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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1938)
PAGE TWO THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON November 25, 1988 Southern California's Rose Bowl Hopes Soar TROJANS IIP FOOTBALL SCORES BRUIN ELEVEN Coast Conference Votes on Championship Team Next Monday LOS ANGELES, Not. 15 ( Southern California's Rosa Bow hopes, to make a simpla undor- atatamant of fact, soared higher than the moon today as followers ' of the Trojan warhorsa continued to celebrate the 41 to 7 annum tloo of the University of Calltor. nla at Los Angeles. The Thanksgiving day triumph was hailed hare as the clinching argument In Southern California hid for the farwest'a Rose Bowl nomination. A mere Tictory over the dreaded Uclane from cross the city waa all the Trojan supporters had asked for, but a 42 to 7 dera onstratlon of strength left the boys and tirls barely able to do anything more than yell their heads off. The win left Southern Califor nia In a tie with California Bears of Barkeley for the conference title, and the machinery was set tin today for the conference begin rotlng on which team will be selected to carry the colore of the far west Into the annnal Rose Bowl encounter. The result of the Tote of the ten members will not be an Bounced until noon Monday, and both Trojan and California back' era swung Into high gear this morning In behalf of their respec tive claims. Troy repeated Its contention should get ihe bid because the Trojans slapped over California, II to 7. and precedent holda that when two elevens tie for the title, the one that whipped the other should get the bid. That Is SC i argument. California's answer Is that It Is the champion nntll dethroned, and points ont that (JSC lost a non conference game to Alabama addition to Its conference setback by Washington and faces a tough er non-conference assignment Notre Dam December I. In To which SC replies the confer ence rules state non-conference games have no bearing on the Rose Bowl selection. And besides, say 'Trojan adherents, after yes terday's performance who knows but what Notre . Dame can be handled to the satisfaction of everyone except Notre Dame, MEMORIAL COLISEUM, LOS ANGELES. Nov. 15 (U.R Southern California's Trojans made (mashing bid tor the western Rose ' Bowl invitation Thursday, riddling a bewildered UCLA football team 42-7 and cementing a tie with California of Berkeley for the Pa cific aoast conference title. Seventy thousand persons watched what was expected to be a slam-bang battle between two bitter city rivals turned Into rout. The triumph gave USC and California Identical records for the season with six victories and one defeat apiece, and threw the ' New Tear'f game bid Into the laps of the 10 conference members. Spotted One The conference vote on a Rose Bowl standard bearer will be an nounced Monday. The Trojans gained their smashing triumph after spotting UCLA a touchdown and conver sion In the opening minutes of the first period. A long run from scrimmage and a runback of an Intercepted pass brought the score to 11-7 In favor of USC at half- time, however, and the last two periods were virtually no contest, UCLA counted first on a 10- yard pass from Left 'Halfback Kenny Washington to end Wood row Strode after the Trojans fumbled the Bruin kickoff aud an intercepted pass deep into their opponent s territory. The rest of the first period showed an advan tage for UCLA with no scoring tnreats. Swift Attack In the second period the Tro jans took a punt on their own 48 and on the first play Halfback Jimmy Jones took a reverse and sprinted 51 yards to the UCLA 1 Fullback Jack Banta plunged for the touchdown. Phil Gaspar's at tempted placement for the extra point was blacked. Three minutes later End Al Krueger Intercepted Washington's forward pass on the mldfield stripe and galloped 60 yards to a touchdown. Gaspar's kick was good. USC held an overwhelming margin in the statistics, gaining 212 yards and 18 first downs by rushing to 44 yards and five first downs for UCLA. The Trojans completed only one of seven passes, for 15 yards and UCLA connected with five of 19 for 25 yards. UCLA