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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1938)
November 19, 1988 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREE Southern Visitor Is Feted at Numerous Affairs Here During the Past Week Visitor Honored Mrs. Edison Marshall ComDlimented O n Visit in City On of Klnmnth fall' moat charming visitors, for many ; liny, wmi Mm. IOiI Inon Muraliiill of AUKttstii, Oikii'kIh. whu Inn buoit greeted liy imiiiy friend during lier wook'a atay In tliia oily aa ttia tiouao guest of Mr, and Mra. Victor Kvan O'Noilt at tholr homa on Pol Hand trct, A iiumbor lit affair wore given fur ,Mra, Marahall, among tliom ilia furmnl Ion of Wadtioa day afternoon divan by Mra. O'Neill and Mra. Alfred Colllor at Ilia home of Ilia latter on I, Itoy street. Tea lioura wore from three o'clock until all o'clm-k and many frlomla cnlluil during Ilia aftornoun to moot tha southern guest. Mra. Colllor, Mra. O'Neill and Mra. Marshall received til guesl. They were (reeled at the door by Mlia l'liyllia Col lier. Pouring during Ilia atternooa war Mra. ('Imrtra Josoph Mar tin, Mra. Amtrew Collier and Mra. Ituilu L'. Urovslierk. Til tea table wee beautifully ar ranged Mill a low bowl of Talla mau roaebuda flauked on either aid by lighted Ivory taper. Aailatlug about tha roonie war Mra. Warren Hunt and Mra. Klincr lloaktng, Mra. (Jcurge Myera and Mra. Percy Murray, Mra. Earl llvynolda and Mra. Ueorge Mclntyr and Ml Marl Collier and Mlaa Dorothy Virginia Collier. On Tueailny at on o'clock Mra. Harlan (', lloaworth, Jr., entertained with a luurheon tor Mra. Marabalt at her boma on Conger avenue. Mra. Vred Bcballock enter tained tor Mra. Mnraliall and aeveral othera at her bom ou i'aclfla Torrac with an in formal luncheon and afternoon Thursday. ware gueata of lb Rotary club Friday at luncheon In th Wil lard hotel and tba Marahalia left tor tha aouth lata that af ternoon after a week here. On ot tb rnoit Interesting partlea given tor th Marahalia during tbetr atay waa that ot Isle Uunday afternoon whon Mr. and Mra. O'Neill wera at hum to a group of friend tor tea. Mauy old trlenda ot tha Marah alia were Invited in during th day. On Thursday atoning Mr. and Mr. O'Nolli entertained at duck dinner tor Mr. and Mr. Mnrali all, Mr. and Mra. Alfred Collier and Mr. and Mra. Andrew Col lier. Another dinner party waa given for th Edison Marahalia when Mr. and Mra. Andrew Colllor entertained at dinner at their home on Third and l'lu atreeta Mondny evening. Mr. and Mra. A. h. Marahall of (Hon eutertnlnod at dinner Snturdny evening at their ranch home. Covera at dlnnor wera laid for Mr. and Mr. Marahall, Mr. and Mra. O'Neill, Mr. and Mra. Jack Marahall and Mr. and Mra. A. l. Marahall. MRS. PROEBSTEL IS NAMED HEAD ' OF CLUB WOMEN Mra. Rudolph R. Proebate! waa elected enptnin of th Women of Ronmea Golf mid Country club for th year 1938-39 at a meeting ot th group at th club houa Fri day afternoon. The retiring prealdent, Mr. 0. C. Kellcy, waa preaented with a lovely bronte tray by women of the club through Mra. W. O. Smith. In mak ing the preaontatlon Mra. Smith ipreaaod alncoro appreciation ot th women of Reamea for tha untiring efforts of th prealdent and for her excellent work during the past year. Mra. Kolloy gave a reauni ot her work during her presi dency and alao Included th fact that th women have pur chased a now oloctrle range for the club house. An eipreaalon ot apprecia tion to Mra. V. O. Smith for her work aa chairman ot th card committee wrb alao heard. Mra. Proobslol waa elected president at the business meet ing which followed with Mra. Potor A. Alliortson reelected aecrotnry and treasurer. In cards, a week ago, Mra, Smith and Mra. William Orov won honors ns north and aouth H and Mra. Dyron Hnrdenbrook S and Mra. Horbort Hanger na east nnd west. Thoro woro tlva table of tarda In play Friday which elided th social year ot th chin. Mr. Smith Ha Party for Group V '"'' Mr. 