November 28, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINE Herald and News Classified Ad Section RATES Pid-ln-Advanc On day, par word Two-day run, por word .. 2c Thraa-day run, p' word , On week run, par word . On month run, par word ..20c Charge Adi Each Insartion, . (nr word 3c No charge mada (or lati than 25c) (All mall order ads must have tab wllh order). All di ara Inserted In both dllluna of The Nows-llerald. All olaailflcallona ara nurn barod and appar In numerical ordar. Tba daad-llna (or claaatflca tlou la 12:00 a. m. Ada received aftur 11:00 o'clock will ba run Id Iba "Too Lata to Classify" column. Tlia Nows-llnrald will ba re sponsible rr lucurract wording ouly ona day. Classified Index Apartments (or Raul Automotive llualnsaa Opportunities educational Financial .... For Bala or Trada tlonoral Notlcca llolp Waiitad, Kouiala -llulp Wanted. Mala Houses (or Hunt Livestock and Poultry Lost and Fouud - tllacellaueoua (or Itout Mlacallaneoua (or Sale Mlacallauaoua Wautcd Personate ...................... Real Estate (or Bala Raal Eilata Wanted . Hoom and Board Rooms (or Kant 16 ..36 ..41 I -.18 ..ig 3o ,i: ...20 -.23 -.10 -18 ..40 Services Situations Wanted To Exchange ......... Tranaportatton .. t Lott and Found LOST Wednesday night, lacly'e black purso, In or noar Lake- hura Inn. l'leaaa return ail Pacltlo Terrace. Reward. 2121-tf LOST Hmall whlta goat. Phono 161.6. 11-28 4 General Noticoi Go By Motor Coach Shortest Route Lowest fa rut To Northern Polnta Una Round Way Trip Spokane $11.10 $20.05 Boise, Ida. 10.00 18.10 Portland 5.90 10.65 Seattle 8.40 14.65 Busses Leave 1:00 P. M. Mt. Hood Stages, Inc. Greyhound Depot Thona 999 12-20mt( Not ire to Postpone Kale The auction aala of the Pobyna Furniture and Hardware Co. of Tulelake, California. advertised for Wednesday, November SOth. baa been postponed until further notlre. Arthur W. Dobyni. Owner. 11-29 8TORAOKT Call 104. l40t( INTERSTATE MOVING Klnm ath Falls Trans, and Storage 12-4mtf LONG DISTANCE HAUL1NO Phona 1097. 12-4mtf ARLKNB O. SMITH, PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, Notary Pub- He; Mlmoogrnphlng. Pbona 1402. Rosldenca 2129 Oak off East Main. 11-1 Panonalt THE READERS DICIKST An ap preciated Xmns gift that comoa 12 tlmoa a year. For new, ra newal or gift aubacrlptlona call Joy Evana Rolph nt 2024, agent for Roaders Dlgoat exclusively, 11-30 FOR THAT MAN'S BIRTHDAY nr Vmna. hliv SKI-TOOS. Rudy's SKI SHOP, 6th and Main. 12-2 MOVING Locat, long distance Cull 704. 1641tf 10 Service DR. J. W. WATERS Veterinar ian 16 yonra experience In lnrgo nnd email animal prac tice. Phone No. 2036-W. 1812 Portlnnd St. 11-28 LAUNDRY WORK Ronaonable. 1140 Klnmnth. 11-28 SEWING, export altoratlona, slip covera, drommnklng, conta ra llnod, Mra. Ilnrnoy, 2111 Dar row. Phone 2161-J. 12-llintf PLACE your ordor now for that Bponcor Kiuninnt for Xmns de livery., Unll tho roglBtorod nor Botloro, Mrs. P. D, Ottorholn, 11108-R. 11-29 HEMSTITCHING. BUTTONS, 1IUCKLES. MIbb Murray, with J. 0. Penney Co. 12-25 FERTILIZER. Bhoop or cow, lawn dirt, fill dirt. Roy Schmeck, 2438 Simula way. Phona 1269. 