PAfiE FOUR F L Men's furnishings now being displayed in local shops have more than a masculine appeal. Thev are designed to attract the feminine eye, as well as please the men who receive them. This makes shopping for gifts oasler and more pleasurable. What will women find when they shop for the most desirable gifts for Dad, Hubby, Son or Sweetheartt First, they'll find a grand array of tastefully blend ed colors. Second, tney u unu large groups of popular styles In shirts, robes, handkerchiefs, neck tlai. mufflers, hose. etc. Third, they'll find a wide choice of sites that will fit right In with the man of any shape, site or pro portion. Christmas shirts have a mod ern sleekness and urbanity mat belle their casual comfort. Pre dominant are whit shirts, with whlte-on-whlte figures, and small self-designs. Stripes follow a close second In popularity, and evarv man needs a smartly stNP' ed shirt for all wear. This lat ter group Includes wide space strlnes in alternating colors, pin point stripes, peppermint stripes and others. Solid tones continue comilar with the younger set, and more and more are seen worn by older men at business. These tones take on a new holiday not . . . with the addition of lighter and softer shades In crayon and nastel. It Is a tact, long proved, that a man wants bis pajamas to be multi-colored. The patterns can run riot, and the colors must be extreme. Yet men will refrain from actually buying the most colorful designs for themselves. Thev leave it to the women and hope to receive them as gifts. So if, when you give mm one 01 these new patterned pajamas and hear his protests, don't be alarm ed! for his patronising attitude Is just a defense mechanism, and you can be sure he can hardly wait to Jump Into them. Buying gift robes invalues the tame pro cess. They too reflect a gayer, relaxed mood. Neckwear for the holiday and winter season is more pleasing than ever. Colors are made to blend with the more attractive suits and overcoats. Silks, satins and weaves all have a tone of refinement and reserved gaiety about them. Foulards, the popu lar choice, are shown In gay geometries, small and cllpt fig ures. Also popular are smart horizontals, alternate stripes and polka dots. Check designs are favored for the man who wears sports clothes with dash. . If you've been trying to do something to liven up- his general ensemble, one of the best solu tions is to look to the muffler he's wearing (or isn't wearing). For this particular item can make or break the average appearance ot savior fair. The man who carries a formal air must have the reserved dig nity of silk at his neck. This needn't be drab. For new silk carts, with the IndlBpenslble monogram, are shown in smart foulard figures, patterns and prints ... as well as formal whites and solid colors. For men who wear sport clothes well . . . the biggest favor you can do them is to present a fine woolen muffler. The patterns and fabric finishes you may select from are endless . . , and all pleasing. Fin hosiery offers a variety ot appeals to taste. Tour choices may range from plain black silks to riotous woolen patterns. These come in a wide variety of pat terns and colors. The new rib wool patterns are now the most popular for all around winter wear. You'll find that the man who receives a pair of plain col ored box and a pair of highly pat terned woolens , . . will Invar iably be wearing the latter pair, the pair with the most color. An hour formerly was one twelfth of the time between sun set and sunrise, and one-twelfth of the time between sunrise and sunset; hence, it was ot different lengths in different seasons. In Bolivia, natives wear hats made from tree bark, which is soaked In waer and then beaten until pliable. The Dominican frog skips the tadpole stage entirely. It develops inside a crystal-like egg and emerges as a full-fledged frog. According to a famous Indian scientist, plants have a nervous system which Is affected by strong emotions. Just as in tthe case ot the higher animals. The progeny of a single bac terium, within one week could crowd the human population off the earth, if favorable conditions for bacterial reproduction were maintained. In England, a law makes it illegal to take home Ice cream in cardboard containers on Sun day, but you can take it home in edible containers, or cones, Honey does not have to be di gested when taken into the hu man body; that function