'Roderick Smith enter tained for a mombora of her : bridge ,-olui.Ut her horns on , Prospect ati'lot Tuesday ovo- nlng, High score nt bridge wna held by Mri. Paul Fostor, low by Mra. Marvin K. I.ucns. Th group will meet in a fortnight at tho homo ot Mra, Loyal Chris ty. 4 Mra, Rnlph K. Scboiibee of 1D3G Auburn atreot wna ex pected to return homa Satur day from Portland whoro sh ha been the guest of her moth er nnd of her aon, Itnlph, Jr., A atudent at the Portland Den tnl college. LUNCHEON IS PLANNED FOR GUESTS HERE Much Interest is being vl. donrnrt In the luncheon nnd meeting planned by the Klliin alh County League of Worn en Voter fr two prominent Portland women, member of th Portland League, who will b th guest of the local group Monday, Novniiilmr the twenty first In llio KHi hotel, Mr. Thomas Mlitirp and Mra. Honry l,altl t'orbott are tha Portland visitors who will b Iter for aeverat day and many things ar planned for thorn, Mra. Sharp ! tho executive aocretary of th Unlvoralty of Oregon extension unit mid hna served in that capacity for iv rai year. She lias been acilv since th organisation of th l.cRgue of Women Vtnr In 1920, and at one time anrvod aa president of the Portland group. Mr. Hharn will apeak on several timely aulijmia which will be of lnt)rest to thi (roup, Mr. Corbett is active in League affairs mid tins served a an officer In Ilia Portland League, Her husband is pram lnnt tn Oregon political affair and I member ot on of Ore gon' oldest famille. He served aa president of the senate and has viaited Klanialh Kail fre quently. Mra. Corbett has also visited here. Mra. Edward A. Coary I chairman of tha commute ar ranging flower for th lunch eon and reaervatlone may 1 mads with the committee mak ing plans for the meeting In cluding Mrs. Howard llarnlilsel, Mra. Sam Loekwood and Mra. Walter West. Mra. Reed, aecond vie prea ldent of the Oregon I-engue, la arranging for the reception of the two visitors. Following th luncheon a buslnesa meeting will be held at th horn of Mr. Frank Jenklna with officer and com mlllee chairmen meeting with Mra. Sharp nnd Mra. Corbeit. The Portland women will lie gueata at the Wlllitrd hotel while in Klamath Falls. Women of th city who wish to attend th luncheon ar asked to call Mrs, liarnhisel, phone 2358, or Mrs. Loekwood, 17H-W. BAZAAR COMMITTEES ARE NAMED Mrs. B. Henry Anderson, president of the (lulld of St. Paul'a Episcopal church, ha announced chairmen of I ho var ious aoctlona of the annual holi day baiaar to be given In the parish house Saturday after noon, December th tenth. A bridge luncheon will b erved at on o'clock with Mrs. Walter West In charge of th carda and luncheon. Mrs. D. V. Kuykendall la In charg of the aprons booth, Mra. Gary H. Coiad will hav charge of the pot-holders and towels booth, Mra. Itoy Hrown the notions booth, Mrs. A. C. Lfstoe, plants, and Mrs. Wiiila A. Glldden in charge of tb candy booth. It waa also announced that th Guild la sponsoring the aec ond Sunday of each month aa "attend church Sunday." This la being done for the women of St. Paul' aa well aa their trlenda. Mra. Thomna Hampton waa hostess at the Rffair Thursday assisted by Mrs. Gnry H. Co sad. e t- h T '1 PLANS VOYAGE SOUTH Mrs. Twyla Fsrguson, ior an extondod voyaga which will take her to interesting parts of South America. Mrs. Ferguson has bean complimented with several informal af fairs during the past weok, KenncU-Ellls pholo i v t t i !" ; . V Y a: k j ' f i. ' . ) ' V' L i ' ; ' ,i i a- , ' . . r x r s-yhic I y - " I ' 1 ' . y : : ELECTION OF OFFICERS IS PLANNED The Young Married Teoplo'e club. Rail and Chain Gang, of the First Methodist church, will . meet Monday ovenlng, Novem ber twenty-first. In the Metho dist parsonage, 105 High street, for their regular Novem ber mooting, which will be th first anniversary. Election of officer will be held at thi time. All young cotiplea married less than ten yonra are cordially Invited to thle anniversary meeting. Activltlea of Interest will bo planned for the coming season. The meeting will begin nt elKht o'clock. rV V ".Va' r. i who plans to leava soon MRS. EDISON MARSHALL Charming Augutta, Georgia viiilor who wai com plimented wiih many affain during tier visit ir Klamafh Fails with her famous author husband. Tha Marshals left Friday for their home in the south, Mr. Marshal! is e former resident of Klamath Falls, Mrs. Marshall a member of