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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1938)
November 21, 1933 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN Herald and News Classified Ad Section RATES Paid-In-Advance On day, pr word 2c two-day run, r word . 4c . Be - 7c ..20c bras-day run, par word On waelc run, par word One month run, par word Charge Ads Each tniartion, ear word -.. 3c (No charge made (or leu than 25c) (All mull ordor ada muat baft ash with ordr). All ads ara Inserted In botb edllluna of Tba News-Herald.. All classifications ara num bered and appar In ouniarlcal order, Tba daad-llne tor clasalflea (Ion la 11:00 a. m. Ada received a(tur 12:00 o'clock will be run In (be "Too Late lo Classify column. Tba Newa-Ilorald will be re sponsible for Incorrect wordiui only one da. Classified Index Apartmeule (or Rent . Automotive ........... Huslnos opportunities Educational .......... rinancUl Kor Bale or Trade General Notices Help Wanted, Female -llulp Wanted, Male Houses (or Raul Livestock and Poultry IjOH and Found - Miscellaneous (or Rant Mlecollaiiaoua (or Bale Mlacellaneoua Wauled I'eraouala Heal Estate (or Hale teal Batata Wanted Room and Hoard . Rooina (or Rant Burrlces . Hltuallons Wanted To Exchange .. Transportation '. .. Ill It .41 .I0 ,I2 ...20 ..31 10 11 .40 I Lost and Found LOST Between Shasta arhool and IMeaaant View tracia, child a glasses. Yellow gold (ranie. Re ward. Call 673-J-l. 11-21 LOHT Rrown leather coal on high acliool ground!. Return to Don Smith, 031 Proapecl street, iihona 962-M. Reward. If General Notice Go By Motor Coach Shortest Route Lowest Fare Une Round Way Trip Spokane $11.10 $20.05 Boise. Ida. 10.00 18.10 Portland 5.90 10.65 Seattle 8.40 14.65 Busses Leave 1:00 P. M. Mt. Hood Stages, Inc. Greyhound Depot rhona 99 ll-20-ml( NOTICE Mr. Orvllle Vaughn of the Southern Pnclfln Ry., and Mr. George Hodges of the Oreat North ern Ry., are the duly appointed representatives for aollcltlng adda for our now 1939 Time Book, and any courtesy extondod to thorn In thla work, will be elncerely ap preciated by the Ordor of Railway Conductors of thla city. L. E. Hubbard. Socretary Division No. 133 OUC. WHY NOT do that remodeling or repairing now and aava 25 to 30. Free estimates. Can be paid In amnll monthly pay menla. Box 2548, Newa-Hor-ald. H-21 8TORAGET Call 704. 1640tf FOR SALE Nolo for 1170. bear ing 6'o Interest. Hacrlflce If taken lmmodliitoly. Chrlat Hunk, 1320 Tlcnaant. Phone 2206. 11-24 TRAPPERS ATTENTION Havo an ordor for 6.400 muakrata to bo dollvoiod by November 26. Phono 279-M. Parka Grocery, 2222 So. Cth. 11-19 INTERSTATE MOVING Klam ath Falla Trana. and Storage. 12-4mtf LONG DISTANCE HAULING Phone 1097. 12-4mtf ARLENE G. SMITH, PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, Notary Pub lic; Mimeographing. Phone 1402. Rosldonce 2129 Oak off East Main. 11-2 PHOTO-FINISHING 8-Hour Sorvlce Free Developing 4o Print Star Drug Store 6th & Main 11-24 Personals THE READERS DIGEST An ap preciated Xmna gift that cornea , 1 2 tlmoa a yoar. For new, re nowal or gift aubacriptlona call Joy Evans Rolph nt 2024, agent for Renders Dlgoat exclusively. 11-30 FOR THAT MAN'S BIRTHDAY or Xmna, buy SKI-TOGS. Rudy's SKI SHOP, 6th nnd Mnln. 12-2 OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Dr. A. A. Soulo. 