PAGE TWO November 26, 1933 Mrs Rasmusseri Addresses League of Women Voters at Monday Session in City League Hears Talk Mrs. Rasmussen Out lines Program of Group at Luncheon On of the most Interesting ipnkira, to appear before tha Klamath county chapter, League ot Woraon Votera for a long time, was Mra. Ralph Rasmussen of Portland, a member of tha board of directors of the Oregon Btata League and prominent In affair of tha Portland league. Mra. Rasmussen waa the guest of the Klamath group at lunch eon Monday In the Elk hotel at half paat twelve o'clock. She courteoufily took the place of Mra. Henry Corbett and Mra. Thomas Sharp who were pre rented from filling their en gagement In Klamath Falls by a death In their family. Officer of the League, with Mra. Raamuasen. ware seated at prettily appointed table where juniper waa used In an effective arrangement. Tha following paragraphs are taken from Mra. Rasmtiaaen'a excellent dlacuaalon of League policies, aima and accomplish ments, which aha outlined: "Tha national League of Women Vetera alone, without tha atata and local organization behind it, could not command, as it doea, the respect and some times the cooperation of con gress and government officials. It ia because national can apeak tor League members in his con atituency, that a congressman will Haten. "In the same way tha atata and local leaguea are dependant for their preatig upon tha 'na tional. It la tha nation-wide point ot view and the nation wide aolldarlty that make of local leagues aomethlng differ nt from just another club. "Now wa might consider tha Leaguea program and the- pro cedure of building a program. The League limit itself to study of itema which will lead to leg ielatlon tor the promotion ot general welfare and tor that reaaon the program must be very carefully and thoughtfully built. In tha proceaa every unit of the organization has its re sponsible part. . "Out of the laat convention ot tha National American Woman Suffrage association In Chicago in 1920, grew the. Na tional League ot Women Vot ers. When these women knew that tha amendment' would be ratified in time tor the 'presi dential election of that year, they realized that a tremendous amount of educational work had to be don in a very short time. They realized, too, that although they had worked for twenty-five years to achieve this Independence, their work waa . In reality only beginning. - That a wise uae of this new power would be a far more difficult and a less speotacular task than had been the struggle for, .its achievement. - , "There wars so precedents to follow, no on knew how im portant a place women would take in government and what has been accomplished in the eighteen yeara of the League's life has been accomplished by actual necessity. Mrs. Rasmussen then outlined the six departments which now make up a League organization: 1. Government and opera tion. 2. Governments and foreign policy. 2. Government and education. 4. Governments and child wel fare. 6. Government and economic welfare. 6. Government and legal status ot women. Mrs. Rasmussen completed her discussion by outlining the aims, objects and methods ot the League which she termed as . "different from those ot politi cal parties." She also stressed the fact that the League Is non political and cautioned all wom en Interested in the organiza tion to keep this point before the chapter. Mrs. Fred Rueck, president of the Klamath Chapter, pre sided. I ii m : : MISS SUSAN PENZEL' Susan observedV W--birthday anniversary recently whan she entertained. ;group of little friends with a holiday party. 