takes place in the body of the bee, The Isle of Man is the only place in the British Isles from whonce England, Ireland and Scotland can be seen from the same spot, Twenty-five miles an hour Is said to be the most economical speed for nn automobile. HIS 15 FORI N HAVE W1DEAPPEA THE NEWS Santa Gets Old-Fashioned Christmas Greeting Santa's a good politician and he knows a pretty ulrl when he sees one! The News and Herald's special Christmas reporter caught him receiving a real big Christ mas hug after he finished his fa mous "Christmas P 1 a t f o r m" speech in which he outlined a real old fashioned Christmas for everybody. "I don't know when I've seen such a lot ot nice girls that are Just plain thrilled with Christ mas!" Santa said, with a broad wink as he looked over the smil Hager HAGER Mrs. Charles Snyder returned Monday morning from Portland. Word last week from Mrs. R. H. Anderson said they were hav ing a fine time and it was rain ing. Mr. and Mrs. George Graham from Merrill were callers at Charles Snyder's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. De Los Mills of Pine Grove are spending the weekend in California attending the big football games there. Dr. Trotman of Merrill was a business caller here Monday. Martin and Larry Snyder are indisposed with colds. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Carl A rant who were recently married. BONANZA BONANZA Mrs. Frank Brown entertained a gToup of young peo ple at her home last Saturday eve ning in honor ot the birthday of her son, Martin Brown. The meeting of the home exten sion unit of Bonanza and Langell Valley, which was held at the li brary building last Tuesday was attended by about 30 women, when the county leader demon strated the cooking of itrong flavored vegetables. Mrs. Mae Holloway Is chairman of the group and Mrs. Revel of Langell Valley is vice chairman. At this meeting the group elected Mrs. Clara Daniel ot Bonanza, secretary-treasurer. As the next two meetings will also be a demon stration of the cooking of vege tables, it was decided to have the entire cooking unit take place at Bonanza, and then have the next project at Langell Valley. Mrs. Glllen will demonstrate the cook ing of mild-flavored vegetables at the next meeting, -which will take place on Tuesday November 29, at the home of Mrs. Bill Hartley. All women are cordially Invited to attend these instructive meet ings, which are held all day, start ing at 10 a. m. Mrs. Mae Holloway and small daughters left last week for Port land to visit friends and relatives until after Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Eyers and two small sons left for Portland last week to visit a sister of Ey ers. While in the north the Eyers planned to attend the grange meeting and take the seventh de gree in grange work. Mrs. Grace Harrison and Mrs. Ada sparretorn were the hostesses who entertained the club women at their regular social meeting last Tuesday evening. The eve ning was spent playing cards. The local chapter of the FFA boys are sponsoring a dance to be held on Thanksgiving eve, No vember S3, at the high school gym. Joe Horsely was elected to the office of grange master at a re cent meeting of the Bonanza grange. William Casebeer returned home recently from a trip to Col orado, where he visited with rel atives. On the way home he pur chased a herd of purebed yews from the famous Hansen herd near Ogdon. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Burk and family were recent visitors in Bo nanza with Burk's mother, Mrs. Birdie Burk, and other relatives. The mother of Mrs. Earl Brown, Mrs. Burkheart of Fres no, Calif., is having an extended visit with her daughter and fam ily. Mrs, Norma Bechdoldt and Mrs. ing crowds gathered to weloaine him. "Usually girls think they're too grown up to bother with Old Santa. But these here Klamath girls and the ladies too they're tops." And Santa again gave a sly wink at his own use ot mod ern slang. He shook his head Bnd scratched his long white beard. "You know, I've never seen such a lot of real people as there Is this Christmas. Seems like all have the old-fashioned Christmas spirit again. They call it a Christ mas World's Fair, and they make Mable Maxwell are the hostesses who will provide the entertain ment for the club members at the business meeting on Tuesday eve ning, Dec. 6, and also at the De cember social meeting. Bonanza has a new barber shop