11-21 8 Transportation DRIVING . EAST Docomber 17, Chicago, Detroit, Cincinnati. Take three. Phone 741. 12-1 Trentportatlon COUPLE driving to Reno Wednne day a. in. Room (or two, ahara expenaea. Return Friday a. m. References exchanged. Apt, 9. Gem Rooms. 11-21 MOVING -Call 704. Local, long dlatanco. 1641tf 10 Services WALL WASHING, window clean ing, floor waxing, paper and kalaomlned walla cleaned. A. M. Rhoada. Phone 173. 11-26 DR. J. W. WATERS) Veterinar ian 16 yaara experience In large and amall animal prac tice. Phone No. 2036-W. 1812 Portland St. U-23 FERTILIZER, sheep or cow, lawn dirt, (111 dirt, Roy Behmeck, 2438 Bhaata way. Phone 1260. 11-80 BODENHAMER SAW FILINO 219 E. Main. Phone 846-W. All aawa, tools, lawnmowcrs, etc. repaired. 11-14-mtf FLOOR RANDINO and reflnlah Ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 168-W-l. l-ll-mtf YOUR FILM DEVELOPED and printed 26c, wide border, dacklo edge prima. Alao 1 7x9 enlarg ing coupons. West Coast Film Service. "A reliable place to sand your films." P. O. Box 680, Salem, Ore. 11-10 PAINTINO, KAL80MININO W. II. Bmltb. Pbone 17TJ8. 12-1 WRINGER ROLLS for all makes of washing machlnea. Merit Waahlng Machine Service. 700 So. 6th. Phone 1086. 11-lOmtf ATTENTION Working mothera: Have your child cared for by reaponalble party while you work. Reason able, llox 1186. Newa-Harald. 8186-tf NU-BONE foundation garments. For appolntmont call Mra. Mil dred Rugg, 28W1. 12-1 UPHOLSTERY Cars, furniture, ruga cleaned like new. Moder ate prlcea. Call 668-M. 11-1 PAINTINO, Kalaomlnlng Harry Brown. Phone 1991. 11-23-mtf ' THERE'S A DIFFERENCE" E. Boiling Decorating Co., 116 Bo. 7th Bt. Phone 936. 11-20 HEMSTITCHING Buttona, buc klea. Mlaa Murray, with J. C. Penney Co. 11-26 FIX THAT RADIOI Phono 1111-W. 801 Market. 11-16 ST. FRANCIS PARK CABINET SHOP Cabinet work, remodel Ing. Phone 167-J-l or 41-J-S 11-11 CLEAN HOUSE Call Art Bene dict, 1864-W. 11-18 DRESSMAKING, alterations, re modeling. Ann London, 628 Main, over Bwanson'a Bnrbor Shop. 11-17-tutf SEWING, expert alterations, slip covers, dressmaking, coata re llned. Mra. Harney, 1111 Dar- row. Phone 2161-J. 12-1 lmlf DON'T THROW AWAY that old mattreaa. We will refluff It for 11.60. New ticking 13.95, or convert 11 Into a (Irat-clasa Innaraprlng mattreaa for f 11.00. Alao expert upholstering. Carl son Mattress and Upholstering Co., 1106 Main. Phone 791. 11-10 AUTO. WINDOW OLA88 Install ed. Mirrors mado, reallvered. Klmball'a Glass Sbop, 617 Wal nut. Pbone 1243. ll-30mir PIANO TUNING Morgan, 406. Kmplre Hotel. phone 11-23 14 Help Wanted, Female WANTED Experienced house keeper on rnncn. Muat no good cook. f60. Give age and refer ence. Newa-Hernld Box 2262. 11-22 WANTED Middle-aged lady for houaowork. Must be unencum bered. News-Herald, Box 2091. 11-22 WANTED Experienced young houaekoeper. Board, room, good wages. Nows-Herald, Box 2081. 2081-tf 16 Hslp Wintsd, Mils MAN WANTED to prepare for air. conditioning and refrigeration. Muat be employed and willing to study spare time until quali fied. Small training coat. Sat isfaction guaranteed. News Herald Box 2682. 11-26 MAN WITH 1376 CASH (secured and returnable) to take charge local office. No selling. 