November 19, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN Society AUXILIARY PLANS FOR BAZAAR TOLD ' Member of ilia ISsrles u Mary hold the regular IIk meeting Thursday alteruonn In lb Bugles hull. l'lans war mad for a l)r to b lil rt rMmbr Ilia temli ami linn (or oarnlvul to In held Decem ber th flflennlli. a. caul party la aclidiilrd tor liocfluilmr th laanty-eeootid. I'll publlo I cordially In tiled to attend ill of thou af faire. Ther will not b in.t Inr Thuiaday, Thnkmllng day. Th I.ady Eili olub mot St (h hom o( Mr. Kale Bur goyn Friday, November th lvnlh, with food attend ance. Th club mooting will b hold at lbs hoinn of Knthlin Krl, 700 Mllclioll atreet, Krl dir. November th menty-flflh. Tbr will b card party at th Kaglel hall Tueaday aflor noon, commute member In eluding Agnoa lloClmnoaii, Mar garal (laker, Joal Kill and Llorla ICiiglrhardt. Th card party commute (or Tuaday attornoon, Noyombor th twon-ty-nlnth Include Sarah Olbeon, lie Elder, Olll (llfford and Vorna (lay. Th public la In vited to these card pnrllea. A card parly waa given Thuraday Toning, high acor for women want to May MoAnully. eecond to Edna Jensen, high (or moo to Mr. Morrla Haupert and aec ond to Mr. J. M. Jenion, th door prli lo Mr. Iljorkiend. MISS GARLOCK IS BRIDE IN VALLEY CITY Of Intareat to (rlenda In thla city la th following account lo th Medford Mall-Trlbun of th marrlag of Mlsa Ituth Garlork and Mr. David Davidson of thla elty: Friday afternoon, November th lorontb, at three o'clock ceremony In Baored Hurt Cth olio pariah, Mloa Ruth Uarlock, daughter of Mr. and Mra. I.o Garlork, berame th brldn of Mr. Pavld Davldaon o( Kltim alh Falls. Th Rvrnd Father F. W. Black united th couple In mar rlag In the preaenc of only the brlde'a Immediate family. Th brld waa altracllvo In a gray ault with black acrosorlc and coraag of gardenias. Among th gueala attending th wedding wer th brlde'a grandparent. Mr. and Mra. D. ft Ui.nnnnli.k -n.1 Allnf Mine Claudia McUonough. Mra. Davldaon baa lived In Medford for a number of yeara and graduated (rom Mod ford high achool laat June. Th couple will make their horn In Klamath Falls. PLANS MADE BY COUNCIL FOR BAZAAR Group three of th Ladles Council of the Flrat Cbrlatlan eburch mat at th hom of Mra. O. Lohroy on Eberleln atreet Thuraday afternoon. Th next meeting will be held Decem ber twenty-second at the horn of Mra. Motia on Creacent atreet. Plana wer mad for th ba aar to b eponiored by th ladle of th church. Re(rah menta war aerved by the hoot em assisted by Mra. Paul. Thou preaent were Mra. O. II. Camp bell, Mra. R. II. Dunbar, Mra. Veda Hondrlck, Mra. Metcalt, Mra, E. Paul, Mra. Ban Bhep rd, Mra. Wyatt Bwlaher, Mra. Harold Prnthor, Mra. II. L. wlckersham, Mra. George Wlrts. Mr. Esther Robert. Mra. Plnnell and Mra. 0. Loh roy. GROUP HAS MEETING IN CHILOQUIN Paat president of th Three-R club mot with Mra. Fred McCormack In Chlloquln Tueaday tor a on o'clock luncheon. Plnochl wa played with high acore going to Mra. Franola KUllan, eecond high to Mra. Mellaaa Hnmmol and low to Mra. Iva Mny Schlndal. Thoao who apcnt tho day .with Mra. McCormack wer Mra. Lola Myora, Mra. Melissa Hammel, Mra. Anna Woolever, Mr. Margaret Johnson, Mra. Luclll Holfor, Mra. Kathleen Hepburn. Mrs. Ki hoi Blake, Mr. Frances Kllllnn, Mra. Katol Bright and two guosts, Mra. Thomas Hart and Mrs. Ira May Schlndal. Mrs. Mnlvln Henry of thla city left. Thursday night for Chicago where aha will spend a ihort time visiting, i Chielioft or Steak -; Dinnrt 7Be Macdoel HOTEL- Macdoel, Calif. 