that opened for business recently, located next door to the Bonanza restaurant and operated by Elmer De Bolt Animals ot the dog family do not sheathe their claws, since they run down their prey, and seize It In their mouths, making notseless footwork and sharp claws unnec essary. Sharks are killed easily by a blow on the snout, where the brain lies close to the surface. The horns ot the Rocky Moun tln sheep show the animal's age through their annual growth rings. A gallon of gasoline gives more mileage In Canada than in the United States, because the gallon Is larger in volume in the former country. White blackbirds frequently oc cur the result ot albinism. In Sumatra, the Batak dentist does his work in the open mar ket, with the patient lying flat on his back. In some parts of Great Britain, "dragon's blood," ordinarily used for dyes and varnishes, still is popular as a love potion, A rocky out-cropping in the Utah Rockies, which forms a nat ural toboggan route down the mountainside, is known as the "Devil's Slide." At one time, cardinals were a favorite cage bird in the southern United States. California has flown the flags ot 12 nations since 1542. Mount Rainier, Wash., one ot the highest peaks in the contin ental United States, once was a volcano. It was discovered in 1793 by Vancouver, who disre garded Its Indian name of Tacoma, and named it after Admiral Rai nier, of the British navy. The mallard is more valuable to the human race than any other duck. Bermuda onions are not the exclusive product of Bermuda. They are grown abundantly in Florida and Texas. A forty-year-old Hungarian gypsy woman has thirty children. Including six sets ot twins. A cut onion rubbed on the auto mobile windshield will prevent the glass from frosting. The world's loneliest island, Tristan da Cunha, has a popula tion ot 180. While some of the dinosaurs of the prehistoric world walked on all four feet, others walked up right. It makes no difference it I burn my bridges behind me, since I never retreat. Florello LaUuar dla, mayor of New York. Bent axles and misalignment difficulties in an automobile often can be attributed, directly to a driver's carelessness in jamming the wheels against the curb when parking. AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON a lot of fuss about some new streamlining notions, but down underneath I see the same old sparkle In their eyes as they scamper around the stores doing their Christmas shopping. More Chrlstmus trees have been ordered than In twenty years, Simla Clans reported Whole cities throughout America hare planned great Christmas festivals. Old-fashioned Christ mas carols will be sung again In the streets. Christmas plays and entertainments, Christmas .bas kets and feasts will gladden tho hearts ot tho poor. According to Santa, who has Just reached Klamath after visiting many cities of this country, this will be the greatest Christmas In Amer ica's history! WEST KLAMATH The Fair haven PTA card club met TburS' day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Gus Miller for dessert bridge. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. L. L. Smith, chairman, assisted by Mrs. s. E. Buchanan, Mrs. Evelyn McHule and Mrs. Fredericks. High prize was received by by Mrs. Elsie Wenzell, second high by Mrs. Edna Hastings and low by Mrs. Al Johnson. A short business meeting was held by Mrs. Percy Cook. It was reported that Mrs. Thurman's side had won the membership contest. The next meeting will be held December 1 at the home of Mrs, Lee.' Holiday where names will be exchanged for the Christmas party. Those present were Mrs. Percy Cook, Mrs. Owen Tburman, Mrs. S. E. Buchanan, Mrs. Gabert. Mrs. B. C. Johnston, Mrs. Gus Miller, Mrs. Edna Hastings. Mrs. II. A. Wenzell, .Mrs. C. R. Wenzell, Mrs. Otto Mlkkelson, Mrs. Lee Holi day, Mrs. Bud Scbesel, Mrs. Lien, Mrs. Robert Hough, Mrs. L. B. Hopkins, Mrs. Louise Carlsen, Mrs.. L. L. Smith, Mrs. Norton, Mrs. Price, Mrs. Al Johnson, Mrs. Evelyn McKale, Mrs. Virginia Miller. Mrs. William Archer and daugh ter, Luclle have been called to Medford where her mother Is ser iously ill. Mrs. Edna O. Rellly of the Jo Sonja apartments returned Satur day from Los Angeles where she has been visiting relatives and friends. She was accompanied by her father and mother of Caves Junction, who will remain until after Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McClelland had Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle Williams ot McCloud, Calif,, as weekend guests. Mrs. David Cleveland has re turned to her home In Seattle. She has been visiting at the home of her mother-in-law, Mrs, Charles Mahan. The Three O club entertained their husbands Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. Dan Masset with a hard time party. Prizes tor best costumes were awarded to Mrs. L. L. Smith first and Mrs, Owen Thurman second. For the men Mr. Thurman first and Mr. Smith second. The evening was spent In playing games and danc ing. Those present were Mrs. Dan Masset, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Thurman, Mr. and Mrs. Al Holi day, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Schesel, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McClelland and their guest, Mr. and Mrs. O. Williams, The steel industry alone con sumes approximately 3,380,000 electrlo light bulbs annually. An inch of rainfall per acre of land weighs approximately 100 tons. The earth's crust rises and falls about nine inches with the gravitational pull of the moon. Sixty per cent of the world's telephones are In the United States. There are 63 army airdromes and 26 naval air stations In the United States. The latter figure Includes marine and coast guard stations. Humpty Dumpty, a real baron, tumbled from power in King John's time. West Klamath FRENCH FOLK RUSH TO STUDY HITLER'S BOOK n.v rtiTKIt ItHODKS t'nlte.1 1'rcxn Staff t'orrepoiilent PARIS (UP) Adolf Ultlor's "Meln Kampf," the guide book of Germany's swift rise to the lead ing power ot continental Kurope, has become the heat seller In Pails, an Inquiry Into Parts book shops reveal. Hut Its author earns small personal Income from his fame, and few disciples to his theories, for most of the editions sold hero are bootleg versions, An Inquiry of 20 lending hook shops revealed that the demand for Hitler's hlble has Jumped over night with the conclusion ot the Munich accord and the virtual hegemony over central Kuropo and Hie Danublan basin that wont with It. Cheap E and 10 franc edl Hons adorn the open trays of virtually every bookshop and sales in the 20 shops In the last month Is reported to have surpassed the 30,000 mark. In addition there are street hawkers selling "Muln Kampf" on every Important street eorner In the center of Paris, and this cor respondent has counted IS at one time stationed In different cor ners of the Place de l'Onera. Al though snles aro hard to chock from stroet-hawkers. all venders reported the books sold llko hot cakes. Not Authorised Versions Most of the French editions ot '.Meln Kampf" on sale In Paris are not the authorised edition bearing the approval of the fueh rer. In 19J4 a real controversy aroso over this point, when pub Ushers tried to edit the unex purgated translation of "Meln Kampf" as it Is sold In Germany, Tho French brunch of tho Munich publishers who edit Hitler's book sued the French publishers and won their case through the French courts. For some time no editions ot Hitler's books appeared In France except In their abridged form, whore all references to France as the traditional enemy ot Germnny aro suppressed. Last year, as Interest In Hit ler's real alms grew and French men began to worry about the possible threat to their own coun try In the growth of tho Third Reich, bootleg editions began to appear. Publishers get around the legal and financial difficulties of reprinting by editing books' which are ostensibly ' Commen tarlos" on Hltlor's original work These editions are abridged, but Instead of suppressing the sec tlons of the book devoted to France, these are played up, and often printed In boldface Italics, while sections devoted to Internal German affairs aro omitted. Most of the books are only about ono- third as Isrge as the original Logan Meln Kamnf." and can thus bo edited In very cheap paper-covered editions, ,Tlio demand, as soon as It was learned that comments concerning Viance were not sup pressed, grew tremendously. Cuurte Refine to Act The courts have refused to ban these bootleg editions, finding Hint editors have legal tm-linlcull-tles in their favor. They also have decreed that profits need not be given to the German publish ers, as commentaries are not cov ered by International oopyrlght legislation. The government hns not Interfered In any way with the sale or the books, and a cer tain leniency is obvious In per mitting street vendors to sell any where on the sldownlks. It Is said that the man In (lie street knowing exactly what llltlor has said about France In his bible. even though It has been repeated ly assorted that Hitler hus changed his views since writing the hook and Is only Interested now In German expansion to the east. Ono of tho most popular edl tlom siimiuailtes Hitler's first alms as: 1 Anschluss with Austria. 