November 24, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN lMMMMKNMllimm Santa Tells His Christmas Plans Janla did t Mule planning him- Christmas tree whit haired old and xreon halla wound round each self, an he rested la.t evening In tills Iiukp clinlr with II wide com fortable font r !. And the Ne. Herald's spnrlal Christmas repnrt er raiiihl ill" old fHlnw In a Jol ly mood and actually ot nn In terview! Aaked whni hit own plana ar for t'lirlnttmia, Hants re plld: "I ae (mi million Chrlatmns trees all s-npnrkle wlih hi lulu color and lighted In the Up top with Klowlnit candle"," said Hunta, at he puffed a Inns purr on his plunr. "And I ee mound each couplo and a ynmiK couple. I aeo them stacking the gifts hlKh on Ihn floor and pIIIiik red hitxi-n around, and hnuitliiK up randy canon and ahinliiK "liver hurua and bulla. I soo (hum tacking up I Inil little row of storking the mnntlo and I hear Ihi'in laughing ii i (hey park them full wlih rnndy and ornnties and bright rod apples, "I aee windows with holly wreathe and llRhted candles lillnklnit nut Into tlio dnrk. I aee silver tinsel and strings of rod Seniational SALE SAMSON De Luxe CARD TABLES as advertised from Coast te to Coast! J&TMEt No. 798 QUANTITY.. BUY UoWTff2im cVi, l xsrfflmmmm -f Note the I which 7, a . m ". 1 heavier and fThay XYa UO 54.001 monger leai! i i ne iicci pro- pj m tee, ma cor neu V eilft! The smooth, round ttget H miking n fiir H to pick up cards! WHAT an opport to own on ol handeomait card ti you've mvmt nl urlouacWalgnaand . . 89 more aquare of playlna but fact blt ll-brcd o Uqi . . . cUapar Ic wood grain olli SAMSON HYDE looks Ilk laathai are atuidy . . durahl beautifully finished! Chrlntmi.ii tree, mid silver Icicles tonnort ovor ovory branch until It In rnlrly Rllntenlng with color and HKht! "And (lion I nco those, couploa land for a long moment in quiet admiration, and the Uttl old lady hcrair pitta the fllilnlng Chrlatmnn star on top of the tree. It's nil ropdy for Chrlatmaa morn ing and I know that In ten mil lion homes we're all planning to Rather and wnltltiR with the same Impntlcnco for tho his; thrill that CHANGES L Oi APPOINT V E STATE OFFICES SATKM. Ore. (UP) Uneaay II the bead of many In Halem who wear the orown of appointive office, with a new governor "topping- Into office la lea than two monthi. Whether Oov. Charlea A. Spraguo will hold a Kennrnl bouae cleaning or not remain to be seen, but It I generally agreed that he will have to make aome effort to appcaae hungry rupubll cana Juat ending a long famine porlod. It la unlikely Bprague will In atlgate any Immediate purge after taking office. Oovernora usually allow a few month to elapse be fore awoeplng the board with new appointments. Among thoso whose crowns may or may not be tottering are the following appolntlre officials: H. B. Mlckle, Hopn., director of agriculture at a aalury of 15000 a year. Mlckle'a position would mum fairly safe, since be but rocently atepped Into the posl tlon vacated by Democrat Solon T. White, to serve until the end of the year. Moat obaervera agree be will be reappointed. Mark Rklnner. Dem., superin tendent of banka at $5000 a year. The appointment will be made by the banking board, made up of a republican governor, repuo llran secretary of state, and a treasurer still to be named. Wallace 8. Wharton, budget director and executive secretary to the governor at a salary of 15000 a year. There la aome talk of Wharton' being appoint ed treaaurer when Rufua Holman roslgns, which would make two appointments for tho governor. nanlol J. Kry. aocrotary to board of control, salary 16000 Fry la a democrat, but waa ap- Mnlnyl kv a Hnmlnanllv mnllhll- can board of control. He may be 1 held over, but republicans are already gunning for the Job. James Hailett, Dem., state cor-. poratlon commissioner at 13(00 a year. On position that usually hlrta wllh th nartv In Dower. The appointment Is made by the I governor alono, and there seems j sure to be much pressure on Spraguo to appoint a republican Hugh Earle, Dem., at a aalary of IB000. Earl waa appointed by (tor. Charles