5VCOURSE TURKEY THANKSGIVING DINNER $1 BENEFIT IS SUCCESS IN ALTAMONT AITAMONT Th ben, fit card party given by the Al lament I'TA at th elmntary achool last Thuraday venlnl proved to be a hug succen. Sixteen talilea of plnochl and flv t a b I of auction brldg worn In play. Prltea be ing given In plnochl to Mra, Amll Paul (or high acor and Mra. Erma Long, oocond high for ladle. Man's high want to Mr. F. M. Ilooten and aecond high to Mr. M. L. Coplnger. In brlrigo high acor waa bald by Mra. William Long and teoond high went to Mra. Melhaae, low acor to Mr. Douglae Pane. Th gueat prli wa given to Mr. Amll l'uul, Horn mad candy waa old. Rafreshments of pumpkin pi and coffo were served to th gussts with Mra. James Fowler and Mrs. O. 0. Bchaof (er pouring cof(e at th pret tily decorated tabl lu on corner of th hall. Mra. L. M. Coplnger waa general chairman with Mra. C. A. Laroen, Mra. Robert Hurlelah. Mra. Jamea Fowler, Mra. Muude Mellon, Mies Ma ble Mumble, Mlsa Kdwlna L'aaebeer and Mrs. 0. 0. Bchaof. fer aaalatlng with arrange ments. Th prltea wer donated by the merchants and the PTA wlahea to thank all for th aplandld cooperation for th ucces of their (Irst social af fair of th winter season. Refreshments were gener ously donated by parents and (rlenda of the achool. Nearly 130 waa railed to be used (or PTA child welfare worka. SOCIAL CLUB HAS MEETING AT NICHOLSON'S Mra. L. Nicholson and Mra. Helen Keller entertained the Young I.adlea Sorlal club at the hom of Mra. Nlrholaon, 2031 Union atreet Wodnesday after noon. A business meeting waa hold and plana mad for th Christ mas party to be given for club member and their children Tuesday, December tb twen tieth at tho home of Mra. Moll Miller. 214& Wantland atroet. Tbe n 1 1 meeting of, th group will be held at th hom of .Mra. II. L. Wlckersham on Pin atreet with Mra. Howard Doeg entertaining. A ehower will be held at thla time for Mra. Howard Prultt of Med ford and her gltta sent to her. Present Wednesday afternoon wr Mrs. Wyatt Swisher, Mrs. Harold Prather, Mra. Clar ence West, Mra. Jack Harney, Mra. Howard Dooge. Mra. Ben Bbepard, Mra. L. Nicholson and Mra. Helen Keller. ' GRAND CHIEF. PAYS VISIT TO KLAMATH FALLS Wlnema temple, Pythian Sis ters, entertained their grand chlof, Luclnda DeBurgh of Eu gene, Tuesday evening, Novem ber th fifteenth. A dinner waa aorvod at half paat six o'olock. Mrs. Earl Whltlock, Mrs. S. R. Redkey, Mr. W. E. Beck also entertained Mra. DeBurgh during her visit here. Mra. De Burgh left Wednesday (or her hom in Eugene. Sh win alao visit th Pythian temples on th coast Friday and Saturday. The Pythian Sisters club will meet at th home of sister Mat tie Stafford. 1985 Mantanlta atreot, December th aecond at halt paat aeven o'clock. Visit ing alatera are cordially Invited to attend. Thursday Contract Club Hat Matting Th Thuraday Contraet club met November seventeenth at th hom of Mrs. Will Wab bles on th Morrill highway. Luncheon was aerved by th hostess to Mr. Pearl Yorkland, Mra. Stella Dryden, Mr. Ido lln Sohupp, Mr. Bertha Hew itt. Mra. Edna Roblaon and Mrs. Buelnh Age were guests of th club. High acore wna given to Mra. Yorkland, aecond high to Mra. Roblaon and traveling to Mrs. Age. Mrs. Pearl Yorkland will entertain the club at her hom on North Eleventh atreot soon. Th Neighbor ot Woodcraft Thimbu elub will meet Tuea day afternoon, November twenty-second at two o'olock. at th hom of Mrs. Henry Gloysteln, II 19 East Main streets. Pin ochle will be played following the