8 1 xciv. srx Santa Claus Will Open Yule Season Friday Afternoon Shop windows, glistening with holiday wares; garlands of fragrant green cedar and gay, colored lights, will serve tu ui,..iir,H fnr inllv old St. Nicholas when that patron saint of Yuletide pays Falls at half past two o'clock tn ti,a dour, crisn hours Santa Claus is scheduled to "pJin'tho fnr north, his 'Santa Claus is expected to bring good cheer and gaiety which is the by-word of the festive month of December. Merchants throughout hfaiuatn Falls are cooperating to the ut most and itorea, within and with out, will Up on a holiday gown that will out-gllttcr anything seen bore In yeans past. Through the main street of Klamath Kails, Sanla Claus will he carried on a gaily decorated float. Other floats will appear In the parade and the streets will be lined with school children and adults who will return Santa Clans' cheery greeting as he moves along. Children of the city are thrilled to their boot tops. The magic murmur of "Santa is coming'" has been heard In every home In Klamath Falls for a week past. As Santa Claus- escort, there will be the Klamath union high school band, resplendent In their red and white uniforms. The band will play during the line of march and will remain in the business section playing at various street corners while Santa Claus will shake the hands of boys and girls and listen to their wishes. Not only will St. Nick be here Friday from 2 o'clock until S o'clock, but he will also return Saturday all day, and may be seen on the street. He will gladly Choosing Men's Gifts Easy For Women of Today One of the best reasons for be lieving that this is not a "man's world" will b found In the men's atores in Klamath Falls during the days that are left from now until Christmas. Women have taken over this domain as their own and are finding the task of choos ing the right gift for the right man made that much easier. Un naual large selections of good looking wearables are featured in every store and tor the most part prices are low enough to keep j-on well Inside of your gift bud tt. Glamour lit Wearable Off-hand yon might think that something to wear would have to be rold of glamour and Christ mas cheer. That Isn't so. Aren't yon always thrilled when your gift from him Is a dainty negligee, a luxurious gown or a fur piece? Well, he'll be just as thrilled If yon give him a comparable gift Ton can go right through the list from ties to hand-made silk robes and find romance and glamour everywhere. There are no more commonplace gifts, even Buspend rs and garters are thrilling. How to Be Original With Your Christmas Giving Most men's wear stores now have complete departments de voted, to miscellaneous gifts for men. A quick glance reveals how easy It is to select original gifts, the kind you Just know won't be duplicated by anyone else. Stick pins, cuff links, studs, collar pins, tie pins and watch chains have all been modernized. Clever twists in the method of fastening, Individual monograms, use of colored stones In novel shapes all lend an air of refine ment and luxury, although they are not high priced. Then there are horseshoe shaped tie holders and a stirrup tie holder with a leather encased clock for your equestrian friendB . . . champagne buckets of un usual design, mechanical mixers Were It not for the cat's ability to retract Its claws, they soon would be worn down by constant contact with hard ground and atones. Without Its sharp, curving cluws, a cat would be unable to hold prey of any Bize. The superstition about iH for tune following anybody who walked under a ladder arose from the fact that when a ladder leans apalnst a wall. It forms a triangle, symbolical of the Trinity. A lay man would feel himself debarred from walking through so sacred an arch. Canada bad only about a quar ter million population a century ago; Today, it has more than 11, 000,000 and is one of the great exporting nations of tho world. Charcoal and diamonds are made of tho vory same element, carbon; yet, diamonds of the poor est quality sell for more than $2000 an