150 up weekly party qualified. Ex perience unnecessary. Muat have referencea. Apply person ally, Mr. Chaney, Willard Hotel. 1888-tf WANTED 8 or 4 men to do base ment work In exchange for rent of furnished cottagoa. Alta mnnt. Auto Camp. 11-21 a c:i.,.t:. u.t..J MIDDLE-AGED widow wnnta po sition in nice nomo noipmg enro for small child or Invalid. Phono 613 between 6 and 6. 11-23 EXPERIENCED GIRL with ref erences will tnko care of chil dren evenings. Phone 1762-R. 2224tf EXPERIENCED grocery clerk wishes work. 1026 Jefferson. 11-21 PRUNING, OARDEN WORK Al bert Barrett, Ashland route. 12 8 Situations Wanted CURTAINS home laundered, stretched. Reasonable. Phone 142B-W evenings, 11-24 20 Room and Board ROOM AND HOARD gan. -224 Mlchl-11-24 ROOM AND BOARD Cloae In. 829 High. 12-16mt( NICE warm room, reasonable. 846 Eldorado. 11-21 ROOM-BOARD Meals family sly In; furnace beat. Phone 1269-J. 11-3 nOAIlli AND ROOM (or two, pri vate homo neur high school. 1321 Johnson. Phone 1848-W. 11-21 BOARD AND ROOM. 929 Jeffer son. 12-4 ROOM With garage, Board If dnalred. Gontlomea preferred. 633 Eldorado. 11-21 22 Rooms for Rent CLAREMONT 228 N. 4th St. All outside rooms. Free parking lot. Ill ROOM FOR RENT At the Greer hotel, next to Pine Tree theatre. 11-21 ROOMS FOR MEN Clean, quiet, cloae In; no housekeeping; pri vate entrance. 324 8. 9ih. 1893-tf FURNACE heated rooms. 920 Lin coln. 11-29 FURNACE HEATED ROOM 134 N 3rd. 340tf 24 Apartments for Rent VACANCY 888 So. lllb, 11-26 S-ROOM furnished apt. Close In. 120.00. Inquire 634 No. 81b. 11-21 TWO-ROOM apartment. Every thing furnished. 433 N. 10th. 11-22 FOR RENT Three-room furn ished apartment In duplex. 913 Jefferson, Call 443. 2009-tf 8-ROOM furnished Apt., 1560 Martin. Phone 748-J. 2681-tf APARTMENT FOR RENT Oreor hotel, next to Pine Tree theatre. 11-16 NICE ROOM with kitchenette. 148 Broad. 11-21 2-ROOM APT. 900 Owena. 11-21 FIRST-CLASS, small brick apt. Adults. No pots. 741 Walnut. 11-24 VACANCY Small furnished apartment. 325 Commercial. 11-22 MODERN furnished 2-room apart, mnnt. Alameda Apartments 1800 Esplanade. 1080-tt FURNISHED apartment. Adults. 741 Wnlnut. 11-22 VACANCY 3 room furnished or unfurnished apt. White pine apta. 11-23 CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Newly furnished and deco rated, telephones, electric equip ment, retrlgorntlon, elevator, gnrago. Duy, week or month. The apartment hotel with con veniences and home comfort. 24-hour service. No pets. 12-14-mtf VACANCY Esplanade Courta. 12-14 FOR RENT Coxy 8-room house, furnished. Close In. 718 Jeffer son. 11-23 FOR RENT Two-bedroom fur nished house. Inquire 1321 Di vision. 11-23 LARGE 4-room house and garage next McKalg'a Feed Store. So. 6th, 120.00. 11-22 FOR RENT Partly furnished house, 116.50. Inquire 814 Lin ' coin. 2079-tf COMFORTABLE living quarters for 6 or 6. Altaniont Auto Camp. 11-21 THREE-ROOM modern furnished house, garage, 126.00. Inquire 212 Lewis. 11-22 STRICTLY MODERN 6-ROOM fur nished house, Hillside. Hard wood floors, good furnace. Phone 1871-W. 11-23 MODERN COTTAGES Closed garage. Attractive ratea. Phone 1196-J. 11-21 SPECIAL WINTER RATES at Al tamont Auto Camp, South Sixth atreet. Light, water, fuel. Phone service furnished. Phone E94-J-2. 