11-80 COMPETENT licensed houuty op nrntor nnd hnlr ilyliat. Phone 1S91-M. ' 1323U Servlcai CURTAINS, Home Laundered, Stretched, reasonable. Phone 1435-W. 11-26 HODBNHAMBR SAW IPILINO 219 K. Main. Phona 848-W. All aawa, tools, lawnmowora, ate. rupalred. ll-14-uitf YOUR FILM DEVELOPED and printed 26c, wide border, deckle edge prints. Also 2 7x9 enlarg ing coupons. West Coaat Film Horvlce. "A Tollable place to send your (lima." P. 0. Box 30, Salem, Ore. 12-10 FLOOR BANDINO and reflnlsh Ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 188-W-8. 1-81-mtf PAINTING, KAL80MININO W. H. Smith. Phone 377J3. 12-1 CLEAN HOUSE Call Art Bene dict. 1364-W. 12-11 WRINGER ROLLS for all mekoa of waahlng tnacblnea. Merit Washing Machine Service, 709 So. 6lb. Phone 1086. ll-80mt( ATTENTION Working mothers: Have your child rared for by responsible party while you work. Reason able, nox 2186, Newa-Herald. 3186-tf NU-BONE foundation garments. For appointment call Mrs. Mil dred Itugg, 28 WS. 13-1 UPHOLSTERY Cars, furniture ruga cleaned Ilka new. Moder ate prices. Call 66S-M. 12-1 PAINTING, Kalaumlnlng Hurry Brown, phone 1992. ll-13-mtf BT. FRANCIB PARK CABINKT SHOP Cabinet work, remodel Ing. Phone 167-J-l or 41-J-6 12-11 DRESSMAKING, alterations, re modeling. Ann London, 623 Main, over Swansea's Barber Shop. 11-17-rotf AUTO. WINDOW OLASS Install ed. Mirrors made, roallvered. Klin ball's Olnss Shop, 627 Wal nut. Phone 2243. Il-30mtf 14 Help Wanted, Female WANTED Experienced house keeper with references. Phone 600. 2299-tf 16 Help Wanted. Mala WANTED Boys over 14 to sell Evening Hnralda. In compll ance with the wage and hour bill only hoys over 14 will be permitted to sell. Apply News Herald office. 12-3 WANTED Stone mason, plumb or and plasterer to do work In eirhange for rent of rurnished cottages. Allamont Auto Camp. 12-2 18 Situations Wanted WOMAN 31. single, wanta house work. Furnish reference. 1211 California. 11-30 EXPERIENCED woman wanta work In country. Haa 6 year old boy. Phone 1112. Malln Ore., or Box 200. Rt. 1, Malln. 12-4 MARRIED MAN wishes any kind of work. Phone 18-F-S. 11-30 WOMAN wishes housework. 2128 Applegate. 11-28 COMPETENT WOMAN wanta norx oy nour. rnone ziyi-w. 11-28 WANTED Work by hour or day. Experienced woman. 1643 Mar tin. 11-28 EXPERIENCED GIRL with ref erences will take care of chil dren evenlnga. Phone 1762-R 2224t( PRUNING, GARDEN WORK Al bert Barrott, Ashland route. 12-8 EXPERIENCED COOK wanta work. Restaurant, ranch or small erew. Will go anywhere. 10211 Main. 11-29 EXPERIENCED woman wanta work of any kind. Phone 1363. 11-29 20 Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM for two. Pri vate home noar high school. 1321 Johnaon. Phone 1848-W. 12-4 BOARD AND ROOM Private home. 1004 Eldorado. Phone 469MX. '. ' 11-28 ROOM With garage. Board It desired. Gentleman preferred. 638 Eldorado. 11-28 ROOM AND BOARD Close in. 829 High. 13-16mtf ROOM-BOARD Meals family atyln; furnace heat. Phone 1269-J. 12-8 BOARD AND ROOM. 629 Jeffer son. 12-4 ROOM AND BOARD Prlvato family, oloae in, ona or two people. Phone 252. 12-2 22 Rooms for Rant SLEEPING ROOMS Close In. 2,76 and 88.60 week. 303 Washington. 12-24 NEWLY FURNISHED HEATED room, 614 Walnut, Call he twoon 6 and 8 evenings, 12-8 FIRST-CLASS small brick apt. Adults. 741 Walnut, 11-31 FURNACE heated room, 13.60 - week.' 846 Eldorado. 11-28 ROOMS FOR MEN Clean, quiet, cloao in; no housekeeping; prl vato entrance. 