ounce, while charcoal is worth only about (15 a ton, Edgar Allan Poe, badly in need of funds for his sick wife, invented a story of the Atlantic crossing of Monck Mason's dirigible bal loon, and sold it to unsuspecting newspapers aa an actual happen ing. .. Expert Indian arrow makers could complete an arrowhead In ten minutes. - his official visit to Klamath Friday nftcfWn. of a mid-winter afternoon. open the holiday season in pack full to over-running. answer the questions put to him and assist putiled little boys and girls who can't decide Just what they hope to find In their stock ings Christmas morning. Santa Claus Is also scheduled to appear every Saturday after noon from now until Christmas day. His official visits are slated for December 3. 10, 17 and H and so. especially If yon happou to live out of town, there will be ample opportunity to visit with the jolly old fellow before the last day of the season. .Merchants, as we have said be fore, are greeting the season with a splash of color and light that will be more delightful than has ever been seen In Klamath Falls. Dress shops are gay with dance frocks and lovely little gifts for the pleasure of all femininity, the shops for men are displaying little more rugged ware, hut pleasing to the eye and bringing grateful appreciation to the shop per. Stores that sell Interesting foods are well stocked with every- thing from suckling pig to glazed fruits and there is scarcely a cran ny of the town that Jsn't living and breathing "Merry Christ mas. 1 Tou don't believe that? Then wait until you see the Alpine mo tif earned out In ties, garters, braces, hose, handkerchiefs. Edel weiss and Alpine climbers gambol around in colorful surroundings. And this is' only one instance of how new colors and designs have brightened up the entire accessory department. Not Too Many Shirts If it s true that no man ever has too many shirts, as is often claimed, then we know JuBt the shirts that will prove to be most welcome. If he'B following the return to formality as so many men are, then for him there are solid tone and striped madrases with white collars. If he pre fers casual comfort then keep away from the extremes. Instead select a collar attached shirt, but don't for one minute think that it means giving an ordinary shirt. New tabless-tab collars, long point collars, the clever fused stand-np collars that look as though they are starched but aren't these and many others bring smartness to shirts, smart ness that you wouldn't think pos sible. and Interesting coasters for your convivial acquaintances and rack after rack of pipes, pipe knives and . cleaners, pipe racks, tobacco jars and pouches for your friends who smoke. In line with the thought of shopping early we'd like to men tion that most of Klamath Fall's men's stores are planning a "Women Only" night. The date will be announced shortly and we suggest that you do as much of your shopping as possible then. Extra salesmen will be on hand to go over the entire selection of appropriate gifts for men and to help you select the proper colors, sizes and styles. Then, too, these stores are planning special values for that night only, so don't miss it! In the tropics, travelers are able to fill a drinking glass with cool water by cutting the stems of the phytocrene, or "vegetable spring," lianas. By 1904, the deer population of the stato of Ohio bad completely disappeared. A herd of 200 ani mals was imported Into the state and since has grown to 3000 deer. In order to be legal copyright notices must appear on the title page or the one immediately fol lowing it. If such notices appear on the last page of a book, they are without effect. Tiny globules of natural oils coat flower petals and give off the fragrant scent. These oils differ in composition In each specie of flower. Andorra, tiny European Inde pendent state, has a standing army of one brigadier and nine other ranks. The country has 6200 inhabttanta In Us 191 square miles of territory. Condors cannot fly until they are six months old. Some species of birds are able to fly when they