1 She is the daughter of Mr. and Mr. Alfred- TPornel of- Canby street. .... ,UT , wKennell-Ellls picture. SOROPTIMISTS ENTERTAIN FOR CLUB PRESIDENT Mrs. Malile Murphey, presi dent of the Soroptlmist club of Portland, was the guest ot honor at a Sunday morning breakfast November the twen tieth, given by the Klamath Kails Soroptlmists at the Peli can grille when alms and pro jects of the various clubs were discussed. So interesting wera the suggestions offered by Mrs. Murphey nnd so eager were her listeners that the group did not disband until nearly one o'clock in the afternoon. During the afternoon the vis itor was taken on a short tour of the Klamath country aud tha city by Mrs. Laura Bertram, president of the Klamath group, and Mrs. Emma Bell Page, sec retary. An orening banquet waa held at the willard hotel when Mrs. Murphey reported on the con vention held lsst summer at At lantic City. ' The tables wera lovely with autumn flowers and brightly colored gourds, and the only lighting In the room was the soft glow from the candela bra on table, mantla and piano, Mrs. Isabelle Van Fleet, ac companied by Mrs. Ettis Garce lon, sang several numbers, and a clever mind-reading aklt waa given by Mra. Kathleen Thomp son and her mother, Mra. May me Bltney. Mrs. Rita Whlse nant officiated as toaslmistress. Mrs. Fay Leone Williams hsd charge ot the program, and Mrs. Gwendolyn Wright served as chairman of tha decorations and arrangements. AUXILIARY OF CANTON CRATER ENJOY TWO TEAS Members ot tha Ladles Aux iliary of the Canton Crater bava participated in two "galloping teas" the paat week. On the afternoon of Novem ber the twenty-second, .Mrs. 8. R. Redkey entertained at her home on Conger avnua .when those enjoying an afternoon ot. pinochle wera Mrs. Jennie Hurn, Mrs. W. J. Steinmets, Mrs. Katherlna Ess, Mrs. R. V. Ess, Mrs. Nina Beck. Mrs. Anna Sean, Mra. Myrtle McCullough, Mrs. Margaret Wiard, Mrs. Laura Uerllnga, Mrs. Frances Kangas, Mrs. Belle Thompklns, Mrs. R. G. Motschenbacher, Mrs. Clara Galoon and Miss Margaret Redkey. Mrs. John Uerllngs was host ess at tha first of the teas at ' her home on Lewis street on November the fifteenth when her guests were Mrs. S. R. Red key, Mrs. Lee Bean, Mrs. Nina Beck. Mrs. R. G. Motschen bacher. Mrs. Margaret Wlard, Mrs. Edna Haupard, Mrs. Lu cille Heifer, Mrs. Harriet Bates, Mrs. Myrtle McCullough, Mrs. Myrtle Hart, and Mrs. Char lotte A gee. Three tables of pinochle were In play. Chilcotes Have ' Holiday Guests Guests of the E. M. Chllcotes over the Thanksgiving weekend are their daughter. Miss Ruth May Chilcote, and son, Robert Cbilcote, and Mr. Hale Thomp son of Eugene. Miss Chilcote is an instructor at the Universi ty ot Oregon and Robert is a student there. Another son, Mr. William Chilcote, went to Portland where he is spending the holidays with friends. Among the Thanksgiving day dinner guests at Cal-Ore tavern were Dr. and Mrs. George Goeh ring and Mr. and Mra. Frank A. Victory. Dr. Goehring and Mr. Victory spent the day hunt ing. Miss Marjorie Perkins, a sen ior at Llnfield college at Mc Minnville Is the house guest of Mrs. E. C. Post of Pacific Ter race over the holiday weekend. Mrs. Harry W. Bathlany will entertain for members of her supper club at her home in the Marlon apartments Thursday, December the first. v f s '.v. J MISS JOHNSON COMPLIMENTED WITH SHOWER One ot the most attractive brides ot the past week was Miss Doris Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mra. W. F. Cullen of Malin. who became the bride of Mr. James Drazll of Malin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Valencar Draxil, also of Malin, Novem , ber the .twenty-thlrd, On Friday evening, Novem ber the eighteenth, a shower was given for the bride-elect by Miss Gerda Persson, Miss Nona McCoulIough and Mrs. Caryl Webster at the home ot Miss Persson. Traditional colors of Thanks giving, orange, brown and yel low, were used about the rooms and on the refreshments table. A doll, frocked as a bride, with streamers ot yellow satin rib bon reaching to the many gifts, was arranged on one table lit by tall yellow tapers. Guests at the affair included Miss Johnson, Mrs. Jean Wood, Mra. Gwendolyn Wright, Mrs. Delphia Hoyt, Mrs. A. O. Pers son, and Miss Swea Swensen, and the hostesses. Miss