324 S. 9th. 1803-11 10 34 Automotive Wanted More Prospects for USED CARS Do You Know of Any One That Is Thinking About Buying a Good Used Car? If You Do Tell U Who It Is and We Will Make It Worth Your While AS FOLLOWSi To the person giving us the greatest number of used car prospects wa can tell between now and Chrittmei Eva, wa will deliver a good going used sedan and title for the smell sum of $1.00 Only To the person giving us the second largest number of prospects w can tell between now and Chrittmai Eva., wa will deliver another good used car and title for the small turn of $5.00 So get buty, talk to your friendi and let ui have their namei and addranei and the kind of a car thay ara contidering L. O Arens Your 744 Klamath Avenue 22 Rooms for Rant CHEAP ROOMS 629 Jefferson. 11-30 VAVCANCY Nice steam heated rooma. 310 So. 6th. 1113-tf CLAREMONT 228 N- 4th St. All outalde modern rooms. Free parking lot. 1-22 FURNACE heated rooms. 920 Lin coln. 11-29 FURNACE HEATED ROOM 134 N. 3rd. 340tt 24 Apartments for Rent FOR RENT Two-room furnished apartment. Everything fur nlahed. 433 N. 10th. 11-29 SMALL two-room furnished apart ment. 813 Pine. 11-30 VACANCY Villa Marquise 1320 Oak. 11-29 APARTMENT for rent. 3371 Mala. Adults only. No pets 11-30 VACANCY Owens. 2-room apt., 900 11-80 FURNISHED apartment, suitable (or two. Inquire 601 Market. 11-39 VACANCY Small 2-room turn lulled apt., 335 Commercial. 12-2 UNFURNISHED 8-room apart ment. Oil heat, lower floor. Riverside Apta., 710 Llpplncott 11-28 FURNISHED two rooma, close In, (12.60 per mo. 609 N. Third. 11-29 FURNISHED APT. Adults. 741 Walnut. 11-29 FOR RENT Three-room furn ished apartment, 983 High. 2618t( VACANCY 419 N. 10th. 12-21 CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Newly (urnlahed and deco rated, telephones, electric equip ment, refrigeration, elevator. garage. Day, week or month. The apartment hotel with con veniences and home comfort. 14-hour service. No pets. 12-14-mtt VACANCY Esplanade Courts. 12-14 26 Houses for Rant For Rent Good five-room furnished house with two bedrooms, oil heater, on pavement, eloae to achool, at 386.00 per month. CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1909 116 N. 9th Phone 66 11-28 FIVE-ROOM FURNISHED house. Lakeshore drive. Second house beyond nuraery. C. W. Over- turf. 11-29 TWO-ROOM FURNISHED house. Couple. 1920 Oak. 11-29 SMALL MODERN (urnlahed cot tage. Garage. 1125 Biehn. 12-8 FURNISHED THREE ROOM and four room house. 1804 Wor den. 11-30 FURNISHED, MODERN cabins. Special monthly rate. Altamont Auto camp. 11-27 UNFURNISHED four-room house, sleeping. porch. Inquire cabin 1, Klamath View Auto Court, Keno Rt. 11-28 THREE-ROOM modern unfurn ished house, (20. Phone 1614-.T. 11-28 FOUR-ROOM completely furnish ed houso. Inquire Carl Frle, Richfield Service Station, Keno Rt. 11-29 FOR RENT Six-room (urnlahed house 1034 High. 12-1 UNFURNISHED three-room mo dorn house, gnrngo, woodshed. Located on pavement, close in. Phone 357-J-3. 11-28 DeSoto-Wymouth Dealer Klamath Fall, 28 Miscellaneous for Rant BACHELOR CABINS 43S Wil low. ll-JJ FOR RENT AT ONCE 9000 Acres Winter Range located 9 miles south of Red Bluff, Cali fornia. Will carry 4000 Ewes or will take cattle. Tbla range haa 4 lambing campa on It, plenty of water and well fenced. Write or phone Holmes Wing. Gerber. California. 11-28 30 Raal Ettt for Sale 8-ROOM house, one-half aera of ground. City lights and water. 8476. Small payments. Chrlat Huck, 1820 Pleasant. Phone 2206. 12-3 FOR SALE Five-room home In Hillside addition. Hardwood floors, full basement, (Ire place. Terma. Inquire 206 Commercial after 6:30. 