recovered two fum bies to one for USC. The defeat was the worst sufr fered by UCLA since the Bruins lost 62 to 0 to the Trojans In 1930 and it was the fourth suffered in five games with USC. The fifth game ended in a 7-7 deadlock. . Concerning the Rose Bowl Invi tation, Trojan Director of Ath letics Willis 0. Hunter said: . "Let the conference members evaluate the scorea and statistics of conference games won and lost by USC and California and then remember that USC defeated Cali fornia in their meeting. We are Willing to stand on that record." t HltiH SCHOOL Mcdford 27, Ashland 7 Corvallls 13, Salem 0 No. Bend 7, Marshfteld 8 Jefferson 14, Mllwaukle 0 By United Press Western Reserve IS, Case 8 Brown 36, Columbia 27 Vlllanova 20, Manhattan 9 Llnfleld , College Idaho 0 Penn 0. Cornell 0 Carnegie Tech 14, North Caro lina State 0 Tennessee 46. Kentucky 0 Maryland 19, Washington Lee 13 West Virginia 7. George Wash ington ( No. Carolina 20, Virginia 0 Xavler (Cin) 13, Toledo 0 Alabama 7. Vanderbllt 0 Nebraska 14, Kansas State 7 Tulsa 6, Arkansas I Field Virtually Snowbound For Service Classic PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 26 ) Snow atacked several Inches deep at Municipal stadium and frigid blasts whistling between the goal posts gave prospect today of cold, clear setting for one of foot ball's most glorious games the annual Army-Navy battle. Snow, rain, sleet and sub-frees- lng temperatures slowed but failed to halt the surge of hundreds of visitors Into the city. Muffled to the ears, gay in defiance of the wintry winds, they jammed hotel lobbies, railroad stations and bus terminals. More than 105.000 were expected for the kickoff at 10:80 a. m. (PST) tomorrow. Enthusiasm ran high among vis itors and home-towners alike. It spread along streets resplendent with the blue and gold of the Navy and the gold and gray of Army and penetrated the camps of the enemies. The weather," said Capt. BUI Wood, Army's head coach, "is even worse than when we played Chat tanooga. We played in a driving rain storm that day and handled the ball exceptionally well. "Some may figure that gives us an edge on Navy, but there isn't any such thing as an edge for either when the Army and Navy get together. "I'd sure love to win this game in my first year as coach. I ll make no predictions, but you can bet It'll be a humdinger.' Navy's head coach, Lieut. Hank Hardwlck, proclaimed the Middies 'In fine spirits. The Army Is going to have Its bands full beating us if it does. he promised. "We've been rated the underdogs In some quarters, and that's oksy with us. We're not going out there to lose.1 Henry Armstrong Odds-On Favorite To Defeat Garcia NEW TORK. Nov. - 26 UPi Henry Armstrong nas been paid Borne nice compliments In the course of his mad career, but the bookmakers and the betting pub lic have handed him the greatest pat on the back yet by installing him a firm 2-to-3 favorite over Ceferlno Garcia in their 15-round welterweight title bout tonight In the garden. The thousands of words written and said about Garcla's murderous punches have done nothing to shake the publics confidence in the little negro wonder. The fact the husky Filipino will outweigh Henry by a dozen pounds when they enter tho ring is worth only a bored "so what?" from Henrys loyal rooters. Few fighters ever have gained such a bold on the customers, Promoter Mike Jacobs says Indi cations are the big hall will be packed, with close to 2115,000 in the till. Only four reserved tic kets were turned back when the bout was postponed from Its ori ginal date, November 2. Though Garcia has a record nearly as striking as Armstrong's over the last two years and has been belting out welterweights and middlewelgbts while Henry was rolling up 39 consecutive victories over the little fellows, Armstrong the drawing card tonight. The consensus seems to be Arm strong has the better chance of grabbing the decision if It goes the full 15 rounds, and Garcia will have to win by a knockout. YAKIMA. Nov. 25 UP Scoring three touchdowns, the eastern Washington College of Education Savages defeated Oregon Normal Monmouth, 19 to 7, here yes terday. Tho Thanksgiving game was for the