Persson, Miss McCullough and Mrs. Webster. Drazll-Johnson On Wednesday morning, No vember twenty-third, at ten fifteen o'clock at the residence of the officiating clergyman, 435 North Second street, Mr. James Drazll of Malin and Miss Doris Evelyn Johnson were united in marriage by the Rev. Theodore Smith, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. The bride was gowned in blue and wore a corsage of white flowers. The single ring ceremony was used. The only attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drazll, the groom's brother and sister-in-law. The couple Is to reside at 134 North Third street. Waldrep-Jameson Married at the home of the minister, Arthur Charles Bates, pastor of the First Christian church, at 638 Lincoln street, on Saturday evening at seven thirty o'clock, November tha nineteenth, Mr. Henry Thomas Waldrep and Miss Helen Eliza beth Jameson, both of Weyer haeuser camp. .The ceremony was read by the minister in tbe presence of the following guests: Mr, and Mrs. Jameson, father and mother of the bride, Mrs. Richard Jameson, sister-in-law of the bride, Mr. Glenn Hackett, and Miss Juanlta Dahms. Mr. Hackett and Miss Dahms attended the couple who will make their home at the Weyerhaeuser camp where tha groom is employed. MRS. GOBLE TO READ PAPER FOR PRO-AMERICA "Oregon Inheritance and Property Laws as Thoy Apply to Women" will be the subject of a paper to be read by Mrs. Lloyd J. Goble at the meeting of Pro America on Monday evening, . November the twenty-eighth, In the county . court room at eight o'clock. There will also be a discus sion ot plans and topics of study for the coming year, according to an announcement by officers, and any suggestions for the pro- -gram will bs welcomed. ( ' it: j.1 at s . , K r - . t t ' -a. Hiiimmum III ('.'fl MRS. RALPH RASMUSSEN Delightful Portland visitor who spoke before the League of Women Voters Monday following luncheon in the Elk hotel. Mrs. Rasmussen is active in affairs of the Portland League. Herald-News picture. FRIENDS SAY AU REVOIR TO MRS. FERGUSON A group ot old friends en tertained Tuesday afternoon with a one o'clock luncheon at the Pelican cafe in compliment to Mrs. Twyla Ferguson who left , this week on a three months' cruise which will take ber to South America. Seven ot the group have been friends tor a good many years. In addition there were three guests. Mrs. Ferguson was presented with a moving picture camera as a gift from the group. Luncheon was served around a prettily appointed table where a center arrangement of Tosebuds was used. Bidding an revolr to Mrs. Ferguson were Mrs. Wilford E. Lamm, Mrs. Fred Schallock, Mrs. Lottie Currin, Mrs. Rose Poole, Mrs. Harry M. Ackley and Mrs. Ellenor Perry, Mrs. Avis Mc Connell and Mrs. Asenath Del zell. BOOK CLUB TO. MEET MONDAY AT BRIXNER'S Members of the Edlrii Cun ning book club of the Business and Professional Women's club, will meet at half paat seven o'clock Monday night. Novem ber the twenty-eighth, at the home of Mrs. Phil Brlxner on Lakesbore drive. Mrs. Martha McCoIlum will review "Horse and Buggy Doe tor." The club was to have met with Mrs. Clara Shaw for pot luck supper, but this plan has been changed. If A s l ,7 VIA'. U FROM WASHINGTON Mrs. John Walter of Chehalis, Washington, Is a holiday visitor in Klamath Falls. Mrs. Walter is thu sister of Mrs. Karl Urquhart and has been entert tained frequently during her stay hero. May King picture. J-'a STUDENTS AT MILLS GUESTS AT BREAKFAST Dr. Aurella Honry Relnhardt, president ot Mills college, was again hostess Sunday morning, November the twentieth, when she entertained another group of entering atudents at breakfast in ber home, thia breakfast be-, ing tha last to be held in 1931. The breakfasts will be resumed again after the Christmas holi days are over. For many years Dr. Relnhardt has carried on the tradition of entortalnlng all now students at some time dur ing tbelr first year In collage. Among