13-2 SEE LEWIB TRACTS on Shasta Way, 810 down, 16 monthly including Interest. Mrs. Ben P. Lewis, owner. Rt, 1, Box 310. Phone 86-J-3. 12-18 FOR SALE, Lease or Exchange The recent death of Mr. Miller, of Miller Packing company. makes available (or lease, pur chase or trade, the stock ranch operated by him. 1120 acres, owner, Mrs. D. T. Owen, Dorrla, Calif. 1814-tf 34 Automotive FOR SALE Equity to 1987 Dodge DeLuxe coupe, 8226; balance due (433.00. 1806 Main. Apt. 4. 11-30 FOR SALE 1934' Chevrolet truck, li-ton, long wbeelbaae. Phone 191-W-l. 11-28 36 Miscellaneous for Sal FOR SALE Baled alfalfa and graaa hay. (9.00; also straw. Rt. 1, Box 166, Bhaata Way. lit CHARACTER BUILDING Chll dren'a books, scripture cards, ' mottos. Book Mart, next City Library. -24 FOR SALE Applea. McComb. Box 540, Route 1. 11-30 BUSINESS CARDS SI. 60 per thou sand. Call 2281-W. 11-29 FOR SALE Registered cocker spaniel pupa. Telephone 1814, Tulelake, Calif. 11-29 WOOD Pine and fir. Bob Brown, 3rd St., Pleasant View, or Rt. 1, Box 79. 11-28 FOR SALE OR TRADE House hold furniture, also lumber, or trade for light ear, truck or trailer house. 1621 Fremont. 11-28 CARROTS Culls 60c, No. 1 75c sack. Crystals, Merrlll-Lake-Ttew Junction. 11-28 RABBIT HAY 3rd crop alfalfa, baled by ton or bale. Also weaner pigs. Pin Orov Poul try Ranch, mile paat Lakeriew Junction on Lakeriew Rt. 13-1 USED PIPELESS FURNACE for wood or coal. (15.00. Tbla furnace Is In good condition but Is being replaced by a mod ern H. O. Little OH Burning Floor Furnace because of the addlUonal comfort and con venience. Phona SIS. PEYTON A OO. 4980 tf FOR SALE Fir and pin body wood. Phone 1430-J. 12-15 FOR SALE OR TRADE West inghouse electric range, cheap, or trade for studio couch or sewing machine, Arnold Sloak, Stewart addition. 11-29 FIX THAT radio. Phone 1181-W. 802 Market. 12-25 FOR SALE 8-plece walnut din ing set (60; two-door Frlgld alre; Hot Point electrlo stove; brass bed, walnut writing desk. Good condition. 142S Faolfic Terrace. 11-29 FOR SALE Thoroughbred Irish Terrier puppies. Registered American Kennel Club. 425 Martin St. 12-10 36 Miscellaneous for Sal Another BI3 Regular Community Auction Saturday, Dec. 17th, 10 a. m. at the Fair Grounds Klamath Falls Bring on your livestock, Imple ments, furniture or what have you, any kind or amount. The cash buyers will be there. List and mail now, the description of the things you will include in this sal to Chaa. K. Wlese, Auctioneer Phone 21 Tulelake or Phone 26S-J-2 Klamath Falla 12-18 AUCTION SALE of SO Registered Hereford Bolls and Heifers. 10 Fat Steers Consigned from Steer Show. Caloregoa Hereford Breeders As sociation Second Annual Sale, SATURDAY, DEC. 1, 1938. At Fairgrounds. South Medford, Oregon. Commencing at 1:30 p. m. Featuring: Prince Domino, Anxiety, Beau Donald, Bright Stanway, Beau Blanchard strains. Breeders and ranchers: If you are In the market for a herd bull or wish to buy a few good heif ers, be sure you attend thla auc tion. Tbla offering carries the blood of the moat famous sires of the Herefords. They are T. B. and Bang teated for your protec tion. These consignments are made by the prominent breeders of southern Oregon and northern California. Consignors: Mount Crest Ranch, Hilt, Calif.; Charley Bros. Hereford Ranch, Browns- boro. Ore.; Bert Hoy, Weed. Calif.; Henry Conger. Medford, Ore.; Flounce Rock Ranch, Pros pect, Ore.; Lawrence Horton, Tulelake. Calif. Fat ateer show and awarda will be made 1 p. m., Friday, Dec. 1. Auction of fat cattle will be held Saturday, Dec. 1. prior to opening of bull and heifer sale. Field repreaentatlvea: Bob Teale, Western Llveatock Jour' nal; Forrest Bosstord, American Hereford Journal, COL. A. H. DUDLEY, Auctioneer. 