3 Neutralisation ot Csecho Slovakia and the opening ot a rond toward the Duniibo, 3 Economic and oventuiilly political penetration Into all the IJulkan countries. 4 The crushing of France, the "traditional enemy ot Germnny. which must be crushed before Gormuny can becomo a real world power. Kdltor Htrcu Point The editors point out that the third point on this program Is now being completed and warn France that Its turn has now come. The conclusion ot the Munich accord appears to have made Frenchmen fear that this is extremely prob able. Although peace was proclaimed everywhere after the Munich ac cord, and the government has as sured the country that positive Kulns were made and peaco for some time to come was lusrun teed, there Is a growing worry in France. This has found semi official confirmation In large pub. He news canipulgns pointing out Kreuce's armed weakness, and by tho preparations now being pushed by the government toward Inteii alve rearmament. While hoping thnt Hitler no longer takes his first words about Frnuro seriously, and In which he states that the type of sovorn ment In France, whether rose tlonary or bolshevlsl, In no way changes Germany's vital rivalry with her, the ordinary French, man la genuinely worried. The human eye, at a height of 5 feet from the k round, can see an object 2.9 miles away at ssa or over a level plain. In New Gulena, beetles with hard shells of many lovely colors aro found. Native women catch them and thread them Into nock laces. The bald head and neck of the vulture are natural provisions of nature, to prevent fouling ot Us DlumnKO on unclean carrion, the 1 bird's favorite food. OPENING SATURDAY Cache Knitting Mills OF LOGAN, UTAH BRINGS KLAMATH A NEW WAY TO BUY A GENERAL LINE OF KNITWEAR LADIESI If you are planning en a knit suit or dress, bo sure to shop at the new Logan Cache Knitting Mills store. We specialize In ladies' knit suits and dresses, t surprisingly lew prices. We carry all sues in stock. See our new styles. If you don't find ust what you want In stock, we will gladly make up your suit or dress to order, at a reduced price. PRICES RANGE FROM $1Q9510$-g95 which ordinarily would tell from $19.95 to $37.50 A General Line At LADIES Knit Suiti Knit Presses Snow Suits Sweater GIRLS Knit School Dresses Sweaters Snow Suits Arlstolux Slip.Over Sweaters Men's and Ladies' Bathrobes A fine line of all wool Blankets at attractive prices. LOGAN CACHE KNIT SHOP 720 Main Street Next to Western Union HsMWtMHWWMMWktWSWssaBS There Is a areator possibility of I Ufa on Venus than on Mars, A nhlniiim anloliflnl Hllllea llml I'll"-' dltlonn on Venus ui'U inuio nenuy Ilka those on oat'tli, On Kent's Island, lluy ot Fundy OQQPQOOOCD' GIVE IT OR KEEP IT BUT CERTAINLY GET IT Colonial homes are complemented by Foslnrla's "American" crystal. .Modern homes like II, Ion. Anil gift lists minus "Amerlcun" seem neglected. For "American" la an authentic reproduction of that Ira dltionnl deslxn which marked the cosjf simplicity of early New England life. Indeed, no crystal pattern Is more qiilsllely beautiful or so moderately priced . . . nnno with a more romantic, past or such a brilliant future. Wo have Innumerable "American" pieces for your selec tion. Some of these are as llille us 40c each. Or a com plete dinner service Is available, perfectly satisfactory for serving all kinds of hot fnnds and drinks. Wo Invite you to see our Fustorta Dlnpluys In the Crystal Shop. Fostoria Pattern! In the WelUnown Early American, Sun Ray and Baroque Offered You Now A a Holiday Special, $4-80 a Dozen Garcelon's 407 Main Free Gift Wrapping of Woolen Goods for All Surprisingly Low Pricesl MEN Gabardine Shirts Sweators Cossack Coats Blazers Stag Shirts Underwear Wool Socks November 24, 1938 wwww - uorrlitg gulls trample down tree lops so solidly Hint a man can walk nlop the abnormally grow brunches. rails, France, did not adopt a standard hour until UK. the Family ' BOYS Pull-Over Sweeten) Sweater, Coat Sleeveless Sweater