the students was Miss Marljane Daggett of Klamath Falls, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Daggett. Motschenbachert Hosts At Dinner Among the Thanksgiving day hosts were Mr. and Mrs. R. O. .Motschenbacher who enter tained with a dinner at their home on Walnut street when covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Mike Motschenbacher, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Motschenbacher of Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Motschenbacher and Mr. Mike Sullivan. The Peter Motschenbacher also visited with Mrs. Motschen bacher'a mother and alstar, Mrs. E. L. Elliott and Miss Maxlne Elliott who was a visitor here from her home at San Francis co. Mrs. Elliott who has been visiting In Roseburg accom panted her son-in-law and daughter back to Klamath Fall and plans to leave this weekend for San Francisco to spend the winter months with her daugh- -ter. i 4 'ii I ' . y Wedding Is Told Miss Youmans Names November 22 as Date Of Rites A wadding of much Interest to the younger set of the rlty was solemnised Tuesday morn ing. November the twenty-second, whan Mlsa Ruth Opal You mans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Phillip, of 20IS Want land avenue, and Mr. James Norrls Sehorn, son ot Mr. and Mr. John Sahorn of Altainont, ' were united In marriage. The Rev, Roy Southanl, pi- . , tor of the Klamath tomple, read . the single ring ceremony at hi horn on California avenue at ten o'clock, In tha presence ot J a group of relative and a few . close friend. - Tha bride, givtn In marriage by her father, was lovely In a ' modish gown of royal blue vel vet, worn with a wlna colored hat and accessories. Her cor ssge was of gardenias and rose buds. Mrs. Martin Sehorn was the matron ot honor and wa at tired In a smart black suit with a burgundy blous and black ac cessories. Her corsage was of Talisman rosebuds. Mr. Martin Sehorn acted as best man for hi brother, the groom. Relative attending the wed ding Included Mr. and Mra. V. C. Phillips, parents of tha . bride; Mr. and Mrs. John Se horn, tha groom's parents; Mr. and Mrs. L. Sehorn and daugh ter, Shirley Ann; Mr. and Mra. Martin Sehorn; Mr. Mary Hay, aunt ot the groom: Mr. Theo Van Meter. Mr. William and Lonny Sehorn. A number of friend also witnessed tha ceremony. Following th wedding, the . bride and groom I 1 1 on a honeymoon, trip to southern California and Mexico, visiting at th principal cities along the coast. Th bride wor a teal blue suit with win accessories. Th popular couple will mak their bom In Klamath Falls upon their return, where th groom Is employed. Both at tended Klamath union high school and hare many friend among th young people ot lb elty. Th bride wa employed at th court house during the lummir. A number of friends have honored th bride recently, a delightful miscellaneous bridal shower being given by Mrs. William LeMaster at her horn on North Ninth tret Wednes day, November tbe sixteenth. Th rooms were decorated with a profusion ot roses and chrysanthemum of red, while and bronze colors. Games fur . nlshed amusement and refresh ment w r enjoyed by tha guest. Th bride wa present ed with many glfta by little Tim, grandson of th hostess. Friends honoring th brld Included: Miss Margaret Ma honey, Mis Marl McDonald, Mis Lorraine Kranenburg, Miss Pearl Adams, Miss Helen Kruegcr, Miss Mary Sanders, Miss Margaret Sanders, Miss Geneva Kennerly, Miss Peggy Francis, Miss Rose Burjolla, Miss Myrtle Chaplain, Miss Ju dith Kennerly, Miss Dorothy Sehorn, Miss Ellen Kennerly and th hostess. Miss Naomi Le Masters. ' MISS M'NULTY ATTRACTIVE NOVEMBER BRIDE Miss Ruth McNulty, daughter ' of Mr. and Mr. A. J. McNulty of Klamath Falls, became th bride of Mr. Earl P. Brooks at a nuptial mass read In Sacred Heart church at eight o'clock Wednesday morning, November th twenty-third. Th brld was lovely in a tailleur ot atone blue. Her flowers were white gardenias. Miss Lorraine