11-80 Medford, Oregon. FULLER BRUSHES Order now for Chrlatmaa special. Brlatle comb (1.39, friction shower (2.95. R. V. Morgan, north end Pacific Terrace. Phone 2345-R. 12-3 FOR SALE Small bungalow type piano, (66. Dale Baxter. Modoc Point, Box 76. 11-30 FOR SALE Wood range. (3.00. Rt. 1, Box 133, Pleaaant View. 11-30 ANY KIND LAWN DIRT, ferti liser and garden rock. Phone I77J1. 11-1 STORING MOVING PACKING Call 704. 1642tf PINE BLOX Bone dry direct from bin, (8.76 delivered. Phone 892-M. 12-9 PUBLIC "STORAGE" SERVICE Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, Fourth and Klamath. ll-4mtf KALSOMINE Your choice of twenty colors In bulk at only 8c lb. We rent kalsomlne brushes. Southern Oregon Hardware. 11-8 FOR SALE Baled hay. . J. B. Thompson, Rt. 1, Box 891, Mid land. 11-28 FOR SALE.. Driveway gravel. Phone 937-J-l. 11-18 BALED HAY Timothy, alfalfa and straw. R. C, Short, Rt 1, Box 544, Merrill road. 12-4 GOING SKIINQT HtrBCh-Wels Ski Togs. Rudy's SKI SHOP, 6th and Main. 11-1 MOVING? Call Klamath Falla Transfer and Storage, 4th and Klamath. Phone 1097. 12-4mtt SPECIAL Wood ranges. In full enamel Ivory or white, with large size firebox, 18-lnch oven, enameled oven bottom and in side oven door. Only (47.50. (10.00 down, (5.00 per month. Also apeclal prices on Montag Ranges. Let us save you money on your wood ranges! Lucas Furniture, 1(6 Bast Main. 11-17 UNREDEEMED Elgin and Bulova watches as low as (4.50. Select your Xmas gifts now. Use our lay-away plan. Ricky's Jewelry, (21 Main. Licensed Pawnbrolr ers. 12-14 FOR SALE Driveway olnders. Phone 938W4. 12-6 DRY FIR AND PINE body wood; also mahogany (10. Few dry pine limbs. 105 W. Oregon. 11-28 38 For Sal or Trad FOR SALE OR TRADE 40-acre ranch, Hagerman Valley, Idaho. 1827 Oregon. 11-28 News ana get results. Herald Want-Ads To Exchange TRADE 14 acres Joining Brim ming Cup Auto camp, Keno, for central California property. 478 Vernon St., Oakland, Calif. 12-4 NEWTOWN and Red Apples, 150 boxes, exchange for No. 2 po tatoes. 328 N, Central, Medford. 12-1 EXCHANGE mattress and uphol stery work (or used furniture or what have you? Phone 1206-W. 11-29 42 Miscellaneous Wanted FURS WANTED Park's Grocery, 2222 So. (tb. Always pays high est prices for furs. Phone 279-M. 12-23 WANTED 4 to 6 room unfur nished house on or near Keno road. Box 2671, News-Herald. .11-30 WANTED 600 people to join our CO-OPERATIVE BUIl.XJ CLUB. Buy your groceries WHOLESALE and save twenty to thirty per cent. You IN VEST NOTHING. O. M. Law son, manager. MAIN STREET GROCERY, 1406 Main St. 12-24 HIGHEST PRICES PAID for nsed furniture and stoves. O. K. Second-Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 991. ll-30mtf PAY CASH tor nsed furniture, tools, guns. Peck, 17 Main St. 11-30 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE 3 year old milking Durham bull; alao 9 head young ewea and buck, or trade for milk beltera. 