PAGE FOUR THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON November 28, 1D38 &l) t Queuing JLfrotlb run wmn MALCOLM irUCI . UUUUI rt'BLUHIKa COMPANY. roMkM ems afiamaas ami Sundu tij Tt nrld ruMMilm Ooaput u seiMasi mi rtaa StntU, KlaaUlo 1 Ortoe suns m mm! chaa Miut al Ux mtoflin at Klamath rila. On., m lm 10, ltoi b mi umctea, nana jaia. MtnbM n n AiaocUtaa rrm It, ABMUU4 rnaa k mtatfnU aeUUae u im uaa m moiMlalM at an m SratS II II M OK ttbefrlM erwllted la this aapw, and aba lha hNal wi puMwM themo. All rtCTti of rceubluitloa M tpaelal dlapalcoaa ban tn tin ftaanaO. Rrpnarntrd Nationally fay Wcjt llollldu t, lac Ktm Tan. fwtrelt. fcaltla. Oilcan. PartUnl. Las AianlM. M. Lstas. fa. I. c, Goplaa af n N'" aoa Herald, tocttonr alia canaltlc iDTaraiatlaa aejel las Ewaal Falll aurast. Bay aa aouincd rar aaa uun al aay al ttsaa afneaa. Tana MaaUa , Hi Moelaa Oaa Tatt MAIL BATES PAYABI.I IN AOVANOI By Mali ta Canoty at r j.rj I.M Outalda Cauaty 11 IS M 00 Dcllitcad t Cam la City lana Mootlal Sb Manila Ooa fear -I .. l.M 1 so so MEMDU AUDIT BL'BKAU Or OSCULATION The Spirit of Thanksgiving (Editor! Note: Guest editor today la Bishop William Proctor Remington of the Episcopal diocese of Eastern Oregon, who has written this Inspiring article on Thanksgiving). IT IS strange but true that people who have the least I are apt to be the most thankful for what they have. When you have just DAILY BREAD you can say "Hal lowed be Thy Name." When you have an automobile, a radio and all the conveniencies and luxuries of modern life, you have only an appetite for more, and very little sense of thankfulness. The first American Thanksgiving was in 1623 when thai neorie of Massachusetts were confronting famine. A day of fasting and prayer had brought people together in the church. Kain came and trie harvest was saved. After that Governor Bradford issued his first Thanks giving proclamation. There was little shelter, little food and the rigors of a New England winter to face, and yet these men and women obeyed the command of St Paul to the Phillipians. "With Thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God." St Paul wrote this from prison. His prison bars were a barrier be tween him and his liberty and his better physical wel fare. However, through the bars he could see a great light which struck into his spirit and made all well there. No wonder he was thankful. There is nothing America needs more in these days than a new spirit of Thanksgiving. Many of us feel poor but how poor are we in comparison to our pioneer ancestors? The poorest households have standards of living poles apart from our grandfather's and grand mothers. A good exercise in preparation for our turkey feasts, our home gatherings, and our church attend- ance, would be to take a paper and pencil and jot down all the things we have for which we are thankful. Don't forget PERSONS. The older I grow the more I am thankful for good friends. A great play and as great a movie is "You Can't Take It With You." Of course you can't but how many realize how poor they are in the midst of great riches, when they are without loving and loyal friends. The significance of Thanksgiving can only be real ized when we give united thanks to God in our churches. Our Lord found but one out of ten among the lepers He cleansed, who returned to give thanks. Is it not about time in America, when we should improve on that record? ......... Here are some things I am thankful for as an Ameri can citizen today: 1. I still can worship God as I please. 2. My speech and my actions are not restricted to a Salute to a Dictator. 8. I can register my convictions by a free ballot on Important issues. 4. I have food and shelter enoucrh. 