an old colonial Virginia family, i Herald and New picture. Voyage Planned Mrs. Ferguson To Leave For Three Months Cruise. A leisurely cruise by freight er through the Panama canal and down the eastern coast of South America has been planned by Mrs. Twyis Fergu son, prominent matron ot this city and Girl Scoat commis sioner, Mrs. Ferjrnson will sail from San Francisco December the tenth and wfil be away more than three months. On the freighter itinerary she will BttTe the opportunity of visiting nearly all of the larger seaport cities of the southern continent, as well as many of the pictur esque smaller towns where the passenKer ships do not dock. One feature of the journey to which she Is especially looking forward is visit in Rio de Janeiro, Braxil, with the Girt Scout Tvho attended the Inter national Girl Scoat conference that was held in the United States last spring. She also expects to visit with Itio's Girl Scout commissioner. Mrs. Ferguson expects to leave here soon after Thanks giving and will visit with friends in San Francisco about a week before eaillng. Mrs. Ferguson was delight fully surprised Tuesday after noon when members of Delta Gamma . chapter of Delphian gathered after the pronram at the Pelican Grills tor "tea and coffee" and complimented her with a handkerchief shower ns bon voyage gifts from ber many friends. Mrs. Ferguson has long taken nn active part in Delphian end was president of Delta Gamma chapter last year. MRS. FOSTER HOSTESS TO DINNER CLUB Mrs. Paul W. Foster enter tained for members of ber din ner bridge club Thursday night fof the first meeting of tha year. Covers for cijiht were laid nbout a pretliiy appointed table where a three branch can dlpsiick wiili ligliled tapers was used for the center arrange ment. Following dinner bridge was played with Islsh score going to Mrs. Ryron Hardenbrook, sec ond high to Mrs. Marvin K. Lu cas and low to Mrs. Samuel 1'. Miller. Tho group will meet with Mrs. Harry W. llathisny TimrBday night, December the first. J.,,!.!.,-,, lp. iiyi.. h I I J. IHM.a-n w.i ,1 ' . (. ' .i ; x. t 1 LUNCHEON FOR AAUW SATURDAY The November meeting for members of the Klamath Fall branch, American Association of University Women, was held nt the Elk hotel at a qaarter to one o'clock Saturday afternoon when luncheon was served to a large group. Mr. William Kuykendall waa in charge ot arrangements tor the luncheon, assisted by Mrs. Kmbert FORsum, Mra. J. D. Itecs, Mra. Raymond Yarnea, Mra. Alene Williamson and Miss Louise Hansen. Following luncheon Mra. Wln nlfred Glllen, Klamath county home demonstration agent of the Oregon State college exten sion division, spoke about her work and alms and anticipa tions for the year. Plana for the annual Christ mas party will be made thla coming week and Misa Virginia West is in charge of this affair. The tentative date has been set for December the twentieth, it was announced by Mrs. J. Tru man Runyan, president. This is a yearly affair which Is one of the outstanding Boclal functions on the club's program. Dinner is followed by a Christmas tree, program presented by members, and the exchange of gifts. I t. M I S "' . aom :' 1 j.nnser I Ci-" cots" Mrs Marshall Gives Recipe Charming Visiter fs Interviewed for "First Time" While Here The rest el s might think that the life of the wife of a very famous author would fee eakea and ale, or beer and akittles, or wild duck and plum jsas but the sans probierss confront Mr. Edison Marahall of Augusta, Georgia, aa jon and yoa and youi The problem of what th children must wear and eat, when they finSnh their home work, what to have for dinner when so-and-so comes in, th servant problem and if the rose are going to do a well thi year as last, are just a few ot th every day worries that face lira. Marshal!. To us Mr. Marshal! is far and away tbe moat delightful guest we've had In Klamath Falls for year on end. With her husband Mr. Mar ahall was the guest of Mr. and Mr. Victor Etna O'Neiii t their home on Portland street KdSson Marshall sod Lucille O'Neiii are Jtlo, brother and sister. (We couldn't help but add that 'southern "kin". Mrs. Marshall's greatest in terest is in ber family. She