2050 Melroae or phone 2172-W. 11-30 FOR SALE Team geldings, 3000 Iba., and harness; six feed er pigs, cheap. Rt. 2, Box 255, Shasta Way. 11-30 REGISTERED HEREFORDS 30 two-year-old bulla, 80 yearlings, 100 calves, 100 cows, 100 two-year-olds, 125 yearlings. Dom ino and Panama. W. E. Chap man, Joseph, Ore. 11-17 WANTED TO BUY 6 or ( head good white face young cows to freshen aoon. Pbona 661-W-4. R. C. Prudhomme. Address Rt. 1, Box 196, 3rd house eaat of Idella's store on South Sixth. 1889tt CHICKS HATCHING every week. Magulre Electric Hatchery. 2416 N. E. Oregon St.. Portland, Ore. ll-30mtf 46 Financial LOW RATES on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Quick, Dependable, Safe No Co-Signers No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let us finance your new or nsed car purchase. Motor Investment Co. License M-104 114 N. 7th Ph. 882 12-9-mtf Loans $5 to $300 S. MADISON MULLEN CO. 603 Medical-Dental Bldg. Personal, Chattel Loans (S-219) 11-18 NEED MONET? Let the "Friendly Finance Co." Fnrnlsh the Cash Aato Loans, Financing See Commercial Finance Corp. Wm. Frohnmayer, Mgr. i License No. M-223 . 7th St. Phone 471 11-30 HAVE (515 credit at Nash garage to be applied on new car. Wish to borrow (400 on this credit, or will sell at a bargain. H. W. Van Hlse. Chemult, Ore. 12-4 POOL HALL and restaurant fully equipped (or sale or rent. Write Box 1132, Merrill, Oregon. 11-8 SMALL restaurant at bargain tor quick sale. Must sell on ac count sickness. Phone 249. 12-1 FOR SALE! Tavern In Alturas Good location. News-Herald Box 2247. 11-26 FOR SALE Good going business, living quarters. Low rent. Bus iest street In city. (300 full price. Good proposition. News Herald, Box 2304. 11-29 LEGAL NOTICES ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS KLAMATH COUNTY SCHOOLS. P. W. A. DOCKET OREGON 1317-F. Sealed bids will he received by Jean K. Porter, at the offices of the Klamath County School Super intendent, Court House, Klamath Falls, Oregon, until 2:00 o'clock P. M. on Wednesday, December 14th, 1938. and will then and there be opened and publicly read aloud. Bids received after the time fixed tor opening will not be considered. The Bids will be for the follow ing: Item "A" ADDITION TO THE ALTAMONT JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL. Item "G" CLASS ROOM AD DITION TO SHASTA GRAM MAR SCHOOL. Item "I" CLASS A ACTIVI TY ROOM ADDITION TO HEN LEY GRADE- SCHOOL. Item "L" CLASS ROOM AD- 40 LEGAL NOTICES DITION TO KENO HIOH SCHOOL. Plans, Specifications and form of contract documents may be ex amined at the Builders Exchange Co-operative, Couch Bldg., Port land, Oregon, and at the office of the Architect, and a set of said Plans, Specifications and Forms may be obtained at the office of Howard R. Perrln, Architect, Un derwood Bldg., Klamath Falla, Oregon, upon deposit of (20.00 per set. The full amount of the deposit (or one set of documents will be returned to each actual bidder within a reasonable time after the receipt of bids. Other deposits will be refunded with deductions not exceeding the actual cost of reproduction of the drawlnga, up on the return of all documenta In good condition within thirty (30) days after the date of opening bids. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond (with author ized surety company sa aurety) made payable to the Owner in amount not leas than 6 of the amount bid. The Klamath County School District reserves the right to re ject any or all bids, and to waive Informalities. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set tor the opening thereof, or before award of con tract, unless said award la delayed (or a period exceeding 30 days. It is estimated that there will be available (or the work to be done under this advertlaement sub stantially the eum of (68,809.00. THE KLAMATH COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT By Jean K. Porter, Clerk. First Publication on November 28th, 1938. Lost Publication on December 5tb, 1938. N. 28; D 6. No. 198. Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK. Nov. 28 (AP) Late buying came Into the stock mar' et today and chopped down extreme losses running to 8 or more points. Steele and motors led the fore noon retreat of the Industrials, Utilities held (airly well tor a time, but some of these eventual ly weakened. Ralls were rather resistant thoroughout, although the majority remained behind minus signs. Brokers could find no outstand ing reason for the extension of last week's decline. Tax selling (or Income returns, more bene (icial for speculators snd In vestors than under the law in existence last rear, was believed to have had as much as anything else to do with the setback. Foreign affairs were spoken of ss a "deterrent," st least. At that, sterling rallied briskly when there was a delay in fixing the gold price at London and the British exchange control began to sell dollars extensively. In spiring covering among sterling "shorts also was a mua recur rence ot the often denied rumors ot dollar devaluation. Wall street paid little attention to this talk. Closing quotations: Adams Express Air Reduction .... Alaska Jnneau 101 611 101 181 11 97 41 81 51 161 201 60 1471 84 12 7 831 51 871 3 16J 61 221 691 301 161 30 6 201 U 81 63 891 451 HI 91 321 771 61 91 11 231 191 81 381 631 121 61 142 671 178 .101 21 408 861 1 471 71 Al Chem & Dye . Allied Stores ... American Can Am Eng Tile . Am For Power Am Power ft Light . Am Rad Sta San Am Roll Mills Am Smelt ft Ret Am Tel ft Tel Am Tob "B" Am Water Works Am Zinc L ft S Anaconda Armour 111 j. Atchison ................... Auburn Auto ........ Barnsdal .... Bait ft Ohio Bendtx Avia Beth Steel . Boeing Alrp Borden Borge-Warner Budd Mfg. Calif Packing Callahan Z L . Calumet Hec Canadian Pacltlo . Case (J L) Cat Tractor Celanese Cert-Teed Ches. ft Ohio Chrysler Col Gas ft El . Com'l Solvents Comm'nw'lth ftft Son Consol Aircraft ........... Consol Edison . Consol Oil Cont'l Can .... Corn Products Crown Zellerbach ....... Curtlss Wright Dupont de N Doug Aircraft Eastman Kodak . El Pow & Lt . Erie R R General Electric . ...... General Foods Gen Gas ft El "A" General Motors , Gillette Goodyear Tire Gt. Nor Ry pfd 811 231 Hecker Prod 10 Holland Furnace 461 Hudson Motors .. 71 Illinois Central 141 Insp Copper .................. 141 Int. Harvester 681 Int Nick Can . 611 Int Pap ft P pfd . 431 Int Tel & Tel ..... 81 Johns Manvllle ..... 971 Kennecott 421 Lib O Ford 511 Llgg Myers "B" 981 Loew's .. ................ 671 Long-Bell "A" Lorlllard P ............ 