6. I live in a country of good water, grand scenery uu plenty ui 1WIU, 6. I have fzood friends and neirfihnrn 7. I know that God is the loving Father of all be cause oi wnai unnst has done for me. News Behi By PaulWallon. WASHINGTON, Nov. SJ Mr. " ItoosoTelt can get as deep a chuckle as anyone out of his third term predicament. At hit last press conference he was talking along about why he wanted a Jefferson memorial built. As a Hyde Park hick, he said, ho would like to return to Washington sometime and visit a memorial. A sly newsman asked: "What year do you expect to come back?" It stumped him for a tew sec onds, then ha came back with: "Let us say some autumn." Mote Presidents are Inaugu rated In January, but don't take it too seriously, a a a CHANGE OF M1XD Roosevelt intended until two weeks ago to attend the Lima Pan-American conference had mads all plans. Exactly what caused him to change his mind cannot be stated authoritatively, but presumably it was Europe or the election or both. State department is officially denying the trip was ever con templated, but not very effectively. a a a BY-PLAY A bit of unpremeditated by-play preceded the recent White House visit of the new California ham and egg Senator Downey. Press Secretary Early tele phoned Appointment Secretary Maclntyre and asked: "Downey is coming In today?" "Yep." "You know what day It Is?" - "Yen Thursday." . "Well, get your 130 ready." Maclntyre protested: "Oh nol As I understand It. he gives It to me and not I to him." No money changed hands, nor waa any exhibited by any of the parties during the call. The presi dent, Maclntyre and Downey did not have J30 between them. Only one wno did was Senator McAdoo, who does not favor the plan and strongly. ess. GIVE UP Actually the only constructive suggestion heard Inside here to meet adequately the Latin Amer ican trade problem Is that we wait and see It Improving world busi ness wui help. Of tour govern ment economists polled none bad any other possibility aside from the social amenities planned for the Lima conference, Batista's visit, Berle's speech and such other good but Indirect steps. TO show you how touch the problem Is: Senator Borah, who knows most of the international answers, has spent weeks privately studying this one with economist friends. They gave It up. SIDE GLANCES , Gaorg Clark "Well, I've managed lo keep him In bed. Doctor." BOOM Hull-for-prestdent move has been boomed, conversationally at least, by the popular reaction to the Anglo-American trade agree ment. Travelers In from the Hln- INDS TONISMTI "PENITENTIARY" terlands, especially businessmen, report more and more Inquiries about the state secretary. Typical comment: "He gets constructive things done. a a a CXXOT1CED Peace Is better news than war any day, but somehow it does not draw as much attention. The ana monopolists got together the other day on a resolution promising fair. Impartial objective inquiry. but It drew no notice. The committee has tried to get off on an affirmative foot, how ever, by arranging to hear the motor Industry on patent pooling (motors have done it successfully) after the Lubin-Thorp-lIendcrsnn analysis of the existing economic situation Is presented. a a a POOR POLICY To hear our officials tell It off the record. Hitler Is compounding his religious mistakes by snarling back against the U. S. His tactics are driving the reluctant U. 8. closer and closer to Britain and France, a union he must prevent if his larger objectives are to con tinue successfully. a a a TIRED OF JOB One thing Is sure behind all these Hopkins rumors: He wants to get out of WPA. Friends say he is tired of it. Opponents say he fears the expected congression al Investigation. He