mi., nui Lautwllt; Ky., K'kuI'M Offcni Cliryiltr Bldg., N, Y. C. Cahtrl't "" BlmHtd 90 Pmtft5 Grain VtufraJ Spirit! , . . Cffiwl'f "Spicial" hiendtd Whiiky 90 Pmf 71ii Grain Nmlral Spiriti. 2596 FEDERA L1 E Duck stamp sales touched 2598 as the season came to an end Monduy. Postofflce officials here said that possibly a low more stamps will be sold before tho new Issue Is out, chiefly to stamp collectors, The stamp sales from tho local office set an all-time rocord and Indicated tho heaviest duck hunt ing In history In this soctlon. It wus pointed out that stamps are for sale at all postomcoa ana that no doubt many persons who hunted In the Klamath area pur chased tholr stamps elsewhere. AT CRATER LAKE Large, white flakes of snow continued to fall lastly In Crater Lake park Monduy evening and Tuosday morning, and according to the latest report aent to Car lisle Crouch, chief ranger of the park, there are now 22 inches of snow on the level. An inch anu a half of now anow had fallen. The temperature was reported at 35 maximum, and 30 minimum dur ing the paat 24 houra. "Thla la leaa anow than we had at tbla time last year," Crouch stated. Ho did eay however, that (bo park waa never more beauti ful than at the preaont time and many midwinter visitors have been at the resort. Chains are not only "advised, but tbey are necessary" Crouch stated. HILL WITHDRAWS EUGENE, Nov. 29 P) Earl Hill, Lane county representative, today announced hla withdrawal from the race for apeaker ot the houao for tho 1939 aeaslon of tho stato legislature. Hill released his pledges today and Informed them he would support the candidacy of Ernest Fatland, Condon, In the race. The four aerial hlghwaya used by North American birds are known as the Atlantic, Mississippi, Central, and Paclflo fly-ways. Some migrants go north by one route and return by another. All birds of ono apeclea do not follow the same route. During tho first 5000 miles or so, the air pressure In now tiros should be chocked frequently, since It Is during this period that the tire eipanda slightly. It kept Inflated to the correct pressure, the tire will be "broken In" prop erly. Tiny South American opossums aomotimoa aro found In newly un packed bananas, and oftentimes, no doubt, are destroyed without tholr true Identity becoming known, so nearly do they resemble common mice. Not all salmon apend their lives alternately In fresh and salt water. In the atule ot Maine, In Canada and In Norway, there are land locked salmon that apend their ontlre lives In fresh wator. I didn't know he waa a police man. Ha always paid tor his pop. John A. Brown, Detroit, ex plaining how he wrote a policy ticket tor a policeman. SCHEAFFER PENS For Christmas Gifts VAN'S CAMERA SHOP 72)7 Main Phono Bit BIKNOBO FOR BSTTtH TASTE DUCK STAMPS BOUGHT HER J from the GEMSBOK! I PINT PINT s5a H.20l,00; If Hold Everything! , I, ,,,.., ...... . . , , , ,. ' oasica oe PRMiiDCMr ' r , u mu... , I FIRST NATIOalAL BAUK, I ,V i , i . ii J, i j i li 1 " 1 " e5 tajsi H-Mcosa,msvmtaici, ihc "Would you give mc a statement of Papa's financial standing? lie says he can't alford to buy me a scooter." France and other parte of west ern Europe receive less rain than the castorn United States, but since tbo showers aro lighter and more frequent, leas water is lost by draining than In thla country, where more sunny daya and hard er rains are more common. An automobile should be driven at least a half hour before chang Afoe's Month-End Sale PURE SILK HOSE REG. t,15 VALL'KS IP PERFECT n Pair Flneet grade full fashioned, French heels, sandal soles and reinforced toes. Strictly newest shades. ALL SIZES ON SALE . WEDNESDAY ONLY SEE DISPLAY ALL THIS WEEK IN ART NEEDLEWORK DEPARTMENT DRAMATIZE YOURSELF IN, Smart New Hand Knits Do you covet smartly styled clothes? Then knit them yourself. Wo've all the new Fall styles for you to choose from plus a collection of now 'Bear Brand Yarns! What's more all this week we're showing the new styles on the cleverest miniature mannequlns come In you cnn study them and choose a whole wardrobel moss TIME WOMAN SSTCLE ing oil. If this la done, the Iubrl. cant la warmed up sufficiently to permit Its free passage from the crankcase, carrying with it more sludge and grime than would be possible If It were cold. The bamboo plant haa been known to grow 18 Inchea In one day, and reaches a height of 118 feet. E Another violation of the ped dlers ordinance was brought to the attention of city police who arrested Paul Glazier of Portland, magazine salesman. Glazier ap peared before Police Judge Otto Langslet Tuesday morning and paid a fine of 925. George