11-24 FOR RENT Six-room furnished house. 1034 High. 11-22 28 Miscellaneous for Rant FOR RENT One aulta or two alnglo office rooms In Hopka building, 8th nnd Main atraeta. See Ida M. Ortoll. Pbone 366 tor further particulars. 11-24 30 Real Estate for Sal SEE LEWIS TRACTS on Shasta Way. 110 down, 6 monthly, Including Intorost. Mra. Ben P. Lewis, owner. Rt. 2, Box 310. Phono 3B-J-2. 12-18 FOR SALE By owner Improved 2 J ncrca. tsnsy torms. rnone 896. 11-21 FOR SALE, Leaso or Exchange The recent death ot Mr. Miller, of Mlllor Packing company, makes available for lonso, pur chase or trnde, the stock ranch operated by htm. 1120 ncres, owner, Mrs. D. T. Owen, Dorrle, Cnllt. 1814-tt 18 34 Automotive Eat Turkey on Us! Enjoy your Thanksgiving day In on of our Guaranteed Used Cart. FREE A turkey with each used car purchased between now and Thanksgiving. 1937 Plymouth Deluxe Coupe Kaaio, neater 1938 Chrysler 4-Door Touring Sedan Overdrive, heater. Driven only 5000 miles, at 1936 Pontiae Cabriolet Radio, heater, flex wheel, electric clock, whit sldewall tires. A beautiful sporty ear . $695 1937 Ford Coup Just rebuilt, heater $495 1936 DeSoto 4-Door Touring Sedan Only 12,000 miles, heater. Special at $495 All cars are winterized and carry our usual liberal guarantee, 30 to choose from. Snyder Motor Co The Big Whit Lot at 9th and Klamath Where You Always Receive Courteous Service. 30 Real Estate for Sal FOR LEASE OR SALE Modern 6-room house near high school. Phono 704 or 2182. 11-23 34 Automotive WANTED 1929 or '10 Call 1174-M. pickup. 11-21 AUGUST '37 Dodge new. Phone 99-W. coupe, like 11-22 36 Miscellaneous for Sal ANY KIND LAWN DIRT, ferti lizer and garden rock. Phone 377J1. 12-1 FIX THAT RADIO! 1281-W. 802 Market. Phono 11-26 USED PIPELE8S FURNACE for wood or coal. 135.00. Thla furnace la In good condition but la being replaced by a mod ern H. C. Little Oil Burning Floor Furnace because of tbe additional comfort and con venience. Pbone 636. PEYTON t CO. 4980 It PINE BLOX Bone dry direct from bin, 13.76 delivered. Phone 892-M. 12-9 FOR SALE Fir and pine body wood. Phone 1430-J. 12-15 KALSOM1NE Your choice ot twenty colors In bulk at only 8c lb. We rent kalaomlne brushes. Southern Oregon Hardware. 1 12-8 FOR SALE Milk goats. S. B. Freer, Stewart Addition. 11-22 FOR SALE Young geese. A. G. Rutter, Merrill Highway, Rt. 2, Box S76. 11-22 81.66 Hassox for 11.00. Tba larg est assortment we have ever bad. Buy now for Xmas while atock la complete. See our window. Lucaa Furniture. 196 East Main. 11-26 FOR SALE Baled hay. J. E. Thompson, Rt. 1, Box 892, Mid land. 11-28 STORING MOVING PACKING Call 704. 1642tf PUBLIC "STORAGE" SERVICE Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, Fourth and Klamath. 12-4mtf BALED HAY Timothy, alfalfa and straw. R. C. Short, Rt. 2, Box 644, Merrill road. 12-4 GOING SKIING? Hlrsch-Wela Ski Togs. Rudy'a SKI SHOP, 6th and Main. 12-2 MOVING? Call Klamath Falls Transfor and Storage, 4th and Klamath. Phone 1097. 12-4mtf FOR SALE '29 Ford, good con dition; also gasoline motor, heavy lumber. 1103 California. 11-22 SPECIAL Wood rangea, in full enamel Ivory or white, with large sixe firebox, 18-lnch oven, enameled oven bottom and in side oven door. Only 147.50. $10.00 down, 15.00 per month. Also special prices on Montag Ranges. Let us save you money on your wood ranges! Lucas Furnlturo, 195 East Main. 12-17 FOR SALE Portable Royal type writer. Almost new. Phone 1715. 