says nothing. STRAWS Straws In the wind: Lame duck liberal Maury Maverick Is being promoted by his friends for a Puerto Rican post , . . Professor O. M. W. Sprague, who resigned from the treasury In protest against politics, is back quietly helping Assistant Attorney Gen eral Thurman Arnold In anti monopoly and anti-trust studios . . . Authentlo word has finally pierced the wall of silence which has always surrounded Uvalde that the vice president did not even stay up to get the returns election night. He took a t p. m. curfew as usual . . . Forget any rumor you may hare hoard con cerning U. S. govornmeut loans to Latin-American nations for re armament. Mr. Roosevelt will not propose It. and it he does, con gress will stop It. On the mantelpiece In the presi dent's office Is a steel statuette of the GOP elephant and the demo cratic donkel hitched to the same plow, with the Instruction: "Let's pull together." Bnt the data at the bottom Is: "13." MERRILL PLANNING THANKS SERVICE MERRILL A service of thanks is planned for Thanksgiv ing morning from 10 to 10:60 In the Merrill Presbyterian church by Rev. Lawrence H. Mltchelmore, who will use as his sermon topic, "Giving Thanks." A special Thanksgiving ' anthem will be sung by the choir. The Family Doctor REX lot TODAY 'ruay and THE WOMAN" 'HIGH HAr By DR. MORRIS FI8IMEIN Editor, Journal of the American Mmllral Aasoelnl Ion, and of ll)gvli do Health Mngaalne npHU human being Is not the only animal that has worms. All of the animals occasionally are InfnMoil and unite frequently the worms Hint are In (he animals aro transferred ta human beings. When these parasites get Into the body, they are capable of setting up a good deal of harm, Honio- tlmoa they get Into human holuga directly from soil which Is pol luted, soinol lines from the flesh ot the animal that Is eaten as food by the liuuinn being, and some times throuiih contamination of fingers or wntor. Among the worms that are thus transferred aro the hookworm, the whipworm, the organisms that cause dyseulery, the plnworm and he pork and beef tapeworms and the tiicliluns ot Infested pork. People who lire In the country are more likely to bucomn Infected from the soil than are those who live In the cities. Fortunately bookworm Infestation, which was the chief disturber In the southern portion ot the United States, has been brought largely under con trol. It has steadily diminished Ince scleutlflo studies were first undertaken many years ago. a a a On the other hand, there seema be evidence that Infestation of he human being with the tape worm that Is acquired from the fresh wator fish Is Increasing In the United States. Certainly trichinosis, which comes from eat- ng Infocted pork, Is Increasing, and Infestation with the tapeworm of beet Is not diminishing al- hough apparently not making much headway. The tapeworm that comes from fish Is known by a highly tech nical name. This, tapeworm pro- uces eggs which are too small to be seen except with tho micro scope. This worm can Infect dogs, cata and wild animals such as bears and foxes as well as human beings. Fishes from the Great Lakos region ot the United States have been found to be Infested with the larvae of this tapeworm. It la said that In parts of Scan' dlnavta, Finland, Russia and Ger many people are Infected with these tapeworms up to 60 per cent of the population. Since a person who has such a tapeworm may discharge a million eggs In a sin gle day, the possibility ot spread ot this Infestation Is easily ap parent. a a a People who have tapeworms oc casionally show a voriioiotis appe tite but sometimes aro really too sick to eat much. They suffer with disturbances ot Iho bowels, Ions of sleep, nervousness