are out of the egg little more than a week. Hair dressed high makes yon look not a day over 90. Mar jorie mills, author. - THE NKYVS 'is' J t " - . -t I' i Santa "Secrets are the privilege of the early Christmas Shopper!" says Santa. "Secrets and surprises are the real fun of Christmas shop ping." For there's Merry Christmas In every magic package. And there's the fun of mingling with the first crowds of shoppers when enthusi asm runs full tilt. You bump into friends and neighbors, all laugh ing and hurrying with their own bundles. You can choose from an enormous selection of gifts, nnd Winter presents more hazards to the motorist than any other season of the year. Snow, sleet, fog, rain and Icy highways are contributing factors In the thou sands of traffic deaths each year. There Is very little one can do about the snow, ice or Bleet except drive with due caution, but some very definite suggestions have been made as to driving on snow covered and Ice-covered high Safe Driving Notes I Spend Less J "r tlitSlA MMpS 1 T Ui I nil.' 1,'le.l ff. iff t TBm vr . m $A 5 The super- - ' S ff & Cut-Rate WMm- CW ,tr 4inriW -5 wh t I I rju U m xCi E&u II I I Dement V, ,v fSSi M' & i hoodie w .jk s mim Atmati m t IS . . - ...iV! r t- trt AND THE HEK Alii'. Loves A Surprise the warm thrilling spirit of Christ mas Is at its best in all the stores. Singing laughter and hurrying steps, and Santa's familiar chuckle rolling out over the squeals of de light from the children. You've labored far Into tho night over your Christmas Hal, humped over tho midnight lamp while In every room the same quiet concentration told you that Mom nnd Dad and Aunt Tllllo and Uncle John and Sun and Jimmy and even Nora wero laboriously ways. There is a good reason for evory skidding accident, according to the National Safety council. Tho frictional force which can be de veloped on a smooth sheet of Ice is only one-tenth that which Is de veloped on a dry pavement. Driv ers who cause skidding accidents do so because they try to drive as If they were on dry pavement. The council offers eight safety hints for Ice and snow-covered roadways: 1. Do not drive unless you have to. You may be able to coutrol your car, but how about the other fellow? 2. Use tire chains. They help prevent some skidding, and are a great help In getting away from the curb, or across a street. 3. If you are starting on A s r irit ffATTC rvTMTKT " i'lJ listing and checking and deciding too. Then the fun of shopping: For six whole weeks you watch the growing pile of presents tucked away In your secret hid Ing place. A hundred times you look at each gift, and a hundred times you chock your list again! Tomorrow tho great Christmas opens. Hut It's more than your Invltntlon to begin tho thrill of shopping. It's renewed faith, and now happiness. It's your city forging nhoad with the now spirit slight grade, start In second or high gear to avoid wheel spinning, 4. Keep a steady foot on the accelerator. Increase spcod stead fly and avoid sudden stops, since this la the cause of most skidding. 5. Decrease your speed evon more beforo turning a corner or rounding a curve. 6. Do not try to pass the ear ahead unless you are sure of a clear highway for at least one fourth of a mile. 7. Be alert at all times with your eyes on the traffic ahead. 8. Maintain a safe stopping dis tance from car ahead. Have your winter driving equipment checked at IJalslgcr Motor, Turner Chevro let company or. Specialized Service free between now and Decomher a.1 for safer driving. if M v-Ja H fe (()r , U(lun, Allll I r LA HAbLtlbh BRINGS GIFTS F E Advance glimpses Into Santa's gift baas today Indicated that this Jolly old traveler has brought an extra sleigh caravan linen wim gifts for the home. Ihls Is dun to the groat Increase In delight ful homo living and homo enter taining. It was rumored. Celebrating tho return of pros perity and tho return lo a real homo spirit, Himiu uiinouncou that ho ha gut Herod togotnor homo glfla for evory momhor of the family. Special thought litis boon given to those who llva In small homes nnd