11-22 UNREDEEMED Elgin and Bulova watchos as low as 14.50. Select your Xmas gifts now. Use our lay-away plan. Ricky's Jewelry, 622 Main. Licensed Pawnbrok ers. 12-14 FOR SALE Trailer house. Phone 1095-W. 11-22 FOR SALE Driveway cinders. Phone 93SW4. 12-6 FINE CAMEO RINGS Aa low aa 12.95. Select your Xmas gifts now. Use our lay-away plan. Rlcky'a Jewelry, 622 Main. 11-24 MOHAWK STOVE OIL Guaran teed 37 gravity. 81c per gallon. Prompt delivery. Metered re ceipt. Phone 8270. 11-20 42 Miscellaneous Wanted rAY CASH for used furniture, tools, guns. Feck, 27 Main St. 11-30 HIGHEST PRICES PAID for used furniture and stoves. O. K. Second-Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 991. ll-30mtf WANTED Wood to snw. Inquire Gllmore Station, 6th and Oak. 11-26 $495 ...$995 44 Livestock and Poultn FOR SALE 20 weaner pigs. Lewis, Phoenix, mtle east high way. Fern Valley, south Med ford. 11-24 REGISTERED HEREFORDS 80 two-year-old bulls. 80 yearlings, 100 calves, 100 cows, 100 two-year-olds. 125 yearlings. Dom ino and Panama. W. E. Chap man, Joseph, Ore. 12-17 WANTED TO BUY 5 or 6 head good white face young cows to freshen soon. Phone 551-W-4. R. C. Prudbomme. Address Rt. 1. Box 196, 3rd house east of Idella'a store on South Sixth. 1889tf YOUNO BARRED ROCK chickens, fat fryers or roasters. Bob Brown, 3rd St., Pleasant View. 11-23 FOR SALE Fat hens. McComb, Rt. 2, Box 540. 11-22 FOR SALE Fresh Durhams, Jer seys and Guernseys. Klamath Riding Stables, So. 6tb. 11-23 FOR SALE! Barley. Fine bog feed, low price. Will trade bar ley for weaner pigs. A. H. Pat terson, Midland, Ore. 11-22 FOR BALE Live grain fed geese O. W. Wllcher, mile west of , county farm. 11-21 TURKEYS Corn fed. Pine Grove Poultry Ranch, Lakeview high way. Phone 18-F-2. 11-21 FOR SALE New Zealand white rabbits and Australian sheep dogs. The Covered Wagon Rab bltry, Rt. 4, Box 348, Medford, Ore. 11-21 CHICKS HATCHING every week. Magulre Electric Hatchery. 2416 N. E. Oregon St., Portland, Ore. ll-30mt( GRAIN FED turkeys. Across from Altamont Camp Grounds. Mrs. R. H. Bunnell, Rt. 1, Box 48. Phone 594-J-l. 11-22 FOR SALE Cheap. Big, gentle team, first place past Dairy. 11-22 46 Financial LOW RATES on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Quick, Dependable, Safe No Co-Signers No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let us finance your new or used car purchase. Motor Investment Co. License M-104 114 N. 7th Pb. 882 12-9-mtf Loans - $5 to $300 800 S. MADISON MULLEN CO. 603 Medical-Dental Bldg. Personal, Chattel Loans (S-219) 12-18 NEED MONEY? Let the "Friendly Finance Co." Furnish the Cash Auto Loans, Financing See Commercial Finance Corp. Wm. Frohn mayor, Mgr. License No. M-223 116 S. 7th St. Phone 471 11-30 48 Business Opportunities EARN 130 WEEKLY OR MORE. Grow mushrooms in cellar, shed. We buy 30c lb., year round business. Mr. S. made 1610 In few weeks' spare time. Established 1931. Write for MUSHROOM IND.. Dept. 403, 2019 2nd Ave., Seattle, Wn. 11-12, 19. 26. 12-3 FOR SALE Lunch counter, good location, reasonable. Box 2209 News-Herald. 