business meeting. All mem bers and friends are lnvltod. "LET GEORGE DO IT" REPAIR SPECIALIST SWISS WATCH A COMPLETE LINE I OF JEWELRY GEO. METZ 837 Main Watchmaker and Jeweler PINOCHLE PARTY, IS GIVEN ON THURSDAY EVE Th Publlo plnochl party sponsored by th Congrega tional Community church and church flnunct board was held Thursday, November seven teenth at th social ball on Garden avenue. Score war awarded to Mrs. L. A. Eschl and Mr. K1 Dalmsr, high; sec ond high to Mrs. S. II. God dnrd and Mrs, K. V, Ilaynee. The guest price) waa given to Mra, 0, L, Jonea. Following the gam refresh ments wer served by Mrs. W. 0. Little, Mrs. W. It. Nelson and Mrs. Charles M. Reynolds. A series of pinochle partlea havt bean started. Tb nest on will b held Thursday ve nlng, December th flrat, at th community social hall on Gard en avenue. Five hum! rod will also b played. The pnblln Is cordially Invited. Mrs. W. C. Little and Mrs. Charles M. Reynolds will be In charge of th aerlea. MISS McKINNEY. HOSTESS WITH MONDAY PARTY. AI.TA.MONT Mlaa Loll Elalno McKinney waa hoatess to a group of young (rlenda at th bom of hor parents, Mr. and Mra. Tom McKinney on Fifth avenue In Altamont. Monday, November the four teenth, when aho entertained on her fourth birthday anni versary. Several games war played by th children with refreab monta being aerved at four o'clock. The little hostess cut her birthday cake and served each little guest. Those at the party Included Majorla Rogera, Jeanln New eom, Virginia Thurman, Shir ley Ann Sehorn, Nina Leo, Hotel, and Patay Thurman, Shirley Ellen Roberts, Lynn Campbell, Neal Roberts, Junior Low, Bruce Raney, Jlmml McKinney, Ronnie Blind, and the hostess Lois Elaln Mc Kinney. HOUSEWARMING GIVEN FOR JOE HUCKS Mr. nnd Mra. Joe Muck wer honored with a aurprlae house warming when a group of frlenda dropped In for an eve nlng'a entertainment at their new bom In St. Francis park Thursday evening, Novombor the tenth. Thoao honoring Mr. and Mra. lluck wore Mr. and Mra. Ed Imhoff, Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Orvlll Vaughn and son, Ed ward, Mr. and Mra. Oeorg Anderson and baby, Mr, and Mra, Hob McWIIIIams, Mr. and Mrs. Wllllntn lluck and family, Mr. and Mra. Christ Huck. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bteen, Mrs. Oscar Kluth, Mrs. Wllla Wabblea, Mra. Lillian Davis, Mra. John Rafrotto and th host and hoat ess, Mr. and Mra. Jo Huck. Dancing and plnochl wer enjoyed by th group. A potluck midnight supper wss served. Many lovely gifts wer present ed to Mr. and Mrs. Huck. MOTHERsVuDY CLUB MEETS ON THURSDAY, Th Mothers Study club of Mills school met Thursday, No vember th tenth. A potluck luncheon waa aerved at noon to Mrs. M. M. Summers. Mr. E. H. Collman, Mra. H. D Baet, Mr. Saxelby, Mrs. L. Thurman, Mr. L. C. Burna, Mra. J. C. Glbbs. Mlsa M. E. R. Scott, Mra. K. Davis, Mrs. J. J. Pox, Mlsa D. Jackson, Mra. T. M. Peteraon and Mra. Wheat. ' Following th luncheon plana wer dlacuased for th Christ mas party and the lesson dis cussed was on child obedience. The next regular meeting of the group will be held the first week In December. Dinner Party It Given Saturday Mrs. Jack Rood entertained at an informal dinner party at her hom on Upham atreet Sat urday evening In honor of her aon, Durwood Perklna' twen tieth birthday. Guests wore James Weaver, Burton Btaua, Gen Parkins, Robert Perkins, Miss Doris Gray and Miss Rob Gray, and tb hostess, Mr. Jack Reed. Neighbors ot Woodcraft will moot Monday evening, Novem ber twenty-first, at eight