H. Martin, sup planting A. 11. Avorlll, a republi can. Several republican are al ready licking their chops over the prospects, Charles Strlcklln, at a aalary of $4600, Strlcklln has aurvlved so many purges that It seems un likely he will fall to weather the next one, but the appointment 1 mad by the governor, with the approval of the state reclamation commission (governor, secretary of stste, treasurer.) T. M. Dunn, 1. C. Joy and Roy 0. Buchanan, Industrial accident commissioners at a salary of 16600, among the best plums on the book. Dunn I a republican, the other two democrats. Buchan an' term expires In January and It I almost' certain a republican will be appointed. N. Q. Wallace, Dem., public utilities eommlssloner at a salary of 17600. Wallace haa not served long, may go out at any time to make room for a republican. The job I an exacting one, pays well, la conaldercd a good reward to wbover get It. Charles B. Galloway, Dem., John H. Carkln, Kepn., and Earl Klaber, Dem., tax commissioners at salaries of $4800. Carkln, the lone republican, vnda hla term In January. The other two may be removed at the discretion of the governor, secretary of state and treaaurer. The members of the liquor con Dem., James D. Burns, Dem., and Stanley Jewott, Dem.,) .and the members of the highway commis sion (Henry P. Cabell, Kepn., and E. B. Aldrlcb and P. L. Touvello, democrats) serve without pay on appointment of the governor, re ceive travelling expenses. Liquor commissioners receive $10 a day while engaged In official busi ness. Appointive officials expect the axe when their patrons go out of office; little crying Is expected from those who get out. Children under S year of age now can ride the airlines free of charge, while children between the age of 1 and 12 can fly tor half fare. Included In the Iargeat war de partment appropriation bill since 1321 la a provision for the pur chase of planes, with the objec tive of having 2320 serviceable planes available by July 1, 1940. Lulse Reiner decided not to di vorce Clifford Odets after a ride on a roller coaster. The ops and downs of the coaster make hang ing on a Cliff an easy task. Advice to consumers from all quarters now Include about every thing except where to get the money. According to estimates, farmera use 2il per cent of all trucks In trol commission (A. K. .McMahon, operation In the United States. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene Discoveries of evidence of pre-hlstorlo man In southeast ern Oregon by Dr. L. 8. Cress man, head of the University of Oregon department of anthropol ogy, are described In detail In a recent laaue of the news service bulletin of the Carnegie Institu tion of Washington, D. O., copies of which arrived here this week. The entire Issue of the bulletin, which I aent to thousands of schools, colleges, libraries, period icals and other places throughout the world, Is devoted to the work of Dr. Cressman and his asso ciate. The article baa been en titled "Fresh Light on the Anti quity of Man In America." Skeletal remains, basketry and other evidences of men who lived In Oregon approximately 10,000 or more years ago, were found In caves In the Catlow and other regions of southeastern Oregon, tho article relates. Photographs of the objects, as well as mnps and scenes of that section of the state, are used to Illustrate the article. The article states "In view of what has been found Dr. Cress- man I confident that If th re mains of early man ar to bo found anywbore In th northwest, such evidence x 1 t a In th Pleistocene caves of th Oregon area. Th work that he ha don strengthens this opinion and also the conviction ot many scientists working on the subject that man was actually preaent In America, If not actually during; the glacial time, then surely dur ing very enrly post-glacial time. Th Carnegie Institution baa shown a groat Interest In Dr. Cressman'a work and ha aided In sponsoring expedition of ex ploration. The Institute will also place a display of photo of ma terial from Oregon In It hall In Washington, D. 0., thl week. So scarce la water In Central