11-22 FOR SALE Tavern In Alturas. Good location. Nows-Herald Box 2247. 11-25 FOR SALE Furniture and lease good paying small rooming and apt. house. Low overhead. Lo cated on Main atreet. 112 No. 6th St., Apt. 9. 11-24 SMALL RESTAURANT at bargain lor quick snit). mum sen on ac count sickness. Phone 249. 11-23 News and Herald Want-Ads get results. I SEND WHEAT DOVTj CHICAGO, Not. SI (Ignor ing comparative firmness of values at Liverpool, the Chicago wheat market declined i or a cent today, Influenced largely by month-end liquidating aalea hare. An Increase of 719,000 bushels In tbe United States wheat visible supply total eontrastad with 4,- 352,000 decrease a year ago. A moderate quantity of United States wheat lo store at Antwerp was sold today at relatively low prices. At the close, Chicago wheat fu tures were l ie lower compared with Saturday's finish. Dee. 62o- 62JC, May 651-ic corn I to 1 cent down, Dec. 461-le, may 101c- 601c, and oata unchanged to sc off. Stock Market Quotations NEW TORK, Nor. 21 (AP) Alrcrafta proved popular In to day's stock market, but most other groups had difficulty In at tracting even mild support. Business news, on the whole, continued moderately cheerful, and some comfort was found in tbe apparent easing of foreign tension, but speculative forces generally exhibited little appetite for tbe buying aide pending more conclusive evidence the market has completed the "corrective" movement following the lengthy upturn. Gains ran to S points or so among scattered favorites, but numerous stocks were unchanged and minor losaes were plentiful at the close. Encouragement waa derived from the fact selling waa excep tionally light throughout. Trans fers approximated 900,000 shares. Closing quotations: Adama Express Hi Air Reduction 63 Alaska Juneau 91 Al Chem & Dye 180 Allied Stores 121 American Can . 71 Am Eng Tile 41 Am For Power 3 1 Am Power Light 6 Am Rad Sta San 16 Am Roll Mills 12 Am Smelt Ret ... 521 Am Tel & Tel 1 471 Am Tob "B" 871 Am Water Works 13 Am Zinc LAB 8 Anaconda -. 35 1 Armour 111 . ... .. 6 Atchison 89 Auburn Auto 41 Barnsdall 17 Bait & Ohio 71 Bendix Avia 22 Beth Steel 741 Boeing Airp . 33 Borge-Warner ... 32 Budd Mfg 61 Calif Packing 111 Callahan Z L . t Calumet Hec 81 Canadian Pacific 61 Case (J I) 90 Cat Tractor 45 Celanese ........- 23 1 Cert-Teed . 101 Ches & Ohio 331 Chrysler ... - 811 Col Gas & El H Com'l Solvents 10i Comm'nw'lth & Sou H Consol Aircraft 164 Consol Edison 80 1 Consol Oil 8i Cont'l Can 39 Corn Products i. 66 Crown Zellerbach 131 Curtisa Wright 7 Dupont de N 1431 Doug Aircraft 691 Eastman Kodak . 180 El Pow & Lt 1.. HI Erie R R Sg General Electrio 43 General Foods 38 Gen Gas & El "A - 1 General Motors 491 Gillette 81 Goodyear 83 Gt Nor Ry pfd - 25 Hecker Prod 101 Hudson Motors 81 Illinois Central 151 lnsp Copper ......i 161 lnt Harvester . 611 Int Nick Can 631 lnt Pap & P pfd ... 471 Int Tel & Tel 9 Johns Manville 1001 Kennecott -j. 431 Lib O Ford 641 Ligg Myers "B' 981 Loew's ................ 69 Long-Bell "A" .- 4 Lorlllard P J . 30 Montgomery Ward 601 Nash-Kelv 9 1 Nat'l Biscuit 261 Nat'l Cash - 251 Nat'l Dairy Prod - 131 Nat'l Dlst 171 Nat l Pow & Lt 8 N Y Central 18 North Amer Co ........ . 