o'clock In the KC hall. Following th regular business meeting a very. Interesting program will be giv en after which refreshment will be served. QUALITY MEAT MARKET Specialize In Steer and Baby Beef Quality Always Guaranteed Free Delivery IO uls Bschle, Proprietor CALENDAR Sunday, November 20 President of Portland Sorop. tlmlit elub, Mn. Malzi Mur phey, to be honored by Klam ath Fall elub at breef.fait at Polican ejrille and dinner at .Willard hotol. Mothert elub of Seerod Heart Academy to meet in th school promptly at 1:30 o'clock. Monday, November 21 Luncheon planned for the League of Women Voten at th Elk hotel at 12 o'clock noon. Mn. Thomai Sharp, first vice presidont of tha Portland league will be a guest and ipeaker of the day will be Mrs, Henry Corbett, also of Port land. The regular dinner meeting of the Business and Profes sional Women's club will be held at Willard hotel at 6:30 o'clock. Ida Mordine, Interna tional relations chairman, has charge of the program on "Americanization." Tuesday, November 22 Regular meeting of Aloha chapter, No. 61, Order of tha Eastern Star, at the Masonic temple at 8 o'clock. Regular meeting of Delta Gamma chapter of Delphian, Elk hotel, 1 :45 o'clock, topic to be "Charles Kingsley, Christ ian Socialist," leader, Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt. Wednesday, November 23 Thanksgiving Eve ball given by the Elks club in the Elks temple. Friday, November 25 Annual fall formal end din ner dance of Beta Sigma Phi at Cal-Ore tavern. Monday, November 28 The Edith Cunning Book club will meet on November 28 at the home of Clara Shaw, 614 North Tenth street. Martha Mc Collum will review "Horse and Buggy Doctor." A potluck sup per will be served and those in terested in joining the book club are invited to attend. Members of the Minerva Book club are holding their next meeting at the home of Emma Carter, 1134- North Eighth street, on November 28 at 7:30 o'clock. Anne Earley will review "Tha Yearling." Tuesdey, November 29 Mrs. Lena Latham Goble, Pacific coast organizer for Delphian, to be in Klamath Falls to meet with Delphian members. Luncheon planned. Wednesday, November 30 The Home Building Arts club will meet at the Willard hotel at 8 p. m. Mrs. Clauda Davis will speak on "Pottery." Mrs. Davis will also have a dis play. Friday, December 2 Benefit card party to be giv en by Fremont PTA in school auditorium. Mrs. Calvin Hun1, chairman. Saturday, December 3 Annual cafeteria luncheon and bazaar sponsored by the women of the First Methodist church In the church rooms. Bazaar and winter festival of St. Mary's Altar society, Mrs. S. P. Miller and Mrs. Anns Fiala, co-chairmen. Mir rilfT rr 4 AGENCY STANDS BACK OF First Federal mm and Loan Association rc ll it jitu Fine 111 No. Oth Street Members of Fcdoral Savings Lend-a-Hand Circle Meats Thursday Th Lond-A-Hand elrcl of th first Methodist church mot Thursday afternoon, November th tenth, at th home of Mrs David Uoohrlng on Mnnsanlt street when a one o'clock pot luck luncheon was enjoyed by a large attendance. Those assist ing Mrs. Ooehrlng aa hostesses wer Mrs. I). A. Konyon, Mrs. Ooorge Ooehrlng and Mrs. Cora Lyon, Mrs. Imhoff It Luncheon Hostess Mrs. Ed Imhoff entertained at a dellKhtful luncheon at her home, fill Eldorado street, Wodnesday afternoon, Novem ber sixteenth. Her guests wer Mrs. W. C. Mllkey, Mrs. Michael Tyson, Mrs. E. 0. Thomaa, Mrs. Orvlll Vaughn and son Edward. Following luncheon pinochle waa played with high score going to Mrs. Vaughn and second