iiiuii'lmoulH. ns it Is hellovod that Chtislmns cheer should ho bountiful every where. Klcctrlo (llfla Will Sparkle III Krcry lliioin Actlvoly campaigning for boi ler oyo-slght nnd holler health iiiiioiik all his loved hoys and girls, Simla la bringing many now lumps for the huiiio and study. For health and comfort, ho has announced many now health lumps, sun lamps, and other elec trical health equipment. Home convonloneos. such as now elec tric washing machines, Honors, dish-washers, otc, are consldnred health gifts, too. Special electrical gifts for the woman will Include complete breakfast sets, and hostess Irnys. fully equipped. Hut rather has not been tin-gotten, and smoking sols, shaving sots, and other electrical gifts are planned for his comfort and convenience. New ItMics Won't Hmik, Hauln ( lain Announces Actually, Santa Is bringing new dishes Hint won't break. There are sots for the children, sets (or breakfast and Informal dinners, picnic sots nnd parly sets, all In Iho gayest of guy colors. They're madu of a now composltluti which does not chin or break. Uther smart new dishes, noii-broakable, Include wooden and inolul salnd sets, fruit dishes, and many olh ers. Cooking sots which will stand heat ami cold are gayly decorated so that they may be used on tho table too. Hitler Makes l.nslhiK flits for tho Homo Economy and lasting beauty aro suggested by Hanln In silver waro gills. Arriving this week his extra sleighs aro bringing ninny new styles for evory mem ber of tho family, from Imby'i first set to a now silver set fnr mother. Ileaiitlful, hammered sil ver howls ami trays, lovely can Ing sets, nnd monogrumiued all vcr sets for tho dresser or lablo are Included. Sterling stiver guaranteed plated styles may bo had. For especially nice gifts, Kan la suggests Jelly sets, cheese sets, a now coffee poreolntor and Irny cako plates, relish dishes, sand wlch trays, or any one of tho smart new silverware for tho table or for parlor entertaining. And because Santa has been too rushed to havo thoso all mono grnmmed for you, tho lornl stores will do this without cost. (illts for Htiiilcnla Drought by Kantft Beautiful book-ends, new stutly Inmps, desk sols, world atlases that have all tho newest changes, typewriters, portable desks, and many other comforts aro In San- OR THEM it i n rot' real comfort while studying. Siiutn suggests sot of big, soft, sofa pillows and a warm, wuoly robe! Hnnln niliiK Warm (lifts fur Kvcryone Not forgetting Ilia Importunes of real hoino comfort, Simla an nounces Hint ho has brought a special sleigh of soft wooly blan kets, downy filled comforts, al ways so welcome. Dig, soft cush ions for tho floor In front of the fireplace, and smaller pillows for the living room sofa are also In his ling. For those who like to tako their warmlh with ihom, Hunla suggests a now poriablo elect l ie healer which will bring comfort In any cool spot In Iho homo. tilfls for liirUtinas Hostess Aro Important II 1 K baskets and boxes filled wllh luscious fruits and riiudlos aro suggested for Iho Christinas hostess. .Mirny of theso come In boxes or baskets which may be used by her for sowing baskets or boa uty boxes afterwards. There aro many other sugges tions for your Christmas hosloss, h ns guest towels In blight new linens, dainty lea or ruck lull napkin sola, bridge luncheon sots, exquisitely emkruldored pil lows or bedroom linens, or tow els. Transparent glove and hal boxes are now nnd smnrt. Patrick Henry onro made a mistake while pleading a case III court, and argued on behalf of his opponent. When told of his error, ho brilliantly answered all his own arguments and won tho case. Rutgers and I'rlnreton univer sities first took up the lunio of football In the United States. Amateur harbors of colonial Now Knglnntl often used pumpkin shells as hair-rutting guides, when cups were not available for tho purpose. Weight has no Infliieuro on tho velocity or railing bodloa. An Iron bull and a wooden ball, or equul alio, will rail at tho same rale of speed. As the Ire In a glass melts. It displaces Its own weight of