221 Northern Pacific 121 Ohio Oil - 10 Otis Steel - 14 Pac Amer Fish .................... 71 Pac Gas & El 29 Packard Motor - 6 Penney (J C) . 80 Penna R R 211 Phelps Dodge 421 Phillips Pet 391 Proctor & Gamble 661 Pressed Steel Car Ill Pub Svc N J 331 Pullman 341 Radio 71 Kayonier pfd 331 Rem Rand . .. - 161 Republic Steel 241 Reynolds Tob "B" ....- 45 Richfield Oil .... 7 Safeway Stores .......... 28 Sears Roebuck .! .. . 731 Shell Union . 141 Socony Vacuum 131 Carload Potato Shipments Dayof "" " m Month 8eaaonl98-8 1 Season 1917-81 hmssbs Nor. to Season 1 Nov. to Season Nor. Dally Pat to Pat Dally Dat to Oat 1 IT IT 1560 14 14 1094 " S ST 44 158T 19 11 HIS S li 69 1601 11 SI 11S1 ' . Tl 1614 iT TS 1151 S SS 97 1640 11 95 1176 S IS US 1456 II 111 lilt T 144 168T 11 111 1101 S 19 171 1711 11 141 lilt 9 13 106 1741 18 Iti 1141 10 I IIS 1761 35 191 1371 11 147 1790 11 SIS HQS II II 180 1821 10 SIS HIS 11 14 104 1847 41 S9S 1S7S 14 16 IIP 1881 It SOS 1181 15 IS 16S 1901 34 IIP 1410 16 61 ill 197P 11 151 1411 17 41 46S 20H 10 171 1461 18 41 SOS 205 7i 197 1477 19 64 S60 IHt 10 427 160T 20 19 67S till j 14 411 1641 11 ip 411 1641 il 18 49S 1679 21 21 SSP 16PP 14 54S HIS 26 I S4S Hit It " 17 863 1648 IT . 16 57S 1666 il ntt tl Ti 697 HTT il i(S18mb iSi Month shipments by truck 88 706 1786 Complied from official records by the county agent' offie. State Federal Inspector Ross Aubrey and The News-Herald. Son Cal Edison 231 Southern Pacific , 19 - 11 . 4 . 18 . 271 - 521 -141 - 71 - 101 - 3 - 431 - 31 - H 171 - 91 - 881 - 181 - 96 181 - 121 . 31 - 681 - HI . 271 601 109 67 261 - 81 - 61 - 261 ..1141 13 - 501 Standard Brands Standard Gas El Stand Oil Calif Stand Oil Ind Stand Oil N J Stone & Webater ... Studebaker Sunshine Mining Sup Oil Texas Corp Texaa Gulf Sulphur Tidewater Asso Oil Tlmken Roll Bearing Trans-America Union Carbide Union Oil Calif Union Paelfie ... . United Aircraft United Airlines , United Corporation United Fruit United Gaa tap U s induat Aiconoi U 8 Rubber U S Rubber pfd - U S Steel Vanadium . Walworth Warner Picturea Western Union - Westlnghouse White Motor WooVworth - South S. F. Livestock SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 21 (AP-USDA) Hogs: 2050, in cluding 1500 direct. Butcherj strong to mostly 5c higher; load 202 lb. butchers early 18.85. later top and bulk 170-225 lb. averages 18.90, light lights and 230-276 lb. butchers discounted 60c from the top; packing sows steady; bulk good sows 17.00. Cattle: 800, Including 100 di rect. Steers and fat she atock active, fully 25o higher; load good to choice 637 lb. California fed ateers 19.00; medium to good grass and shortfed ateera 17.25 18.25; few common steers 16.75 17.00; load ahortfed heifers 17.60, some held higher; range heifers 16.25-7.25; short load good range cows 16.26, tew com mon cows down to 14.50; low cut ter8 and cutter cowa slow account higher asking prices, saleable around 13.25-4.25; bulls firm; medium range bulla up to 16.00. Calves: 10. Nominal. Only odd head available; good to choice vealers quoted 19.60-10.60. Sheep 1300, including 20 direct. Rather slow; lambs ateady with late last week; two decka good to choice Idaho wooled lamba 18.50; good Oregon wooled lamba 18.00 sorted 10 per cent medium 17.00; medium woolskins 17.60 sorted 25 per