anil slmllni' nympinins. This condition can lie eliminated If people will uvold the eating ot frenh water fish either raw, soml-raw, smoked, sailed or slightly cured. Thorough rooking wMI eliminate (lie noealliltlly of such Infestation among liiimnu lin ings. . Weather nlmro normal with low humidity) list 1st ta moderate nastorly wlnj off clonal. ' uumtun; r nir womieaiiav ana Thursday) llllle change lo tern- ' pernturo; moderate easterly wind ' tilt coast. NORTHERN CALIFORNIA: Fair Wednesday and Thursday; cool at night but afternoon tompnrnlurea OBITUARY : MAXIMO I.OIIIIAINH OVOARD I Mnnlne Lorraine Ovgard, a riwltlmit of lilulier. California. I for Hi" IiihI four mouths pnsand a nwuy In this city Monday, No- vnmlior si, 1U3H. at 10:15 p, m following an Illness or two weeks, , Him wua a native of Knlly Lake, Minnesota, and at the time of ' her dnnlh waa aged SI years 1 months and (I days. Ktirvl vlnar a aro Imr husband, Alhort Ovaard of llluliar, Calif., her parents. ' Mr. and Mrs. Edward Onnsolln , of Knlly l.nke, Minn,, and one h rot Imi-. Kdvvnril Jr, of Aliurdnnn, ' Mini i li Dakota, I'lio remains rest I In I ho Karl Vt'hltlock Funeral t Home, IMnu stront at Sixth, where J frlamls may call until 10 a. m. r Wnil niiaitn v r CLOSES TONIGHT! I IF I WERE KING" Ronald COLMAN Francei DEE Boill RATHBONE CONTINUOUS SHOW DOORS OPEN I P. M. (554 I "LAST EXPRESS" I KENT TAYLOR CONTINUOUS TNANKWIVINS OAV I "SKY BOUND" I EDDIE NUGENT taEHTEMAlMMENT HEKU FM1 JEZEBEL' and 'ROBIN HOOD' COMBINE TALENTS TO SCREEN THE STORY THAT MELTED A MILLION HEARTSI THE WHOLE WORLD HOPlD FOR AND DREAMED OF THIS STAR COM BINATION - IN THIS STORY OF WHAT LOVE CAN REALLY MEAN LAST 4 DAY KING OF ALCATRflZ" HARRY CAREY LLOYD NOLAN ANSWERS TO CRANIUM CRACKERS Questions on Page 1 1. True. Fish do not sleep, they nave periods of repose but do not olose their eyes. 1. True. The maple leaf Is tho mblem of Canada. i. True. The Church of the Transfiguration In New York Is known as the Little Church Around the Corner. 4. False. Diamonds may be burned with a blow torch. 6. True tho raccoon washes all its lood. PTA TAXCE BLT The Bly Parent-Teacher association otters to the public Thanksgiving dance and card party, to be held In the Bly high school gymnasium Thursday nigni. -roe Knytnm Kings Klamath Falls will play. TOMORROW Thanksgiving Program doom nan l n'cintw CONTINUOUI MOSMal FROM 10J mm, wminiinnif, CONTINUOUS SHOW THANKStlVINS OAV (DOORS 0H I a. M. & & News ana get results. Herald Want-Adi Recipe for 1 Ji -, aini-aiiaSif,fliiiiimsiiiBiiitlw ALL DAY THIS THURSDAY, THANKS GIVING DAY, as well as all day every Sun. day, the attractive "night" rates to most Long Distance points are in effect, Call the folks on Thanksgiving Dayl THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 128 S. 7th St. ' Telephone 800 OUT OF A VOLLEY OF MIRTH ROARS THE CHARGE OF THE LAUGH BRIGADE! 9- I wlui JAMES ELLISON BEULAH BOND! CHABIE3 COBUBN li r ft- That's what they call cadets at Vir ginia Military In , stitute the West Point of Dixie! ALSO "MARCH OF TIME" AND LATEST NEWS 11 rf psisciua k, S2. 1 ' mm t im ft. LANE MORRIS imm Mr WHS -JAKE DHTM- EDDIE ALBERT nmtiTn Yrin ... . ZMIKHWO """"'l ' LJANB WYMAN toifTKT vci--'uircctet. by WM. KEIGHLEY I I ta JlK! t'. '- ', t w i- . a. m m tmmk xn a woman fJk-Sf NO MAN COULD 'T ."I Tf a TAMEI A MAN NO WOMAN COULD HOLDI Errol Davis am m it,.' mm 3 wlih ANITA LOUISE IAN MVNTBR DOMA1D OMP.MULAM BONDI-JANB BAY AN ALAN MALI DICK" VORAN M NRY TRAYSRS PATHie WO WLHS wrrvmi A griat taut A frtal pklnnl CARTOON "Wolf's Side of the Story" PARAGRAPHIC "Raising Canines" LATEST WORLD NEWS RAINBOW ALSO N0VKLTY CARTOON KIWI .ivniar g I i I re I S r - a mmmwmmmmmmmmmwm JlasLflaaaEgtjSS,