Vess, 35, 01 Van Noss avenue, arrested by city officers on South Sixth street Monday eve ning and charged with driving while drunk and no operator's li cense, also appeared In court Tuea day morning. Vess entered a plea of guilty to tho no operator's charge and waa fined 15, He en tered a not guilty plea to the drunk driving charge and Is slated to appear at 4 p. m. Wednesday. Vess was In jail in lieu of 1100 ball Tuesday afternoon. Violation of ordinance No. B34, commonly known as selling goods without a hawker's license, was charge brought against Itobert L. Smith of Stockton, who was said to have sold furs In the business district. Smith was also charged with vagrancy and found not guil ty on this charge by Police Judge Langslet, His "partner," George B. Gelmer ot Chicago, was also charged with vagrancy - and en tered a plea of not guilty. Trial la aet for 11 a. m. December 3, LAJrvJ tAOST BEAUTIfUL CAR DESOTO EVER BUILT! t trnmrnm 1111 1 1 -Ja irtiMimi'iiiiiiil hi issisiiiiiiiHI'ii ii m i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiittiiiriliililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil liii m mmnnirru mmr mnfor i De soto'S STREAMLINE styling brings new luxury, comfort and safety. The wholecar la bigger. Seats an) "sofa-wide." JS'ew Wide-Range Safety Headlights aet flush ta fenders for safer night driving. See De Soto at n. Sntn Hnolor'o Dr Rrrm Tti vismN off Chrvsipr Corporation. Detroit. MlchJ&in. MORE ROOM New handy-shi FT mounted on steering post. Eas ier shifting... easier handling. Eliminates "wobble stick" in floor. Much more leg room in front! EASY-TO-READ New Handy-Shift mounted on thosteeringpostfor eas ier shifting. More leg room. No "wobble-stick" to clutter up front compartment. New Streamline Styling more room for passengers and luggage. Wide-Range Safety Headlights aet flush in fenders for safer night driving. New Ride Formula Airplane-type Shock Absorb ers, Rubber Float Body Mount ings eliminate bumps, vibration. TUNE IN MAJOR BOWKS' ORIQINAL PRICED 744 Klnmath Ave He and Gelmer Is In the city Jail In lieu of 100 ball. Hmith's trial was set (or Tues day afternoon nt 2 p. m. Ho was not able to provldo 1100 ball. In addition one drunk appeared In court-Tuesday. 'S The term "balanced budget" means something to the Sprague tor Governor club of Klamath county, J. C. Williamson, executive sec retary, said Tuosday that the club finished up its work and closed Its books with 4 to the good. Treasurer of the club was Les lie Rogers. It staged a success ful campaign for Charles Sprague for governor, helping him to carry thla county by a aubstantlal ma jority. There are 6000 sizes and shapes ot tin cans In use In the world. KLAMATH COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Abstract Title Insurance) Escrows ELBERT S. VEATCR lit 8a Fourth St. Phone IH rajansxffii n'ni1"' f ' 11 1111 l jniiiiiMfc w I ' ' FOR PASSENGERS TABLE OF NEW DE Streamlined Luggage Lock erprovides 23 cubic ieet of usable luggage space no old fashioned trunk bulge projects at rear to spoil lines. FuH-VlewWlndshleld-Much higher and wider! Constant Speed Electric Windshield Wip ers clear more than half the windshield area. Bigger, Safety-Steel Body! Real protection. More room. Sofa-wide seats front and rear room for six big people. AMATEUR HOUR, COLUMBIA NETWORK. THURSDAYS.) TO 10 P.M,E..T. TO FIT YOUR BUDGET mm U. auTU AND PLYMOUTH DEALERS L. O. ARENS VITAL STATISTICS LEWII ART Born nt Hlllald hospital November 28, 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Lewhart ot Tlonesta, Calif., a girl. Weight) t pounds, 71 ounces. HEOLKR Born at Klamath Valley hospital November 3d 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hogler, box 162, Shaw's camp, Klnmath Falls, a boy. Weight: 8 pounds, 1 ounce. Tha battle of Lookout Moan fain, fought during the Civil war. was called "tho buttle above th clouds." DANCE Legion Hall Wedn Nov. 30th Leon Mojica And Hla Orchestra Direct from 23 weeks at El Patio ballroom In San Fraud sco. Broadcasting nightly on NBO Coast to Coast. Gents 7Se Ladles 2Ha u , ' ( AND LUGGAGE! mTv7 Notrunk bulge! DeSoto'snew Streamlined Lug gage Locker is much, bigger 23 cu. ft. of usable, space no old-fashioned trunk bulge. SOTO FEATURES I Five Speeds Forward wltA perfected Automatic Ovor drive... optional at extra cost Thrilling new performance. Greatly improved economy. 93-H. P., Super-Economy En gine nowsuPERFiNiSHiNO of moving parts gives longer life, greater economy. Safety-Signal Speedometer acts like a "silent police man." New Non-Slam Doors. New, lasting Durasheen finish. Soft-acting Hydraulic Brakes. ; Phone 720 7