cent common 16.00; aged sheep scarce; amall lot aged wethera 15.00; slaughter ewes ab sent, medium-pelt kinds quoted up to 14.26. CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO, Nor. 21 (AP-USDA) Potatoes 149, on track 344, total US shipments Saturday 463, Sun day 19; ateady, firm undertone, supplies rather liberal demand fair; aacked per cwt. Idaho Rus set Burbanks US No. 1, 11.60 11.75; Colorado Red McCtures US No. 1, 11.90-2.00; Wisconsin Round Whites US No. 1, .96-11.10 mostly around 11.00; North Da kota Bliss Triumphs 90 per cent US No. 1 and better 11.40-471 mostly 11.46; cobblers 85 to 90 per cent US No. 1 $1.05-16; Min nesota and North Dakota early Ohtos 90 per cent US No. 1, and better 11.20-121. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Nor. 11 JP) BUT TER Prints: A grade, to lb. 1m parchment wrappers, tie lb. 1m carton; B grade lie lb. la parch ment wrappers, to lb, la cartons. BUTTEHFAT Portland deliv ery buying price: A grade 281 lb. Portland delivery; B grad Ho lb. less; O grad 6c lb. less. Country delivery I7e lb. for A grade. EGGS Wholesalers buying prices: specials 3(o dot.;, axtraa J4o doi.; standards tOe dos.i extra mediums 29o doi.; extra amall 24c doi. CHEESE Oregon Triplet 131c; Oregon loaf 141c Broker will pay 1 cent below quotations. COUNTRY MEATS Selling price to retailers: Conartry-killed hogs, beat butcher under 160 lbs., ll-lllo lb.; vealers 121o lb.j lamba He lb.; ewea 4-6o lb.; bulls 81-9c lb.; cutter cow 7-7icj canner cow 6-6 Jc lb. LIVE POULTRY Buying prices: Leghorn broilers H to If lbs.. 16c lb.; 21 lbs., He lb.; colored spring 2 to 31 lb., 15 lb.; over 31 lbs., 17c lb.; Leghorn hens, over 31 h., 14-150 lb.; under tl lbs.. Ho lb.; oolored hens to 5 lbs.. 19c lb.: over S lbs., 18o lb.; No. S grade So lb. less. TURKEYS Selling price I Pressed new crop hens 34-26C, toms 22-23C lb. Buying prices: New hens 22-23o lb.; toms 10 lbs. POTATOES Yakima Gems, 11.25 cental; looal 11.10-1.16; Deschutes Gems, tl.26-l.4P cental; California, Sweats 11.70 tor 60-lb. crate. ONIONS Oregon NO. 1. 65c; Yakima, 40-50c per 60 lbs. WOOL Willamette Valley, nominal; medium 22-23o lb.; coarse and braids 22-23o lb.) lamba and tall 20o lb.; eastern Oregon 18-220 lb. HAY Selling price to retailers: Alfalfa No. 1, 116.00 ton; oat retch 111.00 ton; clover 110.00 ton; timothy, eastern Oregon 119.00; do valley $14.00 ton, Portland. ' BOSTON WOOL I BOSTON, Nov. 21 (AP-USDA) vara imi hiialnau waa beinc transacted on the Boston wool market today. An occasional user with an urgent need bought little fin territory wool. Price ranged mostly 68 to 70 cents, umnni haaU for tooif French combing lengths, and 66 to 67 cents, scoured basis, tor an aver age to short French combing lengths fine territory wools In original bags. Buyers without needs to cover Immediately were iraMin- Anttroiv ntit of thft mar ket or were bidding slightly under these price ranges. Tba recall In American politic first was used during the time ot the Continental oongrea. Penn sylvania's delegate refused t sign the Declaration of Independ ence, were recalled, and other delegates sent In their pieces. ATTENTION TRAPPERS Get a better price and grade for your furs, gee George at The Bargain Store 54 Main Pttoa 4MVW T