baa two charming children, Edison, IS, is hi second year of bfgh school, and Nancy, 11, in her first year ia junior high. Th tiro little Marshall go to Augusta' public school and love it. They have been in pri vate school but the Marshall are far more in favor of th public school system for tb average American boy and girl. Right now, while the Mar shall are on the west coast, tbe little Marshall ars watched with an eagle eye by Bert, as old colored servant that ha been with the family since young Edison was bora. If Mrs. Marshall's greatest In terest is is the life of ber fam ily, her greatest hobby is ber flower. She has ess of Augus ta's loveliest gardens and her rose are her pride and Joy. Twice in the past few years sh has woa prizes with her Talis man roses at Augusta's roe shows. And if you know Augusts, you'll know that roses are grown in great loveliness and profusion there. Now there's always that "what to have for dinner" prob lem. "W have rice everyday in the south. Every single day. You can't eat the potatoes down there. They just aren't good like they are here. We're going home just loaded with your potatoes, plum jam, pickles scd venisoa mines meat for our Thanksgiving dinner table," Mrs. Marshall told ns. When guests ere invited to the Marshall's lovely old home, "Seven Gables, they will usual ly find themselves treated to a dish which Mr. Marshall brought back from India. It is called Madras curry and is made of ham, chicken and rice, served with cocoanut meat and chut ney. Mrs. Marshall makes this herself. "We enjoy giving dinners, but at Seven Gables we usually give about five or six big teas a year. It's lots more fun and we can see more people. Both of us love people. I always make "saodies" for our tea, parties. Edison wouldn't eat tnem un less I made them myself and I'ii be delighted to give you the recipe," Mrs. Marshall told us. And she did. Here It is: "First you-s.ll take two cups of fiowah and a stick and a bait of buttaa. Then five level tablespoons of powdad sugab end a cup of pecahns, cut fine. A little bit of ice watah to moisten and then roll them like a peacil between yoaa fingabs. You cook them in an oven rigbt slow and wben they ah done end cool, put them in a bag with powdahd sugah and shake. They're really delicious." We know they will be. And Mrs. Marshall told us she was .... .rOt ' t, . gireu s $S prSs for her rclp from Good Housekeeping tnags sln for "aandles." Th stick and a half of butter 1 a eub and a half to a up here). Sh said she gave tb IS to St. Paul' Episcopal church of which she is a member in Augusta, Her father is a lay reader la St, Paul's there, on of the historic old churches of the south, and Mrs, Marshall serve faithfully on many charity board in ber churcs, and for her city. At a luncheon given in the Good Housekeeping institute in isw York City by Mr, W, V, Slgelotr, editor of th magazine, for Mr. A. 1. Crooln who wrot "Th Citadel," th "saodles" were served aa a compliment to Mr. Marahall, Other famoua guests at tbe party were Pearl Buck, whom Mrs. Marshall des cribed as "adorable and stun ning, A d 1 a Rogers St. John, Mr. Martin Johnson and a number of other. Mrs. Marshal! has met lots and lot of famous people. Sbs says, without exception, they ara ail "iovely people, absolutely nncooceited and so very simpie. Interested in just tbe same things that everyone else is." Mrs. Marshall thinks th grandest thing about th west, and especially Klamath Fails, is the food. She love tbe thing we eat and was just as interest ed in recipes as we were. She said that at Thanksgiving they don't "make up ahead like you do out here." In other words they go light on the pastry and more on tbe fowl, Tbe Marshall bought tba lovely old house is which they live asd which is a ssecca for famous people from ever th enttr world, many year ago. It it oa tbe Savannah river and tbe name. Seven Gables, 1c limply because it has seven gabies, Mrs. Marshall has th "trophy problem" at boms too. In our owa homes It might be just on elk bead, or a staffed squirrel or a mountain goat, bat at Seven Gabies there is a bags old belt, 40 feet long and 40 feet wide, asd it is full of trophies