4 191 4S II 15 13 HI let 71 171 sr. tit 6 19 t T8 191 40, 80 66 10 SI S2 7 16 12 151 111 43 8i 161 72 14t 131 221 171 61 81 16 37 til 121 ' 101 31 421 111 IS 49 71 85 18 891 871 11 SI B8 10j 26 471 101 61 Ui 71 5i 131 "11 HI 491 Montgomery Ward Nash-Kelv ... Nat'l Biscuit Nat'l Cash Nat'l Dairy Prod . Nat'l Dlst Nat'l Pow 4 Lt -N Y Central ....... North Amer Co ..... Northern Pacltlo ., Ohio Oil Otla Steel . Pac Amer Flah ....... Pae Gas ft El Pacltlo Tel Tel . Packard Motor Penney (J C) Penna R R , Phelps Dodge .... Phillips Pet Proctor ft Oamble . Pressed Steel Car , Pub Bve N J Pullman ............ Radio . Rayonler Rayonler pfd .................. Rem Rand Republic Steel ... Reynolds Tob "B" .... Richfield Old Safeway Stores ........ Sears Roebuck ............ Shell Union Socony Vacuum .. sou cal Edison .. Sonthern Pacific Standard Brands Standard Gas c El. Stand Oil Calif. Stand Oil Ind i Stand Oil N J Stone As Webster Studebaker . Sunshine Mining Sup Oil Texas Corp Texas Gulf Sulphur Tidewater Asso Oil Tlmken Roll Bearing Trans-America Union Carbide Union Oil Calif Union Psclflo United Aircraft United Airlines United Corporation United Frnlt United Gas Imp U S Indust Alcohol U 8 Rubber . U 8 Rubber pfd U 8 Steel Vanadium - Walworth Warner Pictures Western Union . Westlnghouse White Motor , Woolworth - South S. F. Livestock a n n rp o oiu wt a xrrrarn Nov. 28 (AP-USDA) Hogs 1900, including 1590 direct. Butcher 5-lOc lower; bulk 171-216 lb. weights (8.65-70; top 8.70 O 1 loads around 100-110 lb. Ore gons: light lights and 130-171 lb. butchers sorted ont mainly (8.15; packing sows steady, spot 25c lower; good sows (6.76-7.00. Cattle: 950, Including SS direct. Steers alow; asking fully steady at lost week's advance; good fed steers held above (8.76; part load medium light grssa steer (7.75; she stock opened strong; few mixed young cows and heif ers (6.75; several sales medium to mostly good range cows (6.00 (6.25; most low ctltters and cutters (3.50-4.25; few fleshy dairy cows (4.50-75; bulla firm, plain medium to mostly good, range cows (6.00-25; most low cutters and cutters (3.60-4.26 1 tew fleshy dairy cows (4.60-75; bulls firm, plain to medlnm kinds (5.00-75, some held higher. Calves: 10. Only odd head avail able; market nominal; , good to choice vealers quoted (9.50 (10.50. Sheep: 8300, Including 186S direct, holdovers 235. No early sales, Indications stronger on trnnA n nKntn .... .1 ........ ,.uu ... vuviva muiua, uuusiiuut weak on lower grades; 2 deck good to choice fed wooled Ore gon lambs held above (8.76; in dlcatlons around steady on ewes, quality not very attractive, soma good ewes held above (3.75. E CHICAGO, Nov. 28 (JP) Pros pects that deliveries on December contracts would be smaller than recently were looked for tended to make wheat prices her sver age s trifle higher today. Winnipeg estimated export pur chases of Canadian wheat today as 300,000 bushels. It was also) stated that three cargoes of Uni ted States hard winter wheat had been sold to the far east. At the close, Chicago wheat fu tures were unchanged to 1 cent higher compared with Saturday' finish, Deo. 611c, May 66-6410, corn unchanged to c down, Dee. 471-lc, May 511-10, and oats un changed to a up. Of 6420 persons selected at ran . dom for their outstanding service) to humanity, It was recently found that 6768 completed requirement for college degrees, 622 bad high) school educations, six had elemen tary school educations, and six had never attondod school. ATTENTION TRAPPERS Get better price and grade for your furs. See George at The Bargain Store B4 Main Pfcon 8AW 3'