water, mid melts In a volume equal to tho volume of water of Hint weight, thus causing no overflow. In F.ngland, tho average age for men Is 311 years, for women 3i. In 19.H, tho ages worn 318 for men and 3.1.6, respectively. Scientists say that nature Is combating the Increased noise or modern life by making us grad uiilly acquire Iho power of shut- Hug our ears to noise. The "pompadour" fashion of Inilrilrosa was named for Miiilnnio de I'limimiloiir, a mistress of King 1 .011 la XV. of France. Tho larva of the rat-tnllod iniiggnt hits a telescopic air tubo whlrb ran bo extended lo the surfaco for air. whllo tho larva remains under water. The mackerel migrates upward and downward. When winter cools Iho stirrnro waters, tho tlsh dropi downward lo warmer lovols. ' Tho fungus, llnednlog Qiiorclua Is used ns a currycomb for horses Dress Up For lclLUJLclllCl vJ11UCO Presented exclusively at The Buster Brown ) Shoe ON At Greatly .97 $Z65 $C97 jallifiod with inforior footwear whon you can buy the best at such, low prices? ARISTOCRAT Give Practical Gifts This it Our stocks of HOSIERY BAGS SLIPPERS ire complete. . These gifts we know are welcome. Buster Brown Shoe Store 633 Main Novpmbpr 24, 1038 DISTILLERY USES , PRODUCTS Tho utlllmillon of Orognn ftnUi .,,,1 i.ni-iina within tho stale of n,,,., .inea tho founding of the ll.mevwoud distilleries lit Hlilolll, bus Increased measurably within His last year. This highly oftlelotit ultra. modem planl Is located In the heart of tho Wlllnmetlo vnl lev. where Ions of flno fi'ifnh mills and berries aro wines mid brandies. mn (In Into Tho dlsllllory nnd winery are located on Iho main lino of Hie Southern I'aclflo railroad, where carloads can bo easily shipped 10 distant slates, which aro In Ihe market for fresh ''till -flavored vintages end hriiiullos. The com pany Is headed by John Wood, long rocogultod as an outstanding merchandising and business encti. live. The actual operation l"e plain Is In tho bunds of a hliiTiv skllled. prnellcul man who line spent his lifetime In tho hiisluoss. Hermann l.oewenluiig was born In (lorinnny In 1837. Ilo was mn- ployed by Hiillnn ami company. Thorn, ilermnny. from if"; " 1U05. This ruin carried on a nusi. Hess or iiiunuiiictuiiiig ii'im-iiis and brandies. Pram lOt'fi to 190(1 ho was em ployed by llerrtn l.oh-Sleni and rompaliy III .Malllineim, normaur. which operated a brutiily uiniiiieiy nnd winery In the llhimiiiiKi. From 1907 lo 1911 l.oeweiinci g was employed by Wilhelm Zlomer. Uooiillt, liormmi)'. Ibis firm was also engaged In the iiinnutnctuie of liqueurs, cordials and brandies. Iiowenherg controlled ami man aged Ibis film from 1919 o 1934. On February 2i. 19:is. n tored tho I'liltcd States, where be proceeded to tnko out his i-UK-Vn. ship paper, It has been slate'' y Luoweiiberg that tho flno Iruila'of the Willamette valley offer inois (mm a stllllil tlllllll "f tllivor lllnl quiiltly than any ho bus over im-d In his long period ot eiporleni i. Assisting l.oeweiiberg Is tieuigs F. Todd In the laboratory. Todd Is generally recognised a" "lie of the best fruli liiomlsts and bacteriolo gists in Ihls section of tho conn try, llelng a gtailunta of Oregon Slate college he has had a wills oiporlenco with Willamette valley fruits and berries. There aro U Items In ihe lloneywood lino of mcr''hiui'Hs. Five aro offered by tho Oregon liquor control commission, unil col and cherry liqueurs, sloo gin, orongo glu and plum brandy, The loganberry, blni kb' i ry uud applo wines aro distributed throughout the state by whole salers. The complete linu nl pio ducls lire sold In seienil oilier states nnd Hawaii. Tho firm has euJoed a constant t....rnH., I,, l,i,BliiHtt shire ItlluiliK Its products on Iho market I'M year, which tends lo the r.,1 I elusion Hint those mild lievcingfVol aro meeting with suiiier acceptance universal eon where offered Young trees occasionally ato killed outright by the girdling ot ill" sainiieker, bul linger I lees recover rrntn the lnjiiiirs, al though tho blemishes may not disappear. Christmas In f CI Store SALE Reduced Prices Christmas I f