McNulty, tha bride's sister, was ber only at tendant, Mr. Albert Dollarhlde was best man. The bridesmaid was attras ttve In a plum costume and her corsage was of tuberoses and Talisman buds. Following tha ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the Willard hotel. The tables, where covers were laid for thirty guest, were arranged with red and yellow rosebuds, A three-tiered wedding caka wns cutby tha bride. ' Following the breakfast the young couple left Immediately for Portland where they will enjoy a short wedding trip. Thep spent Thanksgiving in tha north with friends and also intended to see the Oregon Oregon State football game, ' For her going away costume th bride chose a soft green wool suit with black accesso ries. She Is a graduate of Klam ath union high school. The groom is 'a graduate of Frank lin high school in Portland and later attended college at Albany, Orngon. Among the out-of-town guests were the groom' mother,- Mrs. Mildred Brooks, little. Warren Ross, both of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. J, 0. McNulty and Mis Shirley McNulty of Eugene, Mis Juan Palmer, daughter of Earl Palmer of Weyerhaeuser arrived here Thursday morn nlng to spend the holidays vis iting with her father, friend and relative, Miss Palmer I a student at Oregon Stat col lege In Corvallls. 1 FACULTY OF HIGH SCHOOL ENTERTAINED Complimenting Mr. Ruth Livingston and Mr. Victor J"P dii, who announced their be trothal recently, a party wa given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cheater Hhulor, 1100 Es planade, Tuesday evening when a group of trlnnds, memhers of Klumaih union high school fac ulty, honored the two. Following an Informal eve ning, supper waa served, Mra. Livingston has been af filiated with the office of the high school, Mr. Jepson serving on tha faculty. Thulr wadding, according to Klumaih Kails friends, was an event of lha Thanksgiving aoasnn In lha north. Uueais at tha home ot Mr. and Mrs. Bhuler wnro .Mrs. Livings ton, Mr. Victor Jepson, Mr, and Mra. Lloyd 11. Emory, Mr. and Mra. Jo Williamson, .Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Koycroft, Mlsa Pino thy O'Keaf. Miss Kalhryn llurullirook, Miss Urace Drown, Miss Virginia Kirk, Mrs. Jamna Rusch, Miss Ella ltedkey, Mlsa Lillian llndkey, Mr. and Mrs. Dwlght French, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Kuykvndall, Mr. and Mrs. Frsnk Ramsey, Mis Amy Sevarson, Miss Louisa Hansen, Mr, and Mr. Morrla Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ross, Mr, and Mra. Wendell Smith, Mr. and Mr. Ted itunar.ll. Mr. and Mrs. I). Jay Good, Miss Alelh Gray, Mi's. Blanche Waters, Mrs. B. B. lllomuulst, Mr. and Mra. Raymond Caopcy, Mrs, George Sample, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Teale. Mr. and Mrs. Vie. tor E. O'Neill, Mlsa Dorothy Schupp, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Woodruff, Mr. and Mrs. K. O. Hammer, Mr. and Mra. C. R. Stanfleld, Miss Mary McComb and Mr. M. I.. Thurston. BRIDE-ELECT ENTERTAINED FRIDAY EVE Mlsa Ruth McNulty. whose marriage to Mr. Earl Brook was an event of Wednesday, November tha twenty-third, at Sacred Heart chapel, waa com pllmented with a party given Friday evening, November tha eighteenth at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. .Mc Nulty, 421 Oak atreet. Hostesses for the miscellaneous bridal ahower were Mra. Jack A. Rlgga and Mia Mary Genevlev Mc Cmskey. (lueata bidden to the affair were Mr. Albert Frni, Mrs. John H. Brodle, Mis Lytla Belle Thomas. Mis Lorraine McNulty, Miss Audrey Klger, Miss Jean Elsonbart, Miss Ara Joho, Miss Chnrlotte Hvlgho, Miss Viola Garrett, Miss Isabel Jones, Mlsa Alma Dunlap, Mlsa Nora Fox, Mlsa Cecils Down Ing, Mra. A. J. McNuliy. th honor gueat, Mlsa Itulh McNul ty, and the hostesses, Mrs. Itlgga and Miss McCrnakoy. Past Matrons Enjoy Lunchon A luncheon with Thanksgiv ing carried out In the decora tlve motif was enjoyed Friday afternoon by members of the Past Matrons club at the Ma sonic temple when Mrs. C. U Harvey. Mra. O. R. Holloway, Mrs. Jennie Hurn and Mra. Flora Held presided aa host asses. Cover wera laid for twenty (Ix and following luncheon bridge wa In play with th award for high going to Mra. Earl Smith. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McCul lough ot Congor avonu spent Thanksgiving day with Mra. McCultough'a son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mra. Earl Keater, at their ranch horn near Merrill. Places wore sot for fifteen at tho family dlnnor. Mr, and Mra. Carl Sandcll of Lincoln street hare had s their guest for the past ten days Mrs.' SnmlnH'a sister, M r a. A. W. . Shsnklsnd of Portland. 3vi ft" -'''-, lW;s;;!; PfiV. vf,.j S'. ' MISS MARILYN BARTH This chubby little Miss Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Barth of Klamath Falls. She t looking forward to her first Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Kennsll-Bllli picture. Bazaar Plans Told Methodist Ladies Aid To Sponsor Luncheon And Tea Women of th Flrt Mlho dlst church of Klsmath Fall hav mad final preparations for their annual holiday basaar which this year will occur Sat urday, December thn third, la th church parlor. Th women hav stitched, tucked, crocheted and embroid ered for months to make the display of needlework a de lightful one. i llut no less Important I tl4 booth which displays the home prepared fnoda. glazed cakes, tempting pies, jara and glaasea of crystal clear Jellies and rich Jams, And another booth, which I bound lo be ot great Interest, la the farm products booth whore pumpkins, squash and potatoes will via Willi other fruits of Ishor from neighboring acres. Holiday randies will also be shown In a booth and offered for aale. Few will realst th trays of home made fudge and taffies, without which a holl dny parly or dinner Is Incom plete. Mrs. It. P. Klllngson, presi dent of th I.ndles Aid of th church, appointed various chairmen quit some tlm asu, Mra. Lawrence K. I'holps Is Ini rhnrg ot th lunrhnun which? will be served In th church parlors from half paat eleven . o'clock Saturday morning un til half paat two o'clock In th aflernoou. However, If you find you Just can't lake lira off for lunch eon, be aur and drop In for a cup ot tea or a spot of coffee during th afternoon. Tea hours will be from half past two until alx o'clock. All women In the church hav cooperated to make the annual basaar a success, Mrs. Elllng son stated, and a cordial Invi tation baa been Issued to all women of th city, aa well wa the men-folks, to attend th luncheon, th basaar, and th lea and coffee hours, SOJOURNERS TO NAME NEW OFFICERS There will be a meeting of L the Sojourners club Thursday, December th first, at two o'clock In th Willard hotel. Th hostesses will be In re tiring officers, Mr. Howard L. Toniioy. Mrs. Urur Elliott and Mrs. Gilbert R. Moty. There will also be th semi annual election of officer and those who hav aerved on th nominating committee Include Mra. George Hall, Mra. Lon Hunt and Mra. Moty. Plans will b announced for th dinner dance to be given Saturday evening, December th . third, at Lakeshor Inn. At this time member of th club will entertain for their husbands. Dinner will be served at nln o'clock and a number of cock tail parties ar planned befor that hour. The dinner danr will be an Informal affair and thos wish ing to mak reservations ar asked to cell th hostess In cluding Mrs. Bruc Elliott, chairman, Mra. Samuel D. Ear hart, Mrs. Walter Webster, Mrs. W. W. Schuldt, and Mr. B. A. Brlggs, , A number of guests hav f been bidden to the party. Th Minerva book club and tho sewing club sponsored by th Bualnosa and Professions! Women have combined and will hold tholr meetings together, tnrtlng next Mondny evening when Mr. Emma Carter will entertain at her bom on North Eighth treet. Tin evening book review will be given by Mra. Anne Earley, 4 it,?'"'' "TK. m1j", - ti7.,l fit ..