Australia, that a tribe of men hare trained themsolves to go for days without drinking. They live on the moisture contained in yams. Before being declared obsolete the Graf Zeppelin mad 600 flights, flying 1,063,391 miles, carrying 13,110 passengers and 235,000 pounds of mall and other cargo, and making 14 ocean crossings, African natlres make blanket from the stomach: lining of elephants. The Pilgrim father mad their memorable landing on the shore of America on a Friday. wake up Chrlstmaa morning!" Santa sighed, "Of course I'll be pretty far from homo myself, but Mrs. Claus usually waits up for me and If I can get these Christ mas shoppers started early, maybe I'll be through In time to dasn comes only once a year when wo home for brcakfaat." Your Cholc: Beautiful, nsw InUld d.tigns Includ Ina W.ler Lily Molil (illui.).Cheis Bond nj others! h Leather ellecU in ivory. Mtoon nd Green. SAMSON StL!l CARD TABLES T"ug -wj y v ray . .4 u e.-l.l, f..lhi X If T.I Your Choice of Many Stunning Styles Nu Snanlnh Leathsi .11. in Green . . . Brown and Maroonl Simulated Inlaid Wal nut (illus.). Black Topi, Ivory Topi and Cherkor Boatd Topi All legs double braced ALL GINUINI SAMSON TABLES Newest and Smarteit 193 Dosigm Buy Nationally Advertised Product for Sure Value! KLAMATH FURNITURE CO. 721 Main Phone 894 t .....ii .i.....ii i. ..i.i ,... uiifll Christmas. All mir- dinars trrnpiird ns Christmas gifts. 8 '0 V n. tv E)VV lfe'itj.',!!! -! " ' ' ' A LANE Jfys CHEST . wf wtj i v wru-iiyfii vcuu wrruef. ill mo WW villi For sweetheart, daughter, or sister, the Lane Hope Chest with its abso lute moth protection and exclusive convenience features makes the Ideal gift. Come in and see our magnificent display of latest styles. A sorstouf, modern chert with imartwaitrfiiltop Tba colorful exterior it a superb mrople of matching Orien tal and American walnut Teneera. Equipped with Lao Automatic Trar. As g007: tdnniied la LIFE. Buy Nationally Advertised Products for Sure Value! All Purchases Wrapped As Christmas Gifts KLAMATH FURNITURE CO. 721 Main Phone 894 A small deposit will hold any item until Christmas. Lock your family surprises in your lay-away chest. We will deliver it the day before Christmas. , Hcwt ll am uou wt Mmt on Svnvmcnu Beauty irest ' " own rms U A. TRY ONE IN YOUR HOME AT OUR RISK Yoq know that when you sleep soundly, you feel fine. But what can you do to en joy sound sleep? One of the first essentials is a good mattress. We believe Sim mons' Beautyrest is, by far, the best mattress for sound, refreshing sleep, and because we believe that we make this amaiing, risk-free offer, to you who have never slept on a Beautyrest. We will deliver a Beautyrest to your home. Try it for 30 nights. See -if you relax 3uicker, if you sleep more soundly, if you awake refreshed. And at the end of 30 ays decide for yourself whether or not you want to keep the Beautyrest. If you do not, notify us, we'll send for the mattress, and there will be absolutely no charge. It you want to continue Beautyrest sleep, you may pay for it on terms as low as $1 week. Make this Beautyrest test NOW. Come to our store today, select the cover you prefer, and we'll do the rest. It's your opportunity to try the world's best known mattress, right in your own bed, entirely at our risk. If you don't keep the mattress after 30 days, we ship it back to the factory. 837 resilient, barrel-shaped colls. Cloth pocketed, non-Interlocking colls free to move Independently like the keys of a piano. The Pre-bullt border 1 boxed and tailored. Sag-proof Kdge, with pat. ' ented method of anchoring side coils. Thl provide perfect ventilation. Give you "mld-mattress:t comfort at the very edge of the : Beautyrest. French edge smart and dust-resistant. Guaranteed by Simmons company, world's largest bedding manufacturer. Good Housekeeping also guaran tees Beautyrest, as adver tised. Three million satisfied n-' . ors Including famous ho tels, ocean liners, and hospitals. BUY NATIONALLY ADVERTISED PRODUCTS FOR SURE, SAFE VALUE! Mamma Fy rnltu ire Co, 721 Main St. All Purchases Wrapped As Christmas Gifts Phone 894