ot all klads, heads, skis asd what vsr you want. "Friday la tie day w air out the ball," Mrs. Marshall said. We bad to snicker. The skins and rugs had to be aired, and aired well. Tbe beads wera dusted but they couldn't be carried outside. Ia this large bail ar ail tbe original draw ings for Mr. Marshall's books which tbe Brtists had sent him and which be values bigbiy. Speaking of stories, Mrs, Marshall is keenly interested in - the type of story which ber hus band writes. Her favorite is "Masks Off"; eowever, Psi Hands' runs it a close second in ber affection. Both are abort stories about India Mrs. Marshall does cot travel with ber husband. She has been abroad bst she doe not make the trips into tbe jungle of India to hunt. Her descrip tion of bunting ducks ia Klam ath county on a cold day, bud died ia a boat, so food but two-day old cold tea and sur rounded by limp "twiiiiee, (she meant tuies), is as good a story as any ber charming husband could turn out. The Marahalia left Friday. Mrs. Marshall goes back to tba managing of ber borne which she loves, ber roses which sbs tends carefully asd to ber children for whom she has been very homesick indeed. Those who met Mrs. Marshall will feel the holidays started early this year. For she left with a Merry Christmas on ber lips to those wbo said goodbye on Friday, There will be a meeting et the Klamath County Health association Tuesday at twelve o'clock noon in tbe Pelican Grille. Ail members of tbe as sociation and those Interested are asked to attend. HOUBIGANT rvv CURIUM'S "The Friendly Bib. and Main Tea Is Given Mrs, Procfor Is Honof Guest At Algoma Af fair Mrs. A. Jj. StonefeesM of AJ gome, assisted by member of tbe Hobby ciab, complimented Mrs, Archie Procter wish one of the prettiest tea of the month at ber Algoma home Wednes day afternoon. Tea hours were from half past one o'clock to five o'clock and more taas on hundred guests called during the afternoon. Mra. Stonehonse was assisted by Mrs, J. C. Perry, Mrs. Arcbia O'Brien, Mrs, Cecil Jimereon, Mrs. -Robert Keeling and Mr. Freeman Schults who, with Mrs, Proctor, received during tbe day. Mr. and Mrs. Proctor and son George, wbo have made their home for a good many years is Algesia, wiii make their boma in K'isn-.ath Falls at 18$ Mel rose street. Macs regret ha been expressed by their Algoma friends upon tb occasion of their departure. Pouring at tbe beautifully ap pointed tea tabie were Mrs, Perry, Mrs. O'Brien, Mr. Jiro erson and Mrs. Keeling. A cen ter arrangement of pie cones, corn, fall fruits and vegetables was arranged in a low Chines eowl oa a naad woven eiota from tbe Philippines. Colors of tbe lovely eieih, red, brown and white, were accented in tb as of flowers throughout tbe liv ing room. Chrysanthemums were delightfully arranged ia large vases. Taos wbo called during th afteraooa included member of the Writers league, members of tbe flower arrangement class ot which Mrs. Proctor was affili ated asd ail Algoma friends, PLAY CAST IS ENTERTAINED WITH PARTY m Members of tbe cast of th student play to be given 3e cesxioer Use seventh, were en tertained wita a delightful party Monday evening, Ko rmt3r the sevests at tha boms of Mr. and Mrs, J. M. IkI on Third street when Mrs. Igl asd Mrs. W. E. Lamm en tertained for the croup. Dessert was served early la ins evening followed by dsse ing and games. Guests of Mr. Igl and Mrs, Letjira were Miss Dorothy Ward, Miss Janice Bubb, Mis Faith Hnnziker, Miss Phyiii Foster, Miss Winsifred Itmra, Miss Peggy Keating, Mis Phyllis Asferey, Mis Oerotbe Eiiingses, Mis Betty Merrill, Miss Jean .Merrili, Mr, Dick Bioira, Mr. Bob Wagner, SSt, Bah Perkins, Mr. Bay Migiise cio, Mr. , Jim Harness, Mr, Jim Lyje and Mr. Sick IgL Mrs. Heris S. West nss bees spending tbe past week visit lag la Portland and other north ern points. Kit (ffRiJTMAS AV ws mm shup 727 Main Phone S3 Connotsseufs of perfume need only to fee toM the news! CONCENTREE comes in ths most jsririd HouEj! odeurs! Qmlsti fUutt, Jdidi :,"f, pa; iJo'BMsf end CoKBfty Tras r.fv waiss of perinmt is fegril for Wish ase, to Steep ym scented from up to toe , , dawn to dare. " ' ONI DOUA for DRUGS Brag Store' Phone Ml