high to Mrs. Thomas. Mrs. Lohrey is Hostess to Group Members of the Congrega tional Community circle met Wednesday for a day of aewlng at tbe home of Mra. W. 0. Lohrey on Eberleln avenue. A potluck luncheon waa aerved at one o'clock to Mra, W. R. Nelson, Mra. J. J. Pex, Mra. L. E. Henry, Mis. W. L. Larsen, Mrs. W. C. Little. Mra. Charlea M. Reynolda and daughter Charlene. Mra. K. D. Jonea, Mra. I.. A. Eschle and the host ess Mrs. W. O. Lohrey. Thursday, December 8 Business and Professional Women's club to sponsor San Francisco ballet opera in Klamath Falls. Program to be presented at Klamath high school auditorium. ' Saturday, December 10 Annual holiday bazaar to be given by the Guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church in the parish house. Bridge party also. Monday, December 12 Book review, The Late George Apley, by John P. Marquand. To be given by Mrj. Victor E. O'Neill at the December meeting of the Klamath Falls Woman's Library club. Thursday, December 15 Formal installation of new officers of Daughters of Job to be held at the Masonic temple. Saturday, December 31 Elks club to have New Year's Eve dance, Elks temple. Saturday, January 7 Sons of Norway will have ennual lutefisk supper with "trimmings" in the armory from 5 o'clock until 8 o'clocL The public is invited. Wednesday, January 1 1 Dalles Frentz, pianist, last of the artists to appear on the Klamath Cooperative Concert series. . Saturday, February 4 Benefit bridge tea given by the Lioness elub for sight con servation program. Willard hotel. Saturday, February 1 1 St. (Valentine's dance to be given oy the Elks club in th Elks temple. Saturday, March 25 Formal inaugural ball to be given by the Elks club in the Elks temple. V - e - 0- US GOVT. YOUR SAVINGS HERE Concentrated Strength! Safety! Every dollar of your hioney is made secure with First Federal! INSURED against any loss up to $5,000.00 - good tlmea or bad 1 tlmea. Insured Saving and GOOD returns. First Federal alvraya hns paid 4 per annum dividends. Start a savings account. Put your money to work. INCREASE your safety! IN CREASE yonr earnings! One dollar opens an account then, save any amount at any time, or invest In a lump sum, en Your 3lony Savings n 4' Phone 878 and Loan Insurance Corporation LOCAL STREET PROJECT INS L Approval ot 10,640 WPA blanket atreet project has been received from Wshlngton, D. C, by th Klamath Falls offices, It was announced Saturday morning by J. H. Tboma, WPA resident en gineer. Th application was sent to Washington October 10 wbera It was filed for approval. According to Tboma th reapons ha been exceptionally fast. On unit I now on file In the Portland offices amounting to 117,000 In federal fund to apply against tb blanket.. Work in cludes drainage and grading of a number of nnpared street with in the city. This unit will be ready to be worked December 1, according to Thorn. WHEAT THIEF GETS 2-YEfd SENTENCE Two years in prison wa the sentence Imposed by Circuit Judge Edward B. Aahurat Saturday on George Albert Pierce, who plead guilty to larceny. Pierce stole 45 sack of wheat from a barn on th Hugh O'Con nor place near Merrill. He took It out ot the barn with a truck, selling It at Klamath Falls. He was arrested at Grants Pass after he had allegedly aold other wheat at Medford. The man who owns the track has not been apprehended. Joe Sharp, charged with for gery, was also given a two-year sentence by Judge Ashurst Satur day. SO. 8. F. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 19 (AP-U8DA) Hogs: for five day: 4500. Compared Fri day laat week: butchers 15c to moatly 26c higher; bulk 170-225 lb. weights $8.75 to mostly $8.85; 230-275 lb. butchera 16.25, mostly $8.85; medium to good light light and slaughter pig $7.86-8.85; sows 25c higher, good packing sows $5.75 to mostly $7, smooth 256 lb. sows $7.26. Today 699. Cattle: for five days: 1700. Compared Friday last week, all classes steady to strong, spots 26c higher on low-grad cows; steer top 48.25 on load good 967 lb. weights and part load good 1105 lb. shortfeds; bulk medium to good warmed-up and shortfed steers $7.75-8.00, package 1362 Friendly Helpfulness To Every Creed and Puna Klamath Funeral Home OSS High St. Mr. and Mr. A. A. Ward, Manager. Specially WPAAPPROVA $5.00 Down XOW OH D1BPIAT AT TOUS ELECTRICAL DEALERS The California Oregon Power lb. average $7.50, load medium 1411 lb. steers off baet top $7.10. Calves: for fir day si $0, compared Friday last week: steady; few medium to cholc vealers $8.60-10.60; common to good slaughter calves $5.60-0.00. Sheep: for five days: 6775, compared laat Friday: lambs steady to 25o higher; shaep 28 60o up; early lamb top $8.76 on double good to cholc 86 lb. Idaho, three double medium to good 85 lb. weight $3.25; me dium to good 74-89 lb. California and Oregon medlum-pelt and shorn lamb $7.76-8.25; common $6.60. T CHICAGO. Nov. 19 fP) Wheat price aagged a full cent a buahel today as a result ot December li quidation and quiet but persistant commission housa selling. Trade reporta Indicated all ex porting countries which extend moat favored nation treatment to th United Kingdom will receive tbe benefit of removal of the I cent a buahel duty on wheat Im ports Into Great Britain. Wheat closed J-Ho lower, Dec. 631-63C, May 65i-lc; corn c to lie down, Dec. 46J-J.C, May 60) to 60 1; oata nncheanged. Turkey wanted. Lowell Food Storet 201 E. Main. KLAMATH COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Abctracta Title Imuran c Escrows ELBERT 8. VEATCH 111 So. Fourth BC Pnoo lae Alter the Wreck, Call Balsiger Phone 2100 24 Hour Wrecker Service Complete wreck rebuilding. Auto upholstery repairing and dyeing. Auto glass cutlting and installing. Frame and axle aligning. Balsiger Motor Co. Main & Esplanade Phone 2100 I COOK MEALS ' ELECTRIC Ally FOR LESS THAN PER PERSON PER MEAL Its modern, all white, por celain enamel finish makes it a joy to use. It is fully automatic, insuring perfect cooking results, with a minimum of expense. , Priced at $69.50, Fully Gilchrist, Or. That's th nam ot a Klamath ootinty postofflo, locat ed at the Gilchrist Lumber com pany community near Crsont, Gilchrist postofflr I approxi mately one mile from Crescent postofflce, which I being contin ued under that nam. VITAL STATISTICS BREWSTER -Born at Klamath Valley boapltal November 1$, 1988, to Mr. and Mr. Mori Brewster of Bonania, a girl. Weight: 7 pound, I ounc. HAWTHORNE Born at Klam ath Valley hospital November II, 1938, to Mr. and Mr. Hugh Haw thorne, 1448 Oak avenu. a girl. Weight: 7 pound, I euno. M'ALLISTER Born at Hillside hospital November 19, 1931, to Mr. and Mra. D. J. McAllister o! Modoc Point, a boy. Weight: 4 pounds, 8 ounce. HENDERSON Born at Hill side hospital November 18, 1938, to Mr. and Mra. Dewey Henderson of Mt. Hebron, a boy. Weight: 8 pounds, 6 1 ounces. TRAVELING? I Alaska? Orient? Europe! Hawaii t Rat, Balling, Passport Info. Agent tor all steamship llna. PETE J. LESMEISTER Phone 1400 Phono 75 Wl Great Northern By. - Installed $2.06 Per Month OB Company