benefit of the Ameri can Legion milk fund. L MOTHPROOF Dry Cleaning Every Garment Mothproofed at No Extra Cost. STANDARD DYERS , & CLEANERS MOB Esplanade. Phone 828 San Jose State 24, Flagstaff Tchrs 12 St. Louis 0, Washington (St. L.) 0 Talladega 0. Knoxvllle 0 Idaho 16. Utah Q Dayton 36, Ohio Wesleyan 0 Missouri IS, Kansas 7 Wichita 18. Depaul 0 Miami 19. Bucknell 0 Texas 7. Texas A & M 6 North Texas Aggies 7, John Tarleton 0 Montana 7, Arizona 0 Denver U. 19. Colorado U. 12 Now Mexico 27, Colorado Ag gies 7 Brooklyn 7, New York 7 Detroit Lions 14, Chicago Boars 7 College of Pacific 20, Chlco State IS Willamette 19, whitman 0 Montana State College 0, Gree ley State of Colorado 0 USC 42. UCLA 7 Sport Briefs By SID FEDER PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 25 (JP) A shiny scarlet helmet gav Penn that "moral victory" over Cornell , . . While his mates wore darker red, Quaker Capt. Walt Shinn dug Into the mothballs for the bright "good luck" head piece he used at prep school And It turned out to be just what the doctor ordered . . . Anyway, there are 70,000 sets of froien toes In this town today . . . And those 100,000 or so Army-Navy ticket holders better bring along their oil burners and you-know what In bottles Saturday What's this about the Ohio State sauad going on "strike" the Mon day before the Michigan game till Coach Francis Schmidt returned Tackle Frank Smith to active duty? . . . One story says Smith was fired after a fight over wh was to get the ball from the III! I no, ame And the squad lined up behind him to force Schmidt to lift the ban One-for-the-book dept.: Califor nia fight commission recognises Fred Apostoli as middleweight ebamp since he stopped young Cor- bett . . . But now San Francisco promoters are planning to have Solly Krieger bead their Christ mas show . . . And Solly is recog nised everywhere but in California and New York . . . Now how'll they bill him in Frisco? . Credit Maurice "Clipper" Smith with one of the better coaching Jobs In the last couple of years, the way his Vlllanova teams have been clicking. One of the golfing stunts of ths year Is the 266 Craig Wood re cently posted for 82 holes at Pine valley in south Jersey .... Which Is as tough a layout as ever drove a duffer to a padded cell . . . Jack Corbett, the baseball man from Syracuse, comes into the discus sion over who started the spiral In kicking and passing . . . Jack says way back when he was a gay young blade, he remembers it was a new stunt connected with a fel low named Hershberger playing lor stagg at Cblcago . . . And Joe Hart writes from Kansas City that In 1906 Coach Eddie Cochenls had a couple of boys tossing them at St. Louis U. . . . C'mon you hurry-up-Yost fans, let's hear from your corner on that one . Willamette Gets Tie For Lead In Conference Play By The Associated Press The Willamette university Bear cats wound up the season dead locked with the Pacific university for first place In the northwest conference by defeating Whitman college 19 to 0 in Salem Thursday, The Missionaries were unable to cope with the powerful Bearcat defense and never got beyond Willamette's 23 yard stripe. The Bearcats had to share the crown with a rival for the first time in five years. Conference champions for four years, the Bearcats' only league defeat this season was at the hands of the Badgers. Final league standings: W L T PFPA Pacific 4 60 20 Willamette 4 College of Idaho 2 Whitman 1 Puget Sound . 1 Llnfleld 1 88 6 35 74 40 67 21 41 12 48 CHICO. Calif., Nov. 26 UPr Amos Alonzo Stagg's College of Pacific retained the far western football championship by nosing out an unbeaten Chlco State col lege team, 20 to 13, yesterday. Pacific put over the winning touchdown In the fourth quarter. Pacific was figured to be at least 3 points better than Chlco. DANCE Sat., Nov. 26th Oregon Hillbillies KEN E Injuries to Key Players Make Outlook Gloomy for Webfoots PORTLAND, Nov. 25 (PI A streak of confidence not reflected In the last hour news from the Uni verslty of Oregon flashed from the Oregon State college football team today as time sped on toward to morrow's Multnomah field meeting for the northwest championship. Coach Lon Stlner, who brought his team In a day ahead of the battle for a workout on the fast but unturted gridiron, said his lads had "reached a final mental attitude." Tex Oliver, the Oregon mentor, was a bit gloomy about his intro duction to the reverent traditions of the state's annual civil war. The ex-Arlsonan, coaching his first Webfoot team, counted three ma jor casualties: Nello Oloranini and Bill Foskett, linesmen, and Jay Graybeal, halfback. Giovanlnl and Foskett were in Jured in the victory against Wash ington, but neither was definitely ruled out of action. Graybeal whose long runs and passes light ed several touchdowns early In the season, was hurt against Fordham His bad leg was weakened when he ran two play against the Huskies. With the exception of Wlngman Don Coons, the Beavers were In top physical condition. Coons re ceived a cut above the eye in the Stanford contest but will start to morrow. Oregon State, third place Pacific coast conference team, ruled the favorite on the basis of a con sistent showing since dropping the schedule's opener to Idaho. The Webfoots have displayed moments of brilliance, but prognosttcators couldn't forget big score lickings by Stanford, Fordham, Southern California and California. Clear cold weather and more -than normal interest in the classic I was expected to send the attend- i ance to around 20,000. Oregon State's prospective line up was Coons and Wemlllck, ends; ) ounce and Hackenbruck, tackles: Hutchlns and Schulti, guards; Orr, center; Mercer, quarterback: Vic and Morrle Kohler, halfbacks; Klsseiiburgh, fullback. The tentative Oregon lineup was Reginato and Lance, ends; Stuart and Peters, tackles; Walden and E. Robertson, guards; Cadenaseo, center; Donovan, quarterback; Gebhardt and Smith, halfbacks; Emmons, fullback. EUGENE. Ore., Nov. 25 (JP) The University of Oregon football team romped through Its final practice session today before meet Ing Oregon State at Portland Sat urday. The Webfoots concentrated on passes and pass defense in the drill. SEATTLE, Nov. 26 OP) Two teams that haven't been anywhere and aren't going any place In a football way this year will collide at the Washington stadium to morrow to seek whatever balm may accrue from winning the state collegiate championship. There's Washington State col lege. The boys from the Palouse haven t had the material this year, so they haven't won a Pacific coast conference game yet, their 12-0 win over Idaho notwithstanding. There's Washington. Hailed at the start of the season as the team to beat for the title, the Huskies were mired in a gopher hole In their first game against Minnesota and didn't climb out until their chances to go anywhere were ir retrievably lost. Against Stanford and USC Wash ington rose to its season heights, winning both. Then, heavy fa vorites against Oregon last week, the Huskies dropped a 3-0 verdict which easily could have been more decisive. The Cougars haven't made a touchdown against Washington on Seattle turf since 1926 when Butch Meeker aided in a 9-6 win. They've rawn blanks and field goals here since then. Coach Jimmy Pbelan probably will start the same lineup which defeated USC here two weeks ago. The Huskies are In pretty good physical shape, and several once touted seniors facing their last Constipated? You Should Get at the Cause ! Lots of people think they can't be "regular" without frequent trips to the medicine chest. "I Just dose up and get it over," they tell you. But doctors know they don't "getltover"atall-untll they get at the cause of the trouble I Chances are it's simple to find the cause if you eat only what most people do meat, bread, potatoes. It's likely you don't get enough "bulk." And "bulk" doesn't mean a lot of food. It's a kind of food that isn't consumed in the body, but leaves a soft "bulky" mass in the Intestines and helps a bowel movement. If that fits you, your ticket Is a erunchy breakfast cereal -Kellogg All-Bran. It contains the "bulk" you need plus the great intestinal tonic, vitamin B Eat All-Bran every day, drink plenty of water, and Just watch the old world grow brighter! Made by Kellogg la Battle Creek. BEAV RSINTDP SHAPE FDH TILT game may got a clinnce to spell the starting sophs. PALO ALTO, Calif., Nov, 26 W) Warm weather Is malting things uncomfortable tar the Dartmouth football team, Coach Earl 11 hi Ik said today, but he Is confident It won't affect their play against omnioiu nore Saturday. When Dartmouth left Hanover, N. H.. last woek It was snowing ana ins ureen una been practic ing with mittens on. ninlk admits his lads had i "protty good" chnuce of healing tuo biiiitlord outfit but doesn't think his team should be installed as favorite Stanford Is "under rated," Ulaik insists. Bucks Defeat Hawks to Set Loop Record By The Aiuim-IiiHnI Prima The Seattle Sonhnwks. who dropped a 6 to S decision to the Portland Buckaroos In a Pacific coast hockey league game In Port land Thursday night, go to Van couver Friday night to meet tho Lions In tho first of a two-gamo series. The teams will meet lu Seattle Saturday night. inuriuny night s victory set a new team record for consecutive victories for the Buckaroos. Port land has won seven and tied three games this season. The provlous record, held by Portland In 1930, was nine con secutlve wins and ties. Sutherland and Webster scored four goals for the Bucks before the Hawks registered In a wild second period. Tabor skated through the Buck- aroo dofense to score Seattle s first marker In 11:34. The third period was even. Although five penalties were called In the first period, only one man skated Into the penalty box In each of the last two periods. In Spokane Friday Mickey Mac- Kay, Eastern Washington and Brit ish Columbia mining man and former coach of the Boston Bruins, revealed he was negotiating for purchaso of the Spokane Clippers. .uacrvsy came here Thursday to confer with Art Rud, present own er. He said It the team Is pur chased. It would be revamped Im mediately. BOWLING CITY CLASSIC LEAGl'K Landry Insuranre Maxwell 197 136 191 632 Bold, I 164 132 186 471 Hold, K 160 186 142 48S Short. A 137 162 128 427 Baxter 150 139 182 . 471 808 744 828 2362 T-Bone Cafe 161 136 174 471 170 147 150 467 183 169 211, 562 188 164 216 668 , 186 190 156 632 887 806 907 2600 Barton Potter Ellis .... Bray .. Welch . Hurry Cab Short 169 136 149 Seegmuller 130 147 178 Clow 168 126 138 Corkery 160 180 128 Relster .. 191 161 Low 129 454 456 421 468 242 129 818 739 712 2269 Kirkpatrlck and Rccder Crowoll 172 136 143 Haley, O Young .... ....139 151 129 ....147 178 178 ....162 141 137 ....210 190 168 Cheyne .. Height .... 820 796 763 2369 Waldorf Durant 184 167 180 631 657 623 642 Jackson 179 196 182 Haloy, Clell ..186 211 126 Booth 177 173 192 Haley, 0 189 158 188 535 916 905 868 2688 Jxwoll's Food Stadln 203 182 161 Tuter 170 139 139 Lowman 177 158 126 Boll .. 142 148 139 Ward 210 224 182 902 861 737 249 Signs! Oilers Defeat Dorris Signal Oil, prospective member of the Klamath Basin Basketball league, cut down the Dorris Townlcs, 27-34, on the northern California court Wednesday night LEt YOU 70 cam Plentitude of Choice Dishes Left on Nation's Grid Menu NEW YORK. Nov. 15 (.TV Maybe yuu thought the football sesson was about finished und maybe you're about right but In either event some of the choicest morsels remain to be fed to the fans. Not out of "howls" ollher, be euuse at least half a doten of the natlou'a foremost undefeated teams still must risk their prec ious necks In regularly scheduled encounters. Four such games, topped by the Pittsburgh-Duke business at Dur ham, are on tomorrow's menu. competing with the pageantry of the otherwise meaningless Army Navy spectacle. Texas Christian faces a danger ous Southern Mothoillst crew In the southwest conference. All bars are down, too, on the Okla homa university tussle with Okla homa A. and M- and Texaa Tech's appointment with Marquette. All of these fonmon have been more or lets reticent about thulr post season pluns but. In spite of denials they care about Invita tions. Duke, Pitt and Texaa Chris- Pete Belcastro Agrees to Fight McDonald Again Tuesday Night Fight Promoter Mack LUlard collecting his breath Friday morn n g for the first time In two days simultaneously gave vent lo a slg of relief, emitted a whoop of joy and announced that he had re matched Sorkeye Jack McDonald and Pete Belcastro contptot with gloves In next Tucsda night's feature fracas at the Klam atb armory. In the interim between last Tuesday eve and Friday mornln LUlard had employed every de vice and resource known to th matchmaking art to Induce Bolcas tro once again to risk his neck In the same ring with McDonald. He camped on the Belcastro doorstep religiously, pleading, arguing threatening. He missed his din ners and he passed up most of his sleep. You can't blame Belcastro much for not exsctly going overboard about the Idea of fighting McDon aid again. The Italian has already once been kayoed by Sockeyo's flailing fists, and there were plenty of times previous to his sudden victory last Tuesday when It ap peared he was hanging on by mere thread. Besldos, as far as reputation la concerned, Pete has nothing to gain and everything to lose by slugging It out with Sockeye again He's already decisively manhan dlod the big ex-logger In a number of regulation wrestles and now he holds a gloved knockout to make his record of dominance absolute But somehow LUlard managed to wheedle Belcastro Into the re turn slugfest. Maybe he appealed to Pete to do It tor the wife and kiddles. Maybe Pete finally agroed just for old times' sake. More llkoly, for the killing argument, the promoter held out a plum In the form of a fat purse which Pete Just couldn't refuse and still maintain any claim to economic soundness. At any rate, Sockeye Jack and Pummeling Poto are going to lie on the gloves and tie Into eacn other again next Tuesday night, and thus what LUlard confidently expects to be a record turnout will got a chance for a second glimpse at the wildest, most blood-and- thunderlsh kind of duelling ovor perpetrated In a Klamath arena. In the top bout of the two-Item In the Oilers' first pro-season practice game. Signal's quintet held a 21-11 hnlftlme lead but tired notice ably In the closing porlods, bare ly staving off the Dorris rush. Next Wednesday night at Ash land Signal Oil will play Jean Eberhart's Southern Oregon Nor mal quintet. A letter received from Coach Eberhart Thursday verified the engagoment. 0 VEOMAt UJL oistuqco. LILLARD INS RETURN ITCH i Han are all glowing prospects for any bowl, and tomorrow's activi ties may determine In which direc tion enoh will entrain, If at all. The second section of this week's football supplement Is spotted with other attraction of ferings some of thorn so tradi tional as to make nil old blue turn red. Georgia Tech and Georgia, Fordham- NYU, Washington Washington Rtate, Oregon-Orogon Htute, Ilnylor Hire, Louisiana Stnto-Tuliine. Florida-Auburn and Boston college-Holy Cross all fall Into this class, Tho day's luug-dlstanco prise, no matter what the score, will go to the Dartmouth-Stanford rally at l'nlo Alto, Calif. Aflor tho echoes of this slioul Ing have faded away, tans still will huve Notre Dame's annual skirmish with Rout hum Califor nia, Tennessee's Southeastern con. ferance contest with Mississippi nnri Oklahoma's tilt with Wssh Ington State to whet their Inter est besides a sprinkling of other games right up until the big New tear t day blowoff. wreslllug bill which LUlard has lined up to support the foursome fisticuffs Red Lynns, Missouri "ghost," will tangle with Cecil Mctilll, the falr-halred Iowa speed artist. LUlard said It looked like a tough assignment for McUHl but opined tho youthful lowan, who lias been progressing fast, might spring a surprise. The opener matches Praukle Schroll, whose knowledge of wrest ling Is exceeded only by his know! edge of languages, against Floyd llrltt, younger brother of Alvln llrllt. llrltt, an even match for Schroll In weight and height, fol lows closely In his brother's toot- steps as an armbreaker artist, Iowa Dismisses Coach Irl Tubbs IOWA CITY. la., Nov. 26 (AP) Couch Irl Tubbs. University of Iowa football mentor for the past two years, officially has been notified he Is through at Iowa, It was announced today by Prof. Karl E. Lelb, chairman of the athletic hoard. Meanwhile, published reports said Dr. Eddie Anderson of Holy Cross had signed a three-year contract at Iowa, reputedly al 812,600- a year. , , . OBITUARY VKIIA NOL'TII Vera South, for Ihe last 26 years a resident of this city, psssed away at her late residence on Ash land route Thursday, November, 4, 1938. at 6:25 a. m following an Illness of but one week. Slio was a native of Rogers, Arkansas, and at the time of her death was aged 46 years, I months and 28 days. Surviving are her husband. Thomas M. South, and two daugh ters. Cora and Lovell South, all of this city; also two sisters, Mrs. Myrtle Hlxnn of Bison, Oklahoma, and Mrs. Mary Wells of Logan, Oklahoma. The remains rest In the Earl Whltlork funeral borne. Pine street at Sixth. FUNERALS NOAH HIIKIIKLI) KCHAW Tho remains of the late Noah Shofleld Rusaw, who passed away at Algoma, Ore., on Wednesday, Novoraber 23, were forwarded via Southern Pacific Friday morn Ins;, November 25, to Milton, Ore. Final rites will take place from the chapel of MunsaU's funeral home In Milton on Saturday, No vember 26, at 2 P. m. Commitment sorvir.e and Intorment In the fam ily plot In the Walla Walla (Wnsh.) cemetery. Ward'i Klam a th funeral home In charge of the arrangements. 7Ufithimt Leave Klamath Falls P.M. Sample Karest One Way IM.Trlp Bend .... $3.63 $5.85 Portland . . . 5.90 10.65 20.00 14.65 7.48 4.28 Spokant) Seattle . . Prineville Crescent . 11.10 8.40 4.68 3.65 Low Fare to All PolnU Ask Our Agent ML Hood Stagee Phono 01)0 TIGERS THUMP 277 Jefferson Gains Pregtfgw With J4 to 0 Win Over Strong Milwaukie By Th Associated Pi see Oregon's 19,16 prep footlA season ended Thanksgiving -i with a handful of games that de cided one league championship but did little to clarify the state title situation. Two unbesten-unlled school! were among the claimants and a third demanded consideration de spite a lie score. Thursday's biggest surprise waa Corvallls' 12-0 win over Ralein. Jsfferson of Portland added heavily to Its prestige by best ing Mllwaukle, champion of the No-Name league, one of the strongest elreulls In Oregon.. The score was 14-0. Mllton-Fraawaler, unable to schedule a Thanksgiving itnn with Msdford, demanded a chunk of the title. The Pioneers were unbeaten and united In eight Blue Mountain and Interssctlonal games, Medford. tied by Hood Rlrrn 1 early In the fall, wound up great season by (humping Ash land Thursday. 27-7. Medford waa a conspicuous team this year because of Its part In eliminating other state contenders, notably Klamath Falls and Rend. Ths Tualatln-Yamhlll Valley league titles went to Resvertoo Thursday when the Rsavere beat Tlgard. 14-0. before 3000 fans. The gsme broke a first-place tie between the two. Rainier and Hi. Helena plsved lo a 7-7 tie. The deadlock did not dsmste Rainier s claim to the Columbia league title. Eugene, the team that endsd Salem's long winning streak this season, finished up with a 20-11 victory over Tillamook at Tilla mook, Florence evened Its score with Waldport. 12-7. at Waldport. Early this month Waldport woa from Florence, 6-0. Cottage Grove closed with a H-0 victory over Junction City. The drovers won six out of eight games this sesson. Thert were tied once and beaten once.f Sllverton. a strong Willamette valley team that succumbed to Salem during the Vikings' win ning streak this yesr, walloped t'hemawaa Indians In a finale, 26-13. A fine passing attack and un suspected running and plunging power gave Corvallls Its victory over Salem. Fight Results By The Associated Press WHK8TUNO NORTH BEHOE.N. N. J. Jim Londos, Greece, threw Abe Kaah ey, Clifton, N. J.. 33:12. BOSTON Danno O'Mahoney, 230, Ireland, and the Shadow, 328, both counted out during third fall. CAMDEN, N. J. Ernie Dusek, 202, Omaha, Neb., defeated Dyna mite Joe Cox, 213, Chicago, two of three falls. TORONTO Steve (Crusher) Casey, 226, defeated Dutch Heff ner, 248, Texas, straight falls. " 0" UK lit TKS DOORMAN VtVt JOINT! tWICX Hs donn't have le . . . when dlreetlnej yen to San' Franelieo'i eoimepelltan attreetloni frem this fameui hill-top hotel they're all le delightfully eleis. Ths city It literally at your fast, Superb lervlee and lumrloui turroundlnqi all combine to keep you st Ihs ersit ef good living, Rales from $; per day Garage in building WORLD'S. FAinEST VIEW t'om the Mark Hopklni